2012 Bibliography

Last worked on 03/13/2022

Revised JLS 07/08/2017

Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 15 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 86 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 29 (1-2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Angelicum, 89 (4 ipy)

Fasc. 1

  • Basil Cole, OP, “Contraception and Violence: a Thomistic Comparison,” 83-92.
  • Marcelo Neves, O.P., “Bartolomeu de Las Casas e Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: um debate sempre atual (primeira parte),” 117-163.

Fasc. 2

  • Wiesłaq Dąbrowski, “La discesa di Cristo agli inferi secondo il commento di san Tommaso d’Aquino al Corpus Paulinum,” 339-376.
  • Cormac Burke, “St. Augustine: a View on Marriage and Sexuality in Today’s World,” 377-403.
  • Marcelo Neves, O.P., “Bartolomeu de Las Casas e Jaun Ginés de Sepúlveda: um debate sempre atual (segunda parte),” 405-432.
  • Clifford Stevens, “Saint Thomas Aquinas and Evolution,” 433-451.
  • Ramiro Délio Borges de Meneses, “O Belo e o Sublime segundo S. Tomas de Aquino e Kant: pela crítica do juízo estético,” 453-475.
  • Bruno Esposito, O.P., “Il contributo dei laici cattolici in ambito giuridico per la nuova evangelizzazion: le utili indicazioni di san Tommaso d’Aquino,” 493-515.
  • Sister Catherine Joseph Droste, O.P., “If You will be Perfect. . .’ – St. Thomas Aquinas on Evangelical Poverty,” 533-545.

Fasc. 3/4

  • Sr. Louise-Marie Antoniotti, “Être une personne,” 611-638.
  • Rev. Benedict Guevin, O.S.B., Ph.D., S.T.D., “What Happens to the Soul when We Die? Aquinas on the Intermediate State of the Soul,” 667-672.
  • Matthew R. McWhorter, Ph.D., “Aquinas and Inherently Privative Moral Acts,” 715-734.
  • Piotr Roszac, “Collatio sapientiae. Dinámica participatorio-cristológica de la sabiduría a la luz del Super Psalmos de santo Tomáss de Aquino,” 749-769.
  • Lorenzo Spezia, “Il ruolo del soggetto nella gnoseologia di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 771-780.
  • Gianpiero Tavolaro, “Sacra Scriptura e Theologia nei Commentarii in I-IV Sententiarum e nella Summa Theologiae di Alberto Magno,” 771-814.

Annuario Filosofico, 28 (1 ipy)

  • Enrico Guglielminetti, Duns Scoto, filosofo dell’aggiunta?
  • Davide Monaco, Niccolò Cusano e il Parmenide di Platone.

Anuario Filosófico (Universidad de Navarra), 45 (3 ipy)

Issue 2

  • Cirilo Flórez Miguel, “El lenguaje politico: transformaciones y teorias,” 257-281.
  • Emiliano Fernández Vallina, “El tratado de optima politia del Tostado: una vision singular en el siglo XV hispano sobre las formas politicas de gobierno,” 283-311.
  • Merio Scattola, “La virtud de la justicia en la doctrina de Domingo de Soto,” 313-341.
  • Ángel Poncela González, “Domingo de Soto: analisis antropologico de la facultad del dominio,” 343-366.
  • María Martín Gómez, “‘Virtud, hija del cielo’: sobre el pensamiento moral de fray Luis de Leon,” 367-390.
  • Francisco T. Baciero Ruiz, “El concepto de derecho subjetivo y el derecho a la propiedad privada en Suarez y Locke,” 391-421.

Issue 3

  • Agustín Echavarria, “Tomás de Aquino y el problema del mal la vigencia de una perspectiva metafisica,” 521-544.
  • José Manuel García Valverde, “El intelecto agente en Pietro Pomponazzi: un análisis de su presencia en el Tractatus de immortalitate animae y en la Apologia,” 545-566.

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 22 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 9 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Peter Gemeinhardt, “The Trinitarian Theology of Joachim of Fiore,” 9-33.
  • John Hall, “School Allegiance in the Later Twelfth Century? The Cases of Simon of Tournai, Peter of Poitiers, and Magister Martinus,” 34-63.
  • di Romolo Cegna, “Ecclesia Primitiva: Dall’ Opus arduum valde a Nicolaus de Drazna (de Rosa Nigra),” 64-85.
  • Alberto Cadili, “Ecclesia moderna und ecclesia primitiva in den Predigten des Jan Želivský (Prag 1419),” 86-135.
  • Thomas Prügl, “Urkirche und frühchristliche Praxis als Legitimationsstrategie im Basler Konziliarismus,” 136-160.

Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 66 (6 ipy): NTR

Archives de Philosophie, 75 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Laurent Lavaud, « La métaphore de la liberté. Liberté humaine et liberté divine chez Plotin ». 11-28.
  • Alexandra Michalewski, « Le premier de Numénius et l’Un de Plotin », 29-48.
  • Sylvain Roux, « Transcendance et relation. Plotin et l’antinomie du principe », 49-76.

Issues 2 – 4: NTR

Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 79 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 62 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 94 (3 ipy)

Issue 2

  • Andrew Arlig, “Peter Abelard on Material Constitution,” 119-146.

Issue 3

  • Peter Adamson, “Abu Bakr al-Razi on Animals,” 249-273.
  • Joaquín García-Huidobro, “Michael of Ephesus and the Byzantine Reception of the Aristotelian Doctrine of Natural Justice,” 274-295.
  • Stephen Darwall, “Grotius at the Creation of Modern Moral Philosophy,” 296-325.

Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 105 (4 ipy): NTR

Archivium Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 70 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Augustinianum, 52 (2 ipy)

Issue 2

Augustinian Studies, 43 (2 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 90 (4 ipy): NTR

Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 15 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Hans-Ulrich Wöhler, “Der operationale Konzeptualismus des Nikolaus von Amsterdam vor dem Hintergrund der Universaliendebatte,” 26-36.
  • Norbert Winkler, “Albert der Große – De intellectu et intelligibili: Eine intellekttheoretische Wiederentdeckung aus dem 13. Jahrhundert,” 71-130.
  • Paul Bakker J.J.M., “Nicholas of Amsterdam on Accidental Being: A Study and Edition of Two Questions from his Commentary on the Metaphysics,” 131-180.
  • Hans-Ulrich Wöhler, “Anonymus, Quaestio de delectation intellectuali determinate in quodlibeto Lipsiensi A. D. 1450,” 181-199.
  • Thomas Dewender, “Nicholas of Amsterdam on Infinity,” 200-244.

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 20 (4-6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

Issue 5

Issue 6

  • Michael Edwards, Review of Metaphysical Themes: 1274-1671, by Robert Pasnau, 1207-1209.

Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 54 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Pieter De Leemans and Cecilia Trifogli, “Commission II: The Latin Aristotle and Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle (2007-2012),” 3-22.
  • Steven Harvey and Resianne Fontaine, “Commission VII: Jewish Philosophie (2008-2012), ” 23-46.
  • Georgi Kapriev, “Commission VIII: Byzantinische Philosophie (2007-2012), 47-54.
  • William J. Courtenay, “SIEPM Project: Report on the Repertory of Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences (2011-2012), ” 55-57.
  • Roberto H. Pich and Alfredo S. Culleton, “SIEPM Project: Scholastica colonialis. Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin-American Countries, 16th-18th Centuries (2010-2012), ” 59-74.
  • Michele Trizio, “Ancient Physics in the Mid-Byzantine Period: The Epitome of Theodore of Smyrna, Consul of the Philosophers under Alexios I Komnenos (1081-1118),” 77-99.
  • John A. Demetracopoulos, “The Inluence of Thomas Aquinas on Late Byzantine Philosophical and Theological Thought: À propos of the Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus Project,” 101-124.
  • John Monfasani, “A Note on George Amiroutzes (c. 1400-c. 1469) and His Moral Argument Against the Transmigration of Souls,” 125-135.
  • Frédérique Woerther, “Les traces du Grand commentaire d’al-Fārābī à la Rhétorique d’Aristote dans la traduction arabo-latine de la Rhétorique par Hermann l’Allemand,” 137-154.
  • Riccardo Saccenti, “The Materia super libros Sententiarum Attributed to Peter Comestor: Study of the Text and Critical Edition,” 155-215.
  • Dragos Calma, “Du néoplatonisme au réalisme et retour, parcours latins du Liber de causis aux xiiie – xvie siècles,” 217-276.
  • Alexandra Baneu and Dragos Calma, “Notes sur un commentaire inédit au Liber de causis (Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 4º Cod 68),” 277-296.
  • Delphine Carron Faivre, “Guillaume de Leus, commentateur du Liber de causis,” 297-331.
  • Roberto Hofmeister Pich, “Scholastica colonialis: Notes on Jerónimo Valera’s (1568-1625) Life, Work and Logic,” 333-370.

Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (irregular): No issue published this year.

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 81 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 42 (4 ipy)

Issue 3-4

Chôra, 9-10 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Collectanea Franciscana, 82 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3-4

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 60 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Dominik Perler, “Die kognitive Struktur von Hofnung: Zwei mittelalterliche Erklärungsmodelle,” 73-89.

Issues 2 – 6: NTR

Dialogue, 51 (4 ipy): NTR

Dionysius, XXX (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Wayne J. Hankey, “Memoria, Intellectus, Voluntas: the Augustinian Centre of Robert Crouse’s Scholarly Work,” 41-76.
  • Neil Robertson, “Robert Crouse and Augustine Ancient, Medieval and Modern: A Response to Wayne Hankey,” 77-86.
  • Michael Fournier, “A porisma to Crouse on Boethius, Augustine, and the Mathematical Sciences,” 95-100.
  • Evan King, “Robert Crouse on Meister Eckhart,” 101-116.
  • Emily Parker and Alexander Treiger, “Philo’s Odyssey into the Medieval Jewish World: Neglected Evidence from Arab Christian Literature,” 117-146.
  • Charlotte Gross, “Angels and Time: Reading Augustine’s City of God 12.16,” 185-204.

Discusiones Filosóficas, 13 (2 ipy)

Número 20

Número 21

Divus Thomas, 115 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

Doctor Virtualis, 11 (1 ipy): NTR

Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 23 (1 ipy)

Early Science and Medicine, 17 (6 ipy)

Issue 3

  • Nicholas H. Clulee, Review of Magic, Memory and Natural Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, by Stephen Clucas, 364-365.

Issue 6

  • H. Darrel Rutkin, Review of Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition: Education, Reading and Philosophy in Copernicus’s Path to Heliocentrism, by André Goddu, 650-652.

Estudios Filosoficos, 61 (3 ipy)

Issue 2 (no. 177)

  • Santiago Argüello, “La Lectura romana y la evolución de la enseñanza de Tomás de Aquino sobre la imagen y semejanza de Dios,” 245-276.
  • Justino López Santamaría, “Sobre La lógica de la creencia. Una filosofía (tomista) de la religion,” 373-380.

Issue 3 (no. 178)

  • Jaume Rodríguez and Andrés Luis, “La teoría de las pasiones en Tomás de Aquino y Descartes,” 513-526.

Etudes Franciscaines, 5 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Amandine Postec, “Les quodlibets de Matthieu d’Aquasparta. État des recherches en cours.”
  • Estelle Garbay-Velazquez, “Étude et édition annotée du Quatrième Abécédaire spirituel de Francisco de Osuna (1530). Résumé de thèse.”
  • François Delmas-Goyon, Review of Divine Illumination. The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge, by Lydia Schumacher.
  • Bernard Forthomme, Review of Du Christ à la Trinité. Penser les mystères du Christ après Thomas d’Aquin et Balthasar, by Etienne Vetö.

Issue 2

  • Sophie Delmas, “Les franciscaines et l’Université au Moyen Âge.”
  • François Delmas-Goyon, Review of Les quatre livres des sentences. Premier livre, by Pierre Lombard.
  • François Delmas-Goyon, Review of Nicolas de Lyre. Franciscain du XIVe siècle. Exégète et théologien, edited by Gilbert Dahan.

Faith and Philosophy, 29 (4 ipy): NTR

Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), 44-45 (2 ipy)

Volume 44, Issue 2

Volume 45, Issue 1

Filozofia, 67 (10 ipy)

Number 6

Number 9

  • Jaroslav Mestek, Review of Suárez and His Metaphysics: From Existence through the Transcendental Unity to the Sorts of Transcendental Unity, by D. Heider, 764-766.

Number 10

  • Peter Volek, Review of Suárez and His Metaphysics. From Existence through Transcendental Unity to Various Kinds of the Latter, by D. Heider, 857-859.

