
NB: the symbol [P] after a link means “Paying access”.



NB: I deliberately exclude electronic editions that do not mention their provenance or the printed source from which they derive, so as to avoid reporting unreliable editions.

  • Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum: a collaborative project of a “centralized resource for locating Latin literature on the internet.”
  • MediÆvalia: créé par Stefano Caroti (université de Parme); divers textes, soit hébergés sur ce site, soit référencés par hyperlien.
  • The Philological Museum: “An analytic bibliography of on-line neo-Latin texts”, by D. F. Sutton (Univ. of Calif., Irvine).
  • Archivio della Latinità Italiana del Medioevo: Il progetto ALIM  intende offrire alla libera consultazione, sulla rete Internet, tutti i testi composti in Italia nel corso del medioevo e scritti in latino.
  • Bibliotheca Augustana: created by Prof. L. Harsch (Augusburg). A most elegant website, texts from reference editions, with notices and bibliographies. No search functions.
  • Bivio (Biblioteca virtuale on line): una collaborazione tra l’Istituto di Studi sul Rinascimento e Signum (Firenze) et il Centro di ricerche informatiche per le discipline umanistiche della Scuola Normale di Pisa (mostly focused on Renaissance).
  • CAMENA – Corpus Automatum Multiplex Electorum Neolatinitatis Auctorum  
  • CELT (Corpus of Electronic Texts): “The Free Online Resource for Irish history, literature and politics” of the “Documents of Ireland” project (University College Cork) includes of course medieval texts.
  • Corpus Corporum (Repositorum operum Latinorum apud universitatem Turicensem): A university of Zurich project which aims at being a (meta-) repository of all sorts of Latin texts, including philosphical medieval ones, equipped with search tools .
  • E codicibus: digital repository of electronic texts maintained by the philologic research section of the SISMEL with the aim to publish and share over the internet scholarly editions or transcriptions of mainly unpublished works.
  • Documenta Catholica Omnia: comme le titre l’indique, immense projet de digitalisation de tous les textes issus des papes, des conciles, des Pères et Docteurs de l’Eglise, et autres écrivains ecclésiastiques, des orgines à nos jours. Inclut la Patrologie Latine et la Patrologie Grecque de Migne.
  • The Franciscan Archive: several online sources on the Franciscan order and some famous Franciscans.
  • Internet Medieval Sourcebook (Fordham Univ.): interesting selection of documents.
  • Library of Latin Texts [P]: a Brepols database, created and run by the pioneer Prof. P. Tombeur (CTLO) ; contains the entire corpus of Latin literature from Classical Antiquity up to the second century C.E./A.D, Patristic literature up to 735 and non-Christian authors such as Macrobius or Martianus Capella, and a great number of medieval and Neo-Latin works. Sophisticated search-functions.
  • MediÆvalia: créé par Stefano Caroti (université de Parme); divers textes, soit hébergés sur ce site, soit référencés par hyperlien.
  • Past Masters [P]: by InteLex; some major authors, with search function: among others, Aristotle in Greek with the Revised Oxford Translation, Anselm’s Opera Omnia (ed. Schmitt), the Corpus Augustinianum Gissense, Ockham’s Opera Philosophica and Opera Theologica (ed. Franciscan Institute), Duns Scotus’s Opera Philosophica (ed. Franciscan Institute), Suarez’s Disputationes.
  • Patrologia Latina [P]: electronic version of Migne’s series (therefore to be used with the same precautions than Migne’s non-critical editions). Search functions.
  • Perseus Project : Ancient Greek & Roman texts, plus now Arabic texts (since 2008), with dictionaires & other tools. Search functions. A Tufts Univ. database.
  • Peter King’s Scholarly Resources: many e-texts available thanks to Prof. King (Toronto). The texts have been scanned from various sources and transformed in ASCII files. The editorial appartus and notes have been removed so as not to infringe copyrights. Do not omit to read King’s caveat.
  • The Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive (SCTA): Led by Jeffrey C. Witt, a project of collaborative editions of texts. It is for now distributed in Commentaries on the corpus of Pseudo-Dionysius, De Anima commentaries, Sentences commentaries, Summulae logicales and commentaries, and uncategorized texts.
  • SourcEncyMe (SOURCes des ENCYclopédies MEdiévales): projet de corpus électronique des encyclopédies médiévales latines, avec annotations ; plusieurs encyclopédies déjà disponibles.
  • Thesaurus Linguae Graecae [P] : founded in 1972 the TLG has already collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era. An abridged version is free of charges.




See also the Virtual Library section.


  • Catalogue Collectif de France: réunit le Catalogue de la BnF, SUDOC (catalogue des bibliothèques de l’enseignement supérieur) et “Base Patrimoine” (catalogue des fonds anciens et/ou locaux de 60 bibliothèques municipales et spécialisées).
  • Ebooks On Demand [P]: this paying service enables to order scans of out-of-copy right books from the catalogs of participating libraries.
  • Filosofia: i classici di B@bèl, by the università di Roma.
  • Hispanomedievalismo: metasite listing sites of online texts (many in Spain)
  • Inkunabelkatalog INKA der Universität Tübingen für über 20 Bibliotheken Deutschlands.
  • Manuscriptorium:  “a system for collecting and making accessible on the internet information on historical book resources, linked to a virtual library of digitised documents. The Manuscriptorium service is financed by the National Library of the Czech Republic and managed by AiP Beroun s.r.o.”.
  • Online Arabic Books or Downloadable Arabic Books: a useful page on the University of Georgia site.
  • The Philological Museum: “An analytic bibliography of on-line neo-Latin texts”, by D. F. Sutton (Univ. of Calif., Irvine).
  • Post-Reformation Digital Library:  a select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included.



C.2.1) Generalist databases

  • Google books: out-of-copyright books may be fully accessible in PDF format; others, more recent, are sometimes partially viewable.
  • Hathi Trust Digital Library: a repositery provided by a consortium of research institutions and libraries, with a full-text search function. Full downloads limited, however, to members of partner institutions. Many scans provided by Google, but the catalog is more rational than in Google.
  • Internet Archive: a free access public library which contains presently 11 million books/ texts and counting (often scanned by a consortium of North American libraries), but also many more items, including archived web pages accessible through the “Wayback Machine”.

C.2.2) Libraries

C.2.3) Thematic web sites or pages


C.2.4) Individual authors

See also the Virtual Library section.

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