2008 Bibliography
Last worked on 1/6/2019
Reviewed JLS 07/16/2017
Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 11 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Guiseppe Caruso, O.S.A, “L’Eucaristia nella riflessione di Agostino,” 13-36.
Issue 2
- José María Antón, L.C., “La ley natural y los bienes que perfeccionan a la persona. Completando la lista de la Summa Theologiae, I-II, q. 94, a. 2: la aportación de Germain Grisez (1ª parte),” 251-292.
Issue 3
- James Stone, “Clearing up some Natural Confusions about Natural Law,” 433-462.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 82 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sarah Borden Sharkey, “Edith Stein and Thomas Aquinas on Being and Essence,” 87-103.
Issue 2
- Yul Kim, “A Change in Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of the Will: Solutions to a Long-Standing Problem,” 221-236.
- John Deely, “How To Go Nowhere with Language: Remarks on John O’Callaghan, Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn,” 337-359.
- Glenn Chicoine, Review of The Thomist Tradition (Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, 2), 380-383.
Issue 3
- M. V. Dougherty, “Ghazālī and Metaphorical Predication in the Third Discussion of the Tahāfut al-Falāsifa,”391-409.
- Steven J. Jensen, “Of Gnome and Gnomes: The Virtue of Higher Discernment and the Production of Monsters,” 411-428.
- Stephen J. Laumakis, “The Sensus Communis Reconsidered,” 429-433.
- David B. Hershenov, “A Hylomorphic Account of Thought Experiments Concerning Personal Identity,” 481-502..
- John F. X. Knasas, Review of Form and Being: Studies in Thomistic Metaphysics, by Lawrence Dewan, 529-533.
- Mario Šilar, Review of Analytical Thomism: Traditions in Dialogue, edited by Craig Paterson and Matthew S. Pugh, 537-539.
- Lloyd P. Gerson, Review of Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite, by Eric D. Perl, 539-542.
- Philipp W. Rosemann, Review of The Sentences, Book 1: The Mystery of the Trinity, by Peter Lombard, translated by Giulio Silano; review of The Sentences, Book 2: On Creation, by Peter Lombard, translated by Giulio Silano, 546-549.
Issue 4
- Christian Schäfer, “The Anonymous Naming of Names: Pseudonymity and Philosophical Program in Dionysius the Areopagite,” 561-580.
- Enrica Ruaro, “God and the Worm: The Twofold Otherness in Pseudo-Dionysius’s Theory of Dissimilar Images,” 581-592.
- Ben Schomakers, “The Nature of Distance: Neoplatonic and Dionysian Versions of Negative Theology,” 593-618.
- Timothy D. Knepper, “Not Not: The Method and Logic of Dionysian Negation,” 6-19-637.
- L. Michael Harrington, “Recent Attempts to Define a Dionysian Political Theory,” 639-660.
- John D. Jones, “The Divine Names in John Sarracen’s Translation: Misconstruing Dionysius’s Language about God?” 661-682.
- Wayne J. Hankey, “Misrepresenting Neoplatonism in Contemporary Christian Dionysian Polemic: Eriugena and Nicholas of Cusa versus Vladimir Lossky and Jean-Luc Marion,” 683-703.
- John Panteleimon Manoussakis, “The Revelation of the Phenomena and the Phenomenon of Revelation: An Apology for Dionysius’s Phenomenological Appropriation,” 705-719.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 25 (1-2 ipy)
- Agustín Uña Juárez, “De relato a reflexión en el problema del yo. Para leer las Confesiones de San Agustín,” 211-244.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, “Avicena: sobre el amor,” 245-261.
- Francisco León Florido, “Odium Dei: Las paradojas de la voluntad en Duns Escoto,” 263-278.
- José Antônio de C. R. de Souza, “As causas eficiente e final do poder espiritual na visão de D. Frei Álvaro Pais,” 279-311.
Angelicum, 85 (2-4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Bruno Caglioti, O.P., “Consenso matrimoniale e amore sponsale nella dottrina di S. Tommaso,” 163-178.
- Ciro Tammaro, “Il contratto matrimoniale quale meccanismo giuridico di attuazione storica del sacramento: la visione di S. Tommaso,” 179-199.
- Miroslav Adam, O.P., “Le disposizioni dei Romani Pontefici del periodo medioevale rispetto ai cristiani orientali in Ungheria,” 321-340.
- Andrea Errera, “Aristotele, i Topica e la scienza giuridica medievale,” 341-362.
- Sebastiano Paciolla, O.Cist., “La consonantia canonum e la solutio contrariorum. Alle origini della scientia del diritto canonico,” 363-390.
Issue 2
- Wiesław Dabrowski, “Il concetto di appropriazione nei commenti di san Tommaso d’Aquino alle lettere di san Paolo Apostolo,” 411-472.
- Tilman Anselm Ramelow, O.P., “Language without Reduction: Aquinas and the Linguistic Turn,” 497-517.
- Margherita Maria Rossi, “Methodological guide to interpreting the texts of Saint Thomas Aquinas,” 519-537.
- Osanna Rickmann, “Das christliche Vereihen in der Theologie des Heiligen Thomas von Aquin,” 539-555.
- Review of the conference, “Il nucleo dell’umanesimo cristiano nella prospettiva tomista. Intervento di Sua Eminenza Reverendissima il Signor Cardinale Zenon Grocholewski. Prefetto della Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica alla presentazione degli Atti del Congresso Internazionale (21-25 IX 2003) L’umanesimo cristiano nel III millennio. La prospettiva di Tommaso d’Aquino. Pont. Univ. San Tommaso d’Aquino, Roma 17 novembre 2006,” 623-626.
- Review of the conference, “The definition of moral law. Conferenza del Prof. Wojciech Giertych O.P. Teologo della Casa Pontificia pronunciata durante l’Atto Accademico in occasione del 70° compleanno del Prof. Edward Kaczyński O.P. Roma, Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino ‘Angelicum’ 26 ottobre 2007,” 627-648.
- Abelardo Lobato, O.P., Review of Santo Tomás de Aquino {El oficio del sabio}, by Eudaldo Forment, 655-659.
Issue 3
- Christian S. Krokus, “Jesus’ Expression of Sorrow, Fear, Doubt, and Abandonment in the Passion Narrative of Mark (14:33-36; 15:34) according to Modern Catholic Exegesis and Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae: Pasoral and Doctrinal Concerns,” 675-713.
- Thomas Osborne, “The Threefold Referral of Acts to the Ultimate End in Thomas Aquinas and His Commentators,” 715-736.
- Rupert Johannes Mayer, O.P., “Zum desiderium naturale visionis Dei nach Johannes Duns Scotus und Thomas de Vio Cajetan. Eine Anmerkung zum Denken Henri De Lubacs,” 737-763.
- Abelardo Lobato, O.P., Review of Thomàs de Aquino a la luz de su tiempo. Una biografia, by Serrano José Egido, 875-877.
- Sebastiano Paciolla, O. Cist., “L’abate ‘vicario di Cristo’: l’autorità nella vita monastica,” 933
Issue 4: NTR
Annuario Filosofico, 24 (1 ipy)
- Gianluca Cuozzo, “La ragione e la nostalgia dell’infinito. Congettura e visione in Nicola Cusano e Albrecht Dürer.”
- Sandro Mancini, “Quando recte consideratur de contractione, omnia sunt clara. Singolarità e finalità nel De docta ignorantia di Nicola Cusano.”
Anuario Filosófico, 41 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Silvana Filippi, “La resignificación de la ley moral natural en el pensamiento medieval,” 13 – 39.
- Claudio Calabrese, “La vida humana entre la perfección y la caída según san Agustín,” 41 – 54.
- Rubén Peretó, “La ley natural en el alto medievo. El caso de Alcuino,” 55 – 67.
- Laura Corso de Estrada, “Natura y ratio en la especulación sobre el cosmos: Guillermo de Auxerre y Felipe el Canciller,” 69 – 82.
- Manuel Lázaro Pulido, “Vivencia interior de la ley natural en San Buenaventura: sindéresis, superación de la dialéctica sujeto-objeto,” 83 – 92.
- José Luis Widow, “La unidad de la ley natural y la distinción d preceptos en Tomás de Aquino,” 99 – 120.
- Olga L. Larre, “El conocimiento de la naturaleza en el Comentario a las Sentencias de Juan Duns Escoto,” 121 – 138.
- Carolina Julieta Fernández, “Iusnaturalismo, voluntarismo, derechos subjetivos y otros problemas de la Opera Politica de Ockham,” 139 – 154.
- Juan Cruz Cruz, “La recondución práctica de las leyes a la ley natural: la epiqueya,” 155 – 179.
- Ma Idoya Zorroza, Review of El derecho y la justicia (Decisiones de iure et iustitia, Salamanca, 1594, Venecia, 1595), by Domingo Báñez, translated by Juan Cruz Cruz, 183 – 185.
- Mario Šilar, Review of La ley natural como fundamento moral y jurîdico en Domingo de Soto, edited by Juan Cruz Cruz, 187 – 189.
- Genara Castillo, Review of Claves de ley natural, by Ana Marta González, 189 – 191.
- Ma Idoya Zorroza, Review of Genesi, sviluppi e prospettive dei diritti umani in Europa e nel Mediterraneo, Materiali di lavoro Francisco de Vitoria sulla legge et sul diritto, by Simona Langella, 197 – 199.
- Ignacio Pérez Constanzó, Review of Por las rutas medievales del saber, by Elisabeth Reinhardt, 201 – 203.
- Francisco O’Reilly, Review of Tratado de la obra de los seis días (Tractatus de sex dierum operibus), by Thierry de Chartres, edited and translated by Elisabeth Reinhardt and Pilar García Ruiz, 210 – 212.
Issue 3
- Mariano Artigas, “¿Hay un sentido en el universo?,” 549 – 575.
- María Jesús Soto-Bruna, Review of Maître Eckhart. Le procès de l’Un, by H. Pasqua, 709 – 710.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 18 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Michael E. Marmura, “Some Questions Regarding Avicenna’s Theory of the Temporal Origination of the Human Rational Soul,” 121-138.
- Abraham D. Stone, “Avicenna’s Theory of Primary Mixture,” 99-119.
- Stephen Menn, “Al-Fārābī’s Kitāb al-Hirūf and His Analysis of the Senses of Being,” 59-97.
- Marwan Rashed, “Al-Fārābī’s Lost Treatise On Changing Beings and the Possibility of the Demonstration of the Eternity of the World,” 19-58.
- Marouane Ben Miled, “Mesurer le continu, dans la tradition arabe des livres V et X des Éléments,” 1-18.
Issue 2
- Peter E. Pormann, “Case Notes and Clinicians: Galen’s Commentary on the Hippocratic Epidemics in the Arabic Tradition,” 247-284.
- W. Craig Streetman, “’If It Were God Who Sent Them…’ Aristotle and Al-Fārābī on Prophetic Vision,” 211-246.
- Paul Thom, “Al-Fārābī on Indefinite and Privative Names,” 193-209.
- Marco Panza, “The Role of Algbraic Inferences In Na’īm Ibn Mūsā’s Collection of Geometrical Propositions,” 165-191.
- A. Mark Smith, “Alhacen’s Approach to ‘Alhazen’s Problem,’” 143-163.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 5 (1 ipy)
- Wolfgang Buchmüller, “Isaak von Stella und die Rezeption der Gotteslehre des Dionysius Areopagita im lateinischen Hohen Mittelalter,” 9-31.
- Thomas Marschler, “Liturgische Bezüge in der Tauf- und Eucharistielehre des Albertus Magnus,” 64-96.
