2016 Bibliography
Last worked on 02/17/2022
Revised by JLS on 08/10/2019
Alpha omega: rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 19 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 3
- Alberto Mestre, L.C., “Il concetto di conformità nell’opera di S. Thommaso d’Aquino,” 361 – 393.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 90 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Chad Engelland, “Perceiving Other Animate Minds in Augustine,” 25-48.
- Lukáš Lička, “Perception and Objective Being: Peter Auriol on Perceptual Acts and their Objects,” 49-76.
- Turner C. Nevitt, “Aquinas on the Death of Christ: A New Argument for Corruptionism,” 77-99.
- Domenic D’Ettore, “‘Not a Little Confusing’: Francis Silvestri of Ferrara’s Hybrid Thomist Doctrine of Analogy,” 101-123.
- Susan Brower-Toland, Review of Aquinas on Human Self-Knowledge, by Therese Scarpelli Cory, 147-151.
- John Kronen, Review of Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era, by Daniel D. Novotný, 157-160.
Issue 3
- Gaven Kerr, OP, “Aquinas, Stump, and the Nature of a Simple God,” 441-454.
- Antonio Ramos Díaz, “How Not to Argue against Materialism: On Oderberg’s Storage Problem Argument,” 455-476.
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, OP, “The Temporality of Prudence in Thomas Aquinas: Towards a Participatory Construal of Heidegger’s Sorge,” 499-538.
- Philip Neri Reese, OP, “Supertranscendentality and Metaphysics: An Aporia in the Thought of John Duns Scotus,” 539-561.
- James M. Jacobs, Review of The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch, by Stephen L. Brock, 536-565.
- Paul St. Amour, Review of The Eclipse and Recovery of Beauty: A Lonergan Approach, by John D. Dadosky, 566-569.
- Christopher M. Brown, Review of Mind, Truth and Teleology: An Introduction to Scholastic Philosophy, by John Peterson, 570-573.
Issue 4
- Victor M. Salas, “Bonaventure on the Vanity of Being: Torwards a Metaphysic of Ecclesiastes,” 635 – 663.
- Joseph Sternberg, “Aquinas on the Relationship between the Vision and Delight in Perfect Happiness,” 665 – 680.
- Raymond Hain, Review of Knowing the Natural law: From Precepts and Inclinations to Deriving Oughts by Steven J Jensen, 757 – 761.
- Kevin Timpe, Review of Freedom and Self-Creation: Anselmian Libertarianism by Katherin A. Rogers, 765 – 767.
- Alice Ramos, Review of Aquinas on Beauty by Christopher Scott Sevier, 767 – 770.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 33 (1-2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Leopoldo Prieto, “Ockham, Suárez y Descartes: transición de las noéticas tardomedievales a la filosofía moderna,” 33-57.
Issue 2
- Hernán Guerrero Troncoso, “La necesidad de una doctrina sobrenatural en Duns Scoto como reacción contra el aristotelismo,” 445 – 473.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, “Cuatro vidas árabes de Aristóteles,” 689 – 711.
Angelicum, 93 (3 ipy)
Fasc. 1
- Ryan J. Brandy, “A Defense of Aquinas’s Reading of Aristotle Regarding God’s Efficient Causality,” 1 – 20.
- Margherita Belli, “Eternità e tempo nella Super Librum de causis expositio di Tommaso d’Aquino. Due strutture metafisiche della realtà a confronto,” 21 – 52.
- Fernando Fiorentino, “Il Signum Formale in Giovanni di San Tommaso come principio dell’Ermeneutica Aristotelico-Tomistica,” 53 – 92.
- Daniel M. Garland Jr., “Panis Vitae: A Thomistic Classification of the Eucharist as Necessary for Salvation,” 93 – 108.
- Steven A. Long, “Pruning the Vine of La Nouvelle Theologie in the Garden of Thomism: Regarding the Thomistic Corrective to ‘La Nouvelle Theologie’,” 135 – 156.
- Piotr Roszak, “Revelation and Scripture: Exploring the Scriptural Foundations of sacra doctrina in Aquinas,” 191 – 218.
Fasc. 2
- Harald Bollbuck, “St. Thomas in Wittenberg. Thomism before and in the Early Reformation. The Case of Karlstadt,” 281 – 296.
- Antonia Fitzpatrick, “Aquinas on the Unicity of Substantial form and Postmortem Bodily Continuity,” 297 – 314.
- Dominic Legge, O.P., “Reasonable Belief: The Contribution of Aquinas and his Dominican Followers on the Act of Faith and its Reasonableness,” 315 – 330.
- Judith R. Ryder, “Dominican Influence in 14th Century Byzantium: Demetrios Kydones, Aquinas, and Greek-Latin Relations,” 331 – 344.
Fasc. 3
- Gilles Emery, O.P., “La Révélation de la Trinité, mystère de salut selon saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 419 – 444.
- Henry Donneaud, O.P., “Pourquoi Dieu parle-t-il? La nécessité de la foi et de la doctrine sacrée selon S. Thomas d’Aquin,” 481 – 495.
- Joseph Ellel, O.P., “Scriptural Prophecy and Islamic Metaphysics,” 513 – 536.
- Marc Millais, O.P., “Saint Thomas, prédicateur,” 537 – 548.
Annuario Filosofico, 32 (1 ipy)
- Emmanuel Falque, “Actualité de la philosophie médiévale.”
Anuario Filosófico, 49 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jose Higuera, “El silencio de Aristoteles y los praedicamenta en la obra luliana,” 21 – 50.
- Antoni Bordoy, “Ramon Llull y la filosofia antigua. Precisiones sobre la obra parisina de 1297 a 1299,” 51 – 72.
- Celia Loper Alcalde, “Ontologia del alma y facultades de conocimiento. Alma, cuerpo y conocimiento en la obra psicologia de Ramon Llull,” 73 – 95.
- Constantin Teleanu, “Le premier Art de Raymond Lulle,” 97 – 120.
- Jordi Gaya Estelrich, “Bases filosoficas de las demonstracion luliana de la Trinidad,” 121- 137.
- Favia Marcacci Sara Muzzi, “Ruggero Bacone e Raimondo Lullo, espressione di un medioevo multiculturale. La novita emerge dalla tradizione,” 155 – 175.
- Rafael Ramis Barcelo, “La filosofia luliana en la universidad durante los siglos XV y XVI,” 177 – 196.
Issue 2
- Laura Corso de Estrada, “Planos de racionalidad en el conocimiento de sí. Sinergia de tradiciones helenísticas en la Summa aurea de Guillermo de Auxerre,” 299-316.
- Juan José Herrera, “Ejemplaridad e ideas divinas en Tomás de Aquino. Desde la unidad esencial al Logos personal,” 339-359.
- Manuel Lazaro, “La hermenéutica en San Buenaventura. El Prólogo al Breviloquium,” 385-399.
- David Torrijos Castrillejo, Review of The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch, by Stephen L. Brock, 443-446.
- María Jesús Soto-Bruna, Review of L’îcone ou la vision de Dieu, by Nicolas de Cues, translated by Hervé Pasqua, 461-464.
- Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Review of Doubts on Avicenna: A Study and Edition of Sharaf al-Dîn al-Mas‘ûdî’s Commentary on the Ishârât, by Ayman Shihadeh, 480-483.
- Nicola Polloni, Review of De Vnitate et Vno de Dominicus Gundissalinus, by Mª Jesús Soto-Bruna and Concepción Alonso del Real, 480-483.
- Elisabeth Reinhardt, Review of The commentary on the De arithmetica of Boethius, by Thierry of Chartres, edited by Irene Caiazzo, 486-488.
Issue 3
- Andrew Thomas LaZella, “Remainders and reminders of the divine. Duns Scotus’s critique of images of God,” 517 – 537.
- Jose Angel Garcia Cuadrado, Review of Divine Causality and human free choice, Divine Causality and human free choice, by Robert J. Matava, 710 – 713.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 26 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Gad Freudenthal and Resianne Fontaine, “Philosophy and Medicine in Jewish Provence, Anno 1199: Samuel Ibn Tibbon and Doeg the Edomite Translating Galen’s Tegni,” 1-26.
- Saloua Chatti, “Existential Import in Avicenna’s Modal Logic,” 45-71.
- Ahmed Alwishah , “Avicenna on Animal Self-Awareness, Cognition, and Identity,” 73-96.
- Daniel D. De Haan, “Where Does Avicenna Demonstrate the Existence of God?” 97-128.
- Nicola Polloni, “Gundissalinus on Necessary Being: Textual and Doctrinal Alterations in the Exposition of Avicenna’s Metaphysica,” 129-160.
- Yehuda Halper, “Dialectians and Dialectics in Averroes’ Long Commentary on Gamma 2 of Aristotle’s Metaphysics,” 161-184.
Issue 2
- Erwan Penchèvre, “Vénus Selon Ibn al-Šātir,” 185-214.
- Asad Q. Ahmed, “The Reception of Avicenna’s Theory of Motion in the Twelfth Century,” 215-243.
- Jan Thiele, “Conceptions of Self-Determination in Fourth/Tenth Century Muslim Theology,” 245-269.
- Nazif Muhtaroglu, “Al Bāqillānī’s Cosmological Argument from Agency,” 271-289.
- Abdessamad Belhaj, “Ādāb al-Bahth Wa-al-Munāzara: The Neglected Art of Disputation in Later Medieval Islam,” 291-307.
- Mauro Zonta and Gad Freudenthal, “Notes on ‘Some Notes on Avicenna Among Medieval Jews,’ by Professor Steven Harvey,” 309-311.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 13 (1 ipy):
- Daniel W. Houck, “Natura Humana Relicta est Christo: Thomas Aquinas on the Effects of Original Sin.”
- John T. Slotemaker / Jeffrey C. Witt, “Tristis est anima mea :The Suffering of Christ and Humanity in Robert Holcot’s Sermon 76.”
- Martina Roesner, “Bericht über das Wiener Forschungskolloquium Hermeneutik des Lebens. Meister Eckharts exegetisches Programm.”
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 98 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Nicolai Sinai, “Al-Suhrawardī’s Philosophy of Illumination and al-Ghazāli,” 272 – 301.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 70 (6 ipy)
Issue 3
- S. Mohammad Mozaffari, « A forgotten solar model, » 267-291.
Issue 4
- Michela Malpangotto, « The original motivation for Copernicus’s research: Albert of Brudzewo’s Commentariolum super Theoricas novas Georgii Purbachii, » 361-411.
Issues 5
- S. Mohammad Mozaffari, “Planetary latitudes in medieval Islamic astronomy: an analysis of the non-Ptolemaic latitude parameter values in the Maragha and Samarqand astronomical traditions,” 513 – 541.
Issue 6: NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 79 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Pierre Manent, “Raison et Révélation. Quelques remarques sur l’analyse straussienne et la synthèse chrétienne,” 513 – 522
Issue 4 : NTR
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale Et Litteraire du Moyen Age, 83 (1 ipy)
- T. Alexander Giltner, “Intimae Theologiae : The Christocentric Cosmology of John Scottus Eriugena in the Homilia super « In principio erat Verbum »,” 7 – 32.
- Bruno Michel, “La logique d’Abélard conduit-elle à la contradiction ? Les lectures in re et in voce des inférences et le débat avec les Montani,” 33 – 64.
- Alain Boureau, “Une somme d’éthique chrétienne en chantier. Le dossier de travail d’une nouvelle version de la Summa Astesana (vers 1323),” 65 – 114.
- Frédérique Woerther, “Les Excerpta de libro Aristotelis Ethicorum secundum translationem de arabico in latinum,” 115 – 147.
- Gianfranco Fioravanti, « La quaestio de mixtione elementorum di Taddeo da Parma », 149-210.
- Maria Sorokina et Chris Schabel, « Le feu brûlera-t-il l’étoupe ? Guiral Ot sur l’influence céleste à la fin des temps », 211-250.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 66 (2 ipy) (Issues 176 – 177): NTR
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 109 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Dominic Whitehouse, OFM, “Peter of John Olivi’s Allusions to the Condemnation of 7 March 1277 in Question 57 of his Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum,“ 47-98.
