2007 Bibliography
Last worked on 4/1/2019
Revised by JLS 07/21/2017
Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 10 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jesús Villagrasa, L.C., “L’originale metafisica creazionista di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 209-223.
Issue 2-3: NTR
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 81 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jeffrey Hause, “Aquinas on the Function of Moral Virtue,” 1-20.
- Daniel Heider, “Is Suárez’s Concept of Being Analogical or Univocal?,” 21-41.
Issue 2
- Jeffrey E. Brower, “Editor’s Introduction,” 163-167.
- Peter King, “Abelard on Mental Language,” 169-187.
- Ian Wilks, “Abelard on Context and Signification,” 189-208.
- Andrew Arlig, “Abelard’s Assault on Everyday Objects,” 209-227.
- John Marenbon, “Abelard’s Changing Thoughts on Sameness and Difference in Logic and Theology,” 229-250.
- Jeffrey Hause, “Abelard on Degrees of Sinfulness,” 251-270.
- Sean Eisen Murphy, “‘The Law was Given for the Sake of Life’: Peter Abelard on the Law of Moses,” 271-306.
- A. L. Griffioen, “‘In Accordance with the Law’: Reconciling Divine and Civil Law in Abelard,” 307-321.
- Margaret Cameron, “Abelard (and Heloise?) on Intention,” 323-338.
Issue 3
- Katherin Rogers, “Anselm and His Islamic Contempories on Divine Necessity and Eternity,” 373-393.
- Michael Rota, “The Moral Status of Anger: Thomas Aquinas and John Cassian,” 395-418.
- James M. Jacobs, “On the Difference Between Social Justice and Christian Charity,” 419-438.
- Philipp W. Rosemann, Review of Les débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la sacra doctrina. Avec l’édition du prologue de son commentaire des Sentences, by Adriano Oliva, 524-528.
Issue 4
- Adrian Pabst, “The Primacy of Relation over Substance and the Recovery of a Theological Metaphysics,” 553-578.
- Anthony J. Lisska, “On the Revival of Natural Law: Several Books from the Last Half-Decade,” 613-638.
- Patrick Toner, “Thomas versus Tibbles: A Critical Study of Christopher Brown’s Aquinas and the Ship of Theseus,” 639-653.
- Christopher M. Brown, “Souls, Ships, and Substances: A Response to Toner,” 655-668.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 24 (1-2 ipy)
- Silvia Magnavacca, “Neoplatonismo medieval en Borges,” 67-83.
- Manuel Lázaro Pulido, “‘(Alma) Ámate a ti misma’, más allá del impulso socrático. Apuntes sobre el voluntarismo bonaventuriano,” 95-117.
- Alfonso Maestre Sánchez, “Maestro Eckhart (1260-1327) o la «secularización» de la experience mística cristiana,” 119-140.
- Pedro Roche Arnas, “Iglesia y poder en el De ecclesiastica potestate de Egidio Romano,” 141-153.
Angelicum, 84 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, “Objective Prejudice: St. Thomas on the Elevation by Grace of the Life of Reason,” 59 – 96.
- J. Ellul, O.P., Review of Métaphysique et noétique: Albert le Grand, by Alain De Libera, 227 – 229.
- B. Esposito, O.P., Review of Diritto, Etica e Religione. Il fondamento metafisico del diritto secondo Tommaso d’Aquino, by Reginaldo Pizzorni, 229.
Issue 2
- David H. McIlroy, “A Trinitarian reading of Aquinas’s treatise on law,” 277 – 292.
- Franccesco Nasini, “La teologia sacramentaria di K. Rahner e Tommaso d’Aquino tra prima e seconda svolta antropologica,” 293 – 316.
- J. Ellul, O.P., Review of Commentaire du Livre des Causes, by Thomas d’Aquin, edited and translated by Béatrice Decossas and Jérôme Decossas, 490 – 491.
Issue 3/4: NTR
Annuario Filosofico, 23 (1 ipy): NTR
Anuario Filosófico (Universidad de Navarra), 40 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Ignacio Pérez Constanzó, Review of Aristóteles y el renacimiento, by Charles B. Schmitt, translated by Silvia Manzo, 268 – 271.
Issue 2
- Mario Šilar, Review of Analytical Thomism. Traditions in Dialogue, edited by Craig Paterson, Matthew S. Pugh, 506 – 509.
- Ignacio Pérez Constanzó, Review of Comentario al libro de Aristóteles sobre la generación y la corrupción. Los principios de la naturaleza y otros opúsculos cosmológicos, by Tomás de Aquino, translated by Ignacio Aguinalde Sáenz, Bienvenido Turiel, 514 – 516.
Issue 3
- José Ignacio Murillo, “Religión, razón y convivencia. Entrevista a Rémi Brague,” 575-595.
- Francisco O’Reilly, Review of The Reception of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā’. A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought, by Amos Bertolacci, 729 – 731.
- Enrique Alarcón, Review of Tomás de Aquino a la luz de su tiempo. Una biografia, by J. Egido Serrano, 731 – 732.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 17 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Roshdi Rashed, “The Celestial Kinematics of Ibn al-Haytham,” 7-55.
- Nader El-Bizri, “In Defense of the Sovereignty of Philosophy: al-Baghdādī’s critique of Ibn al-Haytham’s Geometrisation of Place,” 57-80.
- Tony Lévy, “L’algèbre arabe dans les textes hébraïques (II). Dans l’Italie des XVe et XVIe siècles, sources arabes et sources vernaculaires,” 81-107.
- Christian Houzel, Review of Geometry and Dioptrics in Classical Islam, by Roshdi Rashed, 109-133.
- David Wirmer, Review of L’original arabe du Grand Commentaire d’Averroès au De Anima d’Aristotle, Prémices de l’édition, by C. Sirat and M. Geoffroy, 135-158.
- Alexander Treiger, Review of Materialy i issledovaniia po istorii Neoplatonizma na srednevekovom Vostoke, by Andrei Iakovlevič Borisov, edited by K. B. Starkova, 159-195.
Issue 2
- Ahmad Hasnawi, “Boèce, Averroès ed Abū al-Barakāt al-Baġādī, témoins des écrits de Thémistius sur les Topiques d’Aristote,” 203-265.
- Sophia Vasalou, “Subject and Body in Baṣran Mu‘tazilism, or: Mu‘tazilite Kalām and the Fear of Triviality,” 267-298.
- Dominique Raynaud, “Le trace continu des sections coniques à la renaissance: Applications optico-perspectives, heritage de la tradition mathématique arabe,” 299-345.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 4 (1 ipy)
- Caterina Tarlazzi, Review of the conference “Il XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia Medievale della S.I.É.P.M., (16-22 September 2007),” 204-211.
- Matthias M. Tischler, Review of La trasmissione dei testi latini del medieovo, edited by Paolo Chiesa and Lucia Castaldi, 214-216.
- Andrés Quero-Sánchez, Review of »Person« in Christian Tradition and the Conception of Saint Albert the Great. A Systematic Study of its Concept as Illuminated by the Mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation, by Stephen A. Hipp, 218-221.
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 89 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jörn Müller, „Willensschwäche im Voluntarismus? Das Beispiel Heinrichs von Gent,“ 1-29.
- Sten Ebbensen, Review of Logik und Theologie. Das Organon im arabischen und im lateinischen Mittelalter, edited by Dominik Perler and Ulrich Rudolph, 89-93.
Issue 2
- Tobias Hoffmann, „Aquinas and Intellectual Determinism: The Test Case of Angelic Sin,“ 122-156.
Issue 3: NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 61 (6 ipy): NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 70 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Cristophe Grellard, Review of Rationality and Happiness : From the Ancients to the Early Medievals, by Jiyuan Yu and Jorge J. E. Garcia, 495-496.
- Myriam Sebti, Review of Avicenna’s Metaphysics in Context, by Robert Wisnovsky, 496-499.
- Joël Biard, Review of Summulae de practica sophismatum, by Johannes Buridanus, edited by Fabienne Pironet, 499-501.
- Alfredo Storck, Review of Jésus Christ, grand prêtre de l’ancienne et de la nouvelle Alliance : Etude théologique et herméneutique du Commentaire de saint Thomas d’Aquin sur l’Epître aux Hébreux, by A. Guggenheim, 501-502.
- Joël Biard, Review of Summulae de propositionibus, by Johannes Buridanus, edited by Ria Van der Lecq, 502-503.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of Sur le bonheur, by Thomas d’Aquin and Boèce de Dacie, edited by Ruedi Imbach and Ide Fouche ; Review of Intuition et abstraction, by Guillaume d’Ochkam, edited by David Piché, 503-505.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of De la théologie aux mathématiques. L’infini au XIVe e siècle, edited by Joël Biard and Jean Celeyrette, 505-506.
- Christian Trottmann, Review of Mathematics and the Divine. A Historical Study, edited by Luc Bergmans and Teun Koestier, 506-508.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Le Felicità nel medioevo, edited by M. Bettetini and F.D. Paparella, 508-509.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Seeing and Being Seen in the Later Medieval World, by Dallas Georges Denery, 509-510.
- Jacob Schmutz, Review of Be-re’šit. Interpretazioni filosofiche della creazione nel Medioevo ebraico e latino, by Roberto Gatti, 551.
- Alfredo Storck, Review of Les Relations culturelles entre chrétiens et musulmans au Moyen Âge. Quelles Leçons en tirer de nos jours ?, edited by M. Lejbowicz, 511-512.
- Jacob Schmutz, Review of Contradictio. Theorien und Bewertungen des Widerspruchs in der Theologie des Mittelalters, by Reinhold Rieger, 512-514.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Corpo e anima, sensi interni e intelletto dai secoli XIII-XIV ai post-cartesiani e spinoziani, edited by Graziella Federici Vescovini, Valeria Sorge, Carlo Vinti, 514-515.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Maître Eckhart, by Benoît Beyer de Ryke, 515-516.
- Christian Trottmann, Review of Petrarca e la visione dell’eterno, by Maria-Cecilia Bertolani, 516-518.
- Jacob Schmutz, Review of Moses Maimonides. The Man and His Works, by Herbert A. Davidson, 518-521.
- Alfredo Storck, Review of Sufrimiento humano : verdad y sentido. Una aprozimación filosófica según el espírito tomasiano, by I.X. Fuster i Camp, 521.
- Joël Biard, Review of Croire et savoir. Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d’Autrécourt, by Christophe Grellard, 522-523.
- Alfredo Storck, Review of Nicolas de Cues penseur et artisan de l’unité : conjectures, concorde, coïncidence des opposés, edited by David Larre, 523-525.
- Joël Biard, Review of Métaphysique et théologie. Albert le Grand, by Alain de Libera, 525-526.
- Christian Trottmann, Review of L’Expérience de Dieu dans les sermons de Guerric, abbé d’Igny (XIIe siècle), by Annie Noblesse-Rocher, 526-527.
- Christian Trottmann, Review of La contraddizione vera, Giovanni Duns Scoto tra le necessità della metafisica e il discorso della filosofia practica, by Luca Parisoli, 528.
Issue 4 : NTR
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 74 (1 ipy)
- Emmanuel Durand, O.P., “Généalogie de la typologie médiévale sur l’innascibilitas du Père. De Pierre Lombard à Alexandre de Halès,” 7 – 26.
- Massimiliano Lenzi, “Alberto e Tommaso sullo statuto dell’anima umana,” 27 – 58.
- Carlos M. Martínez Ruiz, “Propiedad y poder en los Comentarios al Segundo Libro de las Sentencias de Buenaventura de Bagnoregio y Tomás de Aquino,” 59 – 84.
- Luca Bianchi, “Pierre Garsias, adversaire de Jean Pic de la Mirandole, entre nominalisme et via communis,” 85 – 108.
- François Ploton-Nicollet, “Ioca monachorum et pseudo Interpretatio sancti Augustini,” 109 – 159.
- Magdalena Bieniak, “L’Innascibilitas du Père dans le commentaire d’Hugues de Saint-Cher sur les Sentences de Pierre Lombard. Édition du texte (In Sent. I, dist. 28),” 161 – 171.
- Béatrice Delaurenti, “Variations sur le pouvoir des incantations. Le traité Ex conciliatore in medicinis dictus Petrus de Albana de Pierre Franchon de Zélande,” 173 – 235.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 57 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Carmela Baffioni, Review of Interpreting Avicenna: Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islam: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study Group, edited by Jon McGinnis, 245 – 250.
