2011 Bibliography
Last worked on 03/13/2022
Revised JLS 07/08/2017
Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 14 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Fernando Pascual, L.C., “El ‘De utilitate credendi’ y la teoría dialógica de san Agustín,” 3-32.
- José María Antón, L.C., “La ley natural y los bienes que perfeccionan a la persona. Completando la lista de la Summa Theologiae, I-II, q. 94, a. 2: aportación de Germain Grisez (2ª parte),” 33-53.
- Mauro Gagliardi, “La luce nell’Empireo dantesco,” 87-104.
- José Ricardo Pierpauli, “La Ciencia Política como disciplina derivada de la Metafísica panteísta de Baruj Espinosa,” 105-126.
- Jason A. Mitchell, L.C., “John Rziha, Perfecting Human Actions: St. Thomas Aquinas on Human Participation in Eternal Law,” 165-171.
Issue 2
- Alain Contat, “Il confronto con Heidegger nel tomismo conemporaneo,” 195-266.
- Krzysztof Charasma, “L’Incarnazione del Verbo di Dio immutabile. Alcune riflessioni sulla teo-logia di San Tommaso d’Aquino,” 267-287.
Issue 3
- Jesús Villagrasa, L.C., “La Gestalt metafisica di Tommaso d’Aquino secondo Cornelio Fabro,” 407-418.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 85 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Joshua C. Benson, “Bonaventure’s De reductione artium ad theologiam and Its Early Reception as an Inaugural Sermon,” 7-24.
- Michelle Blohm, “The Feminine and Masculine as Principles of Ascent in the Itinerarium mentis in Deum,” 25-42.
- Suzanne Metselaar, “The Structural Similarity between the Itinerarium mentis in Deum and the Collationes in Hexaemeron with Regard to Bonaventure’s Doctrine of God as First Known,” 43-75.
- Wouter Goris, “Two-Staged Doctrines of God as First Known and the Transformation of the Concept of Reality in Bonaventure and Henry of Ghent,” 77-97.
- H. Francie Roberts-Longshore, “The Word and Mental Words: Bonaventure on Trinitarian Relation and Human Cognition,” 99-125.
- Andreas Speer, “Illumination and Certitude: The Foundation of Knowledge in Bonaventure,” 127-141.
- Timothy B. Noone, “Saint Bonaventure and Angelic Natural Knowledge of Singulars: A Source for the Doctrine of Intuitive Cognition?” 143-159.
- Christopher Cullen, S.J., “Bonaventure on Nature before Grace: A Historical Moment Reconsidered,” 161-176.
- John R. White, “St. Bonaventure and the Problem of Doctrinal Development,” 177-202.
- Christopher Berry Gray, “Civil Obligation in Bonaventure and Late Twentieth-Century Anarchists,” 203-212.
Issue 2
- Edward Feser, “Existential Inertia and the Five Ways,” 237-267.
- Victor M. Salas, Jr., “Edith Stein and Medieval Metaphysics,” 323-340.
- Richard J. Fafara, Review of Correspondance Jacques Maritain—Yves Simon, 1927–1940, Les Années Françaises, edited by Florian Michel, 349-350.
- Andrew Jaspers, Review of Perfecting Human Actions: St. Thomas Aquinas on Human Participation in the Eternal Law, by John Rziha, 350-352.
- Brendan Sweetman, Review of Aquinas and Sartre: on Freedom, Personal Identity, and the Possibility of Happiness, by Stephen Wang, 353-355.
Issue 3
- Caery Evangelist, “Aquinas on Being and Essence as Proper Objects of the Intellect,” 361-390.
- Timothy Perrine, “Envy and Self-worth: Amending Aquinas’s Definition of Envy,” 433-446.
Issue 4
- John Edelman, “The Strangeness of An Unmoved Mover: Aquinas, Wittgenstein, and ‘The Sense of Life,’” 605-622.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 28 (1-2 ipy)
Issue 1 (final issue in 2011)
- José Antonio and Fernández López, “Mostrador e enseñador de los turbados. Notas sobre el primer romanceado de la Guía de perplejos,” 39-70.
- Arsenio Ginzo Fernández, “Eneas Silvio Piccolomini (Pio II) y su concepción de Europa,” 71-100.
- Juan Luis Monreal Pérez, “Juan Luis Vives, lengua y lenguaje en el humanismo renacentista,” 101-133.
- Óscar Barroso Fernández, “Los entes de razón en Suárez. Una concepción barroca de la realidad,” 135-161.
- Valentín Fernández Polanco, Review of Las filosofías en la Edad Media. Crisis, controversias y condenas, by Francisco León Florido, 307-312.
- Ana María C. Minecán, Review of La apuesta de la filosofía medieval. Estudios tomistas, escotistas, by A. De Muralt, 312-315.
- Ana María C. Minecán, Review of El pensamiento político en la Edad Media, by Pedro Roche Arnas, 315-317.
- Manuel Lázaro Pulido, Review of La Escuela de Salamanca. De la Monarquía hispánica, by Peña González and Miguel Anxo, 317-323.
Angelicum, 88 (3 ipy)
Fasc. 1
- Clifford Stevens, “The Summa Theologica: Evolution of A Masterpiece,” 39-49.
- Margherita Maria Rossi, “Il procedimento dell’‘exemplum’ nella produzione sermoniale di san Tommaso d’Aquino. Specimina exegetica I,” 51-92.
- Tommaso Stancati, O.P., “The Eschatology of the De Sacramentis Christianae Fidei of Hugh of St. Victor (12th C.) (Liber II, Partes XVII-XVIII: De fine saeculi. De statu futuri saeculi: Part II,” 93-122.
- Ryszard Rybka, O.P., “Le negazione moderne delle tesi fondamentali del pensiero politico classico e tomistico,” 173-199.
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, “On the Alleged Physicalism of St. Thomas at S.Theol., I-II, 94, 2,” 231-243.
Fasc. 2
- David A. Tamisiea, “St. Thomas Aquinas on the One Esse of Christ,” 383-402.
Fasc. 3
- Wiesław Dąbrowski, “L’Anticristo secondo il commento di san Tommaso d’Aquino al Corpus Paulinum,” 611-680.
- Daniel J. Daly, “From Nature to Second Nature: The Relationship of the Natural Law and Acquired Virtues in the Summa Theologiae,” 693-715.
- Giuseppe Ferraro, S.J., “Lo Spirito Santo nei ‘Sermoni’ di Eckhart,” 717 – 740.
Fasc. 4
- Rupert Johannes Mayer, O.P., “Man Is Inclined to His Last End by Nature, Though He Cannot Reach It by Nature but Only by Grace: the Principle of the Debate about Nature and Grace in Thomas Aquinas, Thomism and Henri de Lubac. A Response to Lawrence Feingold,” 887 – 939.
- John Eagers, “Understanding Aquinas in the Contemporary Catholic Virtue-Ethics: Comparison of Servais Pinckaers O.P. and James Keenan S.J.,” 941 – 964.
- Giovanni Vezzosi, “Rileggendo sant’Agostino (De Trinitate) e san Tommaso (Summa Theologiae, De Potentia Dei). Aporie e prospettive a proposito di relazioni trinitarie,” 965 – 978.
Annuario Filosofico, 27 (1 ipy): NTR
Anuario Filosófico, (Universidad de Navarra), 44 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Agnieszka Kijewska, “El concepto de la Primera Causa en el Segundo Libro del Periphyseon de Juan Escoto Eriúgena,” 29 – 52.
- Elisabeth Reinhardt, “La causalidad en la creación según Thierry de Chartres,” 53 – 74.
- Laura Corso de Estrada, “Unidad y jerarquía cosmológica en la Summa de bono de Felipe el Canciller,” 75 – 94.
- Alexander Fidora, “Causalidad, contingencia y ciencia en Roberto Kilwardby,” 95 – 109.
- Alice Ramos, “La causalidad del bien en Santo Tomás,” 111 – 127.
- Hervé Pasqua, “Le statut méontologique de la créature selon Maître Eckhart,” 129 – 157.
Issue 3
- Jimena Paz Lima, “Aproximación a la noción de philosophia en la obra de Alberto Magno,” 497 – 517.
Several articles incorrectly listed under Anuario Filosófico have been moved to Fasc. 3 and 4 of Angelicum (July 12, 2017).
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 21 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Makram Abbès, “Le statut de la raison pratique chez Avempace,” 85-109.
- Miquel Forcada, “Ibn Bājja on Medicine and Medical Experience,” 111-148.
- Paul Lettinck, “Science in Arab Literature,” 149-163.
Issue 2
- Damien Janos, “Moving the Orbs: Astronomy, Physics, and Metaphysics, and the Problem of Celestial Motion According to Ibn Sīnā,” 165-214.
- Jean Baptiste Brenet, “S’unir à l’intellect, voir Dieu. Averroès et la doctrine de la jonction au cœur du thomisme,” 215-247.
- Cristina Cerami, « Corps et continuité. Remarques sur la “nouvelle” physique d’Averroès, » a Review Essay of Averroes’ Physics. A Turning Point in Medieval Natural Philosophy, by Ruth Glasner, 299-318.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 8 (1 ipy)
Issue 1
- Giles E. M. Gasper, “‘Oil upon the Waters’: On the Creation of Light from Basil to Peter Lombard,” 9-33.
- Sandra Klinge, “Die Erlösungsvorstellung Anselms von Canterbury in seiner Meditatio redemptionis humanae und das Verhältnis zu Cur deus homo,” 33-65.
- Viki Ranff, “Zur Auslegung eines Trinitätsternars durch Hildegard von Bingen
- für Bischof Eberhard von Bamberg,” 65-81.
- Jan C. Klok, “‘Fides ergo sola divisit lucem a tenebris’. Eine Relecture von Bonaventuras Collationes in Hexaemeron,” 81-114.
- John T. Slotemaker, “‘Pulchritudo Christi’: The Sources of Thomas Aquinas’s Understanding of the Beauty of Christ,” 114-145.