- Riccardo Quinto, “Stefano Langton e la teologia dei maestri secolari di Parigi tra XII e XIII secolo: Status quaestionis e prospettive di ricerca,” 122-142.
- Mikołaj Olszewski, “Theologia ut medicina supernaturalis. The Nature of Theology according to Nicholas of Ockham. With an Edition of the Prologue to his Commentary on the Sentences,” 143-165.
- Ulli Roth, Review of Talking about God and Talking about Creation. Avicenna’s and Thomas Aquinas’ Positions, by Rahim Acar, 184-186.
- Martina Roesner, Review of Schrift, Schreiber, Schenker. Studien zur Abtei Sankt Viktor in Paris un den Viktorinern, by Rainer Berndt, S.J., 189-191.
- José Luis Narvaja, S.J., Review of Simon Magus in Patristic, Medieval and Early Modern Traditions, by Alberto Ferreiro, 193-195.
- Isabelle Moulin, Review of Wege in die Nachfolge Christi. Die Theologie des Ordensstandes nach Thomas von Aquin, by Ulrich Horst, 197-200.
- Tom Müller, Harald Schwaetzer, Review of Nicolas de Cues, penseur et artisan de l’unité. Conjectures, concorde, coincidence des opposes, by David Larre, 200-203.
- Fernando Berríos Medel, Review of El enigma del hombre según Guillermo de Saint-Thierry, a la luz del encuentro entre cultura griega y latina, by Anneliese Meis Wörmer, 203-206.
- Riccardo Quinto, Review of Les débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la «sacra doctrina», avec l’édition du prologue de son commentaire des «Sentences», by Adriano Oliva, 206-211.
- Thomas Marschler, Review of Simon Fidati von Cascia OESA. Augustiniche Theologie un Philosophie im späten Mittelalter, by Carolin M. Oser-Grote and Andreas E. J. Grote (Hgg.), 211-213.
- José Luis Larvaja, S.J., Review of Por las rutas medievales del saber, by Elizabeth Reinhardt, 217-218.
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 90 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jacob Schmutz, Review of It Could Have Been Otherwise. Contigency and Necessity in Dominican Theology at Oxford, 1300-1350, by Hester G. Gelber, 131-133.
Issue 3
- Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Review of The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus, by Antonie Vos, 355-367.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 62 (6 ipy): NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 71 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Aurélien Robert, Review of Quaestiones circa Tractatum proportionum magistri Thome Braduardini, by Blaise e Parme, ed. Joël Biard and Sabine Rommevaux, 529-531.
- Alfredo Storck, Review of Les Débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la Sacra Doctrina. Édition du prologue de son commentaire des Sentences de Pierre Lombard, by Adriano Oliva, 531-532.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of La sophistria de Robertus Anglicus, by Anne Grondeux and Irène Rosier-Catach, 532-533.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of Trialogus de possest, by Nicolas de Cues, trans. P. Caye, D. Larre, P. Magnard, F. Vengeon, 533-535.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Perspectives médiévales et arabes, by Jean Jolivet, 535-536.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Exempla docent. Les exemples des philosophes de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, eds. Emmanuel Babey, Delphine Caron, Thomas Ricklin, 536-538.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of Connaissance et vérité chez Maître Eckhart, by Julie Casteigt, 538.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of La théorie ockhamienne de la connaissance évidente, by E. Perini-Santos, 539-540.
- Monica Calma, Review of Nicolas d’Autrécourt et la Faculté des Arts de Paris (1317-1340). Actes du Colloque de Paris 19-21 mai 2005, eds. Stefano Caroti and Christophe Grellard, 540-542.
- Christophe Grellard, Review of Jean Gerson, théoricien de la théologie mystique, by Marc Vial, 542-544.
Issue 4: NTR
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, LXXV (1 ipy)
- Colette Sirat, Olga Weijers, « Droit et Logique : Gersonide et les juristes chrétiens », 7-41.
- Iwakuma Yukio, « Pseudo-Rabanus Maurus’s Super Porphyrium (P3) », 43-196.
- Sophie Delmas, « La question disputée de equalitate animarum d’Eustache d’Arras dans les controverses universitaires de la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle », 283-321.
- Alain de Libera, Leone Gazziero, « Le sophisma ‘Omnis homo de necessitate est animal’ du parisinus latinus 16135, f. 99rb-103vb », 323-368.
- Jean Celeyrette, « La Questio de puncto de Michel de Montecalerio en réponse à Jean Buridan », 369-449.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 58 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Roshdi Rashed, « A. Youschkevitch, historien des mathématiques arabes », 9-13.
- Isabella G. Bashmakova, “Diophantine Equations in Leonardo of Pisa,” 33-49.
- Irina Lyuter, “Metaphysical problems of the 13th- and 14th-century arabic geometry : the works of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī and their contemporaries,” 51-68.
- Dimitri A. Bayuk, Charles E. Ford, “Dante’s cosmology revisited,” 69-88.
- Uta Lindgren, “Forma et Figura. Mathematische Lehrbücher der mittelalterlichen Architekten und Ingenieure,” 89-98.
No issue 2 this year
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 101 (4 ipy)
Issue 1/2
- Bogdan Fajdek, OFM, Review of Giovanni da Parma e la grande speranza, by Alvaro Cacciotti, OFM, ed. Maria Melli, 315-317.
- Pacifico Sella, OFM, Review of Repertorium initiorum manuscriptorum latinorum Medii Aevi, curante Jacqueline Hamesse, auxiliante Slawomir Szyleer, 321-324.
Issue 3/4
- Barbara Faes, “Il contributo dell’Archivum Franciscanum Historicum agli studi di teologia e filosofia medievali,” 363-451.
- Hugues Dedieu, OFM, Review of Le saint chez le sultan. La recontre de François d’Assise et de l’islam. Huit siècles d’interprétation, by John Tolan, 585-588.
- Johannes Schlageter, OFM, Review of On Genesis, by Peter of John Olivi, ed. David Flood, OFM, 598-601.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 66 (1 ipy)
- Carlos Pérez González, „Tradición e innovación de los valores de res, rei en el latín medieval asturleonés (s. viii-1230),“ 103-121.
- Jacques Elfassi, „Notes philologiques sur l’édition critique des oeuvres d’lldefonse de Tolède,“ 189-200.
- Giacinta Spinosa, „Ornatus mundi. Nota di terminologia filosofica medievale,“ 201-212.
- Marcherita Belli, „Polisemia di essentia in Severino Boezio ed in alcuni suoi commentatori medievali,“ 213-236.
- Jacques Elfassi, Review of Etymologiae XVIII, by Isidorus Hispalensis, ed. and trans. Josefa Cantó Llorca, 367-369.
- Marie-Clotilde Hubert, Review of Sincerus, sinceritas e lemmi affini da Tertulliano a Thommaso d’Aquino, un’analisi storico-semantica con annesso archivio lessicografico in CD-ROM, by Enzo Portalupi, 369-371.
Augustinian Studies, 44 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- J. Patout Burns, “Marital Fidelity as a remedium concupiscentiae: An Augustinian Proposal,” 1-35.
- Melanie Webb, “‘On Lucretia who slew herself’: Rape and Consolation in Augustine’s De ciuitate dei,” 37-58.
- Paul Rigby, “Was Augustine a Narcissist?,” 59-91.
- Ellen R. Scully, “De Musica as the Guide to Understanding Augustine’s Trinitarian Numerology in the De Trinitate,” 93-116.
- Anne-Marie Schultz, Review of Inner Grace: Augustine in the Traditions of Plato and Paul, by Phillip Cary, and Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine’s Thought, by Philip Cary, 119-124.
- Paul J. Griffiths, Review of Once Out of Nature: Augustine on Time and the Body, by Andrea Nightingale, 136-141.
- Daniel Morehead, Review of Augustine and the Fundamentalist’s Daughter, by Margaret Miles, 142-145.
- John Spano, Review of Augustine’s Early Theology of the Church: Emergence and Implications, 386–391, by David Alexander, 155-158.
- Matthew Drever, Review of Augustine and Roman Virtue, by Brian Harding, 171-175.
- Kevin Grove, Review of Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology, by Paige E. Hochschild, 180-183.
- Franklin T. Harkins, Review of Henry of Ghent’s “Summa of Ordinary Questions” Articles Six to Ten on Theology, translated by Roland J. Teske, S.J., 184-187.
Issue 2
- Thomas Thompson, Review of The Eternal Generation of the Son: Maintaining Orthodoxy in Trinitarian Theology, by Kevin Giles, 289-292.
- Todd D. Vasquez, Review of On the Trinity, by Richard of Saint Victor, trans. Ruben Angelici, 293-296.
- Adam Ployd, Review of The Influence of Origen on the Young Augustine: A Chapter of the History of Origenism, by György Heidl, 297-300.
- Reid B. Locklin, Review of The Divine Body in History: A Comparative Study of the Symbolism of Time and Embodiment in St. Augustine and Ramanuja, by Ankur Barua, 301-303.
- John Spano, Review of Restless Mind: Curiositas and the Scope of Inqury in St. Augustine’s Psychology, by Joseph Torchia, O. P., 304-307.
- Jeremy David Wallace, Review of Augustine’s City of God: A Critical Guide, ed. James Wetzel, 308-310.
- James A. Andrews, Review of Disciplining Christians: Correction and Community in Augustine’s Letters, by Jennifer Ebbeler, 311-314.
- Phillip Cary, Review of The Theological Epistemology of Augustine’s De Trinitate, by Luigi Gioia, OSB, 315-317.
- Angus Paddison, Review of Hermeneutics and the Church: In Dialogue with Augustine, by James A. Andrews, 318-320.
- Michael Cameron, Review of Praise Seeking Understanding: Reading the Psalms with Augustine, by Jason Byassee, 321-327.
Augustinianum, 48 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Rainer Jakobi, “Eine Augustinische Echtheitsfrage: De Octo Quaestionibus ex Veteri Testamento,” 205-210.
- Franco Gori, “Augustinus, Enarrationes In Psalmos 141-150: Replica dell’Editore,” 211-220.
- Prosper Grech, “L’interpretazione patristica dei Salmi,” 221-235.
- Salvatore Pricoco, Review of Omelie sulla Genesi, by Origene, ed. Manlio Simonetti, trans. Maria Ignazia Danieli, 237-241.
- Nello Cipriani, Review of Sant’Agostino e la teologia trinitaria del XX secolo: Ricerca storico-ermeneutica e prospettive speculative, by Pierluigi Sguazzardo, 241-246.
- Vittorino Grossi, Review of Il volto ambiguo della ricchezza: Agostino e I’episodio evangelico deI giovane ricco, by Luigi Manca, 246-247.
- Ilaria Ramelli, Review of L’escatologia della Chiesa: Dagli scritti giudaici fino al IV secolo, by Henryk Pietras, S.J., 247-253.
- Mario Mendoza Ríos, Review of Come dire con parole umane la Parola di Dio: Riflessioni ed indicazioni liturgico-pastarali sull’omelia, by Mauro Paternoster, 253-255.
Issue 2
- Bengt Alexanderson, „Adnotationes et interpretationes ad scripta quaedam Augustini Contra Manichaeos, necnon ad De Haeresibus,“ 257-304.
- Basil Studer, Review of «Le firmament de l’Écriture». L’hérméneutique augustinienne, by I. Bochet, 549-553.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 86 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 12 (1 ipy)
- Klaus Kahnert, „Augustin und die Skepsis: Wahrheit und Falschheit in den Soliloquia,“ 45-75.
- Sang-Sup Lee, „Die Pluralität der Intellekte und die Einheit der Erkenntnis: Kritiken und Rezeptionen des Monopsychismus des Averroes in der sog. Scholastik,“ 77-96.
