2003 Bibliography
Last worked on 12/06/2024
Revised JLS
Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 22 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Fernando Pascual, “Comunicacíon y lenguaje en el De magistro de san Agustín,” 37-57.
Issue 2
- Rafael Pascual, “Avicena y la división de las ciencias especulativas en base al subiectum scientiae,” 283-300.
Issue 3: NTR
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 77 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- John A. Laumakis, “Weisheipl’s Interpretation of Avicebron’s Doctrine of the Divine Will: Is Avicebron a Voluntarist?” 37-55.
- Mark D. Gossaiux, “Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on the Existence of God as Self-Evident,” 57-79.
- Michael J. Cholbi, “Contingency and Divine Knowledge in Ockham,” 81-91.
- Janice L. Schultz-Aldrich, “Revisiting Aquinas on ‘Naturalism’: A Response to Patrick Lee,” 113-131.
Issue 2
- Ann A. Pang-White, “Augustine, Akrasia, and Manichaeism,” 151-169.
- James C. Doig, “O’Callaghan on Verbum Mentis in Aquinas,” 233-255.
- John O’Callaghan, “More Words on the Verbum: A Response to James Doig,” 257-268.
- D.W. Hadley, Review of John Scottus Eriugena, by Dierdre Carabine, 285-292.
Issue 3
- Allan B. Wolter, “The Unshredded Scotus: A Response to Thomas Williams,” 315-356.
- John Haldane, “Common Sense, Metaphysics, and the Existence of God,” 381-398.
- David B. Burrell, Review of Three Thomist Studies, by Frederick E. Crowe, 459-460.
- John F. X. Knasas, Review of Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth, edited by James McEvoy and Michael Dunne, 464-471.
Issue 4
- Salman Bashier, “An Excursion into Mysticism: Plato and Ibn al-‘Arabî on the Knowledge of the Relationship between Sensible Objects and Intelligible Forms,” 499-519.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 20 (1-3 ipy)
- José Antonio Paredes Osuna, “El pecador en el jardín de la salud: La contribución de la medicina a la configuración del modelo antropológico medieval y el carácter filosófico de su sentido,” 5-32.
- Esteve Jaulent, “Fundamentos epistemológicos del diálogo luliano,” 33-50.
Angelicum, 80 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Rik Van Nieuwenhove, “St Anselm and St Thomas Aquinas on ‘Satisfaction’: or how Catholic and Protestant understandings of the Cross differ,” 159-176.
- Joseph Ellul, “Thomas Aquinas and Muslim-Christian Dialogue An Appraisal of ‘De rationibus fidei,’” 177-200.
Issue 2
- Giuseppe Barzhagi, “La potenza obbedienziale dell’intelletto agente come chiave di volta del rapporto fede-ragione,” 271-307.
- Richard Mathes, Review of Albertus Magnus. Zum Gedenken nach 800 Jahren: Neue Zugänge, Aspekte und Perspektiven, by Walter Senner et al., 505-508.
- Abelardo Lobato, Review of L’immutabilità di Dio. L’insegnamento di San Tommaso d’Aquino nei suoi sviluppi presso i commentatori scolastici, by Krzysztof Olaf Charamsa, 513-514.
Issue 3
- José Lius Widow Lira, “La verdad moral, según el pensamiento de Santo Tomás,” 539-596.
- David Berger, Review of Metaphysik der Sinnlichkeit. Das System der Passiones Animae bei Thomas von Aquin, by Alexander Brungs, 755-760.
- Bruno Esposito, Review of Diritto-Morale-Religione. Il fondamento etico-religioso del diritto secondo san Tommaso D’Aquino, by Reginaldo Pizzorni, 760-770.
Issue 4
- Horst Seidl, “La metafisica aristotelico-tomista in confronto con una moderna “metafisica dell’esperienza” di G. Bontadini,” 925-946.
Annuario Filosofico, 19 (1 ipy): NTR
Anuario Filosófico, 36 (3 ipy): NTR
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 13 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Peter Adamson, “Al-Kindā and the Mu’tazila: Divine Attributes, Creation and Freedom,” 45-47.
Issue 2
- Sophia Vasalou, “Equal Before the Law: the Evilness of Human and Divine Lies ‘Abd al-Ğabbār’s Rational Ethics,” 243-268.
- Dimitri Gutas, Review of The Leaven of the Ancients: Suhrawardī the Heritage of the Greeks, by John Walbridge, 303-309.
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 85 (4 ipy): NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 57-58 (6 ipy): NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 66 (4 ipy): NTR
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 70 (1 ipy)
- Christophe Grellard, “Fides sive credulitas: The Issue of Assent in the Writings of Abélard, between Logics and Psychology,” 7-25.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, “Entwicklung und Stellung der Intellekttheorie im System des Albertus Magnus,” 165-218.
- P. Michał Paluch, “Notes on the Distinctions between Needs According to Thomas Aquinas,” 219-231.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, [69] (2 ipy): NTR
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 96 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2:
- Andrea Bartocci, “La Rego;a dei frati minori al concilio de vienne e la bolla exxivi de paradiso (1312) di Clemente V,” 45-84.
- Caesar Cenci, OFM, “Documenta vaticana ad franciscales spectantia ann. 1385-1492 (Pars VII), 85-128.
- J, Ignacio Tellechea Idígoras and F. Victor Sánchez Gil, OFM, “Testamento del cardenal quiñones protector de la Orden Franciscana (OFM) y gobernador de Veroli (1540),” 129-160.
- Remo L. Guidi, “Ambiti della inquietudine francescana nel quattrocento. In margine alla Miscellenea, Fr. Caesaris Cenci OFM,” 161-236.
- Paul Zahner, Review of “Dei Fulle des Heils in der Endlichkeir der Geschichte” by Johannes B. Freyer, 264.
- Giovanni Pizzo, Review of “Intellectus und memoria nach der Lehre des Johannes Dun Scotus” by Johannes B. Freyer, 265.
Issues 3-4:
- Caesar Cenci, OFM., “Fragmenta priscarum constitutionum praenarbonensium,” 289-300.
- Jean Désiré Rasolofoarimanana, “Sermons anonymes de sanctis attribues a luca de bitonto, OMin,” 301-373.
- F. Victor Sánchez Gil, “M’ de la Almudena serrana mota. Fundacion de la casa e monasterio de la concepcion francisca de cuenca (1498),” 409-430.
- Gioacchino D’Andrea, OFM. “L’edizione 1680 delle croniche dell’ordine dei frati minori di fra macro da lisbona,” 431-447.
- José Hernández Valenzuela, Review of “Scritti. Testo latino e traduzionwe italiana” by Francesco D’Assisi, 511-512.
- Grzegorz Bernard Bloch, Review of “Historia filozofii franciskanskiej” by Bogdan Fajdek, 515-517.
- Remo L. Guidi, “Perdicazione e societa nel medioevo: riflessioni e modelli di comportamento,” 518-519.
- Giovanni Ceccarelli, review of “Il gioce e il peccato. Economia e rischio nel tardo Medioevo” by Gian Luigi Betti, 520-522.
- Remo L. Guidi, “Letteratura in forma di sermone. I rapporti tra predicazione e letteratura nei sec. XIII-XIVAracoeli. La basilica e il convento,” 522.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 61 (1 ipy): NTR
Augustinian Studies, 34 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- J. Kevin Coyle, “Saint Augustine’s Manichaean Legacy,” 1-22.
- Wayne J. Hankey, “‘Knowing as We are Known’ in Confessions 10 and Other Philosophical, Augustinian, and Christian Obediance to Delphic Gnothi Seauton from Socrates to Modernity,” 23-48.
- Kevin Corrigan, “Love of God, Love of Self, Love of Neighbor: Augustine’s Critical Dialogue with Platonism,” 97-106.
- Cyril O’Regan, Review of Evil and the Augustinian Tradition, by Charles T. Mathewes, 138-144.
Issue 2
- Carole C. Burnett, “Dysfunction at Diospolis: A Comparative Study of Augustine’s De Gestis Pelagii and Jerome’s Dialogus Adversus Pelagianos,” 153-173.
- Brian Harding, “Skepticism, Illumination and Christianity in Augustine’s Contra Academicos,” 197-212.
- Brian E. Daley, Review of Augustine and his Critics. Essays in Honor of Gerald Bonner, edited by Robert Dodaro and George Lawless, 245-254.
Augustinianum, 43 (2 ipy): NTR
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 81 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 8 (1 ipy):
- Nobert Winkler, “Thomas von Aquin und Meister Eckhart,” 63-85.
- Gerhard Faden, “Meister Eckharts Dialektik,” 87-107.
- Zdzisław Kuksewicz, “Maître Théodoric, averroïste d’Erfurt du XIV siècle,” 109-158.
- Andrej Krause, “Anmerkungen zu Ockhams Argumenten in Kapitel 15 des ersten Teils der Summa logicae,” 209-217.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 11 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 45 (1 ipy)
- Silvia Donati, “Un nuovo testimone dello Scriptum super Metaphysicam di Riccardo Rufo di Cornwall,” 31-60.
