2011 Bibliography

Last worked on 03/13/2022

Revised JLS 07/08/2017

Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 14 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 85 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 28 (1-2 ipy)

Issue 1 (final issue in 2011)

Angelicum, 88 (3 ipy)

Fasc. 1

  • Clifford Stevens, “The Summa Theologica: Evolution of A Masterpiece,” 39-49.
  • Margherita Maria Rossi, “Il procedimento dell’‘exemplum’ nella produzione sermoniale di san Tommaso d’Aquino. Specimina exegetica I,” 51-92.
  • Tommaso Stancati, O.P., “The Eschatology of the De Sacramentis Christianae Fidei of Hugh of St. Victor (12th C.) (Liber II, Partes XVII-XVIII: De fine saeculi. De statu futuri saeculi: Part II,” 93-122.
  • Ryszard Rybka, O.P., “Le negazione moderne delle tesi fondamentali del pensiero politico classico e tomistico,” 173-199.
  • Kevin E. O’Reilly, “On the Alleged Physicalism of St. Thomas at S.Theol., I-II, 94, 2,” 231-243.

Fasc. 2

  • David A. Tamisiea, “St. Thomas Aquinas on the One Esse of Christ,” 383-402.

Fasc. 3

  • Wiesław Dąbrowski, “L’Anticristo secondo il commento di san Tommaso d’Aquino al Corpus Paulinum,” 611-680.
  • Daniel J. Daly, “From Nature to Second Nature: The Relationship of the Natural Law and Acquired Virtues in the Summa Theologiae,” 693-715.
  • Giuseppe Ferraro, S.J., “Lo Spirito Santo nei ‘Sermoni’ di Eckhart,” 717 – 740.

Fasc. 4

  • Rupert Johannes Mayer, O.P., “Man Is Inclined to His Last End by Nature, Though He Cannot Reach It by Nature but Only by Grace: the Principle of the Debate about Nature and Grace in Thomas Aquinas, Thomism and Henri de Lubac. A Response to Lawrence Feingold,” 887 – 939.
  • John Eagers, “Understanding Aquinas in the Contemporary Catholic Virtue-Ethics: Comparison of Servais Pinckaers O.P. and James Keenan S.J.,” 941 – 964.
  • Giovanni Vezzosi, “Rileggendo sant’Agostino (De Trinitate) e san Tommaso (Summa Theologiae, De Potentia Dei). Aporie e prospettive a proposito di relazioni trinitarie,” 965 – 978. 

Annuario Filosofico, 27 (1 ipy): NTR

Anuario Filosófico, (Universidad de Navarra), 44 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Several articles incorrectly listed under Anuario Filosófico have been moved to Fasc. 3 and 4 of Angelicum (July 12, 2017).

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 21 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 8 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Giles E. M. Gasper, “‘Oil upon the Waters’: On the Creation of Light from Basil to Peter Lombard,” 9-33.
  • Sandra Klinge, “Die Erlösungsvorstellung Anselms von Canterbury in seiner Meditatio redemptionis humanae und das Verhältnis zu Cur deus homo,” 33-65.
  • Viki Ranff, “Zur Auslegung eines Trinitätsternars durch Hildegard von Bingen
  • für Bischof Eberhard von Bamberg,” 65-81.
  • Jan C. Klok, “‘Fides ergo sola divisit lucem a tenebris’. Eine Relecture von Bonaventuras Collationes in Hexaemeron,” 81-114.
  • John T. Slotemaker, “‘Pulchritudo Christi’: The Sources of Thomas Aquinas’s Understanding of the Beauty of Christ,” 114-145.
  • Wojciech Wciórka and Magdalena Bieniak, “Double Knowledge in Christ. A Critical Edition of Stephen Langton’s Quaestio theologiae Camb063,” 145-171.

Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 65 (6 ipy)

Issue 5

Archives de Philosophie, 74 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, LXXVIII (1 ipy)

Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 61 (1 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 104 (4 ipy)

Fasc. 1-2

Fasc. 3-4

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 93 (3 ipy): NTR

Archivium Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 69 (1 ipy)

  • Anne Grondeux, “Le Liber glossarum (VIIIe siècle). Prolégomènes à une nouvelle édition,”
  • J. Elfassi, “Une nouvelle hypothèse sur les deux recensions des Synonyma d’Isidore de Séville : quelques remarques critiques”

Augustinianum, 51 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR

Augustinian Studies, 42 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 89 (4 ipy): NTR

Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 14 (1 ipy)

Issue 1 (2009-2011)

  • Udo Reinhold Jeck, “Platons Götter im lateinischen Mittelalter: Ein Beitrag zur Rezeption des platonischen Timaios bei Augustin, Calcidius und Albertus Magnus,” 157-190.
  • Andrés Quero-Sánchez, “Über die Nichtigkeit des Gegebenen: Schellings und Hegels Verteidigung des ontologischen Arguments und der Deutsche Idealismus im Spätmittelalter,” 191-232.
  • Egbert P. Bos, “Nicholas of Amsterdam’s Conceptualism in his Commentary on the Logica vetus,” 233-298.
  • Burkhard Mojsisch, Review of De Homine, by Albertus Magnus, edited by Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch and Olaf Pluta, 306-307.
  • Norbet Winkler, Review of Ars nominandi Deum. Die Ontosemantik der Gottesprädikate in den Dionysiuskommentaren des Albertus Magnus, edited by Tobias Weismantel, 313-317.

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 19 (4-6 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 6

Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 53 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Robert Wielockx, “Les brefs traités zoologiques d’Aristote. Histoire gréco-latine du texte: de la Grande Grèce, par l’Italie, à Paris,” 3-39.
  • Spencer E. Young, “Prohibition-Era Aristotelianism: Parisian Theologians and the Four Causes,” 41-59.
  • Mary J. Sirridge, “The Abstractiones: A Tradition in Evolution,” 61-80.
  • Monica Brinzei, “Le premier commentaire cistercien sur les Sentences de Pierre Lombard par Humbert de Preuilly (†1298),” 81-148.
  • William O. Duba and Christopher D. Schabel, “Ni chose, ni non-chose: The Sentences-Commentary of Himbertus de Garda, OFM,” 149-232.
  • Monika Michałowska, “Richard Kilvington’s Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum,” 233-282.
  • Sander W. de Boer and Paul J.J.M. Bakker, “Is John Buridan the Author of the Anonymous Traité de l’âme Edited by Benoît Patar?,” 283-332.
  • Harald Berger, “Bericht über die Autopsie von vier spätmittelalterlichen Wiener Handschriften,” 333-347.
  • Mario Meliadò and Silvia Negri, “Neues zum Pariser Albertismus des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts. Der Magister Lambertus de Monte und die Handschrift Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, ms. 760,” 349-384.
  • William J. Courtenay, “Theological Disputations at Vienna in the Early Fifteenth Century. Harvard Ms lat. 162,” 385-401.

Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 30 (irregular): NTR

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 80 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 41 (4 ipy): NTR

Chôra, 9-10 (1 ipy)

2011-2012 issue: see 2012 bibliography

Collectanea Franciscana, 81 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3-4

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 59 (6 ipy): NTR

Dialogue, 50 (4 ipy): NTR

Dionysius, XXIX (1 ipy)

