- A) Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, &c.
- B) Bio/bibliographical Databases
- B.1) General
B.2) Thematic - B.3) Individual Authors
- B.1) General
- C) Purely Bibliographies
- C.1) Portals
- C.2) Websites
- C.2.1) General
- C.2.2) Medieval Studies Bibliographies
- C.2.3) Bibliographical Guides
- C.2.4) Thematic Bibliographies
- C.2.5) Individual Authors
- D) Reviews
- E) Series & Publishers
- E.1) Main Sources Series
- E.2) Major Sources Publishers
- Dictionnaire des noms, surnoms et pseudonymes latins de l’histoire littéraire du Moyen-âge, par Alfred Franklin (Paris, 1875): un onomasticon qui peut rendre encore bien des services.
- Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques [P]: presented online by Brepols.
- Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique [P]: Ancien, mais encore utile, le “DTC” est maintenant sur DVD, et aussi accessible via Archive.org.
- Encyclopaedia Iranica
- Encyclopaedia of Islam [P], published by Brill, 2nd edition, 3rd edition.
Encyclopaedia of Judaism [P], 2nd edition, published by Brill. - Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy [P]: edited by Henrik Lagerlund, published by Springer.
- International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages [P]: “A Supplement to Lexikon des Mittelalter”.
- Lexikon des Mittelalters [P]: a Brepols publication. 36,700 articles covering of period from c. 300-1500, encompassing Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.
- Répertoire des Sources Historiques du Moyen Age, par Ulysse Chevalier (Paris, 1905-07), via Archive.org ou Gallica.
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy [P]: some remarkable articles on medieval thought.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: some remarkable articles on medieval thought.
- Alcuin – Regensburger Infothek der Scholastik: by R. Schonberger. Data on lifes & writings of more than 5000 authors (500-1500), and the work is in progress. Does not give references to printed editions, contrary to Prof. Schonberger’s Repertorium Edierter Texte.
- Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, by T. Bautz Verlag: reworked and growing version of the printed edition.
- BISLAM (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi) [P]: Repertory of Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Authors.
- Islamic Philosophy Online: contains a Dictionary of Islamic Philosophy, resources on philosophers, online articles, news, etc.
- Mirabile: makes possible to determine whether information on a given topic is available in one of the paying databases of the SISMEL (BISLAM, CALMA, etc.).
- Atelier Vincent de Beauvais: site consacré au Speculum Maius de Vincent de Beauvais et d’autres encyclopédies latines médiévales. Voir aussi Sources des Encyclopédies Mediévales, Corpus Annoté.
- Bibliotheca Franciscana Universa, by Juan de San Antonio (Madrid, 1732-33), vol. I, vol. II, vol. III;
- CommBase: a biographical database of medieval commentators on the works of Aristotle and Peter Lombard’s Sentences, by S. J. Livesey (Univ. of Oklahoma) (this datebase is now only available for dowlaod after a request from the curator).
- Equipe de Recherches sur les Mystiques Rhénans (universités de Metz, Strasbourg, Bruxelles et Lyon).
- Franciscan Authors, 13th- 18th century: alphabetical list of Franciscan authors, with biographical remarks and information on manuscripts, editions and studies. Created by Maarten van der Heijden and Bert Roest.
- Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative (ISMI): contains information on over 1,500 scientists, their works, and their social milieu, spanning the entire Islamic world, 8th-19th centuries.
Onomasticon Arabicum: this database gathers information on more than 15000 scholars and celebrities from the first Muslim millenary.
- Scholasticon: centered on “modern scholasticism” and Schulmetaphysik (roughly from 1500 to 1780). A mine of information, provided by J. Schmutz.
- Scriptores Ordinis Minorum, by Luke Wadding (Rome, 1906).
- Studium Parisiense: prosopographie des membres des écoles et de l’université de Paris entre le XIIe et le XVIe siècles.
- Algazel: see al-Ghazali.
- Arnoldi (Bartholomaeus), von Usingen: bio/bibiography by Pekka Kärkkäinen (Helsinki).
- Augustine of Hippo: by the Zentrum für AugustinusForschung in Würzburg.
