2002 Bibliography
Last worked on 2/20/2025
Revised by JLS
Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 5 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- José A. Izquierdo Labeaga, L.C., “Alcune fonti dell’antropologia di San Tommaso (seconda parte),” 59-101.
- Fernando Pascual, L.C., “Experiencia y autoridad en el Contra académicos de san Agustín,” 159-185.
- Elio Limentani, Review of Torah e filosofi. Percorsi del pensiero ebraico, edited by Donatella Di Cesare & Marco Morselli, 227-229.
Issue 2
- José A. Izquierdo Labeaga, L.C., “Alcune fonti dell’antropologia di San Tommaso (terza parte),” 255-288.
Issue 3
- Julio Moreno-Dávila, “El opúsculo De Æternitate Mundi contra Murmurantes de Sto. Tomás de Aquino, una espléndida vidriera medieval, un precursor del método científico del s. XX,” 499-514.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 76 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Thomas A.F. Kelly, “On Remembering and Forgetting Being: Aquinas, Heidegger, and Caputo,” 321-340.
- John D. Caputo, “Auto-Deconstructing or Constructing a Bridge? A Reply to Thomas A.F. Kelly,” 341-344.
- Jason T. Eberl, Review of The American Thomistic Revival in the Philosophical Papers of R.J. Henle, S.J., by Robert J. Henle, S.J., 345-348.
- Lloyd A. Newton, Review of Categories and Logic in Duns Scotus: An Interpretation of Aristotle’s Categories in the Late Thirteenth Century, by Giorgio Pini, 351-354.
- David Vincent Meconi, Review of For the Joy Set Before Us: Augustine and Self-Denying Love, by Gerald W. Schlabach, 354-356.
- Olivia Blanchette, Review of Donation et Consentement: Une Introduction Méthodologique à la Métaphysique, by Emmanuel Tourpe, 361-364.
Issue 3
- F.B.A. Asiedu, “The Elusive Face of Modern Platonism: Iris Murdoch on Anselm and the Ontological Argument,” 393-410.
- Peter Drum, “The Fourth Way – Mystery, Myth or Meaning?” 411-415.
- John F.X. Knasas, “Contra Spinoza: Aquinas on God’s Free Will,” 417-429.
- John P. O’Callaghan, “Aquinas, Cognitive Theory, and Analogy: A Propos of Robert Pasnau’s Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages,” 451-482.
- Robert Pasnau, “What Is Cognition? A Reply to Some Critics,” 483-490.
- Lewis S. Ford, “Can Thomas and Whitehead Complement Each Other?” 491-502.
- Brian Davies, Review of The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being, by John F. Wippel, 515-516.
Issue 4: NTR
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 19 (1 ipy)
- Joaquín Lomba, “Ibn Hazm: la belleza como forma de vida,” 13-26.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, “El pensamiento griego en la lógica de Ibn Hazm. Su Kitab al-taqrib,” 27-38.
- Raja Ben Slama, « ‘Les sphères divisées.’ D’Aristophane à Ibn Hazm », 39-51.
- Emilio Tornero Poveda, “Huella de la Disputa en la cultura europea,” 53-65.
- Ricardo Da Costa, “Muçulmanos e Cristãos nos diálogos de Ramon Llull (1232-1316),” 67-96.
- Antonio Jiménez García, “La filosofía en Aragón,” 257-261.
- “Simposio Internacional sobre Ibn Hazm,” 265-267.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of Hombre y naturaleza en el pensamiento medieval. Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Medieval. 7o Latinoamericano, 271-272.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of El hombre es imagen de Dios. Visión antropológica de San Agustín, by Ma del Carmen Dolby, 273.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of O pensamento social de Santo Antonio, by J. A. de Camargo R. de Souza, 273-274.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of Comentario a la Física de Aristóteles, by Tomás de Aquino, translated by Celina A. Lértora Mendoza; Comentario a la Política de Aristóteles, by Tomás de Aquino & Pedro de Alvernia, translated by Ana Mallea; El ente y la esencia, by Tomás de Aquino, translated by Eudaldo Forment, 275-276.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of Humanismo político. Individuo y Estado en Tomás de Aquino, by Louis Lachance, 276-277.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of Ramon Llull caballero de fe, edited by A. Fidora & J. G. Higuera, 277-279.
- José Higuera, Review of Mente, conciencia y conocimiento, edited by María del Carmen Paredes Martín, 280-281.
- Luis Jiménez Moreno, Review of La question de la vérité, Thomas d’Áquin – Nietzsche – Kant – Aristoteles – Heidegger, by Ingeborg Schüssler, 281-284.
Angelicum, 79 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Stella Maris Vázquez, “Último juicio práctico y libertad en santo Tomás de Aquino,” 127-146.
- William F. Murphy Jr., “Christ as a Principle of Moral Action in Thomistic Ethics,” 147-175.
- Boguslaw Kochniewicz, Review of Percorsi mariologici nell’antica letteratura cristiana, by Elio Peretto, 235-240.
- J. Phan Tan Thanh, Review of 700-mme anniversaire de la naissance de Jean Tauler, in Revue des sciences religieuses, 240-242.
- A. Lobato, Review of Studi di lessicografia, by Marie-Dominique Chenu, 242-244.
- A. Lobato, Review of The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being, by John F. Wippel, 246-254.
- Giorgio Matteucci, Review of Come pensa il cervello, by Walter J. Freeman, translated by Simonetta Frediani, 259-263.
Issue 2
- José Luis Widow Lira, “La verdad política en el pensamiento de Santo Tomás,” 327-384.
- Ryszard Rybka, O.P., “La tesi fondamentali di S. Tommaso d’Aquino sull’attuazione del bene comune nell’insegnamento sociale di Leone XIII,” 385-414.
- Jörg Splett, „Gott vor Gericht Glaube, der sich rechtfertigt,“ 415-431.
- José Montero, Review of Amor y Bien. Los problemas del amor en Santo Tomás de Aquino, by Maria Celestina Donadío Maggi de Gandolfi, 466-468.
- Cornelio Del Zotto, Review of Saint Bonaventure et l’entrée de Dieu en Théologie, by Emmanuel Falque, 468-472.
- Abelardo Lobato, Review of Three Thomist Studies, by Frederick E. Crowe, edited by Michael Vertin, 480-481.
- Abelardo Lobato, Review of Le prochain comme Tierce Personne dans le Théologie de la création chez saint Thomas d’Aquin, by Philippe Vallin, 483-485.
Issue 3
- Krzysztof Olaf Charasma, “Lo sviluppo della dottrina tomista sull’immutabilità di Dio. Giovanni di San Tommaso OP (1589-1644),” 537-583.
- David Berger, „Auf der Suche nach dem ‚Wesen‘ des Thomismus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Thomismus,“ 585-645.
- Bazyli Degórski, Review of Chiesa e impero. Da Augusto a Giustiniano, edited by E. dal Covolo & R. Uglione, 728-730.
- Bazyli Degórski, Review of Societat humana i comunió amb Déu. La comunió del sants, clau hermenèutica de la història en De Civitate Dei de sant Agustí, by Joaquim Meseguer García, 732-735.
- Michal Paluch, Review of Creation Theology, by José Morales, 740-741.
- Sergio Parenti, Review of Recherches thomasiennes – Études revues et augmentées, by Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P., 746-748.
Issue 4
- Bernhard-Thomas Blankenhorn, O.P., “The good as self-diffusive in Thomas Aquinas,” 803-837.
- Edward Krasevac, O.P., “The Good That We Intend, and the Evil That We Do: A New Look at ‘Praeter Intentionem’ in Aquinas,” 839-854.
- Joseph Torchia, O.P., “The limits of virtuous action: Aquinas on the subjective conditions of moral virtue,” 855-877.
- Antolín González Fuente, “A propósito de una obra de interés teológico,” 969-980.
- Wolfram Hoyer, Review of Thomismus. Große Leitmotive der thomistischen Synthese und ihre Aktualität für die Gegenwart, by David Berger, 994-1001.
- David Berger, Review of Die Gaben des Heiligen Geistes nach Thomas von Aquin, by Ulrich Horst, 1004-1008.
- Augustin Laffay, Review of “Surnaturel. Une controverse au coeur du thomisme au XX-e siècle,” in Revue thomiste, 1012-1015.
Annuario Filosofico, 18 (1 ipy): NTR
Anuario Filosófico, 35 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Juan Fernando Sellés, Review of Diálogos del idiota: El Possest, La cumbre de la teoría, by Nicolás de Cusa, translated by Ángel Luis González, 251-252.
- Iñigo Medina, Review of The Medieval Theologians. An Introduction to Theology in the Medieval Period, edited by Gillian Rosemary Evans, 252-254.
Issue 2
- Ángel Luis González, Review of De Veritate, 22. El apetito del bien, by Tomás de Aquino, translated by Juan Fernando Sellés, 499-500.
- Julia Urabayen, Review of L’humanisme de Pic de la Mirandole. L’esprit en gloire de métamorphoses, by Karine Safa, 514-515.
Issue 3
- Enrique Alarcón, “El proyecto ‘Corpus Thomisticum’: descripción y perspectivas,” 791-801.
- María Lilián Mujica, Review of Saint Augustin. L’amour sans mesure, by Marcel Neusch, 838-840.
- Juan Fernando Sallés, Review of Verdad trascendental y verdad formal (1643), by Juan Poinsot, translated by Juan Cruz Cruz, 840-841.
- Santiago Argüello, Review of La possibilité et l’être. Un essai sur la détermination du fondement ontologique de la possibilité dans la pensée de Thomas d’Aquin, by Grzegorz Stolarski, 845-847.
- Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri, Review of Comentario al libro de Aristóteles sobre ‘el cielo y El mundo,’ by Tomás de Aquino & Pedro de Alvernia, edited by J. Cruz Cruz, 853-856.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 12 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Michael E. Marmura, “Ghazali and Ash’arism Revisited,” 91-110.
- Gad Freudenthal, “The Medieval Astrologization of Aristotle’s Biology: Averroes on the Role of the Celestial Bodies in the Generation of Animate Beings,” 111-137.
Issue 2
- Maroun Aouad & Gregor Schoeler, “The Poetic Syllogism according to al-Farabi: an Incorrect Syllogism of the Second Figure,” 185-196.
- Malcom C. Lyons, “Poetic Quotations in the Arabic Version of Aristotle’s Rhetoric,” 197-216.
- Miklós Maróth, “The Changes of Metaphor in Arabic Literature,” 241-255.
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 84 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Dominik Perler, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Ockham, edited by Paul Vincent Spade, 106-110.
Issue 2
- Tony Street, “An Outline of Avicenna’s Syllogistic,” 129-160.
- Wolfgang Rother, „‘Nur Wesentliches, aber auch nach Möglichkeit alles Wesentliche in concisester Form‘: Zum alten und neuen Grundriß der Geschichte der Philosophie,“ 232-241.
Issue 3: NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 56 (6 ipy): NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 65 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- G. O., Review of Disputes métaphysiques [I, II, III], by Francisco Suárez, translated by Jean-Paul Coujou ; Index détaillé de la métaphysique d’Aristote, by Francisco Suárez, translated by Jean-Paul Coujou ; La distinction de l’étant fini et de son être. Dispute métaphysique XXXI, by Francisco Suárez, translated by Jean-Paul Coujou, 17-18.
