- B) Online Manuscripts Catalogues
- B.1) Portals
- B.2) Generalist Databases
- B.3) Thematic Databases
- B.4) Author-Centered Catalogues
- B.5) Libraries Catalogues
- B.5.1) National Catalogues
- B.5.2) Libraries Catalogues
- D) Microfilms
- E) Tools
- E.1) Bibliographies on manuscripts
- E.2) Paleography
- E.3) Codicology
- E.4) Softwares for editions
- APICES – Association Paléographique Internationale
- Biblissima: “Observatoire du patrimoine écrit du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance”.
- Comité International de Paléographie Latine
- Digital Medievalist: “an international web-based Community of Practice for medievalists working with digital media”.
- Gazette du Livre Médiéval
Historische Hilfswissenschaften: an extraordinarily comprehensive portal (L.-M.Universität, München) for historical “auxiliary” sciences, including codicology and paleography, with all sorts of links to other sites, institutions, bibliographies, &c. - Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, Paris
- The Islamic Manuscript Association: “An international effort to protect Islamic manuscripts”.
- Latin Manuscript Books before 1600 (A List of the Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections), by Oskar Kristeller, c/o Informationssystem der MGH-Bibliothek.
- Manuscrits en Méditerranée: Recherches sur les manuscrits et les bibliothèques dans le monde grec et l’Orient chrétien.
- Medieval & Modern Manuscript Catalogues: a remarkable list of ressources on Medieval library catalogues and modern manuscripts catalogues, with additional bibliographic information, by Ch. D. Wright, Urbana-Champaign.
- Menestrel – Paléographie et manuscrits en ligne
- Pecia: un blog consacré au manuscrit médiéval
- Scriptorium: International journal of mediaeval manuscript studies, biannual and multilingual. Offers a general index of the manuscripts that are mentioned.
- TELMA (Traitement Electronique des Manuscrits et des Archives), Paris (Ecole Nationales des Chartes/IRHT)
- Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL): Portal to some online catalogs.
- Ecole des Chartes, Paris – Essentiel: répertoire raisonné des catalogues de manuscrits en France et ailleurs.
- The European Library: Collective Catalogue of all European National Libraries, powerful search function and result organization.
- Internetquellen, Handschriftenkataloge, on the Goethe Universität, Frankfurt-am-Main, website.
- Islamic Manuscript Catalogues Online : a selection of catalogues (either digitized versions of print catalogues or electronic catalogues) of collections of Islamic manuscripts, organized by collection location. This resource is provided by the University of Michigan Library.
- Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Manuscriptorium: started by the National Library of the Czech Republic, includes more and more Central Europa libraries.
- Mediaevum.de – Handschriftendatenbanken, -kataloge und -indices.
- National Libraries Worldwide
- Online bibliography of secondary literature on manuscripts, modern papers and rare printed books
- Pinakes: portail sur la tradition manuscrite des textes grecs antérieurs au XVIe siècle, principalement à partir des catalogues des bibliothèques du monde entier.
- Virtuelle Bibliothek – Mittelalterliche Geschichte Handschriften
- Virtuelle Bibliothek – Historische Hilfswissenschaften. Handschriftenbibliotheken (Geschichte, Bestände, Kataloge, Faksimiles)
- Wadod: un certain nombre de catalogues de manuscrits arabes des bibliothèques orientales.
- Biblioteche medievali (RICABIM): [P] Repertory of Inventories and Catalogues of Medieval Libraries.
- BUDE (Base Unique de Documentation Encyclopédique): cette base de données rassemble des informations concernant la transmission des œuvres antiques et médiévales par les manuscrits et les imprimés anciens pour une période qui couvre la fin du Moyen Âge et la Renaissance.
- Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL)
- Medium: Manuscrits du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance conservés dans les bibliothèques de France (hors BNF), reproduits et recensés à l’IRHT; plus certains incunables, livres anciens, manuscrits de la BNF et d’autres bibliothèques dans le monde. Quand cela est possible, donne accès à la fiche Bibale (voir la section suivante) et à la reproduction numérique contenue dans BVVM (voir la section Digitized Manuscripts).