- Michael Dunne, “Concerning “Neapolitan Gold”: William of Tocco and Peter of Ireland. A Response to Andrea Robiglio,” 61-66.
- Guy Guldentops and Carlos Steel, “Vernacular Philosophy for the Nobility: Li ars d’amour, de vertu et de boneurté, an Old French Adaptation of Thomas Aquinas’ Ethics from ca. 1300,” 67-86.
- Maria Burger, “Hugo Ripelin von Strassburg (Ps.-Albert) in Brugge, Stadsbibliotheek,” 87-104.
- C.H.J.M. Kneepkens, “Nam defecatum vas quandoque servat amatum. Elementary Aids-to-study: An Unconventional Access to Late-Medieval University Philosophy,” 105-130.
- Pepijn Rutten, “Contra occanicam discoliam modernorum: The So-Called De universali reali and the Dissemination of Albertist Polemics against the via moderna,” 131-166.
- Christian Trottmann, “Sic in vi affectiva: Note sur De theologia mystica III, 27, sa réception par Vincent d’Aggsbach, son depassement par Gerson et quelques auteurs ulterieurs,” 167-188.
- Roland Hissette, “Note sur deux éditions latines d’Aristote avec commentaires d’Averroès par Agostino Nifo et Marcantonio Zimara,” 189-204.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 95/96 (4 ipy)
Volume 95, Issue 2:
- Michael Grünbart, “S. KOTZABASSI, Byzantinische Kommentatoren der aristotelischen Topik. Johannes Italos und Leon Magentino,” 700-701.
Volume 96, Issue 1:
- John A. Demetracopoulos, “Further Evidence on the Ancient, Patristic, and Byzantine Sources of Barlaam the Calabrian’s Contra Latinos,” 83-122.
- Tiziano Dorandi, “Diogene Laerzio a Bisanzio nel X secolo. Studi sulla tradizione indiretta delle vite dei filosofi,” 123-155.
- Athanasios Kambylis, “Zu Anna Komnenes Alexias Buch XV 11, 5(82)-24(60) Reinsch-Kambylis,” 169-192.
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 74 (1 ipy)
- Chris Schabel and Russell L. Friedman, “Trinitarian Theology and Philosophical Issues III,” 39-88.
- Sten Ebbesen, Mary Sirridge & Paul Streveler, “The Pupils of the Master of Abstractions: Abstractiones Digbeianae, Regiae & Venetae,” 89-150.
- Sten Ebbesen, “Burley on Equivocation in his Companion to a Tractatus Fallaciarum and in his Questions on the Elenchi,” 151-207.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 33 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4, and Supplement 1: NTR
Chôra, 1 (1 ipy)
- Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban, “La théologie du miracle selon Origène et saint Augustin,” 97-113.
- Diana Stanciu, “Grace and Free Will within the Ninth-Century Debate on Predestination,” 115-127.
- Ştefan Vianu, “La doctrine érigénienne des Causes primordiales,” 129-160.
- Alexander Baumgarten, “L’interpretation de la proposition 90 du Liber de Causis chez Albert le Grand et saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 161-171.
- Madeea Axinciuc, “The Distinction between Physics and Metaphysics in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed,” 173-185.
- Sebastian Maxim, “L’homme et son propre selon Maître Eckhart,” 187-202.
Collectanea Franciscana, 73 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3-4: ?
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 51 (6 ipy)
Issues 1-6: NTR
Dialogue, 42 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Roxanne D. Marcotte, Review of “Avicenne. L’âme humaine” by Meryem Sebti, 157-159.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of “Correspondance. Articles condamnés” by Nicolas D’Autrécourt, 159-162.
Issue 2:
- François Beets, Review of “Language, sciences, philosophic au XIIe siècle” by Joël Biard, 382-385.
- David Larre, Review of “Mathématiques et dialectique chez Nicolas de Cuse” by Jean-Michel Counet, 385-388.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4:
- Risto Saarinen, “The Parts of Prudence: Buridan, Odonis, Aquinas,” 749-766.
- Carl N. Still, Review of “John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master” by Jack Zupko, 832-834.
Dionysius, 21 (1 ipy)
- Cezar Enia, “La relation entre la structure en signe du temps et l’accomplissement de soi dans les Confessions de saint Augustin.”
- Hans Feichtinger , “Oujdevneia and humilitas: Nature and Function of Humility in Iamblichus and Augustine.”
- Paul Rorem, “Christ as Cornerstone, Worm, and Phoenix in Eriugena’s Commentary on Dionysius.”
- Wayne J. Hankey, “Political, Psychic, Intellectual, Daimonic, Hierarchical, Cosmic, and Divine: Justice in Aquinas, Al-Fârâbî, Dionysius, and Porphyry.”
Discusiones Filosóficas, 20 (2 ipy): NTR
Divus Thomas, 106 (3 ipy)
Issue 1 (no. 34):
- Inos Biffi, “Commento al canto XII del ‘Paradiso’ di Dante,” 152-167.
- Giorgio Maria Carbone, “Lo Spirito Santo ne la ‘Croix de Jésus’ di Louis Chardon o. p.,” 255-266.
- Emanuele Morandi, “L’incontro con Dio nel volto dell’amico. Riflessioni tomistiche sull’amicizia Cristiana,” 267-284.
Issue 2 (no. 35):
- David Cerny, “Il concetto nella logica trasparente intensionale e nella filosofia tomista,” 9-56.
- Margherita Maria Rossi, “Conversazioni medioevali: associazioni sul tema della Bibbia nel Medioevo,” 184-198.
Issue 3 (no. 36):
- Fausto Arici, “Brevi cenni sulla nozione di legge al tramonto dell’Antico Regime: il caso di Giovanni Paolo Nazari (1556-1641), Domenicano, maestro di Teologia, consigliere di prìncipi,” 78-96.
- Luciano Cinelli, “Un panegirico quattrocentesco in onore di san Domenico,” 97-134.
- Anto Gavric, “La natura ed il significato della metafisica in Remigio de’ Girolami (1319),” 26-59.
- Paul Bernard Hodel, “Un Sermone di Rolando da Cremona per il Giovedì Santo?,” 60-77.
- Marco Rainini, “Dottori e Apostoli. L’Università di Parigi e l’Ordine dei Predicatori: origini, sviluppo e crisi di un rapporto,” 9-25.
- Giovanni Bertuzzi, “Il sovrano nel pensiero politico di san Tommaso,” 197-208.
- Marcello de Grandi, “La sostanza del pane e del vino e la transustanziazione,” 163-196.
Doctor Virtualis, 2 (1 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 14 (1 ipy):
- Fabrizio Amerini, “Aristotle, Averroes and Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Essence,” 79-122.
- Mario Bertagna, “La «divisio textus» nel commento di Egidio Romano agli «Analitici Posteriori» II,” 263-326.
- Maria Bettetini, “Pietro di Blois a proposito di «mendacium» e «fabula»: influenze agostiniane,” 65-78.
- Laura Maria Castelli, “Individuation and Metaphysics Z 15,” 1-26.
- Alessandro D. Conti,“Paul of Venice’s Theory of Divine Ideas and Its Sources,” 409-48.
- Matteo Di Giovanni, “La definizione delle sostanze sensibili nel Commento grande (Tafsir) di Averroè a Metafisica Z 10,” 27-63.
- Gabriele Galluzzo, “Met. Z 13 in the Contemporary Debate and in Aquinas’s Interpretation,” 159-226.
- Lauge Olaf Nielsen, Timothy B. Noone, and Cecilia Trifogli, “Thomas Wylton’s Question on the Formal Distinction as Applied to the Divine,” 327-88.
- Giorgio Pini, “Scotus’s Essentialism. A Critique of Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Essence in the «Questions on the Metaphysics»,” 227-62.
- Andrea Tabarroni, “John Buridan and Marsilius of Inghen on the Meaning of Accidental Terms («Quaestiones super Metaphysicam», VII 3-5),” 389-407.
Early Science and Medicine, 8 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-3: NTR
Issue 4:
- Paul J.J.M. Bakker, “Guiral Ot Et Le Mouvement. Autour De La Question De Motu Conservée Dans Le Manuscrit Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 4229,” 298-319.
- Michael Dunne, “Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century Commentaries On the De Longitudine Et Brevitate Vitae,” 320-335.
- Griet Galle, “Scholastic Explanations of Why Local Motion Generates Heat,” 336-370.
- Jacqueline Hamesse, “Les Instruments De Travail Philosophiques Médiévaux. Témoins De La Reception D’Aristote,” 371-386.
- Aafke M.I. Van Oppenraay, “The Reception of Aristotle’s History of Animals in the Marginalia of Some Latin Manuscripts of Michael Scot’s Arabic-Latin Translation,” 387-403.