- Carmela Baffioni, Review of A Syriac Encyclopaedia of Aristotelian Phiosophy. Barhebraeus (13th c.), Butyrum sapientiae, Books of Ethics, Economy and Politics. A Critical Edition, with Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Glossaries, by N. Peter Joosse, 251 – 253.
Issue 2 : NTR
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 100 (4 ipy)
No abstracts or links to individual articles are available. However, a list of authors and their articles (for the first 100 volumes) is linked here.
Issue 1/2
- Ildikó Bárczi, „La diversité thématique dans les prédications de Pelbart de Temesvár,“ 251-310.
- Francesco Fiorentino, „Causalità infinito e sostanza in Francesco d’Ascoli,“ 311-326.
- Aleksander Horowski, O.F.M.Cap., „‚Distinctiones primi libri a prima ad decimam’ del Commento alle Sentenze di Francesco della Marca,“ 327-337.
Issue 3/4
- Giovanni Lauriola, O.F.M., „‚Distinctiones primi libri ad undecima ad vigesimam octavam’ del Commento alle Sentenze di Francesco della Marca,“ 511-551.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 65 (1 ipy)
- Anne Grondeux, „Une méthode de lexicographie biblique au Xe siècle: Le dictionnaire hébreu-latin-ancien français de l’abbaye de Ramsey,“ 209-225.
- Salvatore Monda, „Dulia et latria chez Hugues de Saint-Victor,“ 257-260.
Augustinian Studies, 38 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Claude Lepelley, “Facing Wealth and Poverty: Defining Augustine’s Social Doctrine,” 1-17.
- Lewis Ayres, “‘Giving Wings to Nicaea’: Reconceiving Augustine’s Earliest Trinitarian Theology,” 21-40.
- Isabelle Bochet, “The Hymn to the One in Augustine’s De Trinitate IV,” 41-60.
- Michael Cameron, “Figures of Speech and Knowledge of God in Augustine’s Early Biblical Interpretation,” 61-85.
- J. Kevin Coyle, “God’s Place in Augustine’s Anit-Manichaean Polemic,” 87-102.
- Sarah Byers, “Augustine on the ‘Divided Self’: Platonist or Stoic?,” 105-118.
- John C. Cavadini, “The Darkest Enigma: Reconsidering the Self in Augustine’s Thought,” 119-132.
- John Peter Kenney, “Confession and the Contemplative Self in Augustine’s Early Works,” 133-146.
- James Wetzel, “The Force of Memory: Reflections on the Uninterrupted Self,” 147-159.
- Robert Dorado, “‘Omnes Haeretici negant Christum in carne uenisse’ (Aug., serm. 183.9.13): Augustine on the Incarnation as Criterion for Orthodoxy,” 163-174.
- Eric Rebillard, “Dogma Populare: Popular Belief in the Controversy between Augustine and Julian of Eclanum,” 175-187.
- Karla Pollmann, “Augustine, Genesis, and Controversy,” 203-216.
- Johannes Brachtendorf, “Augustine’s Notion of Freedom: Deterministic, Libertarian, or Compatibilistic?,” 219-231.
- Giovanni Catapano, “The Development of Augustine’s Metaphilosophy: Col 2:8 and the ‘Philosophers of this World’,” 233-254.
- Gerd Van Riel, “Augustine’s Will: An Aristotelian Notion? On the Antecedents of Augustine’s Doctrine of the Will,” 255-279.
- Marianne Djuth, “Philosophy in a Time of Exile: Vera Philosophia and the Incarnation,” 281-300.
- Frederick Van Fleteren, Review of The Way that Leads There: Augustinian Reflections on the Christian Life, by Gilbert Meilaender, 303-305.
- Gareth B. Matthews, Review of Augustine’s Way into the Will: The Theological and Philosophical Significance of De Libero Arbitro, by Simon Harrison, 306-307.
- Thomas F. Martin, Review of Augustine of Hippo: The Role of the Laity in Ecclesial Reconciliation, by Joseph Carola, 308-309.
- Philip Cary, Review of Understanding the Medieval Meditative Ascent: Augustine, Anselm, Boethius & Dante, by Robert McMahon, 310-313.
- Frederick Van Fleteren, Review of Aurelius Augustinus. Suche nach dem wahren Leben (Confessiones X / Bekenntnisse 10), by Norbert Fischer, 314-317.
- Phillip Cary, Review of Philosophy and Theology, by John D. Caputo, 318-319.
- Frederick Van Fleteren, Review of Augustins “Confessiones”, by Johannes Brachtendorf, 323-327.
- Frederick Van Fleteren, Review of Augustine and Literature, edited by J. Doody, R. Kennedy, K. Paffenroth, 328-329.
Issue 2
- Frederick Van Fleteren, “Augustine and Corpus Spirituale,” 333-352.
- Bradley Mark Peper, “On the Mark: Augustine’s Baptismal Analogy of the Nota Militaris,” 353-363.
- Tarmo Toom, “Augustine on Ambiguity,” 407-433.
- Robert Miner, “Augustinian Recollection,” 435-450.
- Lawrence S. Conningham, Review of The Manichean Debate, edited by Boniface Ramsey, 458-459.
- Daniel E. Doyle, Review of Christus Sacerdos in the Preaching of St. Augustine, by Daniel J. Jones, 460-464.
Augustinianum, 47 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Nello Cipriani, „Il tema agostiniano dell’actio-contemplatio nel suo quadro antropologico,“ 145-169.
- Renato Oniga, „La teoria delle conexiones nella grammatica agostiniana e la sua origine in Varrone,“ 171-178.
- Bengt Alexanderson, „Augustinus, Enarrationes in Psalmos 1-32 (expos.),“ 179-191.
Issue 2
- Bengt Alexanderson, „Augustinus, Enarrationes in Psalmos 51-60,“ 229-309.
- Bengt Alexanderson, „Augustinus, Enarrationes in Psalmos 141-150,“ 311-319.
- Miguel A. Keller, Review of Augustinus, homo religiosus: Explorations on Man’s Religious and Philosophical Search, by Macario Ofilada, 424-425.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 85 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 12 (1 ipy)
- Klaus Kahnert, „Augustin und die Skepsis: Wahrheit und Falschheit in den Soliloquia,“ 45-75.
- Sang-Sup Lee, „Die Pluralität der Intellekte und die Einheit der Erkenntnis: Kritiken und Rezeptionen des Monopsychismus des Averroes in der sog. Scholastik,“ 77-96.
- Bruno Tremblay, „Nécessité, rôle et nature de l’art logique, d’après Albert le Grand,“ 97-156.
- Harald Berger, „Martinus Anglicus (dictus Bilond?), Tractatus de suppositione. Einleitung und Text,“ 157-173.
- Tamar Tsopurashvili, „ » Meister Echhart und Augustinus « Dritte Jahrestagung der Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft (Universität Würzburg, 23.-25. März 2007,“ 209-217.
- Christian Rode, Review of Summulae de practica sophismatum. Summulae de propositionibus, by Johannes Buridanus, edited by Fabienne Pironet, 219-224.
- Tamar Tsopurashvili, Review of Die Verinnerlichung des Göttlichen. Eine Studie über den Gottesgeburtszyklus und die Armutspredigt Meister Eckharts, by Rodrigo Guerizoli, 224-230.
- Christof Krambrich, Review of De divisione philosophiae / Über die Einteilung der Philosophie, by Dominicus Gundissalinus, edited by Alexander Fidora, Dorothée Werner, 230-237.
- Klaus Kahnert, Review of Augustinian-Cartesian Index. Text and Commentary, by Zbigniew Janowski, 245-248.
- Kirstin Zeyer, Review of Nicolaus Cusanus. Eine Einführung, by Thomas Leinkauf, 248-254.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 15 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 2
- Daniel J. Hill, Review of Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature, by Robert Pasnau, 387-390.
Issue 3
- Juhana Toivanen, “Peter Olivi on the Internal Senses,” 427-454.
Issue 4
- Carolyn G. Hartz, “Bede and the grammar of time,” 625-640.
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 48 (1 ipy)
- Kent Emery Jr., Andrew I. Irving, Stephen M. Metzgen, Cheryl M. Jones, „Quaestiones, Sententiae and Summae from the Later Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries: The Joseph N. Garvin Papers (II),“ 15-81.
- Silvia Donati, „Un commento parigino al De generatine et corruptione degli anni intorno al 1277, un nuovo testimone: Praha, Knihovna Metropolitní Kapituli, Cod. L.74 (1320),“ 101-124.
- Timothy B. Noone, „A Newly-Discovered Manuscript of a Commentary on the Sentences by Duns Scotus (Figeac, Musée Champollion, numéro inventaire 03-091, non coté),“ 125-162.
- Alessandro Palazzo, „Ulrich of Strasbourg and Denis the Carthusian (II): Doctrinal Influence and Implicit Quotations,“ 163-208.
- Paul J.J.M. Bakker, „Natural Philosophy and Metaphics in Late Fifteenth-Century Paris. II: The Commentaries on Aristotle by Johannes le Damoisiau,“ 209-228.
- Santiago Orrego Sánchez, „Nuevos datos y rectificaciones sobre fuentes manuscritas de la Escuela de Salamanca,“ 229-259.
- Charles Barber, David Jenkins, Review of the conference “The Medieval Greek Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics”, 271 – 274.
- Orsola Rignani, Review of the conference “Scienza e filosofia: circolazione dei saperi nel Mediterraneo (secoli IX – XVI)”, 274 – 301.
- Stefan Nottelmann, Review of the conference “Das Sein der Dauer”, 301 – 317.
- Review of the conference “The University of Toronto Coloquium in Mediaeval Philosophy 2006”, 318-319.
- Alain De Libera, Joël Lonfat, Review of the conference “Averroès, l’averroïsme, l’anti-averroïsme”, 319 – 322.
- Review of the conference “Pietro Lombardo”, 322 – 323.
- Review of the conference “Vie active et vie contemplative: structures, réalisations médiévales, transitions et innovations renaissantes”, 323 – 324.
- Kent Emery Jr., Review of the conference “What Does it Mean to Be a Scotist? Some Medieval Interpretations”, 342 – 328.
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 29 (irregular):
- Zamfira Mihail, “Réception des Écrits Occidentaux dans les Monastères Orthodoxes aux XIIIe – XVe Siècles,” 337-346.
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, (1 ipy): No volume for 2007 (volume 77 was published in 2006, and volume 78 was published in 2008)
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 37 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Susan Brower-Toland, “Ockham on Judgment, Concepts, and The Problem of Intentionality,” 67-109.
Issue 2-4: NTR
Chôra, 5 (1 ipy)
- Alexander Baumgarten, Review of Disputed Questions on the Soul (Quaestiones disputatae de Anima, by Thomas d’Aquino, edited by Gabriel Chindea, 197-199.
- Mihai Sârbu, Review of De Primo Principio, by Duns Scotus, edited by Adrian Cotora, 199-203.
- Alfredo Storck, Review of Jean Duns Scot. La théorie du savoir, by D. Demange, 204-208.
Collectanea Franciscana, 77 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Aleksander Horowski ofmcap., “I prologhi delle « Postillae » ai vangeli sinottici di Alessandro di Hales,” 27-62.
Issue 3-4
- Aleksander Horowski ofmcap., “« Postillae Magistri Alexandri super Isaiam »: alla ricerca del loro autore,” 519-540.
- Elizabeth-Jane Pavlick, “‘The Sanctified Senses of the Holy Man’: Bonaventure’s Theology of the Body,” 541-567.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 55 (6 ipy): NTR
Dialogue, 46 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Ernesto Perini-Santos, Review of Intuition et abstraction, by Guillaume d’Ockham, edited by David Piché, 337 – 380.
- Valéria Buffon, Review of Sur le bonheur, by Thomas d’Aquin and Boèce da Dacie, edited by Ruedi Imbach and Ide Fouche, 391 – 393.
Issue 3
- Ermanno Bencivenga, “A Note on Gaunilo’s Lost Island,” 583 – 587.
Issue 4: NTR
Dionysius, 25 (1 ipy)
- Gyöngyi Hegedus, “Where is Paradise? Eschatology in Early Medieval Judaic and Islamic Thought,” 153-176.