- Averroes: not only a comprehensive bibliography of scholarship on Averroes, but also a project of Averroes encyclopedia, and more, by the Digital Averroes Research Environment of the Thomas Intitut at the university of Cologne.
- Cusanus-Portal: much information about Nicholas Krebs, besides his works online.
- Eckhardus de Hoheim: the Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft website, with in particular the “Bibliografie der aktuellen Eckhart-Forschung seit 1997”.A multitude of documents on the Meister Eckhart und seine Zeit website. See also the Equipe de Recherches sur les Mystiques Rhénans website.
- Franciscus de Marchia: some information and some papers to download from the “Centro Studi Fr. Francesco d’Appignano” website.
- Gundissalinus Working Group: as the name indicates, a site devoted to the study of Dominicus Gundisalvi, with bibliographies and online texts.
- Ibn ‘Arabi: the website of the Ibn ‘Arabi society.
- Ghazali (al-): a detailed website with texts, translations, biliographies…
- John Mair: a site started by Ueli Zahnd.
- Nicolas de Cusa: site créé et maintenu par J.-M. Nicolle.
- Heloisa und Abaelard: a comprehensive website, by W. Robl; contains tons of documents on Abelard, Heloisa, and their contemporaries, including online sources and texts.
- Petrus Hispanus: site created and maintained by José Meirinhos (Porto).
- Ramon Lull: two very rich databases, by the Centre de Documentacio Ramon Lull (Universitat de Barcelona), and by the Instituto Brasileiro de Filosofia e Ciencia Raimundo Lulio.
- Remigio dei Girolami: by Emilio Panella.
- Trutfetter (Jodocus): bio/bibiography by Pekka Kärkkäinen (Helsinki).
- LibWeb: a repertory of Library Servers accessible via WWW.
- Middle East Virtual Library (MENALIB): portal for Middle East and Islamic Studies.
- Academic Search Premier [P]: published by EBSCO; more than 13,780 indexed and abstracted journals.
- L’Année Philologique: bibliographie des études classiques.
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index [P]: Now a part of the “Web of Science database”, abstracting and indexing from over 1,700 journals.
- Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus [P]: published by De Gruyter. Articles from 5,500 humanities journals, festschriften and reviews are indexed. 30,000 articles are added every year.
- Francis: bases de données en sciences humaines almentée, depuis 1972, par l’Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique (CNRS). 60 000 nouvelles références par an.
- Google Scholar
- Humanities International Index [P]: database covering journals, books, produced by Whitston Publishing.
- International Bibliography of Periodical Literature [P]: published by De Gruyter, covers journals from 40 countries and in more than 40 languages.
- The Philosopher’s Index [P]: journal articles and book citations drawn from over 1600 journals, originating from 139 countries in 37 languages. The coverage dates back to 1940 and includes journals, books, anthologies, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews.
- Philosophy Research Index [P]: database created by the Philosophy Documentation Center of articles, books, reviews, dissertations, etc.; current and recent materials, as well as older literature back to the 15th century, mostly in English. Now merged with PhilPapers.
- PhilPapers: index and bibliography of philosophy papers and books maintained by a community of philosophers.
- Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie / International Philosophical Bibliography [P]: produced by the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie (Univ. Cathol. de Louvain), online on Peeters website.
- Scopus: prodiced by Elzevier, abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Bibliographies for the Studies of Medieval Christianity, compiled by W. Harmless, S.J., Creighton University.
- A General Bibliography for Research in the History of Medieval Christianity: compiled by Thomas Head (City Univ. of New York).
- Medieval Studies bibliographies: very detailed bibliographies of printed and electronic resources provided by Ch. D. Wright, and covering general reference works, historical and ecclesiastical sources, medieval Latin literature, the classics in the Middle Ages, manuscripts, encyclopedias, bestiaries, lapidaries, and much more.
- What Every Medievalist Should Know: by J. Marchand. An introductory bibliography on different aspects of Medieval culture, with special emphasis on the quadrivium.
C.2.3) Medieval Studies Bibliographies
- Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age: les sommaires depuis le premier numéro, ou encore, d’une manière plus pratique, ici.
