The Table of the Tables

The purpose of this section is to give an overview of journal publications in medieval philosophy. These pages are primarily intended for the leisurely scholar who is not looking for anything in particular but wants to be informed about what is going on in the field of medieval philosophy outside his or her specialty. While it is of course possible to use the “Find” function in your browser to search for a name or a term in the titles, other keywords contained in the articles are not included (for targeted searches, see the bio/bibliographical section). The papers are not sorted by topic, author or period. This table of the tables simply compiles the tables of contents of the journals so as to give a sense of the current production at a glance.

As many a journal publishes issues with some lateness with regard to the official date, the bibliographies below may need to be finalized later. After the title of a journal, “ipy”indicates how many issues per year are to be expected. When the last issue(s) in the year have been published and checked but contain no paper on medieval philosophy, I specify: “NTR” (nothing to report). When the first issue(s) in the year are not mentionned (in other words, if the table for a given journal starts with, for example, issue 3), or when an intemediary issue is not mentionned (for instance, issues 1 and 3 are mentionned, but not issue 2), it is implicit that there was nothing to report in these issues.

All omissions are unintentional. I’ll be happy to complete the bibliographies with information sent to me.

The bibliographical research being funded by and made available thanks to Boston College,
these yearly bibliographies cannot be reproduced elsewhere in any form whatsoever.


2023202220212020 2019201820172016201520142013201220112010


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