- Denis J.M. Bradley, “Reading Aquinas as a Theologian: The Hermeneutics of some Medievalists Old and New,” 177-224.
Discusiones Filosóficas, 2007 (2 ipy): NTR
Divus Thomas, 110 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Giuseppe Barzaghi, “L’intero antropologico. Con Gentile oltre Gentile verso una rifondazione metafisica dell’antropologia tomista ovvero le virtualità tomistiche del discorso filosofico sull’autocoscienza e la corporeità umana,” 29 – 48.
- Marco Rainini, “Anagogia ed escatologia nei diagrammi fra XII e XIV secolo,” 255 – 276.
Issue 2
- Francesco Berto, Enrico Bellinelli, “Quale barba per il rasoio di Ockham? Problemi del riduzionismo metafisico,” 9 – 28.
- Marcello Landi, “Un contributo allo studio della scienza nel medio evo. Il trattato Il cielo e il mondo di Giovanni Buridano e un confronto con alcune posizioni di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 151 – 185.
Issue 3: NTR
Doctor Virtualis, 6, 7 (1 ipy)
Volume 6: NTR
Volume 7
- Francesco Bottin, “Dal logos al verbum: Gadamer traduce/tradisce Tommaso che traduce/tradisce Aristotele,” 47-59.
- Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, “Il maestro Thâbit ibn Qurra e la teologia di Metafisica Lambda nella Baghdâd del IX secolo,” 125-147.
- Francesca Forte, “La poetica Aristotelica nella tradizione islamica,” 149-168.
- Orsola Rignani, “Rugero Bacone su traduttori e traduzioni,” 203-220.
- Claudio Fiocchi, “Problemi di traduzione della Politica di Aristotele. Il caso della traduzione in francese di Nicole Oresme,” 221-236.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 18 (1 ipy)
- Peter Adamson, “Knowledge of Universals and Particulars in the Baghdad School,” 141-164.
- Jon McGinnis, “Logic and Science: The Role of Genus and Difference in Avicenna’s Logic, Science and Natural Philosophy,” 165-186.
- Matteo Di Giovanni, “Individuation by Matter in Averroes’ Metaphysics,” 187-210.
- Christophe Erismann, “Immanent Realism. A Reconstruction of an Early Medieval Soultion to the Problem of Universals,” 211-229.
- Katerina Ierodiakonou, “John Italos on Universals,” 231-247.
- Peter King, “Abelard’s Answers to Porphyry,” 249-270.
- Claude Lafleur, David Piché, “Porphyre et les universaux dans l’horizon de la métaphysique émanatiste du « Compendium examinatoire du manuscript Ripoll 109 »,” 271-313.
- Marta Borgo, “Universals and the Trinity: Aquinas’s Commentary on Book I of Peter Lombard’s « Sentences »,” 315-342.
- Gabriele Galluzzo, “Aquinas on the Genus and Differentia of Seperate Substances,” 343-361.
- Aurélien Robert, “L’universalité réduite au discours. Sur quelques théories franciscaines de l’abstraction à la fin du XIIIe siècle,” 363-393.
- Giorgio Pini, “Scotus on Universals: A Reconsideration,” 395-409.
- Mark G. Henninger, “Henry of Harclay on Universals,” 411-452.
- Fabrizio Amerini, “«De natura generis». William Ockham and Some Italian Dominicans,” 453-482.
- Alessandro D. Conti, “Opinions on Universals and Predication in Late Middle Ages: Sharpe’s and Paul of Venice’s Theories Compared,” 483-500.
- Ángel d’Ors, “ « Conveniunt ergo Scotus et Thomas. » . Los « Theoremata super universalia Porphyrii » de Jacobo de Naveros,” 501-529.
- Stefano Di Bella, “Individuals as Species Infima. Scholastic and Anti-Scholastic Sources for a Leibnizian ‘Paradox’,” 545-571.
Early Science and Medicine, 12 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Anne A. Davenport, “Scotus as the Father of Modernity. The Natural Philosophy of the English Franciscan Christopher Davenport in 1652,” 55-90.
Issue 2
- A.I. Sabra, “The ‘Commentary’ That Saved the Text. The Hazardous Journey of Ibn al-Haytham’s Arabic Optics,” 117-133.
Issue 3
- Joseph Ziegler, “Philosophers and Physicians on the Scientific Validity of Latin Physiognomy, 1200-1500,” 285-312.
Issue 4
- André Goddu, Review of A History of Natural Philosophy from the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century, by Edward Grant, 433-436.
- John North, Review of Les Mathématiques infinitesimales du IXe au XIe siècle. Volume 5: Ibn al-Haytham, by Roshdi Rashed, 437-439.
- John Walbridge, Review of Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance, by George Silba, 440-442.
- Montserrat Cabré, Review of Arnaldi de Villanova Opera Medica Omnia, vol. VII.1: Epistola de reprobacione nigromantice ficcionis (De improbatione maleficiorum), edited by Sebastià Giralt, 443-445.
- Steven J. Livesey, Review of Latin Aristotle Commentaries. V. Bibliography of Secondary Literature, by Charles H. Lohr, 446.
Estudios Filosoficos, 56 (3 ipy)
No abstracts or links to individual articles available. Table of contents for vol. 56 is available here.
Issue 2
- Francisco León Florido, “¿Puede Dios cambiar el pasado? La intervención de Duns Escoto en la polémica sobre el poder de Dios,” 269 – 297.
Issue 3
- Mariano Brasa Díez, “El problema epistemológico en Santo Tomás,” 451 – 469.
Faith and Philosophy, 24 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Katherin A. Rogers, “Anselmian Eternalism: The Presence of a Timeless God,” 3-27.
- David A. Horner, Review of Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of the Natural Law, by Jean Porter, 103-107.
Issue 2
- Susan Brower-Toland, Review of Augustine, by Gareth B. Matthews, 229-232.
Issue 3
- Peter King, “Damaged Goods: Human Nature and Original Sin,” 247-267.
- Kegin Timpe, “Grace and Controlling What We Do Not Cause,” 284-299.
- Katherin A. Rogers, “God is Not the Author of Sin: An Anselmian Response to McCann,” 300-310.
Issue 4
- Sarah Borden, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Anselm, edited by Brian Davies and Brian Leftow, 479-481.
- John Kronen, Review of Duns Scotus on God, by Richard Cross, 481-486.
- Todd C. Ream, Thomas W. Seat II, Review of Aquinas’s Summa: Background, Structure, & Reception, by Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P., translated by Benedict M. Guevin, O.S.B., 486-489.
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), [volume for 2007] (1-2 ipy): not yet reviewed (last checked July 12, 2017)
ILL reported that it cannot provide access to this journal because it could not find any libraries that carry this journal.
I have contacted the journal about obtaining access to volumes 41 and earlier, but have not yet heard back (July 12, 2017).
Filozofia, 62 (10 ipy)
Issue 1
- Matúš Sitár, “K spisu Sv. Tomáša Akvinského O Kráľovstve,” 54-56.
- Tomáš Akvinský, “O kráľovstve. Prvá kniha (1.-7. kapitola),” 57-68.
- Michal Chabada, “Úvod do riešení vzťahu filozofie a teológie nielen v stredovekom myslení (T. Machula),” 84-86.
Issue 2
- Tomáš Akvinský, “O kráľovstve. Prvá kniha (8.-16. kapitola); Druhá kniha (1.-4. kapitola),” 142-163.
Issue 3
- Peter Volek, “Názory Tomáša Akvinského na vznik človeka a dnešná embryológia,” 203-215.
Issue 4-10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 65 (1 ipy)
- Luigi Pellegrini, „Povertà e ricchezza: La tematizzazione bonaventuriana di due realtà non inconciliabili,“ 9-27.
- Therese Scarpelli, „Bonaventure’s Christocentric Epistemology: Christ’s Human Knowledge as the Epitome of Illumination in De scientia Christi,“ 63-86.
- Oliver Herbel, „Ratramnus of Corbie, Paulinus of Aquileia, and Aeneas of Paris as Sources for Bonaventure’s Filioque Arguments in the Sentences,“ 87-105.
- Ilia Delio, O.S.F., „Cosmic Christology in the Thought of Zachary Hayes,“ 107-120.
- Bernard McGinn, „The Dynamism of the Trinity in Bonaventure and Eckhart,“ 137-155.
- Sophie Delmas, „Les Questions sur l’éternité d’Eustache d’Arras: Du Commentaire des Sentences à l’œuvre magistrale?,“ 157-233.
- Amy Neff, „An Aristocratic Copy of a Mendicant Text: James of Milan’s Stimulus amoris in 1293,“ 235-250.
- Robert J. Karris, O.F.M., David Flood, O.F.M., „Peter Olivi on the Early Christian Community (Acts 2: 24-47 and 4:32-35): The Christian Way with Temporalities,“ 251-280.
- James M. Matenaer, „Lyra in Light of Condemnation,“ 349-369.
- Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ, Review of Duns Scotus on God, by Richard Cross, 431 – 434.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 54 (3 ipy)
Issue 1/2
No links to abstracts or individual articles are available, but a link to the table of contents is here.
- Christophe Grellard, „Jean de Salisbury. Un cas médiéval de scepticisme,“ 16-40.
- Ladislav Chvatal, „‚Mouvement circulaire, rectiligne et spiral’. Une contribution à la recherche des sources philosophiques de Maxime le Confesseur,“ 189-206.
- Michele Abbate, „Der Begriff der ‚pistis’ bei Proklos und Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita,“ 207-214.
- Pascal Mueller-Jourdan, „A propos d’une definition de la nature chez Maxime le Confesseur. Ambiguïté d’un appel à l’autorité patristique,“ 224-229.
- Lenka Karfikova, „Zeit, Sebstbeziehung des Geistes und Sprache nach Augustin,“ 230-249.
- Catherine König-Pralong, Review of Intuition et abstraction, by Guillaume d’Ockham; review of Sur le bonheur, by Thomas d’Aquin et Boèce de Dacie, 282-285.
- Guy Guldentops, Review of Les débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la sacra doctrina, by Adriano Oliva, 285-288.
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, Review of Johannes Duns Scotus, by Mary B. Ingham, 289-290.
Issue 3
No links to abstracts or individual articles are available, but a link to the table of contents is here.
- Catherine König-Pralong, „Figures fantôme de Platon dans la philosophie scolastique médiévale. La traduction synolon-simul totum,“ 386-406.
- Antoine Côté, „L’objet et la cause de la connaissance selon Godefroid de Fontaines,“ 407-429.
- Rupert J. Mayer, „Meister Eckharts erste Quaestio Parisienis order: Wie kann Gottes Vernehmen das fundamentum seines Seins sein?,“ 430-463.
- Monica Calma, „Témoignage sur le beau comme propriété de l’être: Jean Gerson et Denys le Chartreux,“ 464-482.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, „Das Bild von Moses Maimonides. Kritische Anmerkungen zu einer Studie,“ 579-599.
- Mary Melone, S.F.A., Review of Existere. Zur Persondefinition in der Trinitätslehre des Richard von St. Viktor († 1173), by Thomas Ebneter, 628-632.
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, Review of Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher, edited by Russel Friedman and Chris Schabel, 657-660.
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, Review of Intellect et imagination dans la philosophie médiévale, edited by M.-C. Pacheco and J.F. Meirinhos, 662-663.
Giornale di Metafisica, 29 (3 ipy)
Neither abstracts nor a table of contents are available.
I reviewed this journal by using the database “Philosopher’s Index,” to which BC subscribes. This subscription allowed me to view the articles’ abstracts, which is how I determined there is nothing relevant in issues 1 and 2. (Before writing this note, I rechecked all of volume 29 to make sure I hadn’t left anything out. Again, nothing stood out to me as relevant to medieval philosophy.) The problem is that the websites with the abstracts have URLs that only people connected to BC’s network can use. I could not find a publically available table of contents.
Issue 3
- Serenella Bruno, Review of Riscoprire le radici e i valori comuni della civiltà occidentale: il concetto di legge in Tommaso d’Aquino, edited by Fluvio Di Blasi, 805-808.
- Valerio Napoli, Review of Tenebra luminosissima: Commento all Teologia Mistica di Diogini l’Areopagita, by Alberto Magno, edited by G. Allegro and G. Russino, 808-812.