- Wojciech Wciórka and Magdalena Bieniak, “Double Knowledge in Christ. A Critical Edition of Stephen Langton’s Quaestio theologiae Camb063,” 145-171.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 65 (6 ipy)
Issue 5
- Hamid-Reza Giahi Yazdi, “Al-Khwārizmī and annular solar eclipse,” 499-517.
Archives de Philosophie, 74 (4 ipy)
Issue 4
- David Lemler, « Noachisme et philosophie. Destin d’un thème talmudique de Maïmonide à Cohen en passant par Spinoza », 629-646.
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, LXXVIII (1 ipy)
- Pasquale Arfé, “Triplex modus theoriae de reditu. The Doctrine of Universal Return in Eriugena,” 7-45.
- Irène Rosier-Catach, “Vox and Oratio in Early Twelfth Century Grammar and Dialectics,” 47-129.
- Bruno Michel, « Abélard face à Boèce. Entre nominalisme et réalisme, une réponse singulière au questionnaire de Porphyre », 131-178.
- Margaret Cameron, “When Does a Word Signify? Debates from Peter Abelard’s Milieu and the Early Thirteenth Century,” 179-194.
- Dominique Poirel, « Thomas d’Aquin lecteur de Hugues de Saint-Victor: à propos de la nature humaine », 195-228.
- Matthieu Husson, « L’astronomie alphonsine dans l’Expositio intentionis regis Alfonsii circa tabulas ejus de Jean de Murs », 229-245.
- Franck Collard, « Un traité des poisons factice rendu à son auteur, Guillaume de Saliceto », 247-257.
- Anne Grondeux et Irène Rosier-Catach, « Sur la nature catégorielle de la vox au XIIe siècle. Trois versions des Glosulae in Pricianum », 259-333.
- Olivier Delsaux, « Le Pin de Jean Castel, fils d’Étienne Castel et de Christine de Pizan », 335-375.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 61 (1 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Jean-Yves Guillaumin, « Pline l’Ancien dans le livre XX des Etymologies d’Isodore de Séville, » 15-25.
- Christine Silvi, « Citer Pline dans les encyclopédies médiévales : l’exemple des notices zoologiques chez Thomas de Cantimpré et Vincent de Beauvais, » 27-55.
- Ugo Rozzo, « La fortuna della Naturalis Historia di Plinio nell’ Editoria del XV secolo, » 73-113.
- Nella Bianchi Bensimon, « Omnia incerta ratione et in naturae maiestate abdita : présences pliniennes dans le Theogenius de Leon Battista Alberti, » 209-221.
- Jean-Louis Charlet, « La réception de l’Histoire Naturelle de Pline dans le Cornu copiae de Nicolas Perotti, » 237-258.
- Mino Gabriele, « Plinio il Vecchio nell’ Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, » 331-334.
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 104 (4 ipy)
Fasc. 1-2
- Johannes Schlageter, OFM, “Die Chronica des Bruders Jordan von Giano: Einführung und kritische Edition nach den bisher bekannten Handschriften,” 3-63.
- Filippo Sedda, “Renovavit sapientiam: un sermone inedito di Giovanni da Capestrano, summula della sua predicazione,” 65-105.
- Marco Bartolli, “Vivere il Vangelo alla fine dei tempi: le Lecturae super Lucam et super Marcum di Petrus Iohannis Olivi,” 271-283.
Fasc. 3-4
- Aleksander Horowski, OFM, “Questione disputata ‘De locis animarum exutarum a corpore’ di Alessandro di Hales,” 387-419.
- Aaron Canty, “Christ’s Transfiguration in the Postillae of John of La Rochelle,” 421-483.
- Daniele Solvi, “Alla sequela del Saint François d’Assise (1968). Una nuova edizione delle Fonti Francescane,” 547-565)
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 93 (3 ipy): NTR
Archivium Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 69 (1 ipy)
- Anne Grondeux, “Le Liber glossarum (VIIIe siècle). Prolégomènes à une nouvelle édition,”
- J. Elfassi, “Une nouvelle hypothèse sur les deux recensions des Synonyma d’Isidore de Séville : quelques remarques critiques”
Augustinianum, 51 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Pietro Antonio Ferrisi, “Creazione dal nulla. Esegesi metafisica di Agostino a Gen. 1, 1-2,” 123-146.
- Manlio Della Serra, “Note sull’onnipotenza divina nell’Opera di Agostino,” 147-160.
Issue 2: NTR
Augustinian Studies, 42 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- C. P. E. Nothaft, “Augustine and the Shape of the Earth: A Critique of Leo Ferrari,” 33-48.
- Brian S. Hook and Duane H. Davis, “A Note on the Baths in Confessions IX,xii,32,” 49-56.
Issue 2
- John C. Cavadini, “The Anatomy of Wonder: An Augustinian Taxonomy,” 153-172.
- Erik Kenyon, “The Order of Augustine’s Cassiciacum Dialogues,” 173-188.
- David Vincent Meconi, S.J., “Ora uel Labora: Augustine and Cassian on the Boredom of the Heart,” 233-249.
- Laura Holt, Review of St. Augustine, by Ryan N.S. Topping, 253-257.
- Eugene TeSelle, Review of Peuple prophétique et nation témoin. Le peuple juif dans le Contra Faustum manichaeum de saint Augustin, by Alban Massie, 263-270.
- Rebecca G. Addy, Review of Augustine’s Manichaean Dilemma. Volume 1: Conversion and Apostasy, 373–388 C.E., Jason David BeDuhn, 283-286.
- Michael Kaler, Review of “In Search of Truth”: Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism. Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty, edited by Jacob Albert van den Berg, Annemaré Kotzé, Tobias Nicklas, and Madeleine Scopello, 290-294.
- Ian Clausen, Review of Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge, Lydia Schumacher, 302-306.
- Matthew Drever, Review of Essays on Augustine and on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, S.J., edited by Richard C. Taylor, David Twetten, and Michael Wreen, 311-315.
- Amy F. Whitworth, Review of Faith Order Understanding: Natural Theology in the Augustinian Tradition, by Louis Mackey, 320-323.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 89 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 14 (1 ipy)
Issue 1 (2009-2011)
- Udo Reinhold Jeck, “Platons Götter im lateinischen Mittelalter: Ein Beitrag zur Rezeption des platonischen Timaios bei Augustin, Calcidius und Albertus Magnus,” 157-190.
- Andrés Quero-Sánchez, “Über die Nichtigkeit des Gegebenen: Schellings und Hegels Verteidigung des ontologischen Arguments und der Deutsche Idealismus im Spätmittelalter,” 191-232.
- Egbert P. Bos, “Nicholas of Amsterdam’s Conceptualism in his Commentary on the Logica vetus,” 233-298.
- Burkhard Mojsisch, Review of De Homine, by Albertus Magnus, edited by Manuel Baumbach, Burkhard Mojsisch and Olaf Pluta, 306-307.
- Norbet Winkler, Review of Ars nominandi Deum. Die Ontosemantik der Gottesprädikate in den Dionysiuskommentaren des Albertus Magnus, edited by Tobias Weismantel, 313-317.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 19 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 3
- Darren Hibbs, “John Scottus Eriugena on the Composition of Material Bodies,” 385-393.
Issue 4
- Henrik Lagerlund, “The Unity of Efficient and Final Causality: The Mind/Body Problem Reconsidered,” 587-603.
Issue 6
- Sobhi Rayan, “Translation and Interpretation in Ibn Taymiyya’s Logical Definition,” 1047-1065.
- Tamer Nawar, Review of Augustine’s Inner Dialogue: The Philosophical Soliloquy in Late Antiquity, by Brian Stock, 1213-1216,
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 53 (1 ipy)
Issue 1
- Robert Wielockx, “Les brefs traités zoologiques d’Aristote. Histoire gréco-latine du texte: de la Grande Grèce, par l’Italie, à Paris,” 3-39.
- Spencer E. Young, “Prohibition-Era Aristotelianism: Parisian Theologians and the Four Causes,” 41-59.
- Mary J. Sirridge, “The Abstractiones: A Tradition in Evolution,” 61-80.
- Monica Brinzei, “Le premier commentaire cistercien sur les Sentences de Pierre Lombard par Humbert de Preuilly (†1298),” 81-148.
- William O. Duba and Christopher D. Schabel, “Ni chose, ni non-chose: The Sentences-Commentary of Himbertus de Garda, OFM,” 149-232.
- Monika Michałowska, “Richard Kilvington’s Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum,” 233-282.
- Sander W. de Boer and Paul J.J.M. Bakker, “Is John Buridan the Author of the Anonymous Traité de l’âme Edited by Benoît Patar?,” 283-332.
- Harald Berger, “Bericht über die Autopsie von vier spätmittelalterlichen Wiener Handschriften,” 333-347.
- Mario Meliadò and Silvia Negri, “Neues zum Pariser Albertismus des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts. Der Magister Lambertus de Monte und die Handschrift Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, ms. 760,” 349-384.
- William J. Courtenay, “Theological Disputations at Vienna in the Early Fifteenth Century. Harvard Ms lat. 162,” 385-401.
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 30 (irregular): NTR
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 80 (1 ipy)
Issue 1
- Heine Hansen and Ana Mariá Mora-Márquez, “Nicholas of Paris on Aristotle’s Perihermeneias 1-3,” 1-88.
- Heine Hansen, “Medieval Commentators on Aristotle’s Topics 1.9: Texts 1200-1250,” 89-135.
- Sten Ebbesen, “Yet another Fragment of James of Venice’s Translation of Michael of Ephesus on the Sophistical Refutations,” 136-138.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 41 (4 ipy): NTR
Chôra, 9-10 (1 ipy)
2011-2012 issue: see 2012 bibliography
Collectanea Franciscana, 81 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Aleksander Horowski, “Questione ‘De quolibet IV’ di Alessandro di Hales,” 31 – 70.
- Joshua C. Benson, “An Unedited Principium: ‘Fons sapientiae Verbum Dei in excelsis’. Introduction and Text,” 71 – 100.
- Giovanni Lauriola, “Francesco della Marca, Commentarius in Librum Sententiarum I, dd. 29-48,” 101 – 144.