- Cecilia Trifogli, “Thomas Wylton Against Minimal Times,” 404-417.
Estudios Filosoficos, 52 (3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Lorenzo Vincente Burgoa, “Abstracción e intuición en Guillermo de Ockham o la encrucijada entre el pensamiento medieval y la filosofía moderna (II),” 5-42.
- Fernando Aranda Fraga, “La justicia según Ockham, Hobbes, Hume y Rawls, en el marco de la teoría convencional-contractualista en la sociedad política,” 43-86.
Issue 2:
- Mariano Brasa Díez, “Dios absoluto y universo “Explicatio Dei” en Nicolás de Cusa,” 231-250.
- Francisco León Florido, “La metafísica de la luz en el lenguaje estético del gótico,” 251-270.
Faith and Philosophy, 20 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Peter C. Meilaender, “The Problem of Having Only One City: An Augustinian Response to Rawls,” 170-188.
- Peter C. Meilaender, “Straining The Limits of Philosophy: Aquinas on the Immortality of the Human Soul,” 208-217.
Issue 3:
- Peter C. Meilaender, “The Philosophy of Dooyeweerd: A Transcendental Thomist Appraisal,” 265-287.
- Katherin A. Rogers, “Does God Cause Sin? Anselm of Canterbury Versus Jonathan Edwards on Human Freedom and Divine Sovereignty,” 371-378.
Issue 4:
- Scott MacDonald, “Petit Larceny, the Beginning of All Sin: Augustine’s Theft of the Pears,” 393-414.
- Gareth B. Matthews, “Augustine on the Mind’s Search for Itself,” 415-429.
- T.H. Irwin, “Augustine’s Criticisms of the Stoic Theory of Passions,” 430-477.
- Paul Helm, “Augustine’s Griefs,” 448-459.
- Lynne Rudder Baker, “Why Christians Should Not Be Libertarians: An Augustinian Challenge,” 460-478.
- William E. Mann, “To Catch A Heretic: Augustine on Lying,” 479-495.
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), [52] (2 ipy)
Filozofia, 58 (10 ipy):
Issues 1-3: NTR
Issue 4:
Issue 5:
- M. Chabada, “Common Nature with Ian Duns Scotus – Ord. II D.3 P.1 Q.1 N.1 – 42,” 293-304.
Issue 6-10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 61 (1 ipy):
- Christopher Schabel, “Peter Thomae’s Question on Divine Foreknowledge from His Sentences Commentary,” 1-9.
- Peter Thomae, “In primum librum Sententiarum,” 11-34.
- Rondo Keele, “The So-Called Res Theory of Walter Chatton,” 37-54.
- Mischa von Perger, “Walter Burley’s Expositio vetus super librum Praedicamentorum: An Edition,” 55-94.
- Karris J. Robert O.F.M., “Diego De Estella on Luke 15: 11-32,” 97-113.
- Diego de Estella, “Diego de Estella on Luke 15:11-32,” 115-236.
- Dominic V. Monti O.F.M., “The Friars Minor: An Order in the Church?,” 235-252.
- Michael F. Cusato O.F.M., “An Unexplored Influence on the Epistola ad fideles of Francis of Assisi: The Epistola universis Christi fidelibus of Joachim of Fiore,” 253-279.
- David Flood O.F.M., Review of “I mercanti e il Tempio. La società cristiana e il circolo virtuoso della ricchezza fra Medioevo et Età Moderna,” by Giacomo Todeschini, 290-292.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 50 (3 ipy):
Issue 1-2:
- Dragos Calma,“Siger de Brebant et Thomas d’Aquin: note sur l’histoire d’un plagiat,” 118-136.
- Klaus Guth, “Religionsgespräche im Mittelalter: Peter Abaelards Dialogus,” 136-1650.
- Florian Hamann, “Der Koran als ekklesiologische Autorität bei Heymericus de Campo (1460),” 150-163.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, “Die erste kritische Edition der Werke des Heymericus de Campo,” 163-171.
Issue 3:
- Gilles, Emery, “Le mode personnel de l’agir trinitaire suivant Thomas d’Aquin,” 334-354.
- Suarez-Nani, Tiziana, “Linguaggio, conoscenza e libertà” : note in margine alle questioni 26 et 27 del commento di Francesco de Marchia al II libro delle Sentenze,” 354-376.
Giornale di Metafisica, [41] (2 ipy)
Gregorianum, 100 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Jean Galot, Review of “La relación del alma con el cuerpo. Una reconsideración del dualismo agustiniano” by Francisco Rego, 233-234.
Issue 2:
- Joseph Carola, Review of “S. Agostino e il Cantico dei Cantici. Tra esegesi e teologia” by Armando Genovese, 441-442.
- Paul Gilbert, Review of “Proslogion, con In difesa dell’insipiente e Risposta di Anselmo. Seconda edizione riveduta e corretta” by Anselmo d’Aosta, Gaunilone di Marmoutier and Giovanni Zuanazzi, 459.
Issue 3:
- J. Galot, Review of “Maître Echkart. «Souffrir Dieu». La prédication de Maître Echkart” by Jean-François Malherbes, 725.
Issue 4:
- Ilaria Morali, Review of “La grâce et la liberté chez saint Bernard de Clairvaux” by Michel Corbin, 957-959.
- Félix A. Pastor, Review of “Le Christ de saint Augustin. La Patrie et la Voie. Nouvelle edition” by Goulven Madec, 965-966.
- Luca Tuninetti, Review of “The Passions of Christs’s Soul in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Paul Goundreau, 969-970.
Heythrop Journal, 44 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Review of “God and Reason in the Middle Ages” by Edward Grant.
- Review of “John Marenbon and Giovanni Orlandi” edited by Peter Abelard’s Collationes.
- Review of “Conscience and Other Virtues: From Bonaventure to MacIntyre” by Douglas C. Langston.
- Review of “Natural Law and Practical Reason: A Thomist View of Moral Autonomy” by Martin Rhonheimer.
Issue 2:
- Review of P.G. “Augustine: ‘De bono coniugali’ and ‘De sancta virginitate’” translation by P.G. Walsh.
- Review of “St Augustine: The Confessions” by Maria Boulding.
- Review of “Robes and Honor: The Medieval World of Investiture,” edited by Stewart Gordon
- Review of “At the Gate of Christendom: Jews, Muslims and ‘Pagans’ in Medieval Hungary” by Nora Berend.
- Review of “Pedagogy, Intellectuals, and Dissent in the Later Middle Ages: Lollardy and Ideas of Learning,” Rita Copeland.
- Review of “Nicolas de Clamanges: Spirituality, Personal Reform, and Pastoral Renewal on the Eve of the Reformations” by Christopher M. Bellitto.
Issue 3:
- Illia Delio, “Does God ‘act’ in Creation? A Bonaventurian Response,” 328-344.
- Review of “The Emergence of Monasticism: From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages” by Michael Robson.
- Review of “Picturing the Passion in Late Medieval Italy: Narrative Painting, Franciscan Ideologies, and the Levant,” Andrew Louth.
- Review of “John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila: Mystical Knowing and Selfhood” by Richard P. Hardy.
Issue 4:
- Susan F. Parsons, “St Catherine of Siena’s Theology of Eucharist,” 456-467.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 24 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Tony Roark, “Conceptual Closure in Anselm’s Proof,” 1-14.
Issue 2:
- Gyula Klima, “Conceptual closure in Anselm’s proof: reply to Tony Roark,” 131-134.
Issue 3-4: NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 36 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 54 (3 ipy)
Issue 1-3: NTR
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 11 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
Bijdragen (Later International Journal of Philosophy and Theology) 64 (4-5 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
International Philosophical Quarterly, 43 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Christopher Cullen, Review of “The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistic Metaphysics” by Norris Clarke S.J., 129-131.
Issue 2:
- Montague Brown, “Aquinas and the Individuation of Human Persons Revisited,” 167-185.
- Fergus Kerr, “The Ethics of Aquinas,” 247-248.
Issue 3:
- W. Norris Clarke S.J., “Thomism: The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas,” 371-373.
- John Zeis, “Mind, Metaphysics, and Value in the Thomistic and Analytic Traditions,” 379-381.
Issue 4:
- Gregory Doolan, “Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature,” 541-543.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 12 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Tzvi Langermann, “Saving the soul by knowing the soul: a medieval Yemeni interpretation of Song of Songs,” 147-166.
Issue 3:
- Joshua Parens, “Maimonidean Ethics Revisited: Development and Asceticism in Maimonides?,” 33-62.
Journal of Medieval History, 29 (5 ipy)
Issue 1-3:
Issue 4:
- Tom Licence, “The Benedictines, the Cistercians and the acquisition of a hermitage in twelfth-century Durham,” 315-329.
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 32 (6 ipy)
Issues 1-6: NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 28 (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Ignacio L. Götz, “The Quest for Certainty: Al-Ghazâlî and Descartes,” 1-22.
