Alpha Omega. Rivista di filosofia e teologia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 26 (2-3 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Pascual, Rafael L.C., “L’unita ontoteologica della metafisica in Tommaso d’Aquino,” 39-73.
- Mayer, Rupert O.P, “Is Meister Eckhart’s Metaphysics an Onto-Theo-logy,” 75-117.
- Mitchell, Jason A., “The Onto-Theological Difference in Analytical Thomism,” 159-185.
Issues 2-3 : NTR
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 97 (4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Beneduce, Chiara, “John Buridan: The Human Body at the Intersection of Natural Philosophy and Medicine,” 161-182.
- Biard, Joel, “John Buridan on the Question of the Unity of the Human Being,” 184-209.
- Lageriund, Henrik, “Buridan’s Radical View of Final Causality and Its Influence,” 211-226.
- Hartman, Peter John, “Mirecourt, Mental Modes, and Mental Motions,” 227-248.
- Sobol, Peter G., “The Use of Theological Terms in the De anima Commentaries of Nicole Oresme and John Buridan,” 249-256.
Issue 3:
- Jalsevac, John, “Mitigating the Magic: The Role of Memory, the Vis Cogitativa, and Experience in Aquinas’s Abstractionist Epistemology,” 267-292.
- Szlachta, Michael, “Unde huic fictioni non est respondendum: Thomas Aquinas and the Necessitation of the Will,” 311-337.
- Kutarnova, Katerina, “Philip of the Blessed Trinity on Mystical Knowledge: Pecular Kinds of Species,” 339-359.
- Schwartz, Daniel, “Suarez’s Republic of Demons: Could There Be an Obligation to Do Evil?,”387-414.
- Osborne, Thomas M. Jr., “REVIEW: Conscience: Four Thomistic Treatments by Reginald Beaudouin, Labourdette, and Merkelbach,” 415-417.
Issue 4 (Late Medieval Hylomorphism):
- Hartman, Peter John, “Durand of St.-Pourcain’s Moderate Reductionsim about Hylomorphic Composites,” 441-462.
- Cross, Richard, “Ontological Commitment in Gregory of Rimini: Hylomorphism and the Complexe Significabile,” 463-479.
- Majcherek, Kamil, “Can Something New Be Produced by Moving Things Around? Local Motion and the Problem of the Metaphysical Status of Artefacts, 1300-1500,” 481-503.
- Zambiasi, Roberto, “Innovative Conceptions of Substantial Change in Early Fourteenth-Century Discussions of Minima Naturalia,” 505-528.
- Roudaut, Sylvain, “Can Accidents Alone Generate Substantial Forms? Twists and Turns of a Late Medieval Debate,” 529-554.
- Jeschke, Thomas, “Paul of Venice and a Plurality of Forms and Souls: Studying the Reception of Scholastic Hylomorphism in Fifteenth-Century Padua,” 555-575.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 40 (1-3 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Polloni, Nicola, “Sombras de Gundisalvo en la Summa Halensis,” 15-24.
- Lopez, Jose Antonio Fernandez, “Abraham ibn Daud: filosofia, historia y tradicion en el ocaso de Sefarad,” 157-159.
- Eran, Amira, “Ibn Daud’s Critique of Ibn Gabriol’s definition of Prime Matter & Dominicus Gundissalinus’ Views,” 201-212.
Issue 2:
- Galindo, Alfonso, review of “Jose Antonio Fernandez Lopez, Estudios de pensamiento medieval hispanojudio,” 415-417.
Issue 3:
- Buch, Lucas, “Relacionalidad y trascendencia de la libertad en el pensamiento de Duns Escoto,” 451-467.
Angelicum, 100 (3/4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Coda, di Piero, “San Tommaso e il suo decisivo apporto per una nuova epoca del pensiero,”
- “Rossi, Teodora, Rossi, di Margherita Maria, “San Tommaso, il testo e il senso della Scrittura. Specimina exegetica II,”
- Bonino, Serge-Thomas, review of Levering, Matthew, Marcus Plested (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Reception fo Aquinas.
Issues 3-4 Forthcoming (last checked 10/24/2024)
Annuario Filosofico, 39 (1 ipy): Forthcoming (last checked 5/18/2024). Not updated since 2020.
Anuario Filosófico, 56 (2 ipy): NTR
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 33 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Bremond, Mathilde, “De Simplicius à Hunayn: la Transmission d’une Doxographie dans les Résumés au Traite sur les Eléments de Galien,” 1-23.
- Rashed, Roshdi, “Ibn al-Haytam, sur le miroir ardent parabolique ,” 25-54.
Issue 2:
- El-Rouayheb, Kahled, “’Subject Generality and Distributrrion in Medieval Arabic Syllogistic,” 141-161.
- Mousavian, Seyed, “Avicenna on the Impossibilia. The Letter on the Soul Revisited,” 163-213.
- Hoki, Yu, “Cross-Reference Between Logic and Psychology in Ibn Sina’s Theory of Experience,” 215-236.
Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 20 (1 ipy): Forthcoming? No publication since 2019 (last checked 10/24/2023).
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 105 (4 ipy)
Issue 3:
- Polloni, Nicola, “Conceiving Prime Matter in the Middle Ages: Perception, Abstraction and Analogy,” 414-443.
Issue 4: NTR
Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 77 (6 ipy): NTR
Archives de Philosophie, 86 (4 ipy): NTR
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen-Âge, 90 (1 ipy):
- Dufoss, Colette, “Le vocabulaire latin de la vision aux XI et XII siecles: L’influence des traductions depuis le grec et l’arabe,” 7-63.
- Jakubecki, Natalia, “De Angelo Perdito by Gilbert Crispin. An Interpretation of Sections 64-82 and a Proposal for its Fontium Apparatus,” 65-90.
- Quartucci, Alfonso, “Socrates’ fire”. Remarks on a reading in Aquinas’ autograph of Super De Trinitate, 5, a.38,” 91-112.
- Emamzadah, Parwana; Mora-Marquez, Ana Maria, “Le syllogisme sophistique selon Simon de Faversham et Raoul le Breton : entre formalisme et pragmatique,” 113-134.
- Rothschild, Jean-Pierre, “La mort de Solon et la félicité intellectuelle d’après Albert le Grand, Juda de Rome et Moïse ben Sabbataï (Rome, xive siècle),” 135-161.
- Fiamma’s. Andrea, “Bernard of Kraiburg’s Letters and Sermons. A portrait of Austrian humanism in mid-15th century,” 163-256.
- Piche, David, “Intuition and présence according to Herve de Nedellec, Critical édition of the Quodlibet IV, 11,” 257-277.
- Boulnois, Olivier; Schabel, Chris, “Guiral Ot: l’être avant l’être. In secundum librum Sententiarum, D.1, pars 1, q.2,” 279-308.
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 73 (2 ipy): NTR
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 116 (4 ipy):
Issue 1-2:
- Schumacher, Lydia: “‘Beyond’, ‘Above’ or ‘Against’ nature? Early Scholastic Debates on the Status of Miracles,” 3-34.
- Dominic Abbott, “The Doctrine of the Absolute Primacy of Christ Across the Works of John Duns Scotus,” 35-64.
- Chen, Zi’ang, “Augustine, Aristotle, and Franciscans on Lying: A Study on Texts by Francis of Meyronnes and Gerald Odonis,” 65-96.
- Bobovnik, Nena, review of Ut bon(aventurian)i fiamus. Studies in St. Bonaventure on the occasion of the 800th Anniversary of his Birth, 292-295
- Kumka, Emil, review of Solvi, Daniele, Rotundis quadrata mutare. Questioni francescane dalle origini ai Fioretti, 296-298.
