2005 Bibliography

Last worked on 1/6/2018

Revised by JLS 09/22/2018

Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 8 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 79 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 22 (1-2 ipy)

Angelicum, 82 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Peter A. Kwasniewski, “A Tale of Two Wonderworkers: St. Nicholas of Myra in the Writings and Life of St. Thomas Aquinas,” 19-54.
  • Ryszard Rybka, O.P., “Il ruolo della carità nella vita della società politica secondo san Tommaso d’Aquino,” 55-76.
  • Edward L. Krasevac, O.P., “Can Effects That are Inevitable and Instrumental be Praeter Intentionem? Another Look at Aquinas’ Understanding of ‘Sit Proportionatus Fini’,” 77-98.

Issue 2

  • Tommaso Stancati, O.P., “Per un nuovo approccio alla Mariologia di Alberto Magno,” 435-450.
  • F. Ryan, Review of The Theology of Thomas Aquinas, edited by Rick Van Nieuwenhove, Joseph Wawrykow, 286-491.

Issue 3

  • Wiesław Dabrowski, “San Tommaso d’Aquino di fronte alle eresie antitrinitarie nei suoi commenti alle lettere di san Paolo Apostolo,” 517-552.
  • David Berger, “‘Instrumentum nostrae salutis’. Die Rolle der Instrumentalursächlichkeit im Denken des hl. Thomas von Aquin – Aufgezeigt an der thomasischen Christologie, Ekklesiologie und Sakramentenlehre,” 553-594.
  • Juan Fernando Sellés, “El intelecto agente y las instancias cognoscitivas humanas menores. Una propuesta desde Sto. Tomás de Aquino,” 611-618.
  • Stella Maris Vázquez, “Ultimo juicio práctico y dictamen de conciencia en Santo Tomás de Aquino,” 619-636.
  • Paul Murray, O.P., “Drunk on Wisdom. St Thomas Aquinas and St Catherine of Siena,” 637-650.
  • O. Rickmann, Review of La théologie trinitaire de saint Thomas d’Aquin, by Gilles Emery, 715-717.

Annuario Filosofico, 21 (1 ipy): NTR

Anuario Filosófico, 38 (3 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 15 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 2 (1 ipy)

  • Anneliese Meis, “Amplexione caritatis: Aproximaciones a la superciones de dilemma de la rationalitas en Liber Divinorum Operum de Hildegarda de Bingen,” 83-104.
  • Ulrich Horst, “Die Geburt Christi als manifestatio divinitatis nach Thomas von Aquin,” 105-127.
  • Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, “Warum Hegel den hl. Anselm bewunderte. Eine Revision,” 128-139.
  • Henryk Anzulewicz, “Die Ethikkonzeption des Albertus Magnus im Licht einer neuen Forschungsarbeit: Zur Studie von Jörn Müller,” 140-171.
  • Runén A Peretó Rivas, Review of Alcuin. Achievement and Reputation, by Donald A. Bullough, 190-192.
  • Michael S. Driscoll, Review of Theology, Rhetoric, and Politics in the Eucharistic Controversy, 1078-1079: Alberic of Monte Cassino against Berengar of Tours, by Charles M. Radding, Francis Newton, 195-197.
  • Ingo Klitzsch, Review of Quam nos divinitatem nominare consuevimus: Die theologische Ethik des Peter Abaelard, by Tobias Georges, 198-201.
  • Rainer Berndt, S.J., Review of Lo Spirito Santo nel De Trinitate di Ricardo di S. Vittore, by Maria Domenica Melone, 201-203.
  • Ulli Roth, Review of Peter Lombard, by Philipp W. Rosemann, 203-205.
  • Sussane Kaup, Review of Knowing God by Experience. The Spiritual Senses in the Theology of William of Auxerre, by Boyd Taylor Coolman, 205-207.
  • Christopher Schabel, Review of It Could Have Been Otherwise. Contingency and Necessity in Dominican Theology at Oxford, 1300-1350, by Hester Goodenough Gelber, 207-209.
  • Ludger Ägidius Schulte, OFMCap., Review of Itinerarium mentis in Deum – Der Pilgerweg des Menschen zu Gott, by Bonaventura, translated and edited by Marianne Schlosser, 209-210
  • Manfred Gerwing, Review of Introductio in librum [Ioachim] De semine scripturarum. Allocutio super significatione nominis Tetragrammaton, by Arnaldi de Villanova, curante Josep Perarnau, 210-212.
  • Karl-Heinz Steinmetz, Review of Christliche Mystik im Mittelalter. Mystik und Rationalisierung – Stationen eines Konflikts, by Otto Langer, 212-214.
  • Walter Andreas Euler, Review of Die mystische Theologie des Nicolaus Cusanus, by William J. Hoye, 214-215.
  • Karl-Hermann Kandler, Review of Umgang mit Leid. Cusanische Perspektiven, edited by Henrieke Stahl, Harald Schwaetzer, Klaus Reinhardt, 215-217.
  • David Berger, Review of Tradition und Innovation. Zur Dialektik von historischer und systematischer Perspektive in der Theologie. Am Beispiel von Transformationen in der Rezeption des Thomas von Aquin im 20. Jahrhundert, by Lydia Bendel-Maidl, 217-220.
  • Rainer Brendt, S.J., Review of Geschichte der Editionsverfahren vom Altertum bis zur Gegenwart im Überblick, edited by Hans-Gert Roloff, 220-222.

