Alpha omega rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 26 (2-3 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Pascual, Rafael L.C., “L’unita ontoteologica della metafisica in Tommaso d’Aquino,” 39-73.
- Mayer, Rupert O.P, “Is Meister Eckhart’s Metaphysics an Onto-The-ology,” 75-117.
- Mitchell, Jason A., “The Onto-Theological Difference in Analytical Thomism,” 159-185.
Issues 2-3 forthcoming (checked 01/02/2024)
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 97 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Beneduce, Chiara, “John Buridan: The Human Body at the Intersection of Natural Philosophy and Medicine,” 161-182.
- Biard, Joel, “John Buridan on the Question of the Unity of the Human Being,” 184-209.
- Lageriund, Henrik, “Buridan’s Radical View of Final Causality and Its Influence,” 211-226.
- Hartman, Peter John, “Mirecourt, Mental Modes, and Mental Motions,” 227-248.
- Sobol, Peter G., “The Use of Theological Terms in the De anima Commentaries of Nicole Oresme and John Buridan,” 249-256.
Issue 3:
- Jalsevac, John, “Mitigating the Magic: The Role of Memory, the Vis Cogitativa, and Experience in Aquinas’s Abstractionist Epistemology,” 267-292.
- Szlachta, Michael, “Unde huic fictioni non est respondendum: Thomas Aquinas and the Necessitation of the Will,” 311-337.
- Kutarnova, Katerina, “Philip of the Blessed Trinity on Mystical Knowledge: Pecular Kinds of Species,” 339-359.
- Schwartz, Daniel, “Suarez’s Republic of Demons: Could There Be an Obligation to Do Evil?,”387-414.
- Osborne, Thomas M. Jr., “REVIEW: Conscience: Four Thomistic Treatments by Reginald Beaudouin, Labourdette, and Merkelbach,” 415-417.
Issue 4 (Late Medieval Hylomorphism):
- Hartman, Peter John, “Durand of St.-Pourcain’s Moderate Reductionsim about Hylomorphic Composites,” 441-462.
- Cross, Richard, “Ontological Commitment in Gregory of Rimini: Hylomorphism and the Complexe Significabile,” 463-479.
- Majcherek, Kamil, “Can Something New Be Produced by Moving Things Around? Local Motion and the Problem of the Metaphysical Status of Artefacts, 1300-1500,” 481-503.
- Zambiasi, Roberto, “Innovative Conceptions of Substantial Change in Early Fourteenth-Century Discussions of Minima Naturalia,” 505-528.
- Roudaut, Sylvain, “Can Accidents Alone Generate Substantial Forms? Twists and Turns of a Late Medieval Debate,” 529-554.
- Jeschke, Thomas, “Paul of Venice and a Plurality of Forms and Souls: Studying the Reception of Scholastic Hylomorphism in Fifteenth-Century Padua,” 555-575.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 40 (1-3 ipy): DONE
Issue 1:
- Polloni, Nicola, “Sombras de Gundisalvo en la Summa Halensis,”15-24.
- Lopez, Jose Antonio Fernandez, “Abraham ibn Daud: filosofia, historia y tradicion en el ocaso de Sefarad,” 157-159.
- Eran, Amira, “Ibn Daud’s Critique of Ibn Gabriol’s definition of Prime Matter & Dominicus Gundissalinus’ Views,” 201-212.
Issue 2:
- REVIEW: Galindo, Alfonso, “Jose Antonio Fernandez Lopez, Estudios de pensamiento medieval hispanojudio,” 415-417.
Issue 3:
- Buch, Lucas, “Relacionalidad y trascendencia de la libertad en el pensamiento de Duns Escoto,” 451-467.
Angelicum, 100 (3/4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Coda, di Piero, “San Tommaso e il suo decisivo apporto per una nuova epoca del pensiero,”
- “Rossi, Teodora, Rossi, di Margherita Maria, “San Tommaso, il testo e il senso della Scrittura. Specimina exegetica II,”
- REVIEW: Bonino, di Serge-Thomas, “Levering, Matthew, Marcus Plested (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Reception fo Aquinas, Oxford UP, Oxford 2021,”
Issues 3-4 Forthcoming (last checked 10/24/2023)
Annuario Filosofico, 39 (1 ipy): NEW LINK:
Forthcoming (last checked 11/24/2023). Not updated since 2020. —
Anuario Filosófico, 56 (3 ipy) (published only 2 in ‘22)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3 Forthcoming (last checked 11/24/2023)
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 33 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Bremond, Mathilde, “De Simplicius a Hunayn: la Transmission d’une Doxographie dans les Resumes au Traite sur les Elements de Galien,” 1-23.