- Ceschia, Marzia, review of Bartolomei Romagnoll, Alessandra, Corpo sacro. Scrittura ed esperienza mistica tra medioevo ed età moderna, 299-301
- Lohs, Jacopo, review of Bobillier, Stève, L’éthique de Pierre de Jean Olivi. Liberté, personne et conscience, 302-304
- Pica, Francesco, review of Serafini, Marcella, La libertà innata. volontà, amore e giustizia nel pensiero di giovanni Duns Scoto, 305-308
- Ferrare, Carmine Giovanni, review of Grassi, Onorato, and Dezza, Ernesto (eds.), Duns Scoto in Italia. Edizioni, traduzioni, studi, 309-311
- Solvi, Daniele, review of Hernández Vera, René, Franciscan Books and their readers. Friars and Manuscripts in late Medieval Italy, 314-316
- Juri, Leoni, review of Illuminata Bembo, Specchio di illuminazione. redazione lunga. Edizione critica sulla base del ms. Ambrosiano y 46 Sup., 317-320
- Robson, Michael, review of Touris, William, OFM, The contemplacioun of Synnaris. Late-Medieval Advice to a Prince, 320-322
Issue 3-4:
- Michael Robson, review of Brubaker, Jeff, The Disputatio of the Latins and the Greeks, 1234. Introduction, Translation and Commentary, 621-624
- Riccardo Saccenti, review of Nannini, Andrea – Zavattero, Irene (eds.) review of Itinerari di filosofia e teologia francescana. Studi offerti in memoria di Marco Arosio, 624-627
- Muzzi, Sara, review of Mensa, Jaume et al. (eds.), La recepció de l’obra d’Arnau de Vilanova, 629-631
- Soliani, Gian Pietro, review of Capelli, Sara, Una scuola francescana di confine: un Bonaventura platonizzante ispiratore di Rosmini, 653-656
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 81 (1 ipy): forthcoming (last checked 07/01/2024)
Augustinian Studies, 6 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Ponsati-Murla, Oriol, “From Mors Pro Summo Munere Desideretur to Occidere Se Ipsum: An Overall Approach to Augustine on Suicide,” 57-76.
- Krause, Paul, review of Fabio Dalpra and Anders-Christian Jacobson (eds). Explorations in Augustine’s Anthropology, 86-89.
- McFadden, Br. Robert, reveiw of David Hunter and Jonathan Yates, Augustine and Tradition: Influences, Contexts, and Legacy, 93-98.
Issue 2: NTR
Augustinianum, 63 (2 ipy): NTR
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 101 (4 ipy): NTR
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, 26 (1 ipy): Forthcoming (02/05/2024)
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 31 (4-6 ipy)
Issue 3:
- Segev, Mor, “What can Maimonides’ understanding of the shamefulness of touch teach us about Aristotle’s NE III.10, 1118b1-3,” 405-420.
- Mary Beth Ingham, review of Giorgio Pini (ed.), Interpreting Duns Scotus: critical essays, 550-554.
Issue 4:
- Adamson, Peter, and Noble, Michael-Sebastian, “Intuition in the Avicennan Tradition,” 657-674.
- Antognazza, Maria Rosa, “Intuitive cognition in the Latin medieval tradition,” 675-692.
Issue 6:
- Parvizian, Saja, “Al-Ghazali, nativism, and divine intervention,” 1105-1127
Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 65 (1 ipy)
Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik, Forthcoming?
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 116 (4 ipy): NTR
Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin, 92 (1 ipy):
Issue 1:
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 53 (6 ipy):
Issues 1-3: NTR
Issues 4-6 forthcoming (7/1/2024)
Chôra, 21 (1 ipy): Forthcoming, last checked 07/01/2024 (not published since 2021)
Collectanea Franciscana, 93 (4 ipy): NTR
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 71 (6 ipy): NTR
Dialogue, 62 (4 ipy)
Issue 3
- Jalsevac, John, “The Intentio of Pastness in Aquinas’s Theory of Memory,” 475-489.
Dionysius, 41 (1 ipy): Forthcoming? Not published since 2020
Discusiones Filosóficas, 24 (2 ipy):
Issue 42: NTR
Issue 43: Forthcoming, last checked 07/27/2023)
Divus Thomas, 126 (3 ipy):
Issue 1 (“Étienne Gilson (1884-1978) e la filosofia moderna”)
- Premessa di Igor Agostini e Michele Sciotti O. P.
- Emanuela Scribano, Gilson e le fonti scolastiche di Cartesio. Ovvero Tommaso perduto e ritrovato
- Francesco Marrone, Una genealogia del pensiero moderno. Étienne Gilson, Roland Dalbiez e gli antecedenti della nozione cartesiana di realitas objectiva
- Siegrid Agostini, Voci eucaristiche fra Index gilsoniano e Nouvel Index
Doctor Virtualis, 18 (1 ipy):
- Ferrara, Alfio; Parodi, Massimo; Salvestrini, Amalia, “Macchine per analogie. Note sul trattamento automatico dell’analogia,” 31-49.
- Busetto, Laura, “L’analogia nel Periphyseon di Eriugena come struttura cosmologica e dispositivo speculativo,” 159-183.
- Valsecchi, Alessandro, “Uomo, analogia di Dio: dialettica universale e creazione in Giovanni Scoto Eriugena,” 133-157.
- Cassi, Aldo Andrea, “Il ‘procedimento analogico’ nei giuristi medievali e il ‘paradigma filosofico agostiniano,’” 203-210.
- Gambi, Giovanni, “L’analogia nel De veritate di Tomasso d’Aquino: tra capacita euristica e trascendenza divina,” 211-233.
- Marrone, Francesco, “Analogia e univocita: una convivenza possibile? Il caso Petrus Thomae,” 277-304.
- Lazaro, Nicolas, “Giustizia: fra analogia e univocita. Da Tommaso d’Aquino a Tommaso De Vio,” 305-320.
Documenti e Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, 34 (1 ipy):
- Marmo, Costantino; Bellucci, Francesco, “Lac habet, ergo perperit: History of an Example,” 1-34.
- Belleggia, Sebastiano, “Being in Something, Being in Itself: Philosophical Perspectives on Physics IV, 3 in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages,” 35-68.
- Kiosoglou, Sokratis-Athanasios, “Every Manifold in Some Way Participates the One, or Rather, Unity? On Elements of Theology, 1,” 69-92
- Benevich, Fedor, “Personal Identity in the Philosophy of Kalam,” 93-114.
- Rashed, Marwan, “Abu al-Farag Ibn al-Tayyib, Traité des rêves et de la distinction entre rêve valide et rêve invalide selon la doctrine des philosophes,” 115-156.
- Signori, Marco, “The Liminary Texts of al-Gazali’s Maqasid al-falasifa. A Specimen of English Translation of the Prologue, Epilogue and Prefaces, with Philosophical and Philological Commentary,” 157-208.
- Bernardini, Paola, “An Unpublished Question on the Unicity of the Intellect (Adam de Whitby?) (ms. Praha Archiv Prazkeho hradu, fond Rukopisy knihovny Metropolitni kapituly u sv. Vita M.80, ff. 66rb, lin. 44-66vb, lin. 19),” 209-246.
- Binotto, Francesco, “Thomas Aquinas and Siger of Brabant on External Impediments, Fallible Causes, and Contingent Effects,” 247-280.
- Carreno, Juan Eduardo, “The Scholastic Model of Angelic Agency on the Corporeal World and the Condemnations of 1277,” 281-310.