- Alchemical manuscripts: a database provided by Adam McLean.
- Bibale: cette base de données a pour objectif de reconstituer la trajectoire que chaque manuscrit a parcourue pour arriver dans la collection où il est conservé aujourd’hui (à travers bibliothèques médiévales et modernes, collections publiques et privées, ventes publiques et collections de libraires) et les différentes collections qui ont existé à travers les siècles et qui ont détenu des manuscrits médiévaux. La base décrit à la fois les manuscrits conservés aujourd’hui (pourvus d’ex-libris, d’armoiries ou d’autres signes d’appartenance) et les manuscrits attestés par les documents les plus divers (inventaires, catalogues, comptabilités, chroniques, correspondances, etc.).
- Colophones librorum Manu scriptorum Occidentalium (CMO): project of a colophons database, by L. Reynhout.
- Dated Manuscripts catalogues: répertoire de catalogues de manuscrits datés, par le Comité International de Paléographie Latine.
- E-Ktobe: database on Syriac manuscripts which aims to collect information on texts, physical elements, colophons and notes.
- eTK: scientifc and medical mansuscripts database based on Lynn Thorndike’s and Pearl Kibre’s A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin (Cambridge, 1963) and supplements.
- eVK2: revised and expanded version of Linda Ehrsam Voigts’ and Patricia Deery Kurtz’s CD, Scientific and Medical Writings in Old and Middle English: An Electronic Reference (Ann Arbor, 2000).
- Franciscan Authors, 13th- 18th century : alphabetical list of Franciscan authors, with biographical remarks and information on manuscripts, editions and studies. Created by Maarten van der Heijden and Bert Roest.
- Handschriftencensus (Marburg) – manuscripts with Middle German texts.
- Illuminated Manuscripts from the British Library
- In Principio [P]: over 1,000,000 incipits covering Latin literature from the Pre-classical Age to the Renaissance.
- Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine (USA).
- Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative: this project, a collaboration between the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, will constitute an online database of the works of some 1,700 authors who span the entire Islamic world, beginning in the 8th century and continuing until the 19th.
- Iter Italicum [P]: online edition of Paul Oskar Kristeller’s list of previously uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued Renaissance humanistic manuscripts.
- Jordanus, An International Catalog of Medieval Scientific Manuscripts, by the Institute for the History of Science in Munich, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Provides “information about mediaeval manuscripts written in Western Europe between 500 and 1500 A.D. which treat the mathematical sciences in the wider sense, i.e. arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and mechanics.”
- Katalogisierung der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland
- Libraria: site consacré à l’histoire des bibliothèques anciennes, du haut Moyen Âge aux collections de l’époque moderne.
- (Logic) Medieval Logical Manuscripts
- MADOC – Manuscripta Doctrinalia (sec. XIII-XV): descrizione di manoscritti filosofici e giuridici conservati in Toscana.
- New Shelfmarks: International index of manuscripts & incunables recently acquired by public libraries, by the Association Paléographique Internationale.
- Peraldus : Bibliographical references for individual manuscripts. Site created by Alain Nadeau; now inactive .
- Post-classical Islamic Philosophy Database Initiative: this project, led by R. Wisnovsky (McGill) will create a searchable database index of the 400 most influential and original philosophical texts written in Arabic during the 1100-1900CE period.
- Printed CataLogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections (LATIN manuscript BOOKS BEFORE 1600) by Paul Oskar Kristeller.
- Quodlibase : Database of manuscripts containing quodlibetal questions. Site created and maintained by S. Piron.
- West African Arabic Manuscript Project: at first a catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in southern Mauritania (Boutilimit); seven other West African collections have been subsequently added, including the manuscript libraries at the Institut Mauritanien de Recherche Scientifique, Northwestern University, and the Centre Ahmad Baba in Timbuctu. Currently (during 2008-09) print catalogues from West Africa published by al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation are being added. They project to digitize the manuscripts.