  • Seamus O’Neill, “‘You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive’: Demonic Agency in Augustine,” 9-27.
  • Timothy Riggs, “Elements of the Authentic Self in Fārābī: Between Alexander and Proclus,” 61-80.
  • Matthew Robinson, “Individual Agency in Bonaventure’s Account of Natural Knowledge,” 81-106.
  • Evan King, “The Priority of Iustitia for Meister Eckhart,” 107-122.
  • Peter Bullerwell, “Doing and Seeing in Meister Eckhart and Michel Henry,” 123-134.
  • Martin Curran, “The Circular Activity of Prayer in Boethius’ Consolation,” 193-204.
  • Michael Fournier, “Boethius pro se de magia,” 205-222.
  • Martin Sastri, “Sed Iohannes praecucurrit citius Petro . . . primo intrat Petrus in monumentum, deinde Iohannes: Eriugena’s Appropriation of Dionysian Exegesis in the Homilia,” 223-232.
  • Benjamin Lee, “Stupefactus haesito maximoque horrore concussus titubo: Eriugena’s Critical Use of Augustine on Paradise and Resurrection in the Periphyseon,” 233-246.

Discusiones Filosóficas, 12 (2 ipy)

Número 19 (final issue in 2011)

Divus Thomas, 114 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Umberto Muratore, “Tommaso e Rosmini. Analogie. Ansia di abbracciare tutto l’essere,” 19 – 41.
  • Pier Paolo Ottonello, “Ancura su Rosmini, Tommaso, il neotomismo,” 91 – 110.
  • Franco Percivale, “L’innatismo creazionistico e nozionale in san Tommaso e in Rosmini,” 135 – 149.
  • Giancarlo Grandis, “Da Tommaso a Rosmini: dall’antropologia duale all’antropologia triadica,” 150 – 169.
  • Piero Sapienza, “La questione educativa in Tommaso d’Aquino e in Rosmini,” 170 – 209.
  • Samuele Francesco Tadini, “I versetti 1-2 del Prologo del vangelo di Gesu(‘) Cristo secondo san Giovanni nell’interpretazione di san Tommaso e del beato Rosmini,” 223 – 270.
  • Christian Vecchiet, “Sappiamo che Dio esiste. Rosmini, Tommaso d’Aquino e la prova ontologica,” 271 – 305.
  • Salvatore Muscolino, “Contributi per un dialogo con il tomismo analitico,” 306 – 340.

Issue 2: NTR

Issue 3

Doctor Virtualis, (1 ipy): No volume published this year.

Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 22 (1 ipy)

Early Science and Medicine, 16 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 4

  • Ian Maclean, “The Logic of Physiognomy in the Late Renaissance,” 275-295.
  • Romana Martorelli Vico, Review of Les Parva Naturalia d’Aristote. Fortune antique et médiévale, by Christophe Grellard and Pierre-Marie Morel, 352-353.
  • Sachiko Kusukawa, Review of Visualizing Medieval Medicine and Natural History, 1200-1550, edited by Jean Ann Givens, Karen Reeds, and Alain Touwaide, 354-355.

Issue 6

  • Alain Touwaide, Review of Ibn Baklarish’s Book of Simples. Medical Remedies between Three Faiths in Twelfth-Century Spain, edited by Charles Burnett, 600-602.

Estudios Filosoficos, 60 (3 ipy): NTR

Etudes Franciscaines, 4 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Jacques Dalarun, « Pourquoi le Miroir de perfection fut achevé le 11 mai 1317. »
  • Laure Solignac, « Bonaventure : de l’ètude de noms divins à la fabrication des miroirs trinitaires. »
  • Lydia Schumacher, « L’Itinéraire de l’esprit vers Dieu de saint Bonaventure : une remontée augustinienne traditionnelle ?. »
  • Alexis Charansonnet, Review of Un franciscain à Paris au milieu du xiiie siècle. Le maître en théologie Eustache d’Arras, by Sophie Delmas.

Issue 2

  • Sophie Delmas, “Les franciscaines et l’Université au Moyen Âge.”

