2013 Bibliography
Last worked on 03/13/2022
Revised JLS 07/08/2017
Alpha omega: rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 16 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jason A. Mitchell LC, “Aquinas on the Ontological and Theological Foundation of the Transcendentals,” 39-78.
- Giuseppe D’Acunto, Review of Il pensiero contemporaneo secondo J. Maritain, by Piero Viotto, 155-158.
Issue 2
- Angela Tagliafico, “Comparazione della fase iniziale degli itinerari spirituali di Ignazio di Loyola e Teresa d’Avila,” 289-309.
- Mauro Gagliardi, Review of Nani sulle spalle dei giganti. Maestri e allievi nel medioevo, by P. Riché and J. Verger, 317-319.
Issue 3
- José Antonio Izquierdo Labeaga, “La semantica della parola ‘natura’ e l’essenza dinamica dell’uomo, secondo S. Tommaso,” 389-397.
- Jason A. Mitchell, “From Aristotle’s Four Causes to Aquinas’ Ultimate Causes of Being: Modern Interpretations,” 399-414.
- Angela Tagliafico, “Elementi peculiari della dottrina spiritual di Caterina da Siena,” 453-470.
- Mauro Gagliardi, Review of Divisione della natura, by Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, edited by N. Gorlani, 477-480.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 87 (4 ipy)
Issue 1, Winter 2013
- Edward Feser, “Kripke, Ross, and the Immaterial Aspects of Thought,” 1-32.
- Sarah Powrie, “The Importance of Fourteenth-Century Natural Philosophy for Nicholas of Cusa’s Infinite Universe,” 33-53.
- James B. Reichmann, S.J., “Edith Stein, Thomas Aquinas, and the principle of individuation,” 55-86.
- Charles M. Zola, “Prudential Elder Care: A Thomistic Approach,” 137-164.
- Gaven Kerr, O.P., Review of Words of Wisdom: A Philosophical Dictionary for the Perennial Tradition, by John W. Carlson, 197-199.
- Corey Miller, Review of The Second-Person Perspective in Aquinas’s Ethics: Virtues and Gifts, by Andrew Pinsent, 207-211.
- James Jacobs, Review of Dynamic Transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty from a Thomistic Perspective, by Alice Ramos, 211-213.
Issue 3, Summer 2013
- Travis Dumsday, “A Thomistic response to the problem of divine hiddenness,” 365-377.
- William E. Tullius, “Haecceitas as value and as moral horizon: a scotist contribution to the project of a phenomenological ethics,” 459-480.
- John Haldane, “Is the Soul the Form of the Body,” 481-493.
- William Hasker, “The Dialectic of Soul and Body,” 495-509.
- John Haldane, “Response to William Hasker’s ‘The Dialectic of Soul and Body?’” 511-515.
- William Hasker, “Response to John Haldane’s ‘Is the Soul the Form of the Body,’” 517-520.
- Walter Redmond, Review of Die Rezeption Edith Steins: Internationale Edith-Stein-Bibliographie 1942–2012: Festgabe für M. Amata Neyer, OCD, by Francesco Alfieri, OFM, 541-543.
- Christopher J. Malloy, Review of Analogia Entis: On the Analogy of Being, Metaphysics, and the Act of Faith, by Steven A. Long, 556-560.
- Kevin M. Staley, Review of Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word, by Eileen Sweeney, 560-564.
Issue 4, Fall 2013
- Andrew T. LaZella, “As Light Belongs to Air. Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart on the existential rootlessness of creatures,” 567-591.
- Victor M. Salas, Jr., Albert the Great and ‘univocal analogy’,” 611-635.
- Nicholas Kahm, “Divine Providence in Aquinas’s Commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics and Metaphysics, and Its Relevance to the Question of Evolution and Creation,” 637-656.
- Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo, Hilaire K. Troyer de Romero, “Aquinas on the Inferiority of Woman,” 685-710.
- Patrick Toner, Review of Beauty and Being: Thomistic Perspectives, by Piotr Jaroszyński, translated by Hugh McDonald, 786-788.
- R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, Review of Thomism and Tolerance, by John F. X. Knasas, 788-790.
- James D. Madden, Review of On Determining What There Is: The Identity of Ontological Categories in Aquinas, Scotus, and Lowe, by Paul Symington, 804-806.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 30 (1-2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Diego l. Rosales Meana, “La música y los límites del mundo. Un estudio desde Agustín de Hipona y Eugenio Trías,” 27-47.
- Leopoldo Prieto López, “Realidad, aliquidad y nihilidad en Suárez y la filosofía moderna: a propósito de la doctrina suareciana de los transcendentales,” 49-69.
Issue 2
- Andrés Santa-María, “Plotino, las formas platónicas y el noûs aristotélico1
- Plotinus, Platonic Forms and Aristotelic noûs,” 311-330.
- José Bellver, “Similitud e incomparabilidad divinas en el contexto del debate en torno al primado de la existencia y de la quiddidad en la filosofía islámica tardía,” 357-382.
- Rodrigo Kalmy Bolton, “El Espíritu-Ángel. Sobre la espiritualización del ángel y la divinización del hombre en la mística islámica medieval,” 383.
- José Higuera, Review of Opera Latina, Supplemetum Lullianum III. “Ha-Melacha Ha-Ketzara. A Hebrew Translation of Ramon Llull’s Ars brevis,” edited by H. Hames, 575-579.
Angelicum, 90 (4 ipy)
Fasc. 1
- Matthew Levering, “Paul in the Summa theologiae’s treatise on the triune God,” 87-127.
- Rafael Ramis Barceló, “El pensamiento jurídico de Santo Tomás y de Ramon Llull en el context politico e institucional del siglo XIII,” 189-216.
- Antonio Russo, “San Tommaso ed Aristotele nella formazione di Franz Brentano (1838-1917),” 247-278.
Fasc. 2
- Jeffrey P. Froula, “The Structure of the Summa: What it Reveals About Christ’s Role in the Moral Life,” 343-369.
- Arielle Harms, “The Moral Virtue of Christ: An Examination of Tertia Pars Question 7 Article 2,” 371-389.
- Piotr Skonieczny, O.P., “La presunzione dell’imputabilità (can. 1321, 3 CIC/83): commento ad un disposto da abrogare,” 391-446.
- Miguel Anxo Pena Gonázalez, Review of De la primera a la segunda ‘Escuela de Salamanca.’ Fuentes documentales y línea de investigación, by Felipe Trigueros, O.P., 482.
Fasc. 3
- Elisabetta Casadei, “Struttura, fonti dottrinali e contesti del ‘De vita contemplativa’ in Sent., II, d. 35, q. 1 e STh., II-II, q. 179-182 di Tommaso d’Aquino. Alcuni questioni preliminari per un’analisi teoretica,” 485-506.
- Piotr Roszak, “Between Dialectics and Metaphor: Dynamics of the Exegetical Practice of Thomas Aquinas,” 507-534.
- Gábor Ambrus, “Concordia, via, humilitas: Diagrammatic Method and the Understanding of History in Joachim of Fiore,” 535-561.
- Irven Resnick, Review of A Companion to Albert the Great: Theology, Philosophy and the Sciences, by Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P., 635-641.
- Paul Murray, O.P., Review of Aquinas at Prayer: The Bible, Mysticism and Poetry, by Berhnard Blankenhorn, O.P., 642-644.
- Pasquale Porro, Review of Tommaso d’Aquino. Un profilo storicofilosofico, by Efrem Jindráček, O.P., 645-654.
- Jorgen Vijgen, Review of The Status of Eucharistic Accidents “sine subiecto,” by Leo J. Elders, S.V.D, 659.
Fasc. 4
- John Baptist Ku, O.P., “Thomas Aquinas’ Careful Deployment of auctor and auctoritas in Trinitarian Theology,” 677-710.
- Édouard Divry, O.P., “L’axiome de la hiérachie des vérités,” 711-730.
- Štěpán M. Filip, O.P. “’Imago repræsentativa passionis Christi’: La esencia del sacriicio eucarístico según Santo Tomás de Aquino,” 1031-1062.
Annuario Filosofico, 29 (1 ipy): NTR
Anuario Filosófico, 46 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- David Torrijos Castrillejo, Review of Averroes on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. An Annotated Translation of the So-Called Epitome, edited by Rüdiger Arnzen, 201-203.
- Alejandro G. Vigo, Review of Naturaleza y vida moral. Marco Tulio Cicerón y Tomás de Aquino, Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista, by Laura E. Corso de Estrada, 206-209.
- Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri, Review of Categories of the Temporal. An Inquiry into the Forms of the Finite Intellect, by Sebastian Rödl, 229-231.
Issue 2
- Juan José Sanguineti, “Libertad, determinacion e indeterminacion en una perspectiva tomista,” 387-403.
- Ignacio Silva, “Indeterminismo y providencia divina,” 405-422.
- Miguel García-Valdecasas, Review of Dynamic Transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty from a Thomistic Perspective, by Alice M. Ramos, 462-464.
Issue 3: NTR
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 23 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Chaim Meir Neria, “Al-Fārābī’s lost commentary on the Ethics: new textual evidence,” 69-99.
- Mohd Radhi Ibrahim, “Immediate knowledge according to Al-Qāḍī ʿabd Al-Jabbār,” 101-115.
- Abdulrahman Al-Salimi, “Early Ibāḍī theological arguments on atoms and accidents,” 117-134.
- Naomi Aradi, “The origins of the Kalām model of discussion on the concept of tawḥīd,” 135-166.
Issue 2
- Ayman Shihadeh, “The argument from ignorance and its critics in medieval Arabic thought,” 171-220.
- Bijan Vahabzadeh, “Le commentaire d’Ibn Muʿāḏ sur le concept de rapport,” 221-276.
- Joep Lameer, “Avicenna’s concupiscence,” 277-289.
- Elvira Wakelnig, “Al-Anṭākī’s use of the lost arabic version of Philoponus’ Contra Proclum,” 291-317.
- Chikara Sasaki, “D’Al-Khwārizmī à Descartes,” 319-325.
Archa Verbi, 10 (1 ipy)
- John Gavin, S.J., “The Incarnational Vision of John Scottus Eriugena,” 47-69.
- Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, “‘Apud Hebraeos’: Jewish Sources in Peter Abelard’s
- Commentary on the Six Day Creation?” 70-87.
- Claudia Heimann, “Beobachtungen zur Rezeption der Werke des Radulfus Ardens im ausgehenden Mittelalter,” 166-176.
- Rolf Schonberger, Review of Thomas von Aquin: Catena Auerea. Kommentar zu den Evangelien im Jahreskreis, by Marianne Schlosser and Florian Kohlbinger, 180-182.
- John T. Slotemaker, Review of Intellectual Traditions of the Medieval University. The Use of Philosophical Psychology in Trinitarian Theology among the Franciscans and Dominicans, by Russell C. Friedman, 183-184.
- Josep E. Rubio, Review of Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina 61-63, edited by Carla Compagno and Ulli Roth, 185-187.