- D. M., Review of Descartes and the last scholastics, by Roger Ariew, 18-21.
- C. B., Review of Universo infinito e pluralità dei mondi. Teorie cosmologiche in età moderna, by Antonella del Prete, 30-32.
- S. D., Brief Notice on “Aquinas’ metaphysics and Descartes’ methodic doubt,” in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, by John F. X. Knasas, 48-49.
- M. P., Brief Notice on « Le sujet de la science dans les Regulae de Descartes », in Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, by Fabienne Pironet, 50.
- J. S., Review of « Postérité d’Ockham. Temps cartésien et temps newtonien au regard de l’apport nominalise », by Jean-Luc Solère, 50-51.
- T. P., Review of « Verso una storia leibniziana della filosofia », in Il cannocchiale, edited by Graeme Hunter, 54.
- J. S., Review of Philosophenphilosophie und Schulphilosophie, Typen des Philosophierens in der Neuzeit, by Paul Richard Blum, 62.
Issue 2
- Wladimir Barreto-Lisboa, Review of “Três marcas (estigmas) de Ockham no pensamento de Hobbes,” in Veritas, by Alfredo Culleton, 6-7.
- Wladimir Barreto-Lisboa, Review of “Razón y verdad: Hobbes y el Aquinate,” in Sapientia, by María Lukac de Steir, 8-9.
- Andrea Napoli, Review of Dal Difensore della pace al Leviatano. Marsilio da Padova nel Seicento inglese, by Stefano Simonetta, 21-24.
- Jacob Schmutz, Review of La nouvelle science du politique. Une introduction, by Éric Voegelin, translated by Sylvie Courtine-Denamy, 28-29.
Issue 3
- « Bulletin de Philosophie médiévale IV », 1-23.
Issue 4
- Review of Hegel et la mystique germanique, by David König, 707-708.
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 69 (1 ipy)
- Christophe Erismann, « ‘Generalis essentia’. La théorie érigénienne de l’ousia et le problème des universaux », 7-37.
- Jules Janssens, « Al-Ghazzali’s Mi’yar al-‘ilm fi fann al-mantiq. Sources avicenniennes et farabiennes », 39-66.
- Péter Molnár, « Saint Thomas d’Aquin et les traditions de la pensée politique », 67-113.
- Guy Guldentops, “Beyond Averroism and Thomism: Henry Bate on the Potential and the Agent Intellect,” 115-152.
- Michael William Dunne, “The Commentary of Peter of Auvergne on Aristotle’s On Length and Shortness of Life,” 153-200.
- Alain de Libera, « ‘Omnis homo de necessitate est animal’. Référence et modalité selon l’Anonymus erfordensis Q. 328 (Pseudo-Robert Kilwardby) », 201-237.
- Jean-François Genest, « Aux origines d’une casuistique la révélation des futurs contingents d’après la lecture de Richard Fitzralph sur les Sentences », 239-298.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 52 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2
- Baudouin van den Abeele, Review of Hildegard of Bingen. The Context of her Thought and Art, edited by Charles Burnett & Peter Dronke, 370-371.
- Julio Samsó, Review of Occident et Proche Orient : Contacts scientifiques au temps du Croisades, edited by Isabelle Draelants, Anne Tihon & Baudouin van den Abeele, 371-373.
- Benedek Láng, Review of Les ‘images astrologiques’ au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance : Spéculations intellectuelles et pratiques magiques (XIIe-XVe siècles), by Nicolas Weill-Parot, 375-378.
- Graziella Federici Vescovini, Review of L’armonia della natura e l’ordine dei governi (secoli XII-XIV), by Piero Morpurgo, 381-382.
- J.-Fr. Stoffel, Review of Le condamnation parisienne de 1277, translated by David Piché, 390-391.
- Teodoro Katinis, Review of Marsile Ficin. Les platonismes à la Renaissance, edited by Pierre Magnard, 393-394.
- Fernando Salmón, Review of Religion and Medicine in the Middle Ages, edited by Peter Biller & Joseph Ziegler, 419-421.
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 95 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Pietro Maranesi, OFMCapu, “Il IV libro della Summa quaestionum di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi. Un’ipotesi di soluzione,” 53-92.
- Nazareno Mariani, OFM, “Certezze e ipotesi sul Commento alle sentenze di Francesco della Merca Omin,” 93-183.
- Fortunato Iozzelli, OFM, Review of Peter John Olivi on the Acts of the Apostles, edited by David Flood, OFM, 205-208.
- Gian Luigi Betti, Review of La cultura del medioevo (400-1400), by Marcia L. Colish, translated by E. Gallo, 210-212.
Issue 3-4
- Cesare Cenci, OFM, “Esempi volgari di S. Bernardino e suoi referenti,” 433-436.
- Luc Mathieu, OFM, Review of Dictionnaire du Moyen Age, edited by Claude Gauvard, Alain de Libera & Michel Zink, 437-438.
- Bogdan Fajdek, OFM, Review of Il pensare formativo francescano, edited by Enzo Fortunato, 462-463.
- Hugues Dedieu, OFM, Review of L’enseignement de la théologie dans les ordres mendiants à Paris au XIIIe siècle, by Jean-Marc Goglin, 469.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 60 (1 ipy)
- Mechthild Pörnbacher, Review of Boethius in St. Gallen, by Christine Hehle, 373-374.
Augustinian Studies, 33 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Michael Futch, “Augustine on the Successiveness of Time,” 17-38.
- David G. Hunter, “Augustine, Sermon 354A: Its Place in His Thought on Marriage and Sexuality,” 39-60.
- Douglas Milewski, “Augustine’s 124 Tractates on the Gospel of John: The Status Quaestionis and the State of Neglect,” 61-77.
- John Peter Kenney, “Augustine’s Inner Self,” 79-90.
- George Lawless, “Peter Brown’s Retractationes,” 91-98.
- James K. A. Smith, Review of The Confession of Augustine, by Jean-François Lyotard, 128-133.
- Thomas F. Martin, Review of Die Auslegung es Briefes an die Galater, Die angefangene Auslegung des Briefes an die Römer, Über dreiundachtzig verschiedene Fragen: Fragen 66-68, by Augustine, edited by Thomas Gerhard Ring OSA, 134-138.
Issue 2
- James Wetzel, “Will and Interiority in Augustine: Travels in an Unlikely Place,” 139-160.
- Catherine M. Chin, “Christians and the Roman Classroom: Memory, Grammar, and Rhetoric in Confessions X,” 161-182.
- George Lawless, “Honores, coniugium, lucra (conf. 6.6.9): A Greco-Roman Rhetorical Topos and Augustine’s Asceticism,” 183-200.
- Charles T. Mathewes, “The Career of the Pelagian Controversy: Introductory Essay,” 201-212.
- Paul Rigby, “The Role of God’s ‘Inscrutable Judgments’ in Augustine’s Doctrine of Predestination,” 213-222.
- Michael R. Rackett, “What’s Wrong with Pelagianism? Augustine and Jerome on the Dangers of Pelagius and His Followers,” 223-237.
- Jason A. Mahn, “Beyond Synergism: The Dialectic of Grace and Freedom in Luther’s ‘De Servo Arbitrio,’” 239-258.
- Thomas F. Martin, O.S.A., “Response: Augustine and Augustinians Consultation on ‘Pelagianism,’” 271-275.
- Frederick Van Fleteren, Review of Augustine’s Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist, by Phillip Cary, 279-286.
- John Rist, Review of Platonism Pagan and Christian: Studies in Plotinus and Augustine, by Gerard O’Daly, 287-288.
Augustinianum, 42 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Basil Studer, „Zur Bedeutung der heiligen Schrift in Augustin’s De Trinitate,“ 127-147.
- Mary Marrocco, “Participation in Divine Life in the De Trinitate of St. Augustine,” 149-185.
- Bengt Alexanderson, « Réflexions sur l’édition récente des Psalmi graduum de S. Augustin », 187-204.
- Vittorino Grossi, Review of Il Discorso del Signore sulla montagna, by Agostino d’Ippona, translated by Luigi Longobardo, 254-256.
- Vittorino Grossi, Review of Natura, persona, libertà. L’antropologia di Massimo il Confessore, by Bernardo De Angelis, 256-258.
Issue 2
- Nello Cipriani, “La presenza di Mario Vittorino nella riflessione trinitaria di S. Agostino,” 261-313.
- Franco Gori, “A proposito di due articoli sull’edizione critica delle Enarrationes in psalmos 119-133 di Agostino,” 315-346.
- Roberto A. M. Bertacchini, “Agostino d’Ippona fra tardoantichità e medioevo,” 347-382.
- M. Benedetta Zorzi, “Melos e iubilius nelle Enarrationes in Psalmos di Agostino: Una questione di mistica agostiniana,” 383-413.
- Bengt Alexanderson, “Gesta collationis Carthaginiensis: Loci nonnulli cum editione Lancelli comparati,” 415-444.
- Eduardo Vadillo Romero, Review of Il metodo de la grazia: Pascal e l’ermeneutica giansenista di Agostino, by Gaetano Lettieri, 507-514.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 80 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Horace Jeffery Hodges, Review of The Weight of Finitude: On the Philosophical Question of God, by Ludwig Heyde, 128-130.
Issue 2
- Dirk Baltzly, Review of Emotion and Peace of Mind: from Stoic agitation to Christian temptation, by Richard Sorabji, 235-236.
- Paul Crittenden, Review of Aquinas on Matter and Form and the Elements, by Joseph Bobik, 252.
Issues 3-4: NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 7 (1 ipy)
- Hubert Benz, „Lust (delectatio) und Freude (gaudium) bei Thomas von Aquin,“ 1-23.
- Olaf Pluta, “John Buridan on Universal Knowledge,” 25-46.
- Gerhard Krieger, „Metaphysik und konstruierende Vernunft: Zum Verhältnis von Spätscholastik und Cartesischem cogito,“ 47-79.
- Rüdiger Arnzen, „Ausgewählte Literatur in ‚weslichen‘ Sprachen für das Studium der mittelalterlichen Philosophie in arabischer und persischer Sprache,“ 125-178.
- Juan Carlos Flores, “International Colloquium. Between Aquinas and Scotus: Henry of Ghent’s Contribution to the Transformation of Scholastic Thought (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Sept. 12-16, 2001),” 233-236.
- Orrin F. Summerell, Review of Über Schau und Gegenwart des unsichtbaren Gottes. Erinnerungsschreiben über die Gegenwart Gottes, by Augustin, translated by Erich Naab, 250-251.
- Klaus Kahnert, Review of Die Sturktur des menschlichen Geistes nach Augustinus, by Johannes Brachtendorf, 251-256.
- Jörn Müller, Review of Liebe als Zentralbegriff der Ethik nach Peter Abaelard, by Matthias Perkams, 256-260.
- Klaus Kahnert, Review of Thomas lesen, by Albert Zimmerman, 260.
- Martin Lenz, Review of “The Defensorium Ockham, An Edition,” by Robert Andrews; Review of “A Note on Ockham’s Defender,” by Sten Ebbesen, in Cahiers de l’Institut de Moyen-Âge grec et latin, 261-265.
