The 2019 Table of The Tables
Alpha omega : rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 22 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Bruno Do Espirito Santo, L.C., “L’Agostino di Romano Guardini: Uno Studio Storico-Teologico della Formazione Agostiniana del Pensiero Guardiniano tra Grazia, Conversione e Destino,” 43-57.
- Carlo Morganti, “Il Medioevo come Paradigma dell’Analisi Politica di Romano Guardini,” 87-102.
- Antonio Sacco, “Somiglianze e Differenze tra le Virtù in R. Guardini ed in S. Tomasso,” 119-139.
- Roberto Vinco, “Alcune Riflessioni sull’Analisi Guardiniana del Pensiero di S. Bonaventura,” 191-203.
Issue 2
- José A. Izquierdo Labeaga, L.C., “L’animazione dell’embrione in Alberto Magno e Tommaso d’Aquino (I-II),” 275-315.
- Alberto Mestre, L.C., “La conformità della volontà umana con quella divina nella Somma Teologica di San Tommaso d’Aquino (seconda parte),” 317-347.
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 93 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Julie Loveland Swanstrom, “Creation as Efficient Causation in Aquinas,” 1-27.
- Jacob Tuttle, “Suárez on Creation and Intrinsic Change,” 29-51.
- Craig M. White, “Against the Permissibility of Attempted Wife-Poisoning,” 53-74.
- W. Scott Cleveland and Brandon Dahm, “The Virtual Presence of Acquired Virtues in the Christian,” 75-100.
- Randall G. Colton, “St. Thomas, Teaching, and the Intellectual Virtue of Art,” 101-127.
- Michael Barnwell, “The Root of Sin is Still Undiscovered: A Counter-reply to Jensen,” 147-160.
- Steven J. Jensen, “Proto-Sin: A Case Study,” 161-171.
Issue 2
- Petr Dvořák and Jacob Schmutz, “Introduction: Special Issue on Baroque Scholasticism,” 187-189.
- Igor Agostini, “The Knowledge of God’s Quid Sit in Dominican Theology: From Saint Thomas to Ferrariensis,” 191-210.
- Tomáš Machula, “Theology as Wisdom: Renaissance and Modern Scholastic Commentaries on Aquinas,” 211-225.
- Sydney Penner, “Early Modern Scotists and Eudaimonism: The Affection for Advantage and the Affection for Justice,” 227-250.
- Petr Dvořák, “Vásquez’s Anselmian Response to Wycliffian Deterministic Arguments,” 251-270.
- Lukáš Novák, “How Pure a Potency? Prime Matter in Post-Mediæval Thomism,” 271-308.
- Jean-Pascal Anfray, “A Jesuit Debate about the Modes of Union: Francisco Suárez vs. Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza,” 309-334.
- Rudolf Schuessler, “Scholastic Social Epistemology in the Baroque Era,” 335-360.
- Tomáš Nejeschleba, “Metaphysica Valeriani Magni: The Doctrine on God and the World for Those Who Love God,” 361-383.
Issue 3:
- Thomas Ward, “A Most Mitigated Friar: Scotus on Natural Law and Divine Freedom,” 385-409.
- Mariusz Tabaczek, OP, “What Do God and Creatures Really Do in an Evolutionary Change? Divine Concurrence and Transformism from the Thomistic Perspective,” 445-492
- Matthew K. Minerd, “Thomism and the Formal Object of Logic,” 411-444.
- Guy Guldentops, “Francesco Piccolomini’s Christian-Neoplatonic Reading of Aristotle’s Theory of Friendship,” 551-576.
- Gene Fendt, Review of Augustine and Kierkegaard, edited by John Doody, Kim Paffenroth, and Helene Tallon Russell, 577-579.
- Dimitrios A. Vasilakis, Review of Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher, edited by Sotiris Mitralexis, Georgios Steiris, Marcin Podbielski, and Sebastian Lalla, 579-583.
Issue 4
- Jeff Steele and Thomas Williams, “Complexity without Composition: Duns Scotus on Divine Simplicity,” 611-631.
- Garrett R. Smith, “The Analogy of Being in the Scotist Tradition,” 633-673.
- William Matthew Diem, “Reasons for Acting and the End of Man as Naturally Known,” 723-756.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 36 (1-3 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Héctor Hernando Salinas Leal, “El universal lógico como modus concipiendi en Duns Escoto,” 29-48.
Issue 2
- Benjamín Antonio Figueroa Lackington, “Mística y filosofía en Avicena,” 335-354.
- Jaime Araos San Martín, “Tomás de Aquino y el concepto tradicional de la verdad, según Ser y tiempo, §44,” 477-493
Issue 3
- Hernán Guerrero-Troncoso, “Identidad – confluencia – trascendencia. Elementos para una interpretación histórico-especulativa del argumento de san Anselmo,” 617-640.
- Enrique Camilo Corti, “Ontogénesis del pensamiento especulativo anselmiano,” 641-657.
- Fernanda Ocampo, “La doctrina general de los trascendentales en Dietrich von Freiburg, y su filiación aristotélico-averroísta,” 659-681.
- Carlos Dario Romero, Review of Miradas sobre el suicidio, by Hugo Francisco Bauzá, 861-866.
- José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta, Review of Historia del cálculo a través de sus instrumentos, by Carlos Blanco Vázquez, 867-870.
- Rafael Ramis Barceló, Review of De utilitate colloquiorum (1526), by Erasmo de Rotterdam, translated, introduction, notes and appendices by Jorge Ledo, 871-872.
- Rafael Ramis Barceló, Review of Vedere nell’ombra. Studi su natura, spiritualità e scienze operative offerti a Michela Pereira, edited by C. Panti & N. Polloni, 873-875.
Angelicum, 96 (3 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Carlos A. Casanova, “A Restatement of the Fifth Thomistic Way to Prove the Existence of God,” 29-60.
- Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi, “Multifaceted Rationality in Shi‘a Thought,” 75-90.
- Mateus Domingues Da Silva, O.P., “Human knowledge of God according to Suhrawardī’s Metaphysics of Lights,” 91-108.
Issue 2
- Berthold Wald, “Streit um das Gewissen: Klarstellungen mit Thomas von Aquin,” 163-184.
- Thomas Joseph White, O.P., “Thomism after Vatican II,” 185-202.
Issue 3:
- Michael Dauphinais, “The Role of Christ and the History of Salvation in Aquinas’s Theology of Revelation,”
- Ryszard Rybka, “Il Bene di tutti e di ciascuno: il carattere morale del Bene comune in San Tommaso D’Aquino,”
Annuario Filosofico, 35 (1 ipy): NTR DONE
Anuario Filosófico, 52 (3 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- María Luisa Pro Velasco, Review of Edith Stein y el “De veritate” de Tomás de Aquino, by Miriam Ramos Gómez, 202-203.
Issue 2
- Andrea Fiamma, “Flujo y cuaternario en Bertoldo de Moosburgo y Nicolás de Cusa.”
- Pedro Mantas España, “¿Para qué una Historia de la Filosofía Medieval? John Marenbon y la tesis de lo ‘intempestivo’.”
Issue 3: NTR
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 29 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Roshdi Rashed, “Démonstration par l’absurde ou démonstration directe: Al-sijzī, sur l’incommensurabilité de la diagonale avec le côté,” 61-85.
- Saloua Chatti, “The Logic of Avicenna Between Al-Qiyās and Manṭiq al-mašriqiyyīn,” 109-131.
Issue 2
- Roshdi Rashed, “Ibn al-Haytham, Ibn Sina, al-Tusi: Égalité ou Congruence,” 157-170.
- Elon Harvey, “Avicenna’s Influence on Maimonides’ ‘Epistle on Astrology,’” 171-183.
- Nora Jacobsen and Ben Hammed, “As Drops in Their Sea: Angelology through Ontology in Fahr al-Din al-Razi’s Al-Matalib al-‘Aliya,” 185-206.
- Guillaume de Vaulx D’Arcy, “Ahmad B. al-Tayyib al-Sarahsi, Réviseur de l’Introduction Arithmétique de Nicomaque de Gérase et Rédacteur des Rasa’ Il Ihwan al-Safa,” 261-283.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 16 (1 ipy): DONE
- Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, “‘The Only Menstruating Animal’: Muliebria According to Rupert of Deutz and his Sources”
- Shawn Colberg, “Wisdom and Conformity: Reading as Journey in the Theology of Saint Bonaventure”.
- Magdalena Plotka, “Delectatur autem sensus in obiecto : Bonaventure on delight”
- Thomas Prügl, “A lost inaugural lecture of Saint Bonaventure?”
- Paul D. Hellmeier OP, “Why Albert the Great is not a Dualist on Human Nature”
- Martina Roesner, “L’influence de Jean Scot Érigene sur la pensée de Maître Eckhart“
- Marianne Silbergasser, Ines Weber, “Tagungsbericht zur Jahrestagung der IGTM ‘Was ist der Mensch? Antworten der mittelalterlichen Theologie’.”
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 101 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Anselm Spindler, “Francisco de Vitoria on Prudence and the Nature of Practical Reasoning,” 30-60.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Matthias Perkams, “The Date and Place of Andronicus’ Edition of Aristotle’s Works According to a Neglected Arabic Source,” 445-468.
- Andreas Lammer, Review of al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsā al-Nawbaḫtī, Commentary on Aristotle De generatione et corruptione: Edition, Translation and Commentary, by Marwan Rashed, 471-476.
Issue 4: NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 73 (6 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR
Issue 5
- Mohammad Mozaffari, “Ibn al-Fahhad and the Great Conjunction of 1166 AD,” 517-549.
Issue 6
- Dominique Raynaud, “Andalò di Negro’s De compositione astrolabii: a critical edition with English translation and notes,” 551-617.
Archives de Philosophie, 82 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- “Bulletin de Philosophie médiévale XX,” 647-672.
Issue 4
- Karine Michel, « L’art politique et sa visée téléologique : Le bonheur chez Farabi, Miskawayh et le pseudo al-‘Āmiri », 701-718.
- Meryem Sebti, « Le gouvernement selon Avicenne : Providence divine et statut de la politique dans la Métaphysique du Šifā’ », 719-728.
- Bruno Quélennec, Review of Leo Strauss, judaïsme et philosophie, by Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Marc de Launay & Gérald Sfez, and Levinas et la philosophie judéo-allemande, by Sophie Nordmann, 791-801.
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 86 (1 ipy) DONE
- Colette Dufossé, « Le vocabulaire latin de la vision du IVe au IXe siècle : continuités et recompositions », 7-62.
- Charles Girard, « L’objet du Liber sex principiorum d’après ses commentateurs », 97-140.
- Shlomo Sela, “What is Tractatus Particulares, a Four-Part Work Assigned to Abraham Ibn Ezra? A Study of its Sources and General Features,” 141-195.
- David Piché, « L’habitus de foi et le statut épistémologique de la théologie d’après la Questio ordinaria 2 de Gérard de Bologne : étude et édition », 197-229.
- Aurora Panzica, “Albert of Saxony’s Questions on Meteorology: Introduction, Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Edition of Book I-II.2,” 231-356.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 69 (2 ipy): NTR
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 112 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1/2
- Francesco Pica, Review of La teoria modale di Giovanni Duns Scoto. Il caso della relazione tra creatura e creatore e la condizione di beatitudine, by Ernesto Dezza, OFM, 378-381.
- Coralba Colomba, Review of A Companion to Ramon Llull and Lullism, edited by Amy M. Austin & Mark D. Johnston, 385-389.
- Claus A. Andersen, Review of Quaestiones de ente, by Petri Thomae, edited by Garrett R. Smith, 389-392.
- Rafael Sanz, OFM, Review of Biografía documentada de Francesc Eiximenis, OFM, by Lluís Brines I Garcia, 418-420.
Issue 3/4
- Jan C. Klok, “Der lukaskommentar des Bonaventura von Bagnoregio als Handbuch der franziskanischen Spiritualität.”
- Rafael Ramis Barceló, Review of Opera selecta, by Raimundus Lullus.
- Rafael Ramis Barceló, Review of Les formes laïques de la philosophie. Raymond Lulle dans l’histoire de la philosophie médiévale, edited by Dominique de Courcelles.
- Carla Compagno, Review of Tractatus formalitatum brevis, Tractatus de differentia, by Pere Daguí.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 77 (1 ipy): NTR
Augustinian Studies, 50 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Brian Dunkle, S.J., “‘Made Worthy of the Holy Spirit:’ A Hymn of Ambrose in Augustine’s Nature and Grace,” 1-12.
- Veronica Roberts Ogle, “Therapeutic Deception: Cicero and Augustine on the Myth of Philosophic Happiness,” 13-42.