- Jean-Mitchell Counet, Review of Robert Grossetteste at Muncih. The “Abbreviatio” by Frater Andreas, O.F.M., of the Commentaries by Robert Grossetteste on the Pseudo-Dionysius, edited by James McEvoy, 188-189.
- Klaus-Frédéric Johannes, Review of A Companion to Albert the Great. Theology, Philosophy, and the Sciences, edited by Irven M. Resnick, 196-198.
- Rebecca Milena Fuchs, Review of Verisimilitude. Die epistemologischen Voraussetzungen der Gotteslechre Peter Abaelards, by Michael Seewald, 203-205.
- Thomas Marschler, Review of Das Bild der Juden im Johannes-Kommentar des Thomas von Aquin. Ein Beitrag zur Biebelhermeneutik und Wissenschaftsgeschichte im 13. Jahrhundert, by Matthew Hammele, 215-216.
- Thomas Marschler, Review of Christ’s Two Wills in Scholastic Thought. The Christology of Aquinas in its Historical Contexts, by Corey L. Barnes, 217-219.
- Rainer Berndt, Review of Trinity and Creation. A Selection of Works of Hugh, Richard and Adam of St. Victor, edited by Boyd Taylor Coolman and Dade M. Coulter, 220-221.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 67 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- José Chabás, “Displaced tables in Latin: the Tables for the Seven Planets for 1340,” 1-42.
Issue 6
- Leo Corry, “ Geometry and arithmetic in the medieval traditions of Euclid’s Elements: a view from Book II, ” 637-705.
Archives de Philosophie, 76 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Romain Dufêtre, « Proximités des théories de l’image chez Maître Eckhart et Fichte. »
- Jean-Christophe Lemaître, « Figures de l’unité. Schelling et Nicolas de Cues. »
- Frédéric Vengeon, « Infini et logique spéculative. Deux philosophes de l’absolu: Nicolas de Cues et Hegel. »
- Charles Théret, « Deux métaphysiques de la mobilité. Giordano Bruno ou Schelling. »
Issue 3
- Julie Casteigt, « ‘Ni Conrad, ni Henri’. Le fond de la personne est-il personnel, impersonnel ou sans fond dans les sermons allemands de Maître Eckhart? »
Issue 4
- Florence Hulak, « L’avènement de la modernité. La commune médiévale chez Max Weber et Émile Durkheim. »
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 80 (1 ipy)
- Leone Gazziero, « Et quoniam est quis tertius homo. Argument, exégèse, contresens dans la littérature latine apparentée aux sophistici elenchi d’Aristote », 7-48.
- William J. Courtenay, « Francis Caracciolo, the Paris Chancellorship, and the Authorship of two Quodlibeta in Vat. lat. 932 », 49-89.
- Fabián Alejandro Campagne, « Va-t’en, Saint Pierre d’enfer » : el discernimiento de espíritus en las visiones de la beata Ermine de Reims (1395-1396) », 85-121.
- Franz Dolveck, « Le Diable convole : un sermon inédit d’Étienne de Tournai pour la Pentecôte », 123-146.
- Sébastien Moureau, « Physics in the Twelfth Century: the Porta Elementorum of Pseudo-Avicenna’s Alchemical De Anima and Marius’ De Elementis », 147-222.
- Frédérique Woerther, « La traduction arabo-latine par Hermann l’Allemand d’un passage perdu de la version arabe de la Rhétorique d’Aristote », 223-245.
- Sophie Delmas et Chris Schabel, « Eustache d’Arras et la théologie trinitaire. La question 2 de divinarum personarum distinctione », 247-275.
- Dragos Calma et Ruedi Imbach, « Heymeric de Campo, auteur d’un traité de métaphysique. Étude et édition partielle du colliget principiorum », 277-423.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 63 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Josep Casulleras, « The instruments and the exercise of astrology in the Medieval Arabic tradition, » 517-540.
- Montse Díaz-Fajardo, « The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-Mustawlī) Planet in Ibn ‘Azzūz’s astrological writing, » 541-559.
- Mariassunta Picardi, « Arte della memoria tra magia, filosofia e scienza. Il De umbris Idearum di Giordano Bruno, » 561-587.
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 95 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sydney Penner: “Free and Rational: Suárez on the Will,” 1-35.
Issues 2, 3: NTR
Archivium Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 71 (1 ipy)
- Eva Odelman, “Philosophisches im schwedischen Mittellatein,” 315-321.
- Philipp Roelli, “Globale Untersuchung zum Sondervokabular des Thomas von Aquin,” 323-344.
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 106 (4 ipy)
Fasciculi 1-2
- Joseph Macmahon, OFM – John McCafferty, “The Wadding Library of Saint Isidore’s College Rome, 1622-1700,” 97-118.
Fasciculi 3-4
- Guido Alliney, “Giovanni di Morrovalle e le affectiones anselmiane,” 569-584.
Augustinian Studies, 44 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- J. Patout Burns, “Marital Fidelity as a remedium concupiscentiae: An Augustinian Proposal,” 1-35.
- Melanie Webb, “’On Lucretia who slew herself’: Rape and Consolation in Augustine’s De ciuitate dei,” 37-58.
- Paul Rigby, “Was Augustine a Narcissist?” 59-91
- Ellen R. Scully, “De Musica as the Guide to Understanding Augustine’s Trinitarian Numerology in the De Trinitate,” 93-116.
- Anne-Marie Schultz, Inner Grace, Review of Augustine in the Traditions of Plato and Paul,” and Phillip Cary, “Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine’s Thought, by Philip Cary, 119-124
- Paul J. Griffiths, Review of Once Out of Nature: Augustine on Time and the Body. By Andrea Nightingale, 136-141.
- John Spano, Review of Augustine’s Early Theology of the Church: Emergence and Implications, 386–391, by David Alexander, 155-158.
- Frederick Van Fleteren, Review of Generationenbeziehungen in den Confessiones des Augustinus. Theologie und literarische Form in der Spätantike, by J. Schultheiß, 164-166.
- Matthew Drever, Review of Augustine and Roman Virtue, by Brian Harding, 171-175.
- Kevin Grove, Review of Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology, by Paige E. Hochschild, 180-183.
- Franklin T. Harkins, Review of Henry of Ghent’s “Summa of Ordinary Questions” Articles Six to Ten on Theology, translated and annotated by Roland J. Teske, S.J., 184-187.
Issue 2
- Brian Dunkle, S.J., “Humility, Prophecy, and Augustine’s Harmony of the Gospels,” 207-225.
- Todd D. Vasquez, Review of On the Trinity, by Richard of St. Victor, translated by Ruben Angelici, 293-296.
- Adam Ployd, Review of The Influence of Origen on the Young Augustine: A Chapter of the History of Origenism, by György Heidl, 297-300.
- Reid B. Locklin, Review of The Divine Body in History: A Comparative Study of the Symbolism of Time and Embodiment in St. Augustine and Ramanuja, by Ankur Barua, 301-303.
- John Spano, Review of Restless Mind: Curiositas and the Scope of Inqury in St. Augustine’s Psychology, by Joseph Torchia, O. P., 304-307.
- Jeremy David Wallace, Review of Augustine’s City of God: A Critical Guide, edited by James Wetzel, 308-310.
- James A. Andrews, Review of Disciplining Christians: Correction and Community in Augustine’s Letters, by Jennifer Ebbeler, 311-314.
- Phillip Cary, Review of The Theological Epistemology of Augustine’s De Trinitate, by Luigi Gioia, OSB, 315-317.
- Angus Paddison, Review of Hermeneutics and the Church: In Dialogue with Augustine, by James A. Andrews, 318-320.
Augustinianum, 53 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Manuel Rodríguez Gervás, “El ayuno y el alimento en Agustín de Hipona. Consideraciones históricas,” 117 – 137.
- Rocco Ronzani, “La tradizione manoscritta dei Dialogi di Gregorio Magno. Nota su una recente ricognizione,” 231 – 260.
- Enrico Moro, Review of La Trinità, by Agostino, ed. Giovanni Catapano and Beatrice Cillerai, 267 – 271.
- Giuseppe Caruso, Review of Sermoni di Erfurt, by Sant’Agostino, ed. Giovanni Catapano, 272.
- Nello Cipriani, Review of Commento alla lettera ai Galati, by Agostino, ed. Francesca Cocchini, 273 – 274.
- Giuseppe Caruso, Review of Pietro pastore della Chiesa. Il primato petrino negli scritti di Agostino d’Ippona, by Giuseppe Di Corrado, 274 – 276.
- Rocca Ronzani, Review of All’ombra di Gregorio Magno, il notaio Paterio e il Liber testimoniorum, by F. Martello, 288 – 303.
Issue 2
- John Rist, Review of Grace and the Will according to Augustine, by L. Karfíková, trans. By M. Janebová, 547 – 548.
- Marie Pauliat, Review of Bernard de Clairvaux, Sermons variés, by S. Bernardi Opera, latin text by J. Leclercq, H. Rochais, and Ch. H. Talbot, ed. F. Callerot, 564 – 567.
- Rocco Ronzani, Review of Te.Tra. 5. La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo. Medieval Latin Text and their Transmission. Gregorius I Papa, ed. L. Castaldi, 583 – 586.
- Giuseppe Caruso, Review of Peuple prophetique et nation témoin. Le peuple juif dans le Contra Faustum manichaeum de saint Augustin, by A. Massie, 593 – 596.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 91 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 16 (1 ipy)
- Véronique Decaix, “Les transcendantaux et l’Un: Dietrich de Freiberg à l’école de Thomas d’Aquin,” 146-162.
- Reinhold F. Glei, “Die merk-würdigen Modi Baroco und Bocardo: Zur Axiomatik der Syllogismen bei Aristoteles, Boethius und den moderni (mit einem Ausblick auf Kant),” 163-184.
- Olaf Pluta, “Nicholas of Amsterdam: Life and Works,” 185-265.
- Sonja Schierbaum, “Questioning . . . Claude Panaccio,” 266-281.
- Burkhard Mojsisch, Review of Albertus Magnus und die Kulturelle Wende im 13. Jahrhundert-Perspektiven auf die epochale Bedeutung des großen Philosophen und Theologen, by L. Honnefelder, 287.
- Burkhard Mojsisch, Review of Kommentierte japanische Ausgabe der lateinischen Werke Meister Eckharts, Bd. V / U. Kern Der Gang der Vernunft bei Meister Eckhart, by Nakayama, 288-289.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 21 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Isabel Iribarren, Review of A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy, edited by T. Hoffmann, 201-203.
Issue 2
- Kara Richardson, “Avicenna’s conception of the efficient cause,” 220-239.
- Sydney Penner, “‘The Pope and Prince of All the Metaphysicians’: Some Recent Works on Suárez,” 393-403.
Issue 3
- Antonio Donato, “Forgetfulness and misology in Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy,” 463-485.