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 87 (3 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

(No issue 4 published)

Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 59 (6 ipy): NTR

Archives de Philosophie, 68 (4 ipy) : NTR

Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 72 (1 ipy)

Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 55 (2 ipy) : NTR

Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 98 (4 ipy)

  • Martin Morard, “Thomas d’Aquin lecteur des conciles,” 211-365.
  • Louis-Jacques Bataillon, O.P., “Guillaume de la Mare. Note sur sa régence parisienne et sa prédication,” 367-422.
  • Adriano Oliva, O.P., “La deuxiéme rédaction du Correctorium de Guillaume de la Mare : les questions concernant la I Pars,” 423-464.
  • Federica Caldera, “Guglielmo De la Mare tra Bonaventura, Tommaso d’Aquino e Pietro di Tarantasia. Dipendenze testuali e originalità del Commento alle Sentenze,” 465-508.
  • Pawel Krupa, O.P., “La letter en défense de Saint Thomas d’Aquin de jean de Monzon, O.P. (1388),” 633-647.
  • Kevin White, “St. Thomas Aquinas on Prologues,” 803-813.

Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 63 (1 ipy): NTR

Augustinian Studies, 36 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Augustinianum, 45 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 83 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 10 (1 ipy)

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13 (4-6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 4

Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 47 (1 ipy)

Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (irregular): No issue published this year.

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 76 (1 ipy)

Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 35 (6 ipy): NTR

Chôra, 3-4 (1 ipy)

Double volume for 2005-2006. Articles are listed in the 2006 Bibliography.

Collectanea Franciscana, 75 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3-4

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 53 (6 ipy): NTR

Dialogue, 44 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Dionysius, 23 (1 ipy): NTR

Discusiones Filosóficas, 2005 [vol. 6, no 9] (1-2 ipy): Could not review

Divus Thomas, 108 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Inos Biffi, “«Teologia sapienziale» in Tommaso d’Aquino?,” 26-45.
  • Giuseppe Barzaghi, “‘Habitat’ ecclesiale e ‘habitus’ teologico. Per un tomismo anagogico,” 46-107.
  • Giorgio Maria Carbone, “La funzione ecclesiale del teologo nelle opere di san Tommaso d’Aquino,” 206-226.
  • Marco Salvioli, “«Discipulus autem incipit a vocibus …». Considerazioni sulla decostruzione: san Tommaso (De Ver., q. XI, a.1) e la comunicazione pedagogica,” 227-259.

Issue 2

  • Alberto Cevolini, “L’operazione di riflessione in Tommaso d’Aquino con particolare riguardo all’intelletto umano,” 135-217.
  • Maria Luisa Buratti, “I principi primi secondo san Tommaso,” 218-252.

Issue 3

  • Giovanni Bertuzzi, “‘Et ipse’: l’‘Imago Dei’ nella ‘Veritatis Splendor’ e nella ‘Summa Theologiae’,” 20-39.
  • Inos Biffi, “L’Eucaristia e la divinizzazione nella ‘Lectura Super Ioannem’ di san Tommaso,” 111-146.

