
NB: the symbol [P] after a link means “Paying access”.


A.1) Arabic

  • Arabic and Latin glossary: vocabulary of the medieval Arabic–Latin translations of the Middle Ages (it comprehends the entries of all existing Arabic–Latin glossaries in modern editions of medieval works), under the direction of Dag Nikolaus Hasse.
  • Arabic-English Lexicon: Lane’s dictionary downloadable on the Studyquransite (word-searchable PDF files). Accessible on Tyndalearchive too.
  • Baheth: online tool which embraces several classical Arabic-Arabic dictionaries, including the Lisan al-arab.
  • English <-> Arabic Online Dictionary (LingvoSoft).
  • Glossarium Græco-Arabicum: lexicon of the mediæval Arabic translations from the Greek; it contains images of the filecards (ca. 80,000) which have not yet been published in the dictionary A Greek and Arabic Lexicon (Leiden: Brill, 1992-…), and comprises Arabic roots from the letter jîm to the end of the Arabic alphabet.
  • Farahidi’s Kitab al-ayn: the oldest lexicocraphical work we know of.

A.2) Greek

  • Perseus translation tool: for Greek (based on the Lidell’s and Scott’s dictionary), Latin (based on Lewis’ and Short’s dictionary) and Arabic (based on Lane’s and Salmoné’s dictionaries) into English, by the Perseus project (Tufts University).

A.3) Hebrew

A.4) Latin


  • Albertus Magnus Online: Index zur Logik, von O. Grönemann
  • Analyser. Logiciel de génération de concordances et de lexicométrie conçu par Pascal Bonnefois.
  • Lexikal Network: a very useful tool based on the Patrologia Latina.
  • Repertorium Utriusque Iuris: A tool for identifying legal references (from the corpus iuris civilis and the corpus iuris canonici) in medieval texts



  • Collatinus:  Logiciel libre, gratuit et multi-plateforme (Windows, Mac OS, et Debian GNU/Linux) pour la lemmatisation et d’analyse morphologique du textes latins. Il a aussi une version web.
  • Eulexis: Permet de rechercher un terme dans des dictionnaires de grec (Liddel-Scott-Jones, Pape, Bailly), de fléchir un lemme et de lemmatiser un texte.
  • Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid, and other hints, on a webpage maintained by Kevin Cawley (Univ. of Notre-Dame).
  • TextKit:  Greek and Latin learning tools.



See page ” Manuscripts”, section “Tools”



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