- Bibliotheca Gregorii Magni Manuscripta: Censimento dei manoscritti con opere di Gregorio Magno e della sua fortuna (epitomi, florilegi, pseudoepigrafi, agiografie, liturgia).
- (Dante Alighieri) Dante online: manscripts of the Commedia.
- Hermes Latinus
- (Lull) Handschriften der Lateinischen Werke des Raimundus Lullus: by the Raimundus-Lullus Institut, Freiburg.
- (Lull) Ramon Lull Database – Centre de Documentacio Ramon Lull, Barcelona.
(Pierre d’Auvergne) Index codicum manuscriptorum qui Petri opera — certa, dubia sive spuria — tradunt.
- Tertullianus: a catalogue by a fervent amateur of Tertullian.
- (Austria) Manuscripta.at: Handschriftensammlungen.
- (Belgium) Manuscrits médiévaux conservés en Communauté française de Belgique.
- (France) Manuscrits datés: Index (and index only) of the Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste (C. Samaran et R. Marichal, 1961-1985). — Calames: catalogue des archives et manuscrits de l’enseignement supérieur.
Catalogue Collectif de France: réunit le Catalogue de la BnF, SUDOC (catalogue des bibliothèques de l’enseignement supérieur) et “Base Patrimoine” (catalogue des fonds anciens et/ou locaux de 60 bibliothèques municipales et spécialisées, incluant le Catalogue Général des Manuscrits des Bibliothèques Publiques de France). - (Germany) Manuscripta Mediaevalia, Marburg : manuscripts in German collections; searchable database plus digitized images of some 180 printed catalogues.
- (Great Britain) National Library of Scotland
- Hill Monastic Manuscripts Library (HMML), Collegeville, Minn. – this site enables searching for some ninety thousand manuscripts in Austrian and Spanish libraries.
- (Iran) Aghabozorg
- (Italy) Internet Culturale. Cataloghi e collezioni digitali delle biblioteche italiane
(Italy) MANUS – medieval manuscripts in Italian libraries
(Italy) Codex – Inventario dei manoscritti medievali della Toscana – a database with now some 2000 manuscripts in Tuscany. - (Netherlands) Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- PhiloBiblon, Berkeley – a searchable database for manuscripts with texts from Galicia, Catalonia, Portugal and Spain.
- Porbase – medieval manuscripts in Portuguese libraries.
- (Spain) Manuscript@CSIC: portal to the collections of manuscripts in Hebrew, Arabic, Aljamiado, Persian and Turkish of the Tomás Navarro Tomás (Madrid) and the School of Arabic Studies (Granada) libraries for now, and later of all the libraries of the Consejo Superior di Investigaciones Cientificas network .
- (Switzerland) Handschriften in Schweizer Bibliotheken, Archiven und Museen / Fonds de manuscrits conservés dans les bibliothèques, archives et musées suisses
- US National Union Catalogue of Manuscripts Collections (NUCMC)
- (Cambridge) St. John’s College
- (Douai): Catalogue descriptif et raisonné des manuscrits de la bibliothèque de Douai, par Henri Duthilloeul (Douai, 1846).
- (Edinburgh) National Library of Scotland – both an online catalogue for searching manuscripts and an overview with downloadable catalogues in PDF-format.
- Freiburg, Handschriften des Orientalischen Seminars
- Glasgow University Library – searching both for manuscripts and the special collections.
- Graz: Universität Manuscripts catalogue
- (Kopenhagen) Det Kongelige Bibliotek – online versions of several manuscript catalogues.
- Leiden University Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta.
- (London) British Library Manuscripts Catalogue
- Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale
- Munich and Augsburg Manuscripts – this commercial website enables access to some electronic manuscript catalogues, among them the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München (Clm and Cgm series).
- (New York) Pierpont Morgan Library (CORSAIR)
- (Oxford) Bodleian University
(Oxford) Queen’s College - (Paris) Bibliothèque Nationale de France: recherche dans la collection du Département des manuscrits, ainsi que dans quelques collections partenaires comme celles de la Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, de Troyes, ou de Meaux. Par ailleurs, les anciens catalogues imprimés des manuscrits occidentaux et orientaux sont en cours de numérisation.