Issues 3-4
- Sophie Delmas, Francesco Siri – “L’autographe retrouvé de Bernardin de Sienne: l’Itinerarium anni et son histoire,” 431 – 506.
- Matuesz J. Wierzbicki, OFM, “L’irremissibilità del peccato degli angeli secondo Alessandro di Hales,” 585 – 596.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 74 (1 ipy)
- C. Dufossé, “Théories et vocabulaire de la vision dans les mondes grec et latin du IVe au XIIe siècle,” 21 – 36.
- K. Nowak, “Tempus in Polish Medieval Latin. A conceptual metaphor approach,” 111 – 125.
- F. Duplessis, Review of The Commentary on the De arithmetica of Boethius, by Thierry of Chartres, edited by Irene Caiazzo.
Augustinian Studies, 47 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- M. Burcht Pranger, “Inside Augustine,” 1-16.
- Brian J. Matz, “Augustine in the Predestination Controversy of the Ninth Century: Part II: The Single Predestinarians John Scotus Eriugena and Hincmar of Rheims,” 17-40.
- Gregory W. Lee, “Using the Earthly City: Ecclesiology, Political Activity, and Religious Coercion in Augustine,” 41-63.
- Ian Clausen, Review of Augustine Deformed: Love, Sin and Freedom in the Western Moral Tradition, by John M. Rist, 108-113.
- Robert Kennedy, Review of Lying and Christian Ethics, by Christopher O. Tollefsen, 121-126.
Issue 2
- Adam Ployd, Review of The Influence of Origen on the Young Augustine: A Chapter of the History of Origenism by György Heidl, 297 – 300.
- John Spano, Review of Restless Mind: Curiositas and the Scope of Inquiry in St. Augustine’s Psychology by Joseph Torchia, O.P., 304 – 307.
- Jeremy David Wallace, Review of Augustine’s City of God: A Critical Guide edited by James Wetzel, 308 – 310.
Augustinianum, 56 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Francesco Fiorentino, “La recente edizione di una traduzione trecentesca del de Civitate Dei,” 195-206
- Vittorino Grossi, “L’immagine musicale nelle Enarrationes in Psalmos di Agostino.
L’interazione con la teologia ‘affettiva,’” 207 – 233. - Kolawole Chabi, Review of La teologia di Sant’Agostino. Introduzione generale e riflessione trinitaria by Nello Cipriani, 290 – 294.
Issue 2
- Nello Cipriani, Review of La doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité, by Michel Corbin, 453 – 469.
- José Luis Narvaja, Review of La penna del pavone. Bibbia ed esegesi in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena, by Andrea Cavallini, 478 – 479.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 94 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 19 (1 ipy)
- Norbert Winkler, „Zur Erkenntnislehre Alberts des Großen in seinem De anima-Kommentar als systematische Einheit von sensus, abstractio, phantasmata, intentiones, species, universalia und intellectus,” 70 – 173.
Hans-Ulrich Wöhler, “Der Terminismus im Compendium Artium des Vinzenz Gruner: Eine Analyse und Edition von Texten” 209 – 231.
- Christian Jung, Review of A Companion to Meister Eckhart by Jeremiah M. Hackett (Hrsg.), 272 – 274.
- Thomas Zimmer, Review of Pietro Pomponazzis Erkenntnistheorie. Naturalisierung des Geistes im Spätaristotelismus by Paolo Rubini, 296 – 297.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 24 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Thomas Williams, “Anselm’s Quiet Radicalism,” 3-22.
- Nicholas Kahm, “Aquinas on Quality,” 23-44.
- John Sellars, “Pomponazzi contra Averroes on the Intellect,” 45-66.
Issue 2
- Tomas Ekenberg, “Voluntary Action and Rational Sin in Anselm of Canterbury,” 215-230.
Issue 3
- John Marenbon, “Relations and the Historiography of Medieval Philosophy,” 387-404.
- Christophe Erismann, “Venerating Likeness: Byzantine Iconophile Thinkers on Aristotelian Relatives and their Simultaneity,” 405-425.
- Riccardo Strobino, “Avicenna on Knowledge (ʿILM), Certainty (Yaqīn), Cause (ʿILLA/SABAB) and the Relative (MUḌĀF),” 426-446.
- Christopher J. Martin, “The Invention of Relations: Early Twelfth-Century Discussions of Aristotle’s Account of Relatives,” 447-467.
- Heine Hansen, “On the Road from Athens to Thebes Again: Some Thirteenth-Century Thinkers on Converse Relations,” 468-489.
- Aurélien Robert, “John of Jandun on Relations and Cambridge Changes,” 490-511.
- Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe, “The Place of Relations in Hieronymus Pardo’s Semantics of Propositions,” 512-531.
- Massimo Mugnai, “Ontology and Logic: The Case of Scholastic and Late-Scholastic Theory of Relations,” 532-533.
Issue 4
- Giorgio Pini, “Duns Scotus on material substances and cognition: a discussion of two recent books,” 769 – 779.
Issue 6
- Nathaniel Bulthuis, “The motivations for Walter Burley’s theory of the proposition,” 1057 – 1074.
- Philip Choi, “Ockham’s weak externalism,” 1075 – 1096.
- Alberto Frigo, “A very obscure definition: Descartes’s account of love in the Passions of the Soul and its scholastic background,” 1098 – 1116.
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 58 (1 ipy)
- D. Poirel, “Deux styles de vie et de pensée dans la première moitié du XIIe siècle : Pierre Abélard et Hugues de Saint-Victor.”
- E. Rubino S. Pagani, “Il De mineralibus di Avicenna tradotto da Alfredo di Shareshill.”
- E. Wielockx, “A scribe of Four Scholars.”
- A. Punzi, “A New Redaction of John Duns Scotus’ Reportatio Parisiensis IV.”
- C. Schabel, “The Quaestiones libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (Johannes Canonicus), , Part II: Manuscripts, Printings and the Textual Tradition.”
- P. Bakker, “Three Anonymous Sets of Questions on Aristotle’s Physics Related to John Buridan’s Quaestiones super octo libros Physicorum (secundum ultimam lecturam).”
- R. Pomplun, “John Duns Scotus in the History of Medieval Philosophy from the Sixteenth Century to Étienne Gilson.”
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 32 (irregular)
- Caroline Macé and Thomas Wauters, “‘Les mots et la chose’: Quelques réflexions sur le vocabulaire de la folie chez Maxime le Confesseur et Jean Damascène,” 383-390.
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 85 (1 ipy)
- Sten Ebbesen: “Radulphus Brito on Memory and Dreams. An edition,” 11-86.
- Monika Mansfeld, ” Expositio in ‟De anima” Aristotelis secundum Johannem Buridanum abbreviata. An Edition,” 88-127.
- Sten Ebbesen, “Anonymus Orielensis 33 on De memoria. An Edition,” 128-161.
- StenEbbesen, “Anonymus Parisini 16160 on Memory. An Edition,” 162-217.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 46 (4 ipy): NTR
Chôra, 14 (1 ipy): NTR
Collectanea Franciscana, 87 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Alberto Forni, “Dante e il giubileo (I): L’anno delle ‘pietre’ misericordiose,” 65 – 115.
Issue 3-4
- Aleksander Horowski, “Opere autentiche e spurie, edite, inedite e male edite di san Bonaventura da Bagnoregio: bilancio e prospettive,” 461 – 544.
- Alberto Forni, “Dante e il Giubileo (II): Bonifacio VIII,” 545 – 607.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 64 (6 ipy): NTR
Dialogue, 55 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- David K. Kovacs, “Overall and Aquinas on Miracles,” 151-160.
Issue 2
Issue 3
- Mohammad Saleh Zarepour, “Avicenna on the Nature of Mathematical Objects,” 511 – 536.
Issue 4: NTR
Dionysius, 34 (1 ipy)
- William J. Hankey, “The Concord of Aristotle, Proclus, the Liber de Causis & Blessed Dionysius in Thomas Aquinas, Student of Albert Magnus,” 137 – 209.
Discusiones Filosóficas, 17 (2 ipy):
Issue 2
- Eugenia Mattei, “Una escritura alusiva: el Castruccio Castracani de Nicolás Maquiavelo,” 79 – 95.
Divus Thomas, 119 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Matteo Andolfo, “Il contributo del neoplatonismo al quadro argomentativo anagogico in filosofia e teologia ,” 180 – 218.
- Martina Subacchi, “L’amore conoscitivo di Ugo di San Vittore,” 219 – 233.
- Fabiola Dell’Aquila, “Aspetti anagogici della Fiamma di san Giovanni della Croce,” 265 – 285.
- Giovanni Maria de Simone, “L’intelletto agente in sant’Alberto Magno e alcune questioni critiche,” 309 – 358.
- Damiano Migliorini, “La «soluzione tomistica» nel dibattito analitico contemporaneo sull’onniscienza divina e la libertà umana,” 359 – 394.
Issue 2
- Marco Salvioli, “Lo Spirito Santo come dono e reciprocità in san Tommaso d’Aquino. Verso un’economia teologica,” 117 – 136.
Issue 3: NTR
Doctor Virtualis, (1 ipy): No volume published this year.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 27 (1 ipy):
- Roberto Granieri, “Systems of Predication. Aristotle’s Categories in Topics, I, 9,” 1 – 18.
- Michael J. Griffin, “Why Philosophy Begins with the Categories: Perspectives from the 1-st century Greek Commentators,” 19 – 42.
- Riccardo Chiaradonna, “Are There Qualities in Intelligible Being? On Plotinus VI.2 [43] 14,” 43 – 64.
- Mareike Hauer, “The notion of epitêdeiotês in Simplicius’ discussion of quality,” 65 – 84.
- Hamid Taieb, “Classifying Knowledge and Cognates: On Aristotle’s Categories, 8 11a20-38 and Its Early Reception,” 85 – 106.
- Alessandro D. Conti, “Relations and Relatives in Boethius’s Commentary on the Categories: the Invention of Monadic Two-place Predicates,” 107 – 130.
- Paul Thom, “On logics of genus and differentia in the Aristotelian tradition,” 131 – 162.
- Sylvia di Vincenzo, “Avicenna’s reworking of Porphyry’s ‘common accident’ in the light of Aristotle’s Categories,” 163 – 194.
- Niccolò Caminada, “A quotation of an anonymous ‘logician’ in Avicenna’s Categories,” 195 – 238.
- Charles Girard, “Les catégories d’action et de passion dans le Livre des Six principes et quelques-uns de ses commentaires,” 239 – 272.
- Heine Hansen, “A Book about Being: Anonymus Domus Petri 205 on Aristotle’s Categories,” 273 – 302.
- Bruno Tremblay, “Albertus Magnus on the Problem of the Division of the Categories,” 303 – 346.
- Magali Roques, “Quantification and Measurement of Qualities at the Beginning of the 14th Century. The Case of William of Ockham,” 347 – 380.
- Jenny Pelletier, “Walter Chatton on Categories,” 381 – 410.
- Julie Brumberg-Chaumont, “Buridan et le problème des termes singuliers substantiels,” 411 – 452.
- Francesco di Giacomo, “Pensare ed interpretare la realtà: il commento alle Categorie di Giovanni Buridano,” 453 – 484.
Early Science and Medicine, 21 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Patricia Skinner, “Review of Healthcare in Early Medieval Northern Italy. More to Life than Leeches?, by Clare Pilsworth,” 78-80.
- Emilie Savage-Smith, “Review of Difference and Disability in the Medieval Islamic World: Blighted Bodies, by Kristina L. Richardson,” 81-83.
- James Steven Byrne, “Review of A History of Balance, 1250–1375: The Emergence of a New Model of Equilibrium and its Impact on Thought, by Joel Kaye,” 84-86.
- Silvia De Renzi, “Review of Forensic Medicine and Death Investigation in Medieval England, by Sara M. Butler,” 87-89.
Issues 2-6: NTR
Ergo, 3 (1 ipy): NTR
Estudios Filosoficos, 65 (3 ipy)
Issue 1 (n° 188)
- Cándido Ániz Iriarte, “Breve historia del Instituto Superior de Filosofía OP (I),” 5 – 32
Issue 2 (n° 189)
- Cándido Ániz Iriarte, “Breve historia del Instituto Superior de Filosofía OP (II),” 213 – 236.