Doctor Virtualis, 4 (1 ipy)

Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 16 (1 ipy)

Early Science and Medicine, 10 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

(No issue 5 or 6 published)

Estudios Filosoficos, 54 (3 ipy): NTR

Faith and Philosophy, 22 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 3-5: NTR

Filozofia, 60 (10 ipy)

Issue 4

Issue 7

Issues 8-10: NTR

Franciscan Studies, 63 (1 ipy)

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 52 (3 ipy)

Issue 1/2

  • Ludwig Hödl, “‘Ist die Abtreibung zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Empfängnis Mord?’ Die Antwort des Johannes von Paris OP,” 315-331.
  • Emanuele Coccia, “‘Destruit totam scientiam moralem’. Pensiero e legge nell’avveroismo latino,” 332-367.
  • Alexander Grau, Review of Absolute Wahrheit und endliches Wahrheitsbewusstsein. Das Verhältnis von logischem und theologischem Wahrheitsbegriff – Thomas von Aquin, Kant, Fichte und Frege, by Roderich Barth, 389-393.
  • Simon Peng-Keller, Review of Christliche Mystik im Mittelalter. Mystik und Rationalisierung – Stationen eines Konflikts, by Otto Langer, 402-407.

Issue 3

  • Otto Hermann Pesch, “Das Streben nach beatitudo bei Thomas von Aquin im Kontext seiner Theologie. Historische und systematische Fragen,” 427-453.
  • Gilles Eméry, O.P., Review of Augustins De Trinitate. Eine Einführung, by Basil Studer, 782-785.
  • Gilles Eméry, O.P., Review of Aquinas’s Summa. Background, Structure and Reception, Jean-Pierre Torrell, 785-786.
  • Carl O’Brien, Review of Platonic Ideas and Concept Formation in Ancient and Medieval Thought, edited by Gerd van Rieli, Caroline Macé, 799-802

Giornale di Metafisica, 27 (3 ipy): NTR

Gregorianum, 86 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Heythrop Journal, 46 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

History and Philosophy of Logic, 26 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 4

History of Philosophy Quarterly, 22 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 57, 58 (6 ipy)

Volume 57

Issue 2

Volume 58

Issue 2

Issue 3

International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 13 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 2-4: NTR

(No issue 5 published)

International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 66 (4-5 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 4

International Philosophical Quarterly, 45 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 1 (1 ipy)

Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, (2 ipy): No volume published this year.

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 34 (6 ipy): NTR

Journal of Philosophical Research, 30 (1 ipy): NTR

The Journal of Religion, 85 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of Religious Ethics, 33 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Journal of the History of Ideas, 66 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 4

Journal of the History of Philosophy, 43 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 68 (1 ipy): NTR

Laval théologique et philosophique, 61 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

Médiévales, 48, 49 (2 ipy): NTR

Mediaeval Studies, 67 (1 ipy)

Mediaevalia, 26 (2 ipy): NTR

Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 24 (1 ipy)

  • A. Fiodora, «Ética y Política en el De divisione philosophiae de Domingo Gundisalvo.»
  • J.R. Pierpauli, «Alberto Magno y la Ética Filosófica.»
  • F. Bertelloni, «Filosofía y teoría política: modelos causales en las teorías políticas de Tomás de Aquino, Egidio Romano y Juan Quidort.»
  • José Meirinhos, «Felicidade do intelecto e unidade do poder na Monarquia de Dante.»
  • J. Savian Filho, “Boécio e a ética da felicidade,” with “Introdução,” by José Meirinhos.

Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 30 (1 ipy)

  • “Presentazion,” 7-10.
  • Olivier Boulnois, “Logique et métaphysique. Sur les premières propositions des Theoremata,” 11-40.
  • A. Vos, H. Veldhuis, E. Dekker, K.L. Bom, N.W. den Bok, A.J. Beck, J.M. Bac, “Duns in Potency. The Dating of Scotus’ Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis, IX, 1-2 and its Concept of Possibility,” 41-68.
  • Giorgio Pini, “Univocity in Scotus’ Quaestiones super Metaphysicam: the Solution to a Riddle,” 69-110.
  • Peter King, “Duns Scotus on Singular Essences,” 111-137.
  • Mary Beth Ingham, “The Birth fo the Rational Will: Duns Scotus and the Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis, Book IX, quaestio 15,” 139-170.
  • Antonie Vos, “The Indispensability of Freewill. Scotus can speak for himself,” 171-190.
  • Gérard Sondag, “The Conditional Definition of Beauty by Scotus,” 191-206.
  • Guido Alliney, “The Treatise on the Human Will in the Collationes Oxonienses attributed to John Duns Scotus – Appendix: Collationes Oxonienses, qq. 18-23,” 209-269.

Micrologus, 13 (1 ipy)

Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 29 (1 ipy): NTR

Mind, 114 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 2-4: NTR

The Modern Schoolman, 83 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

The Monist, 88 (4 ipy): NTR

Nous, 39 (4 ipy) : NTR

Nova et Vetera, 3 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • J.L.A. West, “Nature, Specific Difference, and Degrees of Being: Metaphysical Background to Aquinas’ Anti-Monophysite Arguments.”
  • Daniel A. Keating, Review of “Modus et Forma”: A New Approach to the Exegesis of Saint Thomas Aquinas with an Application to the Lectura super Epistolam ad Ephesios, by Christopher T. Baglow.
  • Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P., Review of Thomas Aquinas: Theologian of the Christian Life, by Nicholas M. Healy.