- Klaus Kahnert, Review of Logica, by Johannes Venator Anglicus, edited by L. M. de Rijk, 265-267.
- Karl-Hermann Kandler, „Gott als das offenbare Geheimnis nach Nikolaus von Kues,“ 267-272.
- Thomas Dewender, Review of Wille, Würfel und Wahrscheinlichkeit. Das System der moralischen Notwendigkeit in der Jesuitenscholastik 1550-1700, by Sven K. Knebel, 277-283.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 10 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Stephen Gaukroger, “The Historical Aims of Science,” 277-288.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 44 (1 ipy)
- Jozef Brams, « The Latin Aristotle and Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle (L’Aristote latin et les commentaires latins médiévaux sur Aristote) », 1-17.
- Charles Burnett, “Arabic Science and Philosophy,” 19-22.
- Paul Tombeur, « Informatique et étude de textes médiévaux », 23-35.
- Linos G. Benakis, « Philosophie byzantine », 37-42.
- Georgi Kapriev, „Byzantinische Philosophie,“ 43-47.
- Carlos Steel, “Neoplatonic Sources in the Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics by Eustratius and Michael of Ephesus,” 49-57.
- Anna A. Akasoy & Alexander Fidora, „Hermannus Alemannus und die alia translatio der Nikomachischen Ethik,“ 79-93.
- Timothy B. Noone, “Prefatory Note: Richard Rufus, Scriptum super Metaphysicam,” 95-96.
- Adriaan Pattin, « Le commentaire de Richard Rufus de Cornwall sur la Métaphysique d’Aristote (probablement vers 1250) », 97-105.
- Andrea A. Robiglio, “’Neapolitan Gold’: A Note on William of Tocco and Peter of Ireland,” 107-111.
- Girard J. Etzkorn, “Heretofore Unnoticed Questions Attributed to Henry of Ghent,” 113-140.
- « Renseignements concernant les éditions et les travaux en cours », 187-224.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 95 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Claudio Bevegni, Review of Opuscula rhetorica, by Theodorus II Ducas Lascaris, edited by Aloysius Tartaglia, 142-146.
Issue 2
- Georges Arabatzis, « Blâme du philosophe. Éloge de la vraie philosophie et figures rhétoriques : Le récit d’Anne Comnène sur Jean Italos revisité », 403-415.
- Michael Grünbart, Review of Byzantinische Kommentatoren der aristotelischen Topik. Johannes Italos und Leon Magentinos, by Sofia Kotzabassi, 700-701.
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 73 (1 ipy)
- Russell L. Friedman, “Trinitarian Theology and Philosophical Issues II: Trinitarian Texts from the Franciscan Trinitarian Tradition, ca. 1265-85,” 21-40.
- Sten Ebbesen, “Communia ‘Visitatio’ & Communio ‘Feminae,’” 167-258.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 32 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4: NTR
Collectanea Franciscana, [90] (4 ipy)
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 51 (6 ipy)
Issues 1-6: NTR
Dialogue, 42 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Roxanne D. Marcotte, Review of „“Avicenne. L’âme humaine“ by Meryem Sebti, 157-159.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of “Correspondance. Articles condamnés“ by Nicolas D’Autrécourt, with notes from Christophe Grellard, 159-162.
Issue 2:
- David Larre, Review of “Mathématiques et dialectique chez Nicolas de Cuse“ by Jean-Michel Counet, 385-388.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4:
- Risto Saarinen, “The Parts of Prudence: Buridan, Odonis, Aquinas,” 749-766.
- Carl N. Still, Review of “John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master“ by Jack Zupko, 832-834.
Dionysius, 20 (1 ipy)
- Stephen Blackwood, “Philosophia’s Dress: Prayer in Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy,” 139-152.
- Wayne J. Hankey, “Thomas’ Neoplatonic Histories: His Following of Simplicius,” 153-178.
Discusiones Filosóficas, [4] (2 ipy)
Divus Thomas, 105 (3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Inos Biffi, “Commento al canto XII del “Paradiso” di Dante,” 152-167.
- Giorgio Maria Carbone, “Lo Spirito Santo ne la “Croix de Jésus” di Louis Chardon O.P.,” 255-266.
- Emanuele Morandi, “L’incontro con Dio nel volto dell’amico. Riflessioni tomistiche sull’amicizia cristiana,” 267-284.
Issue 2:
- David Cerny, “Il concetto nella logica trasparente intensionale e nella filosofia tomista,“ 9-56.
- Margherita Maria Rossi, „Conversazioni medioevali: associazioni sul tema della Bibbia nel Medioevo,” 184-198.
Issue 3:
- Luciano Cinelli, “Un panegirico quattrocentesco in onore di san Domenico,” 97-134.
- Anto Gavric, “La natura ed il significato della metafisica in Remigio de’ Girolami † 1319,” 26-59.
- Paul Bernard Hodel, “Un Sermone di Rolando da Cremona per il Giovedì Santo?,” 60-77.
- Marco Rainini, „Dottori e Apostoli. L’Università di Parigi e l’Ordine dei Predicatori: origini, sviluppo e crisi di un rapporto,” 9-25.
- Giovanni Bertuzzi, “Il sovrano nel pensiero politico di san Tommaso,” 197-208.
Doctor Virtualis, 1 (1 ipy)
- Marco Rossini, “Strategie della conoscenza nella riflessione di Guglielmo di S. Thierry Amor incapibilem capit, incomprehensibilem comprehendit,” 11-29.
- Maria Chiara Tulli, “La dottrina dei sensi spirituali in Guglielmo di S. Thierry,” 31-40.
- Amos Bianchi, “La teoria dell’immagine dei Libri Carolini,” 41-63.
- Claudio Fiocchi, “Le parole e la visione. Comunicare l’esperienza visionaria: il caso di Ildegarda di Bingen,” 65-75.
- Gianluca Verrucci, “La lettura emozionale in Bernardo di Clairvaux: Non verba sed affectus,” 77-94.
- Massimo Parodi, “Amore e conoscenza intellettuale: Un possibile percorso delle influenze agostiniane sul pensiero contemporaneo,” 95-111.
- Laura Boella, “Pensare con il cuore,” 113-123.
- Elena Cartotto, “La figura di Maria Maddalena nella tradizione agostiniana del XII secolo e l’allegoria nuziale in Bernardo di Clairvaux: Un’ipotesi di interpretazione alla luce di categorie di ordine psicoanalitico,” 125-146.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 13 (1 ipy):
- Fabrizio Amerini, “Il problema dell’identità tra una cosa e la sua essenza. Note sull’esegesi medievale di «Metafisica» Zeta 6,” 435-505.
- Mario Bertagna, “La «divisio textus» nel commento di Egidio Romano agli «Analitici Posteriori» I,” 285-371.
- Amos Bertolacci, “The Structure of Metaphysical Science in the Ilahyyat (Divine Science) of Avicenna’s Kitab al-Sifa (Book of the Cure),” 1-69.
- Debora Cannone, “Le «Notule Libri Posteriorum» di Robert Kilwardby: il commento ad Analitici Posteriori I, 4, 73a34-b24 (per se),” 71-135.
- Amos Corbini, “L’oggetto della conoscenza scientifica nei commenti di Tommaso d’Aquino e di Egidio Romano agli «Analitici Secondi»,” 231-84.
- Gabriele Galluzzo, “Aristotele e Tommaso d’Aquino sul problema dell’unità della definizione,” 137-91.
- John Lee Longeway, “«Aegidius Romanus» and «Albertus Magnus» vs. Thomas Aquinas on the Highest Sort of Demonstration («demonstratio potissima»),” 373-434.
- Pasquale Porro, “Le «Quaestiones super Metaphysicam» attribuite a Enrico di Gand. Elementi per un sondaggio dottrinale,” 507-602.
- Philip Lyndon Reynolds, “Per se Accidents, Accidental Being and the Theology of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas,” 193-230.
Early Science and Medicine, 7 (6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Charles Burnett, “The Certitude of Astrology: the Scientific Methodology of Al-Qabisi and Abu MaShar,” 198-213.
- Gerhard Endress, “The Language of Demonstration: Translating Science and the Formation of Terminology in Arabic Philosophy and Science,” 231-253.
- Y. Tzvi Langermann, “Criticism of Authority in the Writings of Moses Maimonides and Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi,” 255-274.
- Dimitri Gutas, “Certainty, Doubt, Error: Comments on the Epistemological Foundations of Medieval Arabic Science,” 276-288.
Issue 4: NTR
Estudios Filosoficos, 51 (3 ipy)
Issue 1 [146]: NTR
Issue 2 [147]:
- Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa, “Abstracción e Intuición en Guillermmo de Ockham o la Encrucijada entre el Pensamiento Medieval y la Filosofia Moderna (I),” 223-256.
Issue 3 [148]:
- Ángel Cortabarría, O.P., “Filósofos y científicos árabes en las obras de san Alberto Magno,” 413-424.
Etudes Franciscaines, [12] (2 ipy):
Faith and Philosophy, 19 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Katherin A. Rogers, “The Abolition of Sin: A Response to Adams in the Augustinian Tradition,” 69-84.
- Richard M. Gale, “Divine Omniscience, Human Freedom, and Backwards Causation,” 85-88.
- Paul J. Griffiths, “Augustine’s Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist,” 120-123.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Jonathan L. Kvanvig, “On Behalf of Maverick Molinism,” 348-357.
Issue 4:
- John J. Davenport, “Liberty of the Higher-Order Will: Frankfurt and Augustine,” 437-461.
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), [52] (2 ipy)
Filozofia, 57 (10 ipy):
Issue 1-10: NTR.
Franciscan Studies, 60 (1 ipy):
- Zachary Hayes O.F.M., “Beyond the Prime Mover of Aristotle: Faith and Reason in the Medieval Franciscan Tradition,” 7-15.
- David Flood O.F.M., “John of Wales’ Commentary on the Franciscan Rule,” 93-96.
- John of Wales, “Declaratio Regulae Auctore Ioanne Galensi,” 97-138.
- Timothy J. Johnson, “Reading Between the Lines: Apophatic Knowledge and Naming the Divine in Bonaventure’s Book of Creation,” 139-158.
- J.A. Sheppard, “Vita Scoti,” 291-323.
- Giacomo Todeschini, “Carita profitto nella dottrina economica francescana da Bonaventura all’Olivi,” 325-332.
- David Flood O.F.M., Review of “Das Isaak-Opfer. Historisch-systematische Untersuchung zu Rationalität und Wandelbarkeit des Naturrechts in der mittelalterlichen Lehre vom natürlichen Gesetz” by Isabelle Mandrella, 373-378.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 49 (2 ipy)
Issues 1-2
- Silvia Maspoli Genetelli, « Le commentaire de Marsile Ficin sur le traité Du beau de Plotin : Notes et traduction de l’argumentum », 1-32.
- Basil Studer, „Augustins De Trinitate in seinen theologischen Grundzügen,“ 49-72.
- Klaus Bannach, „Pelagianismus in der franziskanischen Schöpfungstheologie?“ 73-93.
Issue 3
- Stephan Grotz, „Meister Eckharts Pariser Quaestio I: Sein oder Nichtsein – ist das hier die Frage?“ 370-398.