Franciscan Studies, 70 (1 ipy)

  • Dominique Poirel, “L’écriture de Thomas de Celano: une rhétorique de la rupture,” 73-99.
  • Hal Friday, “The Vidi Alterum Angelum Topos in Two Sermons by Guibert of Tournai for the Feast of St. Francis,” 101-138.
  • Alain Boureau, “Bonaventure, commentateur de l’Apocalypse Pour une nouvelle attribution de Vox Domini,” 139-181.
  • Paul Rorem, “Dionysian Uplifting (Anagogy) in Bonaventure’s Reductio,” 183-188.
  • Dominic Whitehouse, O.F.M.: “Peter Olivi’s Dialogue with Aristotle on the Emotions,” 189-245.
  • Malgorzata Krasnodebska D’Aughton, “Inflamed with Seraphic Ardor: Franciscan Learning and Spirtuality in the Fourteenth-Century Irish Pilgrimage Account,” 283-312.
  • Dominique Poirel, “De l’intégration au dépouillement: Thomas de Célano et sa réception de quelques thèmes d’Hugues de Saint-Victor,” 341-366.
  • Boyd Taylor Coolman, “Hugh of St. Victor’s Influence on the Halensian Definition of Theology,” 367-384.
  • Paul Rorem, “Bonaventure’s Ideal and Hugh of St. Victor’s Comprehensive Biblical Theology,” 385-397.
  • Dale M. Coulter, “The Victorine Sub-structure of Bonaventure’s Thought,” 399-410.
  • David Burr, “A Time to Live, a Time to Die: Angelo Clareno on Martyrdom,” 411-428.
  • Isabelle Heullant-Donat, “Martyrdom and Identity in the Franciscan Order (Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries),” 429-453.

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 59 (2 ipy)

Heft 1

Heft 2

  • Irene Zavattero, “I volgarizzamenti duecenteschi della Summa Alexandrinorum,” 333-359.
  • Tiziana Suarez-Nani, “Raimondo Lullo, i demoni e gli averroisti,” 360-375.
  • Ruedi Imbach, “Gratiosum lumen rationis. Appunto a proposito di un sintagma dantesco,” 376-388.
  • Pasquale Porro, “«Avegna che pochi, per male camminare, compiano la giornata». L’ideale della felicità filosofica e i suoilimiti nel Convivio dantesco,” 389-406.
  • Irène Rosier-Catach, “« Non mi pare di Dante …». Sur diverses lectures du De vulgari eloquentia dans les débats sur la questione della lingua,” 407-425.
  • Thomas Ricklin, “Giovanni Boccaccio e la lingua della Commedia. Le grandi linee di un problema imbarazzante,” 426-446.
  • Christophe Grellard, “Nicole Oresme et l’élaboration d’une science pour les laïcs, entre esbatement et contemplation,” 447-463.
  • Catherine König-Pralong, “Métaphysique, théologie et politique culturelle chez Christine de Pizan,” 464-479.
  • Luca Bianchi, “Volgarizzare Aristotele: per chi?” 480-495.
  • Isabelle Wienand, “Constantes et transformations dans les théories philosophiques des émotions du Moyen Age à l’Age classique,” 522-526. ???

Giornale di Metafisica, 34 (3 ipy)

Number 1

  • Angel Luis González, “Relación metafísica de finito e infinito en Nicolás de Cusa,” 61-74.
  • Rogelio Rovira, “Las tesis de Nicolás de Cusa sobre la naturaleza de la relación de lo infinito y lo finito. Comentario a A.L. González,” 75-79.
  • Enrico Guglielminetti, “‘Quei due che ‘nsieme vanno’. Idee per un’ontologia della relazione,” 95-106.
  • Alessandra Cislaghi, “La relazione come aggiunta essenziale. Riflessioni intorno alla tesi di Enrico Guglielminetti per un’ontologia della relazione,” 107-114.

Number 2

  • Rosa Maria Lupo, “Metafisica ed eidetica: su un particolare aspetto della funzione meta,” 43-73.

Number 3: NTR

Gregorianum, 93 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, “Dieu et la philosophie,” 75-90.
  • John M. McDermott, “Is the Blessed Trinity Naturally Knowable?” 113-149.

Issue 3

  • Paul Pace, S.I., “Francisco Suárez and Justice,” 497-525.

Issue 4: NTR

Heythrop Journal, 53 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

  • Richard Penaskovic, Review of From Kavād to al-Ghazālī: Religion, Law and Political Thought in the Near East, c. 600–1100, by Patricia Crone, 514-515.