Issue 3-4
- Marzia Ceschia, “L’esegesi cristocentrica di Roberto Grossatesta. Osservazioni sulla Particula Prima dell’Hexaemeron,” 429 – 449.
- Joshua C. Benson, “Fons sapientiae verbum Dei in excelsis. John Pecham’s Inagural Sermon?,” 451 – 478.
- Alberto Forni, Paolo Vian, “Un codice curiale nella storia della condanna della Lectura super Apocalipsim di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi. Il Parigino latino 713 (I),” 479 – 558.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 59 (6 ipy): NTR
Dialogue, 50 (4 ipy): NTR
Dionysius, XXIX (1 ipy)
- Seamus O’Neill, “‘You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive’: Demonic Agency in Augustine,” 9-27.
- Timothy Riggs, “Elements of the Authentic Self in Fārābī: Between Alexander and Proclus,” 61-80.
- Matthew Robinson, “Individual Agency in Bonaventure’s Account of Natural Knowledge,” 81-106.
- Evan King, “The Priority of Iustitia for Meister Eckhart,” 107-122.
- Peter Bullerwell, “Doing and Seeing in Meister Eckhart and Michel Henry,” 123-134.
- Martin Curran, “The Circular Activity of Prayer in Boethius’ Consolation,” 193-204.
- Michael Fournier, “Boethius pro se de magia,” 205-222.
- Martin Sastri, “Sed Iohannes praecucurrit citius Petro . . . primo intrat Petrus in monumentum, deinde Iohannes: Eriugena’s Appropriation of Dionysian Exegesis in the Homilia,” 223-232.
- Benjamin Lee, “Stupefactus haesito maximoque horrore concussus titubo: Eriugena’s Critical Use of Augustine on Paradise and Resurrection in the Periphyseon,” 233-246.
Discusiones Filosóficas, 12 (2 ipy)
Número 19 (final issue in 2011)
- Edgar Eslava, “Etenal Time, Eternal Secret: The Thesis of the Eternity of Time in Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed,” 99-111.
Divus Thomas, 114 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Umberto Muratore, “Tommaso e Rosmini. Analogie. Ansia di abbracciare tutto l’essere,” 19 – 41.
- Pier Paolo Ottonello, “Ancura su Rosmini, Tommaso, il neotomismo,” 91 – 110.
- Franco Percivale, “L’innatismo creazionistico e nozionale in san Tommaso e in Rosmini,” 135 – 149.
- Giancarlo Grandis, “Da Tommaso a Rosmini: dall’antropologia duale all’antropologia triadica,” 150 – 169.
- Piero Sapienza, “La questione educativa in Tommaso d’Aquino e in Rosmini,” 170 – 209.
- Samuele Francesco Tadini, “I versetti 1-2 del Prologo del vangelo di Gesu(‘) Cristo secondo san Giovanni nell’interpretazione di san Tommaso e del beato Rosmini,” 223 – 270.
- Christian Vecchiet, “Sappiamo che Dio esiste. Rosmini, Tommaso d’Aquino e la prova ontologica,” 271 – 305.
- Salvatore Muscolino, “Contributi per un dialogo con il tomismo analitico,” 306 – 340.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Giuseppe Barzaghi, “Omnia in omnibus e speculazione teologica. Approccio teoretico al De divinis nominibus su una base tomista e anagogica,” 83 – 113.
- Massimiliano Traversino, “Il problema della «Potentia Dei» tra teologia e diritto canonico nei secoli XIII e XIV,” 368 – 385.
- Laurence Wuidar, “Oltre le parole: suono, silenzio, sguardo, gesto. Teorie agostiniane e bernardiane del linguaggio affettivo,” 114 – 132.
Doctor Virtualis, (1 ipy): No volume published this year.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 22 (1 ipy)
- Laura M. Castelli, “Greek, Arab and Latin Commentators on Per Se Accidents of Being and the Place of Aristotle, Metaphysics, Book Iota,” 153-208.
- Matteo Di Giovanni, “Motis of Andalusian Philosophy in the Pre-Almohad Age,” 209-234.
- Silvia Donati, “Toward A Critical Edition of Albert the Great’s Treatise De nutrimento et nutrito: A Study of the Manuscript Tradition,” 235-300.
- Gregory T. Doolan, “Aquinas on Separate Substances and the Subject Matter of Metaphysics,” 347-382.
- Wouter Goris, “The Foundation of the Principle of Non-Contradiction. Some Remarks on the Medieval Transformation of Metaphysics,” 527-557.
- Monika Michalowska, “Kilvington’s Use of Physical and Logical Arguments in Ethical Dilemma’s,” 465-492.
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, “Materia e forma nel commento di Francesco della Marca sul II° libro delle Sentenze: l’uomo, l’anima, l’angelo e i cieli,” 493-526.
- Edith Dudley Sylla, “Disputationes Collativae: Walter Burley’s Tractatus primus and of Gregory of Rimini’s Lectura super primum et secundum Sententiarum,” 383-364.
- Bruno Tremblay, “Albert le Grand et le problème du sujet de la science logique,” 301-346.
Early Science and Medicine, 16 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Eckhard Kessler, “Alexander of Aphrodisias and His Doctrine of the Soul. 1400 Years of Lasting Significance,” 1-93.
Issue 4
- Ian Maclean, “The Logic of Physiognomy in the Late Renaissance,” 275-295.
- Romana Martorelli Vico, Review of Les Parva Naturalia d’Aristote. Fortune antique et médiévale, by Christophe Grellard and Pierre-Marie Morel, 352-353.
- Sachiko Kusukawa, Review of Visualizing Medieval Medicine and Natural History, 1200-1550, edited by Jean Ann Givens, Karen Reeds, and Alain Touwaide, 354-355.
Issue 6
- Alain Touwaide, Review of Ibn Baklarish’s Book of Simples. Medical Remedies between Three Faiths in Twelfth-Century Spain, edited by Charles Burnett, 600-602.
Estudios Filosoficos, 60 (3 ipy): NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 4 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jacques Dalarun, « Pourquoi le Miroir de perfection fut achevé le 11 mai 1317. »
- Laure Solignac, « Bonaventure : de l’ètude de noms divins à la fabrication des miroirs trinitaires. »
- Lydia Schumacher, « L’Itinéraire de l’esprit vers Dieu de saint Bonaventure : une remontée augustinienne traditionnelle ?. »
- Alexis Charansonnet, Review of Un franciscain à Paris au milieu du xiiie siècle. Le maître en théologie Eustache d’Arras, by Sophie Delmas.
Issue 2
- Sophie Delmas, “Les franciscaines et l’Université au Moyen Âge.”
Faith and Philosophy, 28 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Paul J. Griffiths, “Tears and Weeping: An Augustinian View,” 19-28.
- Eleonore Stump, “The Non-Aristotelian Character of Aquinas’s Ethics: Aquinas on the Passions,” 29-43.
Issue 4
- Katherin A. Rogers, “Anselm Against McCann On God and Sin: Further Discussion,” 397-415.
- Hugh J. McCann, Review of Anslem on Freedom, by Katherine A. Rogers, 456-460.
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha),
Volume 43, Issue 2
- Arshad Riahi Ali, “A Critical Review of the Impact of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Opinions Concerning ‘Necessary Being’ on his Understanding of the Qur’anic Verses,” 11 – 24.
- Akbarian Reza, Hosseini Seyyed Ahmad, “A Response to the Paradox of Knowledge of the Substance in Ibn Sina’s al-Ta’liqat,” 25 – 38.
- Khademi Ainollah, “The Research and Critique of Abu ‘al-Barakat al-Baghdadi’s View on the Quality of Emergency of Multitudinous From Unit,” 39 – 57.
Volume 44, Issue 1
- Arshad Riahi Ali, “A Critique of Fakhr Al-Din AL-Razi’s Theory of ‘Creation of Acts’ and Its Influence on His Understanding of Qur’anic Verses,” 11-28.
- Yahya Budharinezhad, “Qadi Said Qummi on the Definition of Art and Beauty,” 29-42.
- Ibadi Ahmad and Faramarz Qaramaleki Ahad, “An Investigation of ‘Verity-Propositions’ (Qadaya Haqiqiyyah) of Islamic Logicians and Law-Like Statements as Presented by Nelson Goodman,” 43-62.
- Karimi Qoddusi Zeinab and Alizamani Amir Abbas, “‘God and the Meaning of Life’ According to Thaddeus Metz, and a Critique from the Point of View of Allamah Tabatabai,” 63-91.
- Kamalizade Tahere, “A Study of the Hierarchies of Intuition in Illuminative Epistemology,” 93-113.
Filozofia, 66 (10 ipy)
Number 1
- Michal Chabada, “Boethius of Dacia: The Vision of a Blessed Life in His Writing On the Highest Good, or On the Life of the Philosopher and the Condemnations of 1277,” 1-10.
- Peter Volek, “The Influence of Aristotelianism on the Explanation of Action by Thomas Aquinas and Raymund Lullus,” 11-23.
- Rastislav Nemec, “Signification in William Ockham,” 24-34.
- Daniel D. Novotný, “F. Suarez: His Theory of Beings of Reason and Its Reception,”
- Tomas Machula, “Human Being as Animal Rationale and an Embodied Spirit. Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Thomistic Perspective,” 49-58.
- Tomáš Akvinský, “Summa Theologica: Part I, Question 1, Articles 1-10,” 83-99.
- Michal Chabada, Review of Who was Francisco Suarez? The Life and Work of the Doctor Eximius et Pius, by D. Heider, 100-102.
Number 3
- Pavol Labuda, Review of Ideas and Words. Studies of Augustin, Plotinus, Abelard, Dionysius Aeropagita and Anselm, by L. Karfíková, 284-287.
- Martin Šarkan, Review of Johannes Duns Scotus: Selected Problems of His Epistemology and Metaphysics, by M. Chabada, 295-297.
Numbers 4-10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 69 (1 ipy)
- Mark Weaver, “The Rule of Saint Francis: What was Really Lost?,” 31-52.