Issue 4
- Sandrine Berges, “Rethinking Twelfth-Century Virtue Ethics: the Contribution of Heloise,” 667-687.
- Sharon Marie Kaye, Review of William of Ockham on Metaphysics, by Jenny E. Pelletier, 798-800.
Issue 5
- Caleb Cohoe, “There must be a First: Why Thomas Aquinas Rejects Infinite, Essentially Ordered, Causal Series,” 838-856.
Issue 6
- Tobias Hoffman, “Freedom Beyond Practical Reason: Duns Scotus on Will-Dependent Relations,” 1071-1090.
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 55 (1 ipy)
- P. De Leemans, A. Hosoi et H. Takahashi, « Un manuscrit d’Aristoteles Latinus à la National Diet Library, Tokyo, Japon. »
- D. Piché, « La signification de l’expression clef uniuersale per continentiam et ambitum dans le Commentaire sur l’Isagoge de Porphyre attribué à Jean le Page. »
- G.K. Hasselhoff, « Towards an Edition of Ramon Martí’s Pugio fidei. »
- G. Fernández Walker, « A New Source of Nicholas of Autrecourt’s Quaestio: The Anonymous Tractatus de sex inconvenientibus. »
- M. Meliadò, « Axiomatic Wisdom: Boethius’ De hebdomadibus and the Liber de causis in Late-Medieval Albertism. »
- B. Bartocci, S. Masolini and R.L. Friedman, « Reading Aristotle at the University of Louvain in the Fifteenth Century: A First Survey of Petrus de Rivo’s Commentaries on Aristotle (I). »
- M. Toste, « The Commentaries on Thomas Aquinas’ Summa theologiae IaIIae qq.90-108 in Sixteenth-Century Salamanca: A Study of the Extant Manuscripts. »
- F. Schmiga and P. Porro, « Transformations in the Study of Medieval Philosophy Documented by the Proceedings of the SIEPM Congresses: A Quantitative Analysis.»
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 31 (irregular)
- Georges Arabatzis, « Introduction – La philosophie byzantine est une affaire de modernité, » xi-1.
- George Couvalis, « Jean Philopon: scientifique révolutionnaire ou penseur néoplatonicien? Le contexte byzantin et moderne du problème, » 25-50.
- Angeliki Ziaka, « Grégoire Palamas et le dialogue avec l’islam, » 95-120.
- Georgios Steiris, « Politique, religion et hérésie dans le dialogue anonyme protobyzantin Περί Πολιτικῆς Ἐπιστήμης et chez al-Fārābī, » 121-142.
- Evangelos D. Protopapadakis, « Le principe Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege, les crimes Extra Ordinem, et l’éthique du droit byzantin, » 143-158.
- Ifigenija Draganić and Snežana Vukadinović, « Influences de la pensée antique et byzantine sur la culture rhétorique slave et serbe, » 159-176.
- Charalampos Magoulas, « Logos, âme et corps chez Maxime le Confesseur : au-delà du discours sur l’essentialisme de la pensée byzantine, » 177-190.
- Michalis Mantzanas, « Plotin et Grégoire Palamas, » 203-208.
- Youli Papaioannou, « Bessarion et la pensée moderne de l’usage linguistique, » 209-216.
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 82 (1 ipy)
- Sten Ebbesen, “Simon of Faversham Quaestiones super librum De somno et vigilia An Edition,” 90-145.
- C. Philipp E.Nothaft, “The Chronological Treatise Autores Kalendarii of 1317, Attributed to John of Murs: Text and introduction,” 1-89.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 43 (4 ipy): NTR
Chôra, 11 (1 ipy)
- Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic, « Les Confessions d’Augustin: une métamorphose de la parrhesia? » 59-75.
- Juvenal Savian Filho, « De nouveau sur la prescience et la causalité divines chez Boèce, » 91-115.
- Giulio d’Onofrio, « Gli ‘alberi’ di Porfirio. Variazioni sulla gerarchia neoplatonica del reale nell’alto Medioevo, » 117-163.
- Daniel Fărcaş, « Deus est intelligere et in intellectu. Sur la cohérence apophatique du système eckhartien, » 165-180.
- Alain Galonnier, « L’idéal culturel de Boèce entre savoir des textes et textes du savoir, » 245-262.
Collectanea Franciscana, 83 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Bernardino de Armellada, “Ser y conocimiento en la metafísica de Escoto y Suárez (Un libro de W. Hoeres),” 245 – 256.
Issue 3-4: NTR
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 61 (6 ipy): NTR
Dialogue, 52 (4 ipy): NTR
Dionysius, XXXI (1 ipy)
- Edward P. Butler, “The Henadic Origin of Procession in Damascius,” 79-100.
- Gioacchino Curiello, “Pseudo-Dionysius and Damascius: An Impossible Indentification,” 101-116.
- Max Rohstock, “Nicholas of Cusa’s ‘Not-Other’: The Absolute as Negative Self-Reference,” 117-126.
- Enrico Peroli, “Dialectic of Freedom: Hans Jonas and Augustine,” 141-160.
Discusiones Filosóficas, 23 (2 ipy)
- Sebastián Contreras, “El papel de la voluntad en la determinación del derecho natural: un estudio a partir de las enseñanzas de Domingo de Soto, Luis de León y Francisco Suárez,” 253-278.
Divus Thomas, 116 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Igor Agostini, “Amor sui boni in quantum boni. La fondazione autonoma dell’etica sul bene personale in padre Alberto Boccanegra,” 23 – 61.
- Giovanni Bertuzzi, “Alle origini del paradigma dell’esperienza di Alberto Boccanegra,” 62 – 92.
- Mauro Mantovani, “La ‘fondazione’ delle ‘cinque vie’ tomiste secondo padre Alberto Boccanegra,” 116 – 192.
- Marco Salvioli, “Ripensare l’ontologia della persona. Considerazioni a margine di una lettera autografa di P. Alberto Boccanegra,” 193 – 200.
- Athos Turchi, “P. Alberto Boccanegra e il principio di metafisica,” 201 – 272.
Issue 2
- Roberto Lambertini, “Potere di Dio e poteri sugli uomini. Forza e limiti di un’analogia nella tradizione francescana tra XII e XIV secolo,” 54 – 78.
- Andrea Bartocci, “La povertà francescana tra ius decretalium e scientia iuris nel Trecento,” 79 – 102.
- Alberto Bondolfi, “Appunti sulla dottrina dell’elemosina nel Cardinal Tomaso de Vio detto il Gaetano,” 103 – 128.
- Richard Fitch, “Nicholas of Autrecourt and the Mastery of Reason,” 164 – 189.
Issue 3
- Roberto Lambertini, “Potere di Dio e poteri sugli uomini. Forza e limiti di un’analogia nella tradizione francescana tra XIII e XIV secolo,” 54 – 76.
- Andrea Bartocci, “La povertà francescana tra ius decretalium e scientia iuris nel Trecento,” 79 – 102.
- Alberto Bondolfi, “Appunti sulla dottrina dell’elemosina nel Cardinal Tomaso de Vio detto il Gaetano,” 103 – 124.
- Richard Fitch,“Nicholas of Autrecourt and the Mastery of Reason,” 164 – 189.
Doctor Virtualis, 12 (1 ipy)
- Frederico Stella, “La prigionia e la salvezza dell’anima da Avicenna a Suhrawardî: quali fonti?,” 117 – 133.
- Gregory B. Stone, “Dante’s Commedia, Islamic Rationalism, and the Enumeration of the Sciences,” 135 – 167.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, XXIV (1 ipy)
- Pietro Podolak, “Platonismo, teologia cristiana e fioritura apocrifa alle soglie dell’età bizantina: il caso dello ps.Dionigi Areopagita,” 1-30.
- Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi, “Artibus purgatur platonicus oculus. La ricezione di Porfirio in età carolingio-ottoniana e la tradizione eriugeniana,” 31-68.
- Michele Trizio, “Escaping through the Homeric Gates: John Italos’Neoplatonic Exegesis of Odyssey 19.562-567 Between Synesius and Proclus,” 69-83.
- Fiorella Retucci, “Nuovi percorsi del platonismo medievale: i commentari bizantini all’Etica Nicomachea nel Sapientiale di Tommaso di York,” 85-120.
- Gioacchino Curiello, “Alia translatio melior est”. Albert the Great and the Latin Translations of the Corpus Dionysiacum,” 121-151.
- Marta Borgo, “Tommaso d’Aquino lettore dello pseudo-Dionigi Areopagita. L’uso del corpus dionisiano nel Commento alle Sentenze,” 153-189.
- Graziano Perillo, “L’influsso di Avicenna e Alberto Magno sulla nozione di ad aliquid nel Commento alle Sentenze (I, d. 26, q. 2. a. 1) di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 191-218.
- Silvia Donati, “Goffredo di Aspall († 1287) e alcuni commenti anonimi ai Libri naturales nei mss. London, Wellcome Hist. Med. Libr., 333 e Todi, BC, 23 (Qq. super I De gen. et corr., Qq. super Phys. V, VI),” 219-418.
- Gabriele Galluzzo, “Geoffrey of Aspall’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Book Zeta. Some Major Themes,” 419-499.
- Mario Meliadò, “Theologie und Noetik der Erstursache: der Liber de causis als Quelle Meister Eckharts,” 501-553.
- Alessandro Palazzo, “Die tugent hat vierley grad. Meister Eckhart on Macrobius’ four degrees of the cardinal virtues,” 555-587.
- Moreno Neri, “La critica della teologia aristotelica nel De Differentiis di Giorgio Gemisto Pletone,” 589-630.
Early Science and Medicine, 18 (6 ipy)
Issue 3
- Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle: “Aquinas’s Natural Heart,” 266-290.
Issue 6
- Michael Stolberg: “Empiricism in Sixteenth-Century Medical Practice,” 487-516.
- Alexander Fidora, “Divination and Scientific Prediction: The Epistemology of Prognostic Sciences in Medieval Europe,” 517-535.
- Glen M. Cooper, “Approaches to the Critical Days in Late Medieval and Renaissance Thinkers,” 536-565.
- Margaret D. Garber, Review of The Secrets of Alchemy, by Lawrence M. Principe, 571-573.
Estudios Filosóficos, 62 (3 ipy)
Issue 1 (no. 179)
- Ceferino Muñoz, “Concepto formal y concepto objetivo en Cayetano. Un análisis a partir de su comentario al De ente et essentia,” 49-61.
- José M. Felipe Mendoza, “Aproximación a una misma ciencia de tres nombres: metaphysica, philosophia prima y theologia en el comentario de Tomás de Aquino al De Trinitate boeciano,” 99-114.
Issue 3 (no. 181)
- Gabriella Caram, “Recepción y desarrollo del argumento de contigüidad ontológica en el Comentario a las Sentencias de Tomás de Aquino,” 519-536.