- Ruedi Imbach, « Heidegger et la philosophie médiévale : A propos d’un nouvel annuaire philosophique », 426-435.
Giornale di Metafisica, [41] (2 ipy)
Gregorianum, 83 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Jean Galot, Review of “Justin apologiste chrétien. Travaux. Sur le Dialogue avec Tryphon (Cahiers de la Revue biblique, 50)” by Sylvain Jean Gabriel, Sanchez, Justin Martyr, 185-186.
- Félix-Alejandro Pastor, Review of “L’altro nell’io. In dialogo con Agostino (Studi Agostiniani)” by Luigi Alici, 188-189.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- John D. Jones, Review of “Natural Happiness: Perfect Because Self-Sufficient? Aquinas on “Nicomachean Ethics” 1.7. 1097b14-20,” 529-544.
Issue 4:
- Jean Galot, Review of “Women and Christianity, Vol. 2: The Medieval Period AD 1000-1500 by Mary T. Malone” by Mary T. Malone, 802.
Heythrop Journal, 60 (6 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Michael A. Hoonhout, “Grounding Providence in the Theology of the Creator: The Exemplarity of Thomas Aquinas,” 1-19.
- Review of “The Metaphysics of Creation: Aquinas’ Natural Theology in ‘Summa Contra Gentiles’ II” by Norman Kretzmann.
- Review of “Contingency and Fortune in Aquinas’s Ethics” by John Bowlin.
- Review of “Food and the Body: Some Peculiar Questions in High Medieval Theology” by Philip Lyndon Reynolds.
Issue 2:
- Review of “The Uses of the Past in the Early Middle Ages” edited by Y. Hen and M. Innes.
- Review of “The Early History of Greed: The Sin of Avarice in Early Medieval Thought and Literature (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 41)” by Richard Newhauser.
Issue 3:
- F.B.A. Asiedu, “Augustine’s Christian–Platonist Account of Goodness: A Reconsideration,” 328-343.
Issue 4:
- Review of “St Thomas Aquinas: An Exposition of the ‘On the Hebdomads’ of Boethius” introduced and translated by Janice L. Schultz and Edward A. Synan
- Review of “The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart: The Man From Whom God Hid Nothing” by Bernard McGinn.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 40 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4: NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 19 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- James B. South, “Scotus and the Knowledge of the Singular Revisited,” 125-147.
Issues 3-4: NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 51, 52 (6 ipy)
Volume 51: NTR.
Volume 52:
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Christopher Viger, “St. Anselm’s ontological argument succumbs to Russell’s paradox,” 123-128.
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 27 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Jos Decorte, “Relatio as Modus Essendi : The Origins of Henry of Ghent’s Definition of Relation,” 309-336.
Issue 4: NTR
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 63 (4-5 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Harm Goris, Review of “Die Rezeption der mittelalterlichen Sprachphilosophie in der Theologie des Thomas von Aquin” by Seung-Chan Park, 117-118.
Issue 2:
- J. Vijgen, Review of “’Person’ in Christian Tradition and the Conception of Saint Albert the Great,” Stephen A. Hipp.
Issue 3:
- Theo Bell, “Luther En Bernardus Van Clairvaux: Tussen Mystiek En Scholastiek,” 253-280.
Issue 4:
- Inigo Bocken, “De Waarheid Der Gewoonte: De Spanning Tussen Veritas En Consuetudo Als Ruimte Voor Pluralisme In Het Denken Van Nicolaus Cusanus,” 417-431.
- H. Goris, Review of “La theologie et les arabes, (Initiations au Moyen Age)” by Jean Jolivet, 495-496.
- Ton Meijers, Review of “Law and Theology in the Middle Ages” by G.R.Evans, 502.
- J. Vijgen, Review of “Prudentia und Contemplatio, Ethik und Metaphysik im Mittelalter” by Brachtendorf, Johannes (Hrsg.), 504-505.
International Philosophical Quarterly, 42 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Stephen Theron, “The Interdependence of Semantics, Logic, and Metaphysics as Exemplified in the Aristotelian Tradition,” 63-91.
- Richard Cross, “The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas,” 128-130.
Issue 2:
- Joseph T. Lienhard, Review of “The Cambridge Companion to Augustine” edited by Elenore Stump and Norman Kretzmann, 261-262.
- James C. Doig, Review of “Acts Amid Precepts: The Aristotelian Logical Structure of Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Theory” by Kevin L. Flannery, S.J., 269-271.
Issue 3:
- Siobhan Nash-Marshall, “The Intellect, Receptivity, and Material Singulars in Aquinas,” 371-388.
- Anthony J. Celano, Review of “Aquinas’s Philosophical Commentary on the Ethics: A Historical Perspective” by James C. Doig, 421-422.
Issue 4:
Thomas Hibbs, Review of “The De Malo of Thomas Aquinas” translated by Richard Regan, 562-563.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, [13] (1 ipy)
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 11 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Aaron Hughes, “The Three Worlds of ibn Ezra’s Hay ben Meqitz,” 1–24.
- Eitan Fishbane, “Tears of Disclosure: The Role of Weeping in Zoharic Narrative,” 25–47.
Issue 2: NTR.
Journal of Medieval History, 28 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4: NTR
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 31 (6 ipy)
Issues 1-6: NTR.
Journal of Philosophical Research, 27 (1 ipy)
Issues 1-3: NTR.
Journal of Religious Ethics, 30 (3 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 63 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Leor Halevi, “The Theologian’s Doubts: Natural Philosophy and the Skeptical Games of Ghazali,” 19-39.
- Thomas M. Osborne, “Faith, Philosophy, and the Nominalist Background to Luther’s Defense of the Real Presence,” 63-82.
Issues 2-3: NTR
Issue 4:
- Jonathan M. Elukin, “Maimonides and the Rise and Fall of the Sabians: Explaining Mosaic Laws and the Limits of Scholarship,” 619-637.
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 40 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Susan Brower-Toland, “Instantaneous Change and the Physics of Sanctification: “Quasi-Aristotelianism” in Henry of Ghent’s Quodlibet XV q. 13,” 19-46.
- Blake D. Dutton, Review of “The Cambridge Companion to Augustine” by Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann, 118-119.
- Thomas M. Osborne, Review of “Ethics and Political Philosophy. Vol 2 of The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, and: The Common Good in Late Medieval Political Thought” by M.S. Kempshall, 119-121.
Issue 2:
- John Tomarchio, “Aquinas’s Concept of Infinity,” 163-187.
- Josef Lossl, Review of “Die Struktur des menschlichen Geistes nach Augustinus: Selbstreflexion und Erkenntnis Gottes in ‘De Trinitate’ by Johannes Brachtendorf, 256-257.
- Timothy B. Noone, Review of “The Light of Thy Countenance: Science and Knowledge of God in the Thirteenth Century” by Steven P. Marrone, 258-259.
Issue 3:
- Peter Adamson, “Before Essence and Existence: al-Kindi’s Conception of Being,” 297-312
- Michael W. Tkacz, Review of “Quaestiones super librum Posteriorum” by Walter Burley, edited by Mary Catherine Sommers, 392-393.
- Eric Lewis, Review of “God and Reason in the Middle Ages” by Edward Grant, 393-394.
Issue 4:
- Lloyd P. Gerson, Review of “Ancient and Medieval Theories of Intentionality” by Dominik Perler, 539-540.
- Daniel H. Frank, Review of “Prophecy: The History of an Idea in Medieval Jewish Philosophy” by Howard Kreisel, 541.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 65 (1 ipy)
- Anna Somfai, “The Eleventh-Century Shift in the Reception of Plato’s Timaeus and Calcidius’s Commentary,” 1-21.
Laval théologique et philosophique, 58 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Peter Widdicombe, “Ascension and Ecclesia and Reading the Fathers,” 165-176.
Issue 2
- Yvan Morin, Review of Les trois livres de la vie, by Marsile Ficin, translated by Guy Le Fèvre de la Boderie, revised by Thierry Gontier, 403-404.
- Louis Painchaud, Brief Notice on Lire l’Apocalypse, 358.
- Annie Landry, Brief Notice on La virginité de Marie, edited by Jean Longère, 361-362.
- Paul-Hubert Poirier, Brief Notice on Theos Anaitios. Storia della teodicea da Omero ad Agostino, by Silvia Lanzi, 375.
- Jean Labrecque, Brief Notice on Les Pères de l’Église. Volume I. Les Pères latins, by Jean Laporte, 376.
- Pascale Dubé, Brief Notice on Les Pères de l’Église. Volume II. Les Pères grecs, by Jean Laporte, 376.
Issue 3
- Jeanette Bicknell, “Self-Scrutiny in Maimonides’ Ethical and Religious Thought,” 531-543.
- David P. Lang, “Aquinas and Suarez on the Essence of Continuous Physical Quantity,” 565-595.
- Dominique Côté, Brief Notice on Basilius und Ambrosius über das Sechstagewerk. Eine vergleichende Studie, by Rainer Henke, 614-617.
- Jennifer Wees, Brief Notice on Le vocabulaire de saint Augustin, by Christian Nadeau, 623.
Médiévales, 42, 43 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 (Vol. 42): NTR
Issue 2 (Vol. 43)
- Corinne Beck, Review of Bêtes et hommes dans le monde médiéval. Le bestiaire des clercs du Ve au XIIe siècle, by Jacques Voisenet, 167-169.
Medieval Encounters, 8 (1-3 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issues 2-3:
- John Tolan, “‘Saracen Philosophers Secretly Deride Islam,’” 184–208.
Mediaeval Sophia, [21] (1 ipy):
Mediaeval Studies, 64 (1 ipy)
- Isabel Iribarren, “Henry of Ghent’s Teaching on Modes and Its Influence in the Fourteenth Century,” 111.
- Irven M. Resnick, “Albert the Great on the Physiognomy of Jesus and Mary,” 217.
Mediaevalia, 23 (1 ipy)
- Frances Biscoglio, “St. Cecilia: Chaucer’s Valiant Woman.”
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 21 (1 ipy)
- Oscar Federico Bauchwitz, “Intelecto e Teofania: o homem como interlocutor do nada,” 9-19.
- Filipe Silva, “Teologia e teoria das ciências em Hugo de S. Victor,” 21-36.
- Guy Guldentops, « Les amours d’Albert le Grand », 37-55.
- Carolina Julieta Fernández, “Origen y finalidad de la política en el De regno de Tomás de Aquino,” 57-87.
- Gianfranco Fioravanti, “Un trattato medievale di eugenetica: il Libellus de ingenio bone nativitatis,” 89-111.
- Cléber Eduardo Dos Santos Dias & Luis Alberto de Boni, “Traduções de Filosofia Medieval no Brasil: 1980-2002,” 139-161.
- Juvenal Savian Filho, Review of De consolatione philosophiae. Opuscula theologica, by Boethius, edited by Claudio Moreschini, 165-170.
- Marta Mendonça, Review of Lógica dos Termos, by Guilherme de Ockham, translated by Fernando Pio de Almeida Fleck, 170-175.