Gregorianum, 88 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Ottavio De Bertolis, “La pena di morte alla luce del diritto naturale secondo san Tommaso,” 120-141.
- Sergio Paulo Bonanni, Review of Commentaire de la première épître aux Corinthiens complété par La postille sur la première épître aux Corinthiens (chap. 7, 10b au chap. 10,33) de Pierre de Tarentaise, by Thomas d’Aquin, edited by Jean-Éric Stroobant de Saint-Éloy, Jean Borella, 197-199.
Issue 2
- Giorgia Salatiello, Review of Antihumanisme intégral? L’augustinisme de Jacques Maritain, by Guillaume de Thieulloy, 433 – 435.
Issue 3
- Jason L. A. West, “Aquinas on Peter Lombard and the Metaphysical Status of Christ’s Human Nature,” 557-586.
Issue 4
- Philipp Gabriel Renczes, Review of The Bizantine Christ. Person, Nature, and Will in the Christology of Saint Maximus the Confessor, by Demetrios Bathrellos, 895-896.
- Jakub Gorczyca, Review of The Specification of Human Actions in St Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pilsner, 896-897.
Heythrop Journal, 48 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Aristotle East and West: Metaphysics and the Division of Christendom, by David Bradshaw, 121-122.
- Paschal Baumstein, Review of Anselm of Canterbury and the Beauty of Theology, by David S. Hogg; review of Anselm of Canterbury and His Theological Inheritance, by Giles E. M. Gasper, 122-124.
- Rory Fox, Review of The Problem of Love in the Middle Ages: A Historical Contribution, by Pierre Rousselot, translated by Alan Vincelette, 129-130.
- Rory Fox, Review of Conscience and Other Virtues: From Bonaventure to MacIntyre, by Douglas C. Langston, 141-143.
- Rory Fox, Review of Culture and The Thomist Tradition After Vatican II, by Tracey Rowland, 148-149.
Issue 2
- Bruce Milem, “Four Theories of Negative Theology,” 187-204.
- Tarmo Toom, “The Potential of a Condemned Analogy: Augustine on and ,” 205-213.
- David V. Meconi, Review of The Body in St Maximus the Confessor: Holy Flesh, Wholly Deified, by Adam G. Cooper, 288-289.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, edited by Peter Adamson and Richard C. Taylor, 298-299.
- R. N. Swanson, Review of Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics, by Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 299-301.
- R. N. Swanson, Review of Jean Gerson and the Last Medieval Reformation, by Brian Patrick McGuire, 301-302.
- Adonis Vidu, Review of The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and the Debate Concerning the Supernatural, by John Milbank, 311-313.
Issue 3
- Ilia Delio, “Christology From Within,” 438-457.
- Robert C. Hill, Review of The Mysticism of Saint Augustine: Rereading the Confessions, by John Peter Kenney, 474-476.
Issue 4
- William W. Young III, “The Patience of Job: Between Providence and Disaster,” 593-613.
- A. M. C. Casiday, Review of The Song of Songs Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators, translated and edited by Richard A. Norris Jr., 620-621.
- A. M. C. Casiday, Review of Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism, by L. Michael Harrington, 634-635.
- Michael Robson, Review of Master of the Sacred Page: a Study of the Theology of Robert Grossteste, ca. 1229/30-1235, by James R. Ginther, 636-637.
- Patrick Piordan, Review of The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology, edited by Peter Scott and William T. Cavanaugh, 645-646.
- Margaret Atkins, Review of Vices, Virtues and Consequences: Essays in Moral and Political Philosophy, by Peter Phillips Simpson, 649-650.
- P. M., Review of Maimonides on the Origin of the World, by Kenneth Seeskin, 677.
- P. M., Review of By Knowledge and By Love: Charity and Knowledge in the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, by Michael S. Sherwin, O.P., 677-678.
Issue 6
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Promise of the Common Good, by Mary M. Keys, 998-1000.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 28 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Sadik Türker, “The Arabico-Islamic background of Al-Fārābī’s logic,” 183-255.
- Klaus Jacobi, Review of Logik und Theologie. Das Organon im arabischen und im lateinischen Mittelalter, edited by D. Perler and U. Rudolph, 267 – 285.
Issue 4: NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 24 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Coleen McCluskey, “An Unequal Relationship between Equals: Thomas Aquinas on Marriage,” 1-18.
Issue 4
- Susan Brower-Toland, “Intuition, Externalism, and Direct Reference in Ockham,” 317-335.
- Margaret Cameron, “Ac pene Stoicus: Vall and Leibniz on The Consolation of Philosophy,” 337-354.
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 61-62 (6 ipy)
Volume 61: NTR
Volume 62
Issue 3
- Edward Omar Moad, “A path to the Oasis: Sharī‘ah and reason in Islamic moral epistemology,” 135-148.
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 15 (4 ipy): NTR
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 68 (4-5 ipy)
Issue 1
- Rob Faesen, Review of Two Worlds Are Ours: An Introduction to Christian Mysticism, by John Macquarrie, 111.
Issue 2
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of Thomas Aquinas. Lectura romana in primum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi, edited by Leonard E. Boyle and John F. Boyle, 231 – 232.
- Paul Schotsmans, Review of Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of the Natural Law, by Jean Porter, 232 – 233.
Issue 3
- Ben Vedder, Review of The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy: Phenomenology for the Godforsaken, by McGrath, S.J., 361 – 362.
Issue 4
- Lieve Uyttenhove, “‘For God is a Flowing, Ebbing Sea’: The Trinity in the Work of Jan Van Ruusbroec: A Key to the Mystical Life,” 399 – 422.
- Rudi te Velde, Review of Gespräche mit Thomas von Aquin, by Leo Elders, s.v.d., edited by David Berger and Jörgen Vijgen, 491 – 492.
International Philosophical Quarterly, 47 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Derek J. Morrow, “Aquinas According to the Horizon of Distance: Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenological Reading of Thomistic Analogy,” 59-77.
Issue 2
- Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Review of The Specification of Human Action in St. Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pilsner, 241-243.
Issue 3
- Catherine Jack Deavel, “Relational Evil, Relational Good: Thomas Aquinas and Process Thought,” 297-313.
- Richard DeWitt, R. James Long, “Richard Rufus’s Reformations of Anselm’s Proslogion Argument,” 329-347.
- Glenn Statile, Review of The Difficult Good: A Thomistic Approach to Moral Conflict and Human Happiness, by Daniel McInerny, 371-373.
Issue 4
- James M. Jacobs, “The Precepts of the Decalogue and the Problem of Self-Evidence,” 399-415.
- Oliver Leaman, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, edited by Kenneth Seeskin, 438-484.
- Marianne Djuth, Review of Saint Augustine and the Fall of the Soul: Beyond O’Connell and his Critics, by Ronnie J. Rombs, 489-491.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, (1 ipy): No volume published in 2007.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 15 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Roslyn Weiss, “Natural Order or Divine Will: Maimonides on Cosmogony and Prophecy,” 1-26.
Issue 2
- Dror Ehrlich, “R. Joseph Albo’s Discussion of the Proofs for the Existence of God,” 1-37.
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 36 (6 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 32 (1 ipy): NTR
The Journal of Religion, 87 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Margaret R. Miles, “‘Facie ad Faciem’: Visuality, Desire, and the Discourse of the Other,” 43-58.
- William D. Wood, Review of Faith, Reason, and the Existence of God, by Denys Turner, 125-127.
- Mordechai Z. Cohen, Review of The Book of Job in Medieval Jewish Philosophy, by Robert Eisen, 136-138.
Issue 2
- William Lad Sessions, “Honor and God,” 206-224.
- Joshua Davies, Review of The Mysticism of Saint Augustine: Rereading the Confessions, by John Peter Kenney, 282-283.
- Jerome Gellman, Review of Two Models of Jewish Philosophy: Justifying One’s Practices, by Daniel Rynhold, 294-295.
- Eve Krakowski, Review of Fashing Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom, by Robert Chazan, 300-302.
Issue 3
- Jean Porter, Review of God and the Natural Law: A Rereading of Thomas Aquinas, by Fluvio Di Blasi, 452-453.
- Jean Porter, Review of Natural Law, Laws of Nature, Natural Rights: Continuity and Discontinuity in the History of Ideas, by Francis Oakley, 456-457.
Issue 4
- Matthew D. Mendham, “Kant and the ‘Distinctively Moral Ought’: A Platonic-Augustinian Defense, against MacIntyre,” 556-591.
Journal of Religious Ethics, 35 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Keith Green, “Aquinas’s Argument Against Self-Hatred,” 113-139.
- J. Warren Smith, “Augustine and the Limits of Preemptive and Preventive War,” 141-162.
Issue 2
- Daniel Zelinski, “From Prudence to Morality: A Case for the Morality of Some Forms of Nondualistic Mysticism,” 291-317.
Issue 3
- Keith Green, “Aquinas on Attachment, Envy, and Hatred in the Summa Theologica,” 403-428.
- Michael P. Krom, “Modern Liberalism and Pride: An Augustinian Perspective,” 453-477.
Issue 4: NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 68 (4 ipy): NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 45 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Review of Johannes Buridanus: Summulae de Propositionibus, by Ria van der Lecq, 155-156.
Issue 2
- Bonnie Kent, “Evil in Later Medieval Philosophy,” 177-205.
- Constant J. Mews, Review of Logic, Theology, and Poetry in Boethius, Abelard, and Alan of Lille: Words in the Absence of Things, by Eileen C. Sweeney, 327-328.
- Jeffrey Hause, Review of Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century, edited by István P. Bejczy and Richard G. Newhauser, 382-329.
- Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Review of Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth Century Ethics, by Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 329-330.
- Sharon Kaye, Review of Passions in William Ockham’s Philosophical Psychology, by Vesa Hiryonen, 330-332.
Issue 3
- J. L. A. West, “The Function of Philosophy in Aquinas,” 383-394.
- Rondo Keele, “Can God Make a Picasso? William Ockham and Walter Chatton on Divine Power and Real Relations,” 395-441.
Issue 3
- Henry Dyson, Review of Self: Ancient and Medieval Insights about Individuality, Life, and Death, by Richard Sorabji, 491-500.
- Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, Review of Aristotle East and West: Metaphysics and the Division of Christendom, by David Bradshaw, 493-494.
- Anthony Celano, Review of Das Problem der Willenschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie, 494-495.
- R. James Long, Review of Essays in Medieval Philosophy and Theology in Memory of Walter H. Principe, CSB: Fortresses and Launching Pads, edited by James R. Ginther and Carl N. Still, 495-497.
- Giorgio Pini, Review of Duns Scotus on God, by Richard Cross, 497-498.
Issue 4
- Rondo Keele, Review of Ochkam on Concepts, by Claude Panaccio, 659-660.
- Thomas M. Izbicki, Review of Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa, by Nancy J. Hudson, 660-661.
- James D. Reid, Review of The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy: Phenomenology for the Godforsaken, by S. J. McGrath, 673-674.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 70 (1 ipy): NTR
Laval théologique et philosophique, 63 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Lucian Dîncă, Review of Saint Augustin. La Méditerranée et l’Europe ive–xxie siècle, by Allan D. Fitzgerald, translated by Marie-Anne Vannier, 123-124.
- Lucian Dîncă, Review of La théologie trinitaire de saint Thomas d’Aquin, by Gilles Emery, 144-145.
- David Piché, Review of Métaphysique et noétique. Albert le Grand, by Alain de Libera, 186-189.
Issue 2
- Lionel Ponton, Review of Form and Being. Studies in Thomistic Metaphysics, by Lawrence Dewan, 420-423.
Issue 3 : NTR
Médiévales, 52-53 (2 ipy): NTR
Mediaeval Sophia, 1-2 (1 ipy)
Volume 1
- Giuliana Musotto, “Il peccato originale nel Medioevo latino. Le Quaestiones disputatae De traductione humanae naturae a primo parente di Nicola di Ockham,” 56-68.
- Sergio Catalano, Review of Agostino e la “via unitatis”, by Roberto Bertacchini, 188-193.
- Ivana Panzeca, Review of Introduzione alla filosofia islamica, by Massimo Campanini, 198-201.
- Rita D’Aleo, Review of La Matematica come fatto culturale. Il Medioevo e I Francescani, by Alfredo Donnini, 214-218.