Issue 2

  • Stephen Brock, “The Physical Status of the Spiritual Soul in Thomas Aquinas.”
  • Richard Schenk, O.P., “From Providence to Grace: Thomas Aquinas and the Platonisms of the Mid-Thirteenth Century.”
  • Michael Sherwin, O.P., “In What Straits They Suffered: St. Thomas’s Use of Aristotle to Transform Augustine’s Critique of Earthly Happiness.”
  • Lawrence Dewan, O.P., “On Anthony Kenny’s Aquinas and Being.”
  • Kevin White, Review of Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn: Toward a More Perfect Form of Existence, by John P. O’Callaghan.

Issue 3

  • Charles Morerod, O.P., “John Paul II’s Ecclesiology and St. Thomas Aquinas.”
  • Robert Barron, “The Christian Humanism of Karol Wojtyla and Thomas Aquinas.”
  • Michael Sherwin, O.P., “Theology of Truth and Freedom: A Dissident Phenomenology in a Thomistic Anthropology.”
  • Michael Waldstein, “The Common Good in St. Thomas and John Paul II.”
  • Reinhard Hütter, “Intellect and Will in the Encyclical Fides et Ratio and in Thomas Aquinas.”
  • Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap., “Faith and Reason: John Paul and Aquinas.”
  • Matthew Levering, “John Paul II and Aquinas on the Eucharist.”

Issue 4

  • Michael A. Hoonhout, “Thomas Aquinas and the Need for a Contemporary Theological Cosmology.”
  • Stephen Loughlin, “Tristitia et Dolor: Does Aquinas Have a Robust Understanding of Depression?.”
  • Jörgen Vijgen, Review of Aquinas on Doctrine: A Critical Introduction, edited by Thomas F. Weinandy, Daniel Keating, John Yocum.

Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): Not published this year

Oriens, (4 ipy): Not published this year

Philosopher’s Imprint, 5 (multi ipy): NTR

Philosophia, 32, 33 (4 ipy): NTR

The Philosophical Quarterly, 55 (4 ipy)

Issue 1 (no 218)

Issue 2 (no 219)

Issues 3-4: NTR

The Philosophical Review, 114 (4 ipy): NTR

Philosophical Studies, 122-126 (multi ipy): NTR

Philosophical Topics, 33 (2 ipy): NTR

Philosophiques, 32 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Philosophy and Theology, 17 (2 ipy): NTR

Praxis Filosófica, 19, 20, 21 (2 ipy): NTR

Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 79 (1 ipy)

Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 5 (1 ipy)

Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 5 (1 ipy)

Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 72 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Religious Studies, 41 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Res Philosophica, (4 ipy): See The Modern Schoolman

The Review of Metaphysics, 58, 59 (4 ipy)

Volume 58

Issue 3

Issue 4

Volume 59

Issue 1

Issue 2

Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2005 (4 ipy) : NTR

Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 89 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 79 (1-4 ipy) 

Issue 4

Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 51 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 58 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 130 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 4

Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 103 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 4

Revue Thomiste, 105 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2005 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

(No issue 4 published)

Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2005 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Southwest Philosophy Review, 21 (2 ipy): NTR

Speculum, 80 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Studi Medievali, 46 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Zamuner, “La tradizione romanza del Secretum secretorum pseudo-aristotelico,” 31-116.
  • A. Classen, “Noch einmal zu Wolframs ‘spekulativer’ Kyôt Quelle. Im Licht jüdischer Kultur und Philosophie des zwölften Jahrhunderts,” 281-308.

Issue 2

  • G. Perillo, “La recenzione dell’esegesi eriugeniana al IV Vangelo nella Lectura super Iohannis Evangelium di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 811-842.

Studia Neoaristotelica, 2 (multiple ipy)

Issue 2

Synthese, 142-147 (multi ipy)

Issues 1-2 of vol. 142 published in 2004.

Volume 145

Issue 3

Volume 146-147: NTR

The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 69 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 67 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, 28, 29 (ipy varies)

Volume 28

Volume 29

Topoi, 24 (1-2 ipy): NTR

Traditio, 60 (1 ipy)

Vivarium, 43 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

(No issue 3 or 4 published)

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 40 (4 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 4

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