- Matthew Etchemendy and Rega Wood, “Speculum animae: Richard Rufus on Perception and Cognition,” 53-115.
- Richard Rufus, “Speculum animae: Erfurt, UB, Dep. Erf., CA Quarto 312, fol. 107va-110rb (Q312) Assisi, Bibl. del Sacro Convento, cod. 138, fol. 281va-284rb,” 117-140.
- Fabio Troncarelli, “Early Joachimism and Early Franciscanism: Manuscript Evidence of a Common Destiny,” 151-151.
- Antonio Montefusco, “Structure and Tradition of Pierre de Jean Olieu’s Opuscula: Inner Experience and Devotional Writing,” 153-174.
- William Courtenay, “Early Scotists at Paris: A Reconsideration,” 175-229.
- Melanie Brunner, “Poverty and Charity: Pope John XXII and the Canonization of Louis of Anjou,” 231-256.
- Alberto Cadili, “Ubertino da Casale dopo il 1325: un possibile itinerario,” 257-283.
- Ian Christopher Levy, “Flexible Conceptions of Scriptural and Extra-Scriptural Authority among Franciscan Theologians Around the Time of Ockham,” 285-341.
- Benjamin Hazard, “The Conservation, Cataloguing and Digitization of Fr. Luke Wadding’s Papers at University College Dublin,” 477-489.
- David Flood, Review of Richard Rufus of Cornwall In Aristotelis De generatione et corruption, edited by Neil Lewis and Rega Wood, 512-513.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 58 (2 ipy)
Heft 1
- Alain Boureau, “Richard de Mediavilla fut-il aussi un exégète ? Enquête sur les annotations du commentaire de l’Apocalypse dans le ms. Assise 82 (1ere partie),” 227-271.
- Sebastian Weiner, “Warum ist alles Seiende gut? – Boethius’Argumentation in De Hebdomadibus,” 271-290.
- Anne-Sophie Robin Fabre, Review of Philosophie et théologie au Moyen Age, by Oliver Boulnois, 321.
Heft 2
- Bernhard Blankenhorn, OP, “How the Early Albertus Magnus Transformed Augustinian Interiority,” 351-387.
- Jakob G. Heller, “Die Entwicklung der Lehre von der Mitwirkung Gottes bei Thomas von Aquin,” 387-404.
- Alain Boureau, “Richard de Mediavilla fut-il aussi un exégète? Seconde partie : Les enjeux de l’exégèse de Mediavilla,” 404-437.
- Anthony Ossa-Richardson, Review of Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbach, edited by I. Atucha, D. Calma, C. König-Pralog, and C. Zavattero I, 584.
- Dragos Calma, Review of On the Intellectual soul, by Thomas Wylton, 589.
- Véronique Decaix, Review of DIETRICH DE FREIBERG: Œuvres choisies. Tome 1. Substances, Quidités et accidents, by Dietrich de Freiberg, edited by J. Biard, D. Calma, and R. Imbach in Recherches sur Dietrich de Freiberg, 592.
- Klaus-Frédéric Johannes, Review of Die “doctrina christiana” als Wissenschaft. Berühmte Traktate und kleinere Schriften, by Thomas von Aquin, 595.
Giornale di Metafisica, 33 (3 ipy): NTR
Gregorianum, 92 (4 ipy)
Issue 4
- K.T. Becker, Review of Dominican Theology at the Crossroads. A Critical Edition and Study of the Prologues to the Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences by James of Metz and Hervaeus Natalis, edited by M. Oleszweski, 839-840.
- A. Pellegrini, Review of John Duns Scotus, Philosopher. Proceedings of the “Quadruple Congress” On John Duns Scotus, edited by M.B Ingham and O. Bychkov, 844-845.
Heythrop Journal, 52 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Michael Craig Rhodes, “Handmade: A Critical Analysis of John of Damascus’s Reasoning for Making Icons,” 14-26.
- Toivo J. Holopainen, Review of Reading Anselm’s Proslogion: The History of Anselm’s Argument and its Significance Today, by Ian Logan, 129-130.
- Sean Otto, Review of Divine Transcendence and Immanence in the Work of Thomas Aquinas, edited by Harm Goris, Herwi Rikhof, and Henk Schoot, 130-131.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Cusanus: the Legacy of Learned Ignorance, edited by Peter J. Casarella, 131-132.
- Rory Fox, Review of Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th to the 14th Centuries: Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen, Volume 2, by Sten Ebbesen, 132-133.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Salamanca School (Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers), by André Azevedo Alves and José Moreira, 133.
- Guido Giglioni, Review of Theology and Science in the Thought of Francis Bacon, by Steven Matthews, 135-137.
Issue 2
- Christopher H. Conn, “Anselmian Spacetime: Omnipresence and the Created Order,” 260-270.
Issue 3
- Daniel P. Horan, OFM, “How Original Was Scotus on the Incarnation? Reconsidering the History of the Absolute Predestination of Christ in Light of Robert Grosseteste,” 374-391.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Anselm of Canterbury: his Life and Legacy, by Benedicta Ward SLG, 473.
Issue 4
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Promise of Christian Humanism: Thomas Aquinas on Hope, by Dominic Doyle, 716.
Issue 5
- Mary Beth Ingham, Review of Medieval Trinitarian Thought from Aquinas to Ockham, by Russell L. Friedman, 828-829.
- Ryan Chace, Review of Paths to the Triune God: An Encounter between Aquinas and Recent Theologies, by Anselm K. Min, 839-840.
- Brian T. Trainor, Review of A Trinitarian Theology of Law: In Conversation with Jurgen Moltmann, Oliver O’Donovan and Thomas Aquinas, by David H. McIlroy, 844-845.
Issue 6
- David N. Beauregard, “Shakespeare and the Passions: The Aristotelian-Thomistic Tradition,” 912-925.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 32 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Aviram Ravitsky, “Saadya Gaon and Maimonides on the Logic and Limits of Legal Inference in Context of the Karaite-Rabbanite Controversy,” 29-36.
- Mauro Zonta, “About Todros Todrosi’s Medieval Hebrew Translation of al-Fārābī’s Lost Long Commentary/Gloss-Commentary On Aristotle’s Topics, Book VIII,” 37-45.
Issues 2 – 4: NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 28 (4 ipy)
Number 2
- Anthony Crifasi, “Descartes’ Dismissal of Scholastic Intentional Forms: What Would Thomas Aquinas Say?” 141-158.
- Fred Ablondi and J. Aaron Simmons, “Gabriel Biel and Occasionalism: Overcoming an Apparent Tension,” 159-175.
Number 3, 4: NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 69-70 (6 ipy)
Volume 69, Issue 2
- Nancy Kendrick, “The Non-Christian Influence on Anselm’s Proslogion Argument,” 73-89.
- Graham Oppy, “Perfection, Near-perfection, Maximality, and Anselmian Theism,” 119-138.
- Brian Leftow, “Why Perfect Being Theology?” 103-118.
- Edward Wierenga, “Augustinian Perfect Being Theology and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” 139-151.
Volume 69, Issue 3: NTR
Volume 70, Issues 1 – 3: NTR
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 19 (5 ipy): NTR
International Journal in Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 72 (4-5 ipy): NTR
International Philosophical Quarterly, 51 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jonathan J. Sanford, Review of Reading Anselm’s Proslogion: The History of Anselm’s Argument and Its Significance Today, by Ian Logan, 113-115.
- Clyde Lee Miller, Review of Logos and Revelation: Ibn ‘Arabi, Meister Eckhart, and Mystical Hermeneutics, by Robert J. Dobie, 125-126.
Issue 2
- Mark K. Spencer, “Abelard on Status and their Relation to Universals: A Husserlian Interpretation,” 223-240.
- Katherin Rogers, “Defending Boethius: Two Case Studies in Charitable Interpretation,” 241-257.
Issue 3
- Angela McKay Knobel, “Aquinas and the Pagan Virtues,” 339-354.
- R.E. Houser, “Aristotle and Two Medieval Aristotelians on the Nature of God,” 355-375.
- Paul Dehart, Review of Politics for the Greatest Good: The Case for Prudence in the Public Square, by Clark D. Forsythe, 407-412.
Issue 4
- Lawrence Moonan, “Re-tracing the Five Famous Ways of Summa theologiae I.2.3,” 437-450.
- Matthew D. Walz “Stoicism as Anesthesia: Philosophy’s “Gentler Remedies” in Boethius’s Consolation,” 501-519.
- Andrew LaZella, “Siger of Brabant on Divine Providence and the Indeterminacy of Chance,” 483-500.
- Roland J. Teske, S.J., Review of Faith Order Understanding: Natural Theology in the Augustinian Tradition, by Louis Mackey, 528-530.
- John W. Peck, S.J., Review of On Determining What There Is: The Identity of Ontological Categories in Aquinas, Scotus, and Lowe, by Paul Symington, 530-532.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 7 (1 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jon McGinnis, “Old Complexes and New Possibilities: Ibn Sīnā’s Modal Metaphysics in Context,” 3-33.
- Zahra Abdollah, “Color in Islamic Theosophy: An Analytical Reading of Kubrā, Rāzī, Simnānī, and Kirmānī,” 35-51.
- Mikayel Hovhannisyan, “Divine and Earthy Cities in Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ: The Essence of Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ’s Social Philosophy,” 53-65.
- Murad Idris, “Ibn Ṭufayl’s Critique of Politics,” 67-101.
- Muhammad Hozien, “Rasāʾil Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ,” 103-109.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 19 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Diana Lobel, “Being and the Good: Maimonides on Ontological Beauty,” 1-45.
- Ari Ackerman, “Zerahia Halevi Saladin and Thomas Aquinas on Vows,” 47-71.
Issue 2: NTR
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 40 (6 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 36 (1 ipy): NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 72 (4 ipy)
Number 2
- James G. Snyder, “Marsilio Ficino’s Critique of the Lucretian Alternative,” 165-181.
Numbers 3, 4: NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 49 (4 ipy)
Number 1
- Giorgio Pini, “Can God Create My Thoughts?: Scotus’s Case against the Causal Account of Intentionality,” 39-63.
