2017 Bibliography

Last worked on 01/31/2022

Revised JLS 08/10/2019

No “forthcoming” left

Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 20 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 91 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 34 (1-2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Angelicum, 94 (3-4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Graziano Perillo and Walter Senner, O.P., Review of Albertus Magnus Opera Omnia: Super I Librum Sententiarum, edited by Maria Burger 239-241.

Issue 2

  • Margherita Belli, “L’epistemologia teologica di Tommaso d’Aquino tra Aristotele e Paolo Apostolo,” 287-326.
  • José Ricardo Pierpauli, “Los tres significados de la Política en el De regno de Tomás de Aquino: Sus precedentes en la obra de Alberto Magno,” 327-354.
  • Matthew Levering, “Thomas Aquinas on Law and Love,” 413-444.

Issue 3

  • Giuseppe Gimigliano, “Storia dell’Ordine di Sant’Agostino tra identità spirituale e formazione accademica,” 495-528.
  • Luca M. Di Girolamo, “L’insegnamento universitario nell’Ordine dei Servi di Maria dalle origini ai giorni d’oggi,” 551-582.

Issue 4

  • Juan Eduardo Carreño, “The Possibility of an Artificial Living Being in the Light of the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas,” 635-672.

Annuario Filosofico, 33 (1 ipy): NTR

Anuario Filosófico, 50 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 27 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 14 (1 ipy)

  • Marcus Elder, “Hugh of St. Victor’s Prima Eruditio. A Study of his Theological Architectonics.”
  • Ty Monroe, “»In Excess of Yourself and All Things«. Metaphysics and Epistemology in Dionysius the Areopagite and Thomas Gallus.”
  • Martina Roesner, “»Ursprung des Heiligen Geistes ist der Sohn«. Die pneumatologische Dimension in Meister Eckharts Trinitätslehre.”

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 99 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 71 (6 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 5

Issue 6: NTR

Archives de Philosophie, 80 (4 ipy) 

Issue 1-3: NTR

Issue 4

Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 84 (1 ipy)

Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 67 (2 ipy): NTR

Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 110 (4 ipy): NTR

Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 75 (1 ipy): NTR

Augustinian Studies, 48 (2 ipy)

Issue 1/2

Augustinianum, 57 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 95 (4 ipy): NTR

Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 20 (1 ipy)

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 25 (4-6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3 – 5: NTR

Issue 6

Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 59 (1 ipy)

  • Frédérique Woerther, « Les noms propres dans le Commentaire moyen à l’Éthique à Nicomaque d’Averroès. Contribution à une étude sur les traductions latine et hébraïque du Commentaire. »
  • Carmela Baffioni, « Il libro Epsilon della Metafisica di Aristotele nell’Epitome di Averroè (1126-1198). »
  • Eleonora Andriani, « The Elucidarium of Honorius Augustodunensis in the Prohemium of the Liber Introductorius of Michael Scot. »
  • Michael Noble, « The Avicennan aestimatio (al-wahm) in Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Theor of Talismanic Action at a Distance. »
  • Loris Sturlese, « ‘ut supra dictum est’ – ‘als ich ouch mê gesprochen hân’. Zur Frage nach dem internen Gedächtnis in Eckharts lateinischem und deutschem Werk. »
  • Markus Vinzent, « Meister Eckhart’s Self-translations into the Vernacular. »
  • Shalom Sadik, « Vérité prophétique et vérité philosophique dans l’œuvre de Rabbi Josef Ibn Caspi. »
  • Lorenza Tromboni, « Iacopo, i sogni e il monte calamita. Le fonti filosofiche del tratto sui sogni dello Specchio di vera penitenza. »
  • Christian Kny, José Filipe Silva, « Nicholas of Cusa on Rational Perception. »
  • Lisa Devriese, « An Inventory of Medieval Commentaries on pseudo-Aristotle’s Physiognomonica. »
  • Roberto Hofmeister Pich, « Common Real Being and the Scope of Metaphysics according to Fray Juan de Fuica O.F.M. (17th-18th Centuries, Chile).

Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (irregular): No issue published this year.

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 86 (1 ipy)

Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 47 (6 ipy): NTR

Chôra, 15-16 (1 ipy): See the 2018 bibliography.

Collectanea Franciscana, 88 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3-4

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 65 (6 ipy): NTR

Dialogue, 56 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issues 3-4: NTR

Dionysius, 35 (1 ipy)

Discusiones Filosóficas, 18 (2 ipy)

Issue 2

Divus Thomas, 120 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Doctor Virtualis, (1 ipy): No volume published this year.

Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 28 (1 ipy)

Link to this issue’s full text

  • Françoise Hudry, “La traduction latine de la Logica Avicennae et son auteur,” 1 – 28.
  • Silvia Di Vincenzo, “Is There a verso vulgata of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā’ ? On the Hypothesis of a Double Recension of Kitāb al-Madḫal,” 29 – 70.
  • Niccolò Caminada, “A Latin Translation? The Reception of Avicenna in Albert the Great’s De praedicamentis,” 71 – 104.
  • Riccardo Strobino, “Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Burhān, II.7 and its Latin Translation by Gundissalinus : Context and Text,” 105 – 148.
  • Gaia Celli, “The Rhetoric Section of the Kitāb al-Šifā’ : Hermannus Alemannus’ Latin Translation and the Arabic Witnesses,” 149 – 176.
  • Frédérique Woerther, “Citer/traduire. La traduction arabo-latine de la Rhétorique d’Aristote par Hermann l’Allemand et les citations d’al-Fārābī et Averroès,” 177 – 218.
  • Jules Janssens, “The Liber primus naturalium, i.e. the Physics of the Avicenna latinus,” 219 – 238.
  • Alessia Astesiano, “L’inizio di un movimento nella fisica del continuo : Avicenna lettore di Aristotele (Libro della guarigione, Fisica, III, 6),” 239 – 272.
  • Cristina Cerami, “The De Caelo et Mundo of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā’ : An Overview of its Structure, its Goal and its Polemical Background,” 273 – 330.
  • Silvia Di Donato, “Les trois traductions latines de la Météorologie d’Avicenne : notes pour l’histoire du texte,” 331 – 350.
  • Elisa Rubino, “The Commentary of Alfred of Shareshill on the Pseudo-Aristotelian De mineralibus,” 351 – 364.
  • Tommaso Alpina, “Al-Ǧūzǧānī’s Insertion of On Cardiac Remedies in Avicenna’s Book of the Soul : the Latin Translation as a Clue to his Editorial Activity on the Book of the Cure?,” 365 – 400.
  • Aafke M.I. van Oppenraay, “Avicenna’s Liber de animalibus (‘Abbreviatio Avicennae’). Preliminaries and State of Affairs,” 401 – 416.
  • Rüdiger Arnzen, “Double Translations in the Latin Version of the Metaphysics of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā,” 417 – 440.
  • Alfonso Quartucci, “Avicenna’s Notion of al-mawḍū‘ al-awwal (‘first subject’) in Ilāhiyyāt, I, 1-2 and its Latin Reception,” 441 – 480.
  • Amos Bertolacci, “The Latin Translation and the Original Version of the Ilāhiyyāt (Science of Divine Things) of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifā’,” 481 – 514.
  • Nicola Polloni, “Gundissalinus and Avicenna : Some Remarks on an Intricate Philosophical Connection,” 515 – 552.
  • Ivana Panzeca, “On the Persian Translations of Avicenna’s Ilāhiyyāt,” 553 – 570.