- Rashed, Roshdi, “Ibn al-Haytam, sur le miroir ardent parabolique ,” 25-54.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 20 (1 ipy): Forthcoming (last checked 10/24/2023), no update since 2019
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 105 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Polloni, Nicola, “Conceiving Prime Matter in the Middle Agres: Perception, Abstraction and Analogy,” 414-443.
Issue 4: NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 77 (6 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-6: NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 86 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4 Forthcoming (last checked 7/25/2023)
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 90 (1 ipy) :
Issue 1 Forthcoming (last checked 11/24/2023)
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 73 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: Forthcoming (last checked 7/25/2023)
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 116 (2 ipy):
Issues 1-2 Forthcoming (last checked 7/25/2023)
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 81 (1 ipy): forthcoming, not updated since 2020 (last checked 02/05/2024)
Augustinian Studies, 6 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Ponsati-Murla, Oriol, “From ‘Mors Pro Summo Munere Desideretur’ to ‘Occidere Se Ipsum’: An Overall Approach to Augustine on Suicide,” 57-76.
- Krause, Paul, “REVIEW: Fabio Dalpra and Anders-Christian Jacobson (eds). Explorations in Augustine’s Anthropology,” 86-89.
- McFadden, Br. Robert, “REVIEW: David Hunter and Jonathan Yates, Augustine and Tradition: Influences, Contexts, and Legacy,” 93-98.
Issue 2 Forthcoming (last checked 7/25/2023)
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 101 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-4 Forthcoming (last checked 7/25/2023)
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 26 (1 ipy): Forthcoming (02/05/2024)
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 31 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Segev, Mor, “What can Maimonides’ understanding of the shamefulness of touch teach us about Aristotle’s NE III.10, 1118b1-3,” 405-420.
- Mary Beth Ingham, Review of “Interpreting Duns Scotus: critical essays” by Giorgio Pini, 550-554.
Issue 4:
- Adamson, Peter, Noble, Michael-Sebastian, “Intuition in the Avicennan Tradition,” 657-674.
- Antognazza, Maria Rosa, “Intuitive cognition in the Latin medieval tradition,” 675-692.
Issue 5: NTR
Issue 6 Forthcoming (last checked 7/25/2023)
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 64 (1 ipy) :
Issue 1:
- Brunori, Arianna, “Inducere Amore in potenzia la ove non e. Nobilta, grazia e predisposizione naturale dalla Vita nuova alla Commedia,” 3-22.
- Loconsole, Mario, “Figure and Thought of Berthold of Moosburg. New Studies and Perspectives.” 23-40.
- Courtenay, William J., “Suggestions for Research on Oxford Sentences Commentaries and New Information on Richard of Billingham,” 41-48.
- Berger, Harald, “Zur Uberlieferung und Rezeption (bei Johannes von Gmunden?) der Quaestiones de tractatum de sphaera des Albert von Sachsen. Nebst Nachweis einer Expositio Alberts,” 49-66.
- Andersen, Claus A., Rafael Ramis Barcelo, “Jaume Janer OCist (after 1506) and the Tradition of Scotus-Lullist Metaphysics,” 167-207
- Bakker, Paul J.J.M, Streijger, Michiel, “John Buridan’s Physics Commentaries Revisited Manuscripts and Redactions,” 67-166.
- Meliado, Mario, Gerhard Senger, Hans, “Cusanus-Marginalien. Zur Edition und Interpretation einer Textuberlieferung am Seitenrand,” 168-209.
- Cote, Antoine, “Maino of Milan’s Durandian Theory of the Intellect,” 210-243.
- Malgieri, Maria Evelina, “La stoppa, il fuoco, il cielo e Dio. L’articolo 156 del Sillabo di Tempier e Giovanni di Napoli,” 244-313.
- Ferro, Tommaso, Giulio, Lecce, “La mente di Dante. Visioni, percezioni, rappresentazioni,” 344-347.
- Borgo, Marta, “Penser l’hospitalite au Moyen Age,” 348-358.
- Lenz, Martin, Miteva, Evelina, “Medicine and Philosophy III: Contagion and Fascination,” 357-369.
- Bermon, Pascale, Poriel Dominique, “La raison au Moyen Age,” 370-374.
- Gensler, Marek, “The Oxford Calculators and their Milieu on Ethics,” 375-381.