Faith and Philosophy, 28 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 4

Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha),

Volume 43, Issue 2

Volume 44, Issue 1

Filozofia, 66 (10 ipy)

Number 1

Number 3

Numbers 4-10: NTR

Franciscan Studies, 69 (1 ipy)

  • Mark Weaver, “The Rule of Saint Francis: What was Really Lost?,” 31-52.
  • Matthew Etchemendy and Rega Wood, “Speculum animae: Richard Rufus on Perception and Cognition,” 53-115.
  • Richard Rufus, “Speculum animae: Erfurt, UB, Dep. Erf., CA Quarto 312, fol. 107va-110rb (Q312) Assisi, Bibl. del Sacro Convento, cod. 138, fol. 281va-284rb,” 117-140.
  • Fabio Troncarelli, “Early Joachimism and Early Franciscanism: Manuscript Evidence of a Common Destiny,” 151-151.
  • Antonio Montefusco, “Structure and Tradition of Pierre de Jean Olieu’s Opuscula: Inner Experience and Devotional Writing,” 153-174.
  • William Courtenay, “Early Scotists at Paris: A Reconsideration,” 175-229.
  • Melanie Brunner, “Poverty and Charity: Pope John XXII and the Canonization of Louis of Anjou,” 231-256.
  • Alberto Cadili, “Ubertino da Casale dopo il 1325: un possibile itinerario,” 257-283.
  • Ian Christopher Levy, “Flexible Conceptions of Scriptural and Extra-Scriptural Authority among Franciscan Theologians Around the Time of Ockham,” 285-341.
  • Benjamin Hazard, “The Conservation, Cataloguing and Digitization of Fr. Luke Wadding’s Papers at University College Dublin,” 477-489.
  • David Flood, Review of Richard Rufus of Cornwall In Aristotelis De generatione et corruption, edited by Neil Lewis and Rega Wood, 512-513.

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 58 (2 ipy)

Heft 1

  • Alain Boureau, “Richard de Mediavilla fut-il aussi un exégète ? Enquête sur les annotations du commentaire de l’Apocalypse dans le ms. Assise 82 (1ere partie),” 227-271.
  • Sebastian Weiner, “Warum ist alles Seiende gut? – Boethius’Argumentation in De Hebdomadibus,” 271-290.
  • Anne-Sophie Robin Fabre, Review of Philosophie et théologie au Moyen Age, by Oliver Boulnois, 321.

Heft 2

Giornale di Metafisica, 33 (3 ipy): NTR

Gregorianum, 92 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

  • K.T. Becker, Review of Dominican Theology at the Crossroads. A Critical Edition and Study of the Prologues to the Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences by James of Metz and Hervaeus Natalis, edited by M. Oleszweski, 839-840.
  • A. Pellegrini, Review of John Duns Scotus, Philosopher. Proceedings of the “Quadruple Congress” On John Duns Scotus, edited by M.B Ingham and O. Bychkov, 844-845.

Heythrop Journal, 52 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Michael Craig Rhodes, “Handmade: A Critical Analysis of John of Damascus’s Reasoning for Making Icons,” 14-26.
  • Toivo J. Holopainen, Review of Reading Anselm’s Proslogion: The History of Anselm’s Argument and its Significance Today, by Ian Logan, 129-130.
  • Sean Otto, Review of Divine Transcendence and Immanence in the Work of Thomas Aquinas, edited by Harm Goris, Herwi Rikhof, and Henk Schoot, 130-131.
  • Patrick Madigan, Review of Cusanus: the Legacy of Learned Ignorance, edited by Peter J. Casarella, 131-132.
  • Rory Fox, Review of Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th to the 14th Centuries: Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen, Volume 2, by Sten Ebbesen, 132-133.
  • Patrick Madigan, Review of The Salamanca School (Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers), by André Azevedo Alves and José Moreira, 133.
  • Guido Giglioni, Review of Theology and Science in the Thought of Francis Bacon, by Steven Matthews, 135-137.

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

  • Patrick Madigan, Review of The Promise of Christian Humanism: Thomas Aquinas on Hope, by Dominic Doyle, 716.

