2018 Bibliography

Last worked on 01/25/2022

Revised JLS 08/17/2020

0 “forthcoming” left


Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 21 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 92 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4:

Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 35 (1-3 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3

Angelicum, 95 (3 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Christian Ferraro, “Riflessioni sul costitutivo della beatitudine dalla prospettiva del «tomismo intensivo»,” 7-24.
  • Alberto Frigerio, “Le radici antiche di un dibattito attuale sulla razionalità pratica: interpretazione tomasiana e gadameriana della phronesis aristotelica,” 25-54.
  • Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of La Démonstration de l’existence de Dieu. Les conclusions des cinq voies de saint Thomas d’Aquin et la preuve a priori dans le thomisme du XVIIe siècle, by Igor Agostini, 149-153.
  • Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., Review of Il diritto naturale dalla scolastica francescana alla riforma protestante II, by Aldo Vendemiati, 154ff.

Issue 2

  • Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., “San Tommaso d’Aquino nell’enciclica Fides et ratio,” 181-188.
  • Walter Senner, O.P., “«Fides et ratio» or «raison et foi»: Pope John Paul II and Alain de Libera mis-reading Albertus Magnus?” 189-200.

Issue 3

  • Ryszard Rybka, O.P., Review of «Ordo rationis» virtù e legge. Studio sulla morale tomista della «Summa Theologiae», by Marco Panero, 400ff.

Annuario Filosofico, 34 (1 ipy)

Anuario Filosófico, 51 (3 ipy)

Issues 1-2: NTR

Issue 3:

Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 28 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 15 (1 ipy)

  • Wolfgang Buchmüller OCist, “Integumentum, involucrum, revelatio: Zur Kontroverse um eine philosophisch-theologische Schrifthermeneutik bei Wilhelm von Conches, Wilhelm von Saint-Thierry und Isaak von Étoile.”

Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 100 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 2-4: NTR

Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 72 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Issue 5:

Issue 6:

Archives de Philosophie, 81 (4 ipy): NTR

Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 85 (1 ipy)

Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 68 (2 ipy)

Issue 1 et 2 (n° 180-181)

  • Matteo Cosci, Le fonti di Galileo Galilei per le Lezioni e studi sulla stella nuova del 1604
  • Alfredo Paolella, Discussione critica sulle edizioni della Strix di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 111 (4 ipy)

Issue 1/2

  • Carlos E. Saltos Solà, Review of Bonaventure Revisited: Companion to the Breviloquium, edited by Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M. and Katherine Wrisley Shelby .
  • Marc Ozilou, Review of Les anges et le lieu, by Henri de Gand, Matthieu d’Aquasparta [OMin.], Richard de Mediavilla [OMin.], Pierre de Jean Olivi [OMin.].
  • Francesco Pica, Review of Collationes oxonienses by Iohannis Duns Scoti [OMin.].
  • Claus A. Andersen, Review of Scholastica Colonialis: Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16th-18th Centuries, edited by Roberto Hofmeister Pich and Alfredo Aantiago Culleton.

Issue 3/4: NTR

Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 76 (1 ipy)

Augustinian Studies, 49 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2:

Augustinianum, 58 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 96 (4 ipy): NTR

Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 21 (1 ipy):

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 26 (4-6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issues 4-5: NTR

Issue 6:

Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 60 (1 ipy)

  • Laurent Cesalli, “The New Ueberweg – Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: Publication of the First Three Volumes on the Byzantine and Latin Middle Ages.”
  • Natalia G. Jakubecki, “Divine Providence and Free Will in the De Angelo Perdito by Gilbert Crispin. An Interpretation in Light of the Consolation of Philosophy.
  • William Courtenay, “An Anonymous Oxford Franciscan(?), Questiones super Sententias, 1295-c.1305.”
  • Jaume Mensa I Valls, “The Collocutio Friderici Regis Siciliae et nostra, lecta et communicata Sedi Apostolicae by Arnau de Vilanova (†1311): A Rehabilitation.”
  • Lydia Deni Gamboa, “El conocimiento intuitivo como garante epistémico según William of Ockham y Adam of Wodeham.”
  • Giovanna Murano, “Il manoscritto della Destructio destructionum di Averroè appartenuto a Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.”
  • Christophe Geudens, “On Topical Logic During the Late Middle Ages. A Study of Saint-Omer, BA., Ms. 609.”

Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (irregular): No issue published this year.

Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 111 (4 ipy)

Issues 1-2: NTR

Issue 3:

Issue 4: NTR

Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 87 (1 ipy)

Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 48 (6 ipy): NTR

Chôra, 15-16 (1 ipy) (double issue for 2017-2018)

Collectanea Franciscana, 89 (4 ipy)

Issue 1/2

  • Pietro Maranesi, “Pietro di Bernardone nella vicenda iniziale di Francesco: Analisi della ‘Legenda trium sociorum’,” 7-52.
  • “Ipse Altissimus revelavit michi et dominus papa confirmavit. Recenti contributi e questioni aperte su Francesco d’Assisi. Atti della Tavola rotonda, Milano, 20 gennaio 2017. Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia e Storia dell’arte – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore − Milano,” 263-345.
    • Maria Pia Alberzoni, “Introduzione,” 265-279.
    • Gert Melville, “‘Homo Spiritum Dei habens’. Francesco a Chiesa istituzionale e trascendenza individuale,” 281-300.
    • Maria Teresa Dolso, “Francesco e la sua Regola tra ispirazione evangelica e direttive papali,” 301-317.
    • Felice Accrocca, “Il ‘mistero’ Francesco,” 319-325.
    • Maria Pia Alberzoni, “Francesco e le istituzioni. Intervento di risposta,” 327-334.
    • Alfonso Marini, “Tra storiografia e filologia. Intervento in risposta,” 335-345.
  • David Rabourdin, “Congrès International ‘Deus summe cognoscibilis. L’actualité théologique de saint Bonaventure’ Rome, 15-17 novembre 2017. Chronique,” 363-370.

Issues 3-4

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 66 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issues 2-6: NTR

Dialogue, 57 (4 ipy)

Issue 3:

Issue 4: NTR

Dionysius, 36 (1 ipy)

Discusiones Filosóficas, 19 (2 ipy): NTR

Divus Thomas, 121 (3 ipy)

Issue 2

  • Laurence Wuidar, “Dall’albero musicale alla vox spiritualis: suono e mistero in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena,” 116-141.

Issue 3

  • Fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., “Provvidenza divina, angelo custode e dignità della persona umana,” 57-75.
  • Francesco Compagnoni, “La persona umana come soggetto politico nell’opera di T. d’Aquino,” 112-118.
  • Luigi Cornacchia, “‘Sicut pars ad totum’. Persona, società e responsabilità penale: per una lettura realista di alcuni odierni concetti giuspenalistici,” 124-134.
  • Marco Damonte, “Tommaso nel dibattito sul dualismo anima-corpo,” 135-145.
  • Richard J. Dougherty, “St. Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Man in the « Treatise on Law »,” 167-177.
  • John Dudley, “God’s Pleasure and Man’s Pleasure According to St. Thomas Aquinas,” 178-188.
  • Simone Guidi, “« Magnae dignitati est in rationali natura subsistere ». Aquinas’ Notion of « Person » and the Ontology of Spiritual Substances,” 208-218.
  • Arkadiusz Gudaniec, “‘Esse personale’ come fondamento della persona umana,” 219-227.
  • Terence Kennedy, “Mercy and the God of Love in St. Thomas,” 234-245.
  • Mirella Lorenzini, “Persona e natura umana in chiave educativa: il pensiero di san Tommaso nel progetto educativo di una scuola di primo grado,” 246-255.
  • Andrea Porcarelli, “Educability as a Prerogative of the Human Being: The Influence of Thomas Aquinas’ Thought in Pedagogical Personalism of the Twentieth Century,” 256-267.
  • Ignacio Serrano del Pozo, “Algo imperfecto y ocasional: una relectura a la controvertida tesis de Tomás de Aquino sobre la mujer,” 268-280.
  • Jörgen Vijgen, “Wounded Nature. Thomas Aquinas on the Fragility of the Virtuous Life and the Limits of a Philosophical Virtue Ethics,” 281-291.
  • Alex Yeung, “Person and Creativity: A Gilson Inspired Reading of St. Thomas Aquinas,” 303-312.
  • Michaël Bauwens, “Thomas on the Metaphysics of Freedom in Heaven and Hell,” 313-318.
  • Maria Aracoeli Beroch, “‘Sourcehood’ e scelta in Tommaso d’Aquino: l’uomo come perfetto padrone dei suoi atti,” 319-323.
  • José Maria Carabante, “Naturaleza humana y persona. La persona como trascendental en santo Tomás de Aquino,” 324-329.
  • Elisabetta Casadei, “‘Rational choice’ ed ‘electio’ tommasiana,” 330-335.
  • Tomasz Duma, “Metaphysical Foundations of the Identity of the Human Being According to St. Thomas Aquinas,” 342-347.
  • Marcus B. Gaffney, “Recovering Thomistic Ethical Solutions in the Categories of Natural Inclination,” 348-353.
  • Francesco Luigi Gallo, “Contro il determinismo biologico: Tommaso d’Aquino e il cervello plastic,” 354-358.
  • Lu Jiang, “Person and Freedom in Thomas Aquinas’ Philosophy,” 359-364.
  • Anna Mazurek, “The Aim of Humor. A Discussion of Aquinas’ Conception of Humor,” 365-370.
  • Seyyed Mohsen Eslami, “Value-Based Theories of Reasons and Matters of Taste: Aquinas on Limitations of Reason Alone,” 371-377.
  • Michał Oleksowiczf, “The Implications of Aquinas’s Concept of the Corporeal Spirits for the Anthropological Mind-Body Debate,” 378-383.
  • Marco Panero, “‘Ordo rationis’, specificazione morale degli atti umani e regolazioni virtuose,” 389-394.
  • Matteo Scozia, “Thomism and Scotism in the light of Pierre Legendre’s Dogmatic Anthropology,” 395-399.