- Donati, Silvia, “Matter, Potency and Being in Some English Commentaries on the Physics: Oxford (?) ca. 1275-1300,” 311-360.
- Rode, Christian, “Giles of Rome on Political Naturalism and the Deficient Human Being,” 361-384.
- Tosi, Viola, “Truth and Human Intellect in John of Naples’ Quaestiones disputatae,” 385-426.
Early Science and Medicine, 28 (6 ipy)
Issue 3-5:
- Alpina, Tommaso, “Between Matter and Form: Complexion (mizag) as a Keystone of Avicenna’s Scientific Project,” 398-428.
- Decaix, Veronique, “Is Memory a Matter of Complexion? On Memory Disorders in the Latin commentaries on De memoria (1250-1300),” 452-471.
Issue 6: NTR
Epekeina. International Journal of Ontology. History and Critics, 15 (1 to 2 ipy): NTR
Ergo, 10 (1 ipy): NTR
Estudios Filosoficos, 72 (1 ipy): NTR
Etudes Franciscaines, 16 (2 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Dossier “L’Itinerarium de saint Bonaventure : nouvelles perspectives”, 41-137
Issue 2:
- Bobillier, Stève, “Le Traité de l’humilité de Pierre de Jean Olivi”
Faith and Philosophy, 40 (4 ipy): Forthcoming, last checked 07/01/2024
Filozofia, 78 (10 ipy)
Issue 10:
- Isik, M. Kemal, “Natura Fluens: Time and Nature in Avicenna’s The Physics of Healing,” 834-847.
Franciscan Studies, 81 (1 ipy):
- Johnson, Junius, “Retrieving Contuition in Saint Bonaventure,” 5-31.
- Dowd, Joseph, “And Thy Neighbor as Thyself: The Elastic Self in the Moral Psychology of John Duns Scotus,” 53-73.
- Fiorentino, Francesco, “Le prime quattro Collationes Parisienses sulle tracce di Giovanni Duns Scoto,” 115-140.
- Cullen, Christopher S.J, review of The Singular Voice of Being: John Duns Scotus and Ultimate Difference by Andrew Lazella, 237-239.
- Tomlinson, Stephen, review of Human Nature in Early Franciscan Thought: Philosophical Background and Theological Significance by Lydia Schumacher, 249-251.
Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie, 70 (2 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Tavolaro, Gianpiero: Homo nobilis et iuuenis tante sanctitatis. L’immagine agiografica di Ludovica di Tolosa e la funzione teologico-politica dei sermoni “commemorativi” di Giacomo da Viterbo, 5-76
- Binotto, Francesco, “Thomas Aquinas and the Justification of the Contingency of Effects in Nature,” 77-96.
- HOFMANN, Christian: Die Schau als eschatologisches Motiv in Augustins De civitate Dei, 195 (Zusammenfassung)
- LERCHNER, Thorsten: Rhetorik der Innerlichkeit. Augustinus, innerer Mensch und Intertextualität, 212 (Zusammenfassung)
- COLLI, Andrea: Aevum, aeterna tempora, and tempus generale between history and metaphysics. A note on Patristic reading of time and duration, 229 (abstract)
- ROBIGLIO, Andrea Aldo: „Alles ist Stroh“. Zur möglichen ironischen Bedeutung eines Ausspruchs, der Thomas von Aquin zugeschrieben wird, 247 (Zusammenfassung)
Issue 2:
- RIESTER, Andreas M.: Vom Mainstream zur Marginalisierung. Die Stellung der Dominikaner unter den Mendikanten zur Frage der Unbefleckten Empfängnis bis zur Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts, 329 (
- BLANKENHORN, Bernhard: The Rise and Decline of the Theological Scientia: Some Remarks on Olivier Boulnois’s Le désir de vérité : Vie et destin de la théologie comme science d’Aristote à Galilée, 537
- Ruedi Imbach: review of Führer, Dörthe und Mangold, Mikkel, Katalog der mittelalterlichen Handschriften des Franziskanerklosters Freiburg = Introduction au catalogue des manuscrits médiévaux du Couvent des Cordeliers de Fribourg, 550
Giornale di Metafisica, 44 (2 ipy): NTR
Gregorianum, 104 (4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Sousa da Silva, Jonas Matheus, “Sao Bonaventura: Itinerarium mentis in Deus, De triplicate via e Legenda Sancti Francisci no ciclo franciscano de Giotto e na comedy de Dante,”
Issues 3-4: NTR
Heythrop Journal, 64 (6 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Hewitt, Simon Thomas, “Aquinas on the Immortality of the Soul: Some Reflections,” 30-45.
- Van Nieuwenhove, Rick, review of Aquinas on Faith, Reason, and Charity, by Roberto Celige,” 150-151.
Issue 2:
- Simmons, Joseph SJ, “Intentionality & Intersubjectivity in Cusa’s De Visione Dei,” 258-265.
Issue 3:
- Stevenson, Austin, review of The New Cambridge Companion to Aquinas, edited by Elenore Stump and Thomas Joseph White,” 454-456.
Issues 4-6: NTR
History and Philosophy of Logic, 44 (4 ipy): NTR
History of Philosophy Quarterly, 40 (4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Szlachta, Michael, “Later Medieval Psychology: Deliberation, Love, and Mental Causation”, 105–108
- Schierbaum, Sonja, “Motivation and Beyond?: The Role of Love (amor) in Ockham’s Theory of Action”, 109–131
- Tobias Hoffmann, “Deliberation and Rival Accounts of Free Choice in Medieval Philosophy”, 132–162
- Löwe, Can Laurens, “Aquinas on Dualist Mental Causation”, 163–190
Issue 3:
- Dan Kemp, “The Good in Boethius’ De hebdomadibus”, 202–221
Issue 4: NTR
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 93-94 (6 ipy)
Volume 93:
Issue 1:
- Hodge, Kyle S., “Not a Body: the Catalyst of St. Augustine’s Intellectual Conversion in the Books of the Platonists,” 51-72.
Issues 2-3: NTR
Volume 94:
Issue 1-3: NTR
International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 31 (5 ipy)
Issue 1: NTR
Issues 2-5 forthcoming, last checked 08/07/2023
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen), 84 (4-5 ipy):
Issues 3-4:
- Winkel, Terrin, “‘Comprehended history’: Hegelian and Judaic conceptions of the embodiment of exile,” 255-274.
Issue 5: NTR
International Philosophical Quarterly, 63 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Taccolini, Joshua, “Why Ought We Be Good? A Hildebrandian Challenge to Thomistic Normativity Theory”, 71-89
Issues 2-3: NTR
Issue 4: forthcoming. Last checked 07/09/2024
Journal of Islamic Philosophy, 14 (1 ipy):
- Hassan, Laura, “Sayf al-Din al-Amidi’s (d. 631/1233) Kashf al-tamwihat fi sharh al-Isharat wa-l-tanbihat: Avicennan Philosophy as Currency in the Struggle for Influence,” 65-109.
- Van Lit, L.W. Cornelis, “Ibn ‘Arabi’s School of Thought: Philosophical Commentaries on Fusus al-hikam, not a Sufi Order,” 162-187.
- Lutzen, Florian A., “Observations Concerning the Development of Early Commentaries on the Wisdoms of Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah al-Sakandari (d. 709/1309) — The Emergence of a Tradition,” 188-219.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 31 (2 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Dickmann, Iddo, “The Double-Mirror Gaze, Transcoded Testimony, and Disqualified Witnesses in the Talmud”, 127-162
Journal of Medieval History, 49 (5 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 52 (6 ipy): NTR
Journal of Philosophical Research, 48 (1 ipy): NTR
Journal of Religious Ethics, 51 (4 ipy): NTR
Journal of the History of Ideas, 84 (4 ipy):
Issue 3:
- Byrne, Philippa, “Portable Scholasticism? The Intellectual Horizons of Gervase of Tilbury,” 441-464.