Issue 4

  • James Jacobs, “The Person as an Object of Science in Aquinas,” 574-584.
  • Patrick Madigan, Review of Law, Reason, and Morality in Medieval Jewish Philosophy: Saadia Gaon, Bahya ibn Pakuda, and Moses Maimonides, by Jonathon Jacobs, 711.
  • Patrick Riordan, Review of Aquinas’s Ethics: Metaphysical Foundations, Moral Theory and Theological Context, by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Colleen McCluskey and Christina Van Dyke,711-712.
  • Patrick Riordan, Review of Good and Evil Actions: A Journey through Saint Thomas Aquinas, by Steven J. Jensen, 712-713.
  • Patrick Madigan, Review of The Logic of Desire: Aquinas on Emotion, by Nicholas E. Lombardo, O.P., 713.

Issues 5, 6: NTR

History and Philosophy of Logic, 33 (4 ipy): NTR

History of Philosophy Quarterly, 29 (4 ipy)

Number 2

Number 4

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 71-72 (6 ipy)

Volume 71, Issue 2

Volume 71, Issue 3: NTR

Volume 72, Issues 1 – 3: NTR

International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 20 (5 ipy): NTR

International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 73 (4-5 ipy)

Issue 4 (final issue for 2012)

International Philosophical Quarterly, 52 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 8 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Aaron Spevack, “Disconnection and Doubt: Revisting Schacht’s theories of Ijtihād”
  • Alexander Wain, “A Critical Study of Mabadi’ Arāʾ Ahl Madinat al-Fāḍila: The Role of Islam in the Philosophy of Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī.”
  • Edward O. Moad, “Behind the Good, the Bad, and the Obligatory in al-Ghazālī’s al-Mustaṣfa.”
  • Benjamin G. Cook, “Ibn Sabʿīn and Islamic Orthodoxy: A Reassessment.”

Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 20 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Sergey Dolgopolski, “Who Thinks in the Talmud?” 1-34.
  • Kalman P. Bland, “Liberating Imagination and Other Ends of Medieval Jewish Philosophy,” 35-53.

Issue 2

  • Michael Zank and Hartwig Wiedebach, “The Kant-Maimonides Constellation,” 135-145.
  • Mark A. Kaplowitz, “Maimonides on Creation, Kant’s First Antinomy, and Hermann Cohen,” 141-171.
  • Warren Zev Harvey, “Shlomo Pines on Maimonides, Spinoza, and Kant,” 173-182.
  • Francesca Yardenit Albertini, “Peace and War in Moses Maimonides and Immanuel Kant: A Comparative Study,” 183-198.
  • Heidi M. Ravven, “Maimonides’ Non-Kantian Moral Psychology: Maimonides and Kant on the Garden of Eden and the Genealogy of Morals,” 199-216.
  • Zachary J. Braiterman, “Maimonides and the Visual Image after Kant and Cohen,” 217-230.

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 41 (6 ipy): NTR

Journal of Philosophical Research, 37 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

The Journal of Religion, 92 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

  • Kyle Rader, Review of Augustine and the Trinity, by Lewis Ayres, 557-559.

Journal of Religious Ethics, 40 (4 ipy): NTR

Journal of the History of Ideas, 73 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

Journal of the History of Philosophy, 50 (4 ipy)

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LXXV (1 ipy): NTR

Laval théologique et philosophique, 68 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Médiévales, 62-63 (2 ipy)

Volume 62

Volume 63

Mediaevalia, 32 (1 ipy): NTR

Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 31 (1 ipy): NTR

Mediaeval Sophia, 11-12 (2 ipy)

Issue 11

Issue 12

  • Valentina Bonsangue, “Una polemica antioratoria in Marziano Capella. In nota a De nupt. 6, 576,” pp. 26-32.
  • Salvatore D’Agostino, “La teologia della storia e il profetismo apocalittico di Arnau de Villanova,” pp. 88-115.
  • Luca Lombardo, “Quasi come sognando. Dante e la presunta rarità del «libro di Boezio» (Convivio II XII 2-7),” pp. 141-152.
  • Valeria Mercurio, La “legatura di Isacco” nella Guida dei perplessi di Maimonide,” pp. 153-170.
  • Giuliana Musotto, “Il fiat lux biblico e la riflessione francescana sulla creatio;” pp. 171-184
  • Pietro Palmeri, “Adelardo di Bath, la Sicilia, il Mediterraneo, l’Oriente,” pp. 185-196