Doctor Virtualis, 14 (1 ipy)

Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 29 (1 ipy):

Early Science and Medicine, 23 (6 ipy)

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5/6: NTR

Ergo, 5 (1 ipy)

Issue 1:

Estudios Filosoficos, 67 (3 ipy): NTR

Etudes Franciscaines, 11 (2 ipy):

Issue 1

  • Sophie Delmas, “Un séculier chez les Mendiants. Godefroid de Fontaines († 1309), lecteur d’Eustache d’Arras, OFM.”

Issue 2: NTR

Faith and Philosophy, 35 (4 ipy)

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

Issue 4:

Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), 51 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Filozofia, 73 (10 ipy):

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 7

Issue 10

Franciscan Studies, 76 (1 ipy):

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 65 (2 ipy):

Issue 1

Issue 2

Giornale di Metafisica, 40 (2 ipy): NTR

Gregorianum, 99 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

  • Isabelle Bochet, “«Désire ce qui fera ton plaisir» (Augustin, In Ps. 41,3),” 469 – 482.

Issue 4: NTR

Heythrop Journal, 59 (6 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 6

History and Philosophy of Logic, 39 (4 ipy)

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

History of Philosophy Quarterly, 35 (4 ipy): NTR

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 83, 84 (6 ipy)

Volume 83

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

Volume 84

Issue 3

  • Kirk R. MacGregor, “Harmonizing Molina’s Rejection of Transworld Damnation with Craig’s Solution to the Problem of the Unevangelized,” 345-353.

International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 26 (5 ipy): NTR

International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 79 (4-5 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3

Issue 4-5: NTR


International Philosophical Quarterly, 58 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 12 (1 ipy): no issue this year.

Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 26 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Journal of Medieval History, 44 (5 ipy)

Issues 1-4: NTR

Issue 5

Journal of Philosophical Logic, 47 (6 ipy): NTR

Journal of Philosophical Research, 43 (1 ipy): NTR

Journal of Religious Ethics, 46 (4 ipy): NTR

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2: NTR

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 4 (4 ipy)

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2

Issue 3-4: NTR

Journal of the History of Ideas, 79 (4 ipy):

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of the History of Philosophy, 56 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 81 (1 ipy): NTR

  • .

Laval théologique et philosophique, 74 (3 ipy)

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

Médiévales, 74, 75 (2 ipy): NTR

Medieval Encounters, 24 (5-6 ipy)

Issue 1/2/3

Issue 4

Issue 5/6

Mediaeval Sophia, 20 (1 ipy):

Mediaeval Studies, 80 (1 ipy)

Issue 1

  • Garrett R. Smith, “Aufredo Gonteri on the Univocity of Being: Compilatio Lecturae primi Sententiarum distinctio 3 quaestiones 2-4,” 59-170.

Mediaevalia, 39 (1 ipy): NTR

Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 37 (1 ipy)

Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 43 (1 ipy)

Micrologus, 26 (1 ipy)

Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 42 (1 ipy): NTR

Mind, 127 (4 ipy): NTR




The Monist, 101 (4 ipy): NTR

Noctua [xx] (3 ipy)

Nous, 52 (4 ipy): NTR

Nova et Vetera, 16 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2:

Issue 3

Issue 4

Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): no issue this year.

Oriens, 46 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2:

Issue 3-4:

Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 6 (1 ipy)

Empiricism and Knowledge of the Incorporeal in Aquinas,” 100-143.

