IPM Monthly: all sort of news and reflections about the medieval philsoophy field today.
Islamic Philosophy Online: contains a Dictionary of Islamic Philosophy, resources on philosophers, online articles, news, etc.
Medieval Logic and Philosophy: P. V. Spade’s pionneer site is unfortunately no longer updated since March 9, 2007. Still very useful though: contains a lot of different materials to download.
Nexus Interretiales: on E. Alarcon’s site, “Corpus Thomisticum”, mostly centered on Aquinas.
Philosophia Medii Aevi: directed by L. Sturlese, edited by I. Zavattero, a useful website of long standing that conveys a lot of information on publications, conferences, etc.
Byzantium: Byzantine Studies on the Internet, by P. Halssal.
CARMEN: Co-operative for the Advancement of Research through a Medieval European Network
Menestrel: créé et maintenu par un réseau d’institutions françaises.
NetSerf: various ressources on many aspects of medieval civilization.
ORB (Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies): bibliographies, online articles, e-texts, teaching resources, links, etc. Does not seem to be accessible at the present (Dec. 2017). The old site (pre-2004) can still be found here.
Reti Medievali: information, secondary litterature online, bibliographies, and many more…
Laboratoire d’Etudes sur les Monothéismes, Paris (CNRS/EPHE/Sorbonne): entité regroupant le Centre d’Etudes des Religions du Livre, la Nouvelle Gallia Judaica et l’Institut d’Etudes Augustiniennes.
Conimbricenses: aims at providing a large collection of information, accurate entries, updated bibliographies, and direct links to the digital version of the most important documents related to the Jesuit college of Coimbra.
Glossae.net: aims at producing a full-text digital edition of the Glosa ordinaria to the Bible.
Greek into Arabic (philosophical concepts and linguistic bridges): this project, supported by the European Research Council, will produce the critical edition of the pseudo-Theology of Aristotle.
Henry of Ghent: critical edition of the Complete Works by the De Wulf-Mansion Center, KUL, and the Univ. of North Carolina.
Petrus Aureolus: edition project of his Scriptum, by an international team.
Petrus de Alvernia: critical editions of Peter’s two commentaries on Aristotle’s “Politics”.
Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus: critical editions of Greek translations of, and commentaries on, various works by Thomas Aquinas composed by Byzantine scholars and theologians between the late thirteenth and fifteenth centuries.