- Bruno Tremblay, „Nécessité, rôle et nature de l’art logique, d’après Albert le Grand,“ 97-156.
- Harald Berger, „Martinus Anglicus (dictus Bilond?), Tractatus de suppositione. Einleitung und Text von Harald Berger,“ 157-173.
- Tamar Tsopurashvili, „»Meister Eckhart und Augustinus« Dritte Jahrestagung der Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft (Universität Würzburg, 23.-25. März 2007),“ 209-217.
- Christian Rode, Review of Summulae de practica sophismatum, by Johannes Buridanus, ed. Fabienne Pironet, and Summulae de propositionibus, by Johannes Buridanus, ed. Ria van der Lecq, 219-224.
- Tamar Tsopurashvili, Review of Die Verinnerlichung des Göttlichen. Eine Studei über den Gottesgeburtszklus und die Armutspredigt Meister Eckharts, by Rodrigo Guerlizoli, 224-230.
- Christof Kambrich, Review of De divisione philosophiae / Über die Einteilung der Philosophie, by Dominicus Gundissalinus, eds. and trans. Alexander Fidora and Dorothée Werner, 230-237.
- Klaus Kahnert, Review of Augustinian-Cartesian Index. Texts and Commentary, by Zbigniew Janowski, 245-248.
- Kirstin Zeyer, Review of Nicolaus Cusanus, Eine Einführung, by Thomas Leinkauf, 248-254.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 16 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 4
- Antoine Côté, “Siger of Brabant and Thomas Aquinas on Divine Power and the Separability of Accidents,” 681-700.
- Richard Cross, Review of Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus. Natural Theology in the High Middle Ages, by Alexander W. Hall, 814-816.
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 50 (1 ipy)
- Riccardo Quinto, „Il ms. British Library, Harley 658 e l’opera teologica di Stefano Langton,“ 17-52.
- Spencer E. Young, „Paris, BNF, Ms. Lat. 14726: Peter of Bar, Stephen Berout and Master G. A New Witness to William of Auxerre?,“ 53-82.
- David Bloch, „Nicholaus Graecus and the Translatio vetus of Aristotle’s De sensu,“ 83-103.
- Griet Galle, „The Anonymous Translator of the Translatio vetus of De Sensu,“ 105-150.
- Jennifer M. Gray, Gordon A. Wilson, „The Historical Development oft he Second Parisian University Exemplar of Henry of Ghent’s Quodlibet IV,“ 151-173.
- Stephen M. Metzger, „The Manuscripts of Writings by Ionnes Hagen de Indagine, O. Cart,“ 175-256.
- Francesco Siri, „Artur Michael Landgraf, storico della Frühscholastik,“ 257-301.
- Vasileios Syros, „A Note on the Transmission of Aristotle’s Political Ideas in Medieval Persia and Early-Modern India. Was There Any Arabic of Persian Translation of the Politics?,“ 303-309.
- Georgi Kapriev, Report on the conference “Greeks, Latins, and Intellectual History 1204-1500: Debates, Influences, Impressions, Translations, Migrations,” held 11-13 April 2008, Nicosia (Cyprus), 330-333.
- Stephen E. Young, Report on the conference “Crossing Boundaries at Medieval Universities: Intellectual Moments, Academic Disciplines and Societal Conflict,” held 16-17 May 2008, Madison, Wisconsin (USA), 333-340.
- Magdalena Bieniak, José Luis Narvaja, S.J., Francesco Siri, Report on the conference “Réceptions des Pères et de leurs écrits au Moyen Âge : Le devenir de la tradition ecclésiale,” held 11-14 juin 2008, Paris (France), 341-370.
- Tobias Davids, Sabine Lange, Report on the conference, “1308,” held 9.-12. September 2008, Köln (Deutschland), 371-385.
- Stephen M. Metzger, Garrett R. Smith, Report on the conference, “Philosophy and Theology in the Studia of the Religious Orders and at the Papal Court,” held 8-10 October 2008, Notre Dame, IN (USA), 385-398.
- Catherine König-Pralong, Report on the conference, “Pierre de Jean Olivi. Sources, doctrine et influence,” held 24-25 octobre 2008, Fribourg (Suisse), 398-413.
- Claus A. Andersen, Report on the conference, “Johannes Duns Scotus 1308-2008. Die philosophischen Perspektive seines Werkes / Investigations into his Philosophy,” held 5.-9. November 2008, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn (Deutschland), 413-435.
- André Goddu, Report on the conference “The Heavenly Bodies and Astronomy in the Natural Philosophy of the Middle Ages,” held 27-30 December 2008, Philadelphia (USA), 435-440.
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (irregular): No issue published this year.
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 78 (1 ipy)
- Lauge Olaf Nielsen, “Three Questions on the Old Law and the Gospel Precepts by Stephen Langton,” 3-36.
- David Bloch, “James of Venice and the Posterior Analytics,” 37-50.
- David Bloch, “Peter of Auvergne on Memory. An Edition of the Quaestiones super De memoria et riminiscentia,” 51-110.
- Heine Hansen, “Anonymus Domus Petri 206’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories,” 111-203.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 38 (4 ipy): NTR
Chôra, 6 (1 ipy)
- “«Un onagre fréquentable» : Entretiens avec Jean Jolivet (Ruedi Imbach, Irène Rosier-Catach),” 11-26.
- Francesco Paparella, “Immagine mimetica e immagine simbolica. Il valore delle agalmata tra tarda-antichità e alto Medioevo,” 101-124.
- Kristell Trego, “La subsistence des existants. La contribution de Jean Scot Érigene à la constitution d’un vocabulaire latin de l’être,” 143-179.
- Gérard Sondag, “Jean de Damas et Jean Duns Scot sur la doctrine dite Assumptus homo,” 211-249.
- Aurélien Robert, “Scepticisme ou renoncement au dogme ? Interpréter l’Eucharistie aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles,” 251-288.
- Adrian Papahagi, “Glossae collectae on Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy in Paris, BN Lat. MS 13953,” 291-337.
- Petre Guran, Review of Le Moyen Âge grec. Byzance IXe-Xve siècles, by Évelyne Patlagean.
- Petre Guran, Review of La religion de l’État. La construction de la République étatique dans le discours théologigue de l’Occident medieval (1250-1350), by Alain Bourean.
Collectanea Franciscana, 78 (4 ipy)
Issue 3-4
- Bernardino De Armellada, ofmcap., “« Sed hoc non capio » : Lo que Duns Escoto no entendía en Tomás de Aquino. La contingencia sincrónica, libertad en Dios y en el hombre,” 575-605.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 56 (6 ipy): NTR
Dialogue, 47 (4 ipy): NTR
Dionysius, 26 (1 ipy): NTR
Discusiones Filosóficas, Año 9 (1-2 ipy): NTR
Divus Thomas, 111 (3 ipy)
Issue 3
- Marco Rainini, “‘In Cardine Crucis.’ Tempo, eternità e redenzione nelle opera di Corrado di Hirsau: primi appunti,” 43-66.
Doctor Virtualis, 8 (1 ipy)
- Ilaria Prosperi, “Alimentarsi di false credenze. Agostino e la critica dei precetti alimentary manichei,” 7-55.
- Andrea Colli, “Aeternitas e Tempus: Ipotesi per un ripensamento della gnoseologia agostiniana,” 57-81.
- Riccardo Fedriga, “La conscienza della libertà. Una lettura del De Consolatione Philosophiae di Severino Boezio,” 83-104.
- Giuseppe Bottarini, “Construzione della teologia e unità della ragione in Tommaso d’Aquino. Una possibile interpretazione del Super Boetium De Trinitate,” 105-137.
- Riccardo Strobino, “Pono tibi istam: ‘Tu curris’. Uno sguardo alla teoria medievale delle obbligazioni,” 139-161.
- Michela Sechi, “Potenza di Dio e contingenza,” 163-187.
- Luigi Campi, “Un unico partito possibile? Teodicea e determinismo nel pensiero di John Wyclif,” 189-250.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 19 (1 ipy)
- Riccardo Chiaradonna, “What is Porphyry’s Isagoge?,” 1-30.
- Christoph Helmig, “Proclus and other Neoplatonists on Universals and Predication,” 31-52.
- Roberto Pinzani, “I Commenti di Boezio a Isagoge, 1, 9-13,” 53-87.
- Philippe Vallat, “Du possible au nécessaire. La conaissance de l’universel selon Farabi,” 89-121.
- Irène Rosier-Catach, “Les Glosule in Priscianum: sémantique et universaux,” 123-177.
- John Marenbon, “Abelard on Differentiae: How Consistent is His Nominalism?,” 179-190.
- Luisa Valente, “Un realismo signolare: forme e universali in Gilberto di Poitiers e nella Scuola Porretana,” 191-246.
- Marta Vittorini, “Univocal and Analogical Genus in Walter Burley’s Work,” 247-275.
- Laurent Cesalli, “Richard Brinkley contra dialecticae haereticos (Summa Logicae, II). Une conception métaphysico-logique de l’universel,” 277-333.
- Gabriele Galluzzo, “The Problem of Universals and Its History. Some General Considerations,” 335-369.
- Andrea Aiello, Robert Wielockx, “La versione del Quodlibet IV, qq. 7-8, di Enrico di Gand nel ms. Paris BnF lat. 16297,” 371-499.
- Silvia Donati, “Guglielmo di Clifford (? 1306) e alcuni commenti anonimi ai Libri naturales del ms. Cambridge, Peterhouse, 157 (De anima, De generatione et corruptione, Meteora, De somno et vigilia, De vegetabilibus),” 501-618.
- Mario Bertagna, “Peter of Candia’s Treatise On Consequences,” 619-675.
Early Science and Medicine, 13 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Chiara Crisciani, “Opus and sermo: The Relationship between Alchemy and Prophecy (12th-14th Centuries),” 4-24.
Issue 2
- Pamela O. Long, Review of Wind and Water in the Middle Ages: Fluid Technologies from Antiquity to the Renaissance,” edited by Stephen A. Walton, 195-198.
- John North, Review of Alfonso X el Sabio: Tablas de las constelaciones, by Ana Domínguez Rodríguez, Pilar Treviño Gajardo, and José Martínez Gázquez, 202-205.
- Femke Kok, Review of Heinrich von Gent über Metaphysik als erste Wissenschaft. Studien zu einem Metaphysikentwurf aus dem letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts, by Martin von Pickave, 206-207.
Issue 4
- Leigh N. Chipman and Efraim Lev, “Take a Lame and Decrepit Female Hyena…: A Genizah Study of Two Additional Fragments of Sābūr Ibn Sahl’s al-Aqrābādhīn al-Saghīr,” 361-383.
Issue 5
- Adam Takahashi, “Nature, Formative Power and Intellect in the Natural Philosophy of Albert the Great,” 451-481.
- Darrel H. Rutkin, Review of Les ‘Alchandreana’ primitifs: Étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d’origine arabe (Xe siècle), by David Juste, 511-513.
- Elly Dekker, Review of Ordering the Heavens: Roman Astronomy and Cosmology in the Carolingian Renaissance, by Bruce Eastwood, 514-515.
- Stefan Kirschner, Review of Nicole Oresme’s De visione stellarum (On Seeing the Stars), by Dan Burton, 520-521.
Issue 6: NTR
Estudios Filosoficos, 57 (3 ipy)
Issue 1 (no. 164)
- Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa, “La abstracción científica en el pensamiento maduro de Tomás de Aquino (o en torno a la ultima destrucción de la metafísica tomista),” 61-100.
Issues 2 (no. 165)-3 (no. 166): NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 1 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2
(Full issue available here.)