Etudes Franciscaines, 6 (2 ipy)
Issue 2
- Jean Lecuir, « De philosophia franciscana. L’esprit franciscain de Paul Vignaux (1920-1930). »
- François Delmas-Goyon, Review of Paul Vignaux, citoyen et philosophe (1904-1987), edited by Olivier Boulnois ; review of La philosophie franciscaine et autres documents inèdits, by Paul Vignaux.
Faith and Philosophy, (4 ipy) 30
Issue 1
- Yujin Nagasawa, “Models of Anselmian Theism,” 3-25.
Issues 2-4: NTR
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), 45 – 46 (2 ipy)
Volume 45, Issue 2
- Zeinab Barkhordari, “An Investigation of the Ascription of Logical Treatise Al-muhja to Avicenna,” 11 – 21.
- Leila Pazhoohandeh, “The Whats and Whys of the Method of ‘Query and Response’ According to Rumi,” 23 – 46.
- Zahra Hosseini, Ahad Faramarz Qharamaleki, “Self-alienation, Boundry Situations and Death in the Mystical Mathnawi,” 47 – 65.
- Tahereh Kamalizadeh, “Aristotelian Notion of Intellect from the Viewpoint of Alexander of Aphrodisias and Al-Farabi,” 141 – 164.
Volume 46, Issue 1
- Absalan Moheb Ali, “Mysticism of Ibn Sina in the French Works of Two Recent Decades,” 1-21.
- Saeed Anvari & Abbas Anvari, “A Study of Condensation and Rarefaction Phenomena in Islamic Natural Philosophy (Physics),” 23-53.
- Zeraatpisheh Mahmoud and Qaramaleki Ahad Faramarz, “The Mulla Sadra’s Distinct Solution from Ibn Sina’s on Resolving Co-Existence of Two Categories in Mental Existence and its Efficiency,” 79-91.
- Fallahi Asadollah, “Khunaji’s Tautologies in Second-Order Logic,” 93-112.
- Ghadiri Hamed, Hosseini Davood, “On Zalta on Anselm’s Ontological Argument,” 113-131.
- Maftouni Nadia, “The Foundations and Consequences of Suhrawardi’s Theory of Imagination,” 133-146.
Filozofia, 68 (10 ipy)
Issue 6
- Michal Chabada, “Individuation in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy and in Duns Scotus,” 457-469.
- Rastislav Nemec, “On Some Problems of Mental Language in Ockham and Fodor,” 470-480.
- Martin Vašek, “Abelard: Inter-Religious Dialogue Rendered Philosophically,” 481-492.
- Andea Blaščíková, “Patience as a Virtue of Tolerating According to Thomas Aquinas,” 493-501.
- M. Mičaninová, Review of Method and Metaphysics in Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed, by D. Davies, 539-541.
- M. Mičaninová, Review of Tomismus čtyřiadvaceti tezí, by T. Machula and Š. Filip, 541-543.
Issue 9
- Ján Zozul’ak, “The Study of Byzantine Philosophy and Its Expansion in Great Moravia (The 1150th Anniversary of the Mission of Saints Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius),” 790-799.
Issue 10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 71 (1 ipy)
- Ludovic Viallet, “Social Control, Regular Observance and Identity of a Religious Order: A Franciscan Interpretation of the Libellus ad Leonem,” 33-51.
- Bert Roest, “Early Mendicant Mission in the New World: Discourses, Experiments, Realities,” 192-217.
- Eliana Corbari, “Lost and Found in Translation: The Heart of Vernacular Theology in Late Medieval Italy,” 263-279.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Conoscenza e Scienza in Landolfo Caracciolo,” 375-409.
- Andrew Rosato, “The Interpretation of Anselm’s Teaching on Christ’s Satisfaction for Sin in the Franciscan Tradition from Alexander of Hales to Duns Scotus,” 411-444.
- Kenan Osborne, “Our Relational World Today: Exploring the Wisdom of St. Bonaventure,” 511-539.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 60 (2 ipy)
Heft 1
- Andreas Woyke, “Die Verortung der Glückseligkeit jenseits der Welt im christlich-mittelalterlichen Denken,” 20-48.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Le prime due questioni prologali del commento sentenziario di Guglielmo di Nottingham,” 49-85.
- Dragos Calma, Review of Études sur le premier siècle de l’averroïsme latin. Approches et textes inédits, by Luca Bianchi, 226-229.
- Sarah Sharkey Borden, Review of Thine Own Self. Individuality in Edith Stein’s Later Writings, by Christoph Betschart, 239-243.
Heft 2
- Erwin Sonderegger,“Anselms Proslogion: Besinnung statt Beweis,” 269-291.
- Shalom Sadik, “Le choix dans la pensée de Rabbi Hillel de Vérone, ” 292-315.
- Stefan Schick, “Das Religionsgespräch und seine Gründe. Randbemerkungen zur Rezeption eines literarischen Genres,” 422-435.
- Irene Zavattero, “L’enseignement à la Faculté des arts au moyen âge. À propos d’un ouvrage d’Olga Weijers,” 451-456.
- Serena Masolini, “Vernacular, Politics and Medieval Thought: a Few Notes on a Recent Volume,” 456-468.
- Paul Dominikus Hellmeier, Review of Anima et intellectus. Albertus Magnus und Thomas von Aquin über Seele und Intellekt des Menschen, by Michael Seewald, 468-469.
- Andreas Kosuch, Review of Abbild und Stellvertreter Gottes. Der König in herrschaftstheoretischen Schriften des späten Mittelalters, by Klaus-Frédéric Johannes, 470-471.
Giornale di Metafisica, 35 (3 ipy)
Issue 2-3
- Giovanni Ventimiglia, “Senso o sensi dell’esistere ? I livelli ontologici del reale nel cosiddetto ‘tomismo analitico’,” 405-428.
Gregorianum, 94 (4 ipy)
Fasc 1
- R. Heyder, Review of Auctoritas scripturae. Schrifauslegung und Theologieverständnis Peter Abaelards unter besander Beruchsichtigung der Expositio in Hexameron, by S. Bonanni, 190-192.
- M. Sabathé, Review of La trinité redemptrice dans le commentaire de l’Evangile de saint Jean par Thomas d’ Aquin, by M. Pangello, 195-197.
Fasc 3
- Victor Salas, “Thomas Aquinas’s Metaphysics of the Person and Phenomenological Personalism: the Case of Incommunicability,” 573-592.
- Felix Körner, S.I., “Salvific Community. Part One: Ignatius of Loyola,” 593-609.
Fasc. 4: NTR
The Heythrop Journal, 54 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Katherine Chambers, “Slavery and domination as political ideas in Augustine’s City of God,” 13–28.
- Joris Geldhof: “Nemo credit nisi volens: an essay on Baader, saint Augustine, and the role of the will in the act of faith,” 29–41.
- Manfred Svensson, “Augustine on Moral Conscience,” 42–54.
- Simon Heans, “Original Sins or Original Sinfulness? A Comment,” 55-69.
- Robbie Duschinsky, “Augustine, Rousseau, and the Idea of Childhood,” 77-88.
- Antonio Calcagno, “The Desire for and Pleasure of Evil: the Augustinian Limitations of Arendtian Mind,” 89-100.
- Laura Holt, “What Are They For? Reading Recent Books on Augustine,” 101-119.
- Laura Holt, Review of Augustine: A Guide for the Perplexed, by James Wetzel, 155-156.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Happiness and Wisdom: Augustine’s Early Theology of Education, by Ryan N. S. Topping, 156.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Incarnation of the Word: the Theology of Language of Augustine of Hippo, by Edward Morgan, 157.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Unity of Christ: Continuity and Conflict in Patristic Tradition, by Christopher A. Beeley, 157-158.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology, by Paige E. Hochschild, 159-160.
- Virgil Martin Nemoianu, Review of The Logic of the Heart: Augustine, Pascal, and the Rationality of Faith, by James R. Peters, 161-162.
- Antonio Calcagno, Review of Arendt, Augustine, and the New Beginning: The Action Theory and Moral Thought of Hannah Arendt in the Light of Her Dissertation on St. Augustine, by Stephan Kampowski, 162-163.
- Antonio Calcagno, Review of The Republic of Grace: Augustinian Thoughts for Dark Times, by Charles Mathewes, 163-165.
Issue 2
- Alan Philip Darley, “Does Aquinas’ Notion of Analogy Violate the Law of Non-Contradiction?” 228–237.
- S.J. McGrath, “The Logic of Indirection in Heidegger and Aquinas,” 268–280.
- Roger W. Nutt, Review of Analogia Entis: On the Analogy of Being, Metaphysics, and the Act of Faith, by Steven A. Long, 321-324.
Issue 3
- Michael Craig Rhodes, “Handmade: A Critical Analysis of John of Damascus’ Justification for Venerating Icons,” 347-359.
- Travis Dumsday, “Alexander of Hales on Angelic Corporeality,” 360–370.
- Toivo J. Holopainen, Review of Saint Anselm of Canterbury and His Legacy, edited by Giles E. M. Gasper and Ian Logan, 460-461.
- Charles Cassini, Review of Some Later Medieval Theories on the Eucharist: Thomas Aquinas, Giles of Rome, Duns Scotus, and William Ockham, by Marilyn McCord Adams, 461-462.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Creating Augustine: Interpreting Augustine and Augustinianism in the Later Middle Ages, by E. L. Saak, 476.
Issue 4
- James Dominic Rooney, “Evolutionary Biology and Classical Teleological Arguments for God’s Existence,” 617-630.
- Ignacio Silva, “Thomas Aquinas Holds Fast: Objections to Aquinas within Today’s Debate on Divine Action,” 658-667.
Issue 5
- Brian Himes, “Lonergan’s Position on the Natural Desire to See God and Aquinas’ Metaphysical Theology of Creation and Participation,” 767-783.
Issue 6
- Nathan R. Strunk, Review of Beauty and Being: Thomistic Perspectives, by Piotr Jaroszyñski, translated by Hugh MacDonald, 1085-1086.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 34 (4 ipy)
Issue 4
- Miroslav Hanke, “Implied-Meaning Analysis of the Currian Conditional,” 367-380.
- Margaret Cameron, Review of Boethius on Mind, Grammar and Logic: A Study of Boethius’ Commentaries on Peri Hermeneias, by Taki Suto, 392-396.
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 30 (4 ipy)
Number 1
- Peter John Hartman, “Durand of St.-Pourçain and Thomas Aquinas on Representation,” 19-34.
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 73 – 74 (6 ipy)
Volume 73: NTR
Volume 74
Issue 2
- Scott F. Aikin, Jason Aleksander, “Nicholas of Cusa’s De pace fidei and the Meta-exclusivism of Religious Pluralism,” 219-235.
- Issue 3 (final issue for 2013)
- Aydogan Kars, “Two Modes of Unsaying in the Early Thirteenth Century Islamic Lands: Theorizing Apophasis Through Maimonides and Ibn ‘Arabī,” 261-278.