- (Praha) Národní knihovna České republiky: Manuscriptorium.
- (Tübingen)
- Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale
- (Vatican) Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana: still in the making, catalogue with, in addition, bibliographic information on each manuscript.
- (Vienna) Österreichische Nationalbibliothek: TABULAE-Datenbank – a database for the Codices 1-15500 .
- Yale University: Beinecke Library
- Consulting Medieval Manuscripts Online, by the Andy Holt Virtual Library, University of Tennessee-Martin (archived version).
- Database e cataloghi di manoscritti digitali, a cura di Gianmarco De Angelis.
- From Data to Wisdom: This site gathers annotated collections of medieval visualizations (e. g. diagrams, charts, graphics, cosmographers, calendars) on diverse philosophical-scientific issues. It is part of a project led by José Higuera, José Meirinhos and Alberto Romele.
- “Large <i.e. more than 10 mss.> Digital Libraries of western manuscripts” (archived version).
- Internetquellen, Alten drücken, Inkunabeln, on the Goethe Universität, Frankfurt-am-Main, website.
- Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Manuscriptorium: “a system for collecting and making accessible on the internet information on historical book resources, linked to a virtual library of digitised documents. The Manuscriptorium service is financed by the National Library of the Czech Republic and managed by AiP Beroun s.r.o.”.
- Manuscrits numérisés, par le réseau Ménestrel.
- Patrimoine Numérique: catalogue en ligne du patrimoine culturel numérisé en France
- Al Mostafa: site de téléchargement de manuscrits arabes numérisés.
- BVMM (Bibliothèque Virtuelle des Manuscrits Médiévaux): l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (IRHT-CNRS) numérise les manuscrits de toutes les bibliothèques de France excepté la Bibiothèque Nationale, classés par bibliothèque et cote. Il est également possible de commaner des reproductions. Une recherche par auteur ou titre est possible grâce à l’outil Medium.
- Digital Scriptorium: web site of Columbia University, which contains digitzed manuscripts of several other American universities.
- Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota). Since its founding in 1965, the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML) has sent teams of researchers and technicians to film more than 25 million pages from nearly 90,000 volumes in libraries and archives throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Today, HMML represents one of the largest and most comprehensive archives of medieval and Renaissance sources.
- Manuscriptorium: “a system for collecting and making accessible on the internet information on historical book resources, linked to a virtual library of digitised documents. The Manuscriptorium service is financed by the National Library of the Czech Republic and managed by AiP Beroun s.r.o.”
- Marefa: grand nombre de manuscrits arabes à télécharger.
- Wadod: un grand nombre de manuscrits arabes des bibliothèques orientales à télécharger.
- (Austria) Manuscripta.at: Digitalisierte Handschriften (Volldigitalisate).
- Bamberg StaatsBibliothek
- (Beirut) American University : some Arabic manuscripts digitized.
- Bodleian Library (mainly for miniatures)
- (Bologna) Progetto Irnerio – a website of the CIRSFID, the centre for legal philosophy and computer law at Bologna, with digitized juridical manuscripts of the Collegio di Spagna, Bologna.
- (Chartres) A la recherche des manuscrits de Chartres: Etude et renaissance virtuelle du célèbre fonds sinistré.
- (Firenze) Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
(Firenze) Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana - (Freiburg, Germany) Oriental Manuscript Resource: the databank contains approx. 2.500 Arabic manuscripts from Mauritania together with the corresponding bibliographical metadata.
- (Germany) Manuscripta Mediaevalia : manuscripts from different German collections.
- (Graz) UniversitätsBibliothek.
- (Harvard University) Islamic Heritage Project: manuscripts, selected from the Houghton Library and the Harvard Art Museum/Arthur M. Sackler Museum.
- (Heidelberg) Handschriften der Bibliotheca Palatina (UB Heidelberg)
- (Kraków) Jagiellonian Digital Library.
- (Italy) Internet Culturale. Cataloghi e collezioni digitali delle biblioteche italiane.