- André Ménard, “Bonaventure : commentaire du Notre Père, Evangile de Luc, chapitre 11. Note introductive et traduction,” 21-58.
- Gilles Berceville et Marc Ozilou, “Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin. Project d’une étude conjointe de leur commentaire du Troisième livres des Sentences. Herméneutique du sujet éthique et archéologie de la vie spirituelle,” 115-130.
- Sophie Delmas, “Les franciscains et l’Université,” 187-200.
- L. Mathieu, Review of Blaquerne, by Raymond Lulle, edited by Patrick Gifreu, 201-203.
Faith and Philosophy, 28 (4 ipy): NTR
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), [volume for 2008] (1-2 ipy)
ILL could not find any libraries that carry this journal. I emailed the journal about accessing volumes 41 and earlier but have not heard back.
Filozofia, 63 (10 ipy)
Issue 2
- Mária Mičaninová, Review of Maimonides’ Confrontation with Mysticism, by Menachem Kellner, 192-196.
Issue 3
- Michal Chabada, “Entrenching Ethics in Natural Law in Ian Duns Scotus (Original title: Zakotvenie etiky v prirodzenom zákone podľa Jána Dunsa Scota),” 240-251.
- Michal Chabada, Review of Epistemological and Psychological Aspects of Thomas Aquinas’s Understanding of Man (Original title: Epistemologické a psychologické aspekty Akvinského chápania človeka), by Jozef Matula, 286-288.
Issue 5
- Mária Mičaninová, “Philosophical Terminology in Rabbi Solomon Ben Gabirol’s Royal Crown (Original title: Filozofická terminológia Koruny kráľovstva rabína Šlomo Ben Gabirola),” 427-432.
- Michal Chabada, “Complementarity of Metaphysics and Theology in John Duns Scotus (Original title: Komplementarita metafyziky a teológie podľa Jána Dunsa Scota),” 433-443.
- Matúš Sitár, “Does Theology Meet the Aristotelian Standards of a Theoretical Science? A Dispute between Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus (Original title: Spĺňa teológia Aristotelove kritériá pre teoretickú vedu? Diskusia medzi Tomášom Akvinským a Jánom Dunsom Scotom),” 444-457.
Issue 7
- Peter Šajda, “The Theory of Image on the Background of the Doctrine of Analogy and Univocity in the Works of Meister Eckhart (Original title: Teória obrazu v súvislostiach náuky o analógii a univocite v diele Majstra Eckharta),” 573-581.
Issue 10
- Michal Chabada, Review of the conference “Johannes Duns Scotus 1308-2008. Filozofické pohľady na jeho dielo. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia 5.-9. novembra 2008, Bonn-Köln,” 944-946.
Franciscan Studies, 66 (1 ipy)
- Oleg Bychkov, “ The Nature of Theology in Duns Scotus and his Franciscan Predecessors,” 5-62.
- Alexander of Hales, The Sum of Theology, except translated by Oleg Bychkov, 63-74.
- Bonaventure, Commentary on the Sentences (of Peter Lombard) [Prologue], translated by Oleg Bychkov, 75-83.
- Peter of John Olivi, The Sum of Questions on The Sentences [of Peter Lombard], excerpt translated by David Flood O.F.M. and Oleg Bychkov, 83-99.
- Marilyn McCord Adams, “The Metaphysics of the Trinity in Some Fourteenth Century Franciscans,” 101-168.
- N. den Bok, M. Bac, A.J. Beck, K. Bom, E. Dekker, G. Labooy, H. Veldhuis and A. Vos, “ Scotus’s Concept of Person from the Christological Context of Lectura III 1,” 169-196.
- Oleg V. Bychkov, “What Does Beauty Have to Do With the Trinity?: From Augustine to Duns Scotus,” 197-212.
- Gabriele Galluzzo, “Scotus on the Essence and Definition of Sensible Substances,” 213-232.
- Eike-Henner W. Kluge, “Scotus on Accidental and Essential Causes,“ 233-246.
- Trent Pomplun, “Notes on Scotist Aesthetics in Light of Gilbert Narcisse’s Les Raisons de Dieu,“ 233-246.
- Giorgio Pini, “Scotus on the Objects of Cognitive Acts,“ 281-315.
- Douglas C. Langston, “The Aristotelian Background to Scotus’s Rejection of the Necessary Connection of Prudence and the Moral Virtues,“ 317-366.
- Mary Beth Ingham C.S.J., “Self-Mastery and Rational Freedom: Duns Scotus’s Contribution to the Usus Pauper Debate,“ 337-369.
- Cruz González-Ayesta, “Scotus’ Interpretation of the Difference between Voluntas ut Natura and Voluntas ut Voluntas,“ 371-412.
- Ludger Honnefelder, “ Franciscan Spirit and Aristotelian Rationality: John Duns Scotus’s New Approach to Theology and Philosophy,“ 465-478.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 55 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Wilfried Kühn, „Zur Kritik des politischen Platonismus im Mittelalter: Marsilius von Padua gegen Aegidius Romanus,“ 98-128.
- Włodzimierz Zega, „Traductions latines médiévales des œuvres grecques dans le manuscrit 1292 de la Bibliothèque Jagellonne de Cracovie,“ 219-239.
- Antonio Cimino, Review of Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquin bis Kant, by Martin Heidegger, 269-273.
Issue 2
- Ruedi Imbach, Review of Théologie négative et noms divins chez saint Thomas d’Aquin, by Thierry-Dominique Umbrecht, 504-506.
Giornale di Metafisica, 30 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Giuseppe Roccaro, “Ontologia, metafisica e pensiero islamico: Note introduttive (parte prima),” 57-74.
- Orlando Todisco, “Liberare la verità: Duns Scoto all’assalto della prigione di Dio,” 143-171.
Issue 2
- Giuseppe Roccaro, “Ontologia, metafisica e pensiero islamico: Note introduttive (parte seconda),” 313-332.
- Norbert Fischer, “Motivi agostiniani della filosofia di Immanuel Kant,” 333-360.
Issue 3
- Rafael Alvira, “Dio e il Dio di Platone,” 409-418.
Gregorianum, 89 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Juan Fernando Selles, “Acerca de la distincion y alcance de los habitos logicos segun Thomas de Aquino,” 69-85.
Issue 3
- Sergio Bonanni, “Anselmo e Abelardo. La ratio della teologia tra necessità e verosimiglianza,” 473-500.
Issue 4
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Libertà, sapienza e scienza in Ugo di S. Vittore e nell’anonimo della Summa Sententiarum,” 768-789.
Heythrop Journal, 49 (6 ipy)
Issue 2
- Laura Holt, “A Survey of Recent Work on Augustine,” 292-308.
- R. N. Swanson, Review of The Selected Works of Isaac of Stella: a Cistercian Voice from the Twelfth Century, edited by Dániel Deme,” 336-337.
- Edward Howells, Review of The Mystic Mind: the Psychology of Medieval Mystics and Ascetics, by Jerome Kroll and Bernard Bachrach, 340-342.
Issue 4
- R. N. Swanson, Review of John Wyclif: Myth and Reality, by G. R. Evans, and John Wyclif: Scriptural Logic, Real Presence, and the Parameters of Orthodoxy, by Ian Christopher Levy, 680-681.
- Louis Caruana, Review of Catholic Physics: Jesuit Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Germany, by Marcus Hellyer, 683-685.
- Jan Marten Ivo Klaver, Review of The Galileo Case: Trial/Science/Truth, by Mario D’Addio, and The Church and Galileo, ed. by Ernan McMullin, 685-687.
- Guido Giglioni, Review of Behind the Scenes at Galileo’s Trial, by Richard J. Blackwell, 687-689.
- Jan Marten Ivo Klaver, Review of Science and Theology Since Copernicus: The Search for Understanding, by Peter Barrett, 692-693.
Issue 6
- R. N. Swanson, Review of A Companion to John Wyclif, Late Medieval Theologian, edited by Ian Christopher Levy, 1071-1072.
- Thomas M. McCoog, Review of The Jesuits II: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540–1773, ed. John W. O’Malley, S.J., Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Steven J. Harris, and T. Frank Kennedy, S.J., 1079-1082.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 29 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- C. Dutilh Novaes, “Comparative Taxonomy of Medieval and Modern Approaches to Liar Sentences,” 227-261.
Issue 4: NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 25 (4 ipy): NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 63-64 (6 ipy)
Vol. 63: NTR
Vol. 64
Issue 2
- Janine Marie Idziak, Review of Aquinas, Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion Metaphysics and Practice, by Thomas Hibbs, 103-106.
Issue 3: NTR
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 16 (5 ipy): NTR
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 69 (4-5 ipy)
Issue 2
- Inigo Bocken, Review of Kontingenz, Berührung, Überschreitung: Zur philosophischen Propädeutik christlicher Mystik nach Nikolaus von Kues, by Johannes Hoff, 233-235.
Issue 3
- P.C. Beentjes, Review of Das Alphabet des Ben Sira: Hebräisch-deutsche Textausgabe mit einer Intpretation, by Dagmar Börner-Klein, 339.
Issue 4
- Satoshi Kikuchi, “Christological Problems in the Understanding of the Sonship in Meister Eckhart,” 365-381.
International Philosophical Quarterly, 48 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Brendan Palla, Review of Form and Being: Studies in Thomistic Metaphysics, by Lawrence Dewan, 128-130.
Issue 2
- John R. White, “Divine Light and Human Wisdom: Transcendental Elements in Bonaventure’s Illumination Theory,” 175-185.
- Clyde Lee Miller, Review of Master of Learned Ignorance: Eriugena, Eckhart, Cusanus, by Donald F. Duclow, 263-264.
- Curtis L. Hancock, Review of Praeambula Fidei: Thomism and the God of the Philosophers, by Ralph McInerny, 269-271.
Issue 3
- Ben Novak, “Anselm on Nothing,” 305-320.
- Michael M. Waddell, “Faith and Reason in the Wake of Milbank and Pickstock,” 381-396.
- Brendan Sweetman, Review of Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae: Critical Essays, edited by Brian Davies, 403-406.
Issue 4
- Robert Currie, “The Antinaturalist Turn and Augustine’s Nullification of Will,” 517-535.
- Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Review of Aquinas the Augustinian, edited by Michael Dauphinais, Barry David, and Matthew Levering, 563-565.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 3-4 (2 ipy)
ILL confirmed that both volumes 3 and 4 were published in 2008. Volume 1 was published in 2005, volume 2 was published in 2006, and there was no volume published in 2007 (July 14, 2017).
Volume 3
- Mehdi Aminrazavi, “Mullā Sadrā’s Divine Occasionalism and David Hume’s Critique of Causality,” 11-21.
- Edward Omar Moad, “A Significant Difference Between al-Ghazālī and Hume on Causation,” 22-39.
- Kirk Templeton, “Avicenna, Aquinas, and the Active Intellect,” 40-67.
- Germana Porcasi, “On the Islamic Judicial Logic in al-Ghazālī’s ’Asās al-qiyās,” 68-111.
- Katelin Mason, Review of Chance and Determinism in Avicenna and Averroes, by Catarina Belo, 112-117.
- Muhammad Hozien, Review of Knowledge Triumphant: The Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam, by Franz Rosenthal, 118-120.
- Unknown author, Review of The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, by Ayman Shihadeh, 124-126.
- Unknown author, Review of Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, edited by Oliver Leaman, 127-128.
- Unknown author, Review of The Construction of Knowledge in Islamic Civilization: Qudāma b. Ja‘far and his Kitāb al-kharāj wa-sinā‘at al-kitāba, 131-133.
Volume 4
- Lisa Farooque, “About Celestial Circulation: Averroes’ Tahafūt al-tahafūt and Aristotle’s De Caelo,” 21-38.