Mediaeval Studies, 74 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • John C. Wei, “A Twelfth-Century Treatise on Charity: The Tract ‘Vt autem hoc euidenter’ of the Sentence Collection Deus itaque summe atque ineffabiliter bonus,” 1-51.
  • Louis Shwartz, “The Quodlibet secundum of Ferrarius Catalanus, O.P., Parisian Master and Sucessor of St. Thomas Aquinas,” 51-101.
  • Sean L. Field, “Guido of Collemezzo’s Extraccio de dictis Bernardi et quibusdam aliis super Evangelio ‘Missus est angelus Gabriel” 143-163.
  • Don A. Monson, “Censorship and Self-Censorship? The Case of Drouart la Vache, Translator of Andreas Capellanus,” 243-263.
  • Julius Kirshner, “Was Bartolo da Sassoferrato a Source for Christine de Pizan?” 263-283.
  • J. Patrick Hornbeck II, “‘A Prophane or Hethyn Thing’: English Lollards on Baptism and Confirmation,” 283-307.

Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, XXXVII (1 ipy)

Micrologus, 20 (1 ipy)

Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 36 (1 ipy): NTR

Mind, 121 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

  • David Efird, Review of Some Later Medieval Theories of the Eucharist: Thomas Aquinas, Giles of Rome, Duns Scotus, and William Ockham, by Marilyn McCord Adams, 467-470.

Issues 3-4: NTR

The Modern Schoolman, 89 (4 ipy)

Issue 1/2

Issue 3/4

The Monist, 95 (4 ipy): NTR

New Scholasticism = American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

Noûs, 46 (4 ipy): NTR

Nova et Vetera, 10 (4 ipy). I did not make or check these entries. The libraries’ copy of the 2012 issues is missing or checked out. Most entries in the original document I received were incomplete, so I am not sure that all relevant papers are included.

Issue 1

  • Christopher Thompson. “Introduction to the Symposium on Aquinas and the Environment,” 61-66.
  • Christopher Thompson, “Perennial Wisdom: Notes Toward a Green Thomism,” 67-80.
  • John A. Cuddeback, “Renewing Husbandry: Wendell Berry, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas on ‘Economics,'” 121-34.
  • Stephen A. Hipp, “Nature’s Finality and the Stewardship of Creation According to Saint Thomas Aquinas,” 143-91.
  • Steven A. Long, “Thomistic Reflections on the Cosmos, Man, and Stewardship,” 193-213.
  • Charles Morerod, O.P. “A World of Natures and the Presence of God.” 215-31.
  • Deborah Savage. “Metaphysical Realism as the Foundation of Environmental Stewardship and Economic Development.” 233-52.

Issue 2

  • Paul Gondreau, “The Redemption and Divinization of Human Sexuality through the Sacrament of Marriage: A Thomistic Approach,” 383-413.
  • Peter Kwasniewski, “St. Thomas on the Grandeur and Limitations of Marriage,” 415-36.
  • Thomas Joseph White, O.P., “Toward a Post-Secular, Post-Conciliar Thomistic Philosophy: Wisdom in the Face of Modernity and the Challenge of Contemporary Natural Theology,” 521-30.
  • Thomas Joseph White, O.P., “Engaging the Thomistic Tradition and Contemporary Culture Simultaneously: A Response to Burrell, Healy, and Schindler,” 605-23.

Issue 3

  • Corey L. Barnes, “Necessary, Fitting, or Possible: The Shape of Scholastic Christology,” 657-88.
  • Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P, “Aquinas as Interpreter of Augustinian Illumination in Light of Albertus Magnus,” 689-714.
  • Lawrence Dewan, O.P. “The Existence of God: Can it be Demonstrated?” 731-56.
  • Fiona Lynch, “A Philosopher for our Time: Aquinas and Critical Reason,” 757-74.
  • Randall B. Smith, “How to Read a Sermon by Thomas Aquinas,” 775-804.
  • Stephen L. Brock, “The Causality of the Unmoved Mover in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on Metaphysics XII,” 805-32.
  • Kevin L. Flannery, S.J., “On Professor Berti’s Interpretation of the Causality of the First Unmoved Mover,” 833-62.
  • Enrico Berti. “The Finality of Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover in the Metaphysics Book 12, Chapters 7 and 10.” 863-76.

Issue 4

  • Gregory M. Reichberg, “Discontinuity in Catholic Just War Teaching? From Aquinas to the Contemporary Popes,” 1073-97.