- Sixto José Castro Rodríguez, “Tomás de Aquino y la cuestión del mal,” 237 – 253.
Issue 3 (n° 190): NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 9 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Isabelle Raviolo, “L’expérience mystique de Béatrice de Nazareth à la lumière de Maître Echhart : l’épreuve de l’Incarnation.”
- Marc Vial, “Jean Gerson, théoricien d’une théologie mystique désincarnée?.”
- Jean-Michel Counet, “Robert Grosseteste et le mépris du corps.”
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, “Pierre de Jean Olivi : la matière et l’esprit.”
- Béatrice Delaurenti, “Les franciscains et le pouvoir du regard (1277-1295). Une question quodlibétique attribuée à Ramond Riguald.”
Issue 2
- Pietro Messa, “Frère François et la miséricorde.”
- Sophie Delmas, “François d’Assise vu par Bernardin de Sienne. Un témoignage inédit de l’autographe de l’Itinerarium anni.”
- Emile Kumka, Review of Io non smetterò di ammaestrare i frati. La pedagogia nella Compilatio Assisiensis, by François Delmas-Goyon.
Faith and Philosophy, 33 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Bruno Niederbacher, S.J., Review of Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World: Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects, by Jeffrey E. Brower, 109-112.
Issue 2
- W. Matthews Grant, “The Privation Solution: A Reply to Furlong,” 233-234.
Issue 3
- Andrew Pinsent, “Limbo and the Children of Faerie,” 293 – 310.
Issue 4
- Richard Cross, “Duns Scotus on Divine Immensity,” 389 – 413.
- Katherin Rogers, Review of The End of the Timeless God by R. T. Mullins, 495 – 500.
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), 49 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mohammad Hadi Tavakkoli, “A Reflection on the Identity of the Mode of Delimination and Mediator of Occurrence,” 1 – 18.
- Vahid Khademzadeh, “The Existence as Light Metaphor in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy,” 19 – 34.
- Sardar Dekami and Mohammad Saeedi Mehr, “Critical analysis of commentators’s opinions of Isharat about Divine Unity,” 35 – 53.
- Mahdi Ashoori, AbdolHosein Khosropanah, “The Representation of Reality and Epistemic Value in Non-Certain Knowledge Based on Allameh Tabataie’s Theory of Conventionality,” 55 – 73.
- Sayyed Ali Alamolhoda, “A Critical Analysis of the Khajeh Nasir’s Viewpoint on How Equivocal Types Refer to Their Tokens,” 97 – 114.
- Mohammad Hossein Vafaeian, “The Topology of the Multiplicity of the Human Soul in Three Stages of before, during and after Belonging to the Body in Mulla Sadra’s Perspective,” 139 – 158.
Issue 2
- Seyed Mohammad Ali Dibaji, Zeynab Yousefzedeh, “A Study of Allameh Tabatabaei’s Views on The Concept of Inherent in the Theory of Rational Good and Bad (Al-Husn wa al-Qubh al-‘Aqli),” 159 – 174.
- Forough Rahimpour, Ebrahim Rastian, “The Consideration of the Possibility of al-Nafs al-Juziyah (Finite Self) Realization before the Worldly Life Based on the Theory of Mulla Sadra’s individual Unity of Existence,” 175 – 190.
- Homa Ranjbar, “Ibn Sina’s Sadraean Sidiqin Argument,” 191 – 202.
- Amin Shahverdi, “The Development of Per Impossibile from Aristotle to Qutb al-Din Razi,” 203 – 220.
- [No Author], “A Study of Mulla Sadra’s Interpretation of the Theory of Al-Amr Bayn al-Amrayn Based on The Issue of Unity and Multiplicity,” 221 – 238.
- Tahereh Kamalizadeh, Reza Koohkan, “Ibn Abi Jumhur Ahsa’i, The Founder of Illuminative Shi’ite Kalam,” 239 – 255.
- Mahmood Hedayat Afza, Shaker Lavaei, “Farabi, Avicenna and Bahmanyar’s Views on the Relation between Existence and Quiddity,” 277 – 295.
Filozofia, 71 (10 ipy)
Issues 1-5: NTR
Issue 6
- Petr Slováček, “Thomas Aquinas’ Metaphysics of Human Being: Human Being as the Middle Component of the Creation Hierarchy,” 462 – 473.
- Jakub Varga, “Walter Burley’s Propositional Semantics,” 474 – 486.
Issue 9
- Michal Chabada, “Internalistické Znaky v Koncepii Intuitívneho Poznania Podl’a Dunsa Scota,” 721 – 732.
Issue 10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 74 (1 ipy)
- Sylvain Piron, “Olivi and Bonaventure Paradoxes of Faithfulness,” 1 – 14.
- David Burr, “Olivi, Christ’s Three Advents, and The Double Antichrist,” 15 – 40.
- Juhana Toivanen, “Voluntarist Anthropology in Peter of John Olivi’s De contractibus,” 41 – 65.
- Danbey Park, “Peter of John Olivi on the Universal Power of the Papacy,” 67 – 124.
- Marco Bartoli, “Olivi and the Church of martyrs,” 125-145.
- Pietro Delcorno, “Following Francis at the Time of the Antichrist: Evangelical Poverty and Worldly Riches in the Lectura super Lucam of Peter of John Olivi,” 147-176.
- David Flood, OFM, “Peter Olivi and Franciscan Poverty,” 177 – 184.
- Willem Marie Speelman, “The Franciscan usus pauper As The Gateway Towards An Aesthetic Economy,” 185-205.
- Robert J. Karris, “St. Francis of Assisi’s Admonitions In New Ecclesiastical And Secular Contexts,” 207-230.
The Rediscovered Life of St. Francis of Thomas of Celano (Kalamazoo, 2016)
- Jacques Dalarun, “The Rediscovered Manuscript A Story of Friendship,” 231-238.
- Sean L. Field, “New Light on the 1230s: History, Hagiography, and Thomas of Celano’s The Life of Our Blessed Father Francis,” 239-247.
- Timothy J. Johnson, “In the Workshop of a Theologian: The Life of Our Blessed Father Francis by Thomas of Celano,” 249 – 262.
- Sophie Delmas, “Nouvelles découvertes sur les débuts de l’exercice quodlibétique à Paris (avant 1245). Un quodlibet inédit de Godefroid de Poitiers,” 263 – 276.
- Davide Riserbato, “La Ristrutturazione Gnoseologica Della Metateologia. «Suscettibilità» Scientifica Della Natura Divina E Multiformità Dell’habitus Theologicus In Pietro Aureolo († 1322),” 277 – 306.
- Bert Roest, “Franciscan Studies and the Repercussions of the Digital Revolution: A Proposal,” 375-384.
- Sophie Delmas, “Ateliers de recherches « Autours d’Alexandre de Halès », Paris, 2014-2015,” 385 – 388.
- William Crozier, Review of Quaestiones Disputatae “De productione rerum” “De imagine” et “De anima” e schola bonaventuriana (codex Conv. Soppr. D.4.27 Bibliothecae Nationalis Centralis Florentinae) by Mikołaj Olszewski, 389 – 391.
- Oleg V. Bychkov, Review of Duns Scotus’s Theory of Cognition by Richard Cross, 392 – 401.
- Mary Beth Ingham, Review of The Report of the Paris Lecture, Reportatio IV – A. Volume 1, Parts 1 – 2 by John Duns Scotus, ed. and trans. Oleg V. Bychkov, ed. R. Trent Pomplun, 402 – 403.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 63 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Liliana B. Irizar and Christian Rodríguez, “Sobre el actus essendi y la virtus essendi en Tomás de Aquino: Una lectura desde la forma como principio del esse,” 24 – 56.
- Andrea Fiamma, “‘Iudicium staterae verius experimur.’ Augustinus von Hippo als Quelle der De staticis experimentis bei Nikolaus von Kues,” 175 – 195.
- Francesco Valerio Tommasi, “Die Frage der ‘Verdeutschung’ in den latein-deutschen Übersetzungen des Thomas von Aquin um die Zeit Edith Steins,” 270 – 280.
Issue 2
- Giovanni Ventimiglia, “Ist Gott das Sein selbst? Von Platon zu Anthony Kenny (über Thomas von Aquin und Gottlob Frege),” 320 – 346
- Irene Caiazzo, “Rex illiteratus est quasi asinus coronatus: I laici e la filosofia nel secolo XII,” 347 – 380
- Filip Grgic, “Aristotle’s Teleologial Luck,” 441 – 457
- Yul Kim, “Thomas Aquinas on the Divine First Motion of the Human Will,” 483 – 498.
Giornale di Metafisica, 38 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Costante Marabelli, “La verità sublime del nome di Dio,” 11 – 22
- Enrico Berti, “Argomenti aristotelici contro l’esistenza di un Essere per essenza,” 23 – 38
- Jean-François Courtine, “La construction de l’ontothéologie,” 39 – 57
- Anthony Kenny, “Quidditas and Anitas after Frege,” 109 – 118
- Christopher Hughes, “San Tommaso sulla natura e sulle implicazioni della semplicitá divina,” 119 – 142
- Winfried Löffler, “Two Approaches to Divine Simplicity. Reply to Anthony Kenny and Christopher Hughes,” 157 – 164
Issue 2
- Rafael Alvira, “Proseguir la metafísica en el espíritu del neoplatonismo cristiano,” 435 – 448
Gregorianum, 97 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Andrew Meszaros, “Some Neoscholastic Receptions of Newman on Doctrinal Development,” 123-150.
Issues 2-4: NTR
Heythrop Journal, 57 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- David Meconi, Review of Christian Grace and Pagan Virtue: The Theological Foundations of Ambrose’s Ethics, by J. Warren Smith, 243-245.
Issue 2
- Gabriel D. Andrus, “Anselm of Canterbury and Dionysius the Areopagite’s Reflections on the Incomprehensibility of God,” 269-281.
- Dominic F. Doyle, “The Mystagogic Structure of Anselm’s Proslogion,” 282-292.
- Jacob W. Wood, “Kataphasis and Apophasis in Thirteenth Century Theology: The Anthropological Context of the Triplex Via in the Summa fratris Alexandri and Albert the Great,” 292-311.
- Alan Philip Darley, “Predication or Participation? What is the Nature of Aquinas’ Doctrine of Analogy?,” 312-324.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The God Who Is Beauty: Beauty as a Divine Name in Thomas Aquinas and Dionysius the Areopagite, by Brendan Thomas Sammon, 371-372.
- Jason Freddi, Review of Saint Augustine of Hippo: An Intellectual Biography, by Miles Hollingworth, 376-377.
- David Meconi, Review of A Companion to Augustine, edited Mark Vessey, 377-378.
- Jeremy Johnston, Review of Augustine’s Confessions: Philosophy in Autobiography, edited by William E. Mann, 378-379.
- Laura Holt, Review of The Theology of Augustine: An Introductory Guide to His Most Important Works, by Matthew Levering, 379-380.
- Katherine Chambers, Review of Stricken by Sin, Cured by Christ: Agency, Necessity, and Culpability in Augustinian Theology, by Jesse Couenhoven, 380-382.
- Katherine Chambers, Review of Image, Identity, and the Forming of the Augustinian Soul, by Matthew Drever, 382-384.
- Katherine Chambers, Review of Perception, Sensibility and Moral Motivation in Augustine: a Stoic-Platonic Synthesis, by Sarah Catherine Byers, 384-385.
- Antonio Calcagno, Review of Restless Mind: Curiositas and the Scope of Inquiry in St. Augustine’s Psychology, by O. P Joseph Torchia, 386-387.
- Katherine Chambers, Review of Contemplation and Classical Christianity: A Study in Augustine (The Oxford Early Christian Studies series), by John Peter Kenney, 388-389.
- Simon Heans, Review of Free to Say No? Free Will and Augustine’s Evolving Doctrines of Grace and Election, by Eric L. Jenkins, 389-390.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Abelard in Four Dimensions: A Twelfth-Century Philosopher in His Context and Ours, by John Marenbon, 409-410.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Mystic Ark: Hugh of Saint Victor, Art, and Thought in the Twelfth Century, by Conrad Rudolph, 410.