- Chelsea C. Harry, “Ibn Bājja and Heidegger on Retreat from Society,” 39-50.
- Carol L. Bargeron, “On Ghazālīan Epistemology: A Theory,” 51-68.
- Aytekin Özel, “Al-Ghazālī’s Method of Doubt and its Epistemological and Logical Criticism,” 69-76.
- Macksood Aftab, Review of Al-Kindī, by Peter Adamson, 109-110.
- M. Hozien, Review of Ibn Sīnā and his Influence on the Arabic and Latin World, by Jules Janssens, 113-115.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 16 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Emmanuel Levinas, “The Contemporary Relevance of Maimonides (1935),” 91-94.
- Michael Fagenblat, “Levinas and Maimonides: From Metaphysics to Ethical Negative Theology,” 95-147.
Issue 2
- Don Seeman, “Honoring the Divine as Virtue as Practice in Maimonides,” 195-251.
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 37 (6 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 33 (1 ipy)
- Anthony T. Flood, “Epistemic Badness,” 253-262.
The Journal of Religion, 88 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Adam Kotsko, “The Failed Divine Performative: Reading Judith Butler’s Critique of Theology with Anselm’s On the Fall of the Devil,” 209-225.
Issue 4
- Gian Balsamo, “The Place of the Soul in Augustine and Proust: Amorous Memory versus Neuroscience,” 439-465.
Journal of Religious Ethics, 36 (3-4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Kevin Carnahan, “Perturbations of the Soul and the Pains of the Body: Augustine on the Evil Suffered and Done in War,” 269-294.
Issue 3-4: NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 69 (4 ipy): NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 46 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Alexander W. Hall, Review of Demonstration and Scientific Knowledge in William of Ockham: A Translation of Summa Logicae III-II: De Syllogismo Demonstrativo, and Selections from the Prologue to the Ordinatio, by John Lee Longeway (translator), 170-172.
Issue 2
- Taneli Kukkonen, “No Man Is an Island: Nature and Neo-Platonic Ethics in Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān,” 187-204.
- Kevin White, Review of Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, by Simo Knuuttila, 316-317.
- Henrik Lagerlund, Review of From a Topical Point of View: Dialectic in Anselm of Canterbury’s De grammatico, by Peter Boschung, 317-318.
- Jennifer Hart Weed, Review of Aquinas and Maimonides on the Possibility of Knowledge of God: An Examination of the Quaestio de attributis, by Mercedes Rubio, 319-320.
Issue 3
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, “An Intensional Interpretation of Ockham’s Theory of Supposition,” 365-393.
- Roland J. Teske, Review of Feminist Interpretations of Augustine: Re-Reading the Canon, edited by Judith Chelius Stark, 480-481.
- Joseph W. Koterski, Review of The Prisoner’s Philosophy: Life and Death in Boethius’s Consolation, by Joel C. Relihan, 481-482.
- Michael J. Fitzgerald, Review of Logic and Ontology in the Syllogistic of Robert Kilwardby, by Paul Thom, 482-483.
- Thomas Williams, Review of Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus: Natural Theology in the High Middle Ages, by Alexander W. Hall, 483-485.
Issue 4
- P.S. Eardley, Review of Historical Dictionary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology, by Stephen F. Brown and Juan Carlos Flores, 636-637.
- Jeremiah Hackett, Review of Eriugena, Berkeley, and the Idealist Tradition, edited by Stephen Gersh and Dermot Moran, 638-640.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 71 (1 ipy): NTR
Laval théologique et philosophique, 64 (3 ipy)
Isssue 1
- Carlos Fraenkel, “Philosophy and Exegesis in al-Fârâbî, Averroes, and Maimonides,” 105-125.
- Sébastien Falardeau, “Ex. 3, 14 dans l’oeuvre d’Augustin. Une révision de la liste des Bénédictins de Beuron et un complément du ‘Corpus Augustinianum Gissense II,’ de la ‘Patrologia latina’ et du ‘Corpus Christianorum’,” 127 – 145.
Issue 2
- William P. Haggerty, “Beyond the Letter of His Master’s Thought: C.N.R. McCoy on Medieval Political Theory,” 467-483.
Issue 3
- Peter Lautner, “Methods in examining Sense-perception: John Philoponus and Ps.-Simplicius,” 651-661.
Médiévales, 54-55 (2 ipy)
Volume 54
- Sylvain Piron, « Un avis retrouvé de Jacques Fournier, » 113-134.
- Claire Angotti, Review of L’Autorité des maîtres. Scolastique, normes et société au xiiie siècle, by Elsa Marmurstejn, 159-162.
Volume 55: NTR
Mediaeval Sophia, 3-4 (1-2 ipy)
Volume 4
- Nicolò Basile, “La nozione di partecipazione nel Commento di Tommaso d’Aquino al libro L della Metafisica di Aristotele,” 20-45.
- Domenica Parisi, “De opera prime die. Esegesi, dialettica e teologia nel comment di Pietro Abelardo al primo giorno della creazione divina,” 58-80.
- Andrea Le Moli, “Negare l’Uno? Percorsi della teologia apofatica nel Neoplatonismo,” 147-165.
Mediaeval Studies, 70 (1 ipy)
- Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, “‘Ut sine fine amet summam essentiam’: The Eudaemonist Ethics of St. Anselm,” 1-28.
- Robert E. Lerner, “Meister Eckhart’s Specter: Fourteenth-Century Uses of the Bull In agro dominico Including a Newly Discovered Inquisitorial Text of 1337,” 115-134.
Mediaevalia, 29 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mariele Nientied, “Divine Names and Their Theoretical Implications,” 7-26.
- This article may not be relevant, but I figured I would include it just in case.
Issue 2: NTR
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 27 (1 ipy)
- Noeli Dutra Rossato, “Evangelium eternum. A hermenêutica condenada de Joaquim de Fiore,” 99-116.
- Francisco Bertelloni, “La filosofía explica la revelación. Sobre el ‘averroismo político’ en el Defensor Pacis de Marsilio de Padua,” 117-138.
- Marco Toste, Review of Natural Law and Political Realism in the History of Political Thought, Volume 1: From the Sophists to Machiavelli, by Robert W. Dyson, 173-176.
- Gonçalo Figueiredo, Review of Juão Duns Escoto, Introdução ao seu pensamento filosófico-teológico, by José António Merino, translated by José David Antunes, 177-180.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 33 (1 ipy)
- Griet Galle, “The Dating and Earliest Reception of the Translatio uetus of Aristotle’s De sensu,” 7-96.
- Ernesto Perini-Santos, “Un supplément d’âme. La construction d’un paradoxe médiéval concernant la théorie de l’action,” 97-128.
- Fabio Zanin, “Matematica e nuova fisica del Trecento. Le leggi del moto e il significato di ‘natura’,” 129-154.
- Manuel Lázaro Pulido, “La raíz metafisica del signo sacramental en Duns Escoto,’ 155-177.
- Andrea Colli, “Tempo cairologico e senso della storia nelle Epistulae 197 e 199 di Agostino d’Ippona,” 179-190.
- Beatrice Cillerai, “Agostino e la memoria: modelli di ricordo nella Vita beata,” 191-212.
- Pavel Blažek, “Il commento di Bartolomeo di Bruges al De Inundatione Nili, Edizione del testo,” 221-264.
Micrologus, 16 (1 ipy)
- Chiara Crisciani, “Alchimia, alchimisti e corti nel tardo Medioevo: documenti e racconti,” 433-459.
- Monica Ferrari, “«Ordine da servare nella vita» ed «emploi du temps». Il ruolo pedagogico del medico in due corti europee tra ‘400 e ‘600,” 295-312.
- Gianfranco Fiovarenti, “Eugenetica alla corte di Giacomo II d’Aragona: il Libellus de ingegnio bone nativitatis,” 393-405.
- Romana Martorelli Vico, “Fondamenti biologici di uno «Speculum principis». Il «De regimine principum» di Egidio Romano,” 257-270.
- Danielle Jacquart, “Naissance d’une pédiatrie en milieu de cour,” 271-94.
- Jean-Pierre Muhltahler, “Une grammaire des Vices à l’usage des courtisans: Le Doctrinal du Temps Presente (1466) de Pierre Michault,” 515-536.
- Marilyn Nicoud, “Les savoirs diététiques, entre contraintes médicales et plaisirs aristocratiques,” 233-256.
- Thomas Ricklin, “Alfonso X. von Kastilien und Léon: die mythologische Schöpfung des Königs als «Sabio»,” 487-515.
- Vera Segre, “La medicina e la cultura della corte nei Tacuina sanitatis illustrate”, 347-372.
- Baudoin Van den Abeele, “Encyclopédies en milieu de cour”, 31-55.
- Julien Véronèse, “Contre la divination et la magie à la cour: trois traités adressés à des grands aux XIVe et XVe siècles,” 405-432.
- Steven J. Williams, “Public Stage and Private Space. The Court as a Venue for the Discussion, Display, and Demonstration of Science and Technology in the Later Middle Ages,” 459-486.
- Gabriella Zuccolin, “Sapere medico e istruzioni etico-politiche. Michele Savonarola alla corte estense,” 313-326.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 32 (1 ipy): NTR
Mind, 117 (4 ipy): NTR
The Modern Schoolman, 85 – 86
Vol. 85
Issue 2
- Victor Salas, “The Judgemental Character of Thomas Aquinas’s Analogy of Being,” 117-142.
- Shun’ichi Takayanagi, Review of The Metaphysics of the Incarnation: Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus, by Richard Cross, 183-185.
Issue 3
- Joseph Li Vecchi, “Quine and Aquinas: On What There Is,” 207-223.
- Matthew R. McWhorter, “The Real Distinction of Substance & Quality: John of St. Thomas in Contrast to Ockham & Descartes,” 225-245.
Issue 4:
- Norman J. Wells, “Descartes and the Coimbrans on Material Falsity,” 271-316.
- Ronald H. McKinney, “Neo-Aristotelian epieikeia and Probabilism,” 317-332.
Vol. 86
Issue 1-2 (joint issue for November 2008 and January 2009)
- William J. Courtenay, “The Academic and Intellectual Context of British Philosophy in the Thirteenth and Fourtheenth Centuries,” 7-23.
- Neil Lewis, “Grosseteste on Being,” 25-46.
- R. James Long, “Lying with Hagar: The Role of Natural Philosophy in the Theology of Richard Fishacre,” 47-64.
- Rega Wood, “Appellation, Signification, & Universal Names According to Richard Rufus (d. circa 1250),” 65-122.
- Jeremiah Hackett, “Roger Bacon’s Concept of Experience: A New Beginning in Medieval Philosophy?,” 123-146.
- Girard Etzkorn, “John Pecham, O.F.M. & Archbishop of Canterbury,” 147-160.
- Mark G. Henninger, S.J., “Henry of Harclay on the Will’s Ability to Hate God,” 161-180.
- Alessandro D. Conti, “Ockham and Burley on Categories and Universals: A Comparison,” 181-210.
- Stephen E. Lahey, “On Divine Ideas and Insolubles: Wyclif’s Explanation of God’s Understanding of Sin,” 211-232.
The Monist, 91 (4 ipy): NTR
New Scholasticism = American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Nous, 42 (4 ipy): NTR
Nova et Vetera, 6 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Stephen L. Brock, “Veritatis Splendor §78, St. Thomas, and (Not Merely) Physical Objects of Moral Acts,” 1-61.
- Lawrence Dewan, O.P., “St. Thomas, Rhonheimer, and the Object of the Human Act,” 63-112.
- Peter A. Kwasniewski, “Aquinas on Eucharistic Ecstasy: From Self-Alienation to Gift to Self,” 157-204.