- (Köln) Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis – new catalogue and digitalization of hundreds of manuscripts at the Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek of Cologne.
- (Leipzig) Islamische Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig : Pilotprojekt zur datenbankgestützten Erschließung und digitalen Bereitstellung der neu erworbenen arabischen, persischen und türkischen Handschriften.
- (London) British Library.
- (Lund) Saint Laurentius Library – the Universitetsbibliotek Lund presents both a new catalogue in progress and fully digitized medieval manuscripts.
- (München) Münchner Digitalisierungszentrum (Bayerisches Staatbibliothek) — index by authors.
- (Princeton University) Princeton Digital Library of Islamic Manuscripts : mss. from the Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library.
- (Oxford) Early Manuscripts at Oxford University
(Oxford) Bodleian Library (mainly for miniatures)
(Oxford) Queen’s College, Oxford, Medieval Manuscripts - (Paris) Bibliothèque Nationale de France: recherche dans la collection de manuscrits ainsi que dans celles d’un grand nombre de bibliothèques partnaires. Voir aussi Mandragore, base des manuscrits enluminés de la BnF.
- (St Gall) Codices Electronici Sangallenses – the wonderful manuscript collection of the Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen.
(Spain) Manuscript@CSIC: portal to the collections of manuscripts in Hebrew, Arabic, Aljamiado, Persian and Turkish of the Tomás Navarro Tomás (Madrid) and the School of Arabic Studies (Granada) libraries for now, and later of all the libraries of the Consejo Superior di Investigaciones Cientificas network . - (Switzerland) E-codices : Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits en Suisse.
- (Tokyo) Tokyo University: Islamic manuscripts.
- (Troyes) La Médiathèque du Grand Troyes a numérisé ses 3900 manuscrits dont un grand nombre proviennent de l’abbaye de Clairvaux. Voiraussi la sous-section Bibliothèque Virtuelle de Clairvaux.
- (Turkey) Turkey Manuscripts : “manuscripts that are included and published in the Collected Catalogue of Manuscripts of Turkey and National Library Manuscript Catalogues, together with some of those the catalogues of which haven’t been published so far, have been transferred into computerized environment” (“approximately 198444 manuscripts/periodicals” to date).
- (USA) Digital Scriptorium this in-progress collection, based at Columbia University, includes manuscripts from several American libraries.
(USA) University of Michigan islamic manuscripts, through the Hathi Trust Digital Library. - (Valenciennes) Bibliothèque Municipale de Valenciennes – Reproduction numérique d’après les microfilms de l’IRHT de plus de 200 volumes, des mss carolingiens jusqu’au XVIe siècle. Le fonds provient entre autres de la riche abbaye de Saint-Amand.
- (Vatican) Digital Vatican Library. Call for donations to support the project on this page.
- (Wolfenbüttel) Herzog August Bibliothek
- (Zaragoza) Digital repository of the University of Zaragoza
- Averroes: digital reproductions of manuscripts of Averroes’ works thanks to the Digital Averroes Research Environment of the Thomas Intitut at the university of Cologne.
- Dante Alighieri: Dante online: manuscripts of the Commedia.
- Galileo. Il fondo galileiano (Biblioteca nazionale centrale – Firenze)
- Hus, Iohannes: Expositio decalogi
- Petrus Thomae: Quaestiones de modis distinctionum [BnF Paris, ms. Latin 3433].
- Raimundus Lullus: Handschriften der Lateinischen Werke des Raimundus Lullus at the Raimundus-Lullus Institut, Freiburg. Ramon Lull Database by the Centre de Documentacio Ramon Lull, Barcelona.
Tertullianus: a few manuscripts digitized by a fervent enthusiast of Tertullian.
- Grabmann Institut, Munich
- Hill Monastic Manuscripts Library (HMML): one can order online copies of their microfilms.
- Microworld: British company which markets reproductions of microfilms.
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica
- Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, Paris: one can order online copies of their microfilms from all French libraries, except the Bibliothèque Nationale. For the latter, see this page or this one.
- (Vatican) Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, reproduction order forms.