- Matthew R. McWhorter, Review of The Theology of Hugh of St. Victor: An Interpretation, by Boyd Taylor Coolman, 410-412.
- Matthew R. McWhorter, Review of Foundation & Restoration in Hugh of St. Victor’s De Sacramentis, by Peter S. Dillard, 412-413.
- Todd C. Ream, Review of From Knowledge to Beatitude: St. Victor, Twelfth-Century Scholars, and Beyond, edited by E. Ann Matter and Lesley Smith, 413-414.
- Michael Robson, Review of A Way into Scholasticism: A Companion to St Bonaventure’s The Soul’s Journey into God, by Peter S. Dillard, 414-415.
- Sean Otto, Review of Al-Ghazali’s Philosophical Theology, by Frank Griffel, 415-416.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Ibn Gabirol’s Theology of Desire: Matter and Method in Jewish Medieval Neoplatonism, by Sarah Pessin, 416-417.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Maimonides: Life and Thought, by Moshe Halbertal; translated by Joel Linsider, 417.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Matter and Form of Maimonides’ Guide, by Josef Stern, 418.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Mystery of Union with God: Dionysian Mysticism in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, by Bernhard Blankenhorn O.P., 418-419.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Theologizing Friendship: How Amicitia in the Thought of Aelred and Aquinas Inscribes the Scholastic Turn, by Nathan Lefler, 419-420.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae: a Biography, by Bernard McGinn, 421-422.
- Albert Marie Surmanski O.P., Review of Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology, edited by Gilles Emery O.P. and Matthew Levering, 422-423.
- Geoffrey Turner, Review of Paul in the Summa Theologiae, by Matthew Levering, 423-424.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of God the Father in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, by John Baptist Ku, 424-425.
- Douglas McDermid, Review of The Power of God, by Thomas Aquinas, translated and abridged by Richard J. Regan, 425-426.
- Mark K. Spencer, Review of The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas, edited by Brian Davies and Eleonore Stump, 426-427.
- Jeffrey Froula, Review of Dust Bound for Heaven: Explorations in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas, by Reinhard Hütter, 427-428.
- Douglas McDermid, Review of God and Evil in the Theology of St Thomas Aquinas, by Herbert McCabe, edited and introduced by Brian Davies, 428-429.
- Charles Cassini, Review of Christ’s Two Wills in Scholastic Thought: The Christology of Aquinas and Its Historical Contexts, by Corey L. Barnes, 429-431.
- Sr. Albert Marie Surmanski O.P., Review of Questions on Aristotle’s Categories. (Fathers of the Church Medieval Continuation), by John Duns Scotus, translated by Lloyd A. Newton, 431-432.
- Mark Henninger, Review of Divine Production in Late Medieval Trinitarian Theology: Henry of Ghent, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham, by JT Paasch, 432-433.
- Mary Beth Ingham, Review of Metaphysical Themes: 1274-1671, by Robert Pasnau, 433-434.
- Michael Ewbank, Review of Collected Studies on Francisco Suárez, S.J. (1548-1617), by John P. Doyle, 434-438.
- Mary Beth Ingham, Review of Interpreting Suarez: Critical Essays, edited by Daniel Schwartz, 438-439.
- Michael Ewbank, Review of Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought: from Philip the Chancellor to Francisco Suárez, by Jan A. Aertsen, 439-441.
- Christopher Villiers, Review of A Companion to Meister Eckhart, edited by Jeremiah M. Hackett, 442-443.
Issue 3
- Jeffrey A. Allen, “Lonergan’s Critique of Knowing as Taking a Look,” 451-460.
- Christopher Friel, “Lonergan’s Notion of Being,” 511-531.
- Neil Ormerod, “Gilson and Lonergan and the Possibility of A Christian Philosophy,” 532-541.
- Brian Traska, “Lonergan’s ‘Christian Philosophy’ as Believing in Order to Understand,” 542-552.
- Robert Egan, “Epistemological Foundations for a Theology of Sin,” 553-567.
- Benjamin Hohman, “Toward a More Eudaimonistic Scientia,” 599-609.
- Neil Ormerod, Review of Lonergan in the World: Self-Appropriation, Otherness, and Justice, by James L. Marsh, 610.
- Brian Traska, Review of A Public God: Natural Theology Reconsidered, by Neil Ormerod, 612-613.
Issue 4
- Alan P. Darley, “The Epistemological Hope: Aquinas Versus other Receptions of Pseudo-Dionysius on the Beatific Vision.”
- Thomas M. Ward, “Voluntarism, Atonement, and Duns Scotus.”
- Liran Shia Gordon, “Reconstructing Aquinas’ Process of Abstraction.”
- Roberto Di Ceglie, “On Aquinas’s Theological Reliabilism.”
- Rebecca Skaggs, “The Role of Reason in Faith in St. Thomas Aquinas and Kierkegaard.”
- Robert St. Hilaire, “Thomas Aquinas, Pierre Rousselot, and the Performative Aesthetics of Contemplative Theology.”
- Alan Philip Darley, “’We Know in Part’: How the Positive Apophaticism of Aquinas Transforms the Negative Theology of Pseudo-Dionysius.”
Issue 6
- Lydia Schumacher, “The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Western Theological Tradition: Underdeveloped or Misunderstood?,” 999 – 1009.
- Edward Howells, Review of Augustine and the Trinity by Lewis Ayres, 1036 – 1037.
- Douglas McDermid, Review of God Without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness by James E. Dolezal, 1039 – 1040.
- Mary Beth Ingham, Reviews of The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity edited by Peter C. Phan and Richard of St. Victor, On the Trinity translation and commentary by Ruben Angelici, 1044.
- Terrance Klein, Review of Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue edited by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph White, 1044 – 1046.
- Paul Brazier, Review of Colin Gunton and the Failure of Augustine: The Theology of Colin Gunton in the Light of Augustin by Bradley G. Green, 1048 – 1049.
- Peter Dillard, Review of Temporality and Trinity by Peter Manchester, 1051 – 1052.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 37 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Paul Thom, “Robert Kilwardby’s Disputational Logic,” 230-243.
- Francesco Bellucci, “Charles S. Peirce and the Medieval Doctrine of consequentiae,” 244-268.
- Thomas M. Ward, Review of John Duns Scotus on Time and Existence: The Questions on Aristotle’s ‘De Interpretatione,’ translation and commentary by Edward Buckner and Jack Zupko, 292-294.
Issue 4
- Michael Joseph Fitzgerald, “Albert of Saxony’s View of Complex Terms in Categorical Propositions and the ‘English-Rule,’” 347-374.
- Elena Fiarca, Review of Treatise on Consequences, by John Buridan, translated by Stephen Read, 393-396.
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 33 (4 ipy): NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 79, 80 (6 ipy)
Volume 79
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Roberto Di Ceglie, “Faith, reason, and charity in Thomas Aquinas’s thought,” 133-146.
Issue 3
- David S. Oderberg, “Divine Premotion,” 207-222.
- Joshua Farris, Review of Aquinas’s ontology of the material world: Change, hylomorphism, and material objects, by Jeffrey E. Brower, 301-304.
Volume 80
- Bashar Alhoch, “Stephen Davis’s objection to the second ontological argument,” 3-9.
Issue 2
- Michael T. McFall, Review of The God of the Bible and the God of the Philosophers by Elenore Stump, 195 – 198
Issue 3
- John Zeis, “Believing in order to know: The cue from Augustine,” 207 – 223.
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 24 (5 ipy)
Issue 2
- Jennifer A. Frey, “The Capacious and Consistent Mind of Elizabeth Anscombe,” 252-262.
Issue 3-5: NTR
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 77 (4-5 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Liran Shia Gordon, “On the co-nowness of time and eternity: a Scotistic perspective,” 30-44.
- Joseph G. Trabbic, “Aquinas and ontotheology again,” 45-61.
Issues 4-5
- Aaron Edwards, “The Paradox of Dialectic: Clarifying the Use and Scope of Dialectic in Theology,” 273 – 306.
International Philosophical Quarterly, 56 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Stephen Chamberlain, “The Virtue of Fictional Wisdom: An Aristotelian-Thomistic Account,” 5-21.
- Anthony T. Flood, “Aquinas on Self-Love and Love of God: The Foundations for Subjectivity and its Perfection,” 45-55.
- Michelle Panchuk, “Created and Uncreated Things: A Neo-Augustinian Solution to the Bootstrapping Problem,” 99-112.
- Curtis L. Hancock, Review of Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae: A Guide and Commentary, by Brian Davies, 124-127.
Issue 2
- Tracy Wietecha, “On Method in Reading the De ente et essentia,” 155-170.
- Stephen Chamberlain, Review of Ethics as a Work of Charity: Thomas Aquinas and Pagan Virtue, by David Decosimo, 239-241.
- Aaron Pidel, S.J., Review of Analogia Entis: Metaphysics: Original Structure and Universal Rhythm, by Erich Przywara, 241-244.
Issue 3
- Gaven Kerr, Review of Intentionality, Cognition, and Mental Representations in Medieval Philosophy Edited by Gyula Klima, 371 – 373.
Issue 4
- Randall Colton, “A Thomistic Defense of the Distinction Between the Moral and Intellectual Virtues,” 393 – 410.
- Paul Kucharski, Review of Knowing the Natural Law: From Precepts and Inclinations to Deriving Oughts by Steven J. Jensen, 503 – 506.
- James Swindal, Review of Neo-Scholastic Essays by Edward Feser, 506 – 509.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 10 (1 ipy):
- Mashhad Al-Allaf, “Jābir on Inductive Reasoning and Metaphysics: A Chemist’s Perspective on Philosophy of Science and the Eternity of the World,” 3 – 18.
- Omar Kassem, “Abū Hāmid al-Ghazālī on Intensional Logic, Freedom and Justice,” 19 – 61.
- Mustafa Yildiz, “Conceiving Religion: Al-Fārābī and Averroes on the Concepts of ‘Millah’ and ‘Sharīʾah,’” 62 – 103.
- Mostafa Younesie, “Speculations on the Possibility of Alfarabi’s Partial Reception of Thrax’ Tekhne Grammatike,” 104 – 114.
- Rahil Nacafov, “The Problem of Revelation in the Islamic Philosophy: Comparative Analysis Between Avicenna and Fārābī,” 115 – 132.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 24 (2 ipy)
Issue 2
- Oded Porat, “Aimed Inquiry and Positive Theology in Sefer Ma ‘ayan ha-Hokhmah,” 224 – 278.
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 45 (6 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 41 (1 ipy): NTR
Journal of Religious Ethics, 44 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Jennifer A. Herdt, “Aquinas and the Democratic Virtues: An Introduction,” 232-245.
- Mark D. Jordan, “Democratic Moral Education and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” 246-259.
- Adam Eitel, “Virtue or Art?: Political Friendship Reconsidered,” 260-277.
- John R. Bowlin, “Democracy, Tolerance, Aquinas,” 278-299.
- Michael Lamb, “Aquinas and the Virtues of Hope: Theological and Democratic,” 300-332.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4
- Omar Farahat, “Commands as Divine Attributes: Isamic Jurisprudence and the Euthyphro Question,” 581 – 605.
- Matthew Puffer, “Retracing Augustine’s Ethics: Lying, Necessity, and the Image of God,” 685 – 720.
Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 2 (4 ipy): NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 77 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Nothaft, “Walter Odington’s De etate mundi and the Pursuit of a Scientific Chronology in Medieval England,” 183-201.
Issue 3
- Ian W. S. Campbell, “John Punch, Scotist Holy War, and the Irish Catholic Revolutionary Tradition in the Seventeenth Century,” 401-421.
- Ethan L. Menchinger, “Free Will, Predestination, and the Fate of the Ottoman Empire,” 445-466.
Issue 4: NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 54 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Steven P. Marrone, Review of Augustine’s Confessions: Philosophy in Autobiography, edited by William E. Mann, 159-160.
- Marta Borgo, Review of Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World: Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects, by Jeffrey E. Brower, 160-161.
- Allan Bäck, Review of Duns Scotus on Time and Existence: The Questions on Aristotle’s “De interpretation,” by John Duns Scotus, 162-163.
- Terence Parsons, Review of Treatise on Consequences, by John Buridan, 163-164.