- Sean Hannan, “Augustine’s Time of Death in City of God 13,” 43-63.
- Sarah Stewart-Kroeker, “A Wordless Cry of Jubilation: Joy and the Ordering of the Emotions,” 65-86.
- Mark J. Boone, Review of Augustine and the Dialogue, by Erik Kenyon, 113-117.
- Sean Hannan, Review of Sin, Grace, and Free Will: A Historical Survey of Christian Thought. Volume 1: The Apostolic Fathers to Augustine, by Matthew Knell, 118-121.
Issue 2
- Alex Fogleman, “Becoming the Song of Christ: Musical Theology and Transforming Grace in Augustine’s Enarratio in Pslamum 32,” 133-150.
- Sean P. Robertson, “From Glory to Glory: A Christology of Ascent in Augustine’s De Trinitate,” 151-169.
- Charles G. Kim, Jr., “‘Ipsa ructatio euangelium est’: Tapinosis in the Preaching of Augustine, with Special Reference to sermo 341,” 197-214.
- Raymond Hain, Review of On Eduation, Formation, Citizenship, and the Lost Purpose of Learning, by Joseph Clair, 225-229.
- Erika Kidd, Review of On Love, Confession, Surrender and the Moral Self, by Ian Clausen, 230-233.
Augustinianum, 59 (2 ipy): DONE
Issue 1
- Vittorino Grossi, “Per una rilettura dei Tempora Christiana in Agostino d’Ippona,” 237-260.
- Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero, “Escritos medievales en honor del Obispo Isidoro de Sevilla, introducción, traducción, índices y notas José Carlos Martín-Iglesias” 267-270.
- Bazyli Degórski, “La participation sacramentelle: une entrée dans la dynamique de la vie divine d’après les Sermons au Peuple de saint Augustin, by Pawel Sambor,” 308-314.
Issue 2
- Michael P. Foley, “The Fruit of Confessing Lips: Sacrifice and the Genre of Augustine’s Confessions,” 425-452.
- Wendy Elgersma Helleman, “Predication according to Substance and Relation: The Argument of Augustine’s De Trinitate 6,” 453-474.
- Kolawole Chabi, “Augustine’s Eucharistic Spirituality in his Easter Sermons,” 475-504.
- Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou, “Angels in the Areopagetic Tradition: An Approach to Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s angelological Theory by George Pachymeres,” 505-522.
- Bengt Alexanderson, Review of Collatio Cathaginensis anni 411. Gesta collationis Carthaginensis Augustinus, Breviculus collationis Augustinus, Ad Donatistas post collationem, edited by Clemens Weidmann, 551-554.
- Gonzalo Antonio Rebolledo Parada, Review of La natura del peccato originale. Tra Paolo di Tarso e Agostino d’Ippona, by Pierluigi Cacciapuoti, 565-568.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 97 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 22 (1 ipy) DONE
- Christian Rode, “Time, Modality, and Anselm’s Argument,” 102–120.
- Philipp Koch, “Die Theorie des Schönen des Johannes Scottus Eriugena,” 121–139.
- Magali Roques, “Metaphor and mental language in late-medieval nominalism,” 140–171.
- Guy Guldentops, “Francesco Piccolomini on honor,” 172–204.
- Olaf Pluta, “Buridan’s question “Utrum intellectus humanus sit forma substantialis corporis humani” (Quaestiones in Aristotelis libros De anima (De secunda lectura), lib.III, q.3)”, 205–218
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 27 (4-6 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- James S. Kintz, “The Illuminative Function of the Agent Intellect,” 3-22.
- Philip Choi, “Reliabilism, Scepticism, and evidentia in Ockham,” 23-45.
Issue 5
- Lydia Deni Gamboa, “Can we reflexively access the contents of our own perceptions? Ockham on the reflexive cognition of the contents of intuitions,” 921-940.
Issue 6
- Jonathan Head, Review of The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy, by Sacha Golob and Jens Timmermann, 1239-1240.
- Christopher Thomas, Review of The Routledge Companion to Seventeenth Century Philosophy, by Dan Kaufman, 1240-1243.
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 61 (1 ipy) DONE
- Elisa Bisanti, “Unpublished Glosses on the Latin Phaedo Transmitted in Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL Ms. 64, as Sources for Henry Bates of Malines’ Speculum Divinorum,” 3-32.
- Alexander Fidora & Isaac Lampurlanés, “John of Muntisol’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias,” 33-43.
- Tianyue Wu, “Aquinas on Mixed Actions,” 45-64.
- Loris Sturlese, “Nuovi frammenti dei trattati di Dietrich di Freiburg nelle biblioteche di Berlino, Heidelberg, Londra e Utopia,” 65-100.
- Alessandro Palazzo, “Eckhart on Signification,” 101-123.
- Marilena Panarelli, “John Krosbein’s Commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis: A Critical Edition,” 125-152.
- Aurora Panzica, « Les Questions sur les Météorologiques du manuscrit Vat. Lat. 4082 : Blaise de Parme, Nicole Oresme et l’Inter omnes impressiones », 153-182.
- Gustavo Fernandez Walker, “A 15th-Century Handbook on Aristotelian Logic: The Anonymous Logica ‘Quadrupliciter’,” 183-205.
- Yosef Schwartz, Andreas Speer & Diana Di Segni, “Jerusalem, Tel Aviv: ‘Critical Editions of Medieval Philosophic Translations – Challenges and Opportunities’,” 209-218.
- Hui Hui, “Beijing: ‘Learning to Be Human’. The XXIVth World Congress of Philosophy. Sections of Medieval Philosophy,” 218-228.
- Francesco Pica, “Roma: ‘Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298) La construction de la personne humaine ; Anthropologie, éthique, société’,” 228-238.
- Tilke Nelis, “Leuven: ‘A Question of Life and Death. Living and Dying in Medieval Latin Philosophy, 1200-1500’,” 238-245.
- Dominique Poirel & Pascale Bermon, « Paris : ‘Pierre Abélard, génie multiforme’ », 245-252.
- Marta Borgo, “Paris: ‘Thomas Aquinas on the Human Body. Nature and Destiny’,” 253-265.
- Marieke Berkers & Benno van Croesdijk, “Bonn: ‘Duns Scotus’ Interlocuters at Paris’,” 265-269.
- Evelina Miteva & Martin Lenz, “Cluj-Napoca: ‘Medicine and Philosophy: The longue durée of humoral theory’,” 270-277.
- Giulio Navarra, “Pisa: ‘Philosophy in the Abrahamitic Traditions: Intellect, Experience, and More’,” 278-285.
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 33 (irregular)
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 112 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Tristan Schmidt, “Father and son like eagle and eaglet – concepts of animal species and human families in Byzantine court oration (11th/12th c.),” 959-990.
Issue 4: NTR
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 88 (1 ipy) DONE
- Fritz Saaby Pedersen, C. Philipp E. Nothaft, and Christopher D. Schabel, « Astronomical and Cosmological Dubia in the Cistercian Pierre Ceffons’ In II Sententiarum, distinctio 1, » 1-55.
- Taki Suto, “Johannes de Dinsdale, Quaestiones super Decimum Librum Ethicorum, An Edition,” 56-134.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 49 (6 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-8: NTR
Chôra, 17 (1 ipy) DONE
- Iacopo Costa, “Le statut ontologique du plaisir : exégèse aristotélicienne et querelles théologiques (1250-1320 env.),” 211-230.
- Alexandra Anisie, Review of L’essentialisme de Guillaume D’Ockham, by Magali Roques, 324-328.
Collectanea Franciscana, 89 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Massimo Ezio Putano, “Bonaventura secondo Guardini: «membra» del Corpo Mistico,” 119-144.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3/4
- Andrea Di Maio, “’Mappa mundi’, ‘mappa Christi’: triplice mondo, “persona media” e altre impronte bonaventuriane in Lorenzo da Brindisi,” 559-591.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 67 (6 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Georg Gasser, Review of Warum wir nichts über Gott wissen können, by Wolfgang Detel, 300-306.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4
- Hans Bernhard Schmid, “Das Böse an Augustinus’ Birnendiebstahl,” 517-538.
Issues 5-6: NTR
Dialogue, 58 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar, “Towards Intercultural Dialogue, Synthesis, and Pluralism: Revisiting Baghdad’s House of Wisdom,” 371-391.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4
- Amirhossein Zadyousefi, “Does God Know the Occurrences of a Change Among Particulars? Avicenna and the Problem of God’s Knowledge of Change,” 621-652.
Dionysius, 37 (1 ipy) DONE
- Jordan Wood, “Stoic Motifs in the Cosmology of Maximus Confessor,” 30-43.
- Daniel Heide, “Divine Eros: The Providential and Perfective Ecstasy of God in Dionysius’s Divine Names IV,” 44-59.
- Dwight Crowell, “Thomas Aquinas’ Attribution of Participation to Aristotle,” 134-163.
- Wayne J. Hankey, “Divine Henads and Persons: Multiplicity’s birth in the Principle in Proclus and Aquinas,” 164-181.
Discusiones Filosóficas, 20 (nos. 34-35) (2 ipy): NTR
Divus Thomas, 122 (3 ipy): DONE
Issue 1:
- Damiano Simoncelli, “Legge naturale e bonum commune. Per una rilettura di Tommaso d’Aquino,” 22-142.
- Giacomo Samek Lodovici, “Lex et Amor,” 143-163.
- Alberto Peratoner, “Tra naturalismi e antinaturalismi. Oscillazioni dell’idea di Legge naturale tra Cinque e Seicento, da Montaigne all’età cartesiana,” 164-187.
- Antonio Petagine, “Individuare I beni umani fondamentali. La proposta «neoclassica» e il suo rapporto con Tommaso d’Aquino,” 222-242.
- Carmelo Vigna, “Legge naturale, dinamiche del riconoscimento e regola d’oro. Un’equazione continua,” 266-282.
- Laurence Wuidar, « ‘Toute chose est Dieu en Dieu’. Le regard sub species aeternitatis d’Hadewijch d’Anvers (c. 1210-c. 1260) », 383-407.
Issue 2:
- Andrea Colli, “”Albert the Great and the Holy Scripture. Preliminary Remarks,,”15-25.
- Valerio Bonanno, “Qui vel habet curam vel professionem praedicandi. Brüderliche zusammenarbeit zwischen mendikanten und säkularen bei Albert dem Großen,” 26-58.
- Amalia Cerrito, “Paternitas naturals and Paternitas divina: Albert the great on Matthew 6,9 and Luke 11,2,” 59-78.
- Stefano Perfetti, “Adveniat regnum tuum. Dionysian schemes of divine kingship and foundation of the ‘political’ in Albert the Great’s commentary on Matthew 6,10,” 79-112.
- Andrea Colli, “Homo est animal civile as melius est duos esse simul quam unum An overview on the biblical quotations in Albert the Great’s Commentary on the Politics,” 113-143.
- Paul D. Hellmeier, “Der intellectus adeptus und die Torheit der Philosophen. Philosophische Vollendung und christlicher Glaube in den Bibelkommentaren Albert des Grossen,” 144-184.
- Anna Rodolfi, “Locus autem Prophetarum Spiritus sanctus est. Il profeta e la profezia nei commenti biblici di Alberto Magno,” 185-218.
- Alessandro Palazzo, “Dupliciter autem ponitur fatum. La questione sul fato nella tarda Summa theologiae di Alberto Magno,” 219-262.
- Julie Casteigt, “Denken in Bildern und durch Bilder: Eckharts Einssein im Anderen,” 265-295.
- Angelo Marchesi, review of Summa Magistri Rolandi Cremonensis, O.P., Liber Primus (-Quartus), ed. L. Cortesi et al., 367-402.
Issue 3: NTR
Doctor Virtualis, 15 (1 ipy) DONE
- Cecilia Falchini, “Ragione ed esperienza in Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry,” 13-42.
- Davide Penna, “Dall’ubi amor, ibi oculus alla condilectio. Note su reciprocità, amore e conoscenza in Riccardo di San Vittore,” 43-59.
- Francesca Pullano, “The Bridegroom’s kiss in the Song of Songs. The commentaries of Bernard of Clairvaux and William of Saint-Thierry,” 61-92.
- Amalia Salvestrini, “Il concetto di pulchrum in Giovanni di Salisbury,” 93-120.
- Enrico Barbierato, “Strange bedfellows: la ricerca dell’assoluto, dal misticismo medievale all’era del misticismo digitale,” 195-225.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 30 (1 ipy) DONE
- Silvia Di Vincenzo, “Avicenna’s Legacy to the Thirteenth-Century Reception of Porphyry. The Case of Albert the Great’s Super Porphyrium de V Universalibis,” 1-56.