Issue 5

  • Mary Beth Ingham, Review of Medieval Trinitarian Thought from Aquinas to Ockham, by Russell L. Friedman, 828-829.
  • Ryan Chace, Review of Paths to the Triune God: An Encounter between Aquinas and Recent Theologies, by Anselm K. Min, 839-840.
  • Brian T. Trainor, Review of A Trinitarian Theology of Law: In Conversation with Jurgen Moltmann, Oliver O’Donovan and Thomas Aquinas, by David H. McIlroy, 844-845.

Issue 6

History and Philosophy of Logic, 32 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 2 – 4: NTR

History of Philosophy Quarterly, 28 (4 ipy)

Number 2

Number 3, 4: NTR

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 69-70 (6 ipy)

Volume 69, Issue 2

Volume 69, Issue 3: NTR

Volume 70, Issues 1 – 3: NTR

International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 19 (5 ipy): NTR

International Journal in Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 72 (4-5 ipy): NTR

International Philosophical Quarterly, 51 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 7 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Jon McGinnis, “Old Complexes and New Possibilities: Ibn Sīnā’s Modal Metaphysics in Context,” 3-33.
  • Zahra Abdollah, “Color in Islamic Theosophy: An Analytical Reading of Kubrā, Rāzī, Simnānī, and Kirmānī,” 35-51.
  • Mikayel Hovhannisyan, “Divine and Earthy Cities in Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ: The Essence of Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ’s Social Philosophy,” 53-65.
  • Murad Idris, “Ibn Ṭufayl’s Critique of Politics,” 67-101.
  • Muhammad Hozien, “Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ,” 103-109.

Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 19 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 40 (6 ipy): NTR

Journal of Philosophical Research, 36 (1 ipy): NTR

Journal of the History of Ideas, 72 (4 ipy)

Number 2

Numbers 3, 4: NTR

Journal of the History of Philosophy, 49 (4 ipy)

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

The Journal of Religion, 91 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Journal of Religious Ethics, 39 (4 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LXXIV (1 ipy)

Laval théologique et philosophique, 67 (3 ipy): NTR

Médiévales, 60-61 (2 ipy)

Volume 60, Issue 2

Volume 61, Issue 1

Mediaevalia, 32 (1 ipy): NTR

Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 30 (1 ipy)

Mediaeval Sophia, 9-10 (1-2 ipy)

Issue 9

  • Patrizia Spallino, “Du livre de la médecine spirituelle: l’âme et l’éthique chez Miskawayh,” 21-31.
  • Vittorio Chietti, “Dissentire dall’auctoritas: Scoto Eriugena contro Agostino sulla questione della resurrezione nel quinto libro del Periphyseon,” 32-47.

Issue 10

  • Vittorio Chietti, “L’esegesi delle parabole e la dottrina del transitus nella parte finale del quinto libro del Periphyseon di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena,” 72-86.
  • Daniela Enriquez, “La generazione della forma nel mondo ebraico: i concetti di forma e genesi nella filosofia di Mosè Maimonide,” 176-195.
  • Marco Aurelio Golfetto, “Some preliminary remarks on Evkaf Musesi 1933, a copy of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam by the hand of Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī,” 196-207.
  • Daniele Iozzia, “Osservazioni sulla traduzione eriugeniana del trattato Περὶ κατασκευής ἀνθρώπου di Gregorio di Nissa,” 208-212.
  • Marcella Serafini, “Dignità e limiti della ragione nel De primo Principio di Giovanni Duns Scoto,” 222-231.

Mediaeval Studies, 73 (1 ipy)

  • John C. Wei, “The Sentence Collection Devs non habet initivm vel terminvm and its Reworking, Devs itaqve svmme atqve ineffabiliter bonvs,” 1-118.
  • Fabio Troncarelli, “Forbidden Memory: The Death of Boethius and the Conspiracy of Silence,” 183-206.
  • Alexander Andrée, “Anselm of Laon Unveiled: The Glosae super Iohannem and the Origins of the Glossa ordinaria on the Bible,” 217-260.

Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 36 (1 ipy)

  • Miguel Ángel González Manjarrés, “Tamquam fores animae: los ojos en la fisiognomía medieval,” 11-33.
  • Beatrice Parolin, “Il trattato De separatione primi principii atrribuito ad Averroè,” 33-89.
  • Joke Spruyt, “The ‘Realism’ of Peter of Spain,” 89-113.
  • Laura Capuzzo, “Il verbum mentis nella polemica tra francescani e domenicani: Ruggero Marston critica Tommaso d’Aquino,” 113-136.
  • Frédéric Goubier, “Wyclif and the Logica Augustini,” 137-164.
  • Caterina Tarlazzi, “L’Epistola de anima di Isacco di Stella: studio della tradizione ed edizione del testo,” 167-278.
  • Magdalena Bieniak, “Who Created the Light? A Critical Edition of Stephen Langton’s Question on ‘Fiat lux’ (Gen. 1, 3),” 279-300.
  • Marta Vittorini, “Il comment di Walter Burley al De substantia orbis: un’edizione,” 301-380.
  • Luisa Valente, “In ricordo di Alfonso Maierù,” pp. 381-385.

Micrologus, 19 (1 ipy)

Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 35 (1 ipy): NTR

Mind, 120 (4 ipy): NTR

The Modern Schoolman, 88 (4 ipy): NTR

The Monist, 94 (4 ipy): NTR

New Scholasticism = American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

Nous, 45 (4 ipy): NTR

Nova et Vetera, 9 (4 ipy). Missing from TM library. I did not create the following citations.

Issue 1

  • Reinhard Hütter, “The Debt of Sin and the Sacrifice in Charity: A Thomistic Echo to Gary Anderson’s Sin: A History,” 133-148.
  • Bruce D. Marshall, “Debt, Punishment, and Payment: A Meditation on the Cross, in Light of St. Anselm,” 163-181.
  • R. Jared Staudt, “Sin as an Offense against God: Aquinas on the Relation of Sin and Religion,” 195-207.

Issue 2

    • Steven A. Long, “Engaging Thomist Interlocutors,” 267-295.
    • Angela McKay Knobel, “Relating Aquinas’s Infused and Acquired Virtues: Some Problematic Texts for a Common Interpretation,” 411-431.
    • John Baptist Ku, “St. Thomas Aquinas’s Treatment of the Name ‘Father’ in ST I, q. 33, a. 2,” 433-478.
    • Kevin White, “Friendship Degree Zero: Aquinas on Good Will,” 479-518.

Issue 3

    • Thomas Joseph White, “Redeemable Suffering? St. Thomas Aquinas on the Meaning of Human Suffering and the Passion of Christ,” 549-560.
    • Lawrence Dewan, “St. Thomas, Natural Law, and Universal Ethics,” 737-762.
    • John M. McDermott, “On Nature, Freedom, and Person in Aquinas and Beyond,” 791-824.

Issue 4

  • David L. Whidden III, “The Alleged Feudalism of Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo and the Benedictine Concepts of Obedience, Honor, and Order,” 1055-1087.

Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No volume published this year.

Oriens, 39 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy: This journal was established in 2013.

Philosopher’s Imprint, 11 (multi ipy): NTR

Philosophia, 39 (4 ipy): NTR

The Philosophical Quarterly, 61 (4 ipy)

Issue 242

Issues 243-245: NTR

The Philosophical Review, 120 (4 ipy): NTR

Philosophical Studies, 152-156 (15 ipy): NTR

Philosophical Topics, 39 (2 ipy): NTR

Philosophiques, 38 (2 ipy): NTR

From issue 1, the article “Chatton, Ockham et le principe de vérifaction” by Claude Panaccio has been removed. The article was once listed on Philosophiques’s website, but it is no longer there. Claude Panaccio gave the similarly-titled presentation “Chatton, Ockham and the Truthmaker Principle” at UCLA in 2011 for the 14th Moody Workshop in Medieval Philosophy, but Philosophiques certainly did not publish anything by Panaccio in volume 38.