- Caterina Tarlazzi, Review of Universals in Second Scholasticism: A Comparative Study with Focus on the Theories of Francisco Suárez S. J. (1548–1617), João Poinsot O. P. (1589–1644) and Bartolomeo Mastri da Meldola O. F. M. Conv. (1602–1673)/Bonaventura Belluto O. F. M. Conv. (1600–1676), by Daniel Heider, 165-166.
Issue 2
- Carl N. Still, Review of Intentionality, Cognition, and Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy, edited by Gyula Klima, 337-338.
Issue 3
- Riin Sirkel, “Philoponus on the Priority of Substances,” 351-372.
- Tyler Huismann, “John Buridan’s Metaphysics of Persistence,” 373-394.
- Daniel O’Connell, Review of Interpreting Proclus: From Antiquity to the Renaissance, edited by Stephen Gersh, 499-500.
- Steven Harvey, Review of Ibn Tufayl: Living the Life of Reason, by Taneli Kukkonen, 501-502.
Issue 4: NTR
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 10 (1 ipy when published)
- Mashhad Al-Allaf, “Jābir on Inductive Reasoning and Metaphysics: A Chemist’s Perspective on Philosophy of Science and the Eternity of the World,” 3-18.
- Omar Kassem, “Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī on Intensional Logic, Freedom and Justice,” 19-61.
- Mustafa Yildiz, “Conceiving Religion: Al-Fārābī and Averroes on the Concepts of ‘Millah’ and ‘Sharīʾah’,” 62-103.
- Mostafa Younesie, “Speculations on the Possibility of Alfarabi’s Partial Reception of Thrax’ Tekhne Grammatike,” 104-114.
- Rahil Nacafov, “The Problem of Revelation in the Islamic Philosophy: Comparative Analysis Between Avicenna and Fārābī,” 115-132.
The Journal of Religion, 96 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Philip L. Reynolds, Review of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica: A Biography, by Bernard McGinn, 149-150.
- Phillip Wyn, Review of Augustine on War and Military Service, 162-164.
Issue 2
- Matthew Drever, Review of Perception, Sensibility, and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic Platonic Synthesis, by Sarah Catherine Byers, 263-265.
Issue 3
- Jean-Luc Marion, “Seeing, or Seeing Oneself Seen: Nicholas of Cusa’s Contribution in De visione Dei,” 305-331.
- Richard Woods, Review of Speaking of God in Thomas Aquinas and Eckhart: Beyond Analogy, by Anastasia Wendlinder, 433-435.
Issue 4
- Robert Sweetman, Review of Thomas Aquinas: Faith, Reason, and Following Christ by Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, 548 – 550.
- Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed, Review of Rāzī: Master of Qur’anic Interpretation and Theological Reasoning by Tariq Jaffer, 560 – 561.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 79 (1 ipy)
- Liana Saif, “The Cows and the Bees: Arabic Sources and Paralles for Pseudo-Plato’s Liber Vaccae (Kitab al-Nawamis),” 1 – 47.
Laval théologique et philosophique, 72 (3 ipy) : NTR.
Médiévales, 70 and 71 (2 ipy)
Issue 70: NTR
Issue 71
- Elsa Marmursztein, “Conflits de normes dans le débat scolastique sur le baptême forcé des enfants juifs (xiii-xiv siècle),” 27 – 40.
Mediaevalia, 36/37 (special double issue for 2015/2016) (1 ipy)
- Elizabeth Casteen, “Gilding the Lily: John of Rupescissa’s Prophetic System and the Decline of the Angevins of Naples,” 119 – 145.
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 35 (1 ipy)
- Leone Gazziero, “Simon de Tournai: la rumeur et la légende,” 51-73.
- Alger Sans, “La importancia de Robert Grosseteste en el debate contemporaneo sobre el racionamiento abductivo,” 74-86.
- Marcio Augusto Damin Custodio, “A eternidade do mundo no Comentario ao Livro das causas de Tomas de Aquino,” 87-98.
- Sueki Sampaio Damin Custodio, “A nocao de justice para Nicole Oresme,” 99-111.
Mediaeval Sophia, 18 (1 ipy)
- Ezio Albriele, “Notti alchemiche. Frammenti ermetici taurinensi,” 1- 22.
- Guglielmo Russino, “Confronti pericolosi. La differenza religiosa e i rischi del pluralismo,” 129 – 136.
- Gabriela Papa, “Averroe, Il trattato decisivo culla connessione della religione con la filosofia,” 235 – 236.
- Antonella Maria Giovanna Modica, “Gianfranco Maglio, La conscienza giuridica medievale. Diritto naturale e giustizia nel medioevo,” 271 – 272.
Mediaeval Studies, 78 (1 ipy):
- Andrew Hicks, “Hisdosus Scholasticus, De anima mundi Platonica: An Edition,” 1-64.
- Alice Hutton Sharp, “Textual Format and the Development of the Early Glossa on Genesis,” 125-165.
- Stephen Read and Mark Thakkar, “Robert Fland, or Elandus Dialecticus?,” 167-180.
- Siegfried Wenzel, “Distinctiones and Sermons: The Distincciones Lathbury (Alphabetum morale) and Other Collections in Fourteenth-Century England,” 181-202.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 41 (1 ipy)
- Enrico Moro, “Mira profunditas eloquiorum tuorum: Agustino interprete dei primi versetti della Genesi nelle Confessiones e nel De Genesi ad litteram,” 11 – 39.
- Adriana Farenga, “The Doctrine of Double-Creation and the Conception of History in Eriugena’s Periphyseon,” 41 – 66.
- Clelia Vittoria Crialesi, “Le opere dei sei giorni: artimetica ed esegesi secundum physicam in Teodorico di Cartres,” 67 – 102.
- Matteo Scozia, “L’intelletto creato e il ritorno della creatura a Dio. Una rilettura filosofica dell’Hexaëmeron di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio,” 103 – 137.
- Antonio Petagine, “Matter as Positive Being: John Duns Scotus and Peter Auriol,” 139 – 168.
- Giovanni Catapano, “Inidonei a vedere il futuro in Dio. La critica di Agostino ai filosofi nel libro IV del De trinitate,” 171 – 185.
- Giorgio Graffi, Stefano Pagliaroli, “Terminans or Determinans in Thomas of Erfurt. A Proposal for Some Emendations of the Text of the Grammatica Speculativa,” 187 – 215.
- Andrea Fiamma, “Nicola Cusano ed Eimerico da Campo: gli anni coleniensi,” 217 – 257.
Micrologus, 24 (1 ipy)
- Charles Burnett, “On Judging and Doing in Arabic and Latin Texts on Astrology and Divination,” 3-12.
- Danielle Jacquart, “Quelques propos introductifs: la confluence des sources grecques et arabes dans l’Occident médiéval latin,” 13-24.
- Michael Rogers McVaugh, “Why Rhazes?” 43-72.
- Mohammed Abattouy, “The Corpus of Mechanics of Al-Isfizari: its Structure and Signification in the Context of Arabic Mechanics,” 121-172.
- David Juste, “The Impact of Arabic Sources on European Astrology: Some Facts and Numbers,” 173-194.
- Jean-Patrice Boudet, “Les comètes dans le Centiloquium et le De cometis du pseudo-Ptolémée,” 195-226.
- Nicolas Weill-Parot, “Devenirs de la magie astrale hermétique arabe dans le monde latin: signification «culturelle» d’une utilisation (XII e- XVe siècle),” 227-268.
- Godefroid de Callataÿ, “Who were the Readers of the Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa’?” 269-302.
- Mohammad Bagheri, “Kushyar ibn Labban’s Mathematical Approachin His Astronomical Handbook,” 303-310.
- Iolanda Ventura, “Medieval Pharmacy and the Arabic Heritage: the Salernitan Collection Circa instans,” 339-402.
- Véronique Boudon-Millot, “L’apport des traducteurs arabes dans le débat sur l’authenticité des traités galéniques,” 403-424.
- Jean-Marc Mandosio, “The Use of al-Kindî,s Treatise On Rays in Peter of Zealand’s Elucidation of Marvelous Things (End of the 15th Century),” 425-456.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 40 (1 ipy): NTR
Mind, 125 (4 ipy):
Issues 1 (n° 497) – 4 (n° 500): NTR
The Monist, 99 (4 ipy): NTR
Noctua [xx] (3 ipy)
Nous, 50 (4 ipy): NTR
Nova et Vetera, 14 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Reinhard Hütter, “Happiness and Religion: Why the Virtue of Religion is Indispensable for Attaining the Final End, A Re-lecture of Thomas Aquinas with an Eye to His Contemporary Relevance,” 15-60.
- Bruce D. Marshall, “Religion and Election: Aquinas on Natural Law, Judaism, and Salvation in Christ,” 61-126.
- Joseph K. Gordon, “St. Thomas Aquinas “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth”: The Historical and Theological Contours of Thomas’s Principia,” 245-270.
- Matthew R. McWhorter, “Aquinas and the Sins of Ignorance,” 271-294.
- William E. Carroll, Review of Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science and Thomas Aquinas, by Michael J. Dodds, O.P., 343-346.
- Matthew Levering, Review of Dust Bound for Heaven: Explorations in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas, by Reinhard Hütter, 353-361.
- T. Adam Van Wart, Review of God the Father in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, by John Baptist Ku, O.P., 367-370.
- Kevin White, Review of Philosophical Virtues and Psychological Strengths: Building the Bridge, edited by Romanus Cessario, O.P., Craig Steven Titus, and Paul C. Vitz, 371.
Issue 2
- Edward Feser, “From Aristotle to John Searle and Back Again: Formal Causes, Teleology, and Computation in Nature,” 459 – 494.
- Simon Francis Gaine, OP, “Response to Edward Feser,” 495 – 502.
- Alfred J. Freddoso, “The Vindication of St. Thomas: Thomism and Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy,” 565 – 584.
- Thomas Joseph White, OP, “Response to Alfred J. Freddoso,” 585 – 590.
- Peter Junípero Hannah, OP, “The Metaphysics of Meaning: Applying a Thomistic Ontology of Art to a Contemporary Hermeneutical Puzzle and the Problem of the Sensus Literalis,” 675 – 698.
- Joshua Gonnerman, Review of T & T Clark Companion to Augustine and Modern Theology ed. C. C. Pecknold, 702 – 706.
- Christopher T. Baglow, Review of Dark Passages of the Bible: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and Thomas Aquinas by Matthew J. Ramage, 707 – 711.
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, OP, Review of Dynamic Transcendentals; Truth, Goodness, & Beauty from a Thomastic Perspective by Alice M. Ramos, 712 – 715.
- Karina Robson, Review of Aquinas and the Cry of Rachel: Thomistic Reflections on the Problem of Evil by John F. X. Xnasas, 720.
Issue 3
- John Cuddeback, “Reflections of a Green Thomist on Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’,” 735 – 744.
- Christopher J. Thompson, “Laudato Si’ and the Rise of Green Thomism,” 745 – 756.
- Mark K. Spencer, “Divine Causality and Created Freedom: A Thomistic Personalist View,” 919 – 964.
- Matthew R. McWhorter, Review of Scholarly Community at the Early University of Paris: Theologians, Education, and Society, 1215 – 1248 by Spencer E. Young, 1031 – 1033.
- John Rziha, Living the Good Life: A Beginner’s Thomistic Ethics by Steven J. Jensen, 1040 – 1044.
Issue 4
- Bernhard Blankenhorn, OP, “Aquinas on the Spirit’s Gift of Understanding and Dionysius’s Mystical Theology,” 1113 – 1132.
- Domenic D’Ettore, “Thomas Sutton’s Doctrine of Analogy: Revisiting a Continuator of Thomas Aquinas,” 1153 – 1174.
- John Meinert, “Alimentum Pacis: The Eucharist and Peace in St. Thomas Aquinas,” 1193 – 1212.
- Christopher O. Blum, Review of The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: A Sketch by Stephen L. Brock, 1341 – 1344.
- Jared Ortiz, Review of Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology by Paige E. Hochschild, 1353 – 1356.
Oliviana, 5
- Sylvain Piron, “La bibliothèque portative des fraticelles, 1. Le manuscrit de Pesaro.”