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 21 (5 ipy)
Issue 3
- Gyula Klima, “Three Myths of Intentionality Versus Some Medieval Philosophers”, 359-376
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 74 (4-5 ipy) (formerly Bijdragen)
Issue 1
- John Arblaster and Rob Faesen, “Mysticism with or Without the Church? John of Ruusbroec’s Conflict with the Clergy?” 18-32.
Issue 4
- Cal Ledsham, “Disrupted Cognition as an Altenative to Heidegger’s Ontotheological Challenge: F. H. Bradley and John Duns Scotus,” 310-328.
Issue 5
- Anthony Dupont, Matthew W. Knotts, “In Dialogue with Augustine’s Soliloquia. Interpreting and Recovering a Theory of Illumination,” 432-465.
International Philosophical Quarterly, 53 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- David Kovacs, Review of Mind, Matter, and Nature: A Thomistic Proposal for the Philosophy of Mind, by James Madden, 128-130.
Issue 2
- Michael Tkacz, “Albertus Magnus and the Error of Ptolemy: Metaphysics and the Origins of Empirical Research Programs.”
- Christopher M. Cullen, S.J., Review of Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement, by Andrew Dean Swafford, 251-254.
- Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Review of Potentiality: Metaphysical and Bioethical Dimensions, edited by John P. Lizza, 256-259.
- Joseph G. Trabbic, Review of In the Self’s Place: The Approach of Saint Augustine, by Jean-Luc Marion, 259-262.
Issue 3
- Vincent Shen, “From Gift to Law: Thomas’s Natural Law and Laozi’s Heavenly Dao.”
- Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Review of Political Augustinianism: Modern Interpretations of Augustine’s Political Thought, by Michael J. S. Bruno, 383-385.
- James M. Jacobs, Review of Human Action in Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham, by Thomas M. Osborne Jr., 387-390.
Issue 4
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, O.P., “The Significance of Worship in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas: Some Reflections.”
- Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., Review of From Eden to Eternity: Creations of Paradise in the Later Middle Ages, by Alastair Minnis, 515-517.
- Sarah Borden Sharkey, Review of Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein, by Antonio Calcagno, 520-523.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 9 (1 ipy)
- Mashhad Al-Allaf, “Jābir on Inductive Reasoning and Metaphysics.”
- Tariq Jaffer, “Rāzī on Taqlīd.”
- C.P. Hertogh, “Ibn Sīnā’s Flying Man–Logical Analyses of a (Religious) Thought Experiment.”
- Ahmed Alwishah, “Ibn Sīnā: The Flying Man Arguments Redux.”
- Omar Kassem, “Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī on Intensional Logic, Freedom and Justice.”
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 21 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Ehud Krinis, “The Arabic Background of the Kuzari,” 1-56.
Issue 2
- Shalom Sadik, « Décision humaine et animale dans la pensée de Rabbi Isaac Israeli, » 143-160.
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 42 (6 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 38 (1 ipy): NTR
Journal of Religious Ethics, 41 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- David A. Clairmont, “Medieval Consideration and Moral Pace: Thomas Aquinas and Bernard of Clairvaux on the Temporal Aspects of Virtue,” 79–111.
- Bonnie Kent, “Augustine’s ‘On the Good of Marriage’ and Infused Virtue in the Twelfth Century,” 112–136.
- Joseph Clair, “Wolterstorff on Love and Justice: An Augustinian Response,” 138-167.
Issue 2
- Austin L. Campbell, “Medical Manichaeism: Toward an Augustinian Intervention,” 310-331.
- Issue 4Sheryl Overmyer, “Saint Thomas Aquinas’s Pagan Virtues? Putting the Question to Jennifer Herdt’s Putting on Virtue,” 669-687.
- James J.S. Foster, “‘Patching up Virtue’: Overcoming the Emersonian/Augustinian Divide in Jennifer Herdt’s Putting on Virtue,” 688-709.
Issue 4
- Sheryl Overmyer, “Saint Thomas Aquinas’s Pagan Virtues? Putting the Question to Jennifer Herdt’s Putting On Virtue,” 669-687.
- James J.S. Foster, “‘Patching up Virtue’: Overcoming the Emersonian/Augustinian Divide in Jennifer Herdt’s Putting on Virtue,” 688-709.
Journal of the History of Ideas, 74 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Cary J. Nederman, “2012 Arthur O. Lovejoy Lecture: Civil Religion – Metaphysical, Not Political: Nature, Faith, and Communal Order in European Thought, c.1150–c.1550,” 1-22.
Issue 2 – 4: NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 51 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- William Wood, “Thomas Aquinas on the claim that God is truth,” 21-47.
- Judith Chelius Stark, Review of Once Out of Nature: Augustine on Time and the Body, by Andrea Nightingale, 119-120.
- Heine Hansen, Review of On Determining What There Is: The Identity of Ontological Categories in Aquinas, Scotus, and Lowe, by Paul Symington, 120-121.
- Anthony J. Lisska, Review of Thomas Aquinas and the Philosophy of Punishment, by Peter Karl Koritansky, 121-123.
Issue 2
- Jenny Pelletier, Review of Categories, and What is Beyond, edited by Gyula Klima, Alexander W. Hall, 313-314.
- Toivo J. Holopainen, Review of Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word, by Eileen C. Sweeney, 314-315.
- Daniel O’Connell, Review of Meister Eckhardt. Die Geburt der “Deutschen Mystik” aus dem Geist der arabischen Philosophie, by Kurt Flasch, 315-316.
- Alan R. Perreiah, Review of Dialectical Disputations, Volume 1: Book I by Lorenzo Valla, and: Dialectical Disputations, Volume 2: Books II–III, by Lorenzo Valla, 316-318.
- Yehuda Halper, Review of Maimonides & Spinoza: Their Conflicting Views of Human Nature, by Joshua Parens, 319-320.
Issue 3
- Juhana Toivanen, “Perceptual self-awareness in Seneca, Augustine, and Olivi,” 355-382.
- James Brent, Review of Lessons from Aquinas: A Resolution of the Problem of Faith and Reason, by Creighton Rosental, 483-484.
Issue 4
- Adam Wood, Review of William of Ockham on Metaphysics: The Science of Being and God, by Jenny E. Pelletier, 679-680.
The Journal of Religion, 93 (4 ipy): NTR
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LXXVI (1 ipy): NTR
Laval théologique et philosophique, 69 (3 ipy)
No. 2
- Emmanuel Tourpe, « Potentia Dei, fecunditas entis : à la recherche des fondements métaphysiques d’une ontologie de la fécondité après Thomas d’Aquin, » 281-293.
- Kristell Trego, « Les actes de l’homme. La philosophie et les «Livres» », 295-308.
No. 3: NTR
Médiévales, 64 – 65 (2 ipy): NTR
Mediaevalia, 33 (1 ipy): NTR
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 32 (1 ipy)
- Alexander Baumgarten, “Boni iudicatio. L’utilisation du mythe d’Orphée et d’Eurydice dans la Consolation de la Philosophie de Boèce,” 29 – 40.
- Sara Barchiesi, “Profeta e profezia nell’Epistola di Kāmil (al-Risalā alKāmiliyya) di Ibn al-Nafīs,” 41 – 52.
- Georgina Rabass, “Rediscovering the Secrets of Voice: Hildegard of Bingen,” 53 – 70.
- Manuel Lázaro Pulido, “Secretos y descubrimiento en el pensamiento franciscano ibérico del siglo XIII,” 91 – 104.
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, “Lire la pensée comme dans un livre: secret et transparence selon Jean Duns Scot et Henri de Gand,” 123 – 140.
- Alice Lamy, “La philosophie naturelle à l’épreuve du secret angélique. Le mouvement local et la structure du continu selon Thomas d’Aquin, Jean Duns Scot et Grégoire de Rimini,” 141 – 160.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Calcolo e mentalismo nel secolo XIV,” 161 – 180.
- Ángel Poncela González, “La crítica a la Filosofía de Ibn Jaldún y la purificación del Islam,” 181 – 202.
- Marisa das Neves Henriques, « Version portugaise du Secretum secretorum: entre la fascination visible et l’opacité linguistique, » 203-220.
- Manuel Méndez Alonzo, “The Thomist Philosopher and the Cannibals: Alonso de la Veracruz’s Theses on Cannibalism and Crimes against Nature,” 221-236.
- João Rebalde, “Luis de Molina frente a Boécio e Tomás de Aquino: os segredos da providência e a liberdade humana,” 237 – 246.
Mediaeval Sophia, 13–14 (2 ipy)
Volume 13
- Coralba Colomba, “Ramon Lull at the Council of Vienne (1311-1312): The Last Anti-Averroistic Fight for the Demonstrability of the Faith,” 44-64.
- Rosa Laura Guzzetta, “L’etica: cuore dell’identitá e della filosofia ebraica,” 103-119.
Volume 14
- Giovanni Licata, “Elia del Medigo sul problema della causalità divina. Un’edizione critica della Quaestio de efficientia mundi (1480),” 59.
- Luca Lumbardo, “Rifacimenti della Consolatio philosophiae in Bernardo Silvestre e Alano di Lilla,” 83.
Mediaeval Studies, 75 (1 ipy)
- F. A. C. Mantello and J. Goering, “In libro Numerorum scriptum est de Leuitis: Robert Grosseteste on Clerical Orders,” 1-34.
- Ram Ben-Shalom, “The First Jewish Work on the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Virtues,” 205-270.
- Elizabeth A. R. Brown, “Marguerite Porete, John Baconthorpe, and the Chroniclers of Saint-Denis,” 307-344.
- Edouard Jeauneau and Stephen Pelle, “A Fragment of an Anonymous Commentary on Priscian Inserted into a Manuscript of the Glosae super Priscianum of William of Conches,” 345.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, XXXVIII (1 ipy)
- Lawrence Moonan, “What analogy and the Five Ways are meant to do for Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae,” 13 – 75.
- Fabrizio Amerini, “Thomas Aquinas On Mental Language,” 77 – 110.
- Giovanni Ventimiglia, “Tommaso d’Aquino e le dottrine non scritte di Platone,” 111 – 178.
- Erik Fieremans, “Anselm’s Natural Language Analysis,” 179 – 233.
- Antoine Coté, « La critique de la doctrine de l’abstraction de Jacques de Viterbe, » 235 – 262.
- Luca Gili, “William of Ockham on ‘dici de omni et de nullo’. Nominalism as the epistemological basis of his ‘orthodox’ interpretation’?,” 263 – 294.
- Mickey Engel, “Elijah Del Medigo’s critique of the Paduan Thomists,” 295 – 316.
- Francesco Bottin, “Peter of Abano: the scientific method of a diligens indagator,” 317 – 357.
Micrologus, XXI (1 ipy)
- Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Introduction, xii-xiv.
- Aurélien Robert, « Épicure et les épicuriens au Moyen Âge, » 3-45.
- Joëlle Ducos, « Platon et Socrate dans la littérature médiévale française. Entre morale et légende, » 47-79.