Issue 4:
- M. Roberts, Alexandre, “Thinking about Chemistry in Byzantium and the Islamic World”, 595-619
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 61 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Osborne, Thomas M., review of Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act by Can Laurens Lowe, 152-154.
Issue 2:
- Druart, Therese-Anne, review of Avicenna’s Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology by Riccardo Strobino, 326-327.
- Schuessler, Rudolf, “Moral Legislation behind a Veil of Ignorance: Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino (1607-67) on the Procedure of Natural Law,” 193-213.
Issue 3:
- Engelland, Chad, “Anselm and the Problem of Ostending God”, 373-396
- El-Rouayheb, Khaled, review of Islamic Disputation Theory: The Uses & Rules of Argument in Medieval Islam by Larry Benjamin Miller, 518-510
- Ebbesen, Sten, review of Abaelards Logik by Wolfgang Lenzen, 520-521
Issue 4:
- Brumberg-Chaumont, Julie, review of Boethii Daci Aliorumque Sophismata, 705-706
- Conolly, Brian Francis, review of Constituer le Réel. Noétique et Métaphysique chez Dietrich de Freiberg by Véronique Decaix”, 706-708
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 86 (1 ipy):
- Copenhaver, Brian P., “Pico’s Conclusions. Setting, Structure, Text, Sources and Aims”
Laval théologique et philosophique, 79 (3 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Fuenzalida, Jose Antonio Valdivia, “Pourquoi la demonstration fait-elle progresser la connaissance? Les cas de Thomas d’Aquin et de l’al-Ghazali latin,” 87-112.
Issue 2:
- Pérez, Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez, “La « virtus essendi » de Thomas d’Aquin entre ses interprètes”, 237–256
- Vlad, Marilena, “La logique de la lumière chez Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite”, 257-273
Issue 3: NTR
Mediaevalia, 44 (1 ipy)
- Matukhin, Max, “Dante’s Sacramental Poetics: Confession in the Commedia,” 95-124.
- Herzman, Ronald B., and Hoeppner Moran Cruz, Jo Ann, “Virgil’s Mission: Dante and the Salvation of the Pagan World,” 125-184.
Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, 42 (1 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/09/2024
Médiévales, 84, 85 (2 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/09/2024
Mediaeval Sophia, 25 (1 ipy) :
- Cogliandro, Massimo Pasquale, “Raimondo Lullo e la tradizione medica medievale e rinascimentale,” 37-55.
Mediaeval Studies, 85 (1 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/09/2024
Medieval Encounters, 29 (5-6 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Couzin, Robert, “Conjoined Twins in Medieval Imagery”, 3-53
- Mayer, Yakov Z and Even-Ezra, Ayelet, “Aquinas Bound with a Talmudic Fragment: An Associative Exercise”, 115–142
Issue 2-3:
- Neyrinck, Axelle, “La circulation des modèles bibliques entre chrétiens et juifs au Moyen Âge: L’exemple de la figure de Rachel,” 179-185
- Veit, Raphaela, “Materia Medica in a Multilingual Context: Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine and Its Latin Translation of Book II”, 196-221
Issue 4-6: NTR
Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 48 (1 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/09/2024
Micrologus, 31 and 31* (exceptionally, 2 issues this year):
31 (“Philosophy, Sciences and Arts at the Court of Robert of Anjou”):
- Benedetto, Marienza, “«Come Salomone»: Roberto d’Angiò attraverso gli occhi di filosofi e traduttori ebrei attivi alla sua corte”, 239-258
- Boyer, Jean-Paul , “Science et conscience: Bureaucratie et prédication à Naples (première moitié du XIVe siècle circa)”, 173-238
- Caiazzo, Irène, “«Rex Robertus, rex expertus in omni scientia»: Roberto d’Angiò e i saperi”, 3-36
- Chandelier, Joël, “Dino del Garbo, Francesco da Piedimonte et la médecine à l’époque de Robert d’Anjou”, 325-344
- Di Cesare, Michelina , “Geografia, cartografia e storiografia alla corte di Re Roberto: libri e opera di Paolino Veneto”, 385-416
- Duba, William Owen; Schabel, Christopher David, “Three Protegés of Robert the Wise and Their Debate over Contradictories: Landolfo Caracciolo vs. Francesco d’Appignano and François de Meyronnes”, 127-172
- Esposito, Laura, “I documenti delle arche in carta bambagina. Gli originali superstiti del regno di Roberto d’Angiò”, 57-80
- Fortuna, Stefania , “Niccolò da Reggio e il Vat. gr. 283. Il caso dello pseudogalenico «De hirudinibus, revulsione, cucurbitula, incisione et scarificatione» con edizione del testo greco e della traduzione latina”, 345-384
- Jacquart, Danielle, “De l’arabe au grec à la cour angevine: l’apport de textes médicaux fondamentaux au monde latin”, 275-292
- Marchionibus, Maria Rosaria, “Nel solco della dinastia di Cristo: Roberto il Saggio e la costruzione del potere attraverso le immagini”, 433-449
- Murano, Giovanna , “Il «Tahafut al-Tahafut» di Averroè tradotto per Roberto d’Angiò. Note sulla tradizione manoscritta latina”, 259-274
- Nold, Patrick , “Servants of Two Masters: Some Biographical Notes on Mendicants at the Court(s) of Robert of Anjou and John XXII in Avignon 1319-1324″, 81-106
- Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino, “Conclusions”, 467-476
- Pilato, Serena , “La Cappella reale d’Angiò nella cripta del complesso monumentale di Santa Maria Assunta del Castello Aragonese di Ischia”, 449-466
- Sannino, Antonella, “Il «De essentiis essentiarum» dedicato a Roberto, duca di Calabria”, 293-324
- Schut, Kirsten , “John of Naples and Pastoral Care for the Dead and Dying at the Court of Robert of Anjou”, 107-126
- Seller, Fabio, “Andalò Di Negro, astronomo/astrologo alla corte di Roberto d’Angiò”, 417-432
- Villa, Claudia, “Un progetto di regno: lo studio della storia, il memoriale angioino e la bozza «Ne pretereat»”, 37-56
31* (special issue “Aristotle’s De sensu in the Latin Tradition, 1250-1650″):
- Beneduce, Chiara, “Utrum tactus sit terrae a dominio. Natural Philosophy and Medicine in Three Fourteenth-Century Questions on De sensu et sensato,” 191-208.
- Decaix, Veronique, “Do We All Sense the Same Things? Some Medieval Solutions to De sensu 6,” 135-152.
- Galle, Griet, “The Order of the Parva naturalia in Three Commentaries on De sensu Associated with Adam of Brockenfield. Implications for the Authenticity Question,” 15-44.
- Graciotti, Leonardo, “Medicine and Philosophy in Pompanazzi’s Expositio libelli de sensu et sensato (1524-1525),” 295-310.
- Grellard, Christophe, “Parisian Commentaries on De sensu in Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries,” 271-294.
- Kedar, Yael, “Roger Bacon’s «De sensu» Colour Theory, “45-62.
- Masolini, Serena, “Two Commentaries on the De sensu et sensato from Fifteenth-Century Louvain,” 227-270.
- Robert, Aurélien, “The Diversity of Human Languages and Climate Theory. Philosophy and Medicine in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato,” 135-190.