Supplement: NTR
Journal of Religious Ethics, 31 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- James Turner Johnson, “Aquinas and Luther on War and Peace: Sovereign Authority and the Use of Armed Force,” Pages: 3-20.
Issues 2-3: NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 64 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Emily Michael, “John Wyclif on Body and Mind,” 343-360.
Issue 4: NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 41 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Sarah Pessin, Review of “Maimonides and the Hermeneutics of Concealment: Deciphering Scripture and Midrash in The Guide of the Perplexed” by James Arthur Diamond, 126-127.
- Jorge Secada, Review of “Life’s Form: Late Aristotelian Conceptions of the Soul” by Dennis Des Chene, 127-128.
Issue 2:
- Seth Kadish, Review of “The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy: Proceedings of the Bar-Ilan University Conference” by Steven Harvey, 269-270.
- Gad Freudenthal, Review of “Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories” edited by Christoph Lüthy, John E. Murdoch, and William R. Newman, 273-274
Issue 3:
- Jon McGinnis, “Scientific Methodologies in Medieval Islam,” 307-327.
George Zografidis, Review of “Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources” by Katerina Ierodiakonou, 413-414.
Issue 4:
- Sarah C. Byers, “Augustine and the Cognitive Cause of Stoic Preliminary Passionsi ( Propatheiai ),” 433-448.
- Joseph A. Buijs, “A Maimonidean Critique of Thomistic Analogy,” 449-470.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 66 (1 ipy)
- Włodzimierz Olszaniec, “A Note on Leonardo Bruni’s Latin Translation of Plato’s ‘Letters,’” 265-266.
Laval théologique et philosophique, 59 (3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Peter Widdicombe, “The Wounds and the Ascended Body: The Marks of Crucifixion in the Glorified Christ from Justin Martyr to John Calvin,” 137-154.
- Francis Careau, Review of “Érôs au Moyen Âge. Amour, désir et « delectatio morosa »” by Charles Baladier, 165-166.
Issue 2:
- Wayne J. Hankey, “Philosophy as Way of Life for Christians ? Iamblichan and Porphyrian Reflections on Religion, Virtue, and Philosophy in Thomas Aquinas,” 193-224.
Issue 3: NTR
Médiévales, 44,45 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 (No. 44):
- Gábor Klaniczay, “Entre visions angéliques et transes chamaniques : le sabbat des sorcières dans le Formicarius de Nider,” 47-72.
- Martine Ostorero, “Un prédicateur au cachot : Guillaume Adeline et le sabbat,” 73-96.
- Jean-Patrice Boudet, “Les who’s who démonologiques de la Renaissance et leurs ancêtres médiévaux,” 117-140.
Issue 2 (No. 45): NTR
Medieval Encounters, 9 (5-6 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Carol Bargeron, “Sufism’s Role in Al-Ghazali’s First Crisis of Knowlegde,” 32-78.
Issue 2-3: NTR
Mediaeval Sophia, [21] (1 ipy):
Mediaeval Studies, 65 (1 ipy)
- Matthias Perkams, “Divine Omnipotence and Moral Theory in Abelard’s Theology,” 99-117.
- Philip L. Reynolds, “Analogy of Names in Bonaventure,” 117.
Mediaevalia, 24 (1 ipy)
- Michael Gleason, “Water, Water, Everywhere: Alcuin’s Bede and Balthere.”
- Marco Giovini, “Un Aspetto del ‘Gurto Sacro’ Secondo Agostino: Rosvita il Trionfo Della Feminea Fragilitas in Prospettiva Terenziana.”
- Joy M. Currie, “Rejecting Natural Law and Society’s Dissolution in Chaucer’s Troilus.”
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 38 (1 ipy)
- Ch. Erismann, “Proprietatum collectio. Anselme de Canterbury et le problème de l’individuation,” 55-71.
- M. Beltrán and G. Fullana, “Los dos incompatibles Dioses de Maimónides,” 73-92.
- G. Guldentops, “’Famosus expositor…’: On Bate’s (Anti-) Thomism,” 93-120.
- M.C. Camps, “A Presença do Policraticus de João de Salisbúria na Crónica de D. João I de Fernão Lopes,” 121-156.
- José Meirinhos, Review of “Dictionnai du Moyen Âge, sous la direction de Claude Gauvard,” by Alain de Libera and Michel Zink, 171-174.
- José Meirinhos, Review of “The Vocabulary of Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages” by Mariken Teeuwen, 175-176.
- Daniela Silveira, Review of “Boethius (Great Medieval Thinkers)” by John Marenbon, 177-180.
- Cristovão da Silva Marinheiro, Review of “Die Wissenschaftstheorie des Dominicus Gundissalinus. Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen des zweiten Anfangs der aristotelischen Philosophie im 12. Jahrhundert” by Alexander Fidora, 181-182.
- Daniela Silveira, Review of “La encarnación y la pasión de Jesucristo en los Sermones de San António de Pádua, present” by O, Luna, 185-186.
- José Meirinhos, Review of “Dal libro alla folla. Antonio di Padova e il francescanesimo medioevale” by Antonio Rigon, 187-192.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 28 (1 ipy)
- Goulven Madec, “Philosophia: secundum Ambrosium – secundum Augustinum,” 7-16.
- Marco Zambon, “Aristotelis Platonisque sententias in unam revocare concordiam: Il progetto filosofico boeziano e le sue fonti,” 17-49.
- Steven Harvey, “Did Alfarabi Read Plato’s Laws?” 51-68.
- Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, “Un commento ad Alpha Elatton «sicut litterae sonant» nella Baġdād del X secolo,” 69-96.
- Carlo Gabbani, “Le proprietà trascendentali dell’essere nel Super Sententiarum di Alberto Magno,” 97-138.
- Gabriele De Anna, “Aquinas on the Priority of Substances,” 139-162.
- Antonio Donato, “Il ruolo dell’analogia di attribuzione e di proporzionalitànella dottrina dell’essere di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 163-190.
- Fabio Zanin, “Possibilità e probabilità nella scientia naturalis secondo Buridano e Oresme,” 191-223.
- Angela Guidi, “Platonismo e neoplatonismo nei Dialoghi d’amore di Leone Ebreo: Maimonide, Ficino e la definizione della materia,” 225-248.
- Louis-Jacques Bataillon, “Il commento di Stefano Langton al libro di Giona,” 251-272.
Micrologus, [11] (1 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 27 (1 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Mind, 112 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4 (445-448): NTR
The Monist, 102 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4: NTR
Nous, 53 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
Nova et Vetera, 1 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Gilles Emery, O.P., “The Threeness and Oneness of God in Twelfth- to Fourteenth-Century Scholasticism,” 43-74.
- Steven A. Long, “On the Natural Knowledge of the Real Distinction of Essence and Existence,” 75-108.
- John O’Callaghan, “Creation, Human Dignity, and the Virtues of Acknowledged Dependence,” 109-140.
- Michael Dauphinais, “Languages of Ascent: Gregory of Nyssa’s and Augustine of Hippo’s Exegeses of the Beatitudes,” 141-163.
- Lawrence Dewan, O.P., “On Milbank and Pickstock’s Truth in Aquinas,” 199-212.
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Review of “Le désir de Dieu: Sur les traces de S. Thomas” by Georges Cottier, O.P., 218-221.
- Paul Gondreau, Review of “Recherches thomasiennes. Etudes reveus et augmentees” by Jean-Pierre Torrel, O.P., 225-227.
- Gilles Emery, O.P., Review of “The Passions of Christ’s Soul in Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Paul Gondreau, 237-239.
- Michael Sherwin, O.P., Review of “Virtue’s Splendor: Wisdom, Prudence, and the Human Good” by Thomas S. Hibbs, 239-243.
Issue 2:
- Gilles Emery, O.P., “Reconciliation with the Church and Interior Penance: The Contribution of Thomas Aquinas on the Question of the Res et Sacramentum of Penance,” 283-301.
- Michele M. Schumacher, “An Inseperable Connection: The Fruitfulness of Conjugal Love and the Divine Norm,” 381-402.
- Michael Waldstein, “Dietrich von Hildebrand and St. Thomas Aquinas on Goodness and Happiness,” 403-463.
- Michael Sherwin, O.P., Review of “Aquinas and His Role in Theology” by Marie-Dominique Chenu, OP, translated by Paul Philibert, OP, 465-468.
- Guy Mansini, O.S.B., Review of “Christ’s Fulfillment of Torah and Temple: Salvation According to Thomas Aquinas” by Matthew Levering, 471-474.
- Fulvio Di Blasi, Review of “La Giustizia Politica in Tommaso d’Aquino. Un’Interpretazione del Bene Comune Politico” by Gabriel Chalmeta, 475-482.
- J.L.A. West, Review of “The Metaphysics of the Incarnation: Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus” by Richard Cross, 488-490.
