Alpha Omega. Rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 26 (2-3 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Pascual, Rafael L.C., “L’unita ontoteologica della metafisica in Tommaso d’Aquino,” 39-73.
- Mayer, Rupert O.P, “Is Meister Eckhart’s Metaphysics an Onto-Theo-logy,” 75-117.
- Mitchell, Jason A., “The Onto-Theological Difference in Analytical Thomism,” 159-185.
Issues 2-3 : NTR
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 97 (4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Beneduce, Chiara, “John Buridan: The Human Body at the Intersection of Natural Philosophy and Medicine,” 161-182.
- Biard, Joel, “John Buridan on the Question of the Unity of the Human Being,” 184-209.
- Lageriund, Henrik, “Buridan’s Radical View of Final Causality and Its Influence,” 211-226.
- Hartman, Peter John, “Mirecourt, Mental Modes, and Mental Motions,” 227-248.
- Sobol, Peter G., “The Use of Theological Terms in the De anima Commentaries of Nicole Oresme and John Buridan,” 249-256.
Issue 3:
- Jalsevac, John, “Mitigating the Magic: The Role of Memory, the Vis Cogitativa, and Experience in Aquinas’s Abstractionist Epistemology,” 267-292.
- Szlachta, Michael, “Unde huic fictioni non est respondendum: Thomas Aquinas and the Necessitation of the Will,” 311-337.
- Kutarnova, Katerina, “Philip of the Blessed Trinity on Mystical Knowledge: Pecular Kinds of Species,” 339-359.
- Schwartz, Daniel, “Suarez’s Republic of Demons: Could There Be an Obligation to Do Evil?,”387-414.
- Osborne, Thomas M. Jr., “REVIEW: Conscience: Four Thomistic Treatments by Reginald Beaudouin, Labourdette, and Merkelbach,” 415-417.