- White, Kevin, “Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, and Peter Auvergne on muti et surdi (De sensu et sensato, 437a16-17),” 105-120.
- Zambiasi, Roberto, “The Sense of Smell in the Commentary on the De sensu Attributed to Nicole Oresme and to Albert of Saxony,” 209-226.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy, 48 (1 ipy):
Mind, 132 (4 ipy)
Issue 3:
- Brower-Toland, Susan, “Deflecting Ockham’s Razor: A Medieval Debate about Ontological Commitment,” 659-679.
Issue 4:
- Alpina, Tommaso Alpina, “review of Galen and the Arabic Reception of Plato’s Timaeus by Aileen R. Das”, 1225–1232.
Nous, 57 (4 ipy): NTR
Nova et Vetera, 21 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Brock, Stephen L. , “The Causality of Prayer and the Execution of Predestination in Thomas Aquinas,” 15-46.
- Berkman, John, “Aquinas’s Ethics beyond Thomistic Virtue Ethics: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Instinct, and Complete Human Perfection,” 47-92.
- Lim, Joshua H. “An Encyclopedic Pico della Mirandola”? Rethinking Aquinas on Christ’s Infused Knowledge,” 147-174.
- Moats, Nathaniel A., “Recovering Aquinas’s Common-Good-Oriented Right of Rebellion,” 175-215.
- Schrader, Dylan, “Divine Person” as Analogous Name,” 217-238.
- Ogle, Nicholas, review of Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy by Tobias Hoffmann.
Issue 2:
- Porter, Philip, “What Are Dead Bodies For? An Augustinian Thanatology,” 561-582.
- Smith, Randall B., “Bonaventure’s Reductio of the Nine Choirs of Angels: How Bonaventure Compressed Two Monumental Traditions into Nine Words and Nine Short Phrases,” 583-606.
- Walker, Pachomius, O.P., “The De Auxiliis Controversy, Molinism, and Physical Premotion: The Christological Implications,” 607-650.
- O’Neill, Taylor Patrick, “A Báñezian Grounding for Counterfactuals of Creaturely Freedom: A Response to James Dominic Rooney, O.P ,” 651-674.
- Rooney, James Dominic , O.P., “From Báñez with Love: A Response to a Response by Taylor Patrick O’Neill,” 675-692.
- Hütter, Reinhard, “Original Sin Revisited: A Recent Proposal on Thomas Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of Evolution,” 693-732.
Issue 3:
- Hibbs, Thomas S., “Aquinas and Black Natural Law,” 943-970.
- McCormick, William , S.J., “A Unity of Order”: Aquinas on the End of Politics,” 1019-1042.
Issue 4:
- Chu, Zane E., “Teaching the Trinity: Scripture and Performance of the Psychological Analogy in Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae,” 1149-1170.
- Garland , Daniel M., Jr, “He Who Eats Me Will Live Because of Me”: Eucharistic Indwelling and Aquinas’s Johannine Theology of the Missions of the Divine Persons,” 1171-1200.
- Madden, Joshua, “Whose Red Garments? Which Divine Warrior? Thomas Aquinas on Isaiah 63 and the Literal Interpretation of the Old Testament,” 1201-1218. Joshua Madden
- Nolan, Philip, O.P., “Christ’s Human Nature and the Cry from the Cross: St. Thomas Aquinas on Psalm 22:2,” 1219-1244.
- Klein, Elizabeth, “Augustine on the True Presence and the Eucharist as Sacrament of Unity,” 1325-1336.
- Lynch, Reginald M., O.P., “Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life: Medieval Context and Early Modern Reception,” 1337-1370.
- Surmanski, Albert Marie O.P., “Sacramental Wisdom: Humilitatio, Eruditio, Exercitatio in the Scholastics and Today,” 1391-1414.
- Mansini, Guy, O.S.B., “Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the Trinity,” 1415-1420.
- Berg, Thomas V., review of Virtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. Anderson, 1421-1425.
- Ebert, Aaron C., review of Politics and the Earthly City in Augustine’s City of God by Veronica Roberts Ogle, 1426-1430.
- Moser, J. David, review of Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology edited by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Roger W. Nutt, 1435-1437.
Oliviana, 7 (less than 1 ipy)
- Bird, Jessalynn, “Fifty Years of The Heresy of the Free Spirit in the Later Middle Ages (1972-2022), Origins, Influences, and Trends”
- Kras, Paweł, “An Inquisitive Historian and a Papal Inquisitor, Robert E. Lerner’s Reading of the 1332 Inquisition Records of Friar John of Schwenkenfeld”
- Simons, Walter, “Persecuted by the Unknowing. The Swesteren and Lollards of the Low Countries and Lower Rhine, c. 1290 – c. 1350. Part one”
- Simons, Walter, “Persecuted by the Unknowing. The Swesteren and Lollards of the Low Countries and Lower Rhine (c. 1290 – c. 1350). Part Two”
- Simons, Walter, “Persecuted by the Unknowing. The Swesteren and Lollards of the Low Countries and Lower Rhine (c. 1290 – c. 1350). Part Three”
- Simons, Walter, “Persecuted by the Unknowing. The Swesteren and Lollards of the Low Countries and Lower Rhine (c. 1290 – c. 1350). Part Four”
- Nieto-Isabel, Delfi I., “Beguines, Free Spirits, and the Inquisitorial Network Conundrum”
- Piron, Sylvain; Trombley, Justine, “L’invention de l’impeccabilitas”
- Potestà, Gian Luca, “Alexander Patschovsky e l’edizione critica degli Opera omnia di Gioacchino da Fiore”
Oriens, 51 (4 ipy)
Issue 1-2:
- Laywine, Alison, “Al-Farabi’s Conception of Music Theory as the Universal Science of Melody,” 104-126.
Issues 3-4:
- Eshera, Osama, “Philosophical and Philological Debates on Kulliyyāt I.1.ii of Ibn Sīnā’s Qānūn: From Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī to Quṭb al-Dīn al-Šīrāzī”, 197–281.
- Zamboni, Francesco Omar, “Existence and the Problem of Aḥwāl: The Quiddity and Ontological Status of Existence in Avicenna and His Islamic Reception”, 282–326.
- Candy, Zachary Candy, “From Focal Homonymy to the Ambiguity of Existence (tashkīk al-wujūd): Avicenna’s Reception and Revision of Aristotle’s Categorial Ontology”, 327–366
- El-Rouayheb, Khaled, “Dawānī (d. 1502) and Dashtakī (d. 1498) on Primary (awwalī) and Familiar (mutaʿāraf) Predication”, 367–392.
Parergon, 40 (2-3 ipy): NTR
Philosopher’s Imprint, 23 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophia, 51 (4 ipy): NTR
Philosophia. E-journal for philosophy and culture, 30-?? (1-4 ipy):
Issues 1 and 2: NTR
Issues 3-4: forthcoming as of 07/14/2024
Philosophical Studies, 180 (multi ipy): NTR
Philosophical Topics, 51 (2 ipy):
Issue 1: NTR
Issue 2: forthcoming as of 07/14/2024
Philosophiques, 50 (2 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/14/2024.
Philosophy and Theology, 35 (2 ipy):
Philosophy Compass, 18 (12 ipy):
Issue 4
- McNabb,Tyler Dalton, “Analytic Catholic Epistemologies of Faith: A Survey of Developments”
Issue 8
- Stacey, Gregory, “Modal Ontological Arguments”
Issues 9-12: NTR
Praxis Filosófica, 56, 57 (2 ipy)
Vol. 56
- Díaz, Jorge-Aurelio Díaz, “Libre albedrío como concepto teológico-político”, 59–78
Vol. 57: NTR
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 96 (1 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/14/2024.
Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, 19 (1 ipy): forthcoming as of 07/15/2024.
Quaestio Annuario di storia della metafisica, 23 (1 ipy)
Thematic part: “Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great. A Dialogue of Disciplines”
- Beccarisi, Alessandra, “Natural Philosophy and Theology. Sleep, Dreams and Divination in Albert the Great’s Super Matthaeum”, 15-33
- Resnick, Irven M., “Humoral Theory and its Theological Nexus for Albert the Great and his Circle”, 35-54
- Zuccolin, Gabriella, “Seed Matters: Albert the Great on Human Generation as a Disciplinary Conflict”, 55-83
- Miteva, Evelina, “Natural Philosophy between Medicine and Metaphysics: Albert the Great’s System of Sciences and the Case of Melancholy”, 86-108
- Meroni, Michele, “Natura confortata per medicinam operatur per se. The Role of Medicine in Albert the Great’s Early Theology and Aristotelian Paraphrases”, 109-136
- Bereschi, Andrei and Ile, Vlad, “Albert the Great on the Materiality of Dreams in De homine”, 137-161
- Panarelli, Marilena, “On the Trail of the scientia plantarum: an Analysis of the Sources of Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus”, 163-192
- Colli, Andrea, “Nourishing Body and Soul. Albert the Great on Aristotle’s Politics (Books VII-VIII)”, 193-207
- Loconsole, Mario, “What Is It Like to Die for a Stone? Albert the Great and the Biologisation of Inorganic Nature”, 209-233
- Palazzo, Alessandro, “Forms and Models of Contagion according to Albert the Great. Pestilence, Leprosy, the Basilisk, the Menstruating Woman, and Fascination”, 235-265
- Zambiasi, Roberto, “The Inchoatio formarum sensibilium in Albert the Great’s Commentary on Aristotle’s De sensu et sensato”, 267-284
- Malgieri, Maria Evelina, “Motion and Flow in Albert the Great. A Tentative Reassessment”, 285-313
- Loconsole, Mario, “Il libro VI della Catena aurea entium di Enrico di Herford: un adattamento trecentesco del De mineralibus di Alberto Magno”, 315-332
Various topics
- Navarra, Giulio, “Contingency: a Path between Avicenna’s al-Ilā-hī-yyā-t and Duns Scotus’s Quaestiones Super Libros Metaphysicorum”, 335-352
- Leone, Marialucrezia, “Uno scotismo pugliese? Sulle tracce del pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto in terra di Puglia nei secoli XV-XVIII”, 353-382
- Colacicco, Giancarlo, “Trinitarian Ontology of and Early Jesuit Metaphysics: the Case of Francisco Suárez between Principles and Causes”, 383-404
- Rizzi, Roberto, “Futuri contingenti e molinismo analitico. La scienza media nel dibattito contemporaneo”, 405-434
- Malgieri, Maria Evelina, “Tolomeo ‘lo straniero’ o Tolomeo ‘l’adultero’? L’edizione dell’Epistola a Gallo e la costituzione del corpus aristotelico”, 453-459
- Parente, Matteo, “I Commenti di Gilberto di Poitiers al De Trinitate e al De praedicatione trium personarum di Boezio e il trattato porretano Invisibilia Dei”, 459-460
- Bulgarini, Fabio, “Dalla materia all’intelletto: l’anima e la sostanza dell’uomo nell’opera di al-Fārābī”, 460-464
- Marcon, Chiara, “Le scienze nella cultura e nella società medievali”, 465-468
- Malgieri, Maria Evelina, “La Quaestio De cognitione Dei e il rapporto tra metafisica e teologia nella tradizione scotista”, 468-472
Quaestiones Disputatae, 13/2-14/1 (2 ipy) : forthcoming? Not published since 2020, as of 07/29/2024.
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 90 (2 ipy)
Issue 1
- BENEVICH, Fedor, “First-Person and Third-Person Views in Arabic Philosophy of Mind”, 1-47
- CROZIER, William, “A Medieval abbreviatio, John Peckham’s Questio de existentia Dei: Introduction and Edition”, 49-73
- LASORELLA, Giovanni, “John Picard of Lichtenberg’s Quaestiones disputatae as a Source of William of Peter of Godin’s Lectura Thomasina”, 75-110
- CURUŢ, Ioana, “’De Iudeis’, References to Jews and Judaism in Thomas Ebendorfer’s Sentences Commentary”, 111-172
- CELLAMARE, Davide, “Sixteenth-Century Discussion on the Origin of the Intellective Soul and a Confessional Divide, A Reappraisal”, 173-213
Issue 2
- CLARK, Mark J., “Rethinking Peter Lombard’s Corpus”, 229-289
- CRIALESI, Clelia V., “Albert the Great and Roger Bacon against Indivisibilism, Accounts of Mathematics Compared”, 291-318
- OLSZEWSKI, Mikołaj, “John Quidort of Paris’s Commentary on the Sentences, Books III and IV”, 319-417
- GULDENTOPS, Guy, “Lex pertinet ad rationem sicut aliquid factum a ratione, Note sur deux éditions critiques de Pierre d’Auvergne”, 419-451
Religious Studies, 59 (4 ipy): NTR
Res Philosophica, 100 (4 ipy) = The Modern Schoolman before 2013
Issue 2:
- Fehr, Rene Ardell, “Thomas Aquinas on Malice: Three Interpretive Errors,” 251-272.
Issues 3-4: NTR
Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 30 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Panti, Cecilia, “In the Margins of hte Posterior Analytics: Roverto Grosseteste y el ‘Filospono Latino,” 17-52.
- Rossi, Pietro B., “Intentio Aristotelis in Hoc Libro. Structure and Composition of the Posterior Analytics According to Robert Grosseteste,” 53-80.
- Trizio, Michele, “Robert Grosseteste and Eustratius of Nicaea on Concept Formation After the Fall,” 81-106.
- Crialesi, Clelia, “Absolute Spatial Differences: Grosseteste’s Reading of Aristotle’s On The Heavens,” 107-126.
- Kiosoglou, Sokratis-Athanasios, “Divergent Reconstructions of Aristotle’s Train of Thought: Robert Grosseteste on Proclus’ Elements of Physics,” 127-148.
- Lewis, Neil, “Corporeity, Corpus-Substantia, and Corpus-Quantum in Grosseteste’s Commentaries on the Physics and Posterior Analytics,” 149-175.
Issue 2:
- Melkebeek, Tineke, “Female Rulers, Motherhood and Happiness: A Reconsideration of Averroes’ Comparison of Women to Plants”, 17-40
- Wyllie, Guilherme, “The Grounding Character of the Principles in Figure A of Ramon Llull’s ‘Ars Generalis Ultima’”, 41-58
- Riesgo, Gustavo, review of Isidorus C. Katsos, The Metaphysics of Light in the Hexaemeral Literature: From Philo of Alexandria to Gregory of Nyssa (Oxford, 2023), 130-133
- Barceló, Rafael Ramis, review of Charles H. Lohr, The Aristotelian Tradition (1200-1650): Translation, Themes and Editions (Firenze, 2023)”, 137-139
- Iversen, Francisco, review of Natalia Jakubecki, María Cecilia Rusconi y Natalia Strok (eds.), Platón cosmólogo: Recepción del Timeo entre la Edad Media y la Temprana Modernidad (Buenos Aires, 2022), 146-148
- Rodrigues, Vera, review of Irene Binini, Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard (Leiden and Boston, 2022), 149-15
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 240 (4 ipy): NTR
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et théologiques, 107 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Bermon, Pascale, “A la source de l’argument Etiamsi daremus de Gregore de Rimini, Le De libero arbitrio de Saint Augustin,” 255-279.