- Robert Fastiggi, Review of “On Creation, Conservation & Concurrence: Metaphysical Disputations 20–22” by Francisco Suárez, SJ. Translation and introduction by Alfred J. Freddoso, 490-494.
Oliviana, 1 (less than 1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Sylvain Piron, “The Formation of Olivi’s Intellectual Project.”
- Kevin J. Madigan, “The History of Thirteenth-Century Biblical Exegesis.”
- Sylvain Piron, “Petrus Johannis Olivi. Quaestio de locutionibus angelorum.”
- Sylvain Piron, “Note sur le commentaire sur la Genèse publié dans les œuvres de Thomas d’Aquin.”
Parergon, 20 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Conor McCarthy, “Injustice and Chaucer’s Man of Law,” 1-18.
- R. S. White, Review of “Essays on Galileo and the History and Philosophy of Science” by Drake Stillman, 214-215.
- Jason Taliadoros, Review of “Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers” by Evans Gillian, 218-220.
- Jason Taliadoros, Review of “Law and Theology in the Middle Ages” by Evans Gillian, 220-222.
- Deborah Williams, Review of “Infanticide: Historical Perspectives on Child Murder and Concealment, 1550-2000” by Mark Jackson, 236-239.
- Benjamin Myers, Review of “Reason and Belief in the Age of Roscelin and Abelard” by Constant J. Mews, 259-261.
Issues 2:
- Mary Scrafton, Review of “Dante and the Orient” by Brenda Deen Schildgen, 229-231.
Philosopher’s Imprint, 3 (1 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Philosophia, 30,31 (4 ipy)
All Issues: NTR
The Philosophical Quarterly, 53 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4 (210-213): NTR
The Philosophical Review, 112 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Bonnie Kent, Review of “Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature: A Philosophical Study of Summa Theologia 1a 75-89” by Robert Pasnau, 103-106.
Issue 2-4: NTR
Philosophical Studies, 112-116 (multi ipy)
Volume 112 Issues 1-3: NTR
Volume 113
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Michael Tye, “On the Virtue of Being Poised – Reply to Seager,” 275-280
Volume 114 (Issues 1-3): NTR
Volume 115 (Issues 1-3): NTR
Volume 116 (Issues 1-3): NTR
Philosophical Topics, 47 (2 ipy):
Issues 1-2: NTR
Philosophiques, 30 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 15 (2 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Andrew Tallon, “Doctrinal Development and Wisdom: Rousselot on “Sympathetic Knowing” by Connaturality,” 353-383.
- Dean A. Kowalski, “Some Friendly Molinist Amendments,” 385-401.
Daniel Schwartz Porzecanski, “Should We Will What God Wills? Friendship with God and Conformity of Wills According to Aquinas,” 403-419.
Praxis Filosófica, 16.17 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 (No. 16):
- Armand Maurer, “La Resurrección de Aristóteles y la Filosofía Tomista.”
Issue 2 (No. 17): NTR.
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 93 (1 ipy)
- Bishop Daniel E. Flores, “Belonging to the WORD Made Flesh,” 27-37.
- Robert Verrill, O.P., “Elementary Particles are not Substances,” 63-72.
- Mark K. Spencer Grace, “Natura Pura, and the Metaphysics of Status: Personalism and Thomism on the Historicity of the Human Person and the Genealogy of Modernity,” 127-143.
- Marco Stango, “Understanding Hylomorphic Dualism,” 145-158.
- Chad Engelland, “Dispositive Causality and the Art of Medicine,” 159-170.
- Michael Potts, “Catholic Hylomorphism, Disembodied Consciousness, and Temporary Bodies,” 171-183.
- Jeremy W. Skrzypek, “Complex Survivalism, or: How to Lose Your Essence and Live to Tell About It,” 185-199.
- Hilary Yancey, “Frontiers of Analogous Justice: A Thomistic Approach to Martha Nussbaum’s Justice for Animals,” 201-210.
- Gregory M. Reichberg, “Restrictive versus Permissive Double Effect: Interpreting Aquinas,” 211-223.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 3 (1 ipy)
- Alex Hall, “Aquinas, Scientia and a Medieval Misconstruction of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics,” 4-14.
- Henrik Lagerlund, “Representations, Concepts and Words: Peter of Ailly on Semantics and Psychology,” 15-36.
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, “Ockham on supposition and equivocation in mental language,” 37-50.
- Walter Redmond, “The Three-Stranded Cord: Calling a Truce in the War over God and Human Freedom,” 51-64.
- Father Matías Blanco, “The Three-Stranded Cord” translated by Walter Redmond, 65-80.
Quaestio Annuario di storia della metafisica, 19 (1 ipy)
- Olga Lizzini, “Wuğūd-Mawğūd/Existence-Existent in Avicenna. A key ontological notion of Arabic philosophy,” 111.
- Costantino Esposito, “Existence, relation, efficience. Le nœud suarézien entre métaphysique et théologie,” 139-162.
- Lucrezia Iris Martone, “Alle origini della tradizione peripatetica araba,” 481-489.
- Marienza Benedetto, “L’eredità di Avicenna,” 489.
- Marialucrezia Leone, “Il dibattito tardo-medievale sulla povertà francescana e sul diritto di proprietà,” 495.
- Lucia Miccoli, “L’embriologia medievale tra medicina e filosofia,” 499.
- Michelino Grandieri, “Bellezza ideale e ordine del mondo: i problemi dell’estetica medievale,” 501.
- Anna Arezzo, “La felicità e il pensiero,” 513-520.
- Giovanna D’Aniello and Agnese Alemanno, “Buridano, Marsilio di Inghen e la conoscenza intellettuale del singolare,” 520-526.
- Giovanna D’Aniello, “Teorie dell’intenzionalità nel Medioevo,” 526.
- Lucia Miccoli, “Sulla «perspectiva» nel Medioevo,” 547.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 70 (2 ipy)
Issues 1:
- I Bejczy, “Deeds without value: Subtitle: Exploring a weak spot in Abelard’s ethics,” 1-21.
- F.N.M. Diekstra, “Rober de Sorbon’s De consciencia: Truncated text and full text,” 22-117.
- B. Grévin, “Entre magie et sémiotique: Roger Bacon et les caractères chinois,” 118-138.
- C., Schabel, “Early Carmelites between giants: Questions on future contingents by Gerard of Bologna and Guy Terrena,” 139-205.
- L. Bianchi, “New perspectives on the condemnation of 1277 and its aftermath,” 206-229.
Issue 2:
- R. Cross, “A Trinitarian Debate in Early Fourtheenth-Century Christology,” 233-274.
- A. Beccarisi, “Philosophische Neologismen zwischen Latein und Volkssprache: «istic» und «isticheit» bei Meister Eckhart,” 329-358.
- J., Janssens, “Avicenne et sa «paraphrase-commentaire» du livre Lambda («Kitāb al-inṣāf»),” 401-416.
Religious Studies, 39 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Rudi A. Te Velde, “‘The first thing to know about God’: Kretzmann and Aquinas on the meaning and necessity of arguments for the existence of God,” 251-267.
- Brian Leftow, “On a principle of sufficient reason,” 269-286.
- John F. Wippel, “Norman Kretzmann on Aquinas’s attribution of will and of freedom to create to God,” 287-298.
Issue 4:
- Richard Cross, Review of “Creatura Intellecta: Die Ideen und Possibilien bei Duns Scotus mit Ausblick auf Franz von Mayronis, Poncius und Mastrius” by Tobias Hoffmann, 489-491.
- Josef Lössl, Review of “Byzantine Philosophy and Its Ancient Sources” edited by Katerina Ierodiakonou, 491-496.
The Modern Schoolman, 81 (Res Philosophica, after 2013) (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Jon McGinnis, “The Topology of Time: An Analysis of Medieval Islamic Accounts of Discrete and Continuous Time,” 5-25.
Issue 2:
- Terry L. Price, “Mistakes of Fact and Agent Voluntariness: Aristotle, Aquinas, and Conformity to Will,” 99-113.
Issue 3-4: NTR
The Review of Metaphysics, 57 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Daniel Schwartz Porzecanski, “Aquinas on Concord: ‘Concord Is a Union of Wills, Not of Opinions,’” 25-42.
- Jude P. Dougherty Hittinger, Review of “John P. Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory” by John P. Hittinger, 151-152.
Issue 2:
- Sean J. McGrath, “Heidegger and Duns Scotus on Truth and Language,” 339-358.
- Nicholas Rescher, “Nonexistents Then and Now,” 359-381.
- Alex Orenstein, Review of “Summulae de Dialectica” by John Buridan, 389-391.
- Denis Bradley, Review of “Aquinas’s Philosophical Commentary on the “Ethics”: A Historical Perspective” by James C. Doig, 402-403.
Issue 3:
- Elisabeth Uffenheimer-Lippens, “Rationalized Passion and Passionate Rationality: Thomas Aquinas on the Relation Between Reason and the Passions,” 525-558.
Issue 4:
- P. S. Eardley, “Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on the Will,” 835-862.