- Archivum Franciscanum Historicum: index of authors and articles from 1908 to 2007.
- Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale [P]: bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften), produced by the CESCM (Univ. of Poitiers). All disciplines.
- Bibliographie de la Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique [P]: presented online by Brepols.
- Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen-Age Tardif [P]: finally online, since 2020.
- CALMA, Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi [P] : bibliography of the Latin writings of medieval and Renaissance authors.
- International Medieval Bibliography [P]: bibliography of articles in journals and miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften) worldwide, produced by the Intern. Medieval Insititute (Leeds Univ.). All disciplines. Also available on CD-ROM.
- The Medieval Review, besides the reviews of a wide range of book reviews on all aspects of medieval culture, publishes monthly a list of books sent to the editors (and available for review).
- Medioevo Latino [P], “Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus (VIth-XVth Century)”. Note at the bottom of the presentation page an ungated monthly record of the Opera ad Redactionem missa.
- Medioevo. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale: les sommaires depuis le numéro 1, ainsi que les index thématiques, sont accessibles en ligne.
- Philosophia Medii Aevi: this information web site has a section on recent publications.
- Regesta Imperii – OPAC: the project of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz includes a free secondary literature database with search functions.
- Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques: tables et indices de 1907 à 2006 sont consultables.
- The Table of the Tables: on this web site, yearly bibliography of articles relevant to medieval philosophy.
C.2.4) Thematic Bibliographies
- Archives de Littérature du Moyen Age: comme le nom l’indique, principalement concerné par la littérature, mais contient des notices sur des théologiens et philosophes médiévaux.
- BISS (Italian Bibliography of the History of Science): history of science writings published in Italy from 1982 onwards.
- Centre Pierre Abélard: sous l’impulsion de Tobias Hoffmann, publie une liste de livres récents sur la philosophie médiévale.
- GAL: International Galilean Bibliography, by the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence.
- Glosses and Commentaries to the Bible in the Middle Ages: bibliographical information on “Glosses and Commentaries to the Bible in the Middle Ages”.
- HSTM(History of Science, Technology, and Medicine database) [P]: contains Isis bibliographies from 1974 to the present, the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (compiled by Henry Lowood for the Society for the History of Technology) from 1987 to the present, the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza (BISS) from 1982 to the present; and data from the Wellcome Bibliography for the History of Medicine from 1991 to 2004, supplemented periodically since then.
- IPM Monthly: the “hot-off-the-press” section offers a monthly selection of books recently published.
- Index Islamicus [P], via ProQuest.
- Islamic Philosophy (1100CE-1900CE): A Handlist of Major Extant Arabic Works and Commentaries, by Robert Wisnovsky (McGill).
- Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology (1998-20xx): “A Brief Bibliographical Guide”, by Thérèse-Anne Druart (Cath. Univ. of America).
- Logic and Language: Selected Bibliography on Medieval Latin Logic from Boethius to 1400 ca. ; Annotated Bibliography of the Medieval Theories of Supposition and Mental Language ; Selected Bibliography on the Problem of the Universals ; Ancient Islamic Logic and Ontology ; all by R. Corrazon.
- Oliviana: informations sur “l’histoire des courants spirituels, dans l’ordre franciscain et ses alentours”, dans cette « Micro-revue » électronique.
- Provisionalia: created by Robert Pasnau. The Index librorum scolasticorum aims at providing information on titles and dates of the extant works of every scholastic author who has been the subject of scholarly attention, and on Latin editions and translations into any language.
- TLG Canon of Greek Authors and Works: a searchable database and a bibliographic guide to the authors and works included in the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Digital Library.
- Aegidius Romanus: une notice de N.-L. Perret dans les Archives de Littérature du Moyen Age.
- (Averroes) Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE): very comprehensive bibliographical information on Averroes’s works and the modern scholarly literature on Averroes (Thomas-Institut, Köln).
- Avicenna: selected bibliography, by R. Corrazon.
- Augustinus Hipponensis : a bibliography of secondary literature by the Zentrum für AugustinusForschung in Würzburg.