- Guia Garsia, Review of ΕΝΩΣΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΙΑ. Unione e Amicizia, omaggio a Francesco Romano, edited by M. Barbanti, G. R. Giardina, P. Manganaro, 218-221.
- Pietro Palmeri, Review of Catena aurea entium. Tabula quaestionum VIII-X, edited by Alessandro Palazzo, 221-222.
- Giuseppe Allegro, Review of Bernardo di Chiaravalle tra azione e contemplazione, by Giuseppe Fossati, 225-227.
- Pietro Palmeri, Review of Opus Ior. Registrum sermonum, tabula contentorum secundum ordinem alphabeti, edited by Nadia Bray, 239-240.
- Pietro Palmeri, Review of Beatitudine e vita Cristiana nella Summa Theologiae di S. Tommaso d’Aquina, by Giovanni Kostko, 248-251.
- Rosa Errico, Review of Poesia e pensiero nelle « Confessioni » di Agostino di Tagaste, by Rocco Labellarte, 251-252.
- Francesca Chimento, Review of Començaments de filosofia, by Ramon Llull, edited by Fernando Dominguez Reboiras, 256-260.
- Pietro Palmeri, Review of La dottrina dei teologi. Ragione e dialettica nei secoli XI-XII, by Concetto Martello, 260-264.
- Guglielmo Russino, Review of Diccionario teológico de Santo Tomás de la «Suma» por orden alfabético, by José A Martinez Puche, O.P., 264-265.
- Guia Garsia, Review of Parva Naturalia. Saperi medievali, natura e vita. Atti dell’XI convegno della società italiana per los studio del pensiero medieval (Macherata 7-8 dicembre 2001), edited by C. Crisciani, R. Lambertini, R. Martorelli Vico, 265-268.
- Francesco Paolo Ammirata, Review of 15 días con Ramón Llull, by Guillermo Pons, 271-275.
Volume 2
- Rosa Errico, “La comunità del sapere a partire dalla razionalità. Note sull’antropologia di Tommaso d’Aquino e Edith Stein,” 24-47.
- Michelangelo Gristina, “Indiviso entis ab esse. Note sula dottrina della conoscenza natural di Dio di san Bonaventura,” 48-83.
- Carla Compagno, “Die medizinischen Werke des Raimundus Lullus,” 116-130.
- Rosanna Gambino, “La luce increate nell’antropologia della divinizzazione in Gregorio Palamas,” 131-136.
- Pietro Palmeri, Review of the conference “XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia Medievale, ‘Universalità della Ragione-Pluralità delle filosofie nel Medioevo’(16-22 settembre 2007),” 153-156.
- Marta M. M. Romano, Review of the conference, “Gottes Schau und Weltbetrachtung. Interpretationen zum »Liber contemplationis« des Raimundus Lullus (25-28 Novembre 2007),” 157-159.
- Antonio Speciale, Review of Sentieri agostiniani. Frammenti di ricerche filosofiche, by Giuseppe Balido, 162-165.
- Sergio Catalano, Review of L’etica o “scrito te ipsum” di Pietro Abelardo. Analisi critica di un progetto di teologia morale, by Gaia De Vecchi, 185-187.
- Giuseppe Muscolino, Review of Doctor Virtualis, quaderno n. 5: Bonaventura da Bagnoregio. Filosofia, teologia, relazione, 188-193.
- Rosa Errico, Review of Due mistiche a confronto: Angela da Foligno, Edith Stein. Atti del Convegno (Foligno, Convento San Francesco, 4 dicembre 2004), edited by Domenico Alfonsi, 193-194.
- Rosa Errico, Review of La nozione metafisica di partecipazione secondo san Tommaso d’Aquino, by Cornelio Fabro, 195-199.
- Paola D’Aiello, Review of Averroé e l’averroismo, by Maurice-Ruben Hayoun, Alain De Libera, 208-209.
- Giuliana Musotto, Review of La moral Cristiana habita en la Iglesia. Perspectiva eclesiológica de la moral en Santo Tomás de Aquino, by Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa, 210-211.
- Paola D’Aiello, Review of Avènement de l’aristotélisme en terre chrétienne, by Catherine König-Pralong, 211-212.
- Antonio Speciale, Review of Diccionario doctrinal de San Agustín, by Pedro J. Lasanta, Rafael Del Olmo, 213.
- Marta M. M. Romano, Review of Retòrica nova, by Ramon Llull, edited by Josep Batalla, Lluís Cabré, Marcel Ortín, 217-218.
- Giuseppe Fulvio Gaglio, Review of Il dottore angelico. San Tommaso d’Aquino, by Jacques Maritain, translated by Margherita Sani, 218-219.
- Marta M. M. Romano, Review of El hombre que demostró el cristianismo. Ramon Llull, by Santiago Mata, 221.
- Irene Salamone, Review of La dimensione etico-teologica nella “Summa Theologiae” di Tommaso d’Aquino. Inspirazione, fondazione, articolazione, by Dalmazio Mongillo, edited by Gianfranco Binotti, Bernardino Prella, Rffaele Rizzello, 229-230.
- Daniela Enriquez, Review of Percorsi di storia ebraica. Fonti per la storia degli ebrei in Italia nell’età moderna e contemporanea. VIII centenario della morte di Maimonide. Atti del XVII convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli-Gorizia, 7-9 settembre 2004, edited by Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini, 237-238.
- Giuseppe Allegro, Review of Scito te ipsum [Ethica]. Erkenne dich selbst, edited and translated by Philipp Steger, 238-239.
- Carla Compagno, Review of Progetti di Crociata. Il «De Fine» di Raimondo Lullo, by Franco Porsia, 247-252.
- Salvatore D’Agostino, Review of La dignidad del hombre en cuanto imagen de Dios. Tomás de Aquino ante sus Fuentes, by Elisabeth Reinhardt, 258-259.
- Armando Bisanti, Review of De summon bono (Liber 3, Tractatus 1-3), by Ulrich Von Strassburg, edited by Sabina Tuzzo, 275-276.
- Giuseppe Allegro, Review of Virtue and Ethics in the Twelfth Century, edited by I. P. Bejczy, R. G. Newhauser, 277-278.
Mediaeval Studies, 69 (1 ipy)
- Greti Dinkova-Bruun, “Additions to Peter Riga’s Aurora in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 13050,” 1-57.
- Thomas M. Osborne Jr., “The Separation of the Interior and Exterior Acts in Scotus and Ockham,” 111-139.
- Ian Christopher Levy, “John Wyclif on Papal Election, Correction, and Deposition,” 141-185.
Mediaevalia, 28 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Special Issue: Petrarch’s Latin: An Annotated Glossary
- “Introduction,” 1-6.
- “Orthography,” 7.
- “Citations and Other Literary Uses of the Glossary Words,” 7-8.
- “English Translations,” 8.
- “Some Caveats,” 9.
- “The Glossary,” 11-170.
- “Primary Petrarchan Sources,” 171-173.
- “Subsidiary Sources,” 173-174.
- “Other Reference Sources,” 174-176.
- “Ancient and Medieval Authors and Works Cited,” 176-184.
- “Books of the Bihlia Sacra Vulgata,” 184-186.
- “Afterword,” 187-188.
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 26 (1 ipy)
- Giovanna Murano, “La tradizione delle opere di Iohannes de Deo ed il ms Roma, Biblioteca Casantense 1094 (A.II.10),” 7-80.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Species nei secoli XII-XIV,” 81-136.
- Roberto Hofmeister Pich, “Scotus sore o estatuto ontológico do tempo,” 137-204.
- Daniela Silveira, Review of Tempo e eternidade na Idade Média, edited by J.G.J. Ter Reegen, L.A. de Boni, M.R.N. Costa, 205-208.
- Daniela Silveira, Review of A cidade de Deus e a cidade dos homens. De Agostinho a Viço. Festschrift para Luís Alberto de Boni, edited by Ernildo Stein; review of A cidade dos homens e a cidade de Deu, edited by Ernildo Stein, 209-217.
- Daniela Silveira, Review of Fides Ratio auctoritas. O esforço dialético no ‘Monologion’ de Anselmo de Aosta: as relaçōes entre fé, razão e autoridade, by Manoel Luís Cardoso Vasconcellos, 217-218.
- Luis Alberto De Boni, Review of De Divisione philosophiae. Über die Enteilung der Philosophie, by Dominicus Gundissalinus, edited by Alexander Fidora, Dorothée Werner, 218-220.
- Josep Puig Montada, Review of Histoire de la pensée arabe et islamique, by Dominique Urvoy, 220-222.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 41 (1 ipy)
No abstracts available. The table of contents is linked here.
- Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, “Presentazione,” 7-14.
- Thérèse-Anne Druart, “Al-Fârâbî, the Categories, Metaphysics, and the Book of Letters,” 15-38.
- Elvira Wakelnig, “Metaphysics in al-’Amiri. The Hierarchy of Being and the Concept of Creation,” 39-60.
- Amos Bertolacci, “Avicenna and Averroes on the Proof of God’s Existence and the Subject-Matter of Metaphysics,” 61-98.
- Jules Janssens, “Bahmanyar, and his Revision of Ibn Sîna’s Metaphysical Project,” 99-118.
- Barbara Canova, “Il Dio Artefice, Sani’, e il primo motore di Metafisica nella dottrina teologica d’Averroè,” 119-138.
- Heidrun Eichner, “Dissolving the Unity of Metaphysics: from Fahr al-Din al-Razi to Mulla Sadra al-Sirazi,” 139-198.
- Rüdiger Arnzen, “The Structure of Mulla Sadra’s al-Hikma al-muta’aliya, fi l-asfar al-’aqliyya al-arba’a and his Concepts of First Philosophy and Divine Science. An Essay,” 199-239.
Micrologus, 15 (1 ipy)
- Frédérique Lachaud, “La critique du vêtement et du soin des apparences dans quelques oeuvres religieuses, morales et politiques, XIIe-XIVe siècles,” 61-85.
- Gil Bartholeyns, “L’enjeu du vêtement au Moyen Age: de l’anthropologie ordinaire à la raison sociale (XIIIe-XIVe siècle),” 219-257.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 31 (1 ipy): NTR
Mind, 116 (4 ipy)
Issue 4
- Yujin Nagasawa, “Millican on the Ontological Argument,” 1027-1040.
- Peter Millican, “Ontological Arguments and the Superiority of Existence: Reply to Nagasawa,” 1041-1054.
The Modern Schoolman (Res Philosophica since 2013), 85 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Roland J. Teske, “Some Aspects of Henry of Ghent’s Debt to Avicenna’s Metaphysics,” 51-70.
Issue 2/3-4: NTR
The Monist, 90 (4 ipy): NTR
New Scholasticism = American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Nous, 41 (4 ipy): NTR
Nova et Vetera, 5 (4 ipy)
No abstracts are available. The table of contents is linked here.
Issue 1
- Wayne J. Hankey, “Aquinas at the Origins of Secular Humanism? Sources and Innovation in Summa theologiae I, Question 1, Article 1,” 17-40.
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, “The Vision of Virtue and Knowledge of the Natural Law in Thomas Aquinas,” 41-66.
- Harm Goris, “Steering Clear of Charybdis: Some Directions for Avoiding ‘Grace Extrinsicism’ in Aquinas,” 67-80.
- Reinhard Hütter, “Desiderium Naturale Visionis Dei—Est autem duplex hominis beatitude sive felicitas: Some Observations about Lawrence Feingold’s and Gohn Milbank’s Recent Interventions in the Debate over the Natural Desire to See God,” 81-132.
- Steven A. Long, “On the Loss, and the Recovery of Nature as a Theonomic Principle: Reflections on the Nature/Grace Controversy,” 133-184.
- Guy Mansini, O.S.B., “Lonergan on the Natural Desire in the Light of Feingold,” 185-198.
Issue 2
- Aaron Canty, “Bonaventurian Resonances in Benedict XVI’s Theology of Revelation,” 249-266.
- Lawrence Dewan, O.P., “Acts Amid Precepts: The Aristotelian Logical Structure of Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Theory by Kevin Flannery, S.J.,” 431-444.
- Reinhard Hütter, “Analogical Concept versus Analogical Judgement: Whose Aquinas, Which Rationality? A Discussion of Speaking the Incomprehensible God: Thomas Aquinas on the Interplay of Positive and Negative Theology by Gregory P. Rocca,” 445-464.