- Beverly J. Whelton, Review of “Acts Amid Precepts: The Aristotelian Logical Structure of Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Theory” by Kevin L. Flannery, S.J., 872-874.
- Brian J. Shanley, Review of “God and Reason in the Middle Ages” by Edward Grant, 881-882.
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 220 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Nicole Belayche, Review of “La légitimité du Prince, IIIe-XIIe siècles. La justice du fleuve” Jean-Luc Desnier, 107-112.
Issue 2:
- Jean-Louis Quantin, “Augustinisme, sexualité et direction de conscience : Port-Royal devant les tentations du duc de,” 167-207.
Issue 3:
- Pierre Lory, Review of “La Théologie et les Arabes” by J. Jolivet, 366-367.
Issue 4: NTR.
Revue des Etudes Juives, [163] (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issues 3-4: NTR
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 87 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Antoine Calvet, “Recherches sur le platonisme médiéval dans les œuvres alchimiques attribuées à Roger Bacon, Thomas d’Aquin et Arnaud de Villeneuve,” 457-498.
- Antoine Guggenheim, “Le Christ Grand Prêtre et l’unité de l’ancienne et de la nouvelle Alliance dans le Commentaire de saint Thomas d’Aquin sur l’Épître aux Hébreux (8-10),” 499-523.
- Mariette Canévet, “Les Confessions de Saint Augustin : un voyage spiritual,” 549-556.
- Paul J. J. M. Bakker and Zénon Kaluza, “Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales: les xive et xve siécles (I),” 557-590.
Issue 4:
- Christian Trottmann, “Contemplation et vie contemplative selon trois Chartreux : Guigues II, Hugues de Balma et Guigues du Pont,” 633-680.
- Éâdouard-Henri Wéber, “Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales: De saint Anselme à Maître Eckhart (II),” 769-793.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 77 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Georges Chantraine, “Liberté et concorde chez Pic de la Mirandole,” 147-165.
- Philippe Vallin, “Henri de Lubac et saint Thomas d’Aquin : ouverture et structure en théologie,” 215-252.
Issue 3:
- Mihăiţă Bratu, “Quelques aspects de la théorie de l’icône de S. Théodore Stoudite,” 323-349.
- Jean-Pierre Torrell, “Théologien et mystique. Le cas de Thomas d’Aquin,” 350-365.
- Andreas Speer, “Ce qui se refuse à la pensée : La connaissance de l’infini chez Bonaventure, Maître Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues,” 389-412.
- Bély Bernard, Review of “La divinisation de l’homme selon saint Maxime le Confesseur” by J.-Cl. Larchet, 419-422.
- Vannier Marie-Anne, Review “Initiation à S. Thomas d’Aquin. Sa personne et son œuvre” by J.-P. Torrell, 422.
- Vannier Marie-Anne, Review of “S. Thomas, maître spiritual” by J.-P. Torrell, 422-423.
- Vannier Marie-Anne, Review of “Le Christ en ses mystères. La vie et l’œuvre de Jésus selon S. Thomas d’Aquin” by J.-P. Torrell, 423.
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 49 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Martine Dulaey, “L’apprentissage de l’exégèse biblique par Augustin,” 43-84.
- Gert Partoens, “Le Sermon 176 de saint Augustin sur 1 Tim. 1, 15-16, Ps. 94, 2/6 et Lc. 17, 11-19: Introduction et edition,” 85.
Issue 2:
- Francois Dolbeau, “Un nouveau témoin du Sermon 20B d’Augustin sur la santé corporelle,” 285-296.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 56 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Sabine Rommevaux, “La réception des Éléments d’Euclide au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance. Introduction,” 267-273.
- Ahmed Djebbar, “Quelques exemples de scholies dans la tradition arabe des Éléments d’Euclide,” 293-321.
- Jean-Luc Solère, “L’ordre axiomatique comme modèle d’écriture philosophique dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge,” 323-345.
- Max Lejbowicz, “Le premier témoin scolaire des Éléments arabo-latins d’Euclide : Thierry de Chartres et l’Heptateuchon,” 347-368.
- John E. Murdoch, “Transmission into use : The evidence of marginalia in the medieval Euclides latinus,” 369-382.
- Joël Biard, “Mathématiques et philosophie dans les Questions de Blaise de Parme sur le Traité des rapports de Thomas Bradwardine,” 383-400.
- Sabine Rommevaux, “L’irrationalité de la diagonale et du côté d’un même carré dans les Questions de Biaise de Parme sur le Traité des rapports de Bradwardine,” 401-418.
- Jean Celeyrerre and Edmond Mazet, “Le mouvement du point de vue de la cause et le mouvement du point de vue de l’effet dans le Traité des rapports d’Albert de Saxe,” 419-437.
- Jean-Marc Mandosio, “Des « mathématiques vulgaires » à la « monade hiéroglyphique » : Les Éléments d’Euclide vus par John Dee,” 475-491.
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 128 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 101 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Jean-Michel Counet, “La question du temps. Perspectives antico-médiévales,” 221-222.
- Jean Jolivet, “Variations sur le thème du temps chez al-Kindi,” 306-318.
- Jean-Michel Counet, “Le temps comme explication de l’eternité chez Nicolas de Cues: Un approfondissement des thèses boéciennes,” 319-339.
Issue 3:
- Yvan Morin, “Les Trois Grâces du «Commento»: la réaction initiale de Pic à Ficin,” 383-412.
Issue 4: NTR
Revue Thomiste, 103 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- G. Berceville, “L’étonnante Alliance: Évangile et Miracles Selon Saint Thomas D’Aquin,” 5-74.
Issue 2:
- E. Perrier, “L’Enjeu Christologique de la Satisfaction (II),” 203-248.
- D. Urvoy, “Bulletin de Philosophie Arabe et Isamique,” 309-324.
- D. Urvoy, Review of “L’Épître sur I’Intellect, al-Risâla fî-l-‘aql” by Al-Fâ, 316-320.
- D. Urvoy, Review of “La Théologie et les Arabes” by Jolivet J., 321-331.
- L.-M. Antoniotti, Review of “Maurice Blondel, lecteur de Bernard de Clairvaux” by Leclercq J., 326-330.
- D. Urvoy, Review of “La Chité vertueuse d’Alfarabi” by Mahdi M., 314.
Issue 3:
- D. Doucet, “’De Ideis’: Éclipse ou Dissémination? Les lectiones in Boethium De Trinitate Attributées á Thierry De Chartres.” 363-385.
- F. Guillaud, “Les Idées De Dieu Selon Saint Thomas D’Aquin,” 385-410.
- F.-X. Putallaz, “Les Idées Divines Dans La Censure: Le Cas Olivi (1248-1298),” 411-434.
- G. Sondag, “Duns Scot Sure Le Créable,” 435-450.
- S.-TH. Bonino,“Les Idées Divines Selon Hervé De Nédellec,” 451-478.
- “Les Idées Humaines, Idées Divines: Ockham Lecteur D’Augustin,” 479-494.
Issue 4:
- M. Bastit, Review of “Pour un plein accés á l’acte d’étre avec Thomas d’Aquin et Aristote” by Balmés M., 650-654.
- G. Bedouelle, Review of “Dominican Spirituality” by Borgman F., 701.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Histoire de la pensée politique médiévale (300-1450)” by Canning J., 643-684.
- I.-M. Le Bot, Review of “Code (Le) theodosien, Livre XVI, et sa reception au Moyen Âge,” 685.
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, [2019] (4 ipy)
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2003 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Alessandro Dini, “Pia philosophia e antropologia in Ficino,” 22-30.
- Saverio Di Liso, “Recenti studi su Tommaso Campanella,” 6.
Issue 2-3: NTR
Issue 4:
- Pol Vandevelde, “Diuina Eloquia cum Legente Crescunt: Does Gregory the Great mean a subjective or an Objective or an Objective Growth?,” 26.
Southwest Philosophy Review, 19 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Speculum, 78 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Richard Kay, “Dante’s Empyrean and the Eye of God,” 37-65.
- Steven Botterill, Review of “Human Vices and Human Worth in Dante’s ‘Comedy’” by Patrick Boyde, 147–149.
- Warren Ginsberg, Review of “Species, Phantasms, and Images: Vision and Medieval Psychology in ‘The Canterbury Tales’” by Carolyn P. Collette, 149-151.
- Fabian Alfie, “Dante prima della ‘Commedia’” by Guglielmo Gorni, 177–179.
- John F. Boyle, Review of “Thomas Aquinas as Reader of the Psalms” by Thomas F. Ryan, 254–256.
- Andrew Cole, “Wyclif: Political Ideas and Practice” by Michael Wilks and Anne Hudson, 290–293.
Issue 2:
- Lawrence Nees, “Reading Aldred’s Colophon for the Lindisfarne Gospels,” 333–377.