Early Science and Medicine, 22 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2-3: NTR

Issue 4

Issues 5-6: NTR

Ergo, 4 (1 ipy)

Issue 1:

Estudios Filosoficos, 66 (3 ipy)

Issue 1 (no. 191)

Issue 2 (no. 192)

Issue 3 (no. 193)

Etudes Franciscaines, 10 (2 ipy)

Issue 2

  • Bonaventure, “Lettre contenant vingt-cinq recommandations. Introduction, texte latin et traduction par André Ménard.”
  • Emmanuel Falque, “Frater, Magister, Minister et Episcopus. The Works and Worlds of Saint Bonaventure. Compte rendu du colloque du Franciscan Institute.”
  • F. Henryot, Review of Models of Virtues. The Role of Virtues in Sermons and Hagiography for New Saints’ Cults (13th-15th Century), edited by Eleonora Lombardo.

Faith and Philosophy, 34 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3-4: NTR

Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), 50 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Filozofia, 72 (10 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 6

Issue 9

Issue 10: NTR

Franciscan Studies, 75 (1 ipy)

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 64 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Giornale di Metafisica, 39 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Coberto Celada Ballanti, “Il modello celeste del De pace fidei e l’unità tra le religioni in Nicolò Cusano,” 27 – 38.
  • Emanuele Pili, “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus? Tommaso d’Aquino sul rapporto tra il cristianesimo e le altre religioni,” 154 – 165.

Issue 2: NTR

Gregorianum, 98 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Pablo Font Oporto, “Obediencia y desobediencia a reyes herejes y no cristianos en Francisco Suárez. Potestad del papa al respecto,” 61 – 74.

Issue 2

  • Bryan Lobo, S.I., “Aquinas’ Trinitarian Theology: Fides Comunicans Intellectum,” 237-258.

Issue 3

  • Andrea Cavallini, “Da passione a virtù. La misericordia tra Aristotele, Cicerone e Agostino,” 525 – 543.
  • Miquel Seguró, “Neotomismo trascendental y metafísica de la finitud. Analogía y pregunta por lo Absoluto,” 569 – 589.
  • A.M. Putti, Review of La Grâce de la liberté. Augustin et Anselme, by Michel Corbin, 655 – 656.

Issue 4

  • Gjoko Gjorgievski, Roland Meynet, S.I., “San Clemente di Ocrida e la retorica biblica,” 687 – 703.
  • James South, “Aspects of Intentionality in Two 16th Century Aristotelians,” 725 – 741.

Heythrop Journal, 58 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6

History and Philosophy of Logic, 38 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

History of Philosophy Quarterly, 34 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issues 3-4: NTR

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 81, 82 (6 ipy): NTR

International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 25 (5 ipy)

Issue 3

Issues 4-5: NTR

International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 78 (4-5 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3

Issue 4-5

International Philosophical Quarterly, 57 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 11 (1 ipy): not published this year

Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 25 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 46 (6 ipy): NTR

Journal of Philosophical Research, 42 (1 ipy): NTR

Journal of Religious Ethics, 45 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 3 (4 ipy)

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2

Issue 3-4: NTR

Journal of the History of Ideas, 78 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Journal of the History of Philosophy, 55 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 80 (1 ipy)

Laval théologique et philosophique, 73 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Médiévales, 72, 73 (2 ipy)

Volume 72

Volume 73: NTR

Mediaeval Sophia, 19 (1 ipy)

Mediaeval Studies, 79 (1 ipy):

  • Claude Lafleur, David Piché, and Joanne Carrier, “The Questiones ante litteram de uniuersalibus of the Commentary on the Isagoge Attributed (?) to John Pagus: Science and Universal in the Prologue of the Commentary,” 1-66.
  • Ian Stone, “Connections and Collaborations between Centres of Historical Writing in Thirteenth-Century London and Southwark,” 205-248.

Mediaevalia, 38 (1 ipy)

Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 36 (1 ipy)

Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 42 (1 ipy)

Micrologus, 25 (1 ipy)

Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 41 (1 ipy): NTR

Mind, 126 (4 ipy): NTR

The Monist, 100 (4 ipy): NTR

Noctua [xx] (3 ipy)

Nous, 51 (4 ipy): NTR

Nova et Vetera, 15 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No volume published this year.