Issue 3
- Stephen L. Brock, “Harmonizing Plato and Aristotle on Esse: Thomas Aquinas and the De hebdomadibus,” 465-494.
- Benedict M. Guevin, O.S.B., “The Perplexed Conscience: Aquinas, Conscience, and Intrinsic Evil,” 511-520.
- Reinhard Hütter, “St. Thomas on Grace and Free Will in the Initium Fidei: The Surpassing Augustinian Synthesis,” 521-544.
- D.C. Schindler, “What’s the Difference? On the Metaphysics of Participation in Plato, Plotinus, and Aquinas,” 583-618.
- Christopher J. Malloy, “Participation and Theology: A Response to Schindler’s ‘What’s the Difference?’,” 619-646.
Issue 4
- Roger W. Nutt, “From Within the Mediation of Christ: The Place of Christ in the Christian Moral and Sacramental Life According to St. Thomas Aquinas,” 817-842.
- Russel Hittinger, “Two Modernisms, Two Thomisms: Reflections on the Centenary of Pius X’s Letter Against the Modernists,” 843-880.
Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No volume published this year.
Oriens (4 ipy): No volumes published between 2001 (Vol. 36) and 2009 (Vol. 37)
Philosopher’s Imprint, 7 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophia, 35 (4 ipy)
Issue 3/4
- Donald Wayne Viney, “Hartshorne’s Dipolar Theism and the Mystery of God,” 341-350.
- Robert S. Gall, “An Environment Friendly God: Response to Nancy Hudson’s ‘Divine Immanence’,” 357-360.
The Philosophical Quarterly, 57 (4 ipy): NTR
The Philosophical Review, 116 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- A. N. Williams, Review of Faith, Reason, and the Existence of God, by Denys Turner, 297-300.
Issue 3-4: NTR
Philosophical Studies, 132-136 (30 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Topics, 35 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophiques, 34 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 19 (2 ipy)
Issue 1/2
- John D. Dadosky, “Philosophy for a Theology of Beauty,” 7-34.
- Bruce Milem, “Turner on Reason and Proving God’s Existence,” 79-94.
Philosophy Compass, 2 (12 ipy)
Issue 2
- Paul Macdonald, “Recent Thomistic Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion,” 517-533.
Issue 3-6: NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 24-25 (2 ipy): NTR
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 81 (1 ipy)
- Timothy B. Noone, “Nature, Freedom, and Will: Sources of Philosophical Reflection,” 1-23.
- Nicholas Rescher, “Aquinas and the Principle of Epsitemic Disparity,” 29-34.
- John J. Davenport, “Augustine on Liberty of the Higher-Order Will: Ansers to Hunt and Stump,” 67-89.
- Gregory B. Sadler, “Freedom, Inclinations of the Will, and Virtue in Anselm’s Moral Theory,” 91-108.
- Sharon Kaye, “William of Ockham and the Unlikely Connection between Transubstantiation and Free Will,” 123-132.
- Kevin White, “Aquinas on Purpose,” 133-147.
- Andrew Jaspers, “Intentio and Praeter Intentionem in the Constitution of the Moral Object in Thomas Aquinas,” 149-159.
- Luis Xavier López-Farjeat, “Determinism and Free Will in Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Arabic Tradition,” 161-177.
- Shalahudin Kafrawi, “What Makes the Efficient Cause Efficient? The Notion of Will in Ibn Sīnā’s Emanative Scheme,” 179-191.
- Cruz González-Ayesta, “Scotus’s Interpretation of Metaphysics 9.2: On the Distinction between Nature and Will,” 217-230.
- Yoshihisa Yamamoto, “Thomas Aquinas on the Ontology of Amicitia: Unio and Communicatio,” 251-262.
- Katherin A. Rogers, “Libertarianism in Kane and Anselm,” 279-290.
- Robert Kane, “Free Will: New Directions for an Ancient Problem: A Reply to Allen and Rogers,” 291-302.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 7 (1 ipy)
- Paul Thom, “Trinitarian Semantics in Gilbert of Piotiers,” 3-17.
- Alex Hall, “Confused Univocity?,” 18-31.
- Joshua P. Hochschild, “Cajetan on Scotus on Univocity,” 32-42.
- Brendan Palla, “Aquinas on the Object of the Intellect,” 43-53.
- Adam Wood, “Aquinas, Scotus, and Cajetan on ‘Horseness is Just Horseness’,” 54-65.
- Gyula Klima, “Aquinas vs. Buridan on Essence and Existence,” 66-73.
Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 7 (1 ipy)
- Gerd Van Riel, “Augustine’s Exegesis of « Heaven and Earth » in Conf. XII: Finding Truth amidst Philosophers, Heretics and Exegetes,” 191-228.
- Marienza Benedetto, “La dimensione fondante della realtà: la materia in Ibn Gabirol e Shem Tov ben Yosef ibn Falaquera,” 229-244.
- Irene Caiazzo, “La Materia nei commenti al Timeo del secolo XII,” 245-264.
- Ilaria Parri, “La nozione di materia nella Cosmographia di Bernardo Silvestre,” 265-282.
- Roberto Gatti, “Matter from the Point of View of Psychology and Noetic: Do the Intelligible Forms Have a Matter? And if yes, which Kind of Matter? A Paraphrase and Translation of Some Relevant Passages from Gersonides’ Supercommentary of Ibn Rushd’s Epitome of De Anima (ms. Vat. ebr. 342),” 283-315.
- Anna Rodolfi, “L’idea di materia in Dio. Essenza ed esistenza della materia nel diabattito teologico nella seconda metà del XIII secolo,” 317-337.
- Catherine König-Pralong, “Corps, cadavre, matière. Autour de Gilles de Rome, Henri de Gand et Dietrich de Freiberg,” 339-359.
- Silvia Donati, “Materia e dimensioni tra XIII e XIV secolo: la dottrina delle dimensiones indeterminatae,” 361-393.
- Michelino Grandieri, Review of Au-delà de l’image, Une archéologie du visuel au Moyen Age, Ve-XVIe siècle, by O. Boulnois, 537 – 542.
- Marienza Benedetto, Review of The Reception of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā’. A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought, by Amos Bertolacci; Review of Libro della Guarigione. Le cose divine, by Avicenna, edited by A. Bertolacci, 542 – 546.
- Anna Arezzo, Review of Intellect et imagination dans la Philosophie Médiévale […] Actes du XI Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale de la Société International pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.), Porto, du 26 au 31 août 2002, vol. I – IV, edited by M. C. Pacheco, J. F. Meirinhos, 546 – 554.
- Pasquale Porro, Review of Les débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la sacra doctrina. Avec l’édition du prologue de son Commentaire des Sentences, by A. Oliva, 554 – 557.
- Veneranda Castello, Review of Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry. Their Function and Significance, edited by I. Iribarren, M. Lenz, 557 – 560.
- Anna Arezzo, Review of Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century, edited by C. Schabel, 561 – 567.
- Veneranda Castellano, Review of Absolute Beginners. Der mittelalterliche Beitrag zu einem Ausgang vom Unbedingten, by Wouter Goris, 568 – 570.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 74 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Tianyue Wu, “Shame in the Context of Sin : Augustine on the Feeling of Shame in De civitate Dei,” 1-31.
- Franco Morenzoni, “Guillaume d’Auvergne ou Jacques de Vitry? Encore à propos du De confessione,” 33-61.
- Mark J. Clark, “Stephen Langton and Hugh of St. Cher on Peter Comestor’s Historia scholastic: The Lombard’s Sentences and the Problem of Sources Used by Comestor and his Commentators,” 63-117.
- Bénédicte Sère, “Liberté et lien social chez Buridan dans son commentaire sur l’Éthique (VIII-IX),” 119-168.
- Stephen Mossman, “The Western Understanding of Islamic Theology in the Middle Ages: mendicant Responses to Islam from Riccoldo da Monte di Croce to Marquard von Lindau,” 169-224.
- Fulvio Delle Donne, “Un’inedita epistola sulla morte di Gugliemo de Luna maestro presso lo Studium di Napoli, e le traduzioni prodotte alla corte di Manfredi di Svevia,” 225-245.
- Michele Trizio, “Byzantine Philosophy as a Contemporary Historiographical Project,” 247-294.
Issue 2
- John A. Demetracopoulos, “Georgios Scholarios-Gennadios Il’s Florilegium Thomisticum II (De Fato) and its anti-Plethonic Tenor,” 301-376.
- Gabriele Galluzo, “Aquinas’s Interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Book Z,” 423-481.
- Mark D. Gossiaux, “James of Viterbo and the Late Thirteenth-Century Debate Concerning the Reality of the Possibles,” 483-522.
Religious Studies, 43 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Katherin A. Rogers, “The necessity of the present and Anselm’s eternalist response to the problem of theological fatalism,” 25-47.
Issue 3
- Jesse Couenhoven, “Augustine’s rejection of the free-will defence: an overview of the late Augustine’s theodicy,” 279-298.
- Jean Porter, Review of The Specification of Human Action in St. Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pilsner, 359-363.
Issue 4
- Christina Van Dyke, “Human identity, immanent causal relations, and the principle of non-repeatability: Thomas Aquinas on the bodily resurrection,” 373-394.
Res Philosophica: see The Modern Schoolman for volumes before 2013
The Review of Metaphysics, 61 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Kevin White, “Wanting Something for Someone: Aquinas on Complex Motions of Appetite,” 3-30.
Issue 2
- Tobias Hoffmann, Review of Connaissance et vérité chez Maître Eckhart: Seul le juste connaît la justice, by Julie Casteigt, 407-409.
- Andrea Falcon, Review of Eriugena, Berkeley, and the Idealist Tradition, edited by Stephen Gersh, Darmot Moran, 417-419.
- Jude P. Dougherty, Review of The Difficult Good: A Thomistic Approach to Moral Conflict and Human Happiness, by Daniel McInerny, 430-432.
Issue 3
- Michael J. Sweeney, “Philosophy and Jihād: Al-Fārābī on Compulsion to Happiness,” 543-572.
- Susan Brower-Toland, “Facts vs. Things: Adam Wodeham and the Later Medieval Debate About Objects of Judgement,” 597-642.
- Anthony J. Celano, Review of Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics, by Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 678-680.
- Craig A. Boyd, Review of Scholastic Meditations. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, by Nicholas Rescher, 684-686.
Issue 4
- John F. Wippel, “Thomas Aquinas on the Ultimate Why Question: Why Is There Anything At All Rather Than Nothing Whatsoever?,” 731-753.
- Richard Avramenko, “The Wound and Salve of Time: Augustine’s Politics of Human Happiness,” 779-811.
- Jeffrey Reiman, Review of Investigations in European Philosophy: A Translation of Heimo Hofmeister’s Philosophisch Denken, by Heimo Hofmeister, translated by David B. Greene, 867-868.
- L Michael Harrington, Review of Logic, Theology, and Poetry in Boethius, Abelard, and Alan of Lille: Words in the Absence of Things, by Eileen C. Sweeney, 886-887.
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2007 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Caterina Bori, « Théologie politique et Islam à propos d’Ibn Taymiyya (m. 728/1328) et du sultanat mamelouk, » 5-46.
Issue 2-4: NTR
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 91 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Emmanuel Falque, “Lire les Pères au Moyen Âge. La réappropriation des Pères à l’époque médiévale. Présentation,” 5 – 6.
- Dominique Alibert, “La transmission des textes patristiques à l’époque carolingienne,” 7 – 21.
- Pedro Calixto, “La sémantique propositionnelle in divinis chez Alain de Lille,” 23 – 37.
- Alain Boureau, “L’usage des textes patristiques dans les controverses scolastiques,” 39 – 49.
- Irène Rosier-Catach, “Signification et efficacité : sur les prolongements médiévaux de la théorie augustinienne du signe,” 51 – 74.
- Olivier Boulnois, “Augustin et les théories de l’image au Moyen Âge,” 75 – 92.
- Emmanuel Falque, “Anselme de Cantorbéry : dernier des Pères ou premier des scolastiques ? Les sources de l’argument,” 93 – 108.
- Gilbert Dahan, “Les Pères dans l’exégèse médiévale de la Bible,” 109 – 127.
- Gilles Berceville, “L’autorité des Pères selon Thomas d’Aquin,” 129 – 144.