- Petrus Johannis Olivi, “Tractatus de missa,” edited by Sylvain Piron.
- “Oratio ad venerabilem patrem Petrum Iohannis,” edited by Sylvain Piron.
- Barthélemy Sicard, “Extraits du commentaire des Sentences,” edited by Sylvain Piron.
- Gian Luca Potestà, “Il profeta degli Anticristi, del Papa angelico e del Millennio. Introduzione alla giornata di studio.”
- Robert E. Lerner, “Yet Another Work by John of Rupescissa.”
- Christine Morerod-Fattebert, “Un style, un homme ? L’exemple de Jean de Roquetaillade.”
- Antonio Montefusco, Sylvain Piron, “In vulgari nostro. Présence et fonctions du vernaculaire dans les œuvres latines d’Olivi.”
- Caterina Menichetti, “La Lectura super Apocalipsim di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi in volgare italiano.”
- Xavier Renedo Puig, “Trois références à Pèire Joan Oliu dans le Premier del Crestià de Francesc Eiximenis.”
- Dominique Demange, “Olivi et les Perspectivi. Les sources de la théorie olivienne de la vision.”
- Sylvain Piron, “La question Quid ponat ius ?.”
- Petrus Johannis Olivi, “Quid ponat ius vel dominium,” edited by Ferdinand Delorme, Sylvain Piron.
- Petrus Johannis Olivi, “Quelle réalité construit le droit ou le pouvoir ?,” translated by Sylvain Piron.
Oriens, 44 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Glen M. Cooper, “Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq’s Galen Translations and Greco-Arabic Philology: Some Observations from the Crises (De crisibus) and the Critical Days (De diebus decretoriis),” 1-43.
- Kaveh Niazi, “Karajī’s Discourse on Hydrology,” 44-68.
- Richard Todd, “Alchemical Poetry in Almohad Morocco: The Shudhūr al-dhahab of Ibn Arfaʿ Raʾs,” 116-144.
Issues 3-4
- Ricardo Strobino, “Per Se, Inseparability, Containment and Implication. Bridging the Gap between Avicenna’s Theory of Demonstration and Logic of the Predicables,” 181 – 266.
- Tony Street, “Al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī (d. 1325) and the Early Reception of Kātibī’s Shamsīya: Notes towards a Study of the Dynamics of Post-Avicennan Logical Commentary,” 267 – 300.
- Khaled El-Rouayheb, “Does a Proposition Have Three Parts or Four? A Debate in Later Arabic Logic,” 301 – 331.
- Walter Edward Young, “Mulāzama in Action in the Early Ādāb al-Baḥth,” 332 – 385.
- Cornelia Schoeck, “The Criterion of Completeness in Avicenna’s Reorganization of the Predicables into a System of Notions Resulting in Concept Formation,” 386 – 416.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 4 (1 ipy)
- Cary J. Nederman, “Modern Toleration through a Medieval Lens: A ‘Judgemental’ View,” 1 – 26.
- Stephen R. Ogden, “On a Possible Argument for Averroes’s Single Separate Intellect,” 27 – 63.
- John Hawthorne, “Scotus on Universals,” 64 – 77.
- Jeff Steele, “Duns Scotus, the Natural Law, and the Irrelevance of Aesthetic Explanation,” 78 – 99.
- David Sanson and Ahmed Alwishah, “Al-Taftāzānī on the Liar Paradox,” 100 – 124.
- Thomas M. Ward, “Reconstrcting Aquinas’s World: Themes from Brower,” 184 – 197.
Philosopher’s Imprint, 16 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophia, 44 (4 ipy): NTR
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 11 – 14 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 11
- Georgi Kapriev, “Der Zusammenhang ‚Geschichte-Metaphysik’ als Drehpunkt der byzantinischen Philosophie,” 14 – 21.
- Моника Панайотова, “Августиновият възглед за душата и тялото,” 22 – 32.
- Simeon Mladenov, “On Anselm of Canterbury. Towards a new definition of human nature,” 33 – 45.
- Димитър Петров, “Съзерцателното „време на мълчание“ и „състояние на мълчание“ на ума според Калист Катафигиот,” 46 – 66.
- G. K., “In memoriam. Jan A. Aertsen,” 179 – 181.
Issue 12
- Simeon Mladenov, “Anselm of Canterbury and the beatific justice,” 27 – 33.
- д-р Смилен Марков, “Историчност на персоналното битие – задочен диалог между Мартин Хайдегер и св. Йоан Дамаскин,” 50 – 56.
Issue 13
- Lars Reuke, “On spirits [1],” 67 – 78.
- Eвелина Митева, “Абстрактният човек е чудовищен: от Алберт Велики до Борхес и обратно,” 79 – 94.
Issue 14
- Jamal Rachak, “La Volonté chez Ibn Bāğğa (m. 1139). De la physique à l’éthique,” 51 – 71.
The Philosophical Quarterly, 66 (4 ipy)
Issue 2 (n° 263)
- Sara L. Uckelman, Review of Articulating Medieval Logic, by Terence Parsons, 432-435.
Issue 4 (n° 265)
- Jeffery Hause, Review of Moral Conscience through the Ages: Fifth Century BCE to the Present by Richard Sorabji, 864 – 867.
The Philosophical Review, 125 (4 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Studies, 173 (multiple ipy): NTR
Philosophical Topics, 44 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Thomas Ekenberg, “Voluntarism, Intellectualism, and Anselm on Motivation,” 59 – 74.
Issue 2: NTR
Philosophiques, 43 (2 ipy): NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 28 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Kyle Hubbard, “Idolatrous Friendship in Augustine’s Confessions,” 43 – 57.
- Juan Eduardo Carreño, “The Living God in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas,” 59 – 90.
- Ronald R. Bernier, “After Aquinas: Restoring Hope to Beauty,” 91 – 100.
- Liran Shia Gordon, “Matter, Place, and Being from a Scotistic Point of View: A Bypass to the Psycho-Physical Problem,” 101 – 140.
Issue 2: NTR
Philosophy Compass, 11 (12 ipy): NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 42 – 43 (2 ipy): NTR
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 90 (1 ipy)
- John O’Callaghan, “Mercy Beyond Justice: The Tragedy of Shylock and Antonio,” 31 – 53.
- Seamus O’Neill, “Augustine and Aquinas on Demonic Possession,” 133 – 147.
- Steven Baldner, “Thomas Aquinas and Francisco Suarez on the Problem of Concurrence,” 149 – 161.
- R. E. Houser, “Aquinas: Justice as a Cardinal Virtue,” 187 – 200.
- Brandon L. Wanless, “St. Thomas Aquinas on Original Justice and the Justice of Christ: A Case Study in Christological Soteriology and Catholic Moral Theology,” 201 – 216.
- Craig Iffland, “Public, Private, and Extra-Judicial Killing,” 217 – 226.
- John Skalko, “Why Did Aquinas Hold That Killing is Sometimes Just, But Never Lying?,” 227 – 241.
- Timothy Kearns, “Then and Now—A Thomistic Account of History,” 243 – 259.
- Peter Karl Koritansky, “Is Usury Still a Sin? Thomas Aquinas on the Justice and Injustice of Moneylending,” 261 – 269.
- William Matthew Diem, “Obligation, Justice, and Law: A Thomistic Reply to Anscombe,” 271 – 286.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 13 (1 ipy)
In the past, Proceedings provided PDFs of full journals. However, for recent publications, Proceedings’s website directs users to its publications on Amazon.com.
- Matthew Robinson, “William of Auvergne, Albertus Magnus and the Metaphysics of the Individual Agent of Thought,” 1 – 32.
- Stephen R. Ogden, “Individuation and the Afterlife in Thomas Aquinas and Some Muslim Philosophers,” 33 – 62.
- Peter Weigel, “Aquinas and Locke on Person and Resurrection,” 63 – 100.
- Turner C. Nevitt, “Annihilation, Re-creation, and Intermittent Existence in Aquinas,” 101 – 118.
- Gyula Klima, “The Problem of ‘Gappy Existence’ in Aquinas’ Metaphysics and Theology,” 119 – 134.
Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 16 (1 ipy)
- Maud Pouradier, “Les deux totalités. Naissance et éclipse d’un concept dans le Commentaire des Sentences d’Albert le Grand,” 193-208.
- Pasquale Porro, “La totalité peut-elle être un attribut divin ? Les questions De totalitate Dei d’Henri de Gand,” 209-223.
- Mario Loconsole, “I ‘pagani’ come problema filosofico: un modello di ‘sintesi storica’” (review of Pagans and Philosophers. The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz, by John Marenbon), 247-257.
- Giancarlo Colacicco, “Pluralità nella continuità. La storia della metafisica rivisitata” (review of Métaphysiques rebelles. Genèse et Structures d’une science au Moyen-Age, by Olivier Boulnois), 257-264.
- Irene Zavattero, “L’intertextualité scolastique dans les écrits d’Henri de Gand et de Gilles de Rome” (review of L’Aristotélisme exposé. Aspects du débat philosophique entre Henri de Gand et Gilles de Rome, by V. Cordonnier et T. Suarez-Nani, eds.), 264-267.
- Mario Loconsole, “Nuove prospettive sul Convivio dantesco” (review of Il Convivio di Dante, by J. Bartuschat and A. Robiglio, eds.), 267-273.
- Sara Ciancioso, “Il Commento alle Sentenze di Durando di S. Porziano” (review of Durand of Saint-Pourçain and His Sentences Commentaries, by A. Speer et al.), 273-279.
- Federica D’Ercole, “Giovanni Duns Scoto ed Edith Stein” (review of La presenza di Duns Scoto nel pensiero di Edith Stein, by F. Alfieri), 282-286.
Quaestiones Disputatae, 6, 7 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 (Vol. 6, No. 2)
Marcus Otte, “The Metaphysics of Moral Values and Moral Beauty,” 44 – 61.
Issue 2 (Vol. 7, No. 1)
- Nicolas de Warren, “Augustine and Husserl on Time and Memory,” 7-46.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 83 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Alexander Andrée, Tristan Sharp, and Richard Shaw, “Aquinas and ‘Alcuin’: A New Source of the Catena aurea on John,” 3 – 20.
- Diana Di Segni, “Traces of a Vernacular Language in the Latin Translation of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed,” 21 – 48.
- Zita V. Toth, “Peter of Palude on Divine Concurrence: An Edition of his In II Sent., D. 1, Q. 4,” 49 – 92.
- Isabelle Mandrella, “Koinzidenz der Gegensätze und Voluntarisierung Gottes: Cusanus und Aristoteles,” 95 – 131.
- Pasquale Arfé, “Hermetismus in der Mystik des Cusanus: Eine historische und philosophische Notiz,” 133 – 141.
- David Albertson, “Boethius noster: Thierry of Chartres’s Arithmetica Commentary as a Missing Source of Nicholas of Cusa’s De docta ignorantia,” 143 – 199.
- Paul Richard Blum, “Nicholas of Cusa in Giles Randall’s English Translation: Wisdom and Vision in Language,” 201 – 219.
Issue 2
- Alice Hutton Sharp. “’Gilbertus universalis’ Reevaluated and the Authorship of the Gloss on Genesis,” 225 – 243.
- Christoph Sander, “Der Damon in Text,” 245 – 311.
- Antonio Punzi, “Thomas of York’s Comparatio sensibillium,” 313 – 352.
- Richard Cross, “Duns Scotus on God’s Essence and Attributes: Metaphysics, Semantics, and the Greek Patristic Tradition,” 353 – 383.
- Beatice Delaurenti, “Le pouvoir fascinant de l’imagination,” 385 – 421.
- Magali Roques, “Crathorn on Extension,” 423 – 467.
- Dominik Perler, “Krtische Studie,” 469 – 477.
Religious Studies, 52 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Lindsay K. Cleveland and W. Scott Cleveland, “The defeat of heartbreak: problems and solutions for Stump’s view of the problem of evil concerning desires of the heart,” 1-23.
- Nathan Barczi, Review of The Analogical Turn: Rethinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa, by Johannes Hoff, 136-139.
Issue 2
- Donald J. Bungum, “Suffering and charity in the dark night of the soul,” 187-204.