- John Inglis, Review of Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, edited by Phillip W. Rosemann, 119-120.
- Susan Brower-Toland, Review of Lectura super Sententias: Liber I, Distinctiones 1–2, 3–7, 8–17, by Walter Chatton, edited by Joseph C. Wey and Girard J. Etzkorn, 120-121.
- Jennifer Hart Weed, Review of The Semantics of Analogy: Rereading Cajetan’s De Nominum Analogia, by Joshua Hochschild, 121-122.
- Eileen C. Sweeney, Review of Aquinas & Sartre: On Freedom, Personal Identity, and the Possibility of Happiness, by Stephen Wang, 130-131.
Number 2
- Michael E. Rombeiro, “Intelligible Species in the Mature Thought of Henry of Ghent,” 181-220.
- Mikko Yrjönsuuri, Review of Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De Syllogismo Categorico, by Boethius, edited by Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist, 244-245.
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Review of Quaestiones circa logicam (Twenty-five Disputed Questions on Logic), by Albert of Saxony, translated by Michael Fitzgerald, 249-250.
Number 3
- Richard Cross, “Duns Scotus: Some Recent Research,” 271-295.
- Matthew Levering, Review of Medieval Trinitarian Thought from Aquinas to Ockham, by Russell Friedman, 374-375.
Number 4
- Juhana Toivanen, “Peter of John Olivi on the Psychology of Animal Action,” 413-438.
The Journal of Religion, 91 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Willemien Otten, “Special Issue: The Augustinian Moment,” 1-4.
- Brian Stock, “Self, Soliloquy, and Spiritual Exercises in Augustine and Some Later Authors,” 5-23.
- Jean-Luc Marion, “Resting, Moving, Loving: The Access to the Self according to Saint Augustine,” 24-42.
- James Wetzel, “Life in Unlikeness: The Materiality of Augustine’s Conversion,” 43-63.
- Burcht Pranger, “Augustine and the Silence of the Sirens,” 64-77.
Issue 2
- Jason Aleksander, “Dante’s Understanding of the Two Ends of Human Desire and the Relationship Between Philosophy and Theology,” 158-187.
- Eileen Sweeney, Review of Thomas Aquinas on the Passions: A Study of “Summa Theologiae,” Robert Miner, 277-278.
Issue 3
- David Kangas, “Dangerous Joy: Marguerite Porete’s Good-bye to the Virtues,” 299-319.
- James Arthur Diamond, “Maimonides, Spinoza, and Buber Read the Hebrew Bible: The Hermeneutical Keys of Divine ‘Fire’ and ‘Spirit’ (Ruach),” 320-343.
- Ryan Coyne, “A Difficult Proximity: The Figure of Augustine in Heidegger’s Path,” 365-396.
- Paul Van Geest, Review of Augustine and the Cure of Souls: Revising a Classical Ideal, by Paul R. Kobet, 413-414.
Issue 4: NTR
Journal of Religious Ethics, 39 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- James K.A. Smith, “Formation, Grace, and Pneumatology: Or, Where’s the Spirit in Gregory’s Augustine?” 556-569.
Issue 4
- Rumee Ahmed, “The Lash is Mightier than the Sword: Torture and Citizenry in Medieval Muslim Jurisprudence,” 606-612.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LXXIV (1 ipy)
- Mossman Roueché, “Stephanus the Alexandrian Philosopher, the Kanon and a Seventh-Century Millennium,” 1-30.
- Kristine Haney, “The Reception of St Augustine’s City of God in Anglo-Norman Canterbury,” 59-85.
- C. M. Kauffmann, “New Images for Anselm’s Table Talk: An Illustrated Manuscript of the Liber de similitudinibus,” 87-119.
Laval théologique et philosophique, 67 (3 ipy): NTR
Médiévales, 60-61 (2 ipy)
Volume 60, Issue 2
- Gabriel Martinez-Gros, “Introduction à la fitna: une approche de la définition d’Ibn Khaldûn,” 7-15.
- Cyrille Aillet, “La fitna, pierre de touche du califat de Cordoue (IIIe/IXe-IVe/Xe siècle),” 67-83.
Volume 61, Issue 1
- Damien Boquet and Piroska Nagy, “Une histoire des émotions incarnées,” 5-24.
- Nira Pancer, “Entre lapsus corporis et performance: fonctions des gestes somatiques dans l’expression des émotions dans la littérature altimédiévale,” 39-53.
- Barbara H. Rosenwein, “Les communautés émotionnelles et le corps,” 55-75.
- Damien Boquet, “Amours, castration et miracle au couvent de Watton : évaluation émotionnelle d’un crime d’honneur monastique (v. 1165),” 77-95.
- Guillemette Bolens, “La narration des émotions et la réactivité du destinataire dans Les Contes de Canterbury de Geoffrey Chaucer,” 97-117.
- Klaus Oschema, “Toucher et être touché: gestes de conciliation et émotions dans les duels judiciaires,” 142-161.
Mediaevalia, 32 (1 ipy): NTR
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 30 (1 ipy)
- Valeria Buffon and David Piché, “Ontologie et logique du mal au début du XIIIe siècle. Le problème du mal dans le Commentaire à l’Éthique du Pseudo-Peckham,” 9 – 61.
- Miquel Beltrán, “Consideraciones que avalan el influjo ismaelita sobre la doctrina de los atributos divinos de Maimonides,” 63 – 88.
- Patrícia Calvário, “O lugar da pobreza no pensamento de Boaventura de Bagnoregio,” 89 – 126.
- Alfredo Gatto, “William of Ockham and the odium Dei,” 127 – 138.
- Gonçalo Figueiredo, Review of A entrada de Aristóteles no Ocidente Medieval, by Luis Alberto de Boni, 171 – 175.
- Celia López Alcalde, Review of The Soul-Body Problem at Paris ca. 1200-1250. Hugo of St-Cher and his Contemporaries, by Magdalena Bieniak, transl. R. Roncarati, 175 – 179.
- Paula Oliveira e Silva, Review of Metafísica do Homem. Conhecimento e vontade nas obras de psicologia atribuídas a Pedro Hispano (século XIII), José Francisco Meirinhos, 179 – 182.
- Celia López Alcalde, Review of Anima, forma e sostanza: Filosofia e Teologia nel dibattito antropologico del XIII secolo,by Massimiliano Lenzi, 182 – 186.
- Gonçalo Figueiredo, Review of Pedro Lombardo; Juan Duns Escoto, Cuestiones sobre la omnipotencia divina, Estudo introductorio de Francisco León Florido, 186 – 189.
- Marisa das Neves Henriques, Review of Imagem do mundo, by Gossouin de Metz, pres., ed., and trans. Margarida Santos Alpalhão, 189 – 192.
Mediaeval Sophia, 9-10 (1-2 ipy)
Issue 9
- Patrizia Spallino, “Du livre de la médecine spirituelle: l’âme et l’éthique chez Miskawayh,” 21-31.
- Vittorio Chietti, “Dissentire dall’auctoritas: Scoto Eriugena contro Agostino sulla questione della resurrezione nel quinto libro del Periphyseon,” 32-47.
Issue 10
- Vittorio Chietti, “L’esegesi delle parabole e la dottrina del transitus nella parte finale del quinto libro del Periphyseon di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena,” 72-86.
- Daniela Enriquez, “La generazione della forma nel mondo ebraico: i concetti di forma e genesi nella filosofia di Mosè Maimonide,” 176-195.
- Marco Aurelio Golfetto, “Some preliminary remarks on Evkaf Musesi 1933, a copy of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam by the hand of Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī,” 196-207.
- Daniele Iozzia, “Osservazioni sulla traduzione eriugeniana del trattato Περὶ κατασκευής ἀνθρώπου di Gregorio di Nissa,” 208-212.
- Marcella Serafini, “Dignità e limiti della ragione nel De primo Principio di Giovanni Duns Scoto,” 222-231.
Mediaeval Studies, 73 (1 ipy)
- John C. Wei, “The Sentence Collection Devs non habet initivm vel terminvm and its Reworking, Devs itaqve svmme atqve ineffabiliter bonvs,” 1-118.
- Fabio Troncarelli, “Forbidden Memory: The Death of Boethius and the Conspiracy of Silence,” 183-206.
- Alexander Andrée, “Anselm of Laon Unveiled: The Glosae super Iohannem and the Origins of the Glossa ordinaria on the Bible,” 217-260.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 36 (1 ipy)
- Miguel Ángel González Manjarrés, “Tamquam fores animae: los ojos en la fisiognomía medieval,” 11-33.
- Beatrice Parolin, “Il trattato De separatione primi principii atrribuito ad Averroè,” 33-89.
- Joke Spruyt, “The ‘Realism’ of Peter of Spain,” 89-113.
- Laura Capuzzo, “Il verbum mentis nella polemica tra francescani e domenicani: Ruggero Marston critica Tommaso d’Aquino,” 113-136.
- Frédéric Goubier, “Wyclif and the Logica Augustini,” 137-164.
- Caterina Tarlazzi, “L’Epistola de anima di Isacco di Stella: studio della tradizione ed edizione del testo,” 167-278.
- Magdalena Bieniak, “Who Created the Light? A Critical Edition of Stephen Langton’s Question on ‘Fiat lux’ (Gen. 1, 3),” 279-300.
- Marta Vittorini, “Il comment di Walter Burley al De substantia orbis: un’edizione,” 301-380.
- Luisa Valente, “In ricordo di Alfonso Maierù,” pp. 381-385.
Micrologus, 19 (1 ipy)
- Alain Guerreau, “‘Mensura’ et ‘Metiri’ dans la Vulgate,” 3-19.
- Marta Cristiani, “La notion de mesure dans le De Musica d’Augustin,” 21-36.
- Olivier Guyotjeannin, “Les conquêtes du millésime. Un art notarial du temps dans l’Occident medieval,” 37-60.
- Emmanuel Poulle, “Mesures et astronomie au Moyen Age,” 73-88.
- Barbara Obrist, “Measuring the Location of the World’s Center in Nemroth, ‘Liber de astronomia’,” 89-111.