- Meroni, Michele, “Medieval Arabic and Latin Conceptions of Spirit,” 382-390.
- Tozzi, Ginevra, Gorga, Germano, “Da Baghdad a Firence: Itinerari del sapere sulle orme di Alberto Magno,” 391-395.
- Loser, Freimut, “Meister Eckhart heute. Ubersetzen, ubertragen, neu entdecken,” 396-402.
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 35 (irregular publication)
Still looking for link (as of 07/27/2023)
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 116 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2 NTR
Issues 3-4 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 92 (1 ipy) : DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 53 (6 ipy): forthcoming
New Link:
Issues 1-6 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Chôra, 21 (1 ipy):
Issue 1 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Collectanea Franciscana, 93 (4 ipy):
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issues 3-4 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 71 (6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-6 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Dialogue, 62 (4 ipy): forthcoming
Issue 1: NTR
Issues 2-4 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
, 41 (1 ipy):Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Discusiones Filosóficas, 24 (2 ipy): Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023)
Divus Thomas, 126 (3 ipy): DONE
Issue 1: NTR (issue all about baroque thomism)
Doctor Virtualis, 18 (1 ipy) DONE
Issue 1:
- Ferrara, Alfio; Parodi, Massimo; Salvestrini, Amalia, “Macchine per analogie. Note sul trattamento automatico dell’analogia,” 31-49.
- Busetto, Laura, “L’analogia nel Periphyseon di Eriugena come struttura cosmologica e dispositivo speculativo,” 159-183.
- Valsecchi, Alessandro, “Uomo, analogia di Dio: dialettica universale e creazione in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena,” 133-157.
- Cassi, Aldo Andrea, “Il ‘procedimento analogico’ nei giuristi medievali e il ‘paradigma filosofico agostiniano,’” 203-210.
- Gambi, Giovanni, “L’analogia nel De veritate di Tomasso d’Aquino: tra capacita euristica e trascendenza divina,” 211-233.
- Marrone, Francesco, “Analogia e univocita: una convivenza possibile? Il caso Petrus Thomae,” 277-304.
- Lazaro, Nicolas, “Giustizia: fra analogia e univocita. Da Tommaso d’Aquino a Tommaso De Vio,” 305-320.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 34 (1 ipy):
Issue 1 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Early Science and Medicine, 28 (6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-6 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Epekeina. International Journal of Ontology. History and Critics, 15 (1 to 2 ipy): forthcoming
Issues 1-2 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Ergo, 10 (1 ipy): forthcoming
Issue 1 Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023
Estudios Filosoficos, 72 (1 ipy): DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 16 (2 ipy):
Issues 1-2 Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023
Faith and Philosophy, 40 (4 ipy): Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023 (no entry since ‘21)
Filozofia, 78 (10 ipy) — (new link)
Issues 1-6: NTR
Issues 7-10 Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023
Franciscan Studies, 81 (1 ipy): Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023 (no entry since ‘21)
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 70 (2 ipy):
Issues 1-2 Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023
Giornale di Metafisica, 44 (2 ipy):
Issues 1-2 Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023
Gregorianum, 104 (4 ipy))
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Sousa da Silva, Jonas Matheus, “Sao Bonaventura: Itinerarium mentis in Deus, De triplicate via e Legenda Sancti Francisci no ciclo franciscano de Giotto e na comedy de Dante,”
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4 Forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023
Heythrop Journal, 64 (6 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Hewitt, Simon Thomas, “Aquinas on the Immortality of the Soul: Some Reflections,” 30-45.
- Van Nieuwenhove, Rick, “REVIEW: Aquinas on Faith, Reason, and Charity. By Roberto Celige,” 150-151.
Issue 2:
- Simmons, Joseph SJ, “Intentionality & Intersubjectivity in Cusa’s De Visione Dei,” 258-265.
Issue 3:
- Stevenson, Austin, “REVIEW: The New Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. Edited by Elenore Stump and Thomas Joseph White,” 454-456.
Issue 4: NTR
Issues 5-6 forthcoming, last checked 08/01/2023
History and Philosophy of Logic, 44 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 40 (4 ipy): forthcoming
Issues 1-4 forthcoming, no entries since 2019. Last checked 08/07/2023
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 93-94 (6 ipy)
Volume 93:
Issue 1:
- Hodge, Kyle S., “Not a Body: the Catalyst of St. Augustine’s Intellectual Conversion in the Books of the Platonists,” 51-72.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Volume 94:
Issue 1: NTR
Issues 2-3 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 31 (5 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issues 2-5 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 84 (4-5 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-5 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
International Philosophical Quarterly, 63 (4 ipy):
Issues 1-4 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 14 (1 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Hassan, Laura, “Sayf al-Din al-Amidi’s (d. 631/1233) Kashf al-tamwihat fi sharh al-Isharat wa-l-tanbihat: Avicennan Philosophy as Currency in the Struggle for Influence,” 65-109.