- Marco Toste, Review of Coincidência dos opostos e concordâncias: caminhos do pensamento em Nicolau de Cusa. Actas do congresso internacional realizado em Coimbra e Salamanca nos dias 5 a 9 de Novembro de 2001, Tomos I & II, edited by João Maria André & Mariano Álvarez Gómez, 175-181.
- José Meirinhos, Review of Dictionnaire abrégé des philosophes médiévaux, by Benoît Patar, 181-186.
- José Meirinhos, Review of Revirescunt Chartae Codices Documenta Textus. Miscellanea in honorem Fr. Caesaris Cenci OFM, 2 vol., edited by A. Cacciotti & P. Sella, 186-188.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 27 (1 ipy)
- Jozef Brams, “Between Translation and Interpretation: The Concept of Contingency in the Aristotelian Tradition,” 1-24.
- Paul Lettinck, “Aristotle’s ‘Physical’ Works in the Arab World,” 25-52.
- Charles Burnett, “Physics before the Physics: Early Translations from Arabic of Texts concerning Nature in MSS British Library, Additional 22719 and Cotton Galba E IV,” 53-110.
- Oliver Gutman, “James of Venice’s Prolegomenon to Aristotle’s Physics: De intelligentia,” 111-140.
- Henri Hugonnard-Roche, « Logique et physique : le théorie aristotélicienne de la science interprété par Averroès », 141-164.
- Elizabeth Karger, “Richard Rufus’ Account on Substantial Transmutation,” 165-190.
- Griet Galle, “The Authorship of One of the Sets of Questions on De caelo attributed to Peter of Auvergne,” 191-260.
- Richard Cross, “Absolute Time: Peter John Olivi and the Bonaventurean Tradition,” 261-300.
- Edith Dudley Sylla, “Walter Burley’s Practice as a Commentator on Aristotle’s Physics,” 301-372.
- Stefano Caroti, “Generatio/generare: Ontological Problems in John Buridan’s Natural Philosophy,” 373-414.
- Joël Biard, « L’être et la mesure dans l’intension et la rémission des formes (Jean Buridan, Blaise de Parme) », 415-448.
- Jürgen Sarnowsky, „Ein Albert von Sachsen zugeschriebener Physikkommentar aus der Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts,“ 449-473.
Micrologus, 10 (1 ipy)
- Henryk Anzulewicz, “Konzeptionen und Perspektiven der Sinneswahrnehmung im System Alberts des Grossen,” 199-238.
- Carmela Baffioni, “Les sens chez les Ihwan al-Safa et l’héritage aristotélicien,” 463-76.
- Joël Biard, “Le système des senses dans la philosophie naturelle du XIVe siècle (Jean de Jandun, Jean Buridan, Blaise de Parme),” 335-354.
- Alain Boureau, “Les cinq sens dans l’anthropologie cognitive franciscaine de Bonaventure à Jean Peckham et Pierre de Jean Olivi,” 277-294.
- Paola Carusi, “Les cinq sens entre philosophie et médecine (Islam Xe-XIIe siècle),” 87-98.
- Carla Casagrande, “Sistema dei sensi e classificazione dei peccati (secoli XII-XIII),” 33-54.
- Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, “Le schéma des cinq sens, d’une théorie de la connaissance à la création de formes littéraires,” 55-70.
- Marta Cristiani, “Kosmos aisthetos. Le système des cinq sens dans les Ambigua de Maxime le Confesseur,” 449-62.
- Teresa de Castro, “El gusto alimentario en la doctrina moral de la iglesia en la baja edad media según Hernando de Talavera,” 379-399.
- Peter Dronke, “Les cinq sens chez Bernard Silvestre et Alain de Lille,” 1-14.
- Barbara Faes de Mottoni, “L’illusione dei sensi? Angeli e sensi in Bonaventura ed in Tommaso d’Aquino,” 295-312.
- Danielle Jacquart, “Médecine et morale: les cinq sens chez Evrard de Conty (1405),” 365-378.
- Silvia Nagel, “Sensi ed organi nel commento al «De animalibus» attribuito a Pietro Ispano,” 251-276.
- Cecilia Panti, “I sensi nella luce dell’anima. Evoluzione di una dottrina agostiniana nel sec. XIII,” 177-198.
- Thomas Ricklin, “Le goût du paradis. Les cinq sens et l’au-delà,” 163-176.
- Santa Eugenia and Francisco Javier, “Contre la mort,l’exercice hédoniste des sens. Le «Consiglio contro a pistolenza» de maestro Tommaso del Garbo,” 353-363.
- Joachim Roland Söder, “Albert der Große über Sinne und Träume. Beobachtungen am Traumtraktat von De Homine,” 239-50.
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, “Du goût et de la gourmandise selon Thomas d’Aquin,” 313-334.
- Jean Wirth, “Voir et entendre. Notes sur le problème des images de Saint Augustin à l’iconoclasme,” 71-86.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 26 (1 ipy)
- Jasper Hopkins, “Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464): First Modern Philosopher?,” 13-29.
- John L. Treloar, “Pomponazzi: Moral Virtue in a Deterministic Universe,” 44-55.
Mind, 111 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2 [441-444]: NTR.
The Monist, 102 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR.
Nous, 85 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4 (And s1, s16): NTR.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, [7] (1 ipy)
Parergon, 19 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Judith Collard, Review of The Uta Codex: Art, Philosophy, and Reform in Eleventh-Century Germany, by Adam S. Cohen, 222-224.
- Maxwell J. Walkley, Review of La Lumere as Lais by Pierre D’Abernon of Fetcham, edited by Glynn Hesketh, 243-245.
- John O. Ward, Review of Dante: A Life in Works, by Robert Hollander, 245-247.
- Constant J. Mews, Review of After Augustine: The Meditative Reader and the Text, by Brian Stock, 277-278.
- Toby Burrows, Review of The Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile: Research Edition, edited by Estelle Stubbs, 279-281.
- John H. Pryor, Short Notice on Las Siete Partidas, edited by R. I. Burns, translated by S. P. Scott, 291-292.
- Roger Nicholson, Review of Chaucer’s Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale: An Annotated Bibliography, 1900-1995, edited by Marilyn Sutton, 299-300.
Issue 2
- Cheryl Taylor, “A Contemplative Community?: The Cloud Texts and Scale 2 in Dialogue,” 81-99.
- John O. Ward, Review of Human Vices and Human Worth in Dante’s Comedy, by Patrick Boyde, 173-176.
- Karen Green, Review of Christine de Pizan and the Moral Defence of Women: Reading Beyond Gender, by Rosalind Brown-Grant, 176-178.
- Raluca Radulescu, Review of Chaucer at Large: The Poet in the Modern Imagination, by Steve Ellis, 192-194.
- Rosemary Dunn, Review of The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability before Pascal, by James Franklin, 196-198.
- Peter Whiteford, Review of International Medieval Bibliography Online, by Brepols Publishers, 211-213.
- Peter Whiteford, Review of Chaucer’s Dream Visions and Shorter Poems, edited by William A. Quinn, 221-223.
- Peter Whiteford, Review of Chaucer’s Dream Visions: Courtliness and Individual Identity, by Michael St. John, 231-235.
- Constant J. Mews, Review of Canonical Collections of the Early Middle Ages (ca. 400-1140): A Bibliographical Guide to the Manuscripts and Literature, by Lotte Kéry, 252-253.
- John Moorhead, Review of And Then the End Will Come: Early Latin Christian Interpretations of the Opening of the Seven Seals, by Douglas W. Lumsden, 253-254.
Philosopher’s Imprint, 4 (multi ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Philosophia, 29 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4: NTR.
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, [??] (1-4 ipy)
The Philosophical Quarterly, 52 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4 [206-209]: NTR
The Philosophical Review, 111 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-3: NTR
Issue 4:
- Thomas Williams, Review of “The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, vol. 2: Ethics and Political Philosophy” edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade, John Kilcullen, and Matthew Kempshall, 576-578.
Philosophical Studies, 107-111 (multi ipy)
Volumes 107-111: NTR.
Philosophical Topics, 30 (2 ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR
Philosophiques, 29 (2 ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 14 (2 ipy)
Issue 1/2: NTR
Philosophy Compass, [14] (12 ipy)
Praxis Filosófica, 14,15 (2 ipy)
Number 14:
- Jean Paul Margot, “Voluntarismo Divino En Santo Tomás, Ockham y Descartes.”
Number 15:
- Jean Paul Margot, “Cogito Agustiniano, Reflexión Tomista Ycogito Cartesiano.”
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 76 (1 ipy)
- M. V. Dougherty, “Thomas Aquinas and Divine Command Theory,” 153-163.
- Alexander J. Doherty, “Aquinas on Scriptural Metaphor and Allegory,” 183-191.
- Christine O’Connell Baur, “Dante As Philosopher at the Boundary of Reason,” 193-209.
- Joseph G. Trabbic, “Aquinas and Continental Philosophy of Religion: Finding a Way Out of Ontotheology,” 211-227.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 2 (1 ipy)
- Jorge J. E. Gracia, “Categories vs. Genera: Suárez‘s Difficult Balancing Act,” 4-11.
- William McMahon, “The Medieval Sufficientiae: Attempts at a Definitive Division of the Categories,” 12-25.
- Stephen Theron, “Metaphysical Analogy,” 26-33.
- Gyula Klima, “Thomas Sutton and Henry of Ghent on the Analogy of Being,” 34-44.
- John N. Martin, “Proclus on the Logic of the Ineffable,” 45-57.
- Alan Perreiah, “Skepticism and Mysticism in Meister Eckhart‘s and Augustine‘s Apophatic Theolog[ies],” 58-67.
- Jason Lawrence Reed, “The Temporal’s ―Presentness‖ to Divine Eternity in Thomas Aquinas,” 68-76.
- Peter Weigel, “Simplicity and Explanation in Aquinas‘ God,” 77-86.
Quaestio Annuario di storia della metafisica, 2 (1 ipy)
- Robert Wisnovsky, “Final and efficient causality in Avicenna’s cosmology and theology,” 97-124.
- Amos Bertolacci, “The doctrine of material and formal causality in the «Ilahiyyat» of Avicenna’s «Kitab al-Sifa’»,” 125-154.
- Olga Lizzini, “Occasionalismo e causalità filosofica: la discussione della causalità in al-Gazali,” 155-186.
- Christophe Erismann, « ‘Causa essentialis’. De la cause comme principe dans la métaphysique de Jean Scot Erigène », 187-216.
- Stephen L. Brock, “Causality and Necessity in Thomas Aquinas,” 217-240.
- Aurélien Robert, « L’explication causale selon Guillaume d’Ockham », 241-266.
- Christophe Grellard, « Le statut de la causalité chez Nicolas d’Autrécourt », 267-290.
- Olivier Boulnois, « Liberté, causalité, modalité. Y a-t-il une préhistoire du principe de raison ? », 291-338.
- Orrin F. Summerell, “Self-Causality from Plotinus to Eckhart and from Descartes to Kant,” 493-518.
- Pasquale Porro & Jacob Schmutz, « La causalité et son histoire. Une bibliographie », 669-698.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 69 (2 ipy)
- Andreas Speer, “Implicit Knowledge: Eine Annäherung an die Philosophie,” 3-32.