- Bruno Tremblay, “Albert the Great on What Should Be Known About Substance Prior to Reading Categories, 5,” 57-130.
- Mario Bertagna, “Some Notes on Albert the Great’s Companion to the Prior Analytics,” 131-158.
- Silvia Donati, “Albert the Great’s Treatise De intellectu et intelligibili: A Study of the Manuscript and Printed Tradition,” 159-264.
- Katja Krause, „Grenzen der Philosophie: Alberts des Großen Kommentar zu De animalibus und die Medizin,“ 265-294.
- Amos Bertolacci, “Albert the Great’s Disclaimers in the Aristotelian Paraphrases: A Reconsideration,” 295-338.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, „Zum anthropologischen Verständnis der Perfection bei Albertus Magnus,“ 339-370.
- Anna Rodolfi, “Alberto Magno e il problema del movimento degli angeli,” 371-398.
- Alfonso Quartucci, “’Cavendus est error Platonis’: Albert the Great on the Mathematical Foundations of Physics,” 399-442.
- Alessia Astesiano, “The Latin Translation of the III Treatise of Avicenna’s Physics in the Šif. Notes on Its Circulation in the Latin World, with Particular Regard to Albert the Great,” 443-470.
- Marco Signori, “’Ut limpidius hoc clarescat’. A Survey of al- az l’s Quotations in Albert the Great’s Works,” 471-624.
- Adam Takahashi, “Albert the Great as a Reader of Averroes: A Study of His Notion of the Celestial Soul in De Caelo et Mundo and Metaphysica,” 625-654.
- Gregory T. Doolan, “Aquinas’s Methodology for Deriving the Categories: Convergences with Albert’s Sufficientia Praedicamentorum,” 655-690.
- David Zettel, “Moral Action in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas,” 691-720.
- Paola Bernardini, “’Plus quam specie differt’. La formazione dell’essere umano in Alberto Magno e nei commenti aristotelici dei maestri delle arti (1240-1270 ca.),” 721-754.
Early Science and Medicine, 24 (6 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Lucyna Kostuch, Beata Wojciechowska & Sylwia Konarska-Zimnicka, “Ancient and Medieval Animals and Self-recognition: Observations from Early European Sources,” 117-141.
- Miroslav Hanke, “The Probabilistic Logic of Eusebius Amort (1692-1775),” 186-211.
Issue 3
- Kathleen Crowther, Review of Science and Religion, ed. Gary Ferngren, 283-288.
- H. Darrel Rutkin, Review of Plato’s Persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Humanism, and Platonic Traditions, by Denis J.-J. Robichaud, 289-291.
Issue 4
- Craig Martin, “Astrological Debates in Italian Renaissance Commentaries on Aristotle’s Meteorology,” 311-339.
- Robert G. Morrison, “Cosmology and Cosmic Order in Islamic Astronomy,” 340-366.
- Aurora Panzica, “Air and Friction in the Celestial Region: Some medieval solutions to the difficulties of the Aristotelian theory concerning the production of celestial heat,” 367-390.
Issue 5-6: NTR
Ergo, 6 (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
Estudios Filosoficos, 68 (3 ipy) DONE
Issue 1 (no. 197)
- Arturo Mota, “Un acercamiento a la interculturalidad y a la inculturación desde la hermeneútica analógica,” 35-45.
- Luis E. Larraguíbel Díez, “El bien como principio de la acción divina creadora en la metafísica de Tomás de Aquino,” 67-79.
Issue 2 (no. 198)
- Daniel Heider & Tomás Machula, “Sentidos internos, apetito sensitivo y virtudes cardinales en Cayetano y Suárez,” 258-270.
- Francisco José Herrero Hernández, “Semejanza en mayor desemejanza. El discurso analógico sobre Dios según Tomás de Aquino en STh. I, q.13, aa.3-4,” 363-380.
Issue 3 (no. 199): NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 12 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Emmanuel Falque, « La double entrée de Dieu : Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin. »
- Anne-Clotilde Bossennec-Meaudre, « De la vanité à la traduction du Commentaire de l’Ecclésiaste de saint Bonaventure. Position de thèse. »
- Marianne Ritsema van Eck, « Custodes de l’espace sacré. La construction de la Terre sainte franciscaine au travers des textes et des sacri monti (vers 1480-1650). Position de thèse. »
Issue 2
- Marc Ozilou, « La vérité du désir chez saint Bonaventure. Questions Disputées sur le Mystère de la Trinité, Q.1, art.1, arg. 3-10. »
Faith and Philosophy, 36 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3
- Benjamin B. Devan, Review of The Devil’s Redemption: A New History and Interpretation of Christian Universalism, Volumes 1 and 2, by Michael J. McClymond, 413-419.
Issue 4
- James Dominic Rooney, OP, “What Is The Value Of Faith For Salvation? A Thomistic Response To Kvanvig,” 463-490.
- Travis Dumsday, “Is The Cosmos Fine-Tuned For Life, Or For The Possibility Of Life? (And Why Patristic And Medieval Demonology Might Hold Part Of The Answer),” 491-511.
- Peter Furlong, Review of Thomas Aquinas on Moral Wrongdoing, by Colleen McCluskey, 555-560.
Falsafe va Kalam-e Eslami (Iranian Journal For The Philosophy & Kalam) (Maqalat wa Barrasiha), 52 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Nafiseh Elahi Khorasani, Morteza Hosaini Shahroodi & Abbas Javareshkian, “A Study of Mulla Sadra’s perspective of the Imaginative Pleasure,” 7-20.
- Gholamreza Banan & Ali Mohamad Sajedi, “Muhammad ibn Ahmad (Mohaghegh) Khafri’s Views on the Principality of Existence,” 21-36.
- Reza Rahnama, “Mirza Mahdi Isfahani’s Views on Explaining God’s Knowledge without Object in the Light of Human’s Understanding of Double Negative Elimination,” 75-90.
- Mahdi Azimi, “Abhari’s Logic in Zubdat al-Haqa’iq,” 91-120.
Issue 2
- Sayyed Ali Taleghani & Hossein Rafiei, “A Critical Assessment of Epistemological and Mutual-Reverse Arguments for Intellectual Moral Good and Bad,” 271-287.
- Seyed Ali Alam al-Hadi, “The Subjective Nature of Materiality and Immateriality in Sadraean Philosophy,” 311-303.
- Bahram Alizade, “The Irreducibility of the Two Meanings of ‘Can’ in Islamic Philosophy and Theology,” 331-348.
- Amirhosein Mansouri Nouri, Houreih Shojaii, Mohsen Shams & Einolleh Khademi, “Mulla Sadras’s View on Shabah (Phantom),” 349-365.
- Seyed Reza Moazzen, “Al-Farabi on Individuation: A Conceptual, Propositional and Systematic Analysis,” 367-385.
Filozofia, 74 (10 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3
- Karol Pavlovkin, “On the Question of the Distinction of Intellectual and Moral Virtues in Aristotle’s and Thomas Aquinas’ Ethics and their Significance for the Present,” 181-193.
Issue 4-10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 77 (1 ipy) DONE
- William Crozier, Review of The Theology of John Duns Scotus, Studies in Reformed Theology Series, by Antonie Vos, 281-283.
- J. Isaac Goff, Review of A Companion to Ramon Llull and Lullism, eds. Amy M. Austin and Mark D. Johnston, 284-286.
- Michael Robson, Review of Bonaventure Revisited: Companion to the Breviloquium, eds. Dominic V. Monti, OFM, and Katherine Wrisley Shelby, 295-299.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 66 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Andrea Fiamma, “Introduction,” 5-7.
- Mikhail Khorkov, “Why does the intellect see wisdom? A Platonic figure of thought in De sapientia of Nicholas of Cusa,” 8-18.
- Jean-Marie Nicolle, “How does the mind produce mathematical objects?” 19-26.
- Paula Pico Estrada, “The Innate Power to Judge as the Mind’s Guiding Principle: Iudicum connatum or concreatum in De docta ignorantia, De sapientia, De mente and De pace fidei,” 27-47.
- Laëtitia Marcucci, “How to combine philosophical ways of thinking and experimental science: a discussion on the scope of knowledge by Nicholas of Cusa in the Dialogues of the Idiot, from De Mente to De Staticis experimentis,” 48-60.
- Federica De Felice, “The infinite in Cusanus’ cosmological and geometrical perspectives,” 61-76.
- Witalij Morosow, „Gibt es bei Cusanus eine Rezeption der Tabula Smaragdina? Zum Problem der Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen Hermes Trismegistos und Nikolaus von Keus,“ 77-91.
- Lukas Bäuerle, “Optische Grenzgänge – Konstellationen des Sehens bei Nikolaus von Keus und Jeremy Bentham,“ 92-117.
- Christian Kny, “In Touch with the World? Nicholas of Cusa’s Idiota de mente and John McDowell’s Mind and World,” 118-134.
- Claudia Appolloni, “Significatio actus est moralis: Teoria del significato ed etica del linguaggio nel pensiero di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi,” 135-146.
- Ruedi Imbach & Pascal Ladner, „Heymericus de Campo: Eucharistietraktat An maior gratia conferatur communicanti sub utraque quam sub una specie: Einleitung und Edition,“ 213-246.
- Inigo Bocken, „Die Wahrheit des Konsens. Theorie und Praxis der concordantia bei Nicolaus Cusanus,“ 247-267.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, “Metamorphosen eines philosophiehistorischen Paradigmas: Anmerkungen zum vierten Band des neuen Grundrisses der Geschichte der Philosophie“: Review of Die Philosophie des Mittelalters, Band 4: 13. Jahrhundert, edited by Alexander Brungs, Vilem Mudroch & Peter Schulthess, 295-305.
- Julien Lambinet, Review of Materia. Nouvelles perspectives de recherche dans la pensée et la culture médiévales (XIIe– XVIe siècles), edited by Tiziana Suarez-Nani & Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, 307-310.
- Helmut Zander, Review of Fröhliche Scholastik. Die Wissenschaftsrevolution des Mittelalters, by Frank Rexroth, 310-312.
Issue 2
- Susann Kabisch, „Die Figur des Redners in Idiota de mente,“ 329-336.
- Silvio Agosta, „Der Weisheitsbegriff in den cusanischen Idiota-Schriften,“ 337-354.
- Simon J.G. Burton, “Exploring a Scholastic Terra Incognita: Univocity, Analogy and Infinity in Nicholas of Cusa’s Idiota de Sapientia,” 355-373.
- Giovanni Licata, “Nicholas of Cusa’s Idiota against the Backdrop of His Sermons,” 374-383.
- Greta Venturelli, “Faith, unity, multiplicity: De pace idiotae?” 384-398.
- Adamas Fiucci, “The ‘venatio sapientiae’ in Early Modern Age: Montaigne reader of the Idiota de sapientia,” 399-408.
- Johanna Hueck, „Die ‚viva imago Dei‘ der cusanischen Idiota-Dialoge une die Idee einer ‚transzendentalen Transzendenz‘ Heinrich Barths,“ 409-423.
- Gergely Bakos, “Jos Decorte: A humble interpreter of Cusanus. On the use and abuse of Medaeval episteme,” 424-430.
- Chiara Paladini, „Göttliches Erkennen und exemplarische Kausalität bei Petrus Aureoli,“ 455-498.
- Heinrich Beck, „Akt und Potenz als philosophische Grundbegriffe,“ 539-558.
Giornale di Metafisica, 41 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Gregorianum, 100 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- S. D’Agostino, Review of La démonstration de l’existence de Dieu. Les conclusions des cinq voies de saint Thomas d’Aquin et la preuve a priori dans le thomisme du XVIIe siècle, by I. Agostini, 224-226.
Issue 2
- Sergio Paolo Bonanni, “La fede tra certezza e libertà. Dalla resolution di Suaréz alla opzione di Alfaro,” 365-381.
Issue 3
- Giulio Malavasi and Anthony Dupont, “Imitazione o trasmissione dei peccati dei padri nei figli? Dibattiti teologici sul concetto veterotestamentario di peccata patrum nella controversia pelagiana,” 487-519.
- Michael Joseph Higgins, “The Reach of Reason and The Eyes of Faith: Pierre Rousselot and the Question of «Necessary Reasons» in Aquinas’s Trinitarian Theology,” 559-583.
Issue 4
- Henryk Pietras, S.I., “Patrologia in Gregorianum,” 765-775.
- Philipp G. Renczes, S.I., „‘Wie kann man eine Wasserscheide verschieben?‘ Gregorianum und die Bedeutung der Eigenwirklichkeit menschlicher Natur im ‚natürlichen Verlangen nach dem Übernatürlichen‘,“ 809-830.
- Gaetano Piccolo, S.I., “Quella parte suprema dell’umana speculazione… Sviluppi e interrogativi della metafisica in Gregoriana,” 917-931.
Heythrop Journal, 60 (6 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Liran Shia Gordon, “Causality and Becoming: Scotistic Reflections,” 95-110.
- Jeffrey Froula, Review of Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World: Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects by Jeffrey E. Brower, 122.
- Daniel M. Garland Jr., Review of Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science & Thomas Aquinas by Michael J. Dodds, O.P., 139-140.
Issue 2
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Elijah Del Medigo and Paduan Aristotelianism: Investigating the Human Intellect, by Michael Engel, 277.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Aquinas Among The Protestants, edited by Manfred Svensson and David VanDrunen, 286-287.
Issue 3
- Patrick Madigan, Review of The Story of Reason in Islam, by Sari Nusseibeh, 509-510.
- Richard Penaskovic, Review of Ethics of War and Peace in Iran and Shi’i Islam, by Mohammad Jafar Amir Mahallati, 529-531.
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5
- B. Kyle Keltz, “A Thomistic Answer to the Evil-God Challenge,” 689-698.
- Taylor Patrick O’Neill, “Jacques Maritain and Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange on the Permission of Evil,” 699-710.
- Liran Shia Gordon, “’All is Foreseen, and Freedom of Choice is Granted’: A Scotistic Examination of God’s Freedom, Divine Foreknowledge and the Arbitrary Use of Power,” 711-726.
- Paul A. Macdonald Jr., “Hoping in the Face of Evil: A Theological Account,” 783-794.
- Agneta Sutton, Review of Ethics and the Problem of Evil, ed. James P. Sterba, 808-809.
- Douglas Mcdermid, Review of God and Evil in the Theology of St Thomas Aquinas, by Herbert McCabe, 814-815.
Issue 6
- James Higgins, “The Root of All Evil,” 856-870.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 40 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Asadollah Fallahi, “Fārābī and Avicenna on Contraposition,” 22-41.
- Riccardo Strobino, “Varieties of Demonstration in Alfarabi,” 42-62.
Issue 2
- Behnam Zolghadr, “Avicenna on the Law of Non-Contradiction,” 105-115.
- Lorenz Demey, “Boolean Considerations on John Buridan’s Octagons of Opposition,” 116-134.
Issue 3-4: NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 36 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Celia Byrne, “The Role of Essentially Ordered Causal Series in Avicenna’s Proof for the Necessary Existent in the Metaphysics of the Salvation,” 121-138.
Issue 3
- Daniel Frank, “Wisdom, Piety, and Superhuman Virtue,” 199-216.
Issue 4: NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 85, 86 (6 ipy) DONE
Vol. 85
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Eric W. Hagedorn, Review of John Duns Scotus: On Being and Cognition: Ordinatio 1.3, edited and translated by John van den Bercken, 255-258.
Issue 3: NTR
Vol. 86
Issue 1
- Kevin J. Harrelson, Review of Ontological arguments, edited by Graham Oppy, 91-96.
Issue 2
- Jerome Gellman, Review of Ineffability: An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion, by eds. Timothy D. Knepper and Leah E. Kalmanson, 165-169.
Issue 3
- Matthew D. Walz, “Synthesizing Aquinas and Newton on religion,” 173-198.
- Brandon Dahm, “Divine authority and the virtue of religion: a Thomistic response to Murphy,” 213-226.
- G.H. Labooy & P.M. Wisse, “The coherence of equivocal penal substitution: modern and scholastic voices,” 227-241.
- William Hasker, Review of Maximal god: a new defense of perfect being theism, by Yujin Nagasawa, 243-246.
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 27 (5 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-5: NTR
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 80 (4-5 ipy) DONE
Issues 1/2-3: NTR
Issue 4/5
- Hjördis Becker-Lindenthal, “Kierkegaard’s reception of German vernacular mysticism: Johann Tauler’s sermon on the feast of the exaltation of the cross and Practice in Christianity,” 443-464.
International Philosophical Quarterly, 59 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Ilaria Acquaviva. “Francisco Suárez on Metaphysics of Modality: An Actualist and Essentialist View on Real Possible Beings,” 5-21.
- James Dominic Rooney, O.P., “Grounding Relations Are Not Unified: Aquinas and Heil versus Schaffer,” 57-64.
- William M. Webb, “Petitionary Prayer for the Dead and the Boethian Concept of a Timeless God,” 65-76.
Issue 2-3: NTR
Issue 4
- Víctor Velarde-Mayol, Review of The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds and its Demise, by Stewart Umphrey, 501-505.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 11 (1 ipy) DONE
- Mehdi Aminrazvi, “Omar Khayyam on Theodicy: Irreconcilability of the Transcendental and the Imminent,” 33-44.
- Aaron Spevack, “The Qur’an and God’s Speech According to the Later Ash’ari-Maturidi Verifiers,” 45-95.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 27 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-2: NTR
Journal of Medieval History, 45 (5 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR
Issue 5
- Giles E. M. Gasper, “Bernard of Clairvaux, material and spiritual order, and the economy of salvation,” 580-596.
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 48 (6 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-6: NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 44 (1 ipy): NTR DONE
Journal of Religious Ethics, 47 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- John E. Hare, “The Merits of Eudaimonism,” 15-22.
- Faraz Sheikh, “Being an Intelligent Slave of God: Discursive Strategies and Subject Formation in Early Muslim Thought,” 125-152.
Issue 2
- Mary L. Hirschfeld, “Rethinking Economic Inequality: A Theological Perspective,” 259-282.
- G. Scott Davis, “How Shall We Read the History of Ethics? A Response to Melvin Endy,” 417-424.
- Melvin Endy, “A Response to G. Scott Davis,” 425-434.
Issues 3-4: NTR
Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 5 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-4: NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 80 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 57 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Victor M. Salas, “Ulrich of Strasburg (1225–1277) on Divine Univocal Causality,” 33-56.
- Thérèse-Anne Druart, Review of Liber primus naturalium, Tractatus tertius de his quae habent naturalia ex hoc quod habent quantitatem, by Avicenna Latinus, edited by Jules L. Janssens, 164.
- Jonathan Hill, Review of Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Hypostatic Union, by Michael Gorman, 165-166.
Issue 2
- Fedor Benevich, “The Priority of Natures against The Identity of Indiscernibles: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Yaḥyā b. ‘Adī, and Avicenna on Genus as Matter,” 205-234.
- E. Jennifer Ashworth, Review of Modern Views of Medieval Logic, edited by Christoph Kann, et al., 345-346.
Issue 3
- Anselm Spindler, “Politics and Collective Action in Thomas Aquinas’s On Kingship,” 419-442.
- Chistopher J. Insole, “The Medieval Heritage in Kant’s Moral Faith,” 501-528.
- Giorgio Pini, Review of Individui Universali. Il realismo di Gualtiero di Mortagne nel XII secolo, by Caterina Tarlazzi, 555-556.
Issue 4
- Jon Mcginnis, “A Continuation of Atomism: Shahrastani on the Atom and Continuity,” 595-619.
- Stephen Ogden, Review of Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays, edited by Peter Adamson & Matteo Di Giovanni, 751-752.
- Neil Lewis, Review of The Instant of Change in Medieval Philosophy and Beyond, edited by Frédéric Goubier & Magali Roques, 753-754.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 82 (1 ipy): NTR DONE
Laval théologique et philosophique, 75 (3 ipy) DONE
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Médiévales, 76, 77 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1 (Vol. 76)
- Marc Moyon, Review of The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia, dir. Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, 177-182.
Issue 2 (Vol. 77)
- Sabine Rommevaux-Tani, “L’unité et le nombre dans les Questiones mathematice de Raoul le Breton,” 111-127.
- Sebastián Provvidente, “Stylus theologicus et iuridicus : la causa Jean Petit à Constance (1414-1418) et les débats sur le tyrannicide,” 129-150.
Medieval Encounters, 25 (5-6 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-4: NTR
Issue 5-6
- Jason Busic, “Between Latin Theology and Arabic Kalam: Samson’s Apologeticus contra perfidos (864 CE) and Hafs b. Albar al-Quti’s Extant Works (fl. Late Ninth/Early Tenth Centuries),” 553-580.
- Anthony Minnema, Review of De Toledo a Córdoba: Tathlith al-Wahdaniyyah (‘La Trinidad de la Unidad’) Fragmentos teológicos de un judeoconverso arabizado, by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala & Pedro Mantas-España, 581-583.
Mediaeval Sophia, 21 (1 ipy) DONE
- Giovanni Licata, Review of Averroè l’inquietante. L’Europe e il pensiero arabe, by Jean-Baptiste Brenet, 151-152.
Mediaeval Studies, 81 (1 ipy) DONE
- Antoine Côté, “Maino de Maineri (ca. 1290–ca. 1368) on Whether Something Can Come to Be Out of Nothing: Questiones de substantia orbis: Questio utrum ex nihilo possit aliquid fieri,” 29-104.
Mediaevalia, 40 (1 ipy): NTR DONE
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 38 (1 ipy): DONE
Issue 1:
- Yael Barash, “Seeing the Invisible: Theory of Vision in Hildegard of Bingen’s Scivias II.6,” 117-136.
- Lydia Schumacher, “The De anima Tradition In Early Franciscan Thought. A Case Study in Avicenna’s Reception,” 97-115.
- Giovanni Catapano, “Seeing and Believing in Augustine’s De vivendo Deo,” 33-48.
- Mario Correia, “Kalbarczyk, A., Predication and Ontology. Studies and Texts of Avicennian and Post-Avicennian Readings of Aristotle’s Categories, Berlin 2018,” 144-148.
- Maria Eduarda Machado, “Kerr, G. Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Creation, New York 2019,” 152-154.
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 44 (1 ipy) DONE
- Laurent Cesalli , “Mentalism without Psychologism: Abelard’s Dicta as Objective, Mental Entities,” 17-37.
- Ana María Mora-Márquez , “The Dialectical Construction of a Notion of Truth in Some 13th-Century Masters of Arts,” 39-56.
- Danya Maslov , “Francis of Meyronnes on the Ontologcal Status of the “First Complex Principle,” 57-79.
- Claude Panaccio , “Ockham’s Commitment to Merely Possible Beings,” 81-98.
- Ernesto Perini-Santos , “Wodeham against Chatton: The Second Part of the Way towards Complexe significabilia,” 99-121.
- Joël Biard , “John Buridan and Natural Supposition: From the Semantics of Name to Atemporal Propositions,” 123-140.
- Graziana Ciola , “The Void and the Chimera: Marsilius of Inghen on Imaginabilia,” 141-160.
- Magali Roques , “Vincent Ferrer on Natural Supposition,” 161-177.
- Davide Riserbato, “Lo statuto ontologico dell’idea e la critica di William Alnwick all’esemplarismo nelle questioni disputate de esse intelligibili (quaestio IV),” 181-215.
Micrologus, 27 (1 ipy) DONE
- Joël Chandelier, “Les florilèges latins du Canon d’Avicenne,” 167-190.
- Antoine Calvet, “Essai sur la constitution et la transmission de corpus alchimiques latins aux XIIIe-XVe siècles: Albert le Grand, Thomas d’Aquin, Roger Bacon,” 191-204.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 43, 44 (1 ipy): NTR DONE
Mind, 128 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-3 (nos. 509-511): NTR
Issue 4 (no. 512)
- Kevin Meeker, Review of After Certainty: A History of Epistemic Ideals and Illusions, by Robert Pasnau, 1355-1360.
The Monist, 102 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR
Noctua [xx] (3 ipy)
Nous, 53 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3
- Trenton Merricks, “The Only Way to Be,” 593-612.
Issue 4: NTR
Nova et Vetera, 17 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Domenic D’Ettore, “Una ratio versus Diversae rationes: Three Interpretations of Summa theologiae I, Q. 13, AA. 1–6,” 39-55.
- Melissa Eitenmiller, “On the Separated Soul according to St. Thomas Aquinas,” 57-91.
- B. Kyle Keltz, “Neo-Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering,” 93-125.
- Dominic Legge, O.P., “Do Thomists Have Rights?” 127-147.
- Jörgen Vijgen, Review of Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters, by Romanus Cessario, O. P., and Cajetan Cuddy, O. P., 290-296.
Issue 2
- Brian T. Carl, “Action, Supposit, and Subject: Interpreting Actiones Sunt Suppositorum,” 545-565.
- Raymond Hain, Review of Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Virtue Ethics, by Jay Budziszewski, 583-587.
- Jason Heron, Review of Justice as a Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective, by Jean Porter, 608-612.
Issue 3
- Mateusz Przanowski, O.P., “Aquinas on Satan as a Theologian-Exegete,” 625-637.
- Gregory Pine, O.P., “The Incipient Probabalism of Francisco de Vitoria,” 717-746.
- Sr. Albert Marie Surmanski, O.P., “The Experience of Eucharistic Beauty in Albert the Great’s De corpore domini,” 747-768.
- John R. Betz, “The Humility of God: On a Disputed Question in Trinitarian Theology,” 769-810.
- Gilles Emery, O.P., “Kenosis, Christ, and the Trinity in Thomas Aquinas,” 839-869.
- Michael J. Dodds, O.P., “The Reality of the Soul in an Age of Neuroscience,” 893-912.
- Ezra Sullivan, O.P., “Objections and Responses to the Existence of Free Choice,” 913-942.
- Veronica A. Arntz, Review of A Gift of Presence: The Theology and Poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas, by Jan-Heiner Tück, 943-947.
- Anthony T. Floor, Review of Before Virtue: Assessing Contemporary Virtue Ethics, by Jonathan J. Sanford, 953-955.
Issue 4
- Gilbert Dahan, “The Commentary of Thomas Aquinas in the History of Medieval Exegesis on Job: Intentio et Materia,” translated by David L. Augustine, 1053-1075.
- Steven A. Long, “The Doctrine of God and the Analogy of Being,” 1101-1118.
- Scott J. Roniger, “The Metaphysician at Prayer: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics and Prayer as ‘Interpreters of Desire,’” 1163-1201.
- John Rziha, “The Human Body as an Instrumental Cause of Actions in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas,” 1203-1219.
- Randall B. Smith, “Finding the Roots of Bonaventure’s Literary Style in Medieval Preaching,” 1243-1286.
- Michael P. Foley, Review of Augustine’s Early Theology of Image: A Study in the Development of Pro-Nicene Theology, by Gerald P. Boersma, 1287-1291.
- Raymond Hain, Review of Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Contra Gentiles: A Guide and Commentary, by Brian Davies, 1291-1295.
- Daniel Lendman, Review of Ethics as a Work of Charity: Thomas Aquinas and Pagan Virtue, by David Decosimo, 1297-1301.
- Joshua Lim, Review of Five Proofs of the Existence of God: Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, Aquinas, Leibniz, by Edward Feser, 1301-1304.
Oliviana, (less than 1 ipy): No issues in 2019. DONE
Oriens, 47 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1/2
- Kamran I. Karimullah, “The Emergence of Verification (taḥqīq) in Islamic Medicine,” 1-113.
- Paul Hullmeine, “Al-Bīrūnī and Avicenna on the Existence of Void and the Plurality of Worlds,” 114-144.
- Michael A. Rapoport, “Sufi Vocabulary, but Avicennan Philosophy: The Sufi Terminology in Chapters VIII–X of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Išārāt wa-l-tanbīhāt,” 145-196.
Issue 3/4
- Mohammad Saleh Zarepour, “Avicenna against Mathematical Platonism,” 197-243.
- Nicola Polloni, “Gundissalinus on the Angelic Creation of the Human Soul,” 313-347.
- Charles Burnett, “Agency and Effect in the Astrology of Abū Maʿshar of Balkh,” 348-364.
- Khaled El-Rouayheb, “Dashtakī (d. 1498) and Dawānī (d. 1502) on the Analysis of Existential Propositions,” 365-388.
- Amos Bertolacci, “Metaphysics, Elemental Transformation, Medicine,” 389-417.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 7 (1 ipy): DONE
- Davlat Dadikhuda, “’Not So Ridiculous’: Avicenna on the Existence of Nature (ṭabīa͑) contra Aristotle and the Asha͑rites,” 1-43.
- Christopher J. Martin, “Only God Can Make a Tree: Abaelard on Wholes and Parts and Some Evidence of His Later Thinking about Them,” 44 -66.
- Jeremy W. Skrzypek, “Accidental Forms as Metaphysical Parts of Material Substances in Aquinas’s Ontology,” 67-114.
- Gloria Frost, “Aquinas on the Intension and Remission of Accidental Forms,” 115-146.
- Jean-Luc Solère, “Scotus versus Aquinas on Instrumental Causality,” 147-185.
- Peter John Hartman, “The Relation-Theory of Mental Acts: Durand of St.-Pourçain on the Ontological Status of Mental Acts,” 186-211.
- Kamil Majcherek, “Walter Chatton’s Rejection of Final Causality,” 212-242.
- Thomas Williams, “Aquinas on the Sources of Wrongdoing: Themes from McCluskey,” 243.
Parergon, 36 (2-3 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Cheryl Taylor, Review of The Philosophy of Piers Plowman: The Ethics and Epistemology of Love in Late Medieval Thought, by David Strong, 224-226.
- R. S. White, Review of Debating Medieval Natural Law: A Survey, by Riccardo Saccenti, 243.
Issue 2
- Rebecca Wartell, Review of Entangled Histories: Knowledge, Authority, and Jewish Culture in the Thirteenth Century, edited by Elisheva Baumgarten, Ruth Mazo Karras & Katelyn Mesler, 194-195.
- Greg Waite, Review of Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material, Language and Literature of the Early Medieval World, edited by Eric Cambridge & Jane Hawkes, 202-203.
- Roderick McDonald, Review of Studies in Medievalism XXVII: Authenticity, Medievalism, Music, edited by Karl Fugelso, 212-214.
- Frank Swannack, Review of Temporality and Mediality in Late Medieval and Early Modern Culture, edited by Christian Kiening & Martina Stercken, 221-222.
- Carles Gutiérrez-Sanfeliu, Review of Nature Speaks: Medieval Literature and Aristotelian Philosophy, by Kellie Robertson, 241-242.
Philosopher’s Imprint, 19 (multi ipy) DONE
Issues 1-7: NTR
Issue 8
- Tad M. Schmaltz, “The Metaphysics of Surfaces in Suárez and Descartes,” 1-20.
Issue 9-54: NTR
Philosophia, 47 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3
- Antoni Abat i Ninet, “The Messianic Thought of the Rule of Law,” 733-755.
Issues 4-5: NTR
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 22-24 (1-4 ipy): DONE
Volume 22: NTR
Volume 23
- Elitza Kaldrumova, “Indifference Realism and Conceptualism: Two Concepts Regarding the Problem of Universals,” 3-10.
Volume 24
- Elitza Kaldrumova, “John of Salisbury’s concept of art in Metalogicon,” 3-10.
The Philosophical Quarterly, 69 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Thomas M. Ward, “Scotism About Possible Natures,” 393-408.
Issues 3-4: NTR
The Philosophical Review, 128 (4 ipy): NTR DONE
Philosophical Studies, 176 (multi ipy) DONE
Issues 1-12: NTR
Philosophical Topics, 47 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Philosophiques, 46 (2 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 31 (2 ipy): DONE
Issues 1-2:
- Roberto Di Ceglie, “Rethinking the Circularity between Faith and Reason,” 59-77.
Philosophy Compass, 14 (12 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-4: NTR
Issue 5
Issue 6-9: NTR
Issue 10
Issues 11-12: NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 48, 49 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1 (Núm. 48): NTR
Issue 2 (Núm. 49)
- Fabián Ludueña-Romandini, “Voluptas Urania. Marsilio Ficino como exégeta neoplatónico y cristiano de la filosofía natural del amor en Guido Cavalcanti,” 61-86.
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 93 (1 ipy) DONE
- John G. Brungardt, “Is Aristotelian-Thomistic Natural Philosophy Still Relevant to Cosmology?,” 151-176.
- M. T. Lu, “Is Piety a Natural Virtue?,” 253-262.
- Elliot Polsky,”’In As Many Ways As Something Is Predicated . . . in That Many Ways Is Something Signified to Be’: The Logic behind Thomas Aquinas’s Predication Thesis, Esse Substantiale, and Esse in Rerum Natura,” 263-292.
- Jameson Cockerell, “Divine Esse Without Ontological Significance Jean-Luc Marion’s Challenge to Aquinas,” 293-309.
- Daniel D. De Haan, “Is Philosophy of Nature Irrelevant?,” 327-348.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 16 (1 ipy) DONE
- Alex Hall, “Introduction,” vii-xii.
- William C. Mattison III, “Revisiting the Relationship between Infused and Acquired Cardinal Virtues: Lessons from Thomas Aquinas on Dead Faith,” 3-16.
- Lloyd Newton, “The Virtual Presence of the Cardinal Virtues,” 17-34.
- Angela Knobel, “Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences and the Relation between Infused and Acquired Virtue,” 35-48.
- Thomas M. Osborne Jr., “The Good as Telos in Cajetan, Banez and Zumel,” 51-60.
- Thomas Aquinas, “Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Book III, Distinction 33,” translated by Lloyd Newton, 77-112.
Quaestio Annuario di storia della metafisica, 19 (1 ipy) DONE
- Charles Burnett, “The Doctrine on Kings and Empires in Abu Ma‘shar’s Book on Religions and Dynasties and its Application in the Medieval West,” 15-31.
- Carmela Baffioni, “L’astrologia politica islamica: il caso degli Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’,” 33-49.
- Shlomo Sela, “World Astrology in Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Work,” 51-81.
- Marienza Benedetto, “An Ideology for Dependence? The Public Dimension of Astrology in the Jewish Middle Ages,” 83-100.
- Pasquale Arfé “Attorno all’edizione dell’Ars geomantiae: le fonti esplicite e implicite,” 101-128.
- Nicolas Weill-Parot, « Pouvoir de la magie astrale et ordre politique chez Guillaume d’Auvergne, » 149-172.
- Alessandro Palazzo, “Astrology and Politics: the Theory of Great Conjunctions in Albert the Great,” 173-203.
- Alessandra Beccarisi, “The Geomantic Technique and its Applications,” 205-226.
- Carlos Steel, “Henry Bate’s Translation of Ibn Ezra’s treatise The Book of the World. A Critical Edition,” 227-278.
- Alexander Fidora, “Ramon Llull’s Critique of Political Astrology,” 279-292.
- Paolo Ponzio, “Tra rivelazioni e stratagemmi: politica e teologia profetica in Tommaso Campanella,” 293-309.
- Maria Evelina Malgieri, “L’essere e la volontà creatrice. La quarta proposizione del De causis nel commento dello Pseudo-Adamo di Bocfeld,” 341-362.
- Giuliano Mori, “Contingency, Possibility, and Verisimilitude in Lorenzo Valla: Dialectics and Philology,” 363-383.
- Marilena Panarelli, “Plants Changing Species. The Latin Debate on the transmutatio plantarum,” 385-399.
- Thommaso Sgarro, “La religione della mente in Tommaso Campanella,” 401-414.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “Libertà e determinismo. Riflessioni medievali,” 485-492.
- Mattia Mantovani, “A priori Proofs of God’s Existence in 17th-century Scholastics,” 492-497.
Quaestiones Disputatae, 9/2-10/1 (2 ipy): NTR.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 86 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Fedor Benevich, “God’s Knowledge of Particulars: Avicenna, Kalām, and the Post-Avicennian Synthesis,” 1-47.
- Magdalena Bieniak, “Étienne Langton sur la foi, la prédestination et la reprobation: Étude et édition critique de Postille super epistulas Pauli (Rom., 9, 9-24),” 49-123.
- Theodor W. Köhler, “Wissenschaftsphilosophisch relevante Impulse aus der Theologie: Zu den Debatten über das Konzept wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewissheit im Zeitraum 1230-1350,” 125-208.
- Magali Roques, “Ockham and Bradwardine on Propositions De incipit et desinit,” 209-256.
Issue 2
- Yehuda Halper, “Averroes’ Rewrite of Aristotle’s Metaphysics ∆: Establishing the Plain Meaning of the Text in the Middle Commentary,” 259-281.
- Emmanuelle Kuhry, “The Compilatio de libris naturabilis Aristotelis (Compendium philosophie): Evidence for the Early Reception of the Glossa anglicana and of Adam of Buckfield’s Commentaries,” 283-313.
- Massimo Perrone, “The Quodlibet of Richard Knapwell O.P.: An Introduction and Critical Edition,” 315-364.
- Russell L. Friedman, “Gerald Ot (d. 1349) on Prime Matter: With an Edition of his II Sentences, Distinction 12,” 365-450.
- Amos Edelheit, “’Renaissance Scholasticism’ Strikes Again: Nicoletto Vernia and the Debate Between Medicine and Civil Law,” 451-483.
Religious Studies, 55 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issues 3
- Edward Howells, “From human desire to divine desire in John of the Cross,” 405-417.
Issue 4
- William E. Mann, “Anselm on divine justice and mercy,” 469-485.
- Simon Hewitt, Review of Aquinas’s Philosophy of Religion, by Paul O’Grady, 593-594.
- Jonathan Nassim, Review of Holiness in Jewish Thought, by Alan L. Mittleman, 594-599.
Res Philosophica, 96 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013 DONE
Issue 1
- Victor Salas, “Rodrigo de Arriaga, S.J. (1592-1667), on Analogy and the Concept of Being,” 91-111.
Issue 2-4: NTR
The Review of Metaphysics, 72, 73 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1 (Vol. 72, No. 3)
- Jude P. Dougherty, Review of Aquinas and the Market: Toward a Humane Economy, by Mary L. Herschfeld, 602-604.
- Glenn B. Siniscalchi, Review of Proofs of God: Classical Arguments from Tertullian to Barth, by Matthew Levering, 606-607.
Issue 2 (Vol.72, No. 4)
- Eric D. Perl, “Lessened by Addition: Procession by Diminution in Proclus and Aquinas,” 685-716.
Issue 3 (Vol. 73, No. 1)
- Dwight A. Lindley III, Review of The Kingdom of Man: Genesis and Failure of the Modern Project, by Rémi Brague, 136-138.
- Michael Augros, Review of The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds & Its Demise, by Stuart Umphrey, 154-156.
Issue 4 (Vol. 73, No. 2)
- Melissa Moschella, Review of Human Embryos, Human Beings: A Scientific and Philosophical Approach, by Samuel B. Condic and Maureen L. Condic, 361-362.
- Jude P. Dougherty, Review of How Theology Shaped Twentieth-Century Philosophy, by Frank B. Farrell, 364-366.
- Andrew J. Hayes, Review of The Metaphysical Foundations of Love: Aquinas on Participation, Unity, and Union, by Anthony Flood, 366-367.
- Joshua Parens, Review of Concepts of Nature: Ancient and Modern, edited by R. J. Snell & Steven F. McGuire, 381-383.
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 236 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Patrick Gautier Dalché, Review of The Cosmography of Paradise: The Other World from Ancient Mesopotamia to Medieval Europe, edited by Alessandro S. Cafi, 167-169.
Issue 2
- Elisa Brilli, “Quelques métamorphoses de la civitas terrena. Augustin dans les lectures d’Étienne Gilson et Robert Markus,” 243-263.
- Michel Senellart, “À propos de Saeculum de Robert Markus,” 265-281.
Issue 3
- Alexis Fontbonne, “La formation de la notion de spiration dans les débats scolastiques de l’Occident latin (XIIe-XIIIe siècles),” 507-543.
- Olivier Marin, Review of L’Historien et les fantômes. Lectures (autour) de l’œuvre d’Alain Boureau, by Béatrice Delaurenti, Blaise Dufal & Piroska Nagy (dir.), 615-617.
- Antoine Calvet, Review of Les substances séparées, by Thomas Aquinas, translated, introduction and notes by Nicolas Blanc, 619-622.
Issue 4
- Mathieu Terrier, « La figure de Pythagore comme maître d’ésotérisme et de théologie monothéiste dans la philosophie islamique de xie/xviie siècle », 731-766.
- Daniel De Smet, « Les philosophes grecs, tous monothéistes ! Une relecture néoplatonicienne islamisée de l’histoire de la philosophie (Pseudo-Ammonius) », 821-846.
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 103 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Eun-Sil Son, « Sola fide ou fide caritate formata : deux principes incompatibles ? De Martin Luther à Thomas d’Aquin », 93-112.
- Matthieu Cassin, « Bulletin de patrologie », 145-243.
Issue 2-3
- Antoine Vuilleumier, “Pierre de la Ramée, Loys Le Roy : deux philosophes français au milieu du XVIe siècle,” 329-347.
- Laura Adrián Lara, “Dialectique ramiste et conscience puritaine : le cas de William Ames (1576-1633),” 349-378.
Issue 4
- Marta Borgo, «Qu’est-ce qu’un corps selon Thomas d’Aquin?,» 571-581.
- Nicolas Weill-Parot, « De l’aimant à l’homme : propriété occulte, âme et hiérarchie des formes chez Thomas d’Aquin, » 583-601.
- Iacopo Costa, « Génération charnelle et transmission du péché originel chez Thomas d’Aquin, » 603-623.
- Gabriella Zuccolin, «Tommaso d’Aquino Sulla Complessione corporea, » 625-648.
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 93 (1-4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1/2 : NTR
Issue 3
- Cecilia Muratori, “The Aristotelian Carnivore: The Ethical Afterlives of Aristotle’s Theory of Animal Irrationality,” 257-279.
- Isabel Iribarren, Review of Études thomasiennes, by Serge-Thomas Bonino, 313-314.
- Françoise Vinel, Review of La nuit de l’âme. L’intellect et ses actes chez Maitre Eckhart, by Éric Mangin, 314-315.
- Christophe Guignard, Review of Croire et penser. Approches théologiques, by Jean-Marie Labelle, edited by Marc Feix, 325.
- Isabelle Moulin, Review of Présence de Dieu et union à Dieu. Création, inhabitation par grâce, incarnation et vision bienheureuse selon saint Thomas d’Aquin, by Gilles Émery, 326.
Issue 4
- Françoise Vinel, Reading notes of Thomisme et théologie moderne. L’École de saint Thomas à l’épreuve de la querelle de la grâce (XVIIe-XVIIIe), by Sylvio Hermann de Franceschi, 427-432.
- Françoise Vinel, Review of Peuple et Maison de Dieu dans l’ecclésiologie de saint Augustin, by Joseph Ratzinger, translated by É. Iborra, 438-440.
- Jacques Ahiwa, Review of Le miracle et la foi. Actes du colloque des 21-22 octobre 2016 à Rocamadour, edited by Philippe-Marie Margelidon, 445-447.
- Lucie Legat, Brief Notice on Lettres, t. 1 : Collection I, by Alcuin, translated, critical text, notes and index by C. Veyrard-Cosme, 451.
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 65 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Hugues Vermes, Gratia medicinalis: la métaphore médicale dans le Natura et gratia d’Augustin, 37-72.
- Marie Pauliat, Mt 12, 46-50 dans la prédication d’Augustin. Exégèse inclusive et questions de genre, 73-98.
Issue 2
- Isabelle Bochet, « Ostendit caput, ostendit corpus (In Ps. 147, 18). L’exégèse augustinienne de l’apparition aux apôtres en Lc 24, 36-49 », 267-286.
- Martine Dulaey, « L’apparition aux disciples au lac de Tibériade (Jn 21) dans le prédication des Pères latins des IVe-VIe siècles », 359-377.
- Laetitia Ciccolini, Brief Notice on Lectures de la Bible : Ier-XVe siècle, directed by Laurence Mellerin, 392-393.
- Frédéric Chapot, Brief Notice on Bilder von den Anderen. Christliches Sprechen über Heiden bei den lateinischen Apologeten, by Luise Ahmed, 399-400.
- Frédéric Chapot, Brief Notice on Les aveux de la chair sans masque, by Stéphane Ratti, 403.
- Laetitia Ciccolini, Brief Notice on Procesos eclesiásticos por enriquecimiento indebido en los epistolarios de Cipriano de Cartago y Agustín de Hipona – Povertà e ricchezza nel cristianesimo antico (I-V sec.), by Esteban Moreno Resano, 407-408.
- Paul Mattei, Brief Notice on The Church and the Holy Spirit: Ecclesiology and Pneumatology in Tertullian, Cyprian, and Augustine – Studia Patristica, 91, by James K. Lee, 418-419.
- Paul Mattei, Brief Notice on Pseudo-Cyprian and the Rebaptism Controversy in Africa – Studia Patristica, 98, by Maureen A. Tilley, 423.
- Frédéric Chapot, Brief Notice on The Orthodox Transmission of Heresy – Rethinking ‘Authority’ in Late Antiquity: Authorship, Law, and Transmission in Jewish and Christian Tradition, by Winrich Löhr, edited by A. J. Berkovitz & M. Letteney, 424-425.
- Petr Kitzler, Brief Notice on Late Antique or Early Medieval Annotation to Augustine’s De Genesi ad Litteram, by Jesse Keskiaho, 429.
- François Dolbeau, Brief Notice on Il banchetto sempiterno della Cena Cypriani – L’alimentazione nell’Alto Medioevo: pratiche, simboli, ideologie, by Francesco Mosetti Casaretto, 429-430.
- Laetitia Ciccolini, Brief Notice on El tratado “De haeresibus” (CPL 1201) atribuido a Isidoro de Sevilla: notas a favor de una autoría discutida y primera edición completa del texto – Filologia mediolatina, by José Carlos Martín-Iglesias, 430.
- Laetitia Ciccolini, Brief Notice on Las fuentes de las Allegoriae quaedam sanctae scripturae (CPL 1190) de Isidoro de Sevilla – Euphrosyne, by José Carlos Martín-Iglesias, 430.
- Mickaël Ribreau, « Bulletin augustinien pour 2018-2019 et compléments d’années antérieurs », 433-501.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 72 (2 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Aurora Panzica, Review of La magie naturelle/De magia naturali : L’influence des astres, by Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples, edited, translated and commentary by Jean-Marc Mandosio, 439-441.
- Eleonora Sammarchi, Review of La géométrie de la mesure dans les traductions arabo-latines médiévales, by Marc Moyon, & Géométrie pratique : Géomètres, ingénieures et architectes XVIE – XVIIIE siècle, by Dominique Raynaud (dir.), 441-443.
- Jean-Claude Dupont, Review of Materia medica : Savoirs et usages de médicaments aux époques médiévales et modernes, edited by Philip Rieder & François Zanetti, & La Farmacia granducale di Firenze, by Giovanni Piccardi, 444-445.
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 144 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-3 : NTR
Issue 4
- Henri Dilberman, Review of Rendez-vous avec la vérité, by Jean Greisch, 525-526.
- Pierre Pellegrin, Review of Le secret des secrets. Traduction du XVe siècle, by Pseudo-Aristotle, edited by Denis Lorée, 542.
- Isabelle Moulin, Review of Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles), edited by Dragos Calma & Zénon Kaluza, 542-544.
- Pierre Pellegrin, Review of Between Text and Tradition. Pietro d’Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle’s Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages, edited by Pieter De Leemans & Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen, 545.
- Magali Roques, Review of Quaestiones de ente, by Petrus Thomae, edited by Garrett R. Smith, 545-546.
- Luca Gili, Review of Unigenita natura. Dio e universo in Giordano Bruno, by Salvatore Carannante, 546-548.
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 117 (4 ipy): DONE
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Alberti Magni Opera omnia. Tomus VII, Pars II A: De nutrimento et nutrito, De sensu et sensato cuius secundus liber est De memoria et reminiscentia, by Albertus Magnus, edited by Silvia Donati, 399-400.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Ordo rationis, virtù e legge. Studio sulla morale tomista della Summa Theologiae, by Marco Panero, 400-401.
- Jean-Michel Counet, Review of Questions sur la métaphysique. Volume I. Livres I à III, by Jean Duns Scot, translated by Olivier Boulnois & Dan Arbib, 401-402.
- Jean Borel, Review of Écrits spirituels du Moyen-Âge, translated and organized by Cédric Giraud, 405-407.
Issue 3: NTR.
Issue 4
- Alban Grandjean, “Une relecture de la philosophie politique et sociale de Godefroid de Fontaines (ca. 1250-1306),” 609-652.
Revue Thomiste, 119 (4 ipy): DONE
Issue 1
- Piotr Roszak, « Principes et pratiques exégétiques dans l’Expositio Super Iob de Thomas d’Aquin », 5-30.
- Gilbert Dahan, « Le commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin dans l’histoire médiévale de l’exégèse de Job : Intentio et materia », 31-54.
Issue 2
- Marie de l’Assomption, o.p., « Qui fait l’universel ? », 179-210.
- Maximilien-Marie de l’Annonciation, « L’humilité selon Saint Thomas d’Aquin », 211-246.
- Louis-Marie Couillaud, « Les corps glorieux d’après l’enseignement de Saint Thomas d’Aquin dans la « Somme contre les Gentiles » (lib. IV, cap. 79-97) », 247-297.
Issue 3
- Hubert Borde, « Bulletin de théorie politique (I) », 463-488.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, « À propos de Dieu joueur d’échecs ? La théologie thomasienne de la prédestination selon le P. Basile Valuet », 507-514.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, Review of Études thomasiennes, by Serge-Thomas Bonino.
- Th. Gay, Review of Thomas and the Thomists, by Romanus Cessario OP & Cajetan Cuddy OP.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, Review of Aristote et Thomas d’Aquin, by Leo J. Elders.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, Review of Thomas d’Aquin et ses prédécesseurs, by Leo J. Elders.
- Th. Gay, Review of De l’écoute à la parole, by Stéphane Loiseau.
- Basile Valuet, Review of « Celui qui donne », by Louis-Marie Rineau.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, Review of Somme théologique, L’âme humaine, by Thomas d’Aquin.
Issue 4 :
- Cyrille Michon, « Le double effet d’un acte de légitime défense : Lectures de la Somme de Théologie, IIA-IIAE, Q. 64, A. 7 », 531-576.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, « L’exégèse thomasienne de Ph 2, 5-11 », 613-637.
- Xavier Battlo, « Bulletin de Théologie Patristique (II) », 639-667.
- Romain Debluë, Review of Les Substances séparées, by Thomas d’Aquin, translated by Nicolas Blanc, 671-674.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, Review of Actualité de saint Thomas d’Aquin, edited by Olivier Boulnois, 674-676.
- Philippe-Marie Margelidon, Review of Saint Thomas d’Aquin, Lecteur du Cantique des cantiques, by Serge-Thomas Bonino, 676-678.
- Thomas Gay, Review of Justice as a Virtue, A Thomistic Perspective, by Jean Porter, 678-682.
- Thomas Gay, Review of Paolo Barbò da Soncino: Questioni di Metafisica, by Efrem Jindrácek, o.p., 682-685.
- Alain Contat, Review of Pour une métaphysique de l’être et son analogie, De Heidegger à Thomas d’Aquin, by Yves Floucat, 688-694.
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2019 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Timothy J. López, “Pedro de Godoy’s De beatitudine naturali. Natural Happiness and its Possibility in Seventeenth-Century Thomism,” 117-131.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Chiara Beneduce, La teoria buridaniana dell’umido radicale tra filosofia naturale e medicina, 597-605.
- José María Felipe Mendoza, Un ítem central en la doctrina científica de Francisco Suárez: del subiectum al obiectum como sustrato de cada ciencia especulativa, 607-623.
- Catarina Belo, Review of Dizionarietto di arabo per filosofi, by Massimo Campanini & Corrado la Martire, 754-756.
Issue 4
- David Ezequiel Tellez Maqueo, “¿Es la voluntad distinto al sentimiento? Una comparación entre Franz Brentano y Tomás de Aquino,” 807-819.
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2019 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Carlo Enrico Roggia, “Ficino’s Self-Translation of the De amore: Some Linguistic Remarks,” 193-211.
- David A. Lines, “When Is a Translation Not a Translation? Girolamo Manfredi’s De homine (1474),” 287-307.
Issue 3
- Massimo Campanini, Review of Avicenna e la sinistra aristotelica, by Ernst Bloch, 565-567.
Issue 4: NTR
Southwest Philosophy Review, 35 (2 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-2: NTR
Speculum, 94 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Akash Kumar, Review of Dante in Context, edited by Zygmunt G. Barański and Lino Pertile, 175-176.
- Kirk Ambrose, Review of Education in Twelfth-Century Art and Architecture: Images of Learning in Europe, c. 1100–1220, by Laura Cleaver, 190-192.
- Ana-Isabel Magallón, Review of Isidore of Seville and His Reception in the Early Middle Ages: Transmitting and Transforming Knowledge, edited by Andrew Fear and Jamie Wood, 197-198.
- John Tolan, Review of The Religious Concordance: Nicholas of Cusa and Christian-Muslim Dialogue, by Joshua Hollmann, 221-222.
- Alastair Bennett, Review of A Companion to Lollardy, by Patrick J. Hornbeck II, Mishtooni Bose, and Fiona Somerset, 222-223.
- T. M. Rudavsky, Review of Maimonides’ “Guide of the Perplexed”: A Philosophical Guide, by Alfred L. Ivry, 226-227.
- Paul Milliman, Review of “A Pearl of Powerful Learning”: The University of Cracow in the Fifteenth Century, by Paul W. Knoll, 239-241.
- Christopher Colmo, Review of Leo Strauss and the Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy, by Joshua Parens, 264-266.
- Kimberly Rivers, Review of Notes from the School of William de Montibus / Collecta ex diuersis auditis in scola magistri Willelmi de Monte: Edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 860, by Samuel Presbiter, edited by Andrew N. J. Dunning, 283-284.
- Lesley-Anne Williams, Review of The Commentary on the “De Arithmetica” of Boethius, by Thierry of Chartres, edited by Irene Caiazzo, 291-293.
Issue 2
- Richard Cross, “Scholastic Debates on Beatific Union with God: Henry of Ghent (c. 1217–93) and His Interlocutors,” 317-333.
- Henrik Lagerlund, Review of Scepticisme et religion: Constantes et évolutions, de la philosophie hellénistique à la philosophie médiévale, edited by Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic and Carlos Lévy, 505-506.
- Paul M. Blowers, Review of A Companion to Job in the Middle Ages, edited by Franklin T. Harkins and Aaron Canty, 537-538.
- Robbie Moser, Review of Aquinas’s Theory of Perception: An Analytic Reconstruction, by Anthony J. Lisska, 558-559.
- Risto Saarinen, Review of Richard Kilvington’s “Quaestiones super libros Ethicorum”: A Critical Edition with an Introduction, by Monika Michałowska, 566-567.
- Alexander Aichele, Review of Liberdade humana e perfeiçao divina na “Concordia” de Luis de Molina, by João Rebalde, 585-586.
- Sean Erwin, Review of “Cognitio obumbrata”: Lo statuto epistemologico della profezia nel secolo XIII, 586-587.
Issue 3
- James Davis, Review of The Idea of a Moral Economy: Gerard of Siena on Usury, Restitution, and Prescription, edited by Lawrin Armstrong, 806-807.
- James G. Clark, Review of The Making of the “Historia scholastica,” 1150–1200, by Mark J. Clark, 823-824.
- Krijin Pansters, Review of “Ordo et sanctitas”: The Franciscan Spiritual Journey in Theology and Hagiography; Essays in Honor of J. A. Wayne Hellmann, O.F.M. Conv., edited by Michael Cusato, Timothy Johnson and Steven McMichael, 826-827.
- Ian Christopher Levy, Review of Inspiration and Authority in the Middle Ages: Prophets and their Critics from Scholasticism to Humanism, by Brian FitzGerald, 830-831.
- Floris Bernard, Review of The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium, edited by Anthony Kaldellis and Niketas Siniossoglou, 846-847.
- Michael Motia, Review of Death and the Afterlife in Byzantium: The Fate of the Soul in Theology, Liturgy, and Art, by Vasileios Marinis, 861-862.
- Daisy Delogu, Review of The “Roman de la Rose” in its Philosophical Context: Art, Nature, and Ethics, by Jonathon Morton, 865-867.
Issue 4
- Scott G. Bruce, Review of Hell and Its Rivals: Death and Retribution among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Early Middle Ages, by Alan E. Bernstein, 1122-1123.
- David F. Hult, Review of Jean de Meun et la culture médiévale : Littérature, art, science et droit aux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge, edited by Jean-Patrice Boudet, Philippe Haugeard, Silvère Menegaldo, & François Ploton-Nicollet, 1126-1128.
- Rega Wood, Review of Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe – XVIe siècles), edited by Dragos Calma and Zénon Kaluza, 1135-1137.
- Silvana Vecchio, Review of The Ten Commandments in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, edited by Youri Desplenter, Jürgen Pieters, & Walter Melion, 1144-1145.
- Benjamin Pohl, Review of A Companion to the Abbey of Saint Victor in Paris, edited by Hugh Feiss & Juliet Mousseau, 1150-1151.
- Alastair Bennett, Review of Piers Plowman and the Poetics of Enigma: Riddles, Rhetoric, and Theology, by Curtis A. Gruenler, 1161-1162.
- Jonathan R. Lyon, Review of Visions of Kinship in Medieval Europe, by Hans Hummer, 1170-1171.
- Bernard McGinn, Review of Concordia Novi ac Veteris Testamenti, by Joachim of Fiore, edited by Alexander Patschovsky, 1172-1174.
- Noel Blanco Mourelle, Review of Romance of Evast and Blaquerna, by Ramon Llull, translated by Robert D. Hughes, 1189-1190.
- A
- Robert Upchurch, Review of The Third Gender and Ælfric’s “Lives of the Saints,” by Rhonda L. McDaniel, 1195-1196.
- Gian Luca Potestà, Review of A Companion to Joachim of Fiore, edited by Matthias Riedl, 1216-1217.
- Ivan Majnaric, Review of Cathars in Question, edited by Antonio Sennis, 1231-1233.
- Brief Notice on Perceptions of the Body and Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and Byzantium, edited by Jelena Bogdanovic, 1247.
- Brief Notice on Vedere nell’ombra: Studi su natura, spiritualità, e scienze operative offerti a Michela Pereira, edited by Cecilia Panti & Nicola Polloni, 1250-1251.
- Brief Notice on Causality and Resemblance: Medieval Approaches to the Explanation of Nature, edited by María Jesús Soto-Bruna, 1251.
Studi Medievali, 60 (2-3 ipy): DONE
Issue 1
- Angela Casciano, Review of Libertà e determinismo. Riflessioni medievali, edited by Marialucrezia Leone & Luisa Valente, 290-298.
- Alberto Jori, Review of De lunationibus and De Dracone, by Walcher of Malvern, edited, translated and commentary by C. Philipp E. Nothaft, 347-352.
- Leonardo Paganelli, Notice on Vernacular Aristotelianism in Italy from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century, edited by Luca Bianchi, Simon Gilson & Jill Kraye, 370-374.
- Cecilia Panti, Notice on La nascita del concetto moderno de persona in Duns Scoto, by Carmela Bianco, preface by Pasquale Giustiniani, 374-376.
- Nelly Labère, Notice on La Contagion des émotions. Compassio, une énigme médiévale, by Béatrice Delaurenti, 391.
- Marianna Cerno, Notice on « Diligens Scrutator Sacri Eloquii. » Beiträge zur Exegese- und Theologiegeschichte des Mittelalters. Festgabe für Rainer Berndt SJ zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Hanns Peter Neuheuser, Ralf M. W. Stammberger & Matthias M. Tischler, 410-416.
- Lorenza Tromboni, Notice on Il “Livro del governamento dei re e dei principi” secondo il codice BNCF II.IV.129, critical edition by Fiammetta Papi, 416-418.
- Giovanni Catapano, Notice on “Ratio practica” e “ratio civilis.” Studi di etica e politica medievali per Giancarlo Garfagnini, edited by Anna Rodolfi, 427-432.
- Alfonso Marini, Notice on Selected Writings on Ethics, by John Duns Scotus, edited and translated by Thomas Williams, 443-444.
- Carla Compagno, Notice on Hildegard von Bingen, by Maura Zátonyi, 448-450.
- Brief Notice on Vera religio. Marsilio Ficino e la tradizione ebraica, by Guido Bartolucci, 453.
- Brief Notice on Medioevo al Femminile, by F. Bertini, F. Cardini, Mt. Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri & C. Leonardi, edited by Ferruccio Bertini, 454.
- Brief Notice on Medioevo sensibile. Una storia delle emozioni (secoli III-XV), by Damien Bouquet & Piroska Nagy, 456.
- Brief Notice on Aelredo di Rievaulx (1110-1167). Una biografia esistenziale e spirituale. Dall’essere frammentato all’essere unificato, by Pierre-André Burton, edited by Antonio-Tambolini, 457.
- Brief Notice on Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles), edited by Dragos Calma & Zénon Kaluza, 458.
- Brief Notice on Catena Aurea. Glossa continua super Evangelia, capitoli 1-8 & 9-21, by S. Tommaso d’Aquino, translated by Roberto Coggi, 462.
- Brief Notice on Commentarium in Epistolas Pauli, by Marsilii Ficini Florentini, edited by Daniele Conti, 462-463.
- Brief Notice on Nutrire il corpo, nutrire l’anima nel Medioevo, edited by Chiara Crisciani & Onorato Grassi, 463-464.
- Brief Notice on Ordinis Praedicatorum: De nutrimento et nutrito. De sensu et sensato cuius secundus liber est de memoria et reminiscentia, by Alberti Magni, edited by Silvia Donati, 467-468.
- Brief Notice on Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay, edited by William O. Duba, Russell L. Friedman & Chris Schabel, 468.
- Brief Notice on La Sapienza dei medievali. La filosofia cristiana da San Paolo a Guglielmo di Occam, by Stefano Fontana, 470-471.
- Brief Notice on Incontri tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, by Arsenio Frugoni, edited by Chiara Frugoni, 471.
- Brief Notice on De l’âme, by Cassiodore, edited by J. W. Halporn, translated, introduction and notes by Alain Galonniers, 471.
- Brief Notice on Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école. Les Notae Dunelmenses, by Anne Grondeux and Irène Rosier-Catach, 473.
- Brief Notice on The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas, by Dominic Legge O.P., 475.
- Brief Notice on Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages. Proceeding of the 5th European Congress of the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, edited by José Meirinhos, Celia López Alcalde & João Rebalde, 477-478.
- Brief Notice on Il favore di Dio. Metafore d’elezione nelle letterature del Medioevo, edited by Francesco Mosetti Casaretto, 479.
- Brief Notice on Le monadologie bonaventurienne, by Marc Ozilou, 480.
- Brief Notice on La magia nel medioevo, by Ilaria Parri, 480-481.
- Brief Notice on Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum, by Durandi de Sancto Porciano, edited by Massimo Perrone & Fiorella Retucci, 482.
- Brief Notice on Donne del Medioevo. Studi di Bruno Andreolli, edited by Rossella Rinaldi, 483.
- Brief Notice on La scala e lo specchio. L’originalità di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio a otto secoli dalla nascita, edited by Davide Riserbato, 483-484.
- Brief Notice on Res seniles, Libri XIII-XVII, by Francesco Petrarca, edited by Silvia Rizzo & Monica Berté, 485.
- Brief Notice on Studi cusaniani, by Pietro Secchi, 486.
- Brief Notice on Individui Universali. Il realismo di Gualtiero di Mortagne nel XII secolo, by Caterina Tarlazzi, 487.
- Brief Notice on Vedere nell’ombra: Studi su natura, spiritualità, e scienze operative offerti a Michela Pereira, edited by Cecilia Panti & Nicola Polloni, 498.
Issue 2:
- E. S. Mainoldi, “I problemi critici del Periphyseon di Giovanni Scoto Eriugena alla luce delle due recenti edizioni-traduzioni italiane,” 735-770.
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 9 (1-2 ipy) DONE
- Concetta Luna, “Addenda et corrigenda à l’édition de la Théologie platonicienne de Proclus,” 15-46.
- Tiziano Dorandi, “Un manoscritto trascurato del I libro dell’Anthologion di Giovanni Stobeo: Ambrosianus A 183 sup. (76 Martini-Bassi),” 47-54.
- Biancamaria Giommoni, “Nota sulle fonti della Risāla fī l-farq bayna l-rūḥ wa-l-nafs (Epistola sulla differenza tra lo pneuma e l’anima) di Qusṭā ibn Lūqā,”
- Sami Aydin, “The Remnant of a Questions and Answers Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories in Syriac (Vat. Syr. 586),” 69-106.
- Najib George Awad, “Dāwūd ibn Marwān al-Muqammaṣ on the Trinity: A Moment in Abbasid Jewish-Christian Kalām,” 107-128.
- Matthias Perkams, “The Syro-Persian Reinvention of Aristotelianism: Paul the Persian’s Treatise on the Scopes of Aristotle’s Works between Sergius of Rēšʿaynā, Alexandria, and Baghdad,” 129-146.
- Richard Sorabji, “The Cross-cultural Spread of Greek Philosophy (and Indian Moral Tales) to 6th Century Persian and Syriac,” 147-164.
- Andrea Pintimalli, ““L’espressione ‘apoteosi’ suona male alle orecchie dei musulmani” Al-Bīrūnī tra falsafa e comparazione religiosa,” 165-182.
- Paul Hullmeine, “Al-Bīrūnī’s Use of Philoponus for Arguing Against the Eternity of the World,” 183-202
- Cristina D’Ancona, “Philoponus, or “Yaḥyā al-naḥwī”. An Overview,” 203-242.
- Yehuda Halper, “Are there Second Intentions in De Interpretatione 16 a 3-8? The Hebrew Aristotelian Commentary Tradition in the 13th-15th Centuries,” 243-260.
Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, review of Avicenne. Logica (Logique du Šifāʾ). Texte latin, édition critique de la traduction médiévale par F. Hudry. Introduction doctrinale par A. de Libera, Vrin, Paris 2018 (Sic et Non), 266, 322-325
Studia Neoaristotelica, 16 (multi ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- T. Allan Hillman & Tully Borland, “Duns Scotus on the Nature of Justice,” 275-305.
Issues 3-4: NTR
Issue 5
- Prokop Sousedík, “Dvojí pohled na Tomášův traktát o Trojici,“ 79-108.
Synthese, 196 (multi [recently 12] ipy) DONE
Issues 1-12: NTR
The Journal of Religion, 99 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Martin Shuster, “On the Importance of the World: Phenomenology in Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed,” 194-218.
Issue 3
- Garmi Yosra, Review of Redefining the Muslim Community, Ethnicity, Religion, and Politics in the Thought of Alfarabi, by Alexander R. Orwin, 392-393.
Issue 4
- Omer Michaelis, “’For the Wisdom of Their Wise Men Shall Perish’: Forgotten Knowledge and Its Restoration in Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed and Its Karaite Background,” 432-466.
- Michelle Chaplin Sanchez, “Calvin, Difficult Arguments, and Affective Responses: Providence as a Case Study in Method,” 467-491.
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 83 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1
- Jamie Anne Spiering, “’The Divine Goodness Could Be Manifest through Other Creatures and Another Order’: The Source of Aquinas’s Convictions about Divine Freedom,” 1-29.
- Carlos A. Casanova & Ignacio Serrano del Pozo, “An Assessment of the Being and Operation of Mary’s Marriage,” 31-55.
- Michael S. Hahn, “Thomas Aquinas’s Presentation of Christ as Teacher,” 57-89.
- Piotr Roszak, “Between Wisdom and Sluggishness: Thomas Aquinas on the Elderly,” 91-109.
- Daniel A. Keating, Review of Thomas Aquinas on the Beatitudes: Reading Matthew, Disputing Grace and Virtue, Preaching Happiness, by Anton ten Klooster, 128-132.
- Andrew Hofer O.P., Review of Thomas Aquinas and His Predecessors: The Philosophers and the Church Fathers in His Works, by Leo J. Elders, 132-136.
- Kenneth Pennington, Review of Debating Medieval Natural Law: A Survey, by Riccardo Saccenti, 142-145.
- James Brent, O.P., Review of Mind, Matter and Nature: A Thomistic Proposal for the Philosophy of Mind, by James D. Madden, 150-153.
Issue 2
- Joshua P. Hochschild, “Aquinas’s Two Concepts of Analogy and a Complex Semantics for Naming the Simple God,” 155-184.
- Kendall A. Fisher, “Operation and Actuality in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Argument for the Subsistence of the Rational Soul,” 185-211.
- Scott Roniger, “Natural Law and Friendship with God,” 237-276.
- Junius Johnson, “Unlocking Bonaventure: The Collationes in Hexaëmeron as Interpretive Key,” 277-294.
- Kevin L. Flannery, S.J., Review of Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology, edited by Gilles Emery, O.P. & Matthew Levering, 295-300.
- Edward Feser, Review of Aquinas’s Way to God: The Proof in “De ente et essentia,” by Gaven Kerr, 300-305.
- V. Bradley Lewis, Review of Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s “Treatise on Law,” by J. Budziszewski, 305-307.
- Corey L. Barnes, Review of Ecce Homo: On the Divine Unity of Christ, by Aaron Riches, 311-316.
- Steven J. Jensen, Review of Hope and Christian Ethics, by David Elliot, 316-320.
Issue 3
- Stephen L. Brock, “The Specification of Action in St. Thomas: Nonmotivating Conditions in the Object of Intention,” 321-355.
- Jeremy D. Wilkins, “The Spiration of Love in God according to Aquinas and His Interpreters,” 357-405.
- Peter Karol Koritansky, “Retributive Justice and Natural Law,” 407-435.
- Charles Robertson, “Lawrence Dewan, Legal Obligation, and the New Natural Law,” 437-459.
- Reinhard Hütter, Review of “Before Truth: Lonergan, Aquinas, and the Problem of Wisdom” by Jeremy D. Wilkins, 461-466.
- David L. Whidden III, Review of “Atonement” by Eleonore Stump, 471-474.
- Matthew Levering, Review of “A Gift of Presence: The Theology and Poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas” by Jan-Heiner Tück, 488-492.
Issue 4:
- Daniel D. De Haan, Brandon Dahm, “Thomas Aquinas on Seperated Souls as Incomplete Human Persons,” 589-637.
- Randall G. Colton, Review of “Wagering on an Ironic God: Pascal on Faith and Philosophy by Thomas S. Hibbs,” 647-652.
- Brian Chrazastek, Review of “Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the ‘Generation of Animals.’ by Sophia M. Connell,” 652-658.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 81 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 56, 57 (ipy varies) DONE
Issue 1 (Núm. 56)
- Mark K. Spencer, “Percepción sensible y el florecimiento de la persona humana en von Hildebrand y las tradiciones aristotélicas,” 95-118.
Issue 2 (Núm. 57)
- Jazmín Ferreiro, “The Emergence of Life and the Place of the Body in Late Medieval Thought,” 287-306.
- Sebastián Contreras, “Fernando de Roa and the Reception of Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy,” 349-374.
- Laura Corso de Estrada, “Conservatio sui: inclinación de la naturaleza hacia sí. Una teoría finalista en la lectura de Cicerón y de Tomás de Aquino,” 375-398.
Topoi, 38 (1-4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1-4: NTR
Traditio, 74 (1 ipy) DONE
- Mark J. Clark, “An Early Version of Peter Lombard’s Lectures on the Sentences,” 223-247.
- Irven M. Resnick, “Albert the Great on Nature and the Production of Hermaphrodites: Theoretical and Practical Considerations,” 307-334.
- John Bugbee, “Chaucer’s Lucretia and What Augustine Really Said about Rape: Two Reconsiderations,” 335-373.
Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 50 (3 ipy): DONE
Issue 1:
- Ethan Leong Yee, “’Plenitudo intelligentiarum’: The Implications of the Trinity on Joachim of Fiore’s Exegesis,” 77-106.
- E Stelle Ingrand-Varenne, “Peur du vide? L’économie graphique des inscriptions médiévales,” 107-136.
- J Essica A. Boon, “The Body-and-Soul in Pain: Medico-Theological Debates in Late Medieval Castilian Passion Treatises,” 249-288.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Alexander Marx, “From the End to the Beginning: Socrates as Iconoclast in Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿa and the Contestation of His Biography in Greek and Arabic Sources,”
Vivarium, 57 (4 ipy) DONE
Issue 1/2
- Nicolas Faucher, “Faith and Rhetoric in Giles of Rome,” 1-21.
- Peter Adamson, “Interroga virtutes naturales: Nature in Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power,” 22-50.
- C. Philipp E. Nothaft, “Glorious Science or ‘Dead Dog’? Jean de Jandun and the Quarrel over Astrology in Fourteenth-Century Paris,” 51-101.
- William J. Courtenay, “Parisian Theologians in the 1330s,” 102-126.
- Chiara Beneduce and Paul J. J. M. Bakker, “John Buridan’s Quaestiones de secretis mulierum: Edition and Introduction,” 127-181.
- Yehuda Halper, “The Only Extant, Complete, and Original Hebrew Commentary on the Entire Metaphysics of Aristotle: Eli Habilio and the Influence of Scotism,” 182-205.
- John Monfasani, Review of Futura contingentia, necessitas per accidens und Prädestination in Byzanz und in der Scholastik, by Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, 207-209.
- Mark Thakkar, Review of Walter Chatton on Future Contingents: Between Formalism and Ontology, by Jon Bornholdt, 210-221.
Issue 3/4
- José Filipe Silva, “Introduction: Assimilation and Representation in Medieval Theories of Cognition,” 223-243.
- Cecilia Trifogli, “Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on the Reception of Forms without the Matter,” 244-267.
- Ana María Mora-Márquez, “Singular Intellection in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima,” 293-316.
- Dominik Perler, “Disembodied Cognition and Assimilation: Thirteenth-Century Debates on an Epistemological Puzzle,” 317-340.
- Jörn Müller, “Adaequatio as Assimilatio: Two Puzzles in Aquinas’ Theory of Truth,” 341-372.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 54 (4 ipy) DONE
Issues 1-4: NTR