- Van Lit, L.W. Cornelis, “Ibn ‘Arabi’s School of Thought: Philosophical Commentaries on Fusus al-hikam, not a Sufi Order,” 162-187.
- Lutzen, Florian A., “Observations Concerning the Development of Early Commentaries on the Wisdoms of Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah al-Sakandari (d. 709/1309) — The Emergence of a Tradition,” 188-219.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 31 (2 ipy) Alternative link:
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
Journal of Philosophical Research, 48 (1 ipy):
Issue 1 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
Journal of Religious Ethics, 51 (4 ipy):
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issues 3-4 Forthcoming, last checked 08/09/2023
Journal of the History of Ideas, 84 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR:
Issue 3:
- Byrne, Philippa, “Portable Scholasticism? The Intellectual Horizons of Gervase of Tilbury,” 441-464.
Issue 4 forthcoming, last checked 08/09/2023
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 61 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Osborne, Thomas M., “Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act by Can Laurens Lowe (review),” 152-154.
Issue 2:
- Druart, Therese-Anne, “Avicenna’s Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology, by Riccardo Strobino (review),” 326-327.
- Schuessler, Rudolf, “Moral Legislation behind a Veil of Ignorance: Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino (1607-67) on the Procedure of Natural Law,” 193-213.
Issues 3-4 forthcoming, last checked 08/09/2023
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 86 (1 ipy): \
Issue 1 Forthcoming, last checked 08/09/2023
Laval théologique et philosophique, 79 (3 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Fuenzalida, Jose Antonio Valdivia, “Pourquoi la demonstration fait-elle progresser la connaissance? Les cas de Thomas d’Aquin et de l’al-Ghazali latin,” 87-112.
Issues 2-3 forthcoming, last checked 08/09/2023
Médiévales, 84, 85 (2 ipy):
Issues 1-2 forthcoming, 08/09/2023
Medieval Encounters, 29 (5-6 ipy): (my antivirus blocks this page –js)
Issues 1-3:
Issue 4:
Issues 5-6 forthcoming, 08/09/2023
Mediaeval Sophia, 25 (1 ipy) :
Issue 1 forthcoming, 08/15/2023
Mediaeval Studies, 85 (1 ipy): (use Chris’s link)
Issue 1 forthcoming, 08/15/2023
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 42 (1 ipy):
Issue 1 forthcoming, 08/15/2023, no issue since 2019
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 48 (1 ipy): forthcoming
Issue 1 forthcoming, 08/15/2023, no issue since 2021
Micrologus, 31 (1 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Sannino, Antonella, “Il <<De essentiis essentiarum>> dedicato a Roberto, duca di Calabria,” 293-324.
Issue 2 (special issue):
- Beneduce, Chiara, “<<Utrum tactus sit terrae a dominio>>. Natural Philosophy and Medicine in Three Fourteenth-Century Questions on <<De sensu et sensato>>,” 191-208.
- Decaix, Veronique, “Do We All Sense the Same Things? Some Medieval Solutions to <<De sensu>> 6,” 135-152.
- Galle, Griet, “The Order of the <<Parva naturalia>> in Three Commentaries on <<De sensu>> Associated with Adam of Brockenfield. Implications for the Authenticity Question,” 15-44.
- Graciotti, Leonardo, “Medicine and Philosophy in Pompanazzi’s <<Expositio libelli de sensu et sensato>> (1524-1525),” 295-310.
- Grellard, Christophe, “Parisian Commentaries on <<De sensu>> in Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries,” 271-294.
- Masolini, Serena, “Two Commentaries on the <<De sensu et sensato>> from Fifteenth-Century Louvain,” 227-270.
- White, Kevin, “Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, and Peter Auvergne on <<muti et surdi>> (<<De sensu et sensato>>, 437a16-17,” 105-120.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 48 (1 ipy):
Issue 1 forthcoming, 08/15/2023 (no issue since 2019)
Mind, 132 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Brower-Toland, Susan, “Deflecting Ockham’s Razor: A Medieval Debate about Ontological Commitment,” 659-679.