Oriens, 45 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3-4

Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 5 (1 ipy)

  • Brian Leftow, “Anselm on Necessity,” 1 – 40.
  • Seyed N. Mousavian, Seyed Hasan Saadat Mostafavi, “Avicenna on the Origination of the Human Soul,” 41 – 86.
  • Charles Ehret, “The Flow of Powers: Emanation in the Psychologies of Avicenna, Albert the Great, and Aquinas,” 87 – 121.
  • Jeffrey E. Brower, “Aquinas on the Individuation of Substances,” 122 – 150.
  • Han Thomas Adriaenssen, “Peter Auriol on the Intuitive Cognition of Nonexistents: Revisiting the Charge of Skepticism in Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham,” 151 – 180.
  • Magali Roques, “Ockham on the Parts of the Continuum,” 181 – 212.
  • Peter Adamson, Robert Wisnovsky, “Yayā Ibn ‘Adī on a Kalām Argument for Creation,” 213 – 240.

Philosopher’s Imprint, 17 (multi ipy)

Issue 10

Issues 11-25: NTR

Philosophia, 45 (4 ipy): NTR

Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 15 – 18 (1-4 ipy)

Issue 15

Issue 16

Issues 17 – 18: NTR

The Philosophical Quarterly, 67 (4 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 4

The Philosophical Review, 126 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

Philosophical Studies, 174 (multi ipy): NTR

Philosophical Topics, 45 (2 ipy): NTR

Philosophiques, 44 (2 ipy): NTR

Philosophy and Theology, 29 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Philosophy Compass, 12 (12 ipy): NTR

Praxis Filosófica, 44, 45, 45S (2 ipy): NTR

Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 91 (1 ipy)

Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 14 (1 ipy):

Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 17 (1 ipy)

Quaestiones Disputatae, 7-8 (2 ipy)

Volume 7, Issue 2: NTR

Vol. 8, Issue 1

Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 84 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Religious Studies, 53 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4

Res Philosophica, 94 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013

Issue 1

Issues 2-4: NTR

The Review of Metaphysics, 70, 71 (4 ipy)

Volume 70

Issue 3 : NTR

Issue 4

Volume 71

Issue 1

Issue 2

Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2017 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 101 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 91 (1-4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4 : NTR

Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 63 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Paul Van Geest, “‘… neque in dexteram, neque in sinistram declinans’ (Vita Augustini 22,1). Possidius’ relationship with Augustine and Augustine’s embodiment of the Praeceptum in the Vita Augustini », 99 – 121.
  • Simon Icard, « Augustin, docteur de la grâce : histoire d’un titre », 181 – 198.

Issue 2

  • Brian M. Jensen & Clemens Weidmann, « Another Brick to the Augustinian Wall. New texts by Augustine discovered in the Sanctorale of the Lectionarium Placentinum », 239 – 276.
  • Christopher A. Jones, « The Pseudo-Augustinian Excerpts in Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 389 », 277 – 309.

Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 70 (2 ipy) : NTR

Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 142 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 115 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issues 3-4: NTR

Revue Thomiste, 117 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2017 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3-4: NTR

Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2017 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 4

Southwest Philosophy Review, 33 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Speculum, 92 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue S1 (supplement to Issue 4)

Studi Medievali, 58 (2-3 ipy): NTR

Studia Graeco-Arabica, 7 (1-2 ipy)

Elisa Coda, review of M. Zonta, Il Commento medio di Averroè alla Metafisica di Aristotele nella tradizione ebraica. Edizione delle versioni ebraiche medievali di Zeraḥyah Ḥen e di Qalonymos ben Qalonymos con introduzione storica e filologica, I-II, 422-425.

Studia Neoaristotelica, 14 (multi ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 4

Issue 5: NTR

Synthese, 194 (multi ipy): NTR

The Journal of Religion, 97 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4

The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 81 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 79 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issues 3-4: NTR

Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, 52, 53 (ipy varies)

Volume 52

Volume 53

Topoi, 36 (1-2 ipy)

Issue 4

Traditio, 72 (1 ipy)

Vivarium, 55 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-3

Issue 4

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 52 (4 ipy): NTR

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