- Delphine Carron, « Les suicides de Caton. Légendes médiévales autour de la mort d’un stoïcien romain, » 81-101.
- Etienne Wolff, « La légende d’Apulée, de son époque à la fin du XVe siècle, » 103-113.
- Jean-Marc Mandosio, « Les vies légendaires d’Apollonius de Tyane, mage et philosophe, » 115-143.
- David Juste, « Les textes astrologiques latins attribués à Aristote, » 145-164.
- Antonella Sannino, “I ritratti leggendari di Ermete Trismegisto,” 165-191.
- Jean-Patrice Boudet, « Ptolémée dans l’Occident médiéval: roi, savant et Philosophe, » 193-217.
- JulienVéronèse, « Virgile et la naissance de l’ars notoria, » 219-242.
- Patrick Gautier Dalché, « Le ‘Tuyau’ de Gerbert, ou la légende savante de l’astronome: origines, thèmes, échos contemporains (avec un appendice critique), » 243-276.
- Charles Stuart F. Burnett, “The Legend of Constantine the African,” 277-294.
- Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, « La légende médiévale d’Albert le Grand (1270-1435). Premières recherches, » 295-368.
- Amos Bertolacci, “Albertus Magnus and ‘Avenzoreth’ (Ibn Zur’a, D. 1008): Legend or Reality?” 369-396.
- Jean Wirth, « Légende et miracles de Saint Thomas d’Aquin, » 397-409.
- Sebastià Giralt i Soler, “The Legend of Arnau de Vilanova, from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Times,” 411-444.
- Laurence Moulinier-Brogi and Marilyn Nicoud, « Fama ou légende? De la vie de quelques médecins italiens d’après les témoignages médiévaux, » 445-470.
- Michela Pereira, “Il santo alchimista. Intrecci leggendari attorno a Raimondo Lullo,” 471-516.
- Graziana Ciola, “Giovanni di Rupescissa: autobiografia, profezia e leggenda,” 517-578.
- Reimund Leicht, “Miracles for the Sake of the Master of Reason Hillel Ben Samuel of Verona’s Legendary Account of the Maimonidean Controversy,” 579-598.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 37 (1 ipy): NTR
Mind, 122 (4 ipy): NTR
The Modern Schoolman = Res Philosophica
The Monist, 96 (4 ipy): NTR
New Scholasticism = American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Nous, 47 (4 ipy): NTR
Nova et Vetera, 11 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Ralph Martin, “The Post-Christendom Sacramental Crisis: The Wisdom of Thomas Aquinas,” 57.
Issue 3
- Adam G. Cooper, “Hierarchy, Humility and Holiness: the Meaning of Ecclesial Ranks According to Dionysius the Areopagite,” 649.
- Lawrence Dewan, O.P., “Some Notes on St. Thomas’s Use of “dignitas,” 663.
- Edward Feser, “Between Aristotle and William Paley: Aquinas’s Fifth Way,” 707.
- Marie I. George, “Thomistic Considerations on Whether We Ought to Revere Non-Rational Natural Beings,” 751.
- Simon Oliver, “Aquinas and Aristotle’s Teleology,” 849.
- Cyprus P. Olsen III., “The Acts of ‘Turning’ and ‘Returning’ in Aquinas,” 871.
Issue 4: NTR
Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No volume published this year.
Oriens, 41 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Gregor Schoeler, “The ‘Poetic Syllogism’ Revisited,” 1-26.
Issue 3-4
- Asad Q. Ahmed, “Post-Classical Philosophical Commentaries/Glosses: Innovation in the Margins,” 317-348.
- Robert Wisnovsky, “Avicennism and Exegetical Practice in the Early Commentaries on the Ishārāt,” 349-378.
- Bilal Ibrahim, “Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī, Ibn al-Hayṯam and Aristotelian Science: Essentialism versus Phenomenalism in Post-Classical Islamic Thought,” 379-431.
- Jon McGinnis, “Pointers, Guides, Founts and Gifts: The Reception of Avicennian Physics in the East,” 433-456.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 1 (1 ipy)
- Peter King, “Boethius on the Problem of Desert,” 1.
- Marilyn Mccord Adams, “Genuine Agency, Somehow Shared? The Holy Spirit and Other Gifts,” 23.
- Giorgio Pini, “What Lucifer Wanted: Anselm, Aquinas, and Scotus on the Object of the First Evil Choice,” 61.
- Andrew Arlig, “Some Twelfth-Century Reflections on Mereological Essentialism,” 83.
- Jean Porter, “Why Are the Habits Necessary? An Inquiry into Aquinas’s Moral Psychology,” 113.
- Susan Brower-Toland, “Olivi on Consciousness and Self-Knowledge: The Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Epistemology of Mind’s Reflexivity,” 136.
- Richard Cross, “Duns Scotus on Essence and Existence,” 172.
Philosopher’s Imprint, 13 (multiple ipy)
No. 2
- Sidney Penner, “Suárez on the Reduction of Categorical Relations,” 1-24.
No. 20
- Ursula Coope, “Aquinas on judgment and the active power of reason,” 1-19.
Numbers 21-24 (final issue for 2013): NTR
Philosophia, 41 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Stephen Chanderbhan, “Does Empathy Have Any Place in Aquinas’s Account of Justice?,” 273-288.
- Jean Porter, “Dispositions of the Will,” 289-300.
- Stewart Clem, “The Epistemic Relevance of the Virtue of Justice,” 301-311.
Issue 3
- Elena Baltuta, “Aquinas on Intellectual Cognition: The Case of Intelligible Species,” 589-602.
- Stephen Boulter, “Aquinas on Biological Individuals: An Essay in Analytical Thomism,” 603-616.
- Petr Dvořák, “The Concurrentism of Thomas Aquinas: Divine Causation and Human Freedom,” 617-634.
- Jan Kielbasa, “What is First? Metaphysics as Prima Philosophia and Ultima Scientia in the Works of Thomas Aquinas,” 617-634.
- Tomasz Kąkol, “Is God His Essence? The Logical Structure of Aquinas’ Proofs for this Claim,” 649-660.
Issue 4: NTR
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 5 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 5
- Михаела Шанова, “‘Tеглото ми е моята любов’, или разсъждения върху една мисъл на Aвгустин,” 99 – 112.
The Philosophical Quarterly, 63 (4 ipy): NTR
The Philosophical Review, 122 (4 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Studies, 162-166 (30 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Topics, 41 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophiques, 40 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 25 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Victor Zorrilla, “Providentialism as an Instrument for Moral Instruction in Bartolomé de las Casas and José de Acosta,” 33-41.
- Philipp W. Rosemann, “Tradition and Deconstuction,” 9-107.
Issue 2
- Stephen A. Calogero, “Caritas and Consciousness: Aristotle and Aquinas on Love of Neighbor” 167-180.
- Bradford W. Manderfield, “Julian’s Christology and Lyotard’s Sublime: A Dialogue on the Cusp of Knowability,” 181-198.
Philosophy Compass, 8 (12 ipy)
Issue 7
- James Madden, “Thomistic Hylomorphism and Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Religion,” 664-676.
Issues 8-12: NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 36 – 37 (2 vpy): NTR
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 87 (1 ipy)
- John O’Callaghan, “The Identity of Knower and Known: Sellar’s and McDowell’s Thomisms,” 1-30.
- Eleonore Stump, “The Nature of a Simple God,” 3-42.
- Candace Vogler, “Good and Bad in Human Action,” 57-68.
- Michael W. Tkacz, “Albertus Magnus and the Animal Histories: A Medieval Anticipation of Recent Developments in Aristotle Studies.”
- Jonahan Butaci, “Arisotle’s Intellects: Now and Then,” 127-143.
- Anne M. Wiles, “The Aristotelian Structure of Justice in the Divine Comedy,” 145-153.
- Leonard Ferry, “Aristotle in Aquinas’s Moral Theory: Reason, Virtue, and Emotion,” 167-182.
- Turner C. Nevitt, “Sensation in Aristotle: Some Problematic Contemporary Interpretations and a Medieval Solution,” 195-211.
- Traci Phillipson, “The Will in Averroes and Aquinas,” 231-247.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics (1 ipy)
- No volume published this year
Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 13 (1 ipy)
- Christophe Erismann, “Olympiodorus on the Reality of Relations and the Order of the World.”
- Kristell Trego, “Inhérence ou relation? L’ad aliquid et la doctrine catégoriale de la substance chez Boèce.”
- Abdelmajid Baakrime, “La relation perceptive selon Alhazen et ses retombées philosophiques.”
- Olga Lizzini, “Causality as Relation: Avicenna (and al-Ġazālī).”
- Pasquale Porro, “Déduction catégoriale et prédicaments relatifs à la fin du XIIIe secolo.”
- Mark Henninger, “John Duns Scotus and Peter Auriol on the Ontological Status of Relations.”
- Alessandro D. Conti, “Realism vs. Nominalism: The Controversy Between Burley and Ockham over the Nature and Ontological Status of the ad aliquid.”
- Marienza Benedetto, “Nuovi studi su Avicenna, Averroè e le cose del mondo.”
- Friederike Schmiga, “Die Studienhäuser und der Hof als Kontext der Wissensvermittlung. Zu einer neueren Publikation.” ??
- Anna Arezzo, “Potere e limiti della conoscenza da Enrico di Gand a Enrico di Harclay.”
- Véronique Decaix, “Théologie rationnelle ou métaphysique? Les deux sens de la métaphysique chez Dietrich de Freiberg.”
Quaestiones Disputatae, 3-4 (2 ipy)
Volume 3, Issue 2
- Francis E. Feingold, « Principium Versus Principiatum: The Transcendence of Love in von Hildebrand and Aquinas, » 56-68.
Volume 4, Issue 1
- John Finley, « Stein and Aquinas on the Problem of Individual Being, » 107-120.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 80 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- R.E. Houser, “Avicenna, Aliqui, and Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Creation,” 17 -55.
- Thomas M Osborne, “Giles of Rome, Henry of Ghent, and Godfrey of Fontaines on Whether to See God is to Love Him,” 57 – 76.
- Peter S. Eardle, “Conscience and the Foundations of Morality in Ockham’s Metaethics,” 77 – 108.
- Luigi Campi, “’But and alle thingus in mesure, and noumbre, and peis thou disposedist.’ Some Notes on the Role of Wisdom 11, 21 in Wyclif’s Writings,” 109 – 143.
- Laurent Cesalli, “Augustine and Wyclif on Truth: An Attempt to Elucidate Wyclif’s Notion of Logicas Sacrae Scripturae,” 145 – 163.
Issue 2
- M.V. Dougherty, “Richard Knapwell and Medieval Moral Dilemma Theory,” 225-258.
- Thomas Jeschke, “Thomistic Sacramentology in a Commentary by Durandus of St.-Pourçain. Remarks on a Lectura secundum Durandum (MS Paris, BnF, lat. 12331),”
259-305. - Robert Podkoński, “Richard Swinehead’s Liber calculationum in Italy. Some Remarks on Manuscripts, Editions and Dissemination,” 307-361.