- William Wood, “Anselm of Canterbury on the fall of the devil: the hard problem, the harder problem, and a new formal model of the first sin,” 223-245.
Issue 3
- Christopher Hughes, “Augustine on will, freedom, and foreknowledge: De libero arbitrio, III, 1–3,” 315-322.
Issue 4
- Katherin A. Rogers, “Christ’s freedom: Anselm vs Molina,” 497 – 512.
Res Philosophica, 93 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Thomas M. Ward, “John Buridan and Thomas Aquinas on Hylomorphism and the Beginning of Life,” 27-43.
- John Macias, “John Finnis and Alasdair MacIntyre on Our Knowledge of the Precepts of Natural Law,” 103-123.
- Timothy Pawl, Mark K. Spencer, “Christologically Inspired, Empirically Motivated Hylomorphism,” 137-160.
- Joseph Stenberg, ““Considerandum Est Quid Sit Beatitudo” Aquinas on What Happiness Really Is,” 161-184.
Issue 3
- Ludwig Jaskolla, “The Puzzle of Self-Abasement: On an Adequate Concept of Humility,” 585 – 600.
Issue 4: NTR
The Review of Metaphysics, 69 and 70 (4 ipy) Volumes follow academic years not the calendar, which is why each year has issues 3-4 from one volume and 1-2 from the next.
Volume 69
Issue 3
- Fran O’Rourke, “The Triplex Via of Naming God, ” 519-554
- Matthew Kent Siebert, “Aquinas on Testimonial Justification,” 555-582.
- Jamie Spiering, Review of Neo-Scholastic Essays, by Edward Feser, 621-623.
- Benjamin Hill, Review of Suárez on Aristotelian Causality, by Jakob Leth Fink, 623-624.
- Justin M. Anderson, Review of Mind, Truth, and Teleology: An Introduction to Scholastic Philosophy, by John Peterson, 632-633.
- Jude P. Dougherty, Review of A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century, 635-637.
- Jessica Deal, Review of Before Virtue: Assessing Contemporary Virtue Ethics, by Jonathan Sanford, 639-641.
Issue 4
- George Duke, “Aquinas, Kant, and the Eclipse of Practical Reason,” 709 – 738.
Volume 70
Issues 1 – 2: NTR
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2016 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Guillaume Dye, Review of L’homme des perfections. Le maître chrétien de la philosophie morale arabe, by Yahya Ibn ‘Adi, translated by Marie-Thérèse Urvoy, 122-124.
- Camille Rouxpetel, Review of Les Quatre Livres des Sentences, Deuxième Livre, by Pierre Lombard, translated by Marc Ozilou, 127-128.
Issue 3
- Bénédicte Sère, Review of De la certitude volontaire. Débats nominalistes sur la foi à la fin du Money Âge by Christophe Grellard, 440 – 443.
Issue 4
- Mickaël Ribreau, “Une écoute individuelle en contexte collectif. Etude de la deuxième personne dans quelques sermons d’Augustin,“ 505 – 531.
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 100 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sylvian Roux, “Rendre raison du corps : Plotin et le problème de la corporéité,” 9 – 25.
- Isabelle Bochet, “Le corps: un poids pour l’âme?: L’exégèse augustinienne de Sagesse 9, 15,” 27 – 43.
- Philippe Richard, “Sur la cendre et avec le cilice: Ornementation rhétorique et pudeur philosophique à l’âge carolingien,” 45 – 59.
- Pascaline Turpin, “Quand la chair est consommé: Corpus hominis et corpus Christi chez Pierre Damien,” 61 – 76.
- Philippe Nouzille, “L’homme extérieur et l’homme intérieur selon Guillaume de Saint-Thierry,” 77 – 96.
- Étienne Vetö, “Le corps humain à la lumière du corps du Christ ressuscité chez Thomas d’Aquin,” 97 – 116.
Issue 2
- José Antonio Valdivia Fuenzalida, “La connaissance de soi. A propos d’un argument de Pierre de Jean Olivi contre Thomas d’Aquin,” 209 – 247
Issue 3
- Sylvio Hermann De Francheschi, “L’exténuation de la grâce au miroir de la Somme de Theologie,“ 353 – 384.
Issue 4
- Iacopo Costa, “From the symbolism of liquids: Study and edition of an anonymous sermon on the rapture of Saint Paul,” 537 – 579.
- Gilles Berceville et al., « Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales, » 679-724.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 90 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Françoise Vinel, Review of Sermons, traités, poème. Les écrits allemands, by Maître Eckhart, translation by J. Ancelet-Hustache and É. Mangin, 292-293.
- Denis Donetzkoff, Review of Le Mystère théandrique. Action de Dieu, action de l’homme dans l’œuvre du salut, by Simon Icard, 293-295.
Issues 3-4 : NTR
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 62 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Hildegund Muller, “Augustine’s Retractationes in the Context of his Letter Corpus: On the Genesis and Function of an Uncommon Genre,” 95 – 120.
- Christian Tornau, “Der Bischof und der Priester. Elemente einer Kommentierung von Augustins Briefwechsel mit Longinianus (ep. 233-235),” 153 – 182.
- Winrich Löhr, “Augustine’s Correspondence with Pascentius (epp. 238-241) – an epistolary power game?,” 183 – 222.
- Christopher Nunn, “References in the Correspondence of Augustine. Chances and Boundaries of digital ‘Distant Reading’ Processes,” 223 – 233.
- Charlotte Köckert, “Augustine and Nebridius (Augustine, epp. 3–14): Two Christian Intellectuals and Their Project of a Philosophical Life,” 235 – 262.
- Jérémy Delmulle, “Le florilège augustinien de Bède le Vénérable et les discussions tardoantiques sur la grâce, le libre arbitre et la predestination,” 265 – 292.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 69 (2 ipy): NTR
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 141 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
Issue 2 – 4 : NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 114 (4 ipy)
Issue 2
- Francois Beets, Review of On geography. An Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 4, by the Brethren of Purity, edited and translated by Ignacio Sánchez and James Montgomery, 299 – 301.
- Francois Beets, Review of Alberti Magni Opera omnia and Tomus XXXIX: Super Euclidem, edited by Paul M. J. E. Tummers, 301 – 303.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Albertus Magnus und sein System der Wissenschaften Schlüsseltexte in Übersetzung Lateinisch – Deutsch, edited by Hannes Möhle et al., 303 – 304.
- Roland Hissette, Review of Sancti Thomae de Aquino Opera omnia. Tomus XLIV 1. Sermones. Cura et studio Fratrum Praedicatorem, edited by L. J. Bataillon, 304 – 306.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of La vie morale selon saint Thomas d’Aquin. Une éthique des vertus, by Leo Elders, 306 – 307.
- Julien Lambinet, Review of Summulae de locis dialecticis, by Joannes Buridanus, 307 – 308.
- Julien Lambinet, Review of Traité sur la quantité & Traité sur le corps du Christ, by Guillaume d’Ockham, translated by Magali Roques, 308 – 310.
- Julien Lambinet, Review of Mathematical Theologies. Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres, by David Albertson, 310 – 315.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Interpreting Proclus. From Antiquity to the Renaissance, edited by Stephen Gersh, 317 – 326.
Issue hors-série
- Dominik Perler, “Liberté et émotions. Aux sources médiévales d’un débat contemporain,” 47 – 67.
- Bernard Rimé, “Les émotions. Conceptions médiévales et conceptions contemporaines,” 69 – 74.
- Nathalie Frogneux, “Raison, émotions et imagination. Question à Dominik Perler,” 75 – 81.
- Andrea Robiglio, “Les passions et l’Occident,”, 83-88.
Issue 3
- Kristell Trego, “Intention et réalité: Avicenne et les origines du concept de ma’na,” 445 – 460.
- Veronique Decaix, “Intentionnalité et constitution: Un sens oublie de l’intentionnalité des scolastiques,” 461 – 483.
Issue 4: NTR
Revue Thomiste, 116 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Gilbert Dahan, “L’eschatologie dans les commentaires thomasiens des épîtres pauliniennes,” 13 – 34.
Gilles Berceville, “Que peut-on apprendre selon saint Thomas de la gloire future des élus à travers la lecture des évangiles de la Résurrection?,” 35 – 56.
- Bryan Kromholtz, O.P., “La perfection de la nature : la doctrine de saint Thomas d’Aquin sur la résurrection du corps, sa réception et son développement,” 57 – 70.
- Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., “L’âme séparée Le paradoxe de l’anthropologie thomiste,” 71 – 103.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, O.P., “Thomas d’Aquin, Maritain, Journet et la théologie de la purification au purgatoire. Quelques conclusions en théologie catholique,” 105 – 164.
Issue 2
- Jean-Miguel Garrigues, O.P., “La conversion au Christ du peuple juif comme signe eschatologique chez saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 179 – 192.
- Benoît-Dominique de la Soujeole, O.P., “L’eschatologie à partir des données sacramentelles,” 193 – 209.
- François Daguet, O.P., “Thomas d’Aquin, Joachim de Flore et la théologie de l’histoire,” 211 – 233.
- Mgr André-Joseph Léonard, “L’eschatologie peut-elle éclairer la protologie ? Du paradis celeste au paradis terrestre,” 235 – 248.
- Timothy Bellamah, O.P., “Utrum damnatis prosint suffragia: Hugues de Saint-Cher, Guillaume d’Alton et Thomas d’Aquin sur la possibilité d’aider les damnés,” 267 – 282.
- Sergio Tommaso Stancati, O.P., “Le Prognosticum futuri saeculi de Julien de Tolède: le plus ancien traité systématique d’eschatologie chrétienne,” 319 – 338.
Issue 3
- Thibaut Gress, “L’hénologie négative de Nicolas de Cues ou l’Un sans l’être,” 421 – 464.
- Emmanuel Perrier, O.P., Review of The Mystery of Union with God: Dionysian Mysticism in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, by Bernhard Blankenhorn, 507 – 512.
- Ghislain-Marie Grange, O.P., Review of Reading John with St. Thomas Aquinas: Theological Exegesis and Speculative Theology, edited by Michael Dauphinais, Matthew Levering, 512 – 514.
- Ghislain-Marie Grange, O.P., Review of Paul in the Summa Theologiae, by Matthew Levering, 514 – 515.
- Denis Le Pivain, Review of La Trinité rédemptrice dans le Commentaire de l’évangile de saint Jean par Thomas d’Aquin, by Martin Sabathé, 515 – 517.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, O.P., Review of Connaître Dieu par expérience. La connaissance expérimentale de Dieu selon saint Thomas d’Aquin, by Robert Augé, O.S.B., 518 – 521.
- Édouard Divry, O.P., Review of Collaborateurs de Dieu. Providence et travail humain selon Thomas d’Aquin, by Christine Gautier, O.P., 521 – 523.
Issue 4
- Gilbert Dahan, “Thomas d’Aquin : exégèse et herméneutique,” 531 – 556.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, O.P., “Bulletin de christologie (VII),” 647 – 677.
- Marie de l’Assomption, O.P., Review of L’Âme et le corps. Somme de théologie, Première partie, questions 75 et 76, by Thomas d’Aquin, Latin text by B.C. Bazán, translated by J.-B. Brenet, 679 – 686.
- Basile Valuet, O.S.B., Review of Causalité divine et péché dans la théologie de saint Thomas d’Aquin. Examen critique du concept de motion, by Fabio Schmitz, 686 – 689.
- Jean Cachia, Review of Master Thomas Aquinas and the Fullness of Life, by John F. Boyle, 690.
- Jean Cachia, Review of The Root of Friendship: Self-Love & Self-Governance in Aquinas, by Anthony T. Flood, 695.
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2016 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Sergio Galvan, “Teoria classica dei possibili. Possibilismo classico e suo fondamento attualistico,” 3- 28.
- Andrea Nannini, “Pierre Ceffons di Clairvaux. La questione dei significabilia complexe intorno al 1350. II. Gregorio da Rimini e Giovanni di Mirecourt,”67 – 90.
- Massimo Campanini, “L’ordinamento delle scienze in Al-Fārābī, tra epistemologia e politica,” 207 – 214.
Issue 2
- Andrea Nannini, “Pierre Ceffons di Clairvaux. La questione dei significabilia complexe intorno al 1350. III. Pierre Ceffons,” 373 – 401.