- Pieter Beullens, “Supplement to the Aristoteles Latinus: An unknown Manuscript of Moerbeke’s Translation of the Metaphysics,” 66-87.
- Mary Beth Ingham, “Did Scotus Modify his Position on the Relationship of Intellect and Will?,” 88-116.
- John A Demetracopolous, “Georgios Gennadios II-Scholarios’ «Florilegium Thomisticum» : His Early Abridgment of Various Chapters and Quaestiones of Thomas Aquinas’ Summae and his Anti-Plethonism,” 117-171.
- L. Hödl, “Das trinitätstheologische Fundamentalprinzip des Anselm von Canterbury Urspung und Geschichte,” 172- 214.
- Johannes Helmrath, “Nicolaus Cusanus zwischen Deutschland und Italien : Symposium aus Anlass des 600. Geburtstag des Nicolaus Cusanus,” 215-224.
Religious Studies, 38 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- David Widerker, “Why God’s beliefs are not hard-type soft facts,” 77-88.
- Josef Lössl, Review of “The Cambridge Companion to Augustin” edited by editor Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann, 109-122.
Issue 2:
- Richard Brian Davis, “Haecceities, individuation and the Trinity: a reply to Keith Yandell,” 201-213.
Res Philosophica, 79 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013
Issue 1:
- Robert Dobie, “Meister Eckhart’s Metaphysics of Detachment,” 35-54.
- Linda L. Farmer, “Human Individuation According to Aquinas: Resolving the Scholarly Debate,” 55-63.
Issue 2-3: NTR
Issue 4:
- John R. Fortin, O.S.B., “Satisfactio in St. Benedict’s Regula and St. Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo,” 305-311.
The Review of Metaphysics, 55, 56 (4 ipy)
Number 55:
Issue 1:
- Yair Lorberbaum, “On Contradictions, Rationality, Dialectics, and Esotericism In Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed,” 711-750.
- Gregory M. Reichberg, “Beyond Privation: Moral Evil In Aquinas’s De Malo,” 751-784.
- James B. South, “Singular and Universal In Suárez’s Account of Cognition,” 785-823.
- Timothy Hinton, “Kant and Aquinas on the Priority of the Good,” 825-846.
Issue 2: NTR.
Number 56:
Issue 1:
- Thomas S. Maloney, “Roger Bacon on the Division of Statements Into Single/Multiple and Simple/Composed,” 297-321.
Issue 2:
- Martin J. De Nys, “If Everything Can Not-Be There Would Be Nothing: Another Look at the Third Way,” 99-122.
- Marek Balinski, Review of “The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistic Metaphysics” by Norris Clarke S.J., 167-169.
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2019 (4 ipy)
Issue 1 :
- Geneviève Gobillot, “Quelques stéréotypes cosmologiques d’origine pythagoricienne chez les penseurs musulmans au Moyen Âge (I),” 55-87.
Issue 2 :
- Geneviève Gobillot, “Quelques stéréotypes cosmologiques d’origine pythagoricienne chez les penseurs musulmans au Moyen Âge (II),” 161-192.
- S. Ruspoli, “Livre des Théophanies d’Ibn Arabî. Introduction philosophique, commentaire et traduction annotée du Kitâb al-tajalliyât,” 235-236.
Issue 3 :
- Nira Pancer, “Au-delà du sexe et du genre : L’indifférenciation des sexes en milieu monastique (VIe-VIIe siècles),” 299-323.
Issue 4 : NTR
Revue des Etudes Juives, [162] (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2:
- Aslanov, Cyril, “L’aristotélisme médiéval au service du commentaire littéral: Le cas de Joseph Caspi,” 123-137.
- Regev, Shaul, “The ambivalent attitude toward philosophy in the sixteenth century,” 139-158.
Issues 3-4: NTR
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 86 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jean-Marie Vernier, « La Sentencia libri De anima de Thomas d’Aquin », 33-49.
- Louis-Jacques Bataillon, « Chronique de doctrines médiévales : Exégèse, prédication et morale pratique », 145-158.
- Jean-Marie Gueullette, Review of L’amitié dans les chansons de geste à l’époque romane, by Huguette Legros, 183-184.
Issue 2
- Jérôme Rousse-Lacordaire, « Bulletin d’histoire des ésotérismes », 259-300.
- Jean-Pierre Jossua, « Bulletin de théologie littéraire », 301-334.
- Hervé Pasqua, Review of Donation et consentement. Une introduction méthodologique à la métaphysique, by Emmanuel Tourpe, 363-366.
- Jean-Marie Gueullette, Review of The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart, The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing, by Bernard McGinn, 369-370.
Issue 3
- Emmanuel Falque, « Jean Scot Érigène : la théophanie comme mode de la phénoménalité », 387-421.
- Pierre-Marie Gy, « Saint Thomas d’Aquin à la recherche de livres », 437-442.
- Mickaël Vérité, « S. Thomas d’Aquin lecteur du Liber fontis vitae d’Avicébron », 443-448.
- Jacques Courcier, « Bulletin de philosophie des sciences : Entre géométrie et arithmétique », 449-497.
Issue 4
- Adrian Pabst, « De la chrétienté à la modernité ? Lecture critique des thèses de Radical orthodoxy sur la rupture scotiste et ockhamienne et sur le renouveau de la théologie de Saint Thomas d’Aquin », 561-599.
- Robert Wielockx, « Incarnation et vision béatifique : Aperçus théologiques », 601-639.
- Michal Paluch, « Saint Augustin et Saint Thomas : Le De praedestinatione sanctorum dans l’œuvre de Thomas d’Aquin », 641-647.
- Édouard-Henri Wéber, « Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales : De Saint Anselme à Maître Eckhart (I) », 723-740.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 76 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1 :
- Pierre Gire, “Mystique et christianisme chez Eckhart,” 3-13.
- Simon Knaebel, “Maître Eckhart, précurseur de la dialectique hégélienne ?,” 14-32.
- Mihaela Voicu, “L’idée de création et sa représentation dans la Renaissance du XIIe siècle. Mutations d’un ideal,” 33- 56.
- Gérard Rémy, “Le réveil du sens du tragique en théologie (Suite et fin),” 57- 77.
- Garcia Jaime, Review of “Augustine through the Ages. An Encyclopedia, 1999; Enciclopedia. San Agustin a través del tiempo, 2001” by A.D. Fitzgerald, 105-106.
- Roland Minnerath, Review of “La royauté et les élites dans l’Europe carolingienne,” edited by R. Lejan, 120.
Issue 2 :
- Charles Munier, “À propos du millénaire de la naissance du pape Léon IX (1002-1054),” 131-160.
- Marc Aoun, “Aspects de la simonie en Egypte (VIIe – XIIe siècles),” 185-200.
- Henry Chadwick, “Note sur la divinisation chez saint Augustin,” 246-248.
Issue 3 :
- Marie-Anne Vannier, “La constitution du sujet Augustin dans Les Confessions,” 296-310.
Issue 4 : NTR.
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 48 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Allan Fitzgerald, “Ambrose at the Well: De Isaac et Anima,” 79-99.
- Irena Backus, Review of Orthodoxie, Christianisme, Histoire, Orthodoxy, Christianity, History, edited by Susanna Elm, Éric Rebillard & Antonella Romano, 175-176.
- Hervé Savon, Review of Les Pères de l’Église. Vol. I, Les Pères latins. – Vol. II, Les Pères grecs, by Jean Laporte, 176-177.
- Pascale Hummel, Review of Foi chrétienne & culture classique. Des oracles sibyllins à Charlemagne, edited by B. Pouderon, 177-178.
- Marc Milhau, Review of Vetus Latina. Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel, by Petrus Sabatier, 26/2 Apocalypsis Johannis, by Roger Gryson, 195-196.
- Marc Milhau, Review of Vetus Latina. Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel, by Petrus Sabatier, 7/2 Judith, by Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, 197-198.
- Hervé Savon, Review of Non Harundo sed Calamus: Aspetti letterari della “Explanatio palmorum XII” di Ambrogio, by Paola Francesca Moretti, 200-202.
- J.D. Berger, Review of Les chrétiens face à leurs adversaires dans l’Occident latin au IVe s, edited by J.-M. Poinsotte, 202-203.
- Yves-Marie Duval, Review of Clavius Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Aevi, Auctores Galliae (735-987), Tomus II, Alcuin et II, Indices, edited by Marie-Hélène Jullien & Françoise Perelman, 207.
- Michel Jean-Louis Perrin, Review of Hrabani Mauri Expositio in Matthaeum, by Hrabanus Maurus, edited by Bengt Löfstedt, 209-211.
- Maaike van der Legt, Review of Die Magie bei Thomas von Aquin, by Thomas Linsenmann, 212.
- Jean-Paul Bouhot, Review of Les manuscrits de la Charité, Cheminon et Montier-en-Argonne. Collections cisterciennes et voies de transmission des textes (IXe-XIXe siècles), by Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk, 213-216.
- Pascal Hummel, Review of Wissen und Weisheit bei Hildegard von Bingen, by V. Ranff, 219-220.
Issue 2
- Nello Cipriani, “L’altro Agostino di G. Lettieri,” 249-265.
- Martine Dulaey, « L’apprentissage de l’exégèse biblique par Augustin. Première partie : Dans les années 386-389 », 267-295.
- Nicole Hecquet-Noti, « Le corbeau nécrophage, figure du juif, dans le De diluuio mundi d’Avit de Vienne : à propos de l‘interprétation de Gn 8, 6-7 dans carm. 4, 544-584 », 297-320.
- Isabelle Bochet, « Herméneutique, apologétique et philosophie : Recherches sur Augustin », 321-329.
- Pierre Petitmengin, Brief Notice on L’enfant à naître. Tertullien, Grégoire, Augustin, Maxime, Cassiodore, Pseudo-Augustin, edited by Marie-Hélène Congordeau, 337.
- Frédéric Chapot, Brief Notice on Les Pères de leur mère. Essai sur l’esprit de contradictions des Pères de l’Église, by Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat, 341.
- Simone Deléani, Review of Bemerkungen zu Augustins Auffassung der Predigt – Augustinianum, by Karl-Heinz Uthemann, 344-345.
- Fédéric Chapot, Review of Évolution du vocabulaire chrétien latin du sacerdoce et du presbytérat des origines à saint Augustin – Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, by Michel Poirier, 345.
- Simone Deléani, Review of Dum, donec, quoad en latin tardif et patristique : la mutation d’un système – De lingua latina nouae quaestiones. Actes du Xe Colloque International de Linguistique Latine, Paris-Sèvres, 19-23 avril 1999, by Michel Poirier, 345.
- Simone Deléani, Review of “Templum Dei estis” (I Cor 3, 16). Osservazioni sugli sviluppi dell’esegesi e del lessico dell’inabitazione divina negli scrittori africani da Tertulliano ad Agostino – Cultura latina cristiana fra terzo e quinto secolo. Atti del Convegno, Manto, 346-347.
- Frédéric Chapot, Review of A Christian? What’s that? On the difficulty of managing Christian diversity in Late Antiquity – Studia Patristica, by Wolfgang Wischmeyer, 348.
- Michel-Yves Perrin, Review of Idee e formule persistenti nella storia della cristologia occidentale da Tertulliano a Leone Magno – Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, by Franco Gori, 366-367.