Philosophy and Theology, 23 (2 ipy)

Issue 2

Philosophy Compass, 6 (12 ipy)

Issue 8

Issues 8-12: NTR

Praxis Filosófica, 32 – 33 (2 ipy): NTR

Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 85 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics: Not published this year

Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 11 (1 ipy)

Quaestiones Disputatae, 2 (2 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 78 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Religious Studies, 47 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Res Philosophica 88 (4 ipy): see The Modern Schoolman

The Review of Metaphysics, 64-65 (4 ipy)

Volume 64, issue 3

Volume 64, issue 4

Volume 65, Issue 1.

Volume 65, Issue 2 (final issue in 2011)

Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2011 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, 95 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 85 (1-4 ipy)

Issue 2

  • Gérard Rémy, « La notion de « medietas » chez Saint Augustin », 211-229.
  • Laurence Decousu, « L’abandon de la pénitence dans la réconciliation des ariens d’origine barbare aux Ve et VIe siècles », 231-259.

Issue 3

  • Olivier Ribordy, « Auctoritas magnorum doctorum. Usages de l’autorité magistrale par Pierre D’Ailly », 325-351.
  • Isabel Iribarren, « Le Théologien: Poète de la Doctrine. Quelques Réflexions Autour de la Josephina de Jean Gerson », 353-370.
  • Ota Pavlíček, « La figure de l’autorité magistrale à travers Jean Hus tt Jérôme de Prague », 371-389.
  • Sophie Vallery-Radot, « Benoît Gentien et la défense des intérêts de l’université de Paris au concile de Constance », 391-409.

Issue 4: NTR

Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 57 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 64 (2 ipy): NTR

Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 136 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issues 3, 4: NTR

Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 109 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

  • Roland Hissette, “L‘Avicenna Latinus et le livre I de la Physique (Sufficientia): À propos d’une édition en cours,” 341-354.

Issues 3, 4: NTR

Revue Thomiste, 111 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • B. Marshall, « Beatus vir : Thomas d’Aquin, Romains 4 et la justification, » 5-34.
  • F.-X. Putallaz, “Wittgenstein, saint Thomas et l’intériorité,” 35-66.
  • H. Pasqua, « La doctrine de Dieu dans l’âme chez Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues, » 121-131.
  • Hervé Pasqua, « La naissance de Dieu dans l’âme chez Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues, » 121-131.

Issue 2

  • B. Tremblay, « Thomas d’Aquin et la logique comme savoir contemplatif, » 179-210.

Issue 3

  • Alain Contat, « L’étant, l’esse et la participation selon Cornelio Fabro, » 357-403.
  • Cornelio Fabro, « Saint Thomas, maître ès liberté, » 437-452.

Issue 4

  • Hervé Pasqua, « Maître Eckhart par lui-même, » 629-654.
  • Roger Pouivet, « Saint Thomas, philosophe analytique ? Défense d’une lecture discutable, » 655-660.

Hors-Série 2011

  • Cornelio Fabro, « Actualité et originalité de l’« esse » thomiste, » 7-70.
  • Cornelio Fabro, « L’obscurcissement de l’« esse » dans l’école thomiste, » 71-102.
  • Cornelio Fabro, « Les reprises de l’esse thomiste au vingtième siècle : recension de Albert Keller, Sein oder Existenz, » 103-112.
  • Cornelio Fabro, « L’analogie thomiste face à la thése de l’identité de l’être et du devenir : recension de L. Bruno Puntel, Analogie und Geschichtlichkeit, » 141-150.
  • Cornelio Fabro, « Le « Liber de bona fortuna » de l’« Éthique à Eudème » d’Aristote et la dialectique de la divine Providence chez saint Thomas, » 151-170

Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 103 (4 ipy)

No. 1

  • Miquel Seguró Mendlewicz, “Analogia entis. La disputa cayetana-suarista como antesala para una teoría actual de la analogía (M. Beuchot),” 3-20.
  • Elvio Ancona, “Veritá e certezza nel processo secondo Tommaso d’Aquino (I),” 21-41.