- Bernd Roling, “Die Geometrie der Bienenwabe Albertus Magnus, Karl von Baer und die Debatte über das Vorstellungsvermögen und die Seele der Insekten zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit,” 363-466.
- Olivier Boulnois, “Une synthèse sur l’histoire de la métaphysique médiévale,” 467-480.
- Luca Gili, “The Medievals on Aristotle’s Doctrine of Substance,” 481-500.
- Guy Guldentops, “Note sur Richard de Mediavilla,” 501-519.
Religious Studies, 49 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- H.E. Baber, “The Real Presence,” 19-33.
Issues 2 – 4: NTR
Res Philosophica, 90 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Lynne Rudder Baker, “Updating Anselm Again,” 23-32.
Issue 3
- Tobias Hoffmann, “The Pleasure of Life and the Desire for Non-Existence: Some Medieval Theories,” 323-346.
Issue 4: NTR
Review of Metaphysics, 66 – 67 (4 ipy)
Volume 66, Issue 3
- Wouter Goris, “De Magistro – Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, and John Duns Scotus on Natural Conceptions,” 435-468.
Volume 66, Issue 4
- Leo J. Elders, “St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics” 713-748.
Volume 67, Issue 1
- Brandon Zimmerman, “Does Plotinus Present a Philosophical Account of Creation?” 55-105.
- Maurico Lecón, “Francis Suárez on the Efficiency of Substantial Forms,” 107-124.
Volume 67, Issue 2
- Juan José Sanguineti, “The Ontological Account of Self-Consciousness in Aristotle and Aquinas,” 311-344.
Revue de l’histoire des religions, 2013 (4 ipy)
No. 1
- Viviane Comerro, « La défense argumentée du libre arbitre dans la tradition musulmane. Ḥasan al-Baṣrī et ‘Umāra b. Wathīma al-Fārisī , » 37-66.
No. 4
- Patrice Sicard, “De la liquéfaction à la défaillance : pour un vocabulaire mystique au xiie siècle,” 447-483.
- Maxime Mauriège, “La Compilatio mystica ou le doux miel de la mystique rhénane,” 485-507.
- Isabelle Fabre, “La plume et l’envol : une analyse stylistique de la Méditation sur l’Ascension de Jean Gerson,” 509-544.
- Cédric Giraud, “La réception des Meditationes sive orationes d’Anselme de Cantorbéry à l’âge de l’imprimé,” 545-581.
- Simon Icard, « La théologie mystique selon Giovanni Bona et ses sources médiévales, » 653-666.
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 97 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, « Siger de Brabant et la notion d’operans intrinsecum: un coup de maître? » 3-36.
- Vincent Holzer, « Les thomismes de langue allemande au xxe siècle. Science de l’être et métamorphoses du transcendantal, » 37-58.
- Roger Puivet, « Le thomisme de l’École de Lvov-Varsovie et du Cercle de Cracovie, » 59-76.
- Cyril Michon, « Les thomismes analytiques : un cas de scolastique médiévale et contemporaine, » 77-94.
Issue 2/3
- C. Broc-Schmezer, « Théologie et philosophie en prédication : le cas de Jean Chrysostome, » 187-212.
- A. Massie, « Recherche philosophique et humilité chrétienne dans la prédication de saint Augustin, » 213-242.
- K. Mitalaïté, « La transmission de la doctrine dans la prédication carolingienne, » 243-276.
- C. Giraud, « Haec vera philosophia. Notes sur les sermons Qui habitat de Bernard de Clairvaux, » 277-298.
- F. Siri, « Et natura mediocritatis est amica. Empreintes philosophiques sur la prédication d’Alain de Lille, » 299-344.
- F. Morenzoni, « De la probatio à la declaratio : réflexion doctrinale et prédication dans l’œuvre de Guillaume d’Auvergne, » 345-366.
- R. Imbach. « Non diligas meretricem et dimittas sponsam tuam. Aspects philosophiques des Conférences sur les six jours de la création de Bonaventure, » 367-396.
- A. Oliva, « Philosophie et théologie en prédication chez Thomas d’Aquin, » 397.
Issue 4 : NTR
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 87 (1-4 ipy)
No. 1
- Alberto Frigo, « Caritas patriae: l’ordre de la charité et le martyre civil au XIII siècle, » 21-40.
No. 2
- Éric Mangin, « Balbutiement du Verbe et poétique de la chair. Écriture et rationalité chez Maître Eckhart, » 239-252.
No. 4
- Isabel Iribarren, « La theologie dans l’Universite medieval. Lieux et renaissances de la reine des sciences, » 403-415.
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 59 (2 ipy)
Number 2
- Mariagnese Giusto, « La miséricorde envers soi-même : Siracide 30, 24 (23) dans l’œuvre d’Augustin, » 247-273.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 66 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Bakhouche Béatrice, « La théorie de la vision chez Calcidius (IV siècle) entre géométrie, médecine et philosophie, » 5-31.
Issue 2: NTR
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 138 (4 ipy) : NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 111 (4 ipy): NTR
Revue Thomiste, 2013 (4 ipy)
Fascicule 1
- Stéphane Mercier, « Une lumière pour accéder à la Lumière, Lecture d’un article du Cursus theologicus de Jean de Saint-Thomas. »
- Étienne Vetö, « Le corps du Verbe, Christologie et philosophie chez saint Thomas d’Aquin. »
Fascicule 2
- Emmanuel Perrier, « Le Pain de Vie chez Louis-Marie Chauvet et saint Thomas d’Aquin, Représentation de l’inconnaissable ou terme de l’union spirituelle? »
- Jean-Marc Goglin, « La liberté humaine dans la Somme contre les Gentils de Thomas d’Aquin: une liberté d’operatio. »
- Marie Leblanc, « L’Esprit Saint, source de la dignité de l’homme devant Dieu, A propos du mérite de l’œuvre de l’homme devant Dieu (Somme Théologique, Ia-IIae, q. 114, a. 3). »
Fascicule 3
- Dominique Doucet, « Augustin: l’Epistula XI, le Livre des XXIV philosophes et idipsum. »
- Vojtěch Novotný, « Jésus s’étonna… (Mt 8, 10), Le sens de son étonnement selon saint Thomas d’Aquin. »
Fascicule 4
- Serge-Thomas Bonino, « Défense et illustration thomiste de la puissance de Dieu, » 531-568.
Rivista di Filosofia Neo-scolastica, 105 (4 ipy)
Numero 1
- Tommaso Scandroglio, “Il bene comune come limite all’azione del sovrano nella prospettiva tomista,” 41 – 71.
- Giulio d’Onofrio, “Conoscenza intuitiva nel pensiero cristiano fra tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo,” 73 – 96.
- Gianfranco Fioravanti, “La prima trattazione «sottile» della nobiltà. Convivio, Trattato quarto,” 97 – 104.
- Sebastián Contreras, “Juan de la Peña OP (1513-1565) y la determinación del derecho. Aspectos teológicos y jurídicos,” 105-129.
Numero 2
- Sebastián Contreras, “La Escuela de Salamanca del siglo XVI. Su naturaleza y composición,” 297-324.
Numero 3-4: NTR
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2013 (4 ipy)
Fascicolo 1
- John Marenbon, “Divine prescience and contingency in Boethius’s Consolation of philosophy,” 9 – 21.
- Marta Cristiani, “Concursus accidentium. Contingenza, accidentalità o virtualità dei corpi nell’ontologia di Giovanni Eriugena?” 23 – 42.
- Massimo Parodi, Marco Rossini, “Libertà necessaria e libertà contingente in Anselmo d’Aosta,” 43 – 64.
- Cecilia Panti, “‘Natura non intendit nisi quinque digitos.’ Caso, contingenza e mostruosità nelle questiones supra octo libros physicorum e nei communia naturalium di Ruggero Bacone,” 65-94.
- Pietro B. Rossi, “Necessità e contingenza nella filosofia naturale di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 95 – 111.
- Pasquale Porro, “Contingenza e impedibilità delle cause. Presupposti e implicazioni di un dibattito scolastico,” 113 – 147.
- Riccardo Fedriga, “Mente divina e contingenza in Pietro Aureolo,” 149-173.
Fascicolo 3
Fascicolo 4: NTR
Southwest Philosophy Review, 29 (1 ipy): NTR
Speculum, 88 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Eileen Sweeney, Review of The Soul–Body Problem at Paris, ca. 1200–1250: Hugh of St-Cher and His Contemporaries, by Magdalena Bieniak, 255-257.
- Jeanette Patterson, Review of L’inconnu dans la maison: Richard de Mediavilla, les Franciscains et la Vierge Marie à la fin du XIIIe siècle, by Alain Boureau, 259-260.
- Leslie Lockett, Review of Medieval Grammar and Rhetoric: Language Arts and Literary Theory, AD 300–1475, Copeland, Rita, and Sluiter, Ineke, eds., 271-274.
- Bernard Prusak, Review of Moral Dilemmas in Medieval Thought: From Gratian to Aquinas, by M.V. Dougherty, 279-281.
- Jon McGinnis, Review of Relational Syllogisms and the History of Arabic Logic, 900–1900, by Khaled El-Rouayheb, 283-284.
- Ioannis Polemis, Review of Thomas Magistros und die spätbyzantinische Sophistik: Studien zum Humanismus urbaner Eliten in der frühen Palaiologenzeit, by Niels Gaul, 295-296.
- Denis Robichaud, Review of In Defense of Common Sense: Lorenzo Valla’s Humanist Critique of Scholastic Philosophy, by Lodi Nauta, 323-324.
- Anna Kłosowska; Review of Of Sodomites, Effeminates, Hermaphrodites, and Androgynes: Sodomy in the Age of Peter Damian, by Glenn W. Oslen, 327-328.
- Michael Harrington, Review of Apophasis and Pseudonymity in Dionysius the Areopagite: ‘No Longer I.’, by Charles M. Stang, 341-342.
- Emery de Gaál Gyulai, Review of Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word, by Eileen C. Sweeney, 346-348.
- Gregory B. Stone, Review of Dante in Purgatory: States of Affect, by Jeremy Tambling, 348-349.
Issue 2
- Katherine Chambers, “‘When We Do Nothing Wrong, We Are Peers’: Peter the Chanter and Twelfth-Century Political Thought. Speculum,” 405-426.
- Marsha L. Dutton, Review of Ælred de Rievaulx (1110–1167): De l’homme éclaté à l’être unifié: Essai de biographie existentielle et spirituelle, by Pierre-André Burton, 499-500.
- Joseph E. B. Lumbard, Review of Logos and Revelation: Ibn ‘Arabi, Meister Eckhart, and Mystical Hermeneutics, by Robert J. Dobie, 508-509.
- Philipp W. Rosemann, Review of Per verba magistri: Anselme de Laon et son école au XII e siècl, by Cédric Giraud, 520-521.