Issue 3
- Renato De Filippis, “Gli ‘Opuscula sacra’ di Boezio: questioni irrisolte e nuove prospettive ermeneutiche autore,” 565 – 596.
- Davide Riserbato, “Errores philosophorum e privilège du théologien. Metafisica, teologia e inerenza accidentale in Duns Scoto,” 673 – 694.
Issue 4
- Andrea Robiglio, Barbara Bartocci, “On Reading Aristotle in the Quattrocento. For Aristotle’s 2400th Birthday,” 755 – 758.
- Pietro Bassiano Rossi, “Commenti agli Analytica posteriora e gli italiani del Quattrocento. Una prima indagine,” 759 – 774.
- Christophe Geudens, Serena Masolini, “Teaching Aristotle at the Louvain Faculty of Arts, 1425-1500. General Regulations and handwritten Testimonies,” 813 – 844.
- Maurizio Migliori, “La struttura sequnziale del Fedone: un ‘gioco’ magistrale per provare l’immortalita dell’anima,” 891 – 914.
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2016 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Riccardo Fedriga and Roberto Limonta, “La debolezza di volontà in Anselmo e le sue fonti,” 357 – 386.
- Anna De Pace, “Rapporto tra scienza e Libro Sacro: due versioni di Galileo,” 387 – 422.
Issue 4: NTR
Southwest Philosophy Review, 32 (2 ipy): NTR
Speculum, 91 (4 ipy):
Issue 1
- Florian Wöller, Review of Echoes of Aquinas in Cusanus’s Vision of Man, by Markus Führer, 204-205.
- Aurélien Robert, Review of Questions disputées, tome VI, Questions 38–45, by Richard de Mediavilla, translated by Alain Boureau, 248-250.
- Silvia Donati, Review of In Search of the Truth: A History of Disputation Techniques from Antiquity to Early Modern Times, by Olga Weijers, 266-267.
- Holly Johnson, Review of Medieval “Artes praedicandi”: A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure, by Siegfried Wenzel, 267-269.
Issue 2
- Cecilia Trifogli, Review of History of Philosophy in Reverse: Reading Aristotle through the Lenses of Scholars from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries, by Sten Ebbesen, David Bloch, Jakob Leth Fink, Heine Hansen, and Ana María Mora-Márquez, 484-485.
- John Zemke, Review of Libro del consejo e de los consejeros, edited by Maestre Pedro, 525-527.
Issue 3
- Justin Stover, Review of Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres, by David Albertson, 746-747.
- Robert E. Lerner, Review of Pierre le Mangeur ou Pierre de Troyes, maître du XIIe siècle, edited by Gilbert Dahan, 769-770.
Issue 4: NTR
Studi Medievali, 57 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- R. Ciocca, “Cenni a ‘disordine’ della Natura e ‘domus regia’ in Teodulfo d’Orleans,” 33.
Issue 2
- G. Cariboni, “The three privileges ‘Attendentes quomodo’ of Alexander III. Revision, use and tradition of papal documentation among the Cistercians,” 631.
- J. C. Santos Paz, “Guillermo de Saint-Amour y la versión original de la profecía antimendicante Insurgent Gentes,” 649.
- L. Villani, “Il De ventre pseudo-ovidiano e la scienza morale dei tre elementi. Una lettura « ethica »”, 771.
Issue 3:
- E. S. Mainoldi, “L’abate Sugerio e i suoi orizzonti mimetici: san Dionigi (non l’Areopagita) tra Saint-Denis e Hagia Sophia sullo sfondo della rottura tra Oriente e Occidente cristiani,” 23.
- D. A. Traill, “The Enigmatic Vide, qui fastu rumperis and the Career of Philip the Chancellor,” 363.
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 6 (1-2 ipy)
- Emma Gannagé, “Al-Kindī, Ptolemy (and Nicomachus of Gerasa) Revisited”, 83-112.
- Veysel Kaya, “Saʿīd ibn Dādhurmuz’s Epistle on Soul and Spirit”, 113-120.
- Marion Dapsens, “De la Risālat Maryānus au De Compositione alchemiae. Quelques réflexions sur la tradition d’un traité d’alchimie”, 121-140.
- Hossein Mottaqi, “MS Qom, Kitābḫāna Āyatullāh Marʿāšī 286. An 11th /17th Century Iranian Anthology of Philosophical and Theological Works in Arabic and Persian”, 141-186.
- Elisa Coda, “Breve nota su una traduzione ebraico-latina umanistica: Mosé Alatino (1529-1605) traduttore di Temistio,” 187-210.
- Marco Zambon, review of Th. Böhm, Th. Jürgasch, A. Kirchner, Walter de Gruyter, Boethius as a Paradigm of Late Ancient Thought, 287-93.
- Cristina D’Ancona, A.C. Bowen review of Leiden Brill, Simplicius on the Planets and Their Motions. In Defense of a Heresy, 294-301.
- Cristina D’Ancona, review of Al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsā al-Nawbaḫtī, Commentary on Aristotle De Generatione et corruption, 316-320.
Studia Neoaristotelica, 13 (multiple ipy)
Issue 1
- John Kronen and Sandra Menssen, “Towards a Robust Hylomorphism,” 5 – 43.
- Miroslave Hanke, “Cajetan of Thiene on the Logic of Paradox,” 71 – 95.
Issue 2
- Monika Mansfeld, “The Fourfold Division of Opposition in Questions on Aristotle’s “Categories” (Quaestiones super “Praedicamenta” Aristotelis) by Benedict Hesse, Paul of Pyskowice and in the Oldest Cracow Commentary on the Categories Preserved in Cod. bj 1941,” 101 – 120.
Issue 3
- Lukas Licka, “Vnímání, kauzalita a pozornost Roger Bacon a Petr Olivi,” 3 – 38.
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5
- Roman Micka, “Scholastický příspěvek k ideálu jednoty lidstva a jejímu politickému vyjádření v 16. a 17. století v kontextu předchozího a následného vývoje,” 69 – 102.
Issue 6
- Lukas Novak, “Doctrina de connotatis v barokně-scholastické diskusi,” 105 – 218.
Issue 7: NTR
Synthese, 193 (multi ipy): NTR
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 78 (4 ipy)
Issue 1 – 2: NTR
Issues 3-4: NTR
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 80 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- M. V. Dougherty, “Opining the articuli fidei: Thomas Aquinas on the Heretic’s Assent to the Articles of Faith,” 1-21.
- Miguel J. Romero, “The Happiness of ‘Those Who Lack the Use of Reason,’” 49-96.
- Jordan Olver, “Love of God Above Self,” 97-131.
- Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J., Review of Memory in Augustine’s Theological Anthropology, by Paige E. Hochschild, 144-147.
- Sebastian Rehnman, Review of Thomism in John Owen, by Christopher Cleveland, 160-164.
Issue 2
- Elisabeth Uffenheimer-Lippens, “On Thomas Aquinas’s Two Approaches to Female Rationality,” 191 – 225.
- David L Whidden III, “The Theology of Play and the Play of Theology in Thomas Aquinas,” 273 – 284.
- Gilles Mongeau, S.J., “Mystery on the Move: Aquinas’s Theological Method as Transforming Wisdom,” 285 – 300.
- Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, Review of Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue eds. Bruce L McCormack and Thomas Joseph White, O.P., 301 – 305.
- Brian J. Shanley, O.P., Review of Thomas Aquinas’s “Summa Theologiae”: A Guide and Commentary by Brian Davies, O.P., 306 – 309.
- Roger W. Nutt, Review of The Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God by Nicholas E. Lombardo, O.P., 317 – 321.
- David Olson, Review of Introduction to the Mystery of the Church by Benoît-Dominique de la Soujeole, O.P., trans. Michael J. Miller, 324 – 327.
Issue 3
- Romanus Cessario, Cajetan Cuddy, “Mercy in Aquinas: Help from the Commentatorial Tradition,”329 – 339.”
- Michael Dauphinais, “The Difference Divince Mercy Makes in Aquinas’s Exegesis,” 341 – 353.”
- Mark Johnson, “A Note on Thomas and the Divine Mercy,” 355 – 362.
- James Lehrberger, “The Blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven Will See the Punishments of the Damned So That Their Bliss May Be More Delightful to Them”: Nietzsche and Aquinas,” 425 – 462.
Issue 4:
- Paul M. Rogers, “Pierre Benoit’s ‘Ecclesial inspiration’: A Thomistic Notion at the Heart of Twentieth-Century Debates on Biblical Inspiration,” 521 – 562.
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofia, 50-51 (1 ipy)
Volume 50, Issue 1
- María Teresa Rodríguez González, “¿Una posible polémica entre platónicos sobre Aristóteles? El fragmento 13 del Comentario a una canción de amor de Pico della Mirandola,” 25 – 40
- Manfred Svensson, “Un caso de antiaristotelismo agustiniano: Lutero y la recepción de Aristóteles en la Reforma protestante,” 41 – 59.
Volume 51, Issue 1
- Darío José Limardo, “La “Relación” en cuanto una de las “Categorías”: una Aproximación a su Sistematización y Problemática Metafísica en Tomás de Aquino,” 159 – 190.
- David Ezequiel Téllez Maqueo, “La Justificación de la Presencia del Mal en el Mundo desde la Estética Agustiniana,” 191 – 210.
Topoi, 35 (1-2 ipy)
Issue 2
- Thomas Williams, “Anselm’s Proslogion,” 613 – 616.
Traditio, 71 (1 ipy)
- Carlos Mengino Rodriguez, “Topics of Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Augustine of Hippo: the Transmission of Cicero and the Context of Their Use,” 1 – 31.
- Owen M. Phelan, “New Insights, Old Texts: Clerical Formation and the Carolingian Renewal in Hrabanus Maurus,” 63 – 89.
- Alexander Andrée, “Peter Comestor’s Lectures on the Glossa “Ordinaria” on the Gospel of John the Bible and Theology in the Twelfth-Century Classroom,” 203 – 234.
Vivarium, 54 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Anna Marmodoro and Ben Page, “Aquinas on Forms, Substances and Artifacts,” 1-21.
- Juhana Toivanen, “Peter Olivi on Political Power, Will, and Human Agency,” 22-45.
- Bert Bos, Review of Aristotle’s Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions, by Sten Ebbesen, John Marenbon, and Paul Thom, 109-112.
- Sara L. Uckelman, Review of Peter of Spain: Summaries of Logic: Text, Translation, Introduction, and Notes, by Brian P. Copenhaver, with Calvin G. Normore and Terence Parsons, 113-116.
- Therese Scarpelli Cory, Review of Duns Scotus’s Theory of Cognition, by Richard Cross, 117-121.
Issue 2-3
- Shalom Sadik, “Eckhart, Lost in Translation: La traduction de Sh-h-r par Yehuda Alharizi et ses implications philosophiques”, 125–145.
- Magali Roques, “William of Ockham’s Ontology of Arithmetic,” 146–165.
- Michael Joseph Fitzgerald †, “The ‘English Rule’ in Master Anonymous’ Question 6 on the Perihermeneias: Utrum nomina obliqua sint nomina apud logicum”, 166–172.
- Daniel Heider, “The Notitia Intuitiva and Notitia Abstractiva of the External Senses in Second Scholasticism: Suárez, Poinsot and Francisco de Oviedo”, 173–203.
- Helen Hattab, “Descartes on the Eternal Truths and Essences of Mathematics: An Alternative Reading”, 204–249.
- Sonja Schierbaum, Review of Zugänge zum Selbst. Innere Erfahrung in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit , by Christian Rode, 251–253.
Issue 4
- Roland Wittwer, “Sextus Empiricus’ Outlines of Pyrrhonism in the Middle Ages,” 255 – 285.
- Christina Tomesen Thörnqvist, “Sleepwalking Through the Thirteenth Century: Some Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle’s De Somno et vigilia 2.456a24-27,” 286 – 310.
- Jenny Pelletier, “Walter Chatton on Enumerating the Categories,” 311 – 334.
- Stephen Read, “Paradoxes of Signification,” 335 – 355.
- Chris Schabel, Review of Petri Thomae Quaestiones de esse intelligibili, ed. Garrett R. Smith, 357 – 362.