Oliviana, 4 (less than 1 ipy)

Oriens, 40 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy: This journal was established in 2013.

Philosopher’s Imprint, 17 (multi ipy)

No. 17

No. 18, 19 (no further issues for 2012): NTR

Philosophia, 40 (4 ipy): NTR

Philosophia. E-Journal for philosophy and culture, 1 – 4 (1-4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

The Philosophical Quarterly, 62 (4 ipy)

Issue 247

  • Richard Cross, Review of Moral Dilemmas in Medieval Thought from Gratian to Aquinas, by M.V. Dougherty, 404-405.

Issue 249

The Philosophical Review, 121 (4 ipy): NTR

Philosophical Studies, 157-161 (15 ipy): NTR

Philosophical Topics, 40 (2 ipy): NTR

Philosophiques, 39 (2 ipy): NTR

Philosophy and Theology, 24 (2 ipy)

Issue 2

Philosophy Compass, 7 (12 ipy): NTR

Praxis Filosófica, 2012 (2 ipy)

Número 35

Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 86 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 10 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 11 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

Quaestiones Disputatae, 3 (1 ipy)

Volume 3, Issue 1

Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 79 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Religious Studies, 48 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR.

Res Philosophica see The Modern Schoolman

The Review of Metaphysics, 65-66 (4 ipy)

Volume 65, Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Volume 66, Issue 2

  • Ariberto Acerbi, “Aquinas’s Commentary on Boethius’s De Trinitate,” 317-338.

Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2012 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Moisés Orfali, “La prédication chrétienne sur les Juifs dans l’Espagne du bas Moyen Âge,” 31-52.

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 96 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Kristina Mitalaïté, “Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines carolingiennes,” 133-189.

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales, 751-793.

Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 86 (1-4 ipy)

No. 2

  • Frédéric Gabriel, « Canon textuel et autorité magistérielle : une controverse entre Alfonso de Madrigral et Juan de Torquemada (Sienne, 1443), » 127-142.
  • Marco Pedretti, “A Catalan Diplomat, Theologian and Preacher at the Council of Constance: Master Felip de Malla,” 143-161.
  • Hugues Labarthe, « Sanche mulier († 1418): L’engagement d’un maître toulousain au défi du grand schisme d’Occident, » 163-182.
  • Charles Munier, « Des « auctoritates » du Décret de Gratien (1125-1140) à celles du traité De morte de Guibert de Tournai (1261-1262), » 217-232.

No. 3

  • Michele Cutino, « L’auteur du de providentia Dei et un mystérieux calomniateur d’Augustin: Pour une interprétation de deux épigrammes polémiques de Prosper d’Aquitaine, » 307-341.

No. 4: NTR

Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 58 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 65 (2 ipy)

Issue 2

Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 137 (4 ipy)

Issue 4

  • Patrick Thierry, “Des poires et un ruban. Petites généalogies du mal (Augustin et Rousseau)”, 451-471.

Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 110 (4 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Revue Thomiste, 112 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • R. Imbach and C. König-Pralong, “Aristote au Latran: Eucharistie et philosophie selon Thomas d’Aquin et Dietrich de Freiberg,” 9-30.
  • S. Donati, “La Doctrine de l’analogie de l’être dans la tradition des commentaires de la Physique: Quelques modèles interprétatifs (commentaires de la Faculté des arts, autour de 1250-1300),” 31-60.
  • Beccarisi, “Le traité bâlois De natura accidentis: entre thomisme et antithomisme,” 61-78.
  • J. Casteigt, “Reduplicatio excludit omne alienum a termino: Accident et qualité redupliquée á partir de l’article 13 d’Eckhart condamné dans la bulle pontificale In agro dominico,” 79-102.
  • D. Demange, “Accidents et relations non convertibles selon Thomas d’Aquin, Pierre Olivi et Jean Duns Scot ,” 103-120.
  • S.-Th. Bonino, “Le statut ontologique de l’accident selon Thomas de Sutton,”  121-156.
  • J.-L Solère, “Les variations qualitatives dans les théories post-thomistes,” 157-204.
  • J. Biard, “Comment définir un accident? Le double statut de l’accidentalité selon Buridan et ses conséquences sur la théorie de la définition,” 205-231.