Issue 2
- Angela Guidi, “La sagesse de Salomon et le savoir philosophique. Matériaux pour une nouvelle interprétation des Dialogues d’amour de Léon l’Hébreu,” 241 – 264.
Issue 3
- Kristina Mitalaité, “Bulletin d’histoire de la théologie et de la pensée carolingiennes,” 523 – 561.
Issue 4
- Marta Borgo, “La Métaphysique d’Aristote dans le Commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin au Ier livre des Sentences de Pierre Lombard. Quelques exemples significatifs,” 651 – 692.
- Louis-Jacques Bataillon, Gilles Berceville, Iacopo Costa, Adriano Oliva, “Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales. De Saint Anselme à Maître Eckhart,” 743 – 775.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 81 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1
Issue 2
- Françoise Vinel, Review of Les virtuoses et la multitude. Aspects sociaux de la controverse entre Augustin et les pélagiens, by Jean-Marie Salamito, edited by Jérôme Millon, 265 – 266.
- Pierre Gauthier, Review of Le désir de Dieu, sur le traces de saint Thomas, by Georges Cottier, 269 – 271.
- Jean Devriendt, Review of Meister Eckhart in Erfurt, edited by Andreas Speer, Lydia Wegener, 271 – 272.
Issue 3
- Georges Cottier, “Le philosophe et la foi,” 307 – 321.
- Françoise Vinel, Review of Sur la Genèse contre les Manichéens. Sur la Genèse au sense littéral, livre inachevé, by Saint Augustin, translated by P. Monat, 423 – 425.
- Pierre Gauthier, Review of Aimé Forest et « une sagesse plus haute que le thomisme », by Michel Mahé, 426 – 428.
Issue 4: NTR
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 53 (2 ipy)
All abstracts for issues 1 and 2 are on the same webpage, linked here.
Issue 1
- Martine Dulaey, « Recherches sur les LXXXIII Diverses Questions d’Augustin (2). Questions 61, 64 et 65, » 35-64.
- Gérard Génelle, « Un exemple de l’utilization des realia chez Augustin : du sac d’argent au rachat de l’humanité, » 65-80.
- Sophie Van der Meeren, « La sagesse « droit chemin de la vie » : une métaphore du Contra Academicos relue à la lumière du protreptique philosophique, » 81-111.
- Clemens Weidmann, « Zwei Lücken in den Quaestiones in Heptateuchum des Augustinus. I-V : Eine Lücke am Beginn der Quaestines in leviticum, » 113-139.
Issue 2
- Kristell Trego, « Nature humaine ou acte de volonté ? Le péché originel de l’agent éthique chez S. Anselme, » 295-313.
- Cées Mertens, « Note de lecture : Le rêve de Monique et le Maître intérieur, » 315-323.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 60 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Roshdi Rashed, « The Configuration of the universe : A book by al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham ?, » 47-64.
- A. Mark Smith, « Le De aspectibus d’Alhacen : Révolutionnaire ou réformiste ?, » 65-82.
- Jean Celeyrette, « Apparences et imaginations chez Nicole Oresme, » 83-10.
- Graziella Federici Vescovini, « De la métaphysique de la lumière à la physique de la lumière dans la perspective des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, » 101-118.
- Michel Blay, « Sur quelques aspects de l’histoire de la lumière, » 119-132.
- Sabine Rommevaux, « « La sphère touche le plan en un point seulement » : Un problème mathématique ?, » 151-166.
Issue 2: NTR
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 132 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
All book reviews for issue 1 available through this link.
- Marc-Antoine Gavray, Review of Plotin chez Augustin. Suivi de Plotin face aux Gnostiques, by Michel Fattal, 77 – 78.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Review of La trasparenza delle immagini. Averroè e l’averroismo, by Emanuele Coccia, 85 – 87.
- Pascal Engel, Review of Pierre Abélard. Colloque international de Nantes, edited by Jean Jolivet, Henri Habrias, 88.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Review of Avènement de l’aristotélisme en terre chrétienne. L’essence et la matière : entre Thomas d’Aquin et Guillaume d’Ockham, by Catherine König-Pralong, 88 – 89.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Review of L’unité de l’intellect de Thomas d’Aquin, Alain de Libera, 89 – 90.
- Roger Pouivet, Review of Le temps, l’éternité et la préscience de Boèce à Thomas d’Aquin, John Marenbon, 91 – 92.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Review of Aristotelismo difficile. L’intelletto umano nella prospettiva di Alberto Magno, Tommaso d’Aquino e Sigieri di Brabante, Antonio Petagine, 92 – 94.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Review of L’original arabe du Grand Commentaire d’Averroès au De anima d’Aristote, by Colette Sirat, Marc Geoffroy, 94 – 96.
Issue 2-4: NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 105 (4 ipy)
Issue 1/2
- Jean-Luc Périllié, Review of L’alchimie et ses racines philosophiques. La tradition grecque et la tradition arabe, edited by Christina Viano, 273 – 297.
Issue 3
All book reviews for issue 3 available through this link.
- Geneviève Gobillot, “Une solution au problème de la prédestination en islam. Les essences prédisposées d’Ibn ‘Arabî (première partie),” 333 – 360.
- Gaëlle Jeanmart, Review of Augustin. L’expérience du verbe, by Dominique Doucet, 469 – 472.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Herméneutique et subjectivité dans les Confessions d’Augustin, by Gaëlle Jeanmart, 473 – 474.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Liber de Causis. Indice y concordancia, edited by Paloma Llorente Megías, Mercè Otero Vidal, 475.
- François Beets, Review of Le temps, l’éternité et la prescience de Boèce à Thomas d’Aquin, by John Marenbon, 475 – 477.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Femina dulce malum. La donna nelle letteratura medievale latina (secoli X – XIV), by Josip B. Percan, 477 – 478.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Filosofia in volgare nel medioevo. Atti del Convegno della società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (S.I.S.P.M.), Lecce, 27-29 settembre 2002, edited by Nadia Bray, Loris Sturlese, 478 – 479.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Avènement de l’aristotélisme en terre chrétienne. L’essence et la matière, entre Thomas d’Aquin et Guillaume d’Ockham, by Catherine König-Pralong, 480 – 481.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Être, Essence et contingence. Henri de Grand, Gilles de Rome, Godefroid de Fontaines, edited and translated by Catherine König-Pralong, 481 – 482.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Pour un plein accès à l’acte d’être avec Thomas d’Aquin et Aristote. Réenraciner le «De ente et essentia», prolonger la «Métaphysique», by Marc Balmès, 482 – 483.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Gespräche mit Thomas von Aquin, by Leo J. Elders, edited by David Berger, Jörgen Vijgen, 483 – 484.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Giovanni Duns Scoto, edited by Franco Todescan; review of Tommaso d’Aquino, edited by Ottavio de Bertolis, Franco Todescan; review of Egidio Romano, edited by Paolo Sommaggio, Alessandro Turatti, Franco Todescan, 484 – 485.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Transferts du sujet. La noétique d’Averroès selon Jean de Jandun, by Jean-Baptiste Brenet, 485 – 486.
- Gaëlle Jeanmart, Review of Croire et savoir. Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d’Autrécourt, by Christophe Grellard, 487 – 489.
- Simon Brunfaut, Review of La naissance de Dieu dans l’âme chez Eckhart et Nicolas De Cues, edited by Marie-Anne Vannier, 489 – 492.
- Hervé Pasqua, Review of Dialogue à trois sur le pouvoir-est (Trialogus de possest), by Nicolas De Cues, translated by P. Caye, D. Larre, P. Magnard, F. Vengeon, 492 – 495.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Studi sull’aristotelismo del Rinascimento, by Luca Bianchi, 495 – 496.
Issue 4
- Geneviève Gobillot, “Une solution au problème de la prédestination en islam. Les essences prédisposées d’Ibn ‘Arabî (deuxième partie),” 555 – 589.
Revue Thomiste, 107 (4 ipy): Website down, so no hyperlinks available (last checked July 27, 2017)
Issue 1
- F. Daguet, “Principes d’anthropologie politique chez saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 5 – 46.
- E. Durand, “Le Père en sa relation constitutive au Fils selon saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 47 – 72.
- C. González-Ayesta, “Les définitions du verum chez Thomas d’Aquin : Utilisation et synthèse des sources traditionnelles,” 73 – 90.
- P. Syssoev, “Sacramentum Mediatoris : L’Église comme sacrement de l’unité chez Isaac de l’Étoile,” 91 – 134.
Issue 2
- S.-Th. Bonino, “Thomistica (IX),” 245 – 298.
- E. Pisani, “Bulletin d’islamologie (II),” 299 – 340.
Issue 3
- H. De Franceschi, “Le thomisme au secours du jansénisme dans la querelle de la grâce : vrais et faux thomistes au temps de la bulle Unigenitus (1713),” 375 – 418.
Issue 4
- F. Daugeut, “Le meilleur régime politique selon saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 561 – 590.
- S. Perdrix, “Les Questions disputées sur le mystère de la Trinité : le De Deo de saint Bonaventure?,” 591 – 624.
- S.-Th. Bonino, “Le thomisme parisien au XVe siècle,” 625 – 654.
- D. Urvoy, “Bulletin de philosophie arabe et islamique,” 655-668.
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2007 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Maurizio Mangiagalli, Review of Storia della filosofia medievale. Dalla patristica al secolo XIV, by Sofia Vanni Rovighi, edited by Pietro B. Rossi, 366 – 369.
Issue 3
- Maurizio Mangiagalli, “La traduzione italiana delle Quaestiones disputatae de veritate di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 517 – 530.
Issue 4
- Antonio Petagine, “Aporie del subiectum. La critica di Alberto Magno alle concezioni della materia di David di Dinant e di Platone,” 609 – 654.
- Ilaria Ramelli, Review of Plotin chez Augustin, by Michel Fattal, 801 – 806.
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2007 (4 ipy): NTR
Southwestern Journal of Philosophy = Philosophical Topics
Southwest Philosophy Review, 23 (2 ipy): NTR
Speculum, 82 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Regina Heyder, Review of Petri Abaelardi Opera theologica, 5: Expositio in Hexameron, by Petrus Abaelardus, edited by Mary Romig, David Luscombe; review of Abbreviatio Petri Abaelardi Expositionis in Hexameron, by Petrus Abaelardus, edited by Charles Burnett, David Luscombe, 153 – 154.
- John Marenbon, Review of Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, by Simo Knuuttila, 203 – 204.
- Margaret Cameron, Review of Abelard and Heloise, by Constant J. Mews, 214 – 215.
- Philipp W. Rosemann, Review of Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics, by Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 224 – 226.
- Michael Fagenblat, Review of Maimonides on the Origin of the World, by Kenneth Seeskin, 236 – 238.
Issue 2
- Michelle Karnes, “Nicholas Love and Medieval Meditations on Christ,” 380 – 408.
- Burcht Pranger, Review of Anselm of Canterbury: The Beauty of Theology, by David S. Hogg, 450 – 451.
- Warren Ginsberg, Review of The Metaphysics of Dante’s “Comedy”, by Christian Moevs, 467 – 470.
- Luisa Valente, Review of Scholastica: Storia di un concetto, by Riccardo Quinto, 476 – 478.
- Robert Goulding, Review of The “Secret of Secrets”: The Scholarly Career of a Pseudo-Aristotelian Text in the Latin Middle Ages, by Steven J. Williams, 494 – 495.
Issue 3
- Eileen Sweeney, Review of Quam nos divinitatem nominare consuevimus: Die theologische Ethik des Peter Abaelard, by Tobias Georges, 704 – 705.
- Steven P. Marrone, Review of Métaphysique et noétique: Albert le Grand, by Alain De Libera, 722 – 725.
- Raymond Cormier, Review of Understanding the Meditative Ascent: Augustine, Anselm, Boethius, and Dante, by Robert McMahon, 735 – 736.
- Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Review of By Knowledge and by Love: Charity and Knowledge in the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, by Michael S. Sherwin, O.P., 764.
- Philipp W. Rosemann, Review of Aquinas on God: The “Divine Science” of the “Summa theologiae”, by Rudi te Velde, 773 – 775.
Issue 4
- Paul Rorem, Review of “Per visibilia ad invisibilia”: Theological Method in Richard of St. Victor (D. 1173), by Dale M. Coulter, 973 – 974.