Issue 4 forthcoming, 08/15/2023
Nova et Vetera, 21 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Moats, Nathaniel A., “Recovering Aquinas’s Common-Good-Oriented Right of Rebellion,” 175-215.
- Berkman, John, “Aquinas’s Ethics beyond Thomistic Virtue Ethics: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Instinct, and Complete Human Perfection,” 47-92.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Hibbs, Thomas S., “Aquinas and Black Natural Law,” 943-970.
Issue 4 forthcoming 09/27/2023
Oliviana, 9 (less than 1 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Oriens, 51 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2:
- Laywine, Alison, “Al-Farabi’s Conception of Music Theory as the Universal Science of Melody,” 104-126.
Issues 3 and 4 forthcoming 09/27/2023
Parergon, 40 (2-3 ipy) : forthcoming LINK MISSING (09/27/2023)
Philosopher’s Imprint, 23 (multi ipy) : NO ISSUE SINCE 2016 (09/27/2023)
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 30-?? (1-4 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-4 forthcoming 09/28/2023
Philosophical Studies, 180 (multi ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5-6: NTR
Issue 7: NTR
Issue 8: NTR
Issue 9: NTR
Issues 10-12 forthcoing 09/28/2023
Philosophical Topics, 51 (2 ipy)
Philosophiques, 50 (2 ipy):
Philosophy and Theology, 35 (2 ipy):
Philosophy Compass, 18 (12 ipy)
Praxis Filosófica, 56, 57 (2 ipy)
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 96 (1 ipy): forthcoming
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 21 (1 ipy) Website still down, nothing received from mailing list as of 12/06/2022
Quaestio Annuario di storia della metafisica, 23 (1 ipy): forthcoming
Quaestiones Disputatae, 15-16 (2 ipy) : forthcoming
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 90 (2 ipy) : forthcoming (11/24/2023)
Link below is broken, can’t delete it from document for some reason
The Influence of the Stars on Women: Is Thomas Aquinas a Determinist?
Res Philosophica, 100 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013
Issue 2:
- Fehr, Rene Ardell, “Thomas Aquinas on Malice: Three Interpretive Errors,” 251-272.
Issue 3: NTR
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 107 (4 ipy) :
Issue 1:
- Bermon, Pascale, “A la source de l’argument Etiamsi daremus de Gregore de Rimini, Le De libero arbitrio de Saint Augustin” 255-279.
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-4 forthcoming 08/24/2023
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 69 (2 ipy) : forthcoming 08/24/2023
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 148 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issues 3-4 forthcoming 08/24/2023
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 120 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4 forthcoming 08/24/2023
Revue Thomiste, 123 (4 ipy): LINK NOT WORKING, new link here: , website is extremely disfuncitonal, cannot access 2022 articles without purchasing pdfs. (12/06/2022)
Issues 1-4 forthcoming, 08/24/2023
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2023 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Acton, Matthew, “Reflective Imagination: Time Perception in Thomas Aquinas II,”
- Perez, Manuel Alejandro Serra, “Del ser a la existencia. Estudio de la critica de Cornelio Fabro a Domingo Banez,”
Issue 2:
- Zoppi, Matteo, “Le ricezioni dell’unum argumentum nella cerchia di Anselmo tra i secoli XI e XII,”
- Ventola, Federica, “Durand of Saint Pourcain and Future Contingents (Super Sent., I, 38, 3, red. B),”
Issues 3-4 forthcoming, 08/24/2023
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2023 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Fornasieri, Giacomo, “Sottile e robusto, uno e plurale. Il pensiero di Duns Scoto analizzato in due pecenti pubblicazioni,” 273-283.
Issues 3-4 forthcoming 09/08/2023
Speculum, 98 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Ogden, Stephen R., “Daniel D. De Haan, Necessary Existence and the Doctrine of Being in Avicennas’s ‘Metaphysics of the Healing,’” 238-239.
- Osborne, Thomas M. Jr., “Eric W. Hagedorn, ed. And trans., William of Ockham: “Questions on Virtue, Goodness, and the Will,” 266-267.
Issue 2:
- Bychkov, Oleg, “Thomas J. McKenna, Bonaventure’s Aesthetics: The Delight of the Soul in Its Ascent into God,” 625-626.
Issue 3:
- Feingold, Francis, “Peter Adamson, Medieval Philosophy,” 826-827.
- Izbicki, Thomas M., “Jennifer Bain, ed, The Cambridge Companion to Hildegard of Bingen,” 831-832.