Issue 2

  • Y. Floucat, “Les fondements de l’analogie de l’être et la métaphysique du concret,” 243-288.
  • Fr. Emmanuel Pisani, “Bulletin d’islamologie (VI): Chronique Al-Gazali pour le neuf-centième anniversaire de sa mort,” 347-374.

Issue 3

  • Gérard Remy, “Urs von Balthasar lecteur de saint Thomas,” 467-512.
  • Hervé Pasqua, “La vision béatifique selon saint Thomas d’Aquin et Dietrich de Freiberg,” 513-527.

Issue 4

  • Emmanuel Brochier, “Pourquoi la physique est-elle intéressante?” 595-633.

Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 104 (4 ipy)

Fascicoli 1

  • Maria Segato, “Dante e la salvezza degli antichi,” 49-80.
  • Simona Langella, “L’apporto della filologia nello studio del pensiero della seconda Scolastica,” 175-187.

Fascicoli 2-3

  • Paola Müller, “Il problema della povertà nell’antropologica di Bonaventura,” 311-335.
  • Roberto Di Ceglie, “La ‘filosoficità’ della teologia,” 491-505.
  • Matteo Negro, “Percezione e desiderio,” 507-516.

Fascicoli 4: NTR

Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2012 (4 ipy)

Fascicolo 2

Fascicolo 3

Fascicolo 4

Southwestern Journal of Philosophy = Philosophical Topics

Southwest Philosophy Review, 28 (2 ipy): NTR

Speculum, 87 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Studia Graeco-Arabica, 2 (1-2 ipy)

Studia Neoaristotelica, 9 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Studi Francescani. NA

Studi Medievali, 53 (2 ipy)

Fasc. 1

  • Alessandro Lucia, “Unde Boetius in tractatu de summo bono dicit. Il De summo bono di Boezio di Dacia nel commento di William Wheatley (XIV secolo) alla Consolatio Philosophiae di Boezio,” 93-115.

Fasc. 2: NTR

Synthese, 184-189 (multi ipy)

Volume 186, Issue 1

Volume 187, Issue 3

Volume 188, Issue 3

Volume 189 (final volume for 2012): NTR

The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 76 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

  • D.A. Jones, “Aquinas, Augustine, and Aristotle on ‘Delayed Animation,’” 1-36.
  • Mark J. Barker, “The Meaning of Experimentum in Aquinas,” 37-71.
  • Marie I George, “Aquinas and the General Precepts for Environmental Ethics.” 73-124.

Issue 2

  • Romanus Cessario, O.P., “Scripture as the Soul of Moral Theology: Reflections on Vatican II and Ressourcement Thomism,” 165-188.
  • Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem., “Beata Trinitas: the Beatitude of God as Prelude to the Trinitarian Processions,” 189-209.
  • John-Mark L. Miravalle, “A Thomistic Revision of Dummett’s Proof for God,” 211-231.
  • R. Jared Staudt, “Did Christ Worship the Trinity?” 233-272.
  • David Svaboda, “Aquinas on Whole and Part,” 273-304.

Issue 3

  • Gregory M. Reichberg, “Legitimate Authority: Aquinas’s First Requirement of a Just War,” 337-369.
  • Travis Dumsday, “Is There Still Hope for a Scholastic Ontology of Biological Species?” 371-395.
  • Adriano Oliva, “Philosophy in the Teaching of Theology by Thomas Aquinas,” 397-430.
  • Antoine Levy, “Diakrisis kat’epinoian as a Main Issue in the Discussions between 14th Century Palamites and Thomists,” 431-471.

Issue 4

  • Richard C. Taylor, “Arabic/Islamic Philosophy in Thomas Aquinas’s Conception of the Beatific Vision,” 509-550.
  • Jon McGinnis, “Making Something out of Nothing: Privation, Possibility and Potentiality in Avicenna and Aquinas,” 551-575.
  • R.E. Houser, “Avicenna and Aquinas’s De principiis naturae, cc. 1-3,” 577-610.
  • Jorg Alejandro Tellkamp, “Vis aestimativa and vis cogitativa in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences,” 611-640.

Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 74 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 2 – 4: NTR

Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, 42-43 (2 ipy)

Número 42.

Número 43

Topoi, 31 (1-2 ipy): NTR

Traditio, 67 (1 ipy)

Vivarium, 50 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3/4

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 47 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 3

  • Willem B. Drees, Review of The Double Truth Controversy: An Analytical Essay, by Bartosz Brożek, 643.

Issue 4

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