- Jay Rubenstein, Review of Lives and Miracles of Saints Oda, Dunstan, and Oswald, by Eadmer of Canterbury, edited and translated by Andrew J. Turner, Bernard J. Muir, 984 – 985.
- Stephen Gersh, Review of Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism, by L. Michael Harrington, 997 – 998.
- James A. Brundage, Review of Des Nains sur des épaules de géants: Maîtres et élèves au moyen âge, by Pierre Riché, Jacques Verger, 1030 – 1031.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, Review of Il concetto di materia nell’opera di Alberto Magno, by Anna Rodolfi, 1031 – 1032.
- Roxanne D. Marcotte, Review of L’original arabe du grand commentaire d’Averroès au “De anima” d’Aristote: Prémices de l’édition, by C. Sirat, M. Geoffroy, 1037 – 1039.
- Matthias Perkams, Review of Logic, Theology, and Poetry in Boethius, Abelard, and Alan of Lille: Words in the Absence of Things, by Eileen C. Sweeney, 1042 – 1043.
Studi Francescani NA
Studi Medievali, 48 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- M. A. Chirico, “Il linguaggio monastico nei Sermones di Isacco della Stella,” 105-161.
- C. Wollin, “‘Versa est in luctum cythara Waltheri’ (CB 123): Das Zeugnis des Radulfus de Longo Campo, 307-316.
Issue 2: NTR
Studia Neoaristotelica, 4 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Lukáš Novák, “Anselmův ontologický důkaz očima teorie abstraktních objektů. Úvodní poznámka,” 3-4.
- Paul E. Oppenheimer, Edward N. Zalta, “O logice ontologického důkazu,” 5-27.
- Paul E. Oppenheimer, Edward N. Zalta, “Reflections on the Logic of the Ontological Argument,” 28-35.
Issue 2
- Miroslav Hanke, “Perspektivy logické sémantiky Jana Buridana,” 111-142.
- David Svoboda, “Francisco Suárez on the Addition of the One to Being and the Priority of the One over the Many,” 158-172.
- Tomáš Machula, Review of Modern Writings on Thomism, edited by John Haldane, 197-199.
- Michal Chabada, Review of Das natürliche Gesetz und das konkrete praktische Urteil nach der Lehre des Johannes Duns Scotus, by Cesar Ribas Cezar, 203-205.
- Pavel Blažek, Review of the conference “XII. International Congress of Medieval Philosophy (S.I.È.P.M.) (Palermo, 16-22 September 2007)”, 213-215.
Synthese, 154-159 (multi ipy): NTR
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 71 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Boyd Taylor Coolman, “The Salvific Affectivity of Christ According to Alexander of Hales,” 1-38.
- Thomas M. Osborne Jr., “Perfect and Imperfect Virtues in Aquinas,” 39-64.
- Christopher J. Malloy, “Thomas on the Order of Love and Desire: A Development of Doctrine,” 65-87.
- Christopher M. Brown, “Artifacts, Substances, and Transubstantiation: Solving a Puzzle for Aquinas’s Views,” 89-112.
- Andrew J. Peach, “Late- vs. Early-Term Abortion: A Thomistic Analysis,” 113-141.
- David Burrell, Review of The Treatise on the Divine Nature: Summa Theologiae 1, 1-13, by Thomas Aquinas, translated by Brian Shanley, O.P., 159-161.
Issue 2
- Guy Mansini, “A Contemporary Understanding of St. Thomas on Sacerdotal Character,” 171-198.
- Alicia Jaramillo, “The Necessity of Raising the Question of God: Aquinas and Lonergan on the Quest After Complete Intelligibility,” 221-267.
- John P. O’Callaghan, “Thomism and Analytic Philosophy: A Discussion,” 269-317.
- Willemien Otten, Review of Logic, Theology, and Poetry in Boethius, Abelard, and Alan of Lille: Words in the Absence of Things, by Eileen Sweeney, 319-323.
- Michael J. Dodds, Review of Form and Being: Studies in Thomistic Metaphysics, by Lawrence Dewan, O.P., 323-326.
- Mary Beth Ingham, Review of Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics, by Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 326-329.
- Thomas F. Ryan, Review of Reading John with St. Thomas Aquinas: Theological Exegesis and Speculative Theology, edited by Michael Dauphinais, Matthew Levering, 330-333.
- Earl Muller, Review of Paths to the Triune God: An Encounter between Aquinas and Recent Theologies, by Anselm K. Min, 333-338.
- Marianne Djuth, Review of The Augustinian Person, by Peter Burnell, 338-342.
Issue 3
- Paul A Macdonald Jr., “Direct Realism and Aquinas’s Account of Sensory Cognition,” 343-378.
- Matthew Levering, “Christ the Priest: An Exploration of Summa Theologiae III, Question 22,” 379-417.
- Paul Gondreau, “The Passions and the Moral Life: Appreciating the Originality of Aquinas,” 419-450.
- James B. Reichmann, “Aquinas, Scotus, and the Christological Mystery: Why Christ is Not a Human Person,” 451-474.
- John Goyette, Review of God and the Natural Law: A Rereading of Thomas Aquinas, by Fulvio Di Blasi, 497-500.
Issue 4
- Kevin White, “Aquinas on Oral Teaching,” 505-528.
- Christopher Toner, “Was Aquinas an Egoist?,” 577-608.
- Thomas Joseph White, Review of Praeambula Fidei: Thomism and the God of the Philosophers, by Ralph McInerny, 663-637.
- Michael L. Raposa, Review of The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy: Phenomenology for the Godforsaken, by S. J. McGrath, 646-649.
- Tobias Hoffmann, Review of The Specification of human Actions in St.Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pilsner, 650-653.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 69 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Jules Janssens, Review of Talking about God and Talking about Creation. Avicenna’s and Thomas Aquinas’ Positions, by Rahim Acar, 356-357.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān. Een filosofische allegorie uit Moors Spanje, by Abū Bakr Muhammad Ibn Ṭufayl, translated by Remke Kruk; review of Der Philosoph als Autodidakt. Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān. Ein philosophischer Inselroman, by Abū Bakr Ibn Ṭufayl, translated by Patrick O. Schaerer; review of Geloof en wetenschap in de islam. Averroës’ ‘Het beslissende woord’, by Averroës, translated by Remke Kruk, 358-359.
- H. D. Peels, Review of Über die Taufe, by Augustinus, translated by Hermann-Josef Sieben, 385.
Issue 3
- Pieter Beullens, Review of Aristotle’s ‘Problemata’ in Different Times and Tongues, by Pieter De Leemans, Michèle Goyens, 576-577.
- Jules Janssens, Review of The Reception of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā. A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought, by Amos Bertolacci, 577-579.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Hebrew Scholasticism in the Fifteenth Century. A History and Source Book, by Mauro Zonta, 579-580.
- Daniel De Smet, Review of Ibn Sīnā and his Influence on the Arabic and Latin World, by Jules Janssens, 603.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Wissen über Grenzen. Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter, by Andreas Speer, Lydia Wegener, 604.
Issue 4
- Jules Janssens, Review of De sex principiis, by Alberti Magni, edited by Ruth Meyer; review of Liber divisionum, by Alberti Magni, edited by Hannes Möhle, 739-741.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II, by John F. Wippel, 742-743.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Studies in the Philosophy of William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris (1228-1249), by Roland J. Teske, 763.
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of Breve introduzione al tomismo, by Cornelio Fabro, 763-764.
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of St. Thomas and Form as Something Divine in Things, by Lawrence Dewan, 764.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy, by James E. Montgomery, Richard M. Frank, 765.
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía, 32, 33 (2 vpy)
Volume 32
- Jean-Luc Marion, “¿Es el argumento ontológico realmente ontológico?,” 179-205.
- Luis Xavier López Farjeat, Review of Al-Kindī, by Peter Adamson, 209-216.
Volume 33
- Santiago Argüello, “Image et similitudo Dei,” 37-71.
- Patricia Moya C., “Las pasiones en Tomás de Aquino: Entre lo natural y lo humano,” 141-173.
- José María Nieva, Review of Denys L’Aréopagite. Tradition et Métamorphoses, by Ysabel De Andía, 215-217.
- Casandra Fernández Diez, Review of ¿Qué sé?: Filosofía árabe islámica, by Luis Xavier López-Farjeat, 219-227.
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe, 15 (1 ipy)
- Dante Klocker, “Las raíces augustinianas de la conceptualidad de ‘ser y tiempo’,” 113-129.
Topoi, 26 (1-2 ipy)
Issue 2
- Ghasem Kakaie, “The extroversive unity of existence from Ibn ‘Arabi’s and Meister Eckhart’s viewpoints,” 177 – 189.
- Mohammad Saeedimehr, “Divine simplicity,” 191 – 199.
- ‘Abd al-Rasul ‘Ubudiyyat, “The fundamentality of existence and the subjectivity of quiddity,” 201 – 212.
- Ahmad Ahmadi, “The fundamentality of existence or quiddity: a confusion between epistemology and ontology,” 213 – 219.
- Mohsen Javadi, “Ibn Sina and the status of moral sentences,” 247 – 254.
- Yahya Yasrebi, “A critique of causality in Islamic philosophy,” 255 – 265.
- Stephen Read, An “Untimely Review” of The Sum of Logic, by William of Ockham, 271 – 277.
Traditio, 62 (1 ipy)
- Mischa Von Perger, “Walter Burley, Quid sit subiectum scientiae naturalis: Eine Edition Von Quaestiones super Librum physicorum, q. 2, und von Expositio vetus com quaestionibus super Librum physicorum, q. 1.1,” 59-81.
Vivarium, 45 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Toivo J. Holopainen, “Anselm’s Argumentum and the Early Medieval Theory of Argument,” 1-29.
- Michael W. Tkacz, “Albert the Great and the Revival of Aristotle’s Zoological Research Program,” 30-68.
- Brian Francis Conolly, “Averroes, Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on How Man Understands,” 69-92.
Issue 2/3
- “Introduction,” 131-135.
- Sten Ebbensen, “The Traditions of Ancient Logic-cum-Grammar in the Middle Ages-What’s the Problem?,” 136-152.
- Christopher J. Martin, “Denying Conditionals: Abaelard and the Failure of Boethius’ Account of the Hypothetical Syllogism,” 153-168.
- Martin Lenz, “Are Thoughts and Sentences Compositional? A Controversy between Abelard and a Pupil of Alberic on the Reconciliation of Ancient Theses on Mind and Language,” 169-188.
- Anne Grondeux, “Res Meaning a Thing Thought: The Influence of the Ars Donati,” 189-202.
- Christophe Erismann, “The Logic of Being: Eriugena’s Dialectical Ontology,” 203-218.
- Irène Rosier-Catach, “Priscian on Divine Ideas and Mental Conceptions: The Discussions in the Glosulae in Priscianum, the Notae Dunelmenses, William of Champeaux and Abelard,” 219-237.
- Stefania bonfiglioli, Costantino Marmo, “Symbolism and Linguistic Semantics. Some Questions (and Confusions) from Late Antique Neoplatonism up to Eriugena,” 238-252.
- Mary Sirridge, “‘Utrum idem sint dicere et intelligere sive videre in mente’: Robert Kilwardby, Quaestiones in librum primum Sententiarum,” 253-268.
- Claude Panaccio, “Mental Language and Tradition Encounters in Medieval Philosophy: Anselm, Albert and Ockham,” 269-282.
- Laurent Cesalli, “Intentionality and Truth-Making: Augustine’s Influence on Burley and Wyclif’s Propositional Semantics,” 283-297.
- Luisa Valente, “Names That Can Be Said of Everything: Porphyrian Tradition and ‘Transcendental’ Terms in Twelfth-Century Logic,” 298-310.
- E. Jennifer Ashworth, “Metaphor and the Logicians from Aristotle to Cajetan,” 311-327.
- Christophe Grellard, “Scepticism, Demonstration and the Infinite Regress Argument (Nicholas of Autrecourt and John Buridan),” 328-342.
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, “Theory of Supposition vs. Theory of Fallacies in Ockham,” 343-359.
- Egbert P. Bos, “Richard Billingham’s Speculum Puerorum, Some Medieval Commentaries and Aristotle,” 360-373.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 42 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mohammad Motahari Farimani, “Islamic Philosophy and the Challenge of Cloning,” 145-152.
Issue 2-4: NTR