- Thomas M. Osbourne Jr., “Augustine and Aquinas on Foreknowledge Through Causes,” 219-232.
Issue 2
- J. Mark Armitage, “Aquinas on the Divisions of the Ages Salvation History in the Summa,” 253-270.
Issue 3
- John F. Boyle, “The Analogy of ‘Homo’ and ‘Deus’ in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Lectura romana,” 663-668.
Issue 4
- Paul Gondreau, “The ‘Inseparable Connection’ between Procreation and Unitive love (Humanae Vitae, §12) and Thomistic Hylemorphic Anthropology,” 731-764.
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, “St. Thomas’s Moral Psychology and the Rejection of Humanae Vitae,” 837-856.
Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No volume published this year.
Oriens (4 ipy): No volumes published between 2001 (Vol. 36) and 2009 (Vol. 37)
Philosopher’s Imprint, 8 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophia, 36 (4 ipy): NTR
The Philosophical Quarterly, 58 (4 ipy)
Issue 4
- Yujin Nagasawa, “A New Defence of Anselmian Theism,” 577-596.
The Philosophical Review, 117 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Jeffery E. Brower, Susan Brower-Toland, “Aquinas on Mental Representation: Concepts and Intentionality,” 193-243.
Issue 3-4: NTR
Philosophical Studies, 137 – 141 (30 ipy)
Volume 137-140: NTR
Volume 141, Issue 3
- Patrick Toner, “Emergent substance,” 281-297.
Philosophical Topics, 36 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophiques, 35 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 20 (2 ipy)
Issue 1/2
- Timothy Hinton, “The Priority of the Via Negative in St. Anselm’s Monologion,” 3-27.
Philosophy Compass, 3 (12 ipy): NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 26-27 (2 ipy): NTR
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 82 (1 ipy)
- David Burrell, C.S.C, “Postmodern Aquinas: With Attention to Aquinas’s Relation to Scotus: Language or Logic,” 27-30.
- John Milbank, “The Ethics of Honour and the Possibility of Promise,” 31-65.
- John F. X. Knasas, “Aquinas: The Desire to Love and the Religion Possibility,” 115-123.
- Marie I. George, “Aquinas on Weather One Ought to Confide All One’s Problems to True Friends,” 173-188.
- John J. Fitzgerald, “Timeless Troubles: The Challenge of Prophecy to the Eternity Solution to the Foreknowledge/Freedom Dilemma,” 203-215.
- Richard Colledge, “On Ex(s)istere: Revisiting the “To Be”-“To Exist” Debate,” 263-274.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 8 (1 ipy)
- Saikat Guha, “An Interpretation of Aquinas’s First and Second Ways,” 8-18.
- Saikat Guha, “A Formulation of Aquinas’s Third Way,” 19-23.
- Saikat Guha, “From Self-Existence to Absolute Perfection,” 24-35.
Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 8 (1 ipy)
- Guy Guldentops, “God’s Unchangeability and the Changeability of Creatures from Bonaventure to Durandus. Scotus in Context,” 3-25.
- Mark G. Henninger, “Henry of Harclay and Duns Scotus,” 27-56.
- Tobias Hoffmann, “Walter Chatton on the Connection of the Virtues,” 57-82.
- Guido Alliney, “Utrum necesse sit voluntatem frui. Note sul volontarismo francescano inglese del primo Trecento,” 83-138.
- Wouter Goris, “After Scotus. Dispersions of Metaphysics, of the Scope of Intelligibility, and of the Transcendental in the Early 14th Century,” 139-157.
- Isabelle Mandrella, “La controverse sur l’univocation de l’étant et le surtranscendantal. La métaphysique de Nicolas Bonet,” 159-175.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Reading e Scoto,” 177-199.
- Mauro Zonta, “Elementi per la storia di uno «scotismo ebraico»,” 201-218.
- Marco Forlivesi, “Quae in hac quaestione tradit Doctor videntur humanum ingenium superare. Scotus, Andrés, Bonet, Zerbi, and Trombetta Confronting the Nature of Metaphysics,” 219-277.
- Francesco Marrone, “Descartes e la tradizione scotista. Gli antecedenti storici della nozione di realitas objectiva,” 279-302.
- Anne A. Davenport, “Probabilism and Scotism at the Stuart Court,” 303-321.
- Lukáš Novák, “The (Non-)Reception of Scotus’s Proof of God’s Existence by the Baroque Scotists,” 323-344.
- Igor Agostini, “La tradizione scotista e la dottrina della positività dell’infinito,” 345-364.
- Jacob Schmutz, “Le petit scotisme du Grand Siècle. Étude doctrinale et documentaire sur la philosophie au Grand Couvent des Cordeliers de Paris, 1517-1771,” 365-472.
- Daniel D. Novotný, “Forty-Two Years after Suárez. Mastri and Belluto’s Development of the «Classical» Theory of Entia Rationis,” 473-498.
- Henrik Wels, “Antonius Roccus-«parum versatus in Scotica doctrina»,” 499-518.
- Frédéric Manzini, “Spinoza en scotiste. Étude de quelques questions communes à Duns Scot et Spinoza,” 519-534.
- Stefano Di Bella, “Il Fantasma dell’ecceità. Leibniz, Scoto e il principio d’individuazione,” 535-567.
- Giovanni Maddalena, “Un estremista dello scotismo: Charles S. Peirce,” 569-583.
- Olivier Boulnois, “La philosophie analytique et la métaphysique selon Duns Scot,” 585-610.
- Mario De Caro, “Temi scotistici nel dibattito contemporaneo sul libero arbitrio,” 611-623.
- Anna Arezzo, Review of Weakness of Will from Plato to the Present, edited by T. Hoffmann, 627 – 635.
- Giovanna D’Aniello, (multiple reviews) Review of The Problem of Weakness of Will in Medieval Philosophy, edited by T. Hoffmann, J. Müller, M. Perkams; Review of Hat der Mensch einen freien Willen? Die Antworten der großen Philosophen, edited by U. an der Heiden, H. Schneider, 635 – 648.
- Veneranda Castellano, Review of Logique et Théologie. Les écoles parisiennes entre 1150 – 1220, by L. Valente, 648 – 653.
- Michelino Grandieri, Review of Die Syncategoremata von Wilhelm von Sherwood. Kommentierung und historische Einordnung, by R. Kirchhoff, 653 – 655.
- Evelina Miteva, Review of Homo animal nobilissimum. Konturen des spezifisch Menschlichen in der naturphilosophischen Aristoteleskommentierung des Dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, by T.W. Köhler, 656 – 664.
- Michelino Grandieri, Review of The Art and Logic of Ramon Llull. A User’s Guide, by A. Bonner, 665 – 667.
- Marienza Benedetto, (multiple reviews) Review of Dietrich von Freiberg. Philosophie, Theologie, Naturforschung um 1300, by K. Flasch; Review of Œuvres choisies. I. Substances, quidités et accidents. Traités des accidents. Traité des quidités des étants, by Dietrich de Freiberg, translated and annotated by C. König-Pralong and R. Imbach, introduction by K. Flasch; Review of Recherches sur Dietrich de Freiberg, edited by J. Biard, D. Calma, R. Imbach; Review of D’Averroès à Maître Eckhart. Les sources arabes de la «mystique» allemande, by K. Flasch; Review of Studi sulle fonti di Meister Eckhart. I (Aristoteles – Augustinus – Avicenna – Dionysius – Liber de causis – Proclus – Seneca), edited by L. Sturlese, 667 – 684.
- Marco Lamanna, Review of Das ‘Super’-Transzendentale und die Spaltung der Metaphysik Der Entwurf des Franziskus von Marchia, by S. Folger-Fonfara, 684 – 690.
- Veneranda Castellano, Review of Locutio angelica. Die Diskussion der Engelsprache als Antizipation einer Sprechakttheorie in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, by B. Roling, 690 – 694.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 75 (2 ipy)
- Nadia Germann, “Logik zwischen ‘Kunst’ und ‘Wissenschaft’: Avicenna zum Status der Logik in seiner Isagoge,” 1-32.
- Matthias Perkams, “Robert von Melun und die Rezeption der abaelardischen Ethik im 12. Jahrhundert: Nebst einer kritischen Edition von Robert von Melun, Sententiae, I, II, [0], 164-171 und I, I, 8, 79-84,” 33-76.
- Pieter Beullens, Pieter De Leemans, “Aristote à Paris: Le système de la pecia et les traductions de Guillaume de Moerbeke,” 87-135.
- Marialucrezia Leone, “The Theologian and the Contracts: Henry of Ghent and the emptio-venditio reddituum,” 137-160.
- Isabelle Mandrella, “Metaphysik als Supertranszendentalwissenschaft?: Zum scotistischen Metaphysikentwurf des Nicolaus Bonetus,” 161-193.
- Guibert Michiels, Notices bibliographiques, 195 – 204.
- Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Review of; Avicenna’s Metaphysics in Context, by Robert Wisnovsky; The Reception of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā’. A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought, by Amos Bertolacci; Probing in Islamic Philosophy. Studies in the Philosophies of Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali and Other Major Muslim Thinkers, by Michael Marmura, 204 – 207.
- Ueli Zahnd, Review of La puissance des mots. « Virtus verborum ». Débats doctrinaux sur le pouvoir des incantations au Moyen Âge, by Béatrice Delaurenti, 207 – 210.
- Andreas Speer, Review of Corpus Teutonicorum Philosophorum Medii Aevi, 210 – 215.
- Richard Cross, Review of Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics and the Trinity. With a Critical Editions of Question Six of Article Fifty-Five of the Summa Quaestionum Ordinariarum, by J.C. Flores, 216 – 219.
- Callen Ledsham, Review of The Philosophy of John Duns Scotus, by A. Vos, 220 – 235.
- Guy Guldentops, Review of Durandus of St. Pourçain. A Dominican Theologian in the Shadow of Aquinas, by Isabel Iribarren, 235 – 237.
- M.W.F. Stone, Review of Jean Gerson and the Last Medieval Reformation, by Brian Patrick McGuire; Review of A Companion to Jean Gerson, edited by Brian Patrick McGuire, 237 – 243.
- Guy Guldentops, Review of Das Siegel der Ewigkeit. Universalwissenschaft und Konziliarismus bei Heymericus de Campo, by Florian Hamann, 243 – 249.
Religious Studies, 44 (4 ipy): NTR
Res Philosophica = See The Modern Schoolman
The Review of Metaphysics, 62 (4 ipy)
- John O’Callaghan, “The Plurality of Forms: Now and Then,” 3-43.
- Michael Hector Storck, “Parts, Wholes, and Presence by Power: A Response to Gordon P. Barnes,” 45-59.
- Brandon Zimmerman, Review of Connaissance et vérité chez Maître Eckhart, by Julie Casteigt, 129-130.
- Brandon Zimmerman, Review of Ever Ancient, Ever New: Ruminations on the City, the Soul, and the Church. Collected Essays, Vol. 4, by Ernest L. Fortin, edited by Michael P. Foley, 136-138.
- Brandon Zimmerman, Review of Theophany. The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite, by Eric D. Perl, 149-151.
Issue 3
- Edward Grant, “The Fate of Ancient Greek Natural Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Islam and Western Christianity,” 503-526.
Issue 4
- Robert Kraynak, Review of Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Promise of the Common Good, by Mary M. Keys, 843-844.
- Mark D. Gossiaux, Review of Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II, by John F. Wippel, 866-868.
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2008 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mohammed Hocine Benkheira, « Hammam, nudité et ordre moral dans l’islam médiéval (II), » 75-128.
Issue 3
- Charles Baladier, « Intensio de la charité et géométrie de l’infini chez Guillaume d’Auxerre, » 347-392.