- Anne-Hélène Miller, Review of Les traductions françaises du De regimine principum de Gilles de Rome: Parcours matériel, culturel et intellectuel d’un discours sur l’éducation, by Noëlle-Laetitia Perret, 566-567.
- Antonio Calcagno, Review of Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge, by Lydia Schumacher, 579-581.
Issue 3
- Bonnie Kent, Review of The Cardinal Virtues in the Middle Ages: A Study in Moral Thought from the Fourth to the Fourteenth Century, by István P. Bejczy, 757-758.
- Charles F. Briggs, Review of Well Begun Is Only Half Done: Tracing Aristotle’s Political Ideas in Medieval Arabic, Syriac, Byzantine, and Jewish Sources, edited by Vasileios Syros, 852-853.
- Roland J. Teske, Review of Happiness and Wisdom: Augustine’s Early Theology of Education, by Ryan N. S. Topping, 860-861.
Issue 4
- Phillip Cary, Review of Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology, by Paige E. Hochschild, 1109-1110.
- David Malkiel, Review of The Intellectual History and Rabbinic Culture of Medieval Ashkenaz, by Ephraim Kanarfogel, 1115-1116.
- Dennis L. Sepper, Review of Imagination, Meditation, and Cognition in the Middle Ages, by Michelle Karnes, 1116-1118.
- David Lyle Jeffrey, Review of Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas, edited by Matthew Levering and Michael Dauphinais, 1122-1123.
- Toivo J. Holopainen, Review of The Theology of Peter Damian: “Let Your Life Always Serve as a Witness,” by Patricia Ranft, 1146-1147.
- Jeffrey C. Witt, Review of Creating Augustine: Interpreting Augustine and Augustinianism in the Later Middle Ages, by E. L. Saak, 1158-1160.
- Michael A. Ryan, Review of Il “De mirabilibus mundi” tra tradizione magica e filosofia natural, by Antonella Sannino, 1161-1163.
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 3 (1-2 ipy)
- Concetta Luna, “Boéthos de Sidon sur les relatifs,” 2-35.
- Henri Hugonnard-Roche, “Sur la lecture tardo-antique du Peri Hermeneias d’ Aristote: Paul le Perse et la tradition d’ Ammonius,” 37-104.
- Marco Di Branco, “Ismailiti a Bisanzio. Immagini e presenze,” 105-120.
- Martino Diez, “Les antiquités gréco-romaines entre al-Makn ibn al-Amd et Ibn aldn. Notes pour une histoire de la tradition,” 121-140.
- Gerhard Endress, Rüdiger Arnzen, Yury Arzhanov, “Griechische Wissenschaft in arabischer Sprache. Ein griechisch-arabisches Fachwörterbuch der internationalenWissensgesellschaft im klassischen Islam,” 143-156.
- Andrea Bozzi, “G2A: a Web application to study, annotate and scholarly edit ancient texts and their aligned translations Part I. General model of the computational philology application,” 159-171.
- Ouafae Nahli, “Computational contributions for Arabic language processing Part I. The automatic morphologic analysis of Arabic texts,” 195-206.
- Ouafae Nahli, Emiliano Giovannetti, “Part II. Lisn al-arab as a source of lexical and morphological knowledge,” 207-210.
- Cristina D’Ancona, review of Revelation and Falsification. The Kitāb al-qirā ʾāt of Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Sayyārī. Critical Edition with an Introduction and Notes by Etan Kohlberg and Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, 293-297.
- Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, review of Olga Lizzini, Avicenna, Carocci Editore, 305-313.
- Jules Janssens, review of Teresa De Franco, Primati e principi della medicina di Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 315-317.
Studia Neoaristotelica, 10 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Miroslav Hanke, “John Mair on Semantic Paradoxes: Alethic Modalities and Validity in Paradoxical Contexts,” 50-87.
Issue 2
- Mark K. Spencer, “Transcendental Order in Suárez,” 157-195.
- Miroslav Hanke, “Insolubilia Novissima: Analysis of an Anonymous Insolubilia-Treatise with a Working Edition,” 215-246.
Issue 3
- Jan Petricek, “Princip individuace podle Jana Dunse Scota,” 5-21.
- Miroslav Hanke, “Sémantika vět Martina Le Maistra Rekonstrukce scholastické sémantiky a ontologie komplexů,” 22-50.
- David Peroutka OCD, “Inhabitace Boha v duši,” 52-71.
Studi Francescani. NA
Studi Medievali, 54 (2 ipy)
Fasc. 2
- Peter Dronke, “The Four Elements in the Thought of Hildegard of Bingen: Cosmology and Poetry: Cause et Cure and the Berlin Fragment,” 905-922.
Synthèse, 190 (multi ipy): NTR
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 77 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Reinhard Hütter, “The Virtue of Chastity and the Scourge of Pornography: A Two-Fold Crisis in Light of Aquinas’s Moral Theology,” 1-39.
- Stephen L. Brock, “Intentional Being, Natural Being, and the First-Person Perspective in Thomas Aquinas,” 103-133.
Issue 2
- Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ, “Sacramentum and the Eucharist in St. Augustine,” 173-192.
- Gaven Kerr, “John McDowell and Thomas Aquinas: Philosophical Convergences,” 261-297.
Issue 3
- Thomas M. Osborne, Jr., “Continuity and Innovation in Dominic Banez’s Understanding of Esse,” 367-394.
- Domenic D’Ettore, “John Capreolus on Names Said Analogously of God and Creatures,” 395-418.
- John T. Slotemaker, “John Duns Scotus and Henry of Harclay on the Non-Necessity of Opposed Relations,” 419-451.
Issue 4
- Robert J. Dobie, “Incarnate Knowing: Theology and the Corporeality of Thinking in Thomas Aquinas’s De Unitate Intellectus Contra Averroistas,” 497-529.
- Joshua P. Hochschild, “Proportionality and Divine Naming: Did St. Thomas Change His Mind About Analogy?” 531-558.
- Eric M. Johnston, “The Biology of Woman in Thomas Aquinas,” 577-616.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 75 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Joke Spruyt, “Leren ordelijk te denken Hendrik van Gent (ca. 1217-1293) over de fundamenten van onderwijs,” 63-89.
Issue 2
- Griet Galle and Andrea Robiglio, “Dante in zijn filosofische context,” 281-282.
- Andrea Aldo Robiglio, “Traditie en indivdueel talent Een filosfisch portret van Dante,” 283-310.
- Johannes Bartuschat, “La littérature vernaculaire et la philosophie en Toscane dans la deuxième moitié du 13ème siècle,” 311-333.
- Luca Bianchi, “‘Noli comedere panem philosophorum inutiliter’ Dante Alighieri and John of Jandun on Philosophical ‘Bread,’” 335-355.
- Paolo Falzone, “Bruno Nardi’s Louvain Dissertation (1911) and the Uneasy Character of Dante’s Philosophy,” 357-373.
Issues 3 and 4: NTR
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, 44 – 45 (1 ipy)
Volume 44
- Francisco J. Romero Carrasquillo, “The intertwining of multiplicity and unity in Dionysus’ metaphysical mysticism,” 207-269.
Volume 45
- Marto Borgo, “Early Aquinas on Matter,” 83-128.
- Therese Scarpelli Cory, “What is an Intellectual ‘Turn’? The Liber de Causis, Avicenna and Aquinas’s Turn to Phantasms,” 129-162.
- Verónica Murillo Gallegos, “Fray Toribio de Benavente: restricción de la ley e imposición de la ley,” 163-195.
Topoi, 32 (1-2 ipy): NTR
Traditio, 68 (1 ipy)
- Winston Black, “William of Augergne on the Dangers of Paradise: Biblical Exegesis between Natural Philosophy and Anti-Islamic Polemic,” 233 – 258.
- Sébastien Moureau, “Elixir atque fermentum: New Investigations about the Link between Pseudo-Avicenna’s Alchemical De anima and Roger Bacon: Alchemical and Medical Doctrines,” 277 – 325.
Vivarium, 51 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4
- L.M. de Rijk, “Semantics and Ontology: An Assessment of Medieval Terminism,” 13-59.
- Sten Ebbesen, “Early Supposition Theory II,” 60-78.
- Allan Bäck, “Avicenna’s Theory of Supposition,” 81-115.
- Luisa Valente, “Supposition Theory and Porretan Theology: Summa Zwettlensis and Dialogus Ratii et Everardi,” 119-144.
- Mary Sirridge, “Supposition and the Fallacy of Figure of Speech in the Abstractiones,” 147-168.
- Julie Brumberg-Chaumont, “The Role of Discrete Terms in the Theory of the Properties of Terms,” 169-204.
- Dafne Murè, “Suppositum between Logic and Metaphysics: Simon of Faversham and his Contemporaries (1270-1290),” 205-229.
- Costantino Marmo, “Scotus on Supposition,” 233-259.
- Simo Knuuttila, “Supposition and Predication in Medieval Trinitarian Logic,” 260-274.
- Laurent Cesalli, “Richard Brinkley on Supposition,” 275-303.
- Alessandro D. Conti, “Semantic and Ontological Aspects of Wyclif’s Theory of Supposition,” 304-326.
- Fabrizio Amerini, “Thomas Aquinas and Some Italian Dominicans (Francis of Prato, Georgius Rovegnatinus and Girolamo Savonarola) on Signification and Supposition,” 327-351.
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, “The Role of ‘Denotatur’ in Ockham’s Theory of Supposition,” 352-370.
- Claude Panaccio, “Ockham and Buridan on Simple Supposition,” 371-384.
- E. Jennifer Ashworth, “Descent and Ascent from Ockham to Domingo de Soto: An Answer to Paul Spade,” 385-410.
- Ernesto Perini-Santos, “When the Inference ‘p is true, therefore p’ Fails: John Buridan on the Evaluation of Propositions,” 411-424.
- Angel d’Ors, “Logic in Salamanca in the Fifteenth Century: The Tractatus Suppositionum Terminorum by Master Franquera,” 427-463.
- Stephan Meier-Oeser, “The Hermeneutical Rehabilitation of Supposition Theory in Seventeenth-Century Protestant Logic,” 464-481.
- Sara L. Uckelman, “A Quantified Temporal Logic for Ampliation and Restriction,” 485-510.
- Terry Parsons, “The Expressive Power of Medieval Logic,” 511-521.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 48 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Ernan McMullin, “The Inference that Makes Science,” 143 – 191.
- Ernan McMullin, “Galileo’s Theological Venture,” 192 – 220.
- George V. Coyne, SJ, “Science Meets Biblical Exegeis in the Galileo Affair,” 221 – 229.
Issue 2
- Paul L. Allen, “An Augustinian Philosopher Between Dualism and Materialism: Ernan McMullin on Human Emergence,” 294 – 304.
- Ernan McMullin, “Cosmic Purpose and the Contingency of Human Evolution,” 338 – 363.
Issue 4
- George Tsakiridis, “Guilt and the Science of Emotion: How Does Prayer Fit?,” 890 – 907.