- François Boespflug, “Le créateur au compas. «Deus geometra» dans l’art d’Occident (IXe-XIXe siècle),” 113-30.
- A. Mark Smith, “The Measure of Vision in the Middle Ages,” 201-220.
- Nicolas Weill-Parot, “L’impossible mesure de l’occulte et les tentatives de quantification (fin du XIIIe-XIVe siècle),” 221-242.
- Michel Pastoureau, “Le temps des rois obèses (XIe-XIIIe siècle),” 259-276.
- Maaike van der Lugt, “Chronobiologie, combinatoire et conjonctions élémentaires dans le «De commixtionibus elementorum» d’Urso de Salerne (fin XIIe siècle),” 277-323.
- Michael Rogers McVaugh, “Ars longa,” 325-348.
- Joseph Ziegler, “Measuring the Human Body in Medieval and Early Renaissance Physiognomy,” 349-368.
- Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, “La mesure de la parenté,” 369-382.
- Vincent Tabbagh, “Le rythme des messes ‘pro remedio animae’ dans les fondations de la fin du Moyen Age,” 383-401.
Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 35 (1 ipy): NTR
Mind, 120 (4 ipy): NTR
The Modern Schoolman, 88 (4 ipy): NTR
The Monist, 94 (4 ipy): NTR
New Scholasticism = American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Nous, 45 (4 ipy): NTR
Nova et Vetera, 9 (4 ipy). Missing from TM library. I did not create the following citations.
Issue 1
- Reinhard Hütter, “The Debt of Sin and the Sacrifice in Charity: A Thomistic Echo to Gary Anderson’s Sin: A History,” 133-148.
- Bruce D. Marshall, “Debt, Punishment, and Payment: A Meditation on the Cross, in Light of St. Anselm,” 163-181.
- R. Jared Staudt, “Sin as an Offense against God: Aquinas on the Relation of Sin and Religion,” 195-207.
Issue 2
- Steven A. Long, “Engaging Thomist Interlocutors,” 267-295.
- Angela McKay Knobel, “Relating Aquinas’s Infused and Acquired Virtues: Some Problematic Texts for a Common Interpretation,” 411-431.
- John Baptist Ku, “St. Thomas Aquinas’s Treatment of the Name ‘Father’ in ST I, q. 33, a. 2,” 433-478.
- Kevin White, “Friendship Degree Zero: Aquinas on Good Will,” 479-518.
Issue 3
- Thomas Joseph White, “Redeemable Suffering? St. Thomas Aquinas on the Meaning of Human Suffering and the Passion of Christ,” 549-560.
- Lawrence Dewan, “St. Thomas, Natural Law, and Universal Ethics,” 737-762.
- John M. McDermott, “On Nature, Freedom, and Person in Aquinas and Beyond,” 791-824.
Issue 4
- David L. Whidden III, “The Alleged Feudalism of Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo and the Benedictine Concepts of Obedience, Honor, and Order,” 1055-1087.
Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No volume published this year.
Oriens, 39 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- James E. Montgomery, “Abū Nuwās, the Justified Sinner?” 75-164.
Issue 2
- Emma Gannagé, “Médecine et philosophie à Damas à l’aube du XIIIème siècle: un tournant post-avicennien?” 227-256.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy: This journal was established in 2013.
Philosopher’s Imprint, 11 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophia, 39 (4 ipy): NTR
The Philosophical Quarterly, 61 (4 ipy)
Issue 242
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, “Lessons on Truth from Mediaeval Solutions to the Liar Paradox,” 58-78.
Issues 243-245: NTR
The Philosophical Review, 120 (4 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Studies, 152-156 (15 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Topics, 39 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophiques, 38 (2 ipy): NTR
From issue 1, the article “Chatton, Ockham et le principe de vérifaction” by Claude Panaccio has been removed. The article was once listed on Philosophiques’s website, but it is no longer there. Claude Panaccio gave the similarly-titled presentation “Chatton, Ockham and the Truthmaker Principle” at UCLA in 2011 for the 14th Moody Workshop in Medieval Philosophy, but Philosophiques certainly did not publish anything by Panaccio in volume 38.
Philosophy and Theology, 23 (2 ipy)
Issue 2
- Clint I. Barrett, “A Careful Reading of St. Anselm’s Ontological Argument,” 217-230.
Philosophy Compass, 6 (12 ipy)
Issue 8
- Yujin Nagasawa, “Anselmian Theism,” 564-571.
Issues 8-12: NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 32 – 33 (2 ipy): NTR
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 85 (1 ipy)
Issue 1
- Travis Dumsday, “Why Thomistic Philosophy of Nature Implies (Something Like) Big-Bang Cosmology,” 69-78.
- Robert C. Koons, Logan Paul Gage, “St. Thomas Aquinas on Intelligent Design,” 79-97.
- Daniel D. De Haan, “Thomistic Hylomorphism, Self-Determination, Neuroplasticicity, and Grace: The Case of Addiction,” 99-120.
- Michael P. Krom, “Modeling the Dialogue Between Science, Philosophy, and Religion: Aquinas on the Origins and Development of the Universe,” 201-212.
- Paul Symington, “Thomas Aquinas, Perceptual Resemblance, Categories, and the Reality of Secondary Qualities,” 237-252.
- Michael Hector Storck, “Cogs, Dogs, and Robots Frogs: Aquinas’s Presence by Power and the Unity of Living Things,” 253-264.
- R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, “The Indeterminacy Thesis and the Normativity of Practical Reason,” 265-282.
- Vincent J. DeVendra, “A Science with No Scientists?: Faith and the First Principles in Aquinas,” 283-294.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics: Not published this year
Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 11 (1 ipy)
- Christian Tornau, “Text, Medium und publizistische Begleitung: Buchproduktion und Buchkomposition bei Augustinus,” 141-169.
- Francesco Santi, “‘Guardarsi dagli amici’ nella storia del libro filosofico di Ramon Llull,” 209-225.
- Pasquale Porro, “Dalla pagina alla scientia. L’identificazione tra libri e sapere scientifico nel Medioevo scolastico e il caso anomalo della teologia,” 225-255.
- Costantino Esposito and Marco Lamanna, “Dalla metafisica all’ontologia: storia di una transformazione editoriale (secoli XVI-XVII),” 255-289.
Quaestiones Disputatae, 2 (2 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Richard Upsher Smith, Jr., “The Structure of Saint Augustine’s De magistro: A Neoplatonic Ascent,” 83-106.
- Sarah Klitenic Wear, “Activity and Potentiality in Augustine and Victorinus’ Use of Jn 5:19,” 107-117.
- John Peter Kenney, “Platonism and the Soliloquia of Saint Augustine,” 118-125.
- Matthew D. Walz, “An Erotic Pattern of Thinking in Anselm’s Proslogion,” 126-145.
- Gregory Sadler, “A Personalist Aspect of Saint Anselm’s Platonist Metaphysics,” 146-164.
- Christopher S. Morrissey, “How the Agent Intellect Enables a Syntactic Interior World: Aquinas’s Contribution within Neoplatonism,” 165-184.
- Eric D. Perl, “Esse Tantum and the One,” 185-200.
- Mark K. Spencer, “An Ethical Neoplatonism: Bonaventure and Levinas in Dialogue,” 248-262
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 78 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Roland Hissette, “Des fragments de l’Averroes Latinus (Commentaire de la Logica vetus) à Darmstadt Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, ms. 426,” 1-24.
- Franklin T. Harkins, “The Embodiment of Angels: A Debate in Mid-Thirteenth-Century Theology,” 25-58.
- Thomas Humphries, “These Words are Spirit and Life: Thomas’ Use of Augustine on the Eucharist in Summa Theologiae, III, 73-83,” 59-96.
- Francesco Fiorentino, Chris Schabel, “Henry of Harclay’s Prologue to his Sentences Commentary, Question 1: Theology as a Science,” 97-159.
- Chris Schabel, “Parisian Secular Masters on Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents in the Early Fourteenth Century, Part I,” 161-219.
- Bernd Roling, “Syllogismus Brutorum: Die Diskussion der animalischen Rationalität bei Albertus Magnus und ihre Rezeption im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit,” 221-275.
Issue 2
- Jan A. Aertsen, “The Goodness of Being,” 281-295.
- Valeria Buffon, “Anonyme (Pseudo-Peckham), Lectura cum questionibus in ethicam nouam et veterem (vers 1240-1244),” 297-382.
- Sylvain Piron, “Le plan de l’évêque: Pour une critique interne de la condamnation du 7 mars 1277,” 383-415.
- Chris Schabel, “Parisian Secular Masters on Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents in the Early Fourteenth Century, Part II: Thomas Wylton’s Quaestio Ordinaria ‘Utrum Praedestinatus Possit Damnari,’” 417-479.
- Eckhard Kessler, “Ethik im Mittelalter und im frühen Humanismus: Kritische Studie über eine ‘Kritische Studie,’” 481-505.
- Bulletin de théologie et de philosophie médiévales, 507-545.
Religious Studies, 47 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Dror Ehrlich, “Some Further Reflections Regarding the Talbott-Crisp Debate on the Augustinian Concept of Everlasting Punishment,” 23-40.
Issue 3
- Chris Heathwood, “The Relevance of Kant’s Objection to Anselm’s Ontological Argument,” 345-357.
Issue 4: NTR
Res Philosophica 88 (4 ipy): see The Modern Schoolman
The Review of Metaphysics, 64-65 (4 ipy)
Volume 64, issue 3
- Reichberg, Gregory M., “Aquinas’ Moral Typology of Peace and War,” 46-87.
- Lloyd A. Newton, Review of On the Causes of the Properties of the Elements, by Albert the Great, translated by Irven M. Resnick, 621-623.
- Allen B. Moran, Review of He Became Poor: The Poverty of Christ and Aquinas’s Economic Teachings, by Christopher Franks, 634-636.
- Thaddeus Kozinski, Review of Truth: Studies of a Robust Presence, by Kurt Pritzl, 654-656.