Issue 4
- Sumi Shimahara, « Exégèse et politique dans l’œuvre d’Haymon d’Auxerre, » 471-486.
- Charlotte Touati, Review of Les Virtuoses et la multitude. Aspects sociaux de la controverse entre Augustin et les pélagiens, by Jean-Marie Salamito, 550-554.
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 92 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- David Piché, « Le concept de vérité dans la Summa de bono (Q. I-III) de Philippe le Chancelier, » 3-31.
- Sylvio Hermann de Franceschi, « Fénelon et la définition du vrai thomisme : De la condamnation du Cas de conscience (1704) à la bulle Unigenitus (1713), » 33-76.
Issue 2
- Emmanuel Durand, « Comment pratiquer la théologie trinitaire en pèlerin ? Béatitude et Trinité selon Richard de Saint-Victor et Thomas d’Aquin, » 209-223.
- Camille de Belloy, « Habitation et missions des personnes divines selon Thomas d’Aquin : Principes de distinction, normes d’intégration, » 225-240.
- Isabel Iribarren, « La christologie de Durand de Saint-Pourçain dans le contexte de l’émergence du thomisme au XIVe siècle, » 241-256.
- Gérard Remy, « Le tragique dans la pensée d’Augustin, » 257-285.
- Louis-Jacques Bataillon, « Sur Aristote et le Mont-Saint-Michel : Notes de lecture, » 329-334.
Issue 3
- Alain de Libera, « Renouveaux de la pensée médiévale : la contribution dominicaine, » 471-489.
- Emmanuel Falque, « Limite théologique et finitude phénoménologique chez Thomas d’Aquin, » 527-556.
- Fergus Ker, « Un thomisme analytique ?, » 557-567.
- Jacques Courcier, « Dominique Dubarle et la géométrie projective, » 623-636.
Issue 4 : NTR
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 82 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Isabel Iribarren, « Consensus et dissidence à la cour papale d’Avignon : Le cas de la controverse sur la vision béatifique, » 107-126.
- Marc Aoun, Review of Grandeurs et faiblesses de l’Église au Moyen Age, by Pierre Riche, 132-133.
Issue 2
- François Tonon, « L’ « Alliance nouvelle » dans l’épître aux Hébreux et son commentaire par Thomas d’Aquin, » 179-197.
- Mariette Canévet, Review of « Le firmament de l’Écriture ». L’herméneutique augustinienne, by Isabelle Bochet, 281-282.
Issue 3
- Karsten Lehmkühler, « Torah et Éthique : l’histoire d’un débat, » 343-360.
Issue 4
- Françoise Vinel, Review of Rethinking Augustine’s Early Theology : An Argument for Continuity, by Carol Harrison, 573-574.
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 54 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Georges Folliet, « Les trois sens possibles des mots confessio / confiteri dans les Adnotationes in Job d’Augustin, » 31-42.
- Francesco Fiorentino, « L’agostinismo del secolo XIV, » 135-151.
Issue 2 : NTR
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 61 (2 ipy)
Issue 2
- Hiro Hirai, « Les logio spermatikoi et le concept de semence dans la minéralogie et la cosmogonie de Paracelse, » 245-264.
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 133 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jean-Marc Gabaude, Review of Naissances de la philosophie politique, by Anne Baudart, 81-82.
- Stéphane Chauvier, Review of Le réalisme esthétique, by Roger Pouivet, 97-98.
Issue 2
- Geneviève Brykman, Review of Eriugena, Berkeley and the Idealist Tradition, edited by Stephen Gersh and Dermot Moran, 233-234.
- Jean Dubray, Review of Métaphysique de l’être. Essai de philosophie fondamentale, by André Léonard, 244-246.
Issue 3
- Henri Dilberman, Review of La signification et l’enseignement. Texte latin, traduction francaise et commentaire du De magistro de saint Augustin, by Emmanuel Bermon, 373-374.
- Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin, Review of Spinoza lecteur de Maïmonide. La question théologicopolitique, by Catherine Chalier, 383-384.
Issue 4 : NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 106 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Généalogie de la docilité dans l’Antiquité et le Haut Moyen Âge, by Gaëlle Jeanmart, 387 – 388.
- Christian Brouwer, Review of La Trinité. Saint Augustin, by Maxence Caron, 388 – 389.
- Gaëlle Jeanmart, Review of Somme Théologique. La prudence. 2a-2ae, Questions 47-56, by Thomas d’Aquin, translated by Thomas Deman, updated by Jean-Pierre Torrell, 389 – 391.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Commentaire du Livre des causes, by Thomas d’Aquin, translated and edited by Béatrice Decossas and Jérôme Decossas, 391 – 392.
- Sévérin Yapo, Review of Sur le bonheur, texts by Thomas d’Aquin and Boèce de Dacie, translated and edited by Ruedi Imbach and Ide Fouche, 392 – 396.
- Christian Brouwer, Review of Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas, II, by John F. Wippel, 396 – 398.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Maître Eckhart. Le procès de l’Un, by Hervé Pasqua, 398 – 401.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Mystique et philosophie. Grunt, abgrunt et Ungrund chez Maître Eckhart et Jacob Böhme, by Virginie Pektaş, 402 – 403.
- Gaëlle Jeanmart, Review of Nicolas d’Autrécourt et la Faculté des Arts de Paris (1317 – 1340). Actes du colloque de Paris. 19-21 mai 2005, Edited by S. Caroti and C. Grellard, 403 – 407.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Explizite Komplikationen. Der radikale Holismus des Nikolaus von Kues, by Arne Moritz, 409 – 410.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of « Ad ingenii acuitionem ». Studies in Honour of Alfonso Maierú (Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 38), edited by Stefano Caroti, Reudi Imbach, Zénon Kaluza, Giorgio Stabile and Loris Sturlese, 410 – 411.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Écriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médiévaux. Volume d’hommage offert à Colette Sirat (Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 34), edited by J. Hamesse and O. Weijers, 411 – 413.
- Arnis Rïtups, “Âme et Intellect. Perspectives anciennes et médiévales sur le De Anima. [Jubilé du Centre De Wulf-Mansion/De Wulf-Mansion Centrum, 14-17 février 2007],” 415-451.
Issue 3-4: NTR
Revue Thomiste, CVIII (4 ipy)
Issue 1
Serve-Thomas Bonino, O.P., « Qu’est-ce que ‘antithomisme ?, » 9-38.
Isabel Iribarren, « L’antithomisme de Durand de Saint-Pourçain et ses précédents, » 39-56.
Catherine Köning-Pralong, « Dietrich de Freiberg : métaphysicien allemand antithomiste, » 57-79.
Marie-Bruno Borde, O.C.D., « Jean de Pouilly est-il antithomiste ?, » 81-104.
Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen, « Comment lire les grands maîtres ? Gérard de Monte, Heymeric de Campo et la question de l’accord entre Albert le Grand et Thomas d’Aquin (1456), » 105-130.
Pierre Maraval, Review of Denys l’Aréopagite. Tradition e métamorphoses, by Ysabel de Andia, 183.
Dominique Doucet, Review of Mystique : la passion de l’Un, de l’Antiquité à nos jours, edited by Alain Dierkens, Benoît Beyer de Ryke, 186-188.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of Généalogies du sujet. De saint Anselm à Malebranche, edited by Olivier Boulnois, 189-192.
Albert-Henri Kühlem, O.P., Review of Die Philosophie Philipps des Kanzlers. Ein philosophierender Theologe des frühen 13. Jahrhunderts, by Niklaus Wicki, 192-193.
Gérard Sondag, Review of Selbstbewegung des Willens bei Thomas von Aquin, by Yul Kim, 193-195.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of La Puissance des mots-« Virtus verborum ». Débats doctrinaux sur le pouvoir des incantations au Moyen Âge, by Béatrice Delaurenti, 195-198.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages : II. The Fourteenth Century, edited by Christopher Schabel, 198-203.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of L’Autorité des maîtres. Scolastique, normes e société au XIIe siècle, by Elsa Marmursztejn, 204-206.
Issue 2
Philippe Curbelié, Review of Augustine, L’expérience du Verbe, by Dominique Doucet, 377.
Philippe Curbelié, Review of « Le firmament de l’Écriture », L’herméneutique augustiniennes, by Isabelle Bochet, 378-379.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Function and Significance, edited by Isabel Iribarren, Martin Lenz, 383-386.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of Durandus of St Pourçain: A Dominican Theologian in the Shadow of Aquinas, by Isabel Iribarren, 386-390.
Issue 3
Bertrand-Marie Perrin, O.S.B., « L’institution du mariage dans le Commentaire des Sentences de saint Thomas (I), » 423-466.
Emmanuel Durand, O.P., « La mission eschatologique du Christ implique sa preexistence ontologique. Un argument scripturaire de saint Thomas d’Aquin en prise avec le débat christologique actuel, » 467-496.
Issue 4
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., « L’ange et le prophète. La médiation angélique dans la révélation prophétique selon saint Thomas d’Aquin, » 531-571.
Avital Wholman, « La signification de la désobéissance d’Adam selon les trois monothéismes, » 573-598.
Bertrand-Marie Perrin, O.S.B., « L’institution du mariage dans le Commentaire des Sentences de saint Thomas (II), » 599-646.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of L’Uomo e il mistero di Dio. Corso di teologia e filosofica, by Luis Romera, 653-656.
Dominique Doucet, Review of La Beauté selon saint Augustin. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, by Jean-Michel Fontanier, 668-669.
Louise-Marie Antoniotti, O.P., Review of Le Créé et l’incréé. Maxime le Confesseur et Thomas d’Aquin. Aux sources de la querelle palamienne, by Antoine Lévy, 672-675.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of Pour un histoire de la « double vérité », by Luca Bianchi, 676-678.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of D’Averroès à Maître Eckhart. Les sources arabes de la « mystique » allemande, suivi de Pourquoi étudions-nous la philosophie médiévale ?, by Kurt Flasch, French text by Jacob Schmutz, 678-682.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, Review of La Sopravvivenza e la gloria. Appunti sulla formazione della prima scuola tomista (sec. XIV), by Andrea A. Robiglio, 682-683.
Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of La Paix de la foi. La lettre à Jean de Ségovie, by Nicolas de Cues, translated and edited by Hervé Pasqua, 683-685.
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 100 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Onorato Grassi, “La filosofia medievale nell’opera di Jean Mabillon,” 17-31.
Issue 2/3
- Domenico Bosco, “Agostino, i moralisti e l’arte di conversare. A zig-zag per il Seicento autore,” 231-282.
Issue 4 Supplement
Page numbers not available.
- Mario Sina, “S. Agostino. Un capitolo inedito di Sofia Vanni Rovighi.”
- Pietro B. Rossi, “Utrum Deus sit: Sofia Vanni Rovighi interprete delle prove di Anselmo e di Tommaso.”
- Onorato Grassi, “L’unità della conoscenza e i pensatori medioevali.”
- Franco De Capitani, “Stupendae fortitudinis foemina. La madre dei fratelli Maccabei come esempio, al femminile e in chiave antimanichea, della virtù della fortezza nel giovane Sant’Agostino.”
- Elisabetta Zambruno, “San Tommaso d’Aquino fonte della teologia mistica di Thomás de Jesús.”
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 63 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Andrea Colli, “Riflessioni sull’etica della durata e dell’immediato. Agostino nel De beata vita,” 221-241.
Issue 4
- Massimo Parodi, “Il pontefice con Agostino alle Nazioni Unite,” 715-723.
Southwestern Journal of Philosophy = Philosophical Topics
Southwest Philosophy Review, 24 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mark T. Brown, “The Problem of Free Will in Heaven,” 109-116.