- Pierre Petitmengin, Review of “Was there ‘Augustinian’ concupiscence in pre-Augustinian North Africa?,” in Augustiniana, by Jonathan P. Yates, 367.
- François Dolbeau, Review of Augustine and the significance of Perpetua’s words: “And I was man” – Augustinian Studies, by Gertrude Gillette, 368.
- Simone Deléani, Review of San Cipriano en la eclesiología de san Agustín contra los donatistas – Teología y Catequesis, by Pedro Langa, 368-369.
- Simone Deléani, Review of Zwischen Amt und Askese: Die Vita Augustini, die Vita et passio Cypriani und die Vita Fulgentii – drei spätantike Bischofsviten aus Africa – Cistercienser Chronik, by Eva Elm, 369.
- Comité de rédaction, « Bulletin Augustinien pour 2001/2002 et compléments d’années antérieurs », 373-466.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 55 (2 ipy)
Issues 1-2 : NTR
Issue 3 :
Issue 4 :
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 127 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4 : NTR.
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 100 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2 : NTR
Issue 3
- Emmanuel Tourpe, « Une ‘conspiration’ métaphysique : Thomas d’Aquin, Hegel et Boehme. À propos de trois ouvrages récents », 586-607.
- Roland Hissette, « Bulletin de philosophie médiévale », 608-626.
Issue 4 : NTR
Revue Thomiste, 102 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- D. Urvoy, “Bulletin De Philosophie Arabe et Islamique,” 107-124.
- D. Urvoy, Review of “L’Islam et la raison” by Averroés, 120.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Abelard” by Clanchy M., 160.
- S.-Th. Bonino, “Abelard: A Medieval Life” by Clanchy M., 160.
- G. Emery, “Falsche Väterzitate bei
Issue 2:
- H. Donneaud, “Le sens du mot Theologia Chez Bonaventure,” 271-296.
- S.-Th. Bonino, “Thomistica (VII),” 297-311.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Thomas von Aquin Begegnen” by Berger D., 312.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Aquinas on Matter and Form and the Elements” by Bobik J., 307.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Facing History: A Different Thomas Aquinas” by Boyle L.E. 309.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of Doctor Angelicus” by Internationales Thomistiches Jahrbuch Band I, 311.
- H. Donneaud, Review of “Saint Bonaventure et l’entrée de Dieu en théologie” by Falque E., 271.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Aquinas as Authority” by Geest. P. van, 342.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Commentaire de De ente et essentia de saint Thomas d’Aquin” by Lallement D.-J., 308.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Thomas d’Aquin, saint et docteur” by Millet L., 311.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Mystére (le) du Christ chez saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 338.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “The Philopshical Significance of Immorality in Thomas Aquinas” by Obi Ogeujiofor J., 322.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “La Vie religieuse d’aprés saint Thoas d’Aquin” by Pocquet du Haut-Jussé, 340.
Issue 3:
- F. Guillaud, “La Conception Thomasienne De La Conscience Immédiate,” 407-430.
- D. Logue, “Le Premier et Le Principal du Sacrament de L’ordre,” 431-453.
- G. Emery, Review of “Thomismus” by Berger D., 495.
- D. Doucet, Review of “Saint Augustin et les actes de parole” by Chreetein J.-L., 490.
Issue 4:
- F. Daguet, “S. Thomas et Les Deux Pouvoirs,” 531.
- E. Falque, “Le Contresens Du Mot Theologia Chez Bonaventure,” 615.
- H. Donneaud, “Sens et Contresens Herméneutique du Mot Theologia Chez Bonaventure,” 651.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Quaestiones de quolibet” by Guerric of Saint-Quentin, 671.
- S.-Th. Bonino, Review of “Quastiones super quattour libros Sententiarum: Band 1. Super Primum, Quastiones 1-7” by Marsilius von Inghen, 673.
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, (4 ipy)
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
- Markus Krienke, “Unità nella diversità. Un convegno italo-tedesco nel sesto centenario della nascita di Nicola da Cusa,” 4.
Issue 3-4: NTR
Southwest Philosophy Review, 18 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR.
Speculum, 77 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Gregory A. Smith, “Sine rege, sine principe: Peter the Venerable on Violence in Twelfth-Century Burgundy,” 1-33.
- Alexandra Barratt, Review of “Julian of Norwich: Autobiography and Theology: Christopher Abbott and Julian of Norwich” by Christopher Abbot, 121-122.
- John Kerr, Review of “La structure mnémonique de la “Divine Comédie”: L'”ars memorativa” et le nombre cinq dans la composition du poème de Dante” by Luigi De Poli, 163-164.
- James Ginther, Review of “Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer” by Frank A. James III, 196-197.
- Jeffrey Burton Russell, Review of “Angels and Angelology in the Middle Ages” by David Keck, 202.
- Robert Eisen, Review of “Problems and Parables of Law: Maimonides and Nahmanides on Reasons for the Commandments (Ta’amei Ha-Mitzvot” by Josef Stern, 250-251.
Issue 2:
- Constant J. Mews, “The Council of Sens (1141): Abelard, Bernard, and the Fear of Social Upheaval,” 342-382.
- Richard Kay, Review of “Reading Dante’s Stars” by Alison Cornish, 500-501.
- Martha G. Newman, Review of “Bernard of Clairvaux” by G. R. Evans, 518-519.
- Celia Chazelle, Review of “Il “Liber sanctae crucis” di Rabano Mauro: Testo-immagine-contesto” by Michele Camillo Ferrari, 523-525.
- Michael Hanly, Review of “The “Decameron” and the “Canterbury Tales”: New Essays on an Old Question” by Leonard Michael Koff and Brenda Deen Schildgen, 570-573.
- Mark D. Jordan, Review of “The Metaphysics of Creation: Aquinas’s Natural Theology in “Summa contra gentiles” II” by Norman Kretzmann, 575-577.
- F. Regina Psaki, Review of “Lectura Dantis: Inferno” by Allen Mandelbaum, Anthony Oldcorn and Charles Ross, 595–597.
Issue 3:
- Marcia L. Colish, Review of “Abelard: A Medieval Life” by M. T. Clanchy, 897-899.
- Lucy K. Pick, Review of “Living Letters of the Law: Ideas of the Jew in Medieval Christianity” by Jeremy Cohen, 899-900.
- Paula Fredriksen, Review of “Augustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity
- Carol Harrison by Carol Harrison, 927-928.
- Kenneth Seeskin, Review of “Maimonides’ Empire of Light: Popular Enlightenment in an Age of Belief” by Ralph Lerner, 943-944.
- Peter Hawkins, Review of “Divine Dialectic: Dante’s Incarnational Poetry” by Guy P. Raffa, 972-974.
Issue 4:
- Robert Pasnau, Review of “The Physics of Duns Scotus: The Scientific Context of a Theological Vision” by Richard Cross, 1268-1270.
- E. Ann Matter, Review of “L’exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval: XIIe-XIVe siècle” by Gilbert Dahan, 1272-1274.
- Russell A. Peck, Review of “Chaucer’s Philosophical Visions” by Kathryn L. Lynch, 1346-1347.
- Edwin D. Craun, Review of “The Early History of Greed: The Sin of Avarice in Early Medieval Thought and Literature” by Richard Newhauser, 1372-1374.
- T. M. Rudavsky, Review of “Theology at Paris, 1316-1345: Peter Auriol and the Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents” by Chris Schabel, 1390-1392.
- Anthony J. Lisska, Review of “The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being” by John F. Wippel, 1414-1416.
Studi Medievali, 43 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- P. Von Moos, “Le sens commun au moyen âge: sixième sens et sens social. Aspects épistémologiques, ecclésiologiques et eschatologiques,” 1-58.
- S. Passi, “Il commentario inedito ai Vangeli attribuito a ‘Wigbodus,’” 59-156.
- P. Dronke, “William of Conches and the ‘New Aristotle ,’” 157-164.
- G. Guglielmetti, “’Super Cantica canticorum’:Nota sulla tradizione dei commenti di Ruperto di Deutz, Bernardo di Clairvaux, Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry, Beda e Alcuino,” 277-286.
Issue 2:
- M. Rashed, “Nicolas d’Otrante, Guillaume de Moerbeke et la “Collection philosophique,” 693-790.
- A. Ghisalberti, “La ‘Somma teologica ‘di Tommaso D’Aquino come ‘classico ‘della filosofia occidentale,” 803-815.
- R. Imbach, “Filosofia dell’amore. Un dialogo tra Tommaso d’Aquino e Dante,” 816-832.
- A. De Libera, “Foi et raison. Philosophie et religion selon Averroès et Thomas d’Aquin,” 833-856.
Synthese, 130-133 (multi [recently 12] ipy)
Volume 130, Issues 1-3: NTR
Volume 131, Issues 1-3: NTR
Volume 132, Issues 1-3: NTR
Volume 132, Issues 1-3: NTR
The Journal of Religion, 82 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Bernard McGinn, Review of “My Secret Is Mine: Studies in Religion and Eros in the German Middle Ages” by Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, 111-112.
- Rolf Ahlers, Review of “Die Struktur des menschlichen Geistes nach Augustinus: Selbstreflexion und Erkenntnis Gottes in ‘De Trinitate’” by Johannes Brachtendorf, 123-124.
Issue 2:
- Richard B. Miller, “Aquinas and the Presumption against Killing and War,” 173-204.
- Matthew C. Bagger, “The Ethics of Belief: Descartes and the Augustinian Tradition,” 205-224.
- Theresa Gross-Diaz, Review of “Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe. Vol. 2, The Heroic Age” by Richard W. Southern, 279-281.
- Kevin L. Hughes, Review of “The Soul in Ascent: Bonaventure on Poverty, Prayer, and Union with God” by Timothy J. Johnson, 296-297.
Issue 3:
- William D. Wood, Review of “Augustine’s Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist” by Phillip Cary, 468-470.
- William W. Young III, Review of “Cities of God” by Graham Ward, 476-477.
- William A. Frank, Review of “Duns Scotus” by Richard Cross, 477-478.
Issue 4:
- Robert Dobie, “Meister Eckhart’s ‘Ontological Philosophy of Religion,’” 563-585.
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 66 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- William J. Hill, “St. Thomas Aquinas: Teacher,” 9-13.
- John P. O’Callaghan, “Aquinas’s Rejection of Mind, Contra Kenny,” 15-59.
- John D. Jones, “Aquinas on Human Well-Being and the Necessities of Life,” 61-99.
- W. Norris Clarke, Review of The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being, by John F. Wippel, 149-153.
- Brian J. Shanley, O.P., Review of Facing History: A Different Thomas Aquinas, by Leonard E. Boyle, O.P., 154-158.
- John Corbett, Review of Morality: The Catholic View, by Servais Pinckaers, O.P., 166-170.
- Abelardo Lobato, Review of “Guiados por el Espiritu”: El Espiritu Santo y el conocimiento moral en Tomás de Aquino, by José Noriega, 170-174.
Issue 2
- J. L. A. West, “Aquinas on the Metaphysics of Esse in Christ,” 231-250.
- Wojciech P. Grygiel, “The Metaphysics of Chaos: A Thomistic View of Entropy and Evolution,” 251-266.