No. 2

  • Edmund Runggaldier, “Concezioni ilemorfiche dell’anima,” 181-200.
  • Werner Beierwaltes, “Sophia und Logos in der philosophischen Theologie des Dionysius Areopagita,” 217-234.
  • Elvio Ancona, “Verità e certezza nel processo secondo Tommaso d’Aquino (II),” 235-256.
  • Ariberto Acerbi, “Sull’aspetto di esercizio della volontà a partiere da san Tommaso, Quaestio 6 De Malo,” 257-272.
  • Paolo Cevasco, “Diritto di natura: la cittadinanza umano-divina,” 299-325.

No. 3

  • Giuseppe Fidelibus, “Ius communionis ed umanità universale: contributi di pensiero dalla polemica agostiniana contra donatistas,” 345-362.
  • Ester Brambilla Pisoni, “L’‘errore’ nel primo libro delle Sententiae di Pietro Lombardo,” 363-387.
  • Andrea Nannini, “Univocità metafisica dell’ens e individuazione mediante intensità di potenza in Duns Scoto,” 389-424.

No. 4

  • Seung Kee-Lee, “The active and passive mind in Augustine,” 677-690.

Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2011 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3, 4: NTR

Southwestern Journal of Philosophy = Philosophical Topics

Southwest Philosophy Review, 27 (2 ipy): NTR

Speculum, 86 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

  • Sara L. Uckelman, Review of Quaestiones circa logicam (Twenty-Five Disputed Questions on Logic), by Albert of Saxony, translated by Michael J. Fitzgerald, 719-720.

Issue 4

Studia Graeco-Arabica, 1 (1-2 ipy)

Studia Neoaristotelica, 8 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2 (final issue in 2011)

Studi Francescani NA

Studi Medievali, 52 (2 ipy)

Fasc. 2

  • Alessandro Lucia, “ ‘Unde Boetius in tractatu de summon bono dicit.’ Il De summon bono di Boezio di Dacia nel comment di William Wheatley (XIV secolo) alla Consolatio Philosophiae di Boezio,” 93-117.

Synthese, 178-183 (multi ipy): NTR

The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 75 (4 ipy)

Volume 1

  • Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, “Aquinas on the Vice of Sloth,” 43-64.
  • Franklin T. Harkins, “Primus Doctor Iudaeorum: Moses as Theological Master in the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas,” 65-94.
  • Randall Smith, “What the Old Law Reveals about the Natural Law According to Aquinas,” 95-139.

Volume 2

  • Corey L. Barnes, “Christological Composition in Thirteenth-Century Debates,” 173-206.
  • Thomas McLaughlin, “Act, Potency, and Energy,” 207-243.
  • Kevin L. Flannery, S.J., “On Counseling the Lesser Evil,” 245-289.
  • Manfred Svensson, “A Defensible Conception of Tolerance in Aquinas?” 291-308.

Volume 3

  • Matthew Levering, “Predestination in John 13-17? Aquinas’s Commentary on John and Contemporary Exegesis?” 393-414.
  • Patrick M. Gardner, “Thomas and Dante on the Duo Ultima Hominis,” 415-459.

Volume 4

  • Adam Wood, “Medieval Mind-Body Problems,” 585-636.
  • Lawrence Dewan, “Aquinas on Virtus Essendi,” 617-651.

Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 73 (4 ipy): NTR

Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, (2 ipy)

Número 40

Número 41: NTR

Topoi, 30 (1-2 ipy): NTR

Traditio, 66 (1 ipy): NTR

Vivarium, 49 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-3

Issue 4

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 46 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issues 3 – 4: NTR

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