Issue 4:
- Belloy, Camille de, “Freedom of Obedience according to Thomas Aquinas”, 447-474
- Hoffmann, Tobias, “Obedience and Reason according to Thomas Aquinas“, 475-492
- Lanza, Lidia Lanza, “Free to obey, The question on obedience (Summa Theologica, II a II ae , Q. 104) in some commentaries of late scholasticism (Vitoria, Molina and Pedro Luis)”, 493-524
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 97 (1-4 ipy): NTR
Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques, 69 (2 ipy)
- Giani, Marina, “The Earliest Transmission of Augustine’s De ciuitate Dei, Book I”, 85-162
- Dorfbauer, Lukas J., “Präzisierungen zur „ältesten Epitome“ von Augustins Tractatus in Iohannis evangelium”, 163-182
Issue 2:
- Trettel, Adam, “Greek in Augustine’s sermons”, 305-329
- Beckwith, Carl L., “The Chronology of Augustine’s De Trinitate II–IV”, 331-364
- Vermès, Hugues, “Obduratio Dei ? L’interprétation augustinienne de l’endurcissement du cœur de Pharaon”, 365-402
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences, 76 (2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Stéphane Lamassé et Olivier Mattéoni, « Savoirs comptables théoriques et pratiques au XVe siècle : Jean Adam et son traité d’arithmétique », 7-40.
Issue 2: NTR
Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, 148 (4 ipy): NTR
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 120 (4 ipy)
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issues 3-4: forthcoming as of 07/15/2024
Revue philosophique et théologique de Fribourg : see Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie
Revue Thomiste, 123 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- M. Lefebure du Bus, “Le pardon des offenses selon saint Thomas d’Aquin”
- J.-Th. de Beauregard, “Les vertus de la honte : de Thomas d’Aquin à la pensée antique “
- R. Moreau, “La formule Facienti quod in se est, Deus non denegat gratiam : un point focal de la thélogie de la grâce en Occident”
- G. Rougevin-Baville, “Aquam convertere in vinum (I) ; Philosophie et sacra doctrina à la lumière de l’exégèse thomasienne”
- J. Boudaroua, “Bulletin de littérature”
Issue 2:
- M. Le Fébure du Bus, “Le pardon des offenses selon saint Thomas d’Aquin (II)”
- G. Rougevin-Baville, “Aquam convertere in vinum (II) : Philosophie et sacra doctrina à la lumière de l’exégèse thomasienne”
- J. Orbe, La vision de la “Trinité in Verbo selon saint Thomas d’Aquin”
- H. Pasqua, “De l’être à l’existence dans la pensée de Guillaume d’Auvergne”
- M. Margelidon, “Bulletin de métaphysique (II)”
- É. Perrier, “Le libre arbitre et le tournant psychologique médiéval”
Issue 3:
- R. Moreau, “Le désir naturel de voir Dieu chez Jean Duns Scot”
- J. Orbe, “Aimer la Trinité Cum Sancto Spiritu chez Thomas d’Aquin”
- É. Dumoulin, “L’enracinement biblique de la théologie thomasienne de la miséricorde”
Issue 4:
- B. Guillon, “Philosophie thomiste et philosophie du sens commun”
- M. Bellion, “Fonctionnement et enjeux de la théologie analytique”
- R. Pouivet, “Comment et pourquoi le thomisme est-il devenu analytique?”
- M. Bastit, “Métaphysique de la substance. À partir de réflexions philosophiques contemporaines”
- M. Saucey, “L’(ad)miratio thomasienne : de l’étonnement à l’admiration”
- Ph.-M. Margelidon, “De la contrition et de l’attrition dans la pénitence. De saint Thomas d’Aquin à Jean-Hervé Nicolas”
Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2023 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Acton, Matthew, “Reflective Imagination: Time Perception in Thomas Aquinas II,”
- Perez, Manuel Alejandro Serra, “Del ser a la existencia. Estudio de la critica de Cornelio Fabro a Domingo Banez,”
Issue 2:
- Zoppi, Matteo, “Le ricezioni dell’unum argumentum nella cerchia di Anselmo tra i secoli XI e XII,”
- Ventola, Federica, “Durand of Saint Pourcain and Future Contingents (Super Sent., I, 38, 3, red. B),”
Issues 3-4: forthcoming as of 07/15/2024.
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2023 (4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Fornasieri, Giacomo, “Sottile e robusto, uno e plurale. Il pensiero di Duns Scoto analizzato in due pecenti pubblicazioni,” 273-283.
Issue 4:
- Fuenzalida, José Antonio Valdivia, “Moral Evil and Freedom According to Peter Olivi”, 499-525
- Tavolaro, Gianpiero, “Sensibile positum supra sensum non facit sensum. Light and Medium in the “Synthesis” of James of Viterbo”, 526-559.
Southwest Philosophy Review, 39 (2 ipy): NTR
Speculum, 98 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Faith Wallis, review of Arnau de Vilanova, Speculum medicine, ed. Michael R. McVaugh, 216-218.
- Ogden, Stephen R., review of Daniel D. De Haan, Necessary Existence and the Doctrine of Being in Avicennas’s ‘Metaphysics of the Healing’, 238-239.
- Osborne, Thomas M. Jr., review of Eric W. Hagedorn, ed. and trans., William of Ockham: “Questions on Virtue, Goodness, and the Will, 266-267.
Issue 2:
- Bychkov, Oleg, review of Thomas J. McKenna, Bonaventure’s Aesthetics: The Delight of the Soul in Its Ascent into God,” 625-626.
Issue 3:
- Feingold, Francis, review of Peter Adamson, Medieval Philosophy (A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps 4), 826-827.
- Izbicki, Thomas M., review of Jennifer Bain, ed, The Cambridge Companion to Hildegard of Bingen, 831-832.
Issue 4:
- Michele Trizio, review of Peter Adamson, “Byzantine and Renaissance Philosophy. (A History of Philosophy without Any Gaps 6.)”, 512.