Online bibliography of secondary literature on manuscripts, modern papers and rare printed books
- Peraldus: Bibliographical references for individual manuscripts. Site created and maintained by Alain Nadeau.
- Abbreviationes™ Online – Medieval Abbreviations on the Web [P]: Pr O. Pluta’s software.
- Cappelli: The Lexicon Abbreviaturarum (ed. 1901, in German) is downloadable here; the Dizionario Di Abbreviature Latini Ed Italiani (ed. 1912) is online here, and the second German edition (1928) is online here; in addition, a searchable version adapted as an app for smartphones ias available thanks to the university of Zurich.
- De re rigatoria: Outils et documents pour l’analyse des schémas de réglure des manuscrits, par Denis Muzerelle (IRHT).
- Enigma “helps scholars to decipher Latin words which are difficult to read in medieval manuscripts. (…) If you type the letters you can read and add wildcards, Enigma will list the possible Latin forms, drawing from its database of more than 400 000 forms. Nota bene: Enigma does NOT solve abbreviations. To do so, you can resort to A. Cappelli’s famous dictionary (…). If you cannot resolve an abbreviation, replace it by a wildcard in your Enigma query.”
- Graphoskop: a software tool for the critical examination of historical handwriting. Developed as a plug-in for the open-source software ImageJ, it can be used for gathering quantitative data by taking specific measurements from digital facsimiles of handwritten material.
- Medieval Unicode Font Initiative: group of scholars and font designers who work on a common solution to the problem of encoding and displaying special characters in Medieval texts written in the Latin alphabet.
- Cours de paléographie de la Société des amis des Archives de France : seulement les documents originaux utilisés pour les cours, avec quelques remarques.
- Paläographisches Lesetraining für lateinische Schriften des 5.-20. Jahrhunderts, by Thomas Frenz (Univ. of Passau). Tutorial presenting 7 exercices on books writings from the Vth to theXVth centuries (section “Etwas von allem”).
- Ecole des Chartes, Paris: bibliography for paleography studies
- Medieval Latin Paleography: resources listed by Rega Wood.
- Codicologia: vocabulaire multilingue pour la description des manuscrits à partir de trois bases de données: Denis Muzerelle, Vocabulaire codicologique, Philippe Bobichon, Mise en page et mise en texte des manuscrits hébreux, grecs, latins, romans et arabes, Anne-Marie Eddé, Marc Geoffroy, Marie-Geneviève Guesdon (, avec la collaboration de Youssef Baratli, Glossaire codicologique arabe.
- Ecole des Chartes, Paris: bibliography for codicology studies
- Vocabulaire codicologique, par Denis Muzerelle (IRHT).
- Medieval Manuscript Manual: for beginners, an initiation to the manuscripts.
- Schémas de description TEI des reliures.
- Classical Text Editor [P] by S. Hagel: a very easy to use, WYSIWYG, word-processor for critical editions, commentaries and electronic publishing, with any number of apparatus – bidirectional text – sigla. For Windows.
- EDMAC adds useful TeX macros specifically for critical editions. (One of the TEX “variants” making use of EDMAC is Critical Edition).
- Typesetter by Bernt Karasch. CET is fairly easy to use. But it becomes extremely slow with longer texts. In addition, this software is no longer developped and new developments in TeX and MikTeX are therefore not included).
- Ednotes: provides macros for critical edition typesetting with LaTeX.
- Juxta: “Juxta is an open-source cross-platform tool for comparing and collating multiple witnesses to a single textual work.” For MacOS, Windows, Unix.
- LaTeX: typesetting system for the production of technical and scientific documents.
- MikTeX: implementation of TeX and related programs for Windows; adds to TeX compiler many other components.
- Transcript: this software combines a picture viewer and a text editor. In other words, the digital image of the manuscript appears in the upper window, you can transcribe the text in the lower window. For Windows.
- TUSTEP [P] was the software used for e.g. the Opera omnia of Nicolas Cusanus and the latest volumes of the Albertus Magnus edition. There is also an International Tustep User Group. For Windows, Unix, Linux.