- Beda Venerabilis: variety of resources not only on the Venerable, but also on Anglo-Saxon England.
- Blasius Parmensis (Biagio Pelacani da Parma): travaux en cours ou achevés sur Blaise de Parme, avec aussi des éditions partielles provisoires.
- Durandus de Sancto-Porciano: bibliography of secondary sources, by the Thomas-Institut, Köln.
- Guilelmus de Occam: A selected and annotated bibliography of studies by R. Corrazon. Ockhambibliographie, von B. Zürn & H. Kraml: Ergänzungen zu Jan P. Beckmann (Hg.), Ockham-Bibliographie 1900-1990 ( Meiner: Hamburg 1992), bis zum Jahr 2007.
- Franciscus Suárez: a Bibliography of works on Francisco Suárez, 1850-present, originally compiled by Jacob Schmutz and now updated by Sydney Penner, and, on SydneyPenner’s site too Online editions of Suárez. A selected bibliography on the Disputationes Metaphysicae, by R. Corrazon.
- Henricus Gandavensis: bibliography of bibliographies, on a page linked to the edition project at Univ. of North Carolina.
- Hugo de Sancto Victore : list of editions.
- Ioannes Duns Scotus: a commented list of his works, by Thomas Williams, which is a revised version of the one published in the Cambridge Companion; a Bibliography (editions, translations and studies) from 1950 to the present, compiled by Tobias Hoffmann; and a short here and here.
- Ioannes Sarisberiensis: bibliography by Chr. Grellard.
- Isidorus Hispalensis: a bibliography and encyclopedia articles.
- Meister Eckhart: see Eckhardus de Hoheim.
- Nicolas de Cusa: bibliographie fournie par le “Cusanus-Portal”.
- Petrus Abaelardus: selected bibliography on his logic & ontology, by R. Corrazon.
- Petrus Aureolus: primary and secondary literature, by R. Friedman.
- Petrus de Alvernia: page correspondant à un nouveau projet lancé à l’université de Fribourg; bibliographie primaire et secondaire.
- Petrus de Candia: on the website of the project led by C. Schabel & al.
- Philo of Alexandria: resources page on Philo which includes online papers.
- Plotinus: a very comprehensive site maintained by Richard Dufour.
- Robertus Grossatesta: scholarship on this author by the International Robert Grosseteste Society.
- Thomas Aquinas: For Aquinas’s works, Thomas de Aquino, Optimae Editiones and Status editionis leoninae, by Enrique Alarcón. Regarding secondary literature, Bibliographia Thomistica, a database run by E. Alarcon, as part of the Corpus Thomisticum, The Theology of Thomas Aquinas, bibliography of secondary literature by Th. O’Meara, O.P.
- Vincent de Beauvais: par Hans Voorbij. Voir aussi Vincent de Beauvais dans les Archives de Littérature du Moyen Age.
- William of Ockham: see Guilelmus de Occam.
- See the section “Table of the tables“ for reviews recently published in a great number of journals. See also the section “Online Scholarship”.
- Alberti Magni Opera Omnia
- Aristoteles Latinus
- Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus
- Averroes Latinus
- Avicenna Latinus
- Corpus Christianorum. Overview of the collection also on this page.
- Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi.
- Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum.
- Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi
- Corpus Philosophorum Teutonicorum Medii Aevi
- Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
- Henrici de Gandavo Opera Omnia
- (Iohannes Duns Scotus) Commissio Scotistica Internationalis
- Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina
- Series on Islamic Philosophy and Theology. Texts and Studies, published by the Iranian Institute of Philosophy (Tehran) and the Institute of Islamic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Sources Chrétiennes
- Thomas Aquinas: Editio Leonina
- Aschendorff Verlag ; Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters
- Brepols – Publishers
- Brill Academic Publishers
- Collegio San Bonaventura, Quaracchi
- Felix Meiner Verlag
- Franciscan Institute Publications
- Hackett Publishing Company
- Leuven University Press
- Librairie Philosophique J. VRIN
- Marquette University Press
- Peeters Publishers ; series “Philosophes Médiévaux”.
- Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto
- SISMEL – Edizioni del Galuzzo