Parergon, 35 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Philosopher’s Imprint, 18 (multi ipy): NTR

Philosophia, 46 (4 ipy): NTR

Issue 2: NTR



Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 19-21 (1-4 ipy)

Issue 1 (No. 19)



Issue 3 (No. 21)

The Philosophical Quarterly, 68 (4 ipy)

Issue 1 (no 270)

Issues 2-4 (no 271-273): NTR

The Philosophical Review, 127 (4 ipy): NTR


Philosophical Studies, 175 (multi ipy): NTR


Philosophical Topics, 46 (2 ipy):

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2: NTR

Philosophiques, 45 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR

Philosophy and Theology, 30 (2 ipy):

Issue 1

Issue 2:

Philosophy Compass, 13 (12 ipy): NTR

Praxis Filosófica, 46, 47 (2 ipy)

Volume 46

Volume 47: NTR

Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 92 (1 ipy)

Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 15 (1 ipy):

Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 18 (1 ipy)

Quaestiones Disputatae, 8-9 (2 ipy): NTR

Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 85 (2 ipy)

Issue 1 

Issue 2

Religious Studies, 54 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issues 3-4: NTR

Res Philosophica, 95 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR Issue 3: NTR

Issue 4

The Review of Metaphysics, 71, 72 (4 ipy):

Volume 71

Issue 3

Issue 4

Volume 72

Issue 1: NTR

Issue 2

Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 2018 (4 ipy) 

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 102 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 92 (1-4 ipy)

Issues 1-2 : NTR

Issue 3

Issue 4 : NTR

Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 64 (2 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2: NTR

Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 71 (2 ipy) : NTR

Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 143 (4 ipy)

Issues 1-2: NTR

Issue 3:

Issue 4: NTR

Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 116 (4 ipy)

Issue 1 : NTR

Issue 2

  • Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Hugonis de Sancto Victore operum Editio auspiciis Gilduini abbatis procurata et IV voluminibus digessa, by Hugo de Sancto-Victore, edited by Rainero Brendt, 297.
  • Jean-Michel Counet, Review of La royauté au roi de Chypre, by Thomas d’Aquin, translated by Delphine Carron and Véronique Decaix, 297-299.
  • Alejandro Pérez, Review of Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World. Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects, by Jeffrey E. Brower, 299-301.
  • Jean Borel, Review of La chasse de la sagesse et autres œuvres de philosophie tardive, by Nicolas de Cues, translated by Jocelyne Sfez, 301-303.
  • Jean Borel, Review of Mystique rhénane et Devotio moderna, edited by Marie-Anne Vannier, 303-304.
  • Jean Borel, Review of Les 900 conclusions, by Pic de la Mirandole, edited by Delphine Viellard, and La condamnation de Pic de la Mirandole, by Louis Valcke, 304-306.
  • Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Debating Medieval Natural Law: A Survey, by Riccardo Saccenti, 306-307.

Issue 3-4: NTR

Revue Thomiste, 118 (4 ipy):

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2018 (4 ipy)

Issue 1/2

Issue 3

Issue 4: NTR

Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2018 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3: NTR

Issue 4

Southwest Philosophy Review, 34 (2 ipy): NTR

Speculum, 93 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3


Issue 4

Studi Medievali, 59 (2-3 ipy)

Issue 1

  • C. Colomba, “« Ad umbram cuiusdam arboris speciosae »: alcune riflessioni sulla “natura bella” nel Liber de gentili et de tribus sapientibus e nel Liber amici et amati di Raimondo Lullo,” 65-78.
  • M. Donnini, “Gregorio Magno e Giovanni Balbi: sinossi di contenuti e testi,” 79-112.
  • J. Keskiaho, “Late-Antique or Early Medieval Annotations to Augustine’s De Genesi ad litteram. Novara, Biblioteca Capitolare, lxxxiii and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 1804,” 189-214.
  • I. Morresi, “Caratteristiche del testo delle Institutiones riflesso nelle Etymologiae di Isidoro di Siviglia,” 215-270.
  • T. Gregory, “Considerazioni per una storia del pensiero scientifico altomedievale,” 271-282.

Issue 2

  • R. Guglielmetti, “I ripensamenti di Giovanni di Salisbury: varianti d’autore nel Policraticus,” 539-570.

Issue 3: forthcoming only 2 issues this year

Studia Graeco-Arabica, 8 (1-2 ipy)

Studia Neoaristotelica, 15 (multi ipy)

Issue 1


Issue 4

Synthese, 195 (multi [recently 12] ipy): NTR

The Journal of Religion, 98 (4 ipy)

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 82 (4 ipy):

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 80 (4 ipy): NTR

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 54, 55 (ipy varies)

Volume 54

Volume 55: NTR

Topoi, 37 (1-4 ipy): NTR


Traditio, 73 (1 ipy):

Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 49 (3 ipy)

Issues 1-2: NTR

Issue 3

Vivarium, 56 (4 ipy)

Issue 1-2

Issue 3-4


Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 53 (4 ipy): NTR

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