- Mohammad Azadpur, Review of “Alfarabi and the Foundation of Islamic Political Philosophy” by Muhsin S. Mahdi, 566–568.
- T. M. Rudavsky, “Oxford Physics in the Thirteenth Century (ca. 1250-1270): Motion, Infinity, Place and Time” by Cecilia Trifogli, 616–617
Issue 3:
- Susan J. Dudash, “Christine de Pizan and the ‘Menu people,’” 788–831.
- John J. Contreni, “’Building Mansions in Heaven’: The ‘Visio Baronti’, Archangel Raphael, and a Carolingian King,” 673–706.
- Stephen Gersh, Review of “John Scottus Eriugena” by Deirdre Carabine, 851–852.
- Constant J. Mews, Review of “Bernhard von Clairvaux: Leben und Werk des berühmten Zisterziensers: Studi su San Bernardo e Goffredo di Auxerre” by Peter Dinzelbacher and Ferruccio Gastaldelli, 869–871.
- Frank Barlow, Review of “The Correspondence of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1162-1170” by Anne J. Duggan and Thomas Becket, 874–875.
- Sylvia Tomasch, Review of “Maps of Medieval Thought: The Hereford Paradigm; A Wheel of Memory: The Hereford Mappamundi; The Hereford Map” by Naomi Reed Kline , Naomi Reed Kline and Scott D. Westrem,” 921–923.
- T. M. Rudavsky, Review of “Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy” by Howard Kreisel, 928–930.
- Dennis Looney, “The Dante Encyclopedia” by Richard Lansing , Teodolinda Barolini , Joan M. Ferrante , Amilcare A. Iannucci and Christopher Kleinhenz, 934–936.
Issue 4:
- Albert Russell Ascoli, Review of “Dante e i segni: Saggi per una storia intellettuale di Dante Alighieri ‘Chiosar con altro testo’: Leggere Dante nel Trecento” by Zygmunt G. Barański and Zygmunt G. Barański, 1241–1244.
- Hester Goodenough Gelber, Review of “On the Purity of the Art of Logic: The Shorter and the Longer Treatises” by Walter Burley and Paul Vincent Spade, 1258–1259.
- G. R. Evans, Review of “God and Reason in the Middle Ages” by Edward Grant, 1299-1300.
- Lodi Nauta, Review of “Avicenna’s ‘De anima’ in the Latin West: The Formation of a Peripatetic Philosophy of the Soul, 1160-1300” by Dag Nikolaus Hasse, 1309–1311
- Mark Gregory Pegg, Review of “Bernard Gui (1261-1331): Un historien et sa méthode” by Anne-Marie Lamarrigue, 1332–1334.
Studi Medievali, 60 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- C. Arruzza, “Ordo e mediazione gerarchica nelle Expositiones in ierarchiam coelestem di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena,” 117.
- L. Lazzari, “I colloquia nelle scuole monastiche anglosassoni tra la fine del X e la prima metà dell’XI secolo,” 147.
Issue 2:
- M. M. Gorman, “The Codex Amiatinus: A Guide to the Legends and Bibliography,” 863.
Synthese, [134,135,136,,137] (multi [recently 12] ipy)
The Journal of Religion, 99 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Joanne Maguire Robinson, Review of “Spiritual Economies: Female Monasticism in Later Medieval England” by Nancy Bradley Warren, 123–124.
- Constance Furey, Review of “The Pleasure of Discernment: Marguerite de Navarre as Theologian” by Carol Thysell, 130–131.
- Michael Cameron, Review of “Thomas Aquinas as Reader of the Psalms” by Thomas F. Ryan, 138–139.
Issue 2:
- Mark D. Jordan, Review of “Truth in Aquinas” by John Milbank and Catherine Pickstock, 304–305.
- Thomas Ogletree, Review of “Evil and the Augustinian Tradition”by Charles T. Mathewes, 314–315.
- Paul R. Powers, Review of “Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought” by Michael Cook, 322–324.
Issue 3:
- Willis Jenkins, “Biodiversity and Salvation: Thomistic Roots for Environmental Ethics,” 401–420.
- John J. Contreni, Review of “Papal Letters in the Early Middle Ages” by Detlev Jasper and Horst Fuhrmann, 445–446
- David Zachariah Flanagin, Review of “Biblical Poetics before Humanism and Reformation” by Christopher Ocker, 448–449.
- Robert M. Grant, Review of “The Church in Ancient Society: From Galilee to Gregory the Great” by Henry Chadwick, 453–454.
- Eugene TeSelle, Review of “LAugustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity: The Confession of Augustine” by Carol Harrison , Jean-François Lyotard and Richard Beardsworth, 458–460.
- Rachel Fulton, Review of “The Crucified God in the Carolingian Era: Theology and Art of Christ’s Passion” by Celia Chazelle, 460–462.
- John D. Carlson, Review of “Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia” by Allan D. Fitzgerald, 473–475.
Issue 4:
- Robert E. Lerner, Review of “The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart: The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing” by Bernard McGinn, 619–621.
- Eric Gregory, Review of “Augustine and Politics as Longing in the World” by John Von Heyking, 667–669.
- Barry S. Kogan, Review of “Between Mysticism and Philosophy: Sufi Language of Religious Experience in Judah Ha-Levi’s “Kuzari” by Diana Lobel and Judah Ha-Levi, 671–672.
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 83 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Martin Rhonheimer, “The Cognitive Structure of the Natural Law and the Truth of Subjectivity,” 1-44.
- Steven A. Long, “A Brief Disquisition Regarding The Nature of The Object of The Moral Act According to St. Thomas Aquinas,” 45-71.
- Tobias Hoffmann, “Moral Action as Human Action: End and Object in Aquinas in Comparison with Abelard, Lombard, Albert, and Duns Scotus,” 73-94.
- Kevin L. Flannery, “The Multifarious Moral Object of Thomas Aquinas,” 95-118.
- Denis J. M. Bradley, “Reason and The Natural Law: Flannery’s Reconstruction of Aquinas’s Moral Theory,” 119-131.
- Benedict M. Ashley, Review of “The Four Ages of Understanding: The First Postmodern Survey of Philosophy from Ancient Times to the Tum of the Twenty-First Century” by John Deely, 133-137.
- Paul J. Wojda, Review of “The Ethics of Aquinas” edited by Stephen J. Pope,140-143.
- Timothy B. Noone, Review of “Peter of John Olivi On the Acts of the Apostles” edited by David Flood, O.F.M., 154-155.
Issue 2:
- Michael M. Waddell, “Truth or Transcendentals: What was St. Thomas’s Intention at De Veritate 1.1?,” 197-219.
- Jean-Marc Laporte, “Christ in Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae: Peripheral or Pervasive?,” 221-248
- Thomas M. Osborne Jr., “The Augustinianism of Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Theory,” 279-305.
- V. Bradley Lewis, Review of “Natural Law and Practical Reasoning by Mark C. Murphy,” 310-314.
- Francis Martin, Review of “Christ’s Fulfillment of Torah and Temple: Salvation according to Thomas Aquinas” by Matthew Levering, 321-324.
- Leonard P. Hindsley, Review of “The Unspoken Word: Negative Theology in Meister Eckhart’s German Sermons” by Bruce Milem, 328-331.
- Desmond J. FitzGerald, Review of “Medieval Masters: Essays in Memory of Msgr. E. A. Synan” edited by R. E. Houser, 331-334.
Issue 3:
- Anthony J. Kelly, “A Multidimensional Disclosure: Aspects of Aquinas’s Theological Intentionality,” 335-374.
- Robert J. Dobie, “Reason and Revelation in the Thought of Meister Eckhart,” 409-438.
- John Goyetie, Review of “The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistic Metaphysics” by W. Norris Clarke, S.J., 490-493.
- Leo J. Elders, “The Passions of Christ’s Soul in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Paul Gondreau (review), 498-499.
- Steven C. Boguslawski, Review of “’Modus et Forma’: A New Approach to the Exegesis of Saint Thomas Aquinas with an Application to the “Lectura super Epistolam ad Ephesios” by Christopher T. Baglow, 499-503.
Issue 4:
- Philip L. Reynolds, “Spiritual Cognition in Thomas Aquinas,” 505-538.
- Michael P. Foley, “Augustine, Aristotle, and the Confessions,” 607-622.
- Gilles Emery, Review of “Thomas Aquinas’ Trinitarian Theology: A Study in Theological Method” by Timothy L. Smith, 645-648.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 65 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- G. Guldentops, Review of “Guillelmus de la Mare. Quaestiones in tertium et quartum librum sententiarum (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für die Herausgabe ungedruckter Texte aus der mittelalterlichen Geisteswelt, Bd. XXII) by Hans Kram, pp. 181-182.
Issue 2:
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of “Aquinas’s Philosophical Commentary on the ‘Ethics’. A Historical Perspective” by James C. Doig, 356-357.
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of “The Problem of Love in the Middle Ages. A Historical Contribution” by Pierre Rousselot, Alan Vincelette, and Pol Vandevelde, 365-366.