Volume 64, issue 4
- Moser, Robbie, “Thomas Aquinas, Esse Intentionale, and the Cognitive as Such,” 763-88
- Tkacz, Michael W., “Albertus Magnus and the Recovery of Aristotelian Form,” 735-62
- Kevin L. Flannery, Review of The Semantics of Analogy: Rereading Cajetan’s De nominum analogia, by Joshua P. Hochschild, 865-866.
Volume 65, Issue 1.
- Michael Sweeney, “Greek Essence and Islamic Tolerance: Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rush’d,” 41-61.
- Peter A. Redpath, Review of Being and Beauty: Thomistic Perspectives. Translated by Hugh McDonald with the collaboration of Piotr Jarosznski, 164-166.
Volume 65, Issue 2 (final issue in 2011)
- Jamie Anne Spiering, “Liber est Causa Sui: Thomas Aquinas and the Maxim ‘The Free Is The Cause Of Itself,’” 351-376.
- Rafael A. Martínez, Review of Causa, forma, rappresentazione. Una trattazione a partire da Tommaso d’Aquino, by Gabriele de Anna, 418-419.
- Aaron Maddeford, Review of Francis Bacon’s “Inquiry Touching Human Nature”: Virtue, Philosophy, and the Relief of Man’s Estate, by Svetozar Y. Minkov, 436-437.
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2011 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, “Fénelon et la notion thomiste de prémotion physique; Le thomisme moderne au tribunal du molinisme,” 37-70.
Issue 2
- Asma Hilali, “Compiler, exclure, cacher. Les traditions dites « forgées » dans l’Islam sunnite (VIe/XIIe siècle),” 163-174.
Issue 3
- Pierre Boucaud, “Tous libres devant. Dieu Société carolingienne, Église et esclavage d’après l’exégèse de Claude de Turin († ca. 827/828),” 349-387.
Issue 4
- Laurent Mayali, “Introduction. De la raison à la foi : l’entrée du droit en religion,” 475-482.
- Raphaël Eckert, “Peine judiciaire, pénitence et salut entre droit canonique et théologie (XIIe s. – début du XIIIe s.),” 483-508.
- Elsa Marmursztejn, “Loi ancienne, loi nouvelle et normes chrétiennes dans la théologie scolastique du XIIIe siècle,” 509-539.
- Marie Bassano, “Normativer l’anormal : l’esprit juridique des sommes anti-Vaudois de la fin du XIIe siècle,” 541-566.
- Karl Shoemaker, “The Devil at Law in the Middle Ages,” 567-586.
- Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira, “Entre droit et religion: le blasphème, du péché de la langue au crime sans victime,” 587-602.
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques, 95 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Michael Chase, « Individus et description. Contribution à une histoire du problème de la connaissance des individus dans la philosophie néoplatonicienne », 3-36.
- Jean-Paul Coujou, « Suárez et la spécificité du désir de connaissance métaphysique », 37-67.
Issue 2
- Olivier Boulnois, « La théologie symbolique face à la théologie comme science », 217-250.
- Vincent Giraud, « Signum et vestigium dans la pensée de saint Augustin », 251-274.
- Pedro Filho, « Symbolisme et métonymies du sensible au divin chez Denys l’Aréopagite », 275-286.
- Philippe Richard, «« De ma chair je verrai Dieu ». Relecture contemporaine d’un texte carolingien sur la vision béatifique », 287-301
- Pascaline Turpin, « Querelle eucharistique et épaisseur du sensible: Bérenger et Lanfranc », 303-322.
- Jean Leclercq, « Voir le monde par les affects: Bernard de Clairvaux et la voie monastique », 323-341.
- Christian Trottmann, « Isaac de l’Étoile lecteur du livre de la nature », 343-362.
- Dominique Poirel, « Lire l’univers visible : le sens d’une métaphore chez Hugues de Saint-Victor », 363-382.
- Emmanuel Falque, « Le geste et la parole chez Hugues de Saint-Victor : l’Institution des novices », 383-412.
- Laure Solignac, « De la théologie symbolique comme bon usage du sensible chez saint Bonaventure », 413-428.
- Gilles Berceville, Marta Borgo, Iacopo Costa, Adriano Oliva, « Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales », 429-472.
Issue 3
- Gilbert Dahan, « Exégèse et prédication au Moyen Âge: Hommage au P. Louis-Jacques Bataillon, o.p. », 557-579.
- Maxime Allard, « De la singularisation de l’existence éthique chez Thomas d’Aquin », 631-652.
Issue 4
- Gilles Berceville, Marta Borgo, Iacopo Costa, Marc Millais, Adriano Oliva, « Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales », 885-920.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 85 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Gérard Rémy, « La notion de « medietas » chez Saint Augustin », 211-229.
- Laurence Decousu, « L’abandon de la pénitence dans la réconciliation des ariens d’origine barbare aux Ve et VIe siècles », 231-259.
Issue 3
- Olivier Ribordy, « Auctoritas magnorum doctorum. Usages de l’autorité magistrale par Pierre D’Ailly », 325-351.
- Isabel Iribarren, « Le Théologien: Poète de la Doctrine. Quelques Réflexions Autour de la Josephina de Jean Gerson », 353-370.
- Ota Pavlíček, « La figure de l’autorité magistrale à travers Jean Hus tt Jérôme de Prague », 371-389.
- Sophie Vallery-Radot, « Benoît Gentien et la défense des intérêts de l’université de Paris au concile de Constance », 391-409.
Issue 4: NTR
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 57 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, “Augustinisme et science moyenne,” 109-135.
- Wolfgang Hübner, “E pluribus unum bei Augustin,” 137-144.
Issue 2
- Jérôme Lagouanère, “La notion de prochain dans les premiers écrits d’Augustin. Esquisse de réflexion,” 239-267.
- Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic, “Le cercle et la droite, figures de la Consolation de Philosophie de Boèce,” 269-285.
- Sophie Van Der Meeren, “L’influence du protreptique à la philosophie sur la Consolatio de Boèce : réexamen de la question,” 287-323.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 64 (2 ipy): NTR
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 136 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Christophe Grellard, “Peut-on connaître quelque chose de nouveau ? variations médiévales sur l’argument du Ménon,” 37-66.
- Ana María Mora-Márquez, “Peri hermeneias 16a3-8: Histoire d’une rupture de la tradition interprétative dans le bas Moyen Âge,” 67-84.
Issue 2
- Alice Lamy, “La quantité indéterminée de la matière dans la génération. Jean de Jandun et Walter Burley (1280-1340),” 147-163.
Issue 3
- Isabelle Moulin, Review of Philosophie et théologie au Moyen Âge. Anthologie, edited by Olivier Boulnois, 405 – 407.
- Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Review of Lettres croisées de Jérôme et Augustin, edited by Carole Fry, 446 – 447.
- Jean Dubray, Review of La Beauté selon saint Augustin, by Jean-Michel Fontanier, 447 – 448.
Issue 4
- Alain Panero, Review of Savoir et sagesse, by Adriaan Th. Peperzak, 563 – 564.
- Alice Lamy, Review of Franciscus de Marchia, Quaestiones in secundum librum sententiarum (Reportatio II A) : Quaestiones 13-27, by Franciscus de Marchia, 564 – 565.
- Pierre Pellegrin, Review of Nicolas de Cues, La Paix de la foi, suivi de Lettre à Jean de Ségovie, by Nicolas de Cues, translation by Hervé Pasqua, 565 – 566.
- Yves Lorvellec, Review of Le livre du Sage, by Charles de Bovelles, translated by Pierre Magnard, 566.
- Jean-Marc Gabaude, Review of Disputes métaphysiques XXVIII-XXIX, by Francisco Suárez, translated by Jean-Paul Coujou, 570 – 572.
Issues 3, 4: NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 109 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Roland Hissette, “L‘Avicenna Latinus et le livre I de la Physique (Sufficientia): À propos d’une édition en cours,” 341-354.
Issues 3, 4: NTR
Revue Thomiste, 111 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- B. Marshall, « Beatus vir : Thomas d’Aquin, Romains 4 et la justification, » 5-34.
- F.-X. Putallaz, “Wittgenstein, saint Thomas et l’intériorité,” 35-66.
- H. Pasqua, « La doctrine de Dieu dans l’âme chez Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues, » 121-131.
- Hervé Pasqua, « La naissance de Dieu dans l’âme chez Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues, » 121-131.
Issue 2
- B. Tremblay, « Thomas d’Aquin et la logique comme savoir contemplatif, » 179-210.
Issue 3
- Alain Contat, « L’étant, l’esse et la participation selon Cornelio Fabro, » 357-403.
- Cornelio Fabro, « Saint Thomas, maître ès liberté, » 437-452.
Issue 4
- Hervé Pasqua, « Maître Eckhart par lui-même, » 629-654.
- Roger Pouivet, « Saint Thomas, philosophe analytique ? Défense d’une lecture discutable, » 655-660.
Hors-Série 2011
- Cornelio Fabro, « Actualité et originalité de l’« esse » thomiste, » 7-70.
- Cornelio Fabro, « L’obscurcissement de l’« esse » dans l’école thomiste, » 71-102.
- Cornelio Fabro, « Les reprises de l’esse thomiste au vingtième siècle : recension de Albert Keller, Sein oder Existenz, » 103-112.
- Cornelio Fabro, « L’analogie thomiste face à la thése de l’identité de l’être et du devenir : recension de L. Bruno Puntel, Analogie und Geschichtlichkeit, » 141-150.
- Cornelio Fabro, « Le « Liber de bona fortuna » de l’« Éthique à Eudème » d’Aristote et la dialectique de la divine Providence chez saint Thomas, » 151-170
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 103 (4 ipy)
No. 1
- Miquel Seguró Mendlewicz, “Analogia entis. La disputa cayetana-suarista como antesala para una teoría actual de la analogía (M. Beuchot),” 3-20.
- Elvio Ancona, “Veritá e certezza nel processo secondo Tommaso d’Aquino (I),” 21-41.
No. 2
- Edmund Runggaldier, “Concezioni ilemorfiche dell’anima,” 181-200.
- Werner Beierwaltes, “Sophia und Logos in der philosophischen Theologie des Dionysius Areopagita,” 217-234.