Studi Medievali, 64 (2-3 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Bassetti, M., “Scrittura, autografia e dictatio: Pier Damiani tra fictio letteraria e pratica documentaria”, 169-204
- Scotto, D., “Tracce del Corano tra i libri di un cardinale romano. Domenico Capranica e l’Oriente nel riflesso del Vat. lat. 7317”, 205-228
- Lazzer, M. De, “Indagini sulle fonti lessicografiche del glossario Arbiter nel codice Sankt Gallen 908”, 229-266
Issue 2:
- Macchiarelli, A., “The Dominican Reception of Ugo di Balma’s Teologia Mystica”, 755-800
Studi sull’Aristotelismo medievale (secoli VI-XVI), 3 (1 ipy)
- Anzalone, David, “Participation or Imitation? Siger of Brabant vs Thomas Aquinas”, 9-30
- Chen, Zi’ang, “Optimus vir, optima lex. A Medieval Debate on the Soul of a City”, 31-86
- Lamanna, Marco, “La metafisica a Berna e Losanna nell’età della Riforma (XVIXVII secolo)”, 87-120
- Marenbon, John, “Medieval Modalities. Is There Still a Story to tell?”, 121-162
- Maserati, Matteo, “On the Truth-Value of Categorical Propositions with Empty Terms in Duns Scotus’ Logical Commentaries”, 163-188
- Riserbato, Davide, “Guglielmo di Alnwick e le idee divine. In I Sententiarum, dist. 36 (Parigi, 1313-1314)”, 189-222
- Rode, Christian, “Suárez on Consent and the Origin of the Political Community”, 223-254
- Tropia, Anna, “Who Wants to Live Forever? Juan Maldonado and Benet Perera on the Philosophical (Im/)Possibility to Demonstrate the Soul’s Immortality”, 255
Studia Graeco-Arabica, 13 (1/2 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Vanni, Leonida, “La concezione plotiniana della parcellizzazione (μερισμός): la nozione di parcellizzazione nella filosofia di Plotino”, 1-24
- Neola, Benedetto, “Divine Sending and Ontological Models in Late Antiquity”, 25-48
- Granieri, Roberto, “That In Virtue of Which Something Is a Being: Note on Damascius, De Principiis II, p. 75.10-11 Westerink”. 49-56
- Erismann, Christophe, “Why do Methods Change? On the Significance of the Year 815 for the History of the Byzantine Thought”, 85-108
- Regnier, Daniel, “Finding Yourself in Avicenna: The Flying Man Argument and its Plotinian Background”, 109-136
- Jabbour, Jawdath, “Le manuscrit Ṭabāṭabāʾī 1367. Une nouvelle version des Taʿlīqāt d’Avicenne au De Anima et la découverte de la traduction arabe du De Anima I 1 – II 2 par Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn”, 137-156
- Di Branco, Marco, “Lost in Translation: Some Mistranslations from the so-called Kitāb Hurūšiyūš,” 157-162
- Kaya, Cüneyt, “‘Rectifying Faith’ Through Philosophy: On al-ʿĀmirī’s al-Iršād li-taṣḥīḥ al-iʿtiqād”, 163-180
- Abram, Sara,“A Treatise on the Immortality of the Soul by Ibn Suwār”, 181-210
- Cai, Zhenyu,“Revisiting Avicenna’s Semantics of Genus and Differentia”, 211-223.
- Eftekhari, Banafsheh,“Teymour Morel, An Unnoticed Fragment of the Ps.-Theology of Aristotle in a Manuscript of Averroes’ Talḫīṣ al-Manṭiq Preserved in Iran”, 223-230
- Goodman, Lenn E.,“Ibn Tufayl’s Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān Enters the Renaissance and the Enlightenment”, 231-256
- Luna, Concetta,“Une traduction latine inédite des Excerpta Chaldaica de Proclus: Lucas Holstenius et un traducteur anonyme”, 257-278
- Montada, Puig,review of Aristotle’s Physics VIII: Translated into Arabic by Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn (9th c.), Edited with Introduction and Glossaries by R. Arnzen with a Contribution by P.S. Hasper, 296-298.
- Fasciano, Maria, review of Y. Beale-Rivaya – J. Busic (eds.), A Companion to Medieval Toledo. Reconsidering the Canons, 288-295
- D’Ancona, Cristina, review of Ptolémée “al-Gharīb”. Épître à Gallus sur la vie, le testament et les écrits d’Aristote, Texte établi et traduit par M. Rashed, 299-304.
- Bonadeo, Martini, review of J. Jabbour, De la matière à l’intellect. L’âme et la substance de l’homme dans l’oeuvre d’al-Fārābī, 305-311.
- Street, T., review of Avicenna, The Healing, Logic: Isagoge. A New Edition, English Translation and Commentary of the Kitāb al-Madḫal of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ by S. Di Vincenzo), 312-314.
- Sebti, M.,review of T. Alpina, Subject, Definition, Activity. Framing Avicenna’s Science of Soul, 315-318.
- Coda, E., review of S.R. Ogden, Averroes on Intellect. From Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas’ Critique, 319-323.
- Coda, E., review of Averroès (Ibn Rušd), L’intellect. Compendium du livre De l’âme, Introduction, traduction, notes et commentaires par J.-B. Brenet, texte arabe établi et présenté par D. Wirmer, 324-327.
Studia Neoaristotelica, 20 (multi ipy):
Issue 2:
- Hanke, Miroslav, “Science as Pretence, Fictionalism in Late Medieval Nominalism”, 147-192
- Andersen, Claus A., review of Middle Knowledge in the Middle of the 17th Century, Notes on a Recent Book by Sven K. Knebel, 195-226
Issue 3:
- Svoboda, David, “Problémy abstrakce a matematiky u Tomáše Akvinského”, 1-29
Synthese, 200 (multi [recently 6] ipy): NTR
The Journal of Religion, 103 (4 ipy): NTR
The Monist, 106 (4 ipy): NTR
The Philosophical Quarterly, 73 (4 ipy): NTR
The Philosophical Review, 132 (4 ipy)
Issue 2:
- Adamson, Peter, review of S. Ogden, Averroes on Intellect: from Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas’s Critique, 297-301.
- Williams, Thomas, “Thomas Aquinas and Contemplation,” 301-305.
Issues 3-4: NTR
The Review of Metaphysics, 79, 80 (4 ipy): forthcoming
The Thomist A Speculative Quarterly Review, 87 (4 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Gardner, Sr. Elinor, O.P, “Punishment as Medicine in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas,” 1-42.
- Johnson, Joel, “Nature Does Nothing in Vain: Reexamining Aquinas’s Fifth Way,” 43-86.
- Block, Benjamin M., “Thomas Aquinas on Knowing the Essences of Material Substances,” 87-130.
Issue 2:
- Trifogli, Cecilia, review of Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III by John F. Wippel,” 343-346.
Issue 3:
- Parkinson, Daniel, “The Implicit Transcendental: Beauty and the Trinity in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas,” 415-499.
Issue 4:
- Cessario, Romanus, review of Summistae: the Commentary Tradition on Thomas Aquinas’ “Summa Theologiae” from the 15th to the 17th Centuries ed. By Lidia Lanza and Marco Toste,” 687-691.
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 85 (4 ipy): Issues 2-4 forthcoming,
Issue 4:
- Perez, Serra, and Alejandro, Manuel, “Some Considerations on the Formula forma dat esse in Contemporary Thomism”, 561-587
Tópicos, Revista de Filosofia, 65, 66, 67 (2-3 ipy): NTR
Topoi, 42 (1-4 ipy): NTR
Traditio, 78 (1 ipy):
Issue 1:
- Palmer, James T., “Merovingian Medicine Between Practical Art and Philosophy,” 17-45.
Viator Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 54 (3 ipy):
Issues 1-2: NTR
Issue 3 forthcoming (last checked 07/15/2024)
Vivarium, 61 (4 ipy)
Issue 1:
- Schwartz, Daniel, “Subjection and Freedom among the Angels,” 1-25.
- Curut, Ioana, “Thomas Ebendorfer on virtus sermonis and the Relation between Theology, Philosophy, and Logic,” 59-109.
- Streijger, Michiel, review o Richard Kilvington on the Capacity of Created Beings, Infinity, and Being Simultaneously in Rome and Paris. Critical Edition of Question 3 from Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum, by Monika Michalowska,” 111-130.
Issue 2:
- Skryzpek, Jeremy W., “Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysical Structure of Artifacts,” 141-166.
- Hanke, Miroslav, “Richard Lavenham’s Tractatus terminorum naturalium,” 167-243.
Issue 3-4:
- Lammer, Andreas, review of: Avicenna’s Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology, by Riccardo Strobino,” 361-370.
- Perler, Dominik, review of Rationality in Perception in Medieval Philosophy, by Jose Filipe Silva (ed.),” 366-370.
Zygon Journal of Religion and Science, 58 (4 ipy): NTR