- Jan Maeyaert, Review of “History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and His Time. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies” by James McEvoy, Michael Dunne, 382-383.
Issue 3:
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of “Augustinus — Leben und Werk. Eine bibliographische Einführung” by Wilhelm Geerlings, 586.
- Jules Janssens, Review of “The Making of the Avicennian Tradition. The Transmission, Contents, and Structure of Ibn Sīnā’s al Mubāḥaṯāt” by David C. Reisman, 587.
- Günther Coppens, Review of “Some Questions on Signs: Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation” by John P. Doyle, 588.
Issue 4:
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 24, 25 (ipy varies)
Issue 24:
- Guillermo J. Mañón Garibay, “Eckhart y la Espiritualidad de las Beguinas,” 185- 210.
Issue 25: NTR.
Topoi, 23 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR.
Traditio, 58 (1 ipy)
- William E. Klingshirn, “Isidore of Seville’s Taxonomy of Magicians and Diviners,” 59-90.
- Deborah L. Goodwin, “Herbert of Bosham and the Horizons of Twelfth-Century Exegesis,” 133-173.
- Boyd Taylor Coolman, “Pulchrum esse: The Beauty of Scripture, the Beauty of the Soul, and the Art of Exegesis in Hugh of St. Victor,” 175-200.
- Roland J. Teske, “William of Auvergne on the Various States of Our Nature,” 201-218.
- Philip L. Reynolds, “Bonaventure’s Theory of Resemblance,” 219-255.
- John Inglis, “A Rationale for Material Elements of Christ’s Human Cognition: Reading Aquinas within His Dominican Theological and Political Context,” 257-284.
- Severin Valentinov Kitanov, “Displeasure in Heaven, Pleasure in Hell: Four Franciscan Masters on the Relationship between Love and Pleasure, and Hatred and Displeasure,” 285-340.
Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 34 (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Martha Bayless, “The Story of the Fallen Jew and the Iconography of Jewish Unbelief.”
- Fiona J. Griffiths, “Brides and Dominae: Abelard’s Cura monialium at the Augustinian Monastery of Marbach.”
- Brett E. Whalen, “Joachim of Fiore and the Division of Christendom.”
Vivarium, 41 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Joke Spruyt, “The Forma-Materia Device in Thirteenth-Century Logic and Semantics,” 1–46
- Stephan Grotz, “Zwei Sprachen und das Eine Wort: Zur Identität von Meister Eckharts Werk,” 47–83.
- Olli Hallamaa, “Defending Common Rationality: Roger Roseth on Trinitarian Paralogisms,” 84–119.
- Thomas Sören Hoffmann, “Dimensionen des Erkenntnisproblems bei Girolamo Fracastoro. Ein Beitrag zur Fortentwicklung der aristotelischen Gnoseologie in der italienischen Renaissance,” 144–174.
Issue 2:
- Irene Rosier-Catach, “Abélard et les grammairiens: sur le verbe substantif et la predication,” 175–248.
- Angel D’Ors, “Petrus Hispanus O.P., Auctor Summularum (III). ‘Petrus Alfonsi’ or ‘Petrus Ferrandi?,” 249–303.
- Allan Bäck, Review of “Avicenna’s De Anima in the Latin West: The Formation of a Peripatetic Philosophy of Soul 1160-1300” by Dag Nikolaus Hasse, 304-306.
- Jan R. Veenstra, Review of “Sophistaria sive Summa communium distinctionum circa sophismata accidentium” by Matthew of Orléans, edited by Joke Spruyt, 307-318.
- E. J. Ashworth, Review of “De Obligationibus. Rekonstruktion einer spätmittelalterlichen Disputationstheorie” by Hajo KeVer, 318-322.
- Sten Ebbesen, Review of “Die Universität Wien im Mittelalter. Beiträge und Forschungen” by Paul Uiblein, 326.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 38 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR.
Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval [10] (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Sáenz-Badillos, Ángel, Arturo Prats, “Selomoh Bonafed y la lógica cristiana del siglo XV“, 15-27
- Viviente Mateu, Jose L., “Pedro Alfonso y la iconografía religiosa europea“, 29-43
- Lacarra, María Jesus, “Referencias a Pedro Alfonso de Huesca en la literatura castellana de la Edad Media“, 45-52
- Mihalovici, Sor Ionel, “No romperé jamás mi alianza con vosotros (Jue 2,1)“, 53-58
- Ballestín, Alfredo, “El Islam en los Dialogi de Pedro Alfonso“, 59-66
- Cruz Hernández, Miguel, “Siete interrogantes en la historia del pensamiento“, 69-73
- Monferrer Sala, Juan Pedro, “Una muestra de kalam cristiano: Abu Qurra en la sección novena del Kitab muyadalat ma’ al-mutakallimin al-muslimin fi maylis al-Jalifa al-Ma’mun“, 75-86
- Abdel-Karim, Gamal, “Reflexiones en torno al iytihad (esfuerzo personal para la libre interpretación) y su papel dentro del pensamiento musulmán“, 87-97
- Valdivia Valor, Jose, “La misericordia de Dios en el Islam“, 99-105
- Dandachli Zohbi, Charif, Pilar Zaldivar Bouthelier, “«Sobre la forma primera y la materia primera» de Avempace“, 107-110
- Maíllo Salgado, Felipe, “El yihad. Teoría jurídica y praxis en el mundo islámico actual“, 111-117
- Martos Quesada, Juan, “Averroes como muftí“, 119-126
- Puig Montada, Josep, “Averroes y la crítica de Avicena“, 127-138
- Ramón Guerrero, Rafael, “«Castigos» de Aristóteles en los Uyun al-anba’ de Ibn Abi Usaybi’a“, 139-146
- Roche Arnas, Pedro, “Una lectura medieval del Intelecto Activo de Aristóteles“, 147-155
- García Cuadrado, José Angel, “La distinción nombre verbo en los comentarios al Perihermeneias de Alfarabi y Averroes“, 157-169
- Zamora, José M., “Damascio y el cierre de la escuela neoplatónica de Atenas“, 173-187
- Brasa Diez, Mariano, “Un diálogo a tres bandas“, 189-197
- Udina, Josep Manuel, “La enseñanza de la historia de la filosofía medieval. Una experiencia de veinticinco años“, 199-206
- González Fernández, Martin, “Corona in capite. Juan de Salisbury y Dante Alighieri“, 207-218
- Raňa Dafonte, César, “La dimensión práctica de la filosofía según Juan de Salisbury“, 219-226
- Fidora, Alexander, “Ramón Llull frente a la crítica actual. Al diálogo interreligioso: el arte luliana como propuesta para una «Filosofía de las Religiones»“, 227-243
- Reinhardt, Klaus, “El árbol apostolical, parte del Árbol de la ciencia, de Raimundo Lulio, en una versión castellana del siglo XV. Introducción y edición del prólogo“, 245-259
- Soto Rábanos, José María, “Riqueza de imágenes en Raimundo Lulio. El ejemplo de libro del amigo y del amado“, 261-273
- Ferment, Eudaldo, “Persona y conciencia en Santo Tomás de Aquino“, 275-283
- Lértora Mendoza, Celina A., “Filosofía y teología en el s. XIII. Un caso de delimitación: la ‘creatio ex nihilo’ como ‘credibilia’ según Grosseteste“, 285-295
- Mensa i Valls, Jaume, “La «fallacia consequentis» en la polémica escatológica entre Arnau de Vilanova y los profesores de la Universidad de París“, 297-301
- Saranyana, Josep-Ignasi, “Estética tomasiana y estética musulmana plenomedievales. A propósito del pulchrum“, 303-311
- Reinhardt, Elisabeth, “La veritas vitae en los escritos de Tomás de Aquino“, 313-320
- Sellés, Juan Fernando, “La sindéresis o razón natural como la apertura cognoscitiva de la persona humana a su propia naturaleza: una propuesta desde Tomás de Aquino“, 321-333
- Soto Bruna, Mª Jesus, “La lux intelligentiae agentis en el pensamiento de Domingo Gundisalvo“, 335-343
- Alvira, Rafael, “Sobre algunos conceptos políticos fundamentales en el pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino“, 345-350
- Pérez-Estévez, Antonio, “Materia prima y privación en el Comentario tomista a la Física de Aristóteles”, 351-360
- Baliñas Fernández, Carlos, “La metáfora platónica del retorno (reditio)“, 361-375
- Ayala Martínez, Jorge M., “El derecho natural antiguo y medieval“, 377-386
- Baciero Ruiz, Francisco T., “El De legibus de Suárez y Locke“, 387-393
- Rodón Binué, Eulalia, “Foralidad de frontera. Transversalidad frontal“, 395-401
- Ruano Espina, Lourdes, “Notas acerca de la formación histórica de la Ciencia del Derecho Eclesiástico“, 403-414
History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis [6] (1 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR