Alpha omega rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 24 (2-3 ipy): NT
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 95 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Yul Kim, “Why Does the Wood Not Ignite Itself? Duns Scotus’ Defense of the Will’s Self-Motion,” 49-68.
- Patrick H. Byrne, “Curiosity: Vice or Virtue? Augustine and Lonergan,” 49-93.
- Paul A. Macdonald Jr., “Acknowledging Animal Rights: A Thomistic Perspective,” 95-116.
- Rev. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, “Thomistic Thoughts About Thought and Talk,” 117-129.
Issue 2
- Lukáš Novák, “Suárez’s Notion of Analogy: Scotus’s Essential Order in Disguise?,” 195-233.
- Anthony T. Flood, “Aquinas on Contrition and the Love of God,” 235-248.
- Christopher-Marcus Gibson, “What’s the Good of Perfected Passion?: Thomas Aquinas on Attentiveness and the Filiae Luxuriae,” 249-270.
- Gary M. Atkinson, Review of “Cooperation with Evil: Thomistic Tools of Analysis,” by Kevin L. Flannery, SJ, 337-339.
- John Froula, Review of “Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin: a Thomistic Analysis” by Taylor Patrick O’Neill, 347-349.
Issue 3
- Pol Vandevelde, “Charity in Interpretation: Principle or Virtue? A Return to Gregory the Great,” 505-526.
- Justin Gable, OP, “God Without Metaphysics: Some Thomistic Reflections on Heidegger’s Onto-Theological Critique and the Future of Natural Theology,” 527-548.
Issue 4
- Gaven Kerr, “A Reconsideration of Aquinas’s Fourth Way,” 595-615.
- Dennis Bray, “Bonaventure’s I Sentence Argument for the Trinity from Beatitude,”
617-650. - Montague Brown, Review of “Justice and Charity: An Introduction to Aquinas’s Moral, Economic, and Political Thought,” by Michael P. Krom, 742-745.
- R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, Review of “The Metaphysical Foundations of Love: Aquinas on Participation, Unity, and Union” by Anthony T. Flood, 745-748.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 38 (1-3 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Francisco O’Reilly, “The definition and subject-matter of the metaphysics in the Philosophia Prima of the Avicenna Latinus,” 441-451.
- Benjamin Antonio Figueroa Lackington, “Confucianism and Averroism: Notes for a Comparative Study,” 453-467.
- Manuel Alejandro Serra Perez, “The founding value of “esse” in the Thomist fourth way,” 469-481.
Angelicum, 98 (3/4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Margherita Maria Rossi and Teodora Rossi “A Hidden Source of the Prologue to the I-II of the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas,”
- Christoph Schwöbel, “Taking the Form of a Servant» Kenosis and Divine Self-Giving in Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther,”
Issue 2:
- John Froula, “Promulgation as Formal Cause in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Definition of Law,”
- David O.Brown, “Creation as Participation: Essentially-Ordered Series, «Spontaneous Creation», and the Rejection of Divine Efficient Causality,”
Issue 3:
- Matthew Kirby, “Naked Existence? Improving Apologetics from Theism in a Thomist Context,”
- Serge-Thomas Bonino, review of Emmanuel Perrier, L’Attrait divin. La doctrine de l’opération et le gouvernement des créatures chez saint Thomas d’Aquin,
Issue 4: NTR
Annuario Filosofico, 37 (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Garth W. Green, “Nicholas of Cusa’s platonism: its epistemological structure and historiographical significance,” 69-89.
- Davide Monaco, “In Principio erat il Possest. Cusano contra Aristotele,” 90-108.
Anuario Filosófico, 54 (3 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Hernán Guerrero-Troncoso, “San Anselmo y los albores de la «scientia transcendens». Una interpretación aviceniana de la «regula Anselmi»”
- José-Antonio Fernández-López, “Tomás de Aquino y Maimónides en la «Visión Deleytable». Sobre Providencia y destino”
Issue 3
- Huge Costarelli-Brandi, “Trascendentales y perfección humana en la «Summa Halensis»”
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 31 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Dragos Calma, “Al-Aqul Dans La Tradition Latine du Liber de Causis” 127-148.
Issue 2
- Mohammad Javad Esmaeili, “The sciences of the ancients and their divisions aqsām ʿulūm al-awāʾil: a text attributed to Avicenna, an edition with a brief introduction,” 183-223.
- Marwan Rashed, “Note : un témoin arabe du fragment 2 de Boéthos de sidon et le problème du rapport chronologique entre andronicos et Boéthos,” 257-263.
- Nicolás Bamballi, “Note: Boethus fr. 44 rashed,” 265-267.
- Jules Janssens, Review of Avicenna, fῙ al-ʾumūr al-kulliyya min ʿilm al-ṭibb, ed. najafgholi habibi (Hamadan, 2018), 269-275.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 18 (1 ipy): forthcoming (12/07/2022)
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 103 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Stephen R. Ogden, “Averroes’s Unity Argument Against Multiple Intellects,” 429-454.
Issue 4: NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 75 (6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
Issue 6: NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 84 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 88 (1 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Francoise Hundry, “Le Liber de Causis et la reponse latine a sa proposition 2,” 25-40.
- Ioana Curut, “The Sentences Commentary of Thomas Ebendorfer : Manuscripts and question lists,” 65-111.
- Giovanna Bagnasco, “Il peso dell’amicizia : Nicola di Cusa nel Centheologicon di Eimerico di Campo,” 133-174.
- Cecilia Rusconi, “A new version of the Sigillum Aeternitatis. The Opus circa speculare aenigma uniuersi by Heymericus de Campo (1395-1460),” 113-132.
- Patrick Gautier Dalche, “Echos chartrains dans l’Historia de antiquitate regum Norwagiensium de Theodoricus monachus,” 7-23.
- Chiara Paladini, “Walter Burley on negative propositions,” 41-63.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 71 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Fosca Mariani Zini, “Un échange conflictuel : quelle est la meilleure philosophie?,”
- Efthymios Nicolaïdis, “Quelques notes générales sur les textes scientifiques de Bessarion”
Issue 2
- Jean Celeyrette, analyse de De l’homme, de la nature et du monde. Mélanges offerts à Danielle Jacquart, par les élèves et amis de sa conférence de École pratique des Hautes études
- Yaël Nazé, review of Rodríguez-Arribas J., Burnett Ch., Ackermann S. M., Szpiech R. (éds.), Astrolabes in Medieval Cultures.
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 114 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2:
- Riccardo Saccenti, “Manuscripts and printed editions of book IV of the Summa fratris Alexandri,” 3-46.
- Rogerio R. Tostes, “La textualidad de la representación política: el ejemplo de los franciscanos en los dominios catalano-aragoneses (siglos XIII-XIV),” 81-126.
- Ryan Thornton, OFM, “Ordering the Books of Bonaventure’s Commentary on the Sentences,” 199-208
- Michael W. Blastic, Review of Regist J. Armstrong, Into God. Itinerarium Mentis in Deumof saint Bonaventure. an annotated Translation., 295-298.
- Stefano Ceccin, Review of Letterio Mauro, l’eletta dello spirito: Maria in Bonaventura, 299-301.
- Michael Robson, Review of Antonia Fitzpatrick, Individuals and Institutions in Medieval scholasticism, 302-305.
Issues 3-4:
- Stefano Abbate, “Iglesia consumada, san Francisco y orden franciscana. la esperanza intrahistórica según san Buenaventura,” 585-604.
- Yoke Kimura, “The Coexistence of Franciscan and Dominican sermons in Manuscripts of the late Middle ages,” 605-624.
- Claus A. Andersen, Review of Frencesco Alfieri, Die Präsenz des Duns scotus im Denken edith steins. Die Frage der Individualität, 664-667.
- Giuseppe Cassio, Review of Chiara Frugoni and Attilio Bartoli Langeli, San Francesco in figura. la legenda Maior di Bonaventura nel Manoscritto antonianum, 678-682.
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 79 (1 ipy):
Issue 1: NTRAugustinian Studies, 52 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mattias Gassman, “The Ancient Readers of Augustine’s City of God,” 1-18.
- Alexander H. Pierce, “From emergency practice to Christian polemics? Augustine’s invocation of infant baptism in the Pelagian Controversy,” 19-41.
- Douglas Finn, “Unwrapping the Spectacle: Social Critique, Sectarian Polemics, and Communal Transfiguration in Augustine’s Enarratio in Psalmum 147,” 43-70.
- Emeline McClellan, “Metaphoric Speculation: Rereading Book 15 of Augustine’s De Trinitate,” 71-90.
- Albert C. Geljon, Review of Creation and Literary Re-Creation. Ambrose’s Use of Philo in the Hexaemeral Letters, by Paul M.C. Elliott, 93-96.
- Sean Hannan, Review of On Creation, Science, Disenchantment, and the Contours of Being and Knowing, by Matthew W. Knotts, 97-99.
- Stephen Potthoff, Review of The Church in the Latin Fathers: Unity in Charity, by James K. Lee, 100-104.
- Robert Edwards, Review of Chrysostom’s Devil: Demons, the Will, and Virtue in Patristic Soteriology, by Samantha L. Miller, 105-108.
- Éric Fournier, Review of Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity, by Dirk Rohmann, 109-114.
- Miles Hollingworth, Review of St. Augustine, His Confessions, and His Influence, by Paul Rorem, 115-118.
- Brian Dunkle, Review of Ambrose of Milan’s On the Holy Spirit: Rhetoric, Theology, and Sources, by Andrew M. Selby, 119-121.
- Andrew C. Chronister, Review of The Pelagian Controversy: An Introduction to the Enemies of Grace and the Conspiracy of Lost Souls, by Sturat squires, 122-125.
- Joshua Farris, Review of Original Sin and the Fall: Five Views, by J.B. Stump and Chad Meister, 126-129.
- Thomas Clemmons, Review of Desires in Paradise: An Interpretative Study of Augustine’s City of God 14, by Adam Treettel, 130-132.
Issue 2
- Margaret R. Miles, “St. Augustine’s Last Desire,” 135-160.
- Joshua M. Evans, “Augustine and the Problem of Bodily Desire,” 161-183.
- Brian A. Butcher, Review of Orthodox Readings of Augustine. Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought, by George E. Demacopoulos, 211-214.
- Adam Ployd, Review of Augustine of Hippo: His Life and Impact by Bradley G. Green, 215-217.
- Travis E. Ables, Review of Seeing by the Light: Illumination in Augustine’s and Barth’s Readings of John, by Ike Miller, 220-222.
- Alexander H. Pierce, Review of Ambrose, Augustine, and the Pursuit of Greatness, J. Warren Smith, 223-225.
- Micah Harris, Review of Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Confessions, by Tarmo Toom, 228-230
- Coleman M. Ford, Review of Augustine’s Early Thought on the Redemptive Function of Divine Judgement, by Bart van Egmond, 231-233.
Augustinianum, 61 (2 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2:
Oskari Juurikkala, “The Two Books of God, The Metaphor of the Book of Nature in Augustine,” 479-498.Elena Zocca, “Acerba funera. “Pagani” e cristiani di fronte alla morte infantile,” 527-552.Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 99 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 24 (1 ipy)
- Olaf Pluta, „A late medieval zeitgeist analysis: De statu mundi actuali – On the actual state of the world. Latin text and English translation,“ 129-142.
- Thomas Zimmer, review of Christian Pietsch, Hrsg., Die philosophische Lehre des Platonismus. Die Ethik im antiken Platonismus der Kaiserzeit. Bausteine 231-252: Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, 158-163.
- Norbert Winkler, review of Friedrich Überweg, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie und R. Imbach und P. Schulthess. Die Philosophie des Mittelalters, 164-185.
- Juan C. Rivera, review of Laela Zwollo, St Augustine and Plotinus: The Human Mind as Image of the Divine, 201-203.
- Carsten Flaig, review of Aurélien Robert. Épicure aux enfers. Hérésie, athéisme et hédonisme au Moyen Âge, 204-214.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 29 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jenny Pelletier, “Kingdoms and crowds: William Ockham on the ontology of social groups,” 24-44.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- John H. L. van deck Bercken, “William of Alnwick’s analysis of Scotus’ ‘formal non-identity’,” 435-452.
- José Filipe Silva, Review of Medieval philosophy: a history of philosophy without any gaps, by Peter Adamson, 562-565.
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
Issue 6
- Caterina Tarlazzi, “The debate over universals in the time of Peter Abelard: what it is, and is not, about,” 1012-1033.
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 63 (1 ipy)
- Steven P. Marrone, “Henry of Ghent and Divine Illumination: A Response to Andrea Aiello and Robert Wielockx”
- Massimo Perrone, “Il Quodlibet di Adenulfo di Anagni. Analisi ed edizione”
- Marcela Borrelli, “Petrarch’s Reading of Enarrationes in Psalmos: The Glosses to ms. Paris, BnF, Latin 1994 and Paris, BnF, Latin 19891 – 19892”
- Antonio Gerace, „Guglielmo da Ockham e gli infinita in actu“
- Aurora Panzica, “Commenti ad Aristotele nella biblioteca dell’Istituto Campana a Osimo: Umberto di Preuilly, Rodolfo Brito, Giovanni di Jandun”
- Stefano Caroti, “Le Questiuncule di Simone di Castello sul De proporcionibus velocitatum in motibus, qq. 8-10”
- Zuzana Lukšová, “Quodlibetal Problemata in the Arts: Quodlibets at the University of Prague c. 1400–1417: An Analysis with a Catalogue”
- Giovanna Murano, “La Guida dei perplessi di Maimonide nella biblioteca di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola”
- Francesca Bonini, “Agostino da Trento. Tractatus de astrologia et medicina”
- Cal Ledsham, “A Short Sixteenth-Century Catalogue of Scholastic Sentences Commentaries in Vat. Lat. Lat. 3919”
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, 33 (irregular publication) : forthcoming
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 114 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Merle Eisenberg and David Jenkins, “The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea”, 139-162.
- Daniel Oltean, “From Baghdad to Antioch and Constantinople: Ibn Buṭlān and the Byzantines”, 355-376.
Issue 2 : NTR
Issue 3
- Fabio Acerbi, Daniele Bianconi, Anna Giofferda, « Manuele Crisolora a Costantinopoli, » 859-928.
- Georgios Diamantopoulos, « Die zweite Definition der Philosophie der alexandrinischen neuplatonischen Schule in den Werken des Niketas Stethatos, » 1013-1036.
- Lucia Floridi, « Interventi censori nell’Anthologia Planudea, » 1079-1116.
Issue 4 : NTR
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 90 (1 ipy)
- Ebbesen, Sten: A New Version of ‟Robertus Anglicus” on Peter of Spain
- Hansen, Heine: Anonymus St. Gallensis (C24) on Categories 7. An Edition
- Marmo, Costantino: The Questions on Porphyry by the Anonymus Basileensis (MS Basel UB F.III.20, ff. 125ra–134vb)
- Hanke, Miroslav: The Casus obligationis Attributed to William Heytesbury
- Juhana Toivanen, Medieval Commentators on Simultaneous Perception: An Edition of Commentaries on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato 7, 112-225.
- Sten Ebbesen: «<Nicolaus Parisiensis>, Scriptum super Librum Divisionum Boethii. An Edition, » 1-69.
- Sten Ebbesen, «Robert Kilwardby, Notulae super Librum divisionum Boethii. An Edition, » 70-111.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 51 (6 ipy): forthcoming no issue since 2019 (as of 02.16.23)
Chôra, 18-19 (1 ipy) [double issue for 2020 and 2021]
- Renato de Filippis, “Essence and substance in Boethius: A matter of terminology,” p. 289-304.
- Kristell Trego, “The permanence of the usia. Note on Jean Scot Érigène and Ratramne de Corbie,” p. 305-327
- Olga L. Lizzini, “Between reality and possibility: around the autonomy of essence in Avicenna’s ontology,” p. 329-349.
- Enrico Berti, “Substance and essence, between Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas,” p. 351-368.
- Cristina Cerami, “Puissance et acte chez Averroès: entre ontologie et théologie,” p. 407-429.
- Jean-Baptiste Brenet, “L’intellect agent, la lumière, l’hexis. Averroès lecteur d’Aristote et d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise,” p. 431-452.
- Eleni Procopiou, “Essence, individualité et personne chez Thomas d’Aquin,” p. 579-598.
- Monica Brinzei, “New Evidence for Nicholas Aston’s Principia on the Sentences: Basel, UB, A.X.24,” p. 601-616 .
- Gweltaz Guyomarc’h, review of David Lefebvre, Dynamis. Sens et genèse de la notion aristotélicienne de puissance, 2018, p. 617-623.
- Amalia Salvestrini, review of Olivier Boulnois et Isabelle Moulin (dir.), Le beau et la beauté au Moyen Âge, 2018, p. 633-640.
- Oana-Corina Filip, review of Christophe Grellard et Frédérique Lachaud (éd.), Jean de Salisbury, nouvelles lectures, nouveaux enjeux, 2018, p. 640-642.
- Christophe Grellard, review of Jean Duns Scot, Questions sur la métaphysique, Volume I, Livres I à III, traduction et études sous la direction d’Olivier Boulnois, 2017, p. 642-645.
Collectanea Franciscana, 91 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2
- Thomas Piolata, “The Significance of Supposition: Abelard and Bonaventure on the Question of God Begetting God,” 27-49.
- Alberto Forni, “Dante e la “selva oscura,” 349-359.
Issues 3-4
- Radosław Pasztaleniec, “La Bibbia negli Scritti di Francesco d’Assisi. Analisi bibliografica degli ultimi cinquant’anni di ricerca (1970-2020),” 581-637.
- Alberto Forni, “Dante e Gioacchino da Fiore,” 639-701.
- Daniele Giglio, “I cappuccini a Terni: Il Luogo nuovo di S. Martino,” 703-783
- Valentí Serra de Manresa, “Contribución de los capuchinos de Cataluña y Mallorca a los estudios lulianos,” 785-814.
- Giampiero Gambaro, “L’attualità canonica della voce attiva e passiva dei laici cappuccino,” 815-888.
- Aleksander Horowski, “Alcune notizie sull’attività scientifica francescana nel 2020,” 889-909.
- Tomasz Karol Mantyk, “Cronaca del XXXVI Seminario di formazione in storia religiosa e studi francescani.” 911-916.
- Antonio Montefusco, “Percorsi di ricerca francescana di Jacques Dalarun,” 917-930.
- Marco Bartoli, “Il contributo di Sylvain Piron agli studi oliviani e francescani,” 931-935.
Issues 3-4:
- Martin Carbajo Nunez, “The Fraternal Economy: A Franciscan perspective,” 565-580.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 69 (6 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
Issue 6: NTR
Dialogue, 60 (4 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: skipped over by issue 1 of 2022
Dionysius, 39 (1 ipy): forthcoming (8/25/22)
Discusiones Filosóficas, 22 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Divus Thomas, 124 (3 ipy):
Issue 1
- Paolo Peruzzi, “Analogia e senso mistico nel Commento ai Salmi di san Tommaso d’Aquino,” 162-183.
- Chiara Alba Mastrorilli, “Quo tendas anagogia. L’anagogia nel cammino spirituale secondo San Bonaventura,” 319-360.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Pier Luigi Fornari, „‘La comunicazione” tra Tommaso ed Edith Stein,” 17-61
- Pablo Peruzzi O.P., La signolarita intangible di Edith Stein e la validita del tomismo,” 62-117.
- Pierre Galassi O.P., “L’angelologia biblica di san Tommaso d’Aquino,” 118-168.
- Egidio Giuliani, ““Natura e ragione” oppure “natura e liberta“? Da Tommaso d’Aquino a Charles Taylor, per un ripensamento della legge morale naturale,” 169-208.
Doctor Virtualis, 16 (1 ipy):
- Marco Damonte, “Anthony Kenny narratore della filosofia medievale,” 135-168.
- Constantino Marble, “Filosofi, filosofe, medici e guaritrici in alcuni romanzi storici medievali,” 191-228.
Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 32 (1 ipy) :
- G. Catapano, “La ‘forma semplice’ di Boezio tra platonismo e aristotelismo. Una nota su Consolatio, libro V, prosa 4”
- J. Pelletier, “Adam, Eve, and Human Lordship in the Summa Halensis and Ockham”
- M. Borgo, “Tommaso d’Aquino interprete dell’Exameron: prospettive filosofiche”
- I. Costa, “L’Éthique à Eudème et la Grande morale dans l’œuvre de Thomas d’Aquin”
- A.-K. Strohschneider, “Three Scotist Arguments against Averroes. Antonius Andreas on the Subject Matter of Metaphysics,
- G. Fioravanti, “Le Questiones Super De Generatione et Corruptione di Antonio da Parma”
- A. Corbini, “Definizione e dimostrazione nel Commentum Posteriorum di Giovanni Buridano”
- R. Hissette, “Essai de synthèse sur les vicissitudes d’un corpus averroicum: Les deux manuscrits Vat. Urb. Lat. 220 et 221”
- L. Campi, “A Quaestio on Friendship Ascribed to Matthias of Knín with some Notes and Questions on the Academic Practices and Intellectual Life at the Prague Faculty of Arts at the Turn of the Fifteenth Century. Indici a cura di M. Bertagna”
Early Science and Medicine, 26 (6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issues 5-6: NTR
Epekeina. International Journal of Ontology. History and Critics, 13 (1 to 2 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2?: skipped over by issue 1 of 2022
Ergo, 8 (1 ipy): NTR
Estudios Filosoficos, 70 (3 ipy)
Issue 1 [203]: NTR
Issue 2 [204]: NTR
Issue 3 [205]: NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 14 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- (coordonné par) Claudio Avogadri, “Duns Scot : la possibilité d’une liberté,”
- Olivier Boulnois, “Duns Scot : la possibilité d’une liberté,”
- Claudio Avogadri, “Immuabilité divine et contingence du monde. Réflexion en marge d’Ordinatio I, d. 8, p. 2 de Duns Scot,”
- Ernesto Dezza, “Vivre en harmonie sur la terre : paradis perdu ou monde possible ? Une lecture scotienne à propos de l’immortalité du corps humain,”
- Ryan Thornton, “La volonté, le droit, et la justice. La pensée économique de Jean Duns Scot,”
- Marielle Lamy, “Défendre la conception sans tache de Marie. Duns Scot et l’opinio Minorum,”
- Matthieu Bernard, “Regards sur la christologie du commentaire bonaventurien de l’évangile selon saint Luc, et particulièrement sur Lc 4,14-22,”
- Anne-Clotilde Meaudre-Bossennec, “La figure du prélat et la crise universitaire des années 1250 dans le Commentaire sur l’Ecclésiaste de saint Bonaventure,”
- Claudio Avogadri, review of Jean Duns Scot, Questions sur la métaphysique, dir. O. Boulnois,
- A. Menard, review of Éric Bidot, La Création retrouvée, L’écologie selon saint François.
- P. Moracchini, review of Marie Colette Roussey OSC, avec la collaboration de Catherine Savey, OSC, Histoire des clarisses, t. 1, 1211-1648, t. 2, 1648 à nos jours,
Issue 2
- 1219-2019 : Saint François et le Sultan. Fécondité d’une rencontre ? Actes du colloque organisé au Centre Sèvres par l’École franciscaine de Paris, 25-26 octobre 2019
- Catherine Vincent, “La « chrétienté » au début du xiiie siècle,”
- Azza Heikal, “Saint François d’Assise et le sultan Al Kâmil”
- Jean-Baptiste Auberger, “Sources occidentales de la rencontre du saint et du sultan en 1219,”
- François Delmas-Goyon, “L’impact de la rencontre avec le sultan sur la pensée et les écrits de François d’Assise,”
- Bartolomeo Pirone, “À propos d’un rahib chez le sultan al-Malik al-Kamil,”
- Camille Rouxpetel, “Les franciscains de la Custodie de Terre sainte à la période mamelouke : des Orientaux comme les autres?,”
- Bernard Heyberger, “Les frères mineurs de la Terre sainte entre régime ottoman et Réforme catholique (xviie-début xixe siècle),”
- Stéphane Sudour, “Jean-Mohammed Abd-el-Jalil, héritier de saint François,”
- Paolo Pieraccini, “Le père Jérôme Golubovich. Son œuvre et son regard sur la Terre sainte,”
- Françoise Jacquin, “Les affinités franciscaines de Louis Massignon. Massignon et Damiette,”
Faith and Philosophy, 38 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Mark Boespflug, “Thomistic Faith Naturalized? The Epistemic Significance of Aquinas’s Appeal to Doxastic Instinct,” 245-261.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4 Forthcoming (02/16/2023)
Filozofia, 76 (10 ipy)
Issues 1-10: NTR
Franciscan Studies, 79 (1 ipy)
- Krijn Pansters, “Franciscan Conversion: Turning Toward the Truly Good,” 1-22.
- Alexander Fidora, “The Philosophical Sources of Bonaventure’s De Reductione Artium ad Theologiam*,” 23-38.
- Sr. Maria Veritas Marks O.P., “Prophets “Speak Under”: Dionysius’ ὑποφητεύω as Key to the Medieval Concept of Prophecy,” 39-56.
- Sr. Albert Marie Surmanski O.P., “Resurrection and Sacraments in the Systematic Theology of Albert the Great,” 57-80.
- Giuseppe Franco, “Povertà volontaria ed usus pauper alla base del discorso economico di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi (1248–1298),” 81-110.
- Ernesto Dezza OFM, “Original Sin according to John Duns Scotus,” 111-132.
- Daniel Brooks, “The Politics of William of Ockham in the Light of his Principles,” 133-164.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 68 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Shalom Sadik, « Loi rationnelle, loi naturelle et loi de la Thora dans le Kuzari », 5-20.
- Viktoria Vonarburg, “Das Böse bei Thomas von Aquin,” 21-39.
- Julien Lambinet, „Unité et specificité du thomisme du Père L.-B. Geiger,“ 40-66.
- Sven K. Knebel, “Cognoscibilitas intrinseca: Suarezismus und Idealismus,” 67-97.
- Gianluca de Candia, „Credimus te esse. Über die Bedeutung der ars inveniendi für Anselms Proslogion,“ 187-200.
- Elga Kanaeva, „L’attaque de Barlaam le Calabrais contre Grégoire Palamas et Thomas d’Aquin sur les terrains du dogme et de la méthodologie,“ 201-220.
- Henryk Anzulewicz, Aufgang einer Epoche wissenschaftlicher Rationalität: 12. Jahrhundert. Anmerkungen zum dritten Band des Grundrisses der Geschichte der Philosophie, 313-327.
- Thomas Michelet, review of Łukasz Wiśniewski, Sacra doctrina. Mystère et sacramentalité de la Parole dans la Somme de théologie de St-Thomas d’Aquin, 339-341.
- Ruedi Imbach, review of Thomas von Aquin, Das Eine und das, was aus dem Einen folgt. Kommentar zu Aristoteles’ Metaphysik, 10. Buch, Deutsch-Lateinisch. Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von Raphael Georg Kürzinger (), 342-344.
- Georg Koridze, review of Matthias Neuber, Die thomistische Theorie der Intentionalität, 345-346.
- Christian Kaiser, review of Ruedi Imbach, Epikur im lateinischen Mittelalter. Mit einer kritischen Edition des X. Buches der Vitae philosophorum des Diogenes Laertios in der lateinischen Übersetzung von Ambrogio Traversari (1433), 347-350.
Issue 2
- Bernadrita Navarro, Rafael Simian, “Saint Thomas and the Ontological Status of the Agent Intellect,” 399
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani, “Ni au centre, ni à la périphérie: le traité sur l’infini de Nicolas de Strasbourg,” 428
- Edit Lukacs, “Existentialist Ontology in Henry of Langenstein,” 449
- Hanns Peter Neuheuser, “Tradition als Transformation. Zur Modifikation ritueller Archetypen in der mittelalterlichen Theologie,” 467
- Christophe Grellard, review of Sigrid Müller, heologie und Philosophie im Spätmittelalter. Die Anfänge der via moderna und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Moraltheologie (1380–1450), 676.
- Vesna Šćepanović, review of Nicolas Balzamo, Les êtres artificiels. Essai sur le culte des mages en Occident, XIVe–XVIIe siècle, 679.
Giornale di Metafisica, 43 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Gregorianum, 102 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Francesco Panizzoli, “,”
- Elisabetta Casdei, “La scelta razionale (rational choice). Un confronto tra Tommaso d’Aquino e tre Nobel per l’Economia,”
Issues 4: NTR
Heythrop Journal, 62 (6 ipy)
Issue 1
- David Egan, “Wittgenstein’s Confessions: Reading Philosophical Investigations with St. Augustine,” 25-38.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Nathan L. Cartagena, “Resilience, Emotion Regulation, and Thomas Aquinas,” 485,497.
- William Matthew Diem, “The Analogy of Natural Law: Aquinas on First Precepts,” 498.510.
- Adam M. Willows, “Natural Love: Aquinas, Evolution and Charity,” 535-545.
Issue 4
- Mark J. Boone, “Some Ways of Reading Augustine: An Introduction to Augustine Scholarship,” 621-632.
- Duane H. Davis, Brian S. Hook, “Augustine at the Baths: A Dialectic of Love and Death in Augustine’s Confessions Book IX,” 633-651
- Stephen J. Plečnik, “Augustinian and Eastern Arguments For Divine Simplicity,” 652-664.
- Christopher A. Bobier, “Revisiting Anselm on Time and Divine Eternity,” 665-679.
- Matthew James Collier, “Against the Fundamental-Reading of Anselm’s Account of Omnipresence,” 680-690.
- Edgar Danielyan, “On the Inherent Incoherence of Gaunilo’s Island,” 691-693.
- Matthew James Collier, “Anselm’s Account of Freedom and De Casu Diaboli,” 694-602.
- Daniel Waldow, “A Love Greater Than Which Cannot Be Imagined: Divine Goodness and Mercy in Anselm’s Cur Deus homo,” 703-718.
- Austin L. Campbell, “Rewriting Mortality: Gift and Atonement in Cur Deus Homo,” 719-728.
- T. Parker Haratine, “Approaching Participation in the Divine Gift: Anselm of Canterbury’s Theology of the Holy Spirit,” 729-742.
- Terence Sweeney, Review of ‘You Made us for Yourself:’ Creation in Augustine’s Confessions by Jared Ortiz, 743-744.
- Matthew Harris, Review of On Love, Confession, Surrender and the Moral Self (Reading Augustine series) by Ian Clausen, 744-745.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Saint Augustine on the Resurrection of Christ: Teaching, Rhetoric, and Reception by Gerald O’Collins, 745-746.
- Alexander H. Pierce, Review Augustine, the Trinity, and the Church: A Reading of the Anti-Donatist Sermons by Adam Ployd, 746-747.
- Alexander H. Pierce, Review of The T & T Clark Companion to Augustine and Modern Theology edited by C.C. Pecknold and Tarmo Toom, 747-748.
- Katherine Chambers, Review of On Augustine by Rowan Williams, 749.
- David Vincent Meconi, Review of Augustine our Contemporary: Examining the Self in Past and Present Edited by Willemien Otten and Susan E. Schreiner, 749-751.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Philosophy in the Islamic World by Peter Adamson, 766-767.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Andalus and Sefarad: On Philosophy and Its History in Islamic Spain by Sarah Strousma, 767-768.
- Norman Tanner, Review of Certain Sainthood: Canonization and the Origins of Papal Infallibility in the Medieval Church by Donald S. Prudlo, 776-777.
- Daniel Waldow, Review of Rethinking Anselm’s Arguments: A Vindication of his Proof of the Existence of God by Richard Campbell, 778-779.
- Terrance Klein, Review of Faith, Fiction & Force in Medieval Baptismal Debates by Marcia L. Colish, 780.
- Terrance Klein, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s ‘Confessions’ edited by Tarmo Toom, 783-784.
Issue 5
- Wook Joo Park, “Imagining Divine Beauty: Augustine on Phantasma, Lamentation and Expectation,” 803-815.
- Peter Jonescu, “Freely Suffering: Reimagining Christian Suffering with Julian of Norwich,” 840-850.
Issue 6
- Brendan Thomas Sammon, “Redeeming Chenu? A Reconsideration of the Neoplatonic Influence on Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae,” 971-987.
- Katie Froula, “St. Thomas Aquinas on Transcendental Multitude: An Aid to Reading His Texts on the Trinity,” 988-1001.
- Tikhon Alexander Pino, “Francis of Assisi as a Hesychast: Byzantine Conceptions of Sanctity in Bonaventure’s Legenda Sancti Francisci,” 1002-1012.
- Peter Karl Koritansky, “Thomas Aquinas and the Euthyphro Dilemma,” 1013-1024.
- Matyáš Moravec, “Aquinas and Kripke on the Genealogy of Essential Properties,” 1025-1037.
- Robert M. Garrity, “St. Bernard on the Importance of Authentic Self-Love,” 1038-1051.
- Dylan Schrader, “Christ’s Fear of the Lord According to Thomas Aquinas,” 1052-1064.
- Jeffrey Froula, “Christ’s Unity of Being and the Sapiential Integrity of Aquinas’s Christology,” 1065-1080.
- Liran Shia Gordon, “Incarnating the Impassible God: A Scotistic Transcendental Account of the Passions of the Soul,” 1081-1098.
- Johannes Stoffers, “Divine Potentiality: The Contribution of Nicholas Cusanus to a Central Aspect of Natural Theology,” 1099-1111.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Maimonides The Universalist: The Ethical Horizons of the Mishneh Torah by Menachem Kellner and David Gillis, 1112.
- Ilia Delio, Review of Bonaventure, The Body and the Aesthetics of Salvation by Rachel Davies, 1113-1115.
- Andrew Meszaros, Review of Thomas Aquinas: A Historical and Philosophical Profile by Pasquale Porro, 1115-1116.
- Norman Russell, Review of Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers edited by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, and Roger Nutt, 1116-1117.
- Jonathan W. Chappell, Review of The Cambridge Companion to The Summa Theologiae edited by Philip McCosker and Denys Turner, 1117-1118.
- Sr. Albert Marie Surmanski OP, Review of Aristotle in Aquinas’ Theology edited by Giles Emery and Matthew Levering, 1118-1119.
- Louis Groarke, Review of Thomas Aquinas and his Predecessors: The Philosophers and the Church Fathers in his Works by Leo Elders, 1120.
- Jonathon Lookadoo, Review of The Discovery of Being and Thomas Aquinas: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives edited by Christopher M. Cullen and Franklin T. Harkins, 1120-1122.
- Tyler Dalton McNabb, Review of Aquinas’s Way to God: The Proof by Gaven Kerr, 1122-1123.
- Sr. Albert Marie Surmanski O.P., Review of Aquinas on Human Self-Knowledge by Therese Scarpelli Cory, 1123.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Teaching Bodies: Moral Formation in the Summa of Thomas Aquinas by Mark D. Jordan, 1124.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of A Gift of Presence: The Theology and Poetry of the Eucharist in Thomas Aquinas by Jan-Heiner Tück, translated by Scott G. Hefelfinger, 1124-1125.
- Anthony Barratt, Review of Aquinas on Transubstantiation: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist by Reinhard Hutter, 1125-1126.
- Nathan L. Cartagena, Review of Perfection in Death: The Christological Dimension of Courage in Aquinas by Patrick M. Clark, 1126-1127.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Soundings in the History of a Hope: New Studies on Thomas Aquinas by Richard Schenk, 1127-1128.
- Kevin M. Clarke, Review of Ancient Wisdom and Thomistic Wit: Happiness and the Good Life by Fulvio Blasi, 1128-1129.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Dante: The Story of His Life by Marco Santagata, 1130-1131.
- Edmund Ryden, Review of Reading Dante’s ‘Commedia’ as Theology: Divinity Realized in Human Encounter by Vittorio Montemaggi, 1131.
- Patrick Madigan, Review of Julian of Norwich: In God’s Sight: Her Theology in Context by Philip Sheldrake, 1132.
History and Philosophy of Logic, 42 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
Issue 3
- Asadollah Fallahi, “An Inquiry on Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī’s Authorship of Al-Manṭiq al-kabīr (MS Aḥmad iii, no. 3401),” 224-246.
Issue 4
- Manuel A. Dahlquist, “Time and Indexicality in Buridan’s Concept of Logical Consequence,” 374-397.
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 38 (4 ipy): forthcoming (02/16/2023)
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 89-90 (6 ipy)
Vol. 89:
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- John Rushby, “Mechanized analysis of Anselm’s modal ontological argument,” 135-152.
- William W. Young III, “Toward an inclusive conception of eternity,” 171-187.
Issue 3: NTR
Vol. 90:
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 29 (5 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 82 (4-5 ipy)
Issue 1
- Pablo Irizar & Anthony Dupont, “Many as one: Augustine’s onefold ecclesiology,” 1-16.
- Rory Misiewicz, “Divine simplicity: some recent defenses and the prevailing challenge of analogical language,” 51-63.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Martin Westerholm, “Space, time, and the formation of love: the Augustinian self revisited,” 205-232.
Issues 4-5: NTR
International Philosophical Quarterly, 61 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Domenic D’Ettore, “Does Analogy Work in Demonstration?: A Scotist’s Critique of Thomism,” 47-60.
- Curtis Hancock, Review of Curtis Hancock In Search of the Good Life: Through the Eyes of Aristotle, Maimonides, and Aquinas, by Corey Miller, 123-126.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4
- Jorge J. E. Gracia, Jonathan Vajda, “Individuation and the Realism/Nominalism Dilemma: The Case of the Middle Ages,” 371-386.
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 12 (1 ipy)
- Ismail Lala, “Perceptions of Abraham’s Attempted Sacrifice of Isaac in the Latin Philosophical Tradition, the Sunnī Exegetical Tradition, and by Ibn ʿArabī,” 5-44.
- Kamal Shlbei, “Ṣadrā on Metaphysical Essentialism: The Unfolding of Existence and the Concealment of Essence,” 45-74.
- Abdullah bin Hamid, review of Ali Mustafa Akyol, Reopening Muslim Minds: A Return to Reason, Freedom, and Tolerance, 75-101.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 29 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Roee Yaakov Goldschmidt, “Two Kabbalistic Historical Approaches: Between Safed and Byzantium,” 177-204.
Journal of Medieval History, 47 (5 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issues 4-5: NTR
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50 (6 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
Issue 6: NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 46 (1 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Journal of Religious Ethics, 49 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Shoaib Ahmed Malik, “Al-Ghazālī’s divine command theory,” 546-576.
Issue 4
- Alexander Green, “David Novak, Natural Law, and Medieval Jewish Philosophy,” 638-656.
- Martin Westerholm, “On the Structure and Significance of Augustine’s Moral Grammar,” 715-738.
Journal of the History of Ideas, 82 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3
- Nicholas Heron, “The Superhuman Origins of Human Dignity: Kantorowicz’s Dante,” 427-452.
Issue 4
- Samu Niskanen, “Anselm’s Predicament: The Proslogion and Anti-intellectual Rhetoric in the Aftermath of the Berengarian Controversy,” 547-568.
- Babette Hellemans, “The Immeasurability of the Monastic Mind: Writing about Peter Abelard (1079–1142),” 683-701.
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 59 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Mary Beth Ingham CSJ, Review of The Singular Voice of Being: John Duns Scotus and Ultimate Difference by Andrew LaZella, 147-148.
Issue 2
- Evan Dutmer, Review of Augustine’s Political Thought ed. by Richard J. Dougherty, 330-332.
Issue 3
- Nicholas Aubin, “Natural Teleology versus Material Determinism and Chance: Al-‘Āmirī against Empedocles and Galen on Nature and Soul,” 429-456.
Issue 4
- Robert Pasnau, Review of Puissance, action, mouvement: L’ontologie dynamique de Pierre de Jean Olivi, 1248–1298 by Dominique Demange, 680-681.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 84 (1 ipy): NTR
Laval théologique et philosophique, 77 (3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Jonathan I. von Kodar, review of Alastair Minnis, From Eden to Eternity. Creations of Paradise in the Later Middle Ages, 167-168.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Alphonse D. Niane, “« Human life matters ! » : le cri de la υἱοθεσία dans la septième Homélie du De Beatitudinibus (Beat. 7) de Grégoire de Nysse,” 397-418.
Médiévales, 80, 81 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 [80]: NTR
Issue 2 [81]
- Éléonore Andrieu and Pierre Chastang, “Une voix laïque au xiie siècle ?,” 5-20
- Pierre Chastang, “Voix du Moyen Âge : autour de quelques publications récentes,” 161-178.
Medieval Encounters, 27 (5-6 ipy)
Issue 1
- Xavier Casassas Canals and José Martínez Gázquez, “Scholia Latina, Arabica et in uulgari lingua ad Alphurcanum Mahumedis,” 1-49.
Issue 2
- Keagan Brewer, “God’s Devils: Pragmatic Theodicy in Christian Responses to Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn’s Conquest of Jerusalem in 1187,” 125-164.
- James A. Diamond, Review of Andalus and Sefarad: On Philosophy and Its History in Islamic Spain by Sarah Stroumsa, 201-204
Issue 3: NTR
Issues 4-5 (Special Issue): NTR
Issue 6
- Phillip I. Lieberman, review of Hassan S. Khalilieh, Islamic Law of the Sea: Freedom of Navigation and Passage Rights in Islamic Thought, 519-522.
- Maaike van Berkel, review of Luke B. Yarbrough, Friends of the Emir: Non-Muslim State Officials in Premodern Islamic Thought, 511-514.
Mediaeval Sophia, 23 (1 ipy): NTR
Mediaeval Studies, 83 (1 ipy)
- R. James Long, “Questions Concerning Free Choice and Beatitude in an Early Fishacre Manuscript,” 59.
- Emily Corran, “Genres of Casuistry: Penitential Teaching for Franciscans in Labia sacerdotis,” 165.
- Greti Dinkova-Brunn, “A New Manuscript of Peter Riga’s Aurora at PIMS and Its Unusual Contents,” 291.
- Siegfried Wenzel, “A Note on the Speculum sacerdotale and Its Sources,” 303.
Mediaevalia, 42 (1 ipy)
- Joseph Rudolph, “The Narrative Persona in the Cosmographia of Bernard Silvestris”.
- Laurie Shepard, “From Anthology to Authority in the Vita Nova”
- Marco Andreacchio, “Christianity and Philosophy in Dante: A Critical Response to Paul Stern, Dante’s Philosophical Life”
- Alyssa Granacki, “Domesticating Philosophy: Dante’s Women in Boccaccio,”
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 40 (1 ipy): forthcoming (02/16/2023)
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 46 (1 ipy):
- Maria Evelina Malgieri, “Dove <<l’esser di tutto suo contento giace>>. Note sulla creazione mediata in Dante, tra il Liber de causis e Alberto Magno,” 95-120.
- Amos Bertolacci, “Avicenna e Averroe <<spiriti magni>>: Dante Alighieri e la cultura araba nella Divina Commedia,” 145-174.
Micrologus, 29 (1 ipy)
- Filippo Camerota, «Perspectiva practica». Un ponte tra la «perspectiva» dei filosofi e la «prospectiva» dei pittori,” 265-288.
- Nader El-Bizri, “Alhazen’s Theory of Vision,” 19-34.
- Graziella Federici Vescovini, “La pyramide visuelle d’Alhazen et la «perspectiva pingendi» de Léon Battista Alberti,” 3-18.
- Jeremiah Hackett, “Roger Bacon’s Various Texts on perspectiva in His Later Works: The Significance of Two New Versions of His «Perspectiva»,” 81-104.
- Danielle Jacquart, «Perspectiva» et exégèse biblique franciscaine aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles: un recours problématique?,” 157-180.
- Cecilia Panti, “The «Commentario terzo» by Lorenzo Ghiberti and his «volgarizzamenti» of Vitruvius, Alhazen and the Medieval Perspectivists,” 121-156.
- Valeria Sorge, “Biagio Pelacani da Parma e la «perspectiva»,” 105-120.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 46 (1 ipy): forthcoming (02/16/2023)
Mind, 130 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4
- Peter Adamson, Review of Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought by Ursula Coope, 304.
Noctua [xx] (3 ipy)
Nous, 55 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Nova et Vetera, 19 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Gabriel Mary Fiore, C.S.J., « Silence before God in the Life and Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, » 1-19.
- Matthew Rolling, “A More Complete Reading of Saint Thomas’s Claims Regarding Same-Sex Inclinations and Same-Sex Unions,” 63-82.
- Reinhard Hütter, “The Wisdom of the Cross Is the Wisdom of Charity: Thomas Aquinas’s Soteriology—an Anticipatory Refutation of Neo-Pelagianism and Neo-Gnosticism,” 135-161.
- Richard Conrad, O.P., “Introduction to the Nova et Vetera Symposium Containing Papers from the International Conference on “Studying Sacred Scripture with Thomas Aquinas,” Blackfriars, Oxford, June 1, 2019,” 191-197.
- Pitotr Roszak, “Aquinas on Christ’s Will to Die and Our Salvation,” 199-216.
- Joel Thomas Chopp, “Thomas Aquinas on Divine Beatitude, Freedom, and the Speech of Christ in Psalm 16:2,” 217-249.
- Bruno J. Clifton, O.P., “Discerning the Literal Sense: Bringing Together Biblical Scholarship and Dogmatic Theology,” 251-267.
- Jörgen Vijgen, “Saint Thomas Aquinas’s Biblical Exegesis: Hebrews 2:9 as a Case Study,” 269-298.
Issue 2
- Guy Mansini, O.S.B., « Saint Thomas and the Development of Doctrine, » 393-422.
- Andrew Meszaros, « John Henry Newman and the Thomistic Tradition: Convergences in Contribution to Development Theory, » 423-468.
- Jeremy Bell, « Thomas Aquinas, John Noonan, and the Usury Prohibition, » 469.520.
- William Matthew Diem, « On Value and Obligation in Practical Reason: Toward a Resolution of the Is–Ought Problem in the Thomistic Moral Tradition, » 531-562.
- Joshua Evans, « What Is Not Saved Is Not Assumed: Thomas Weinandy, Julian of Eclanum, and Augustine of Hippo on Whether Salvation Requires Christ’s Temptations to Sin, » 563-586.
- David Vincent Meconi, S.J., « Gender’s Divine Dignity in Saint Augustine’s Theological Anthropology, » 587-612.
- Kevin E. O’Reilly, O.P., « Saint Thomas and Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI on the Body and Adoration, » 613-632.
- Joshua H. Lim , review of Thomas Aquinas and His Predecessors: The Philosophers and the Church Fathers in His Works by Leo Elders.
Issue 3
- Jason M. Baxter, “Rewriting Souls: Lectio and Imitatio in Dante’s Purgatorio,” 713-738.
- Michael J. Dodds, O.P., “From the Action of Creatures to the Existence of God: The First Way, Science, and the Philosophy of Nature,” 739-768.
- Matthew L. Martin, “The Dimensions of the Kingdom of Heaven in Saint Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on Matthew,” 871-893.
- Matthew T. Warnez, B.H., “De Natura: The Church Fathers on Creation’s Fallenness,” 933-978.
- Gideon Barr, Review of Bound for Beatitude: A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics by Reinhard Hütter, 979-982.
Issue 4
- Corey J. Stephan, “Catechisms, Communion, and Latin Scholastic Reception of Byzantine Thought: St. John Damascene’s De fide orthodoxa in St. Bonaventure’s Breviloquium,” 1215-1235.
- Bryan Kromholtz, O.P., “The Consummation of the World: St. Thomas Aquinas on the Risen Saints’ Beatitude and the Corporeal Universe,” 1271-1287.
Oliviana, 7 (less than 1 ipy): forthcoming (irregular publishing) (02/16/2023)
Oriens, 49 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2
- Sarah Stroumsa, “The Makeover of Ḥayy: Transformations of the Sage’s Image from Avicenna to Ibn Ṭufayl,” 1-34.
- Giovanni Maria Martini, “al-Nuzha al-Sāsāniyya by Shīrīn Maghribī (d. 810/1408): A Recently-Discovered Cosmological Treatise in Persian of the School of Ibn al-ʿArabī,” 35-94.
- Ramon Harvey, “The Case of the Missing Disciple: Abū l-Ḥasan al-Rustughfanī and the First Reception of al-Māturīdī’s Theology in Samarqand,” 95-130.
- Tariq Jaffer, “The Muʿtazila on Covenantal Theology: A Study of Individualist Approaches,” 131-171.
Issue 3-4
- Sajjad Rizvi and Mathieu Terrier, “The Challenge of Evil in Islamic Thought: A Brief Survey,” 173-180.
- Daniel De Smet, “Le mal ne s’enracine pas dans l’instauration ». La question du mal dans le shiʿisme ismaélien,” 181-215.
- Meryem Sebti, “Le mal moral chez Avicenne : perspectives éthiques et politiques,” 216-243.
- Jari Kaukua, “The Question of Providence and the Problem of Evil in Suhrawardī,” 244-268.
- Mathieu Terrier, „La philosophie shiʿite face au problème du mal : essais de théodicée chez Mīr Dāmād (m. 1040/1631) et deux de ses élèves,“ 269-317.
- Sajjad Rizvi, „Considering Divine Providence in Mullā Ṣadrā Šīrāzī (d. 1045/1636): The Problem of Evil, Theodicy, and the Divine Eros,” 318-369.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, 9 (1 ipy)
- Mark Eli Kalderon, “Perception and Extramission in De quantitate animae,”
- Alexander Lamprakis, “Believing Miracles in 10th–11th Century Baghdad: Four Christian Philosophers on a Problem of Epistemic Justification,”
- Andreas Lammer, “Now Is Not the Time: Revisiting Avicenna’s Account of the Now,”
- Ana María Mora-Márquez, “Thirteenth-Century Aristotelian Logic: The Study of Scientific Method,”
- Franziska van Buren , “Bonaventure, Aristotle, and the Being of Universal Forms,”
- Eric W. Hagedorn, “On Loving God Contrary to a Divine Command: Demystifying Ockham’s Quodlibet III.14,”
- Dominik Perler, “Productive Thoughts: Suárez on Exemplar Causes,”
Parergon, 38 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: forthcoming
Philosopher’s Imprint, 21 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophia, 49 (5 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Roberto Di Ceglie, “Swinburne on Aquinas’ View of Faith,” 617-631.
Issue 3
- Michael Toppel, “Buridan’s Secular Demarcation of Logic,” 1267-1288.
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 27-? (1-4 ipy)
Volume 27: NTR
Volume 28: NTR
Volume 29-?: published in 2022.
The Philosophical Quarterly, 71 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4
- Boris Hennig, Review of Avicenna on the Ontology of Pure Quiddity by Janos Damien, 762.
The Philosophical Review, 130 (4 ipy): NTR
Philosophical Studies, 178 (multi ipy)
Issues 1-12: NTR
Philosophical Topics, 49 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: forthcoming
Philosophiques, 48 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Philosophy and Theology, 33 (2 ipy):
Issue 1-2:
- Timothy Hinton, “Is Aquinas’s Doctrine of Analogy Really Unintelligible?”
Philosophy Compass, 16 (12 ipy)
Issue 3
- Raphael Mary Salzillo, “The mereology of Thomas Aquinas,”
Issue 4-12: NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 52, 53 (2 ipy)
Vol. 52: NTR
Vol. 53:
- Miguel López-Astorga, “Aristotle and Boethius: Two Theses and Their Possibilities,” 31-52.
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 95 (1 ipy): forthcoming (02/16/2023)
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, (1 ipy): no issue this year
Quaestio Annuario di storia della metafisica, 21 (1 ipy): NTR
Quaestiones Disputatae, 11/2-12/1 (2 ipy) : forthcoming (02/16/2023)
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 88 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Gert Partoens, « Augustine’s Sermo 336 for the Dedication of a Church A Study of its Contents, Manuscript Transmission, and Editorial History, with a New Critical Edition, » 1-45.
- Cristophe Grellard, « Abélard et la justice Aequitas, utilitas, caritas, » 47-88.
- Ann M. Giletti, « Double Truth: How Are We to Look at It?, » 89-141.
- Mario Meliadò, « Neuplatonismus an der Universität Heidelberg? Johannes Wenck († 1460) als Kommentator des Corpus Dionysiacum, » 143-187.
- Georgi Kapriev, « Warum es keinen ‘byzantinischen Humanismus’ gibt, » 189-207.
- Anna Tropia, « Pédagogie et philosophie à l’âge de la Contre-Réforme Le De origine, natura et immortalitate animae (Paris, 1564) de Juan Maldonado S.J., » 209-282.
- Andreas Speer, « Wie schreibt man die Philosophiegeschichte des Mittelalters? Anmerkungen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, » 283-311.
Issue 2
- Peter O’Hagan, “Peter Lombard’s Collectanea on the Pauline Epistles: A New Assessment,” 315-365.
- Tilke Nelis, “A Commentary on Aristotle’s De longitudine et brevitate vitae Attributed to Adam of Buckfield: A Critical Edition, with an Introduction and a Brief Analysis,” 367-417.
- Giulio di Basilo, “Aquinas’s Theory of Decision and its Aristotelian Origins: The Role and Nature of Consent,” 419-440.
- Marieke Berkers, Wouter Goris, “The Principle of Identity as the First Theoretical Principle in the Thirteenth-Century Latin West,” 441-485.
Religious Studies, 57 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Joseph E. Lenow, “Shoring up divine simplicity against modal collapse: a powers account,” 10-29.
- Simon Hewitt, “Grammatical Thomism,” 30-48.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Michelle Panchuk, “The simplicity of divine ideas: theistic conceptual realism and the doctrine of divine simplicity,” 385-402.
- Hayden C. Stephan, “Is the God of Anselm unloving? A response to Eleonore Stump,” 418-433.
- Edward Feser, “Oppy on Thomistic cosmological arguments,” 503-522.
Issue 4: NTR
Res Philosophica, 98 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- T. Ryan Byerly, “Recovering a Role for Moral Character and Ascetic Practice in Religious Epistemology,” 161-179.
- Reza Hadisi , “Creative Imagining as Practical Knowing: An Akbariyya Account,” 181-204.
- Joshua Lee Harris, “Ontological Pluralism and Divine Naming: Insights from Avicenna,” 205-231.
- Laura Hassan, “In Pursuit of the World’s Creator: Fakhr al-Din al-Razi on the Origins of the Universe in al-Matalib al-‘Aliya,” 233-259.
- Amir Saemi, “Revelation, Moral Skepticism, and the Mu’tazilites,” 283-305.
- Julie Loveland Swanstrom, “Illumination of the Heart: Doubt, Certainty, and Knowledge Acquisition in al-Ghazali and Augustine,” 307-330.
- Seyma Yazici, “Can al-Ghazali’s Conception of Modality Propose a Solution to Rowe’s Argument against Divine Freedom?,” 331-351.
- Billy Dunaway, Jon McGinnis, “Knowledge and Theological Predication: Lessons from the Medieval Islamic Tradition,” 353-376.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
The Review of Metaphysics 75, 76 (4 ipy): forthcoming (02/16/2023)
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 238 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Warren Pezé, « La participation des fidèles aux controverses doctrinales entre Antiquité et Moyen Âge : impressions de lecture d’un haut-médiéviste sur un ouvrage récent, » 17-37.
- Jacques Le Brun, « L’Augustinus de Jansenius, théologie positive, spiritualité, anthropologie, » 71-86.
Issue 2 : NTR
Issue 3 : NTR
Issue 4
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 105 (4 ipy)
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2
- Almudena Alba López, « Nuevas perspectivas en torno a la fe y el mérito en la obra de Hilario de Poitiers, » 177-207.
- Laurent Fedi, «Auguste Comte et l’avenir Enquête sur les fondements de la futurologie positiviste, » 209-22.
Issue 3 : NTR
Issue 4 : forthcoming
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 95 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2 : NTR
Issues 3-4 : forthcoming
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 67 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- François Dolbeau, « Un sermon d’Augustin dirigé contre les Ariens : nouvelle édition critique du s. 126
Issue 2
- Marie-Odile Boulnois, «Une homélie sur l’ascension (CPG 5281) faussement attribuée à Cyrille d’Alexandrie, » 165.
- Konrad F. Zawadzki, « Göttlich ist der Sieg über den Tod.“ Ein vergessenes armenisches Fragment aus dem Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 1. Korintherbrief, » 195.
- Stefan Feddern, «Augustinus und die Tradition der klassisch-paganen Literatur. Zur Funktion der Zitate im ersten Buch der Confessiones, » 221.
- Julio Aguilar Miquel, «The Mozarabic reception of Augustine’s De ciuitate Dei: Albar, Eulogius, and Samson of Cordoba, » 319.
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 74 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2 : NTR
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 146 (4 ipy)
Issue 1 : NTR
Issue 2 : NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 118 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Compte-rendus,“Philosophie du Moyen Âge”, 299-316.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Revue Thomiste, 121 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Thomas Michelet, “Sacra doctrina, Mystère et sacramentalité de la Parole dans la Somme de théologie de saint Thomas d’Aquin, « Bibliothèque de la Revue Thomiste,” 722.
Issues 2-4: forthcoming
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2021 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Alessandro Ghisalberti, Paola Müller, “Boezio: una persistente fonte di ispirazione,”.
- John Marenbon, “The Whole Boethius. What are the Links between the Consolation and Boethius’s Other Works?,”.
- Claudio Moreschini, “Neoplatonismo e dottrina trinitaria negli Opuscula di Boezio,”.
- Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero, “De fide catholica: claves de lectura e interpretación,”.
- Matteo Maserati, “Aspetti semantici e sintattici della negazione nei Parva Logicalia di Giovanni Duns Scoto,”.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Gianluca Briguglia, “I filosofi finsero e persuasero. Osservazioni sulla funzione civile della religione pagana in Marsilio da Padova,” 17.
- Francesco Fiorentino, “The Theory of Scientific Knowledge according to Marsilius of Inghen,” 15.
Issue 4: NTR
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2021 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Giacomo Fornasieri, “Intelligere formaliter solum connotat aliquid ut apparens». Peter Auriol on the Nature of the Cognitive Act,” 24-49.
- Chiara Paladini, “Walter Burley on divine Ideas,” 50-75.
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3
- Marco Di Branco, “La Muqaddima di ibn Haldun: traduzioni e studi recenti,” 535-539.
Issue 4
- Alberto Frigo, “Radical natural theologies from duns scotus to christian wolff. Introduction,” 607-612.
- Olivier Boulnois, “La teologia naturale, Duns Scoto e la deduzione a priori della Trinità,” 613-641.
- Garrett Smith, “The Natural Theology of Nicholas Bonetus,” 642-667.
- Edouard Mehl, “La Puissance et son nombre, d’Abélard à Kepler,” 668-685.
- Gabriel Meyer-Bisch, “Usages et fonctions du concept de «cité de Dieu» dans la première philosophie de Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,” 743-759.
Southwest Philosophy Review, 37 (2 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Speculum, 96 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Pekka Kärkkäinen, Review of Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries, edited by Elena Băltuţă, 177-178.
- Wojciech Wciórka, Review of Walter Chatton on Future Contingents: Between Formalism and Ontology, by Jon Bornholdt, 181-183.
- Alison Cornish, Review of Ethics, Politics and Justice in Dante, edited by Giulia Gaimari and Catherine Keen, 220-221.
- Edit Anna Lukacs, Review of “Robert Kilwardby’s Science of Logic: A Thirteenth-Century Intensional Logic” by Paul Thom, 259-260.
Issue 2
- Charles F. Briggs, Review of Literary Echoes of the Fourth Lateran Council in England and France, 1215–1405, edited by Maureen B. M. Boulton, 478-480.
- Jacqueline E. Jung, Review of Apocalypse Illuminated: The Visual Exegesis of Revelation in Medieval Illustrated Manuscripts, by Richard K. Emmerson, 492-494.
- Ilaria Serra, Review of Reading Dante and Proust by Analogy, by Julia Caterina Hartley, 509-510.
- Paul Brand, Review of Law in Common: Legal Cultures in Late-Medieval England, by Tom Johnson. 519-520.
- Maud Kozodoy, Review of “On the Regimen of Health”: A New Parallel Arabic-English Translation, ed. and trans. Gerrit Bos, with critical editions of medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos and Latin translations by Michael R McVaugh. (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides 12), 529-531.
- Teofilo F. Ruiz, Review of Dead Voice: Law, Philosophy, and Fiction in the Iberian Middle Ages, by Jesús R. Velasco, 573–575.
- George Corbett, Review of Dante’s Prayerful Pilgrimage: Typologies of Prayer in the “Comedy”, by Alessandro Vettori, 575-576.
Issue 3
- Christopher A. Jones, ““To Embrace a Sack of Excrement”: Odo of Cluny and the History of an Image,” 662-698.
- Franklin T. Harkins, Review of Thomas Aquinas on Bodily Identity by Antonia Fitzpatrick, 817-818.
- Martin J. Tracey, Review of Der Lukaskommentar des Bonaventura von Bagnoregio als Handbuch der franziskanischen Spiritualität by Jan C. Klok, 846-847.
- Ann W. Astell, Review of Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation: The Senses of Scripture in Premodern Exegesis by Ian Christopher Levy, 852-854.
- Brenda Deen Schildgen, Review of The Vernacular Aristotle: Translation as Reception in Medieval and Renaissance Italy by Eugenio Refini, 873-875.
- Ian Cornelius, Review of The Consolation of Philosophy as Cosmic Image by Myra L. Uhlfelder, 898-899.
Issue 4
- Alessandro Vettori, Review of Fonti teologiche francescane della “Commedia” di Dante by Teodoro Forcellini, 1175-1176.
- Juan Carlos Flores, Review of Henry of Ghent, Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LX–LXII, edited by Gordon A. Wilson, Girard J Etzkorn, and Bernd Goehring, 1181-1183.
Studi Medievali, 62 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1
- Placanica, “Cur homo torquetur? Percorsi di un tema teologico da Gregorio Magno a Dante,” 1-46.
- G. Cremascoli, “Gregorio Magno, servo dei servi di Dio, e il potere intra moenia Ecclesiae,” 211-234.
Issue 2
- A. Placanica, “Cur homo torquetur? Percorsi di un tèma teologico da Gregorio Magno a Dante (Parte seconda),” 487-550.
Studi sull’Aristotelismo medievale (secoli VI-XVI), 1 (1 ipy)
- Alfonso Quartucci, “Aquinas’ distinction between abstractio and separatio in Super De Trinitate q. 5 a. 3,” 9-62
- Davide Riserbato, “La dottrina della subalternazione nel Prologo del Commento alle Sentenze di Alessandro Bonini di Alessandria (QQ. 7-8),” 63-118
- Alessandro De Pascalis, Giacomo Fornasieri, What Is It to Be Naturally Loved? Henry of Harclay on Fruition: Edition and Philosophical Commentary of I Sententiarum, d. 1, qq. 1-4,” 119-172
- Barbara Bartocci, “Aristotle’s Metaphysics, semantic paradoxes and medieval commentators: the case of John Dinsdale (1280 ca.),” 173-214
- Simone Luigi Migliaro, “Dal significare al concipere: alcune riflessioni sugli esiti della semantica di Buridano,” 215-262
- Nicolas Weill-Parot, “Les projectiles et les fluctuations de l’antipéristase dans les commentaires latins de la Physique : d’Averroès à Paul de Venise,” 263-318
- Alessandro Domenico Conti, “Possibile ed impossibile in Paolo Veneto,” 319-344
- Chiara Paladini, “Why Errors of the Senses Cannot Occur: Paul of Venice’s Direct Realism,” 345
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 11 (1/2 ipy)
Issue 1
- Cristina D’Ancona, “The “Conjunction” of the Intellect with the Separate Substances and God: The Greek and Graeco-Arabic Background,” 177-216.
- Hans Hinrich Biesterfeldt, “Ǧālīnūs Quwā al-nafs Revisited,” 215-228.
- Alexander Treiger, “Plato and Aristotle Holding Scrolls: An Arabic Ekphrasis of a Christian Painting,” 229-240.
- Richard Sorabji, “Intentional Objects in Conscious Activity and Other Contexts: An Inter-cultural History,” 241-266.
Issue 2
- Nadja Germann, “How to Teach Things with Words: al-Fārābī, Māyin’s Doubt, and the Transmission of Knowledge,” 1-13.
- Alexander Lamprakis, Daniel Davies, “Delineating Dialectic: The Perfect Philosopher in al-Fārābī’s Commentary on Topics VIII 1,” 13-26.
- Silvia Di Vincenzo, “The Avicennian Tradition in the Making: A Correspondence on the Role of Expressions and Meanings in Logic in Context,” 27-40.
- Tony Street, “Abū l-Barakāt al-Baġdādī and the Traditions of Arabic Logic,” 41-66.
- Tzvi Langermann, “Logic in a Pre-Tibbonian Hebrew Philosophical Dialogue,” 67-80.
- Josef Stern, “Where is Maimonides’ Logic?,” 81-92.
- Yehuda Halper, “Debate by the Book, about the Book, in a Book: Shem Tob Falaquera’s Epistle of the Debate, al-Fārābī’s Book of Dialectic, and Aristotle’s Topics on Philosophy and the Holy Writ,” 93-106.
- Charles H. Manekin, “Porphyry’s First Definition of Difference in the Hebrew Logical Tradition,”107-124.
- Paul Thom, “Gersonides’ Modal Syllogistic as An Interpretation of Aristotle: A First Reading,” 125-140.
- Steven Harvey, Oded Horezky, “From Translator to Commentator: Ṭodros Ṭodrosi’s Presentation of Aristotle’s Organon,” 141-156.
- Julie Brumberg-Chaumont, “The Impact of Aristotelian Logic on Medieval Latin and Jewish South-European Cultures: Placing and Re-scaling Logical Knowledge,” 157-182.
- John Marenbon, “Towards a Social History of Medieval Logic,” 183-194.
Studia Neoaristotelica, 18 (multi ipy) )
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3:
- Andrew Dennis Bassford, “Essence, Effluence, and Emination: A Neo-Suarezian Analysis,” 139-186.
Issues 2-? Forthcoming ??
Synthese, 198 (multi [recently 12] ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3
- Robert C. Koons, “The ontological and epistemological superiority of hylomorphism,” 885-903.
Issues 4-10: NTR
Issue 11
- John Heil, “Hylomorphism: what’s not to like?,” 2657-2670.
Issue 12: NTR
The Journal of Religion, 101 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Andrew M. Yuengert, Review of “Aquinas and the Market: Toward a Humane Economy,” by Mary L. Hirschfeld, 279-280.
Issue 3
- Jonathan Decter, “Al-Yahūdiyya: The Emergence of a Comparative Framework in Medieval Jewish Thought,” 299-325.
Issue 4: NTR
- Matthieu Cassin, review of Fabio Acerbi and Gudrun Vuillemin Diem, La transmission du savoir grec en Occident.
- Charles West, review of Sophia Moesch, Augustine and the Art of Ruling in the Carolingian Imperial Period.
- Jennifer Lorden, review of Myra L. Uhlfelder, The Consolation of Philosophy as Cosmic Image.
- Gaelle Bosseman, review of Bénédicte Sère, Les régimes de polémicité au Moyen Âge.
- Joe Stadolnik, review of Laura Ashe and Ralph Hanna, Medieval and Early Modern Religious Cultures.
- Michael Vargas, review of Linda G. Jones, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Preaching in the Mediterranean and Europe.
- Tovah Bender, review of Juliann Vitullo, Negotiating the Art of Fatherhood in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy.
- Adam J. Davis, review of Lars Kjær, The Medieval Gift and the Classical Tradition.
- Brenda Deen Schildgen, review of Dougherty (ed.), Augustine’s Political Thought.
- Richard Campbell, review of Holopainen, A Historical Study of Anselm’s Proslogion.
- Marsha L. Dutton, review of Christian Trottmann, Bernard de Clairvaux et la philosophie des Cisterciens du XIIe siècle..
The Monist, 104 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
The Thomist A Speculative Quarterly Review, 85 (4 ipy)
Issue 1
- Steven Waldorf, “The Historical Development of Cajetan’s Philosophy of Pure Nature and Its Origins in the Thought of John Capreolus,” 1-55.
- John Baptist Ku, “Divine Innascibility in the Theology of Ss. Gregory Nazianzen and Thomas Aquinas,” 57-85.
- Gregory F. LaNave, “On The Speculative, Practical, or Affective Nature of Theology,” 87-125.
- Alexis Torrance, Review of Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers ed. by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, and Roger Nutt, 154-159.
- Simon Francis Gaine, Review of Bound for Beatitude: A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics by Reinhard Hütter, 163-167.
- Mary Catherine Sommers, Review of Thomas Aquinas’s Quodlibetal Questions by Turner Nevitt and Brian Davies, 170-173.
Issue 2
- Joseph Haggarty, “The Intention and Unity of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Exposition of Boethius, on the Trinity,” 227-246.
- Jeremy D. Wilkins, “Thomism as a Tradition of Understanding,” 247-293.
- Catherine Peters, “Common by Causality and Common by Predication: Avicenna and Aquinas on a Twofold Division of Principles,” 295-328.
- Gregory M. Reichberg, Review of Cooperation with Evil: Thomistic Tools of Analysis by Kevin L. Flannery, S.J, 329-333.
Issue 3
- James Dominic Rooney O.P., “Survivalism, Suitably Modified,” 349-376.
- Tianyue Wu, “Aquinas on Human Personhood and Dignity,” 377-409.
- Piotr Roszak, “How Should Christians Respond to Scandal? Replies from St. Thomas Aquinas,” 411-442.
- Nicholas Porter, “Aquinas and the Theory of the Empyrean Heaven,” 443-478.
- Irven M. Resnick, review of Ian P. Wei, Thinking about Animals in Thirteenth-Century Paris: Theologians on the Boundary between Humans and Animals, 479-482.
- Marcia L. Colish, review of Antonia Fitzpatrick and John Sabapathy, editors, Individuals and Institutions in Medieval Scholasticism, 482-484.
- Rik Van Nieuwenhove, William Crozier, review of Shawn M. Colberg, The Wayfarer’s End: Bonaventure and Aquinas on Divine Rewards in Scripture and Sacred Doctrine, 489-493.
- William C. Mattison III, review of J. Budziszewski, Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s “Treatise on Happiness and Ultimate Purpose“, 499-502.
Issue 4
- Guy Mansini O.S.B., “The Sacramentality of the Diaconate: Council of Trent, Second Vatican Council, and Postconciliar Magisterium,” 511-537.
- Michael G. Sirilla, “Saint Thomas’s Theology of the Diaconate,” 539-554.
- Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, “Liturgy, Word, and Charity in Thomas Aquinas,” 555-580.
- Michele M. Schumacher, “The Natural and Sacramental Significance of Human Sexuality and the Question of Admitting Women to the Ordained Diaconate,” 581-624.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 83 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 60, 61 (2 ipy)
Issue 1 (Num. 60)
- Alejandro Miranda, “La omisión en Tomás de Aquino y Juan de Santo Tomás,” 375-410.
Num. 61: NTR
Topoi, 40 (1-4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: NTR
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR
Issue 5: NTR
Traditio, 76 (1 ipy)
- Robert E. Lerner, “Peter of Auvergne’s question ‘whether one is to believe a good angel revealing something good about the advent of Christ or antichrist,” 313-318.
- Alexander Fidora, “Stephen of Besancon’s principium in aula (1286): an epistemological approach to the relation between philosophy and theology,” 319-336.
Viator Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 52 (3 ipy) (only 2 issues in ‘21)
Issue 1
- Carlotta Barranu, “Greek and Philohellenism in England during the Long Thirteenth Century: The Evidence from the Books of the Religious Houses,” 319-358.
Issue 2: NTR
Vivarium, 59 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2
- Can Laurens Löwe, “Bonaventure on the Soul and Its Powers,” 10-32.
- Gloria Frost, “Aquinas on Passive Powers,” 33–51.
- Mark Gossiaux, “James of Viterbo on Seminal Reasons as inchoationes formarum,” 52-78.
- Zita V. Toth, “Perfect Subjects, Shields, and Retractions: Three Models of Impassibility,” 79-101
- Daniel J. Simpson, “Potens per accidens sine accidentibus: Ockham on Material Substances and Their Essential Powers,” 102-122.
- Russell L. Friedman, “Is Matter the Same as Its Potency? Some Fourteenth-Century Answers,” 123-142.
Issue 3
- Dominique Poirel, “La raison chez Hugues de Saint-Victor : du feuilleté des acceptions à la cohérence d’un sens, d’une pensée, d’un programme éducatif,” 143-185.
- Mattia Mantovani, “The First of All Natural Sciences: Roger Bacon on Perspectiva and Human Knowledge,” 186-214.
- Peter John Hartman, “Durand of St.-Pourçain on Reflex Acts and State Consciousness,” 215-240.
- C. Philipp E. Nothaft, “A Fourteenth-Century Scholastic Dispute on Astrological Interrogations,” 241-285.
Issue 4
- Greti Dinkova-Bruun and Cecilia Panti, “The Tractatus de iride “Inter omnes impressiones” Formerly Attributed to Oresme and Its Grossetestian Milieu: Introduction and Edition,” 287-323.
- Miroslav Hanke, “The Logic of Impossible Scenarios in Hurtado de Mendoza’s Tractatus de Trinitate”, 324-359.
- Leone Gazziero, Review of Anonymus Cantabrigiensis. Commentarium in Sophisticos elenchos Aristotelis, edited by Sten Ebbesen, 361–369.
- John Marenbon, Review of Medieval Theories of Divine Providence 1250–1350, by Mikko Posti, 370-374.
- Jörn Müller, Review of Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy, by Tobias Hoffmann, 375-380.
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 56 (4 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2
- Paul A. Macdonald Jr., “In defense of Aquinas’s Adam: Original justice, the fall, and evolution,” 454-466.
- Julie Loveland Swanstrom, “Aquinas on sin, essence, and change: Applying the reasoning on women to evolution in Aquinas,” 467-480.
Issue 3: NTR
Issue 4: NTR