Issue 2: NTR
Speculum, 83 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- John N. Crossley, Review of Campanus of Novara and Euclid’s “Elements”, by H. L. L. Busard, 181-182.
- Tia Kolbab, Review of L’orthodoxie des astrologues: la science entre le dogme et la divination à Byzance (VIIe – XIVe siècle), by Paul Magdalino, 213-215.
- Charles E. Butterworth, Review of An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions: Introducing Alfarabi, by Joshua Parens, 231-232.
- Christina Van Dyke, Review of The Specification of Human Actions in St Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pilsner, 233-234.
Issue 2
- Stephanos Efthymiadis, Review of Reading Michael Psellos, by Charles Barber and David Jenkins, 401-403.
- Steven M. Wasserstrom, Review of Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects in Judeo-Arabic Culture, by Benjamin Hary and Haggai Ben-Shammai, 441-443.
- Rosalynn Voaden, Review of Books under Suspicion: Censorship and Tolerance of Revelatory Writing in Late Medieval England, by Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, 447-449.
- Richard Kieckhefer, Review of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism, 4: The Harvest of Mysticism in Medieval Germany (1300-1500), by Bernard McGinn, 462-465.
- Thomas M. Izbicki, Review of A Companion to Jean Gerson, by Brian Patrick McGuire, 465-466.
- Peter M. Candler, Jr., Review of Analytical Thomism: Traditions in Dialogue, edited by Craig Paterson and Matthew S. Pugh, 471-473.
Issue 3
- Walid A. Saleh, “A Fifteenth-Century Muslim Hebraist: Al-Biqā’ī and His Defense of Using the Bible to Interpret the Qur’ān,” 629-654.
- Eileen Sweeney, Review of Freedom and Necessity: St. Augustine’s Teaching on Divine Power and Human Freedom, by Gerald Bonner, 667-668.
- Christopher M. Bellitto, Review of The Dominicans and the Pope: Papal Teaching Authority in the Medieval and Early Modern Thomist Tradition, by Ulrich Horst, O.P., translated by James D. Mixson, 710-712.
- Nathan Wolski, Review of A Sufi-Jewish Dialogue: Philosophy and Mysticism in Baḥya Ibn Paqūda’s “Duties of the Heart”, by Diana Lobel, 728-729.
- Bénédicte Sère, Review of Aquinas on Friendship, by Daniel Schwartz, 751-752.
- Boyd Taylor Coolman, Review of Studies in the Philosophy of William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris (1228-1249), by Roland J. Teske, S.J., 768-769.
Issue 4
- Bernard McGinn, “Regina quondam…,” 817-839.
- Pamela Sheingorn, Review of The Idea of the Theater in the Latin Christian Thought: Augustine to the Fourteenth Century, by Donnalee Dox, 979-981.
- Michael Fagenblat, Review of Maimonides’ Confrontation with Mysticism, by Menachem Kellner, 1016-1017.
Studi Francescani NA
Studi Medievali, 49 (XLIX) (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- F. Bognini, “Un inedito trattato retorico-grammaticale dalla scuola di Alberico di Montecassino. Le ‘Rationes diversarum mutationum’ (vat. Ottob. lat. 1354, ff. 90v-95r),” 189-252.
Issue 2: NTR
Studia Neoaristotelica, 5 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Lukáš Novák, Review of Metafyzika jako věda. Ibn Síná a Ibn Rušd ve scholastické diskusi. Avicenna: Kniha o první filosofii. Averroes: Epitomé k Aristotelově Metapyzice, by Marek Otisk, 89 – 96.
- Michael Chabada, Notice of event “700-lecie śmierci bł. Jana Dunsa Szkota. Międzynarodowe sympozjum jubileuszowe (8-10 April 2008),” 97-100.
Issue 2
- Matthias Perkams, “Naturgesetz, Selbstbestimmung und Moralität. Thomas von Aquin und die Begründung einer zeitgemässen Ethik,” 109-131.
- Miroslav Hanke, “Cassantes v historické a systematické reflexi],” 132-164.
- David Svoboda, “Transcendentálie a kategorie v díle Tomáše Akvinského,” 165-184.
- Petr Dvořák, “Thomas Aquinas on Contingency in Nature,” 185-196.
- Michal Chabada, Notice of event “John Duns Scotus 1308-2008. Investigations into his Philosophy (5-9 November 2008),” 205-207.
- Miroslav Severa and Lukáš Novák, Edition of: Joannis Versoris Quaestiones super De ente et essentia sancti Thomae de Aquino ordinis fratrum praedicatorum, 209 – 254.
Synthese, 160-165 (multi ipy): NTR
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 72 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- J. Mark Armitage, “A Certain Rectitude of Order: Jesus and Justification According to Aquinas,” 45-66.
- Stephen A. Hipp, “Existential Relation as Principle of Individuation,” 67-106.
- Corey L. Barnes, “Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas on Person, Hypostasis, and Hypostatic Union,” 107-146.
- Alfred J. Freddoso, Review of A Short History of Thomism, by Romanus Cessario, O.P., 147-154.
- Paul Gondreau, Review of Ecstatic Morality and Sexual Politics. A Catholic and Antitotalitarian Theory of the Body, by G. J. McAleer, 164-167.
- Mark G. Murphy, Review of The Philosophy of Positive Law: Foundations of Jurisprudence, by James Bernard Murphy, 167-171.
Issue 2
- Craig Steven Titus, “Moral Development and Making all Things New in Christ,” 233-258.
- Matthew Levering, “The Imago Dei in David Novak and Thomas Aquinas: A Jewish-Christian Dialogue,” 259-311.
- Kevin White, Review of Les débuts de l’enseignement de Thomas d’Aquin et sa conception de la Sacra Doctrina: Édition du prologue de son commentaire des Sentences de Pierre Lombard, by Adriano Oliva, 313-317.
- Dennis D. Martin, Review of Cusanus: The Legacy of Learned Ignorance, edited by Peter J. Casarella, 329-333.
- Paul L. Gavrilyuk, Review of Denys l’Aréopagite: Tradition et metamorphoses, by Ysabel de Andia, 334-336.
- Joshua P. Hochschild, Review of The Doctrine of Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas, by Bernard Montagnes, 336-339.
- Frederick van Fleteren, Review of Heidegger und die christliche Tradition: Annäherung an ein schwierwiges Thema, edited by Norbert Fischer and F.-W. von Herrmann, 340-344.
Issue 3
- Brian J. Shanley, “Aquinas’s Exemplar Ethics,” 345-369.
- Andrew Hofer, “Dionysian Elements in Thomas Aquinas’s Christology: A Case of the Authority and Ambiguity of Pseudo-Dionysius,” 409-442.
- M. Cathleen Kaveny, “What is Legalism?: Engelhardt and Grisez on the Misuse of Law in Christian Ethics,” 443-485.
- Russel Hitiinger, Review of Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Promise of the Common Good, by Mary M. Keys, 487-491.
- Emmanuel Perrier, Review of The Passions of Christ in High-Medieval Thought: An Essay on Christological Development, by Kevin Madigan, 497-501.
- John S. Grabowski, Review of John Paul II and St. Thomas Aquinas, edited by Michael Dauphinais, 504-509.
- Daniel A. Keating, Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa, by Nancy J. Hudson, 513-517.
Issue 4
- Aidan Nicholas, “St. Thomas and the Sacramental Liturgy,” 571-593.
- Franklin T. Harkins, “Homo assumptus at St. Victor: Reconsidering the Relationship between Victorine Christology and Peter Lombard’s First Opinion,” 595-624.
- Christopher A. Franks, “The Usury Prohibition and Natural Law: A Reappraisal,” 625-660.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 70 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Toon Rieter, Review of Sint-Augustinus, by Tarcisius J. van Bavel and Bernard Bruning, 140-144.
- Jan Maeyaert, Review of Eriugena, Berkeley, and the Idealist Tradition, by Stephen Gersh and Dermot Moran, 156-158.
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of Mittelalterliches Denken. Debatten, Ideen und Gestalten im Kontext, by Christian Schäfer and Martin Thurner, 172-173.
- Erik Meganck, Review of The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, by Chad Meister and Paul Copan, 186-187.
Issue 2-4: NTR
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía, 34, 35 (2 vpy)
Volume 34
- Juan Cruz Cruz, “¿Puede el hombre ser un instrumento?,” 25-53.
- Virginia Aspe Armella, Review of Tratado sobre el hombre 1. Comentario a la Suma Teológica I q. 75-77, Colección de pensamiento medieval y renacentista, by Domingo Báñez, 311-313.
Volume 35
- Joaquín García-Huidobro, Daniel Mansuy, “Nicolaás de Oresme y su interpretación del derecho natural aristotélico,” 37-56.
- Miguel Rumayor, “Subjectividad sin subjetivismo: ¿La antropología filosófica de Karol Wojtyla sin la metafísica de Tomás de Aquino?,” 57-91.
- David González Ginocchio, Review of Los hábitos intelectuales según Tomás de Aquino, by Juan Fernando Sellérs, 157-159.
Topoi, 27 (1-2 ipy): NTR
Traditio, 63 (1 ipy)
- Christophe Erismann, “The Trinity, Universals, and Particular Substances: Philoponus and Roscelin,” 277-305.
Vivarium, 46 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sebastian F. Weiner, “Eriugenas Innovation,” 1-23.
- Joke Spruyt, “The Unity of Semantics and Ontology. Wyclif ‘s Treatment of the fallacia accidentis,” 24-58.
- Amos Edelheit, “Human Will, Human Dignity, and Freedom: A Study of Giorgio Benigno Salviati’s Early Discussion of the Will, Urbino 1474-1482,” 82-114.
- Simo Knuuttila, Review of It Could Have Been Otherwise. Contingency and Necessity in Dominican Theology at Oxford, 1300 – 1350, by Hester Goodenough Gelber, 115 – 119.
- Frans van Liere, Review of Guillelmi de Luxi Postilla super Baruch, Postilla super Ionam, edited by Andrew T. Sulavik, 120-121.
Issue 2
- Laurent Cesalli, Nadja Germann, “Signification and Truth Epistemology at the Crossroads of Semantics and Ontology in Augustine’s Early Philosophical Writings,” 123-154.
- Andrej Krause, “Über das Verhältnis allegemeiner und individueller materieller und mathematischer Gegenstände nach Thomas von Aquin,” 155-174.
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Stephen Read, “Insolubilia and the Falacy Secundum Quid et Simpliciter,” 175-191.
- James G. Snyder, “The Theory of materia prima in Marsilio Ficino’s Platonic Theology,” 192-221.
Issue 3
- Dag Nikolaus Hasse, “The Early Albertus Magnus and his Arabic Sources on the Theory of the Soul,” 232-252.
- Peter King, “The Inner Cathedral: Mental Architecture in High Scholasticism,” 253-274.
- Richard Cross, “Some Varieties of Semantic Externalism in Duns Scotus’s Cognitive Psychology,” 275-301.
- Martin Lenz, “Why Is Thought Linguistic? Ockham’s Two Conceptions of the Intellect,” 302-317.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, “Ame intellective, âme cogitative: Jean de Jandun et la duplex forma propria de l’homme,” 318-341.
- Joël Biard, “Diversité des fonctions et unite de l’âme dans la psychologie péripatéticienne (XIVe-XVIe siècle),” 342-367.
- Lodi Nauta, “From an Outsider’s Point of View: Lorenzo Valla on the Soul,” 368-391.
No Issue 4 this year
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 43 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- William E. Carroll, Review of Science and Religion, 400 B.C. to A.D. 1500: From Aristotle to Copernicus, by Edward Grant, 745-747.
Issue 3-4: NTR