- Benedict M. Guevtn, “When a Lie is not a Lie: The Importance of Ethical Context,” 267-274.
- Lawrence Dewan, “Jean Porter on Natural Law: Thomistic Notes,” 275-309.
- Stephen L. Brock, Review of Natural Law and Practical Reason: A Thomist View of Moral Autonomy, by Martin Rhonheimer, 311-315.
- Steven Baldner, Review of Recovering Nature: Essays in Natural Philosophy, Ethics, and Metaphysics in Honor of Ralph McInerny, edited by John P. O’Callaghan & Thomas S. Hibbs, 320-325.
- Theresa Gross-Diaz, Review of Thomas Aquinas as Reader of the Psalms, by Thomas F. Ryan, 329-332.
Issue 3
- Gregory M. Reichberg, “Is There a ‘Presumption Against War’ In Aquinas’s Ethics?” 337-367.
- Guy Mansini, “Episcopal Munera and the Character of Episcopal Orders,” 369-394.
- Colleen McCluskey, “Intellective Appetite and the Freedom of Human Action,” 421-456.
- Bruce Williams, Review of Vices, Virtues, and Consequences: Essays in Moral and Political Philosophy, by Peter Phillips Simpson, 473-477.
- Thomas Williams, Review of God’s Call: Moral Realism, God’s Commands, and Human Autonomy, by John E. Hare, 477-481.
- John Marenbon, Review of Participation and the Good: A Study in Boethian Metaphysics, by Siobhan Nash-Marshall, 481-484.
- Tobias Hoffman, Review of Aquinas’s Philosophical Commentary on the “Ethics”: A Historical Perspective, by James C. Doig, 485-488.
Issue 4
- Robert M. Augros, “Nature Acts for an End,” 535-575.
- A. Leo White, “Instinct and Custom,” 577-605.
- Isabel Iribarren, “The Scotist Background in Hervaeus Natalis’s Interpretation of Thomism,” 607-627.
- Thomas Hibbs, Review of Introduction to Moral Theology, by Romanus Cessario, O.P., 629-632.
- Bruce D. Marshall, Review of Truth in Aquinas, by John Milbank & Catherine Pickstock, 632-637.
- Thomas G. Weinandy, Review of The Metaphysics of the Incarnation: Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus, by Richard Cross, 637-643.
- Ansgar Santogrossi, Review of Creatura intellecta: Die Ideen und Possibilienlehre bei Duns Scotus mit Ausblick auf Franz von Mayronnes, Poncius und Mastrius, by Tobias Hoffmann, 643-647.
- Jody Vaccaro Lewis, Review of Christian Life and Christian Hope: Raids on the Inarticulate, by Rowan A. Greer, 647-651.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 64 (4 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR.
Issue 2:
- G.J. McAaleer, Review of “Food and the Body. Some Peculiar Questions in High Medieval Theology” by Philip Lyndon Reynolds, 370-372.
- G.J. McAleer, Review of “The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas. From Finite Being to Uncreated Being” by John F. Wippel, 372-374.
- P. Beullens, Review of “Grundlagen des philosophisch-anthropologischen Diskurses im dreizehnten Jahrhundert. Die Erkenntnisbemühung um den Menschen im zeitgenössischen Verständnis” by Theodor W. Köhler, 374-375.
- J. Janssens, Review of “Avicenna’s ‘De anima’ in the Latin West. The Formation of a Peripathetic Philosophy of the Soul, 1160-1300 by Dag Nikolaus Hasse, 375-376.
Issue 3:
- K. Vermeir, Review of “Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theones” by Christoph Lüthy, John E. Murdoch, William R. Newman, 565-566.
- J. Janssens, Review of “Islamitische filosofie. Een geschiedenis” by Michiel Leezenberg, 566-567.
- J. Janssens, Review of “The Political Writings. Selected Aphorisms and Other Texts” by Alfārābī and Charles E. Butterworth, 568-569.
Issue 4:
- J. Vijgen, Review of “The Cambridge Companion to Augustine” by Eleonore Stump, Norman Kretzmann, 769-770.
- G. Guldentops, Review of “Le ‘cogito’ dans la pensée de saint Augustin” by Emmanuel Bermon, 793.
- G. Guldentops, Review of “Ende und Vollendung. Eschatologische Perspektiven im Mittelalter” by Jan A. Aertsen, Martin Pickavé, 793-794.
- G. Guldentops, Review of “Abaelards ‘Historia calmitatum’” by Dag Nikolaus Hasse, 794.
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 22,23 (ipy varies)
Volume 22: NTR
Volume 23:
- Marcelo D. Boeri and José Pablo Martín, “La Teología Mística de Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita: una nueva lectura,” 9-27.
- Carlos Llano, “El juicio de separatio en Tomás de Aquino y la remotio en el Pseudo-Dionisio,” 99 -131.
- José Ma. Martín, Review of “El método en la filosofía agustiniana, Málaga” by Juan A. Moreno, 164-167.
Topoi, 21 (1-4 ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR.
Traditio, 57 (1 ipy)
- Isabel Iribarren, “Some Points of Contention in Medieval Trinitarian Theology: The Case of Durandus of Saint-Pourçain in the Early Fourteenth Century,” 289-315.
Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 33 (1 ipy)
- Donnalee Dox, “De tragoediis and the Redemption of Classical Theater,” 43-53.
- Cary J. Nederman, “The Virtues of Necessity: Labor, Money, and Corruption in John of Salisbury’s Thought,” 54-68.
- Irven M. Resnick, “Talmud, Talmudisti, and Albert the Great,” 69-86.
Vivarium, 40 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Christoph Flüeler, „Politischer Aristotelismus im Mittelalter Einleitung,“ 1-13.
- Roberto Lambertini, “Raimundus Acgerii’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Politics: Some Notes,” 14-40.
- Karl Ubl & Lars Vinx, „Zur Transformation der Monarchie von Aristoteles zu Ockham,“ 41-74.
- Cary Nederman, “Mechanics and Citizens: The Reception of the Aristotelian Idea of Citizenship in Late Medieval Europe,” 75-102.
- James Blythe, “Aristotle’s Politics and Ptolemy of Lucca,” 103-136.
Issue 2
- Taneli Kukkonen, “Alternatives to Alternatives: Approaches to Aristotle’s Arguments per impossible,” 137-173.
- Ernesto Perini-Santos, « L’extension de la liste des modalités dans les commentaires du Perihermeneias et des Sophistici Elenchi de Guillaume d’Ockham », 174-188.
- Stephen Read, “The Liar Paradox from John Buridan back to Thomas Bradwardine,” 189-218.
- M. V. Dougherty, “Two Possible Sources for Pico’s Oratio,” 219-241.
- Allan Bäck, Review of Grundlagen des philosophisch-anthropologischen Diskurses im dreizehnten Jahrhundert: Die Erkenntnis-Bemühung um den Menschen im zeitgenössischen Verständnis, by Theodor Köhler, 302-305.
- E.P. Bos, Review of Thomas lesen, by Albert Zimmerman, 305-306.
- Harm Goris, Review of Die Rezeption der mittelalterlichen Sprachphilosophie in der Theologie des Thomas von Aquin. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Analogie, by Seung-Chan Park, 306-309.
- E.P. Bos, Review of Dietrich von Freiburg, Neue Perspektive seiner Philosophie, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, edited by Karl-Hermann Kandler, Burkhard Mojsisch & Franz-Bernhard Stammkötter, 309-311.
- E.J. Ashworth, Review of The Treatises of Thomas of Cleves and Paul of Gelria. An Edition of the Texts with a Systematic Introduction, by Egbert Bos & Stephen Read, 312-313.
- Lodi Nauta, Review of ‘La consolazione della filosofia’ nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento italiano. Libri di scuola e glosse nei manoscritti fiorentini / Boethius’s ‘Consolation of Philosophy’ in Italian Medieval and Renaissance Education. Schoolbooks and their Glosses in Florentine Manuscripts, by Robert Black & Gabriella Pomaro, 321-323.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 37 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-4: NTR
Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval [9] (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Cruz Hernández, Miguel, “La doctrina del entendimiento en Avicena“, 11-17
- Ramón Guerrero, Rafael, “El intelecto agente en Al-Farabi, un comentario a su epístola sobre el intelecto“, 19-31
- Lomba Fuentes, Joaquín, “El lugar del intelecto agente en el pensamiento de Avempace“, 33-48
- Puig Montada, Josep, “Averroes y el entendimiento“, 49-62
- Ortega Muñoz, Juan Fernando, “El entendimiento agente en Maimónides“, 63-79
- Muñiz, Vicente, “La iluminación y el entendimiento agente en san Buenaventura“, 81-90
- García-Cuadrado, José A., “El estatuto del entendimiento agente en la obra de san Alberto Magno“, 91-103
- Sellés, Juan F., “El entendimiento agente según Tomás de Aquino“, 105-124
- Pérez-Estévez, Antonio, “Entendimiento agente y abstracción en Duns Escoto“, 125-145
- Fortuny, Francesç, “El intelecto de Guillermo de Ockham“, 147-161
- Bonino O.P., Serge T., “La question de l’intellect agent dans le Clipeus Thomistarum (1481) de Pierre Schwarz“, 163-183
- Grau I Arau, Andrés, “La función del entendimiento agente en la epistemología de Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)“, 185-203
- Raňa Dafonte, César, “Crítica del entendimiento agente según Ángel Amor Ruibal“, 205-212
- Ramón Guerrero, Rafael, “Al-Farabí, epístola sobre los sentidos del término ‘intelecto’“, 215-223
- Sánchez-Migallón, Sergio, “Panorama de las anteriores explicaciones acerca del voũϛ πoɩƞɩπҡóϛ Franz Brentano (1838-1917)“, 225-245
- Vicente García, Luis M., “Una nueva filosofía de la astrología en los siglos XII y XIII: el impacto de las traducciones del árabe y la postura de Santo Tomás de Aquino“, 249-264
- Pardo Pastor, Jordi, “Filosofía y teología en Ramón Llull: demostratio per aequiparantiam“, 265-274
- López Bravo, Carlos, “Consideraciones sobre el concepto natural en san Pablo“, 275-285
- Ríos Borjas, Antonio, “Maimónidez y Leibniz“, 287-295
- Marquínez Argote, Germán, “Mateo Mimbela (1663-1736), el maestro aragonés que enseñó filosofía y teología en el nuevo reino de Granada“, 297-326
- Fuertes Herreros, José L., “«Como la vihuela templada, que hace dulce armonía»: imagen del hombre y de la ciencia en el Renacimiento desde un relato de Pérez de Oliva (1494-1531)“, 327-337
- Fernández-García, María S., “XI Congreso internacional de filosofía medieval. Porto, 26-31 agosto, 2002“, 341-342
History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis [5] (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Guilfoy, Kevin, “Abelard’s Rejection of the Tarski Biconditional“, 143-158
- Klima, Gyula, “Aquinas’ Theory of the Copula and the Analogy of Being“, 159-176
- Schüßler, Rudolf, “Die Struktur der scholastischen Entscheidungslehre”, 177-192
- Rubenstein, Eric M., “Nominalism and the Disappearance of the Problem of Individuation“, 193-204