- Elvio Ancona, “Verità e certezza nel processo secondo Tommaso d’Aquino (II),” 235-256.
- Ariberto Acerbi, “Sull’aspetto di esercizio della volontà a partiere da san Tommaso, Quaestio 6 De Malo,” 257-272.
- Paolo Cevasco, “Diritto di natura: la cittadinanza umano-divina,” 299-325.
No. 3
- Giuseppe Fidelibus, “Ius communionis ed umanità universale: contributi di pensiero dalla polemica agostiniana contra donatistas,” 345-362.
- Ester Brambilla Pisoni, “L’‘errore’ nel primo libro delle Sententiae di Pietro Lombardo,” 363-387.
- Andrea Nannini, “Univocità metafisica dell’ens e individuazione mediante intensità di potenza in Duns Scoto,” 389-424.
No. 4
- Seung Kee-Lee, “The active and passive mind in Augustine,” 677-690.
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2011 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Gregorio Piaia, “Storia della filosofia e sindrome dell-escluso,” 95-101.
- Gianluca Briguglia, “Marguerite Porete. 1310-2010,” 157-160.
Issue 2
- Federica Caldera, “Forme e oggetti della conoscenza nel XIV secolo,” 339-342.
Issue 3, 4: NTR
Southwestern Journal of Philosophy = Philosophical Topics
Southwest Philosophy Review, 27 (2 ipy): NTR
Speculum, 86 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Ian P. Wei, “From Twelfth-Century Schools to Thirteenth-Century Universities: The Disappearance of Biographical and Autobiographical Representations of Scholars,” 42-78.
- Nicholas Watson, Review of Salvation and Sin: Augustine, Langland, and Fourteenth-Century Theology, by David Aers, 151-153.
- Bruce Milem, Review of Connaissance et vérité chez Maître Eckhart: Seul le juste connaît la justice, by Julie Casteigt, 175-177.
Issue 2
- Alex J. Novikoff, “Anselm, Dialogue, and the Rise of Scholastic Disputation,” 387-418.
- Thomas C. Moser Jr., Review of Ordering Chaos: The Self and the Cosmos in Twelfth-Century Latin Prosimetrum, by Bridget K. Balint, 461-463.
- Antoine Côté, Review of Pour une histoire de la “double vérité,” by Luca Bianchi, 468-470.
- Michael Barnwell, Review of Aquinas’s Ethics: Metaphysical Foundations, Moral Theory, and Theological Context, by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Colleen McCluskey, and Christina Van Dyke, 483-484.
- Sharon M. Kaye, Review of Rethinking the History of Skepticism: The Missing Medieval Background, edited by Henrik Lagerlund, 518-519.
- Robert Chazan, Review of Philosophy and Rabbinic Culture: Jewish Interpretation and Controversy in Medieval Languedoc, by Gregg Stern, 556-557.
Issue 3
- Sara L. Uckelman, Review of Quaestiones circa logicam (Twenty-Five Disputed Questions on Logic), by Albert of Saxony, translated by Michael J. Fitzgerald, 719-720.
Issue 4
- Isabel Davis, “‘The Trinity is our everlasting lover’: Marriage and Trinitarian Love in the Later Middle Ages,” 914-963.
- Georges Tamer, Review of Die Konzeption des Messias bei Maimonides und die frühmittelalterliche islamische Philosophie, by Francesca Yardenit Albertini, 1040-1041.
- Brian A. Pavlac, Review of Nicholas of Cusa: A Sketch for a Biography, by Erich Meuthen, 1099-1100.
- Ken Pennington, Review of Empty Bottles of Gentilism: Kingship and the Divine in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, by Francis Oakley, 1106-1108.
- David Zachariah Flanagin, Review of Mediaeval Commentaries on the “Sentences” of Peter Lombard, 2, edited by Philipp W. Rosemann, 1115-1116.
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 1 (1-2 ipy)
- Domenico Cufalo, “Scoli medievali e tradizione antica,” 6-22.
- Cristina D’Ancona, “Platonic and Neoplatonic Terminology for Being in Arabic Translation,” 23-45.
- Ouafae Nahli, “Yaḥyā ibn ‘Adī sulla differenza fra la logica greca e la grammatica araba,” 47-66.
Studia Neoaristotelica, 8 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Luca Gili, “The Order Between Substance and Accidents in Aquinas’s Thought,” 16-37.
- Václav Němec, “Tomášovo pojetí esence v De ente et essentia a jeho zdroje,” 38-71.
- Daniel Heider, “K objektivnímu bytí u Suáreze. Poznámka ke studii Jana Palkosky ‘Descartova ontologie mentální reprezentace a otázka Suárezova vlivu,’” 95-105.
- Nicolai de Orbellis, “Tractatus De distinctionibus,” 119-137.
Issue 2 (final issue in 2011)
- Helen Hattab, “Suárez and Descartes: A Priori Arguments Against Substantial Forms and the Decline of the Formal Cause,” 143-162.
- Yehuda Halper, “The Convergence of Religious and Metaphysical Concepts: Mofet and Devequt in the Hebrew Translation of Averroës’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics,” 163-177.
- Miroslav Hanke, “‘Debeo tibi equum’ Analýza slibů v terministické sémantice čtrnáctého století,” 189-210.
- David Svoboda, “The Importance of Scholastic Theology,” 249-257.
Studi Francescani NA
Studi Medievali, 52 (2 ipy)
Fasc. 2
- Alessandro Lucia, “ ‘Unde Boetius in tractatu de summon bono dicit.’ Il De summon bono di Boezio di Dacia nel comment di William Wheatley (XIV secolo) alla Consolatio Philosophiae di Boezio,” 93-117.
Synthese, 178-183 (multi ipy): NTR
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 75 (4 ipy)
Volume 1
- Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, “Aquinas on the Vice of Sloth,” 43-64.
- Franklin T. Harkins, “Primus Doctor Iudaeorum: Moses as Theological Master in the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas,” 65-94.
- Randall Smith, “What the Old Law Reveals about the Natural Law According to Aquinas,” 95-139.
Volume 2
- Corey L. Barnes, “Christological Composition in Thirteenth-Century Debates,” 173-206.
- Thomas McLaughlin, “Act, Potency, and Energy,” 207-243.
- Kevin L. Flannery, S.J., “On Counseling the Lesser Evil,” 245-289.
- Manfred Svensson, “A Defensible Conception of Tolerance in Aquinas?” 291-308.
Volume 3
- Matthew Levering, “Predestination in John 13-17? Aquinas’s Commentary on John and Contemporary Exegesis?” 393-414.
- Patrick M. Gardner, “Thomas and Dante on the Duo Ultima Hominis,” 415-459.
Volume 4
- Adam Wood, “Medieval Mind-Body Problems,” 585-636.
- Lawrence Dewan, “Aquinas on Virtus Essendi,” 617-651.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 73 (4 ipy): NTR
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, (2 ipy)
Número 40
- Marie I. George, “Aquinas on the Dangers of Natural Virtue and the Control of Natural Vice,” 13-50.
- Angelo Campodonico, “Las valoraciones del deseo: felicidad, ley natural y virtudes en Tomás de Aquino,” 51-62.
- Juan José Sanguineti, “La especie cognitiva en Tomás de Aquino,” 63-104.
- Michael Waddell, “Aquinas on the Light of Glory,” 105-132.
- Antonio Malo Pé, “La antropología tomista de las pasiones,” 133-170.
- María Pía Chirinos, “Hacia una noción humana y positiva del trabajo: crítica de algunas interpretaciones aristotélicas y tomistas del siglo XX,” 195-224.
Número 41: NTR
Topoi, 30 (1-2 ipy): NTR
Traditio, 66 (1 ipy): NTR
Vivarium, 49 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-3
- Allan Bäck, “Avicenna’s Hermeneutics”, 9-25.
- Christopher J. Martin, “What An Ugly Child: Abaelard on Translation, Figurative Language, and Logic,” 26-49.
- Luisa Valente, “Praedicaturi supponimus. Is Gilbert of Poitiers’ approach to the problem of linguistic reference a pragmatic one?” 50-74.
- Sten Ebbesen, “Context-sensitive Argumentation: Dirty Tricks in the Sophistical Refutations and a Perceptive Medieval Interpretation of the Text,” 75-94.
- Fabrizio Amerini, “Pragmatics and Semantics in Thomas Aquinas,” 95-126.
- Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe, “Disputation and Logic in the Medieval Treatises De Modo Opponendi et Respondendi,” 127-149.
- Ana María Mora-Márquez, “Pragmatics in Peter John Olivi’s Account of Signification of Common Names,” 150-164.
- Joke Spruyt, “Henry of Ghent on Teaching Theology,” 165-183.
- Ernesto Perini-Santos, “John Buridan’s Theory of Truth and the Paradox of the Liar,” 184-213.
- Frédéric Goubier, Nausicaa Pouscoulous, “Virtus sermonis and the semantics-pragmatics distinction,” 214-239.
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes, “Medieval Obligationes as a Theory of Discursive Commitment Management,” 240-257.
- Laurent Cesalli, “Wyclif on the Felicity (Conditions) of Marriage,” 258-274.
- Riccardo Strobino, “Contexts of Utterance and Evaluation in Peter of Mantua’s Obligationes,” 275-299.
Issue 4
- Jason W. Carter, “St. Augustine on Time, Time Numbers, and Enduring Objects,” 301-323.
- Han Thomas Adriaenssen, “Peter John Olivi on Perceptual Representation,” 324-352.
- Luigi Campi, “Yet Another ‘Lost’ Chapter of Wyclif’s Summa de ente. Notes on some puzzling references to Tractatus 13 1,” 353-367.
- Dominik Perler, Review of Tractatus brevis de modis distinctionum, edited by Celia López Alcalde and Josep Batalla, 368-370.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 46 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Phillip Cary, “Philosophical and Religious Origins of the Private Inner Self,” 121 – 134.
Issue 2
- Ernan McMullin, “Darwin and the Other Christian Tradition,” 291 – 316
Issues 3 – 4: NTR