Issue 4 forthcoming 09/09/2023
Studi Medievali, 64 (2-3 ipy):
Issues 1-3 forthcoming 09/09/2023 (no new issues since 2019)
Studi sull’Aristotelismo medievale (secoli VI-XVI), 1 (1 ipy)
Issue 1 forthcoming 09/09/2023 (no new issues since 2021)
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 13 (1/2 ipy):
Issue 1:
Issue 2 forthcoming 09/09/2023 (might not be released)
Studia Neoaristotelica, 20 (multi ipy):
Issue 1 forthcoming 09/09/2023
Synthese, 200 (multi [recently 6] ipy) DONE
Issues 1-6: NTR
The Monist, 106 (4 ipy) Alternate link: DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
The Philosophical Review, 132 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Adamson, Peter, “Averroes on Intellect: from Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas’s Critique,” 297-301.
- Williams, Thomas, “Thomas Aquinas and Contemplation,” 301-305.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4 forthcoming (checked 01/02/2024)
The Review of Metaphysics, 79, 80 (4 ipy): forthcoming (checked 01/02/2024) not updated since 2019
The Thomist A Speculative Quarterly Review, 87 (4 ipy): DONE
Issue 1:
- Gardner, Sr. Elinor, O.P, “Punishment as Medicine in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas,” 1-42.
- Johnson, Joel, “Nature Does Nothing in Vain: Reexamining Aquinas’s Fifth Way,” 43-86.
- Block, Benjamin M., “Thomas Aquinas on Knowing the Essences of Material Substances,” 87-130.
Issue 2:
- Trifogli, Cecilia, “REVIEW: Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III by John F. Wippel,” 343-346.
Issue 3:
- Parkinson, Daniel, “The Implicit Transcendental: Beauty and the Trinity in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas,” 415-499.
Issue 4:
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 85 (4 ipy): Issues 2-4 forthcoming, last checked 1/27/2024
Issue 1: NTR
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 65, 66, 67 (2 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-3: NTR
Topoi, 42 (1-4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-5: NTR
Traditio, 78 (1 ipy): DONE
Issue 1:
- Palmer, James T., “Merovingian Medicine Between Practical Art and Philosophy,” 17-45.
Viator Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 54 (3 ipy): forthcoming (last checked 12/22/2023)
Vivarium, 61 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1:
- Schwartz, Daniel, “Subjection and Freedom among the Angels,” 1-25.
- Curut, Ioana, “Thomas Ebendorfer on virtus sermonis and the Relation between Theology, Philosophy, and Logic,” 59-109.
- Streijger, Michiel, “REVIEW: Richard Kilvington on the Capacity of Created Beings, Infinity, and Being Simultaneously in Rome and Paris. Critical Edition of Question 3 from Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum, by Monika Michalowska,” 111-130.
Issue 2:
- Skryzpek, Jeremy W., “Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysical Structure of Artifacts,” 141-166.
- Hanke, Miroslav, “Richard Lavenham’s Tractatus terminorum naturalium,” 167-243.
Issue 3-4:
- Lammer, Andreas, “REVIEW: Avicenna’s Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology, by Riccardo Strobino,” 361-370.
- Perler, Dominik, “REVIEW: Rationality in Perception in Medieval Philosophy, by Jose Filipe Silva (ed.),” 366-370.
Zygon Journal of Religion and Science, 58 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR
Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 30 (2 ipy) (last checked 12/22/2023)
Issue 1:
- Panti, Cecilia, “In the Margins of hte Posterior Analytics: Roverto Grosseteste y el ‘Filospono Latino,” 17-52.
- Rossi, Pietro B., “Intentio Aristotelis in Hoc Libro. Structure and Composition of the Posterior Analytics According to Robert Grosseteste,” 53-80.
- Trizio, Michele, “Robert Grosseteste and Eustratius of Nicaea on Concept Formation After the Fall,” 81-106.
- Crialesi, Clelia, “Absolute Spatial Differences: Grosseteste’s Reading of Aristotle’s On The Heavens,” 107-126.
- Kiosoglou, Sokratis-Athanasios, “Divergent Reconstructions of Aristotle’s Train of Thought: Robert Grosseteste on Proclus’ Elements of Physics,” 127-148.
- Lewis, Neil, “Corporeity, Corpus-Substantia, and Corpus-Quantum in Grosseteste’s Commentaries on the Physics and Posterior Analytics,” 149-175.
